numericalbridge · 23 hours
The truths and a lie game, but with my toh AUs and described badly
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numericalbridge · 2 days
another wip
Terra’s face reddens. The other Coven Heads whisper among themselves. Someone giggles.
The plants coil around Terra. The spikes seem to grow and curve. “Oh, are you really sure, Head Witch?" Terra crows. "There are four of them. You can understand numbers, right?”
“Terra, Eber, you don’t need to…” Galatea Vault tries to interfere. “Terra, we can all see that they are quite impressive...”
“Fight Eber,” Eberwolf repeats.
“Gladly, you little…”
“Ugh, should we really do this?” Darius Deamonne’s voice interrupts her. From the corner of their eye Eber can see that he is looking into one of those new ‘scroll’ things. “Some of us have work to do," Darius reminds them. "And – what’s equally important – a manicure appointment,” he adds.
“Yes, yes, that’s right,” Galatea hastily agrees. “We can’t just waste our Emperor’s precious time with something so insignificant.”
“No,” the Emperor waves his hand. “I think this might become a good lesson for all of us. Proceed.”
“Of course, My Emperor,” Terra bows.
Eber hides the baby worm in his mane.
“Someone definitely needs to be taught a lesson,” Terra says. Her plants coil up like springs.
“Agreed,” Eber growls.
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numericalbridge · 2 days
I've seen others make this headcanon before, and on the rewatch i really like it: the headcanon/AU where Belos was buying abomonatons at least partially because he didn't trust Darius as his abomination Coven Head.
In reality the reasoning was probably just what was stated in the episode - that Belos didn't like the idea of the powerful citizens building a private army and plus, well, their creations would be useful during the DoU to control the escaping crowds once the draining spell starts since the things won't be affected. But, even if not mistrusting, then at least he (Belos) could use buying them to insult Darius a little, since i feel Belos is just like that.
And also, while, i guess, in canon it is better that Alador's character development is focused on his children, especially within limited time, i feel like in the AU fanworks the potential for Alador having to switch sides over his inventions being used against the civilians/rebels/his former friends is really interesting. + the fact that the Blights were aiming for Amity to replace Darius is also a very interesting thing to consider for the AUs.
And i say AUs/headcanons based on the actual show, but it wouldn't surprise me if there was meant to be something about the Blights and Darius' relationship if the show wasn't shortened, since the drift in their relationship seems to be heavily hinted at in the pre-shortening (pre-shortened? lol) episodes. But on the other hand, i can't see where it might have been placed if the general structure of the show was kept mostly the same.
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numericalbridge · 3 days
What annoys me is that there is a very clear potential for well developed, multi-faceted interactions between Luz and Willow and Gus, from just what we know about the characters: Gus is the one with the experience of getting tricked, so why not use it for some scenes with Luz in s3? but on the other hand his experience with school is very different from Luz's and Willow's, so that is also something worthy to explore in earlier seasons. Luz and Willow had instantly clicked upon their meeting, but they changed during the course of the show - how does that affects their relationship? Maybe dig deeper into how Willow feels about lumity. They all also feel very responsible for things going wrong, so why not develop that bond?
Instead the show feels outright dismissive of their dynamic by season 2, and then the fandom treats that as an excuse to be like 'oh, their relationship is just cute friendship, so the show could not do anything interesting with it and had to focus on their 'complicated' relationships with white characters' (but curious how even Gus&Willow's relationship with Eda that was present through s1 was never developed even after they were trying to save her, while she got to mentor the Blight twins).
And others had noted how the show needs to involve a white person into most of the romantic relationships, but it feels like the same is true with most of the deeper platonic relationships as well. And, ok, i think another part of the problem is just the writing style and that at times toh seems to really weasel out of the conflict between the core characters, but Amity and Hunter have so much more serious interactions with Luz. And problems with sidelining Gus and then Willow started long before the shortening.
But the show also downplays even the friendship between Willow and Gus: Gus has no real involvement in Understanding Willow - as i've already complained about, and in Glass Ruins Willow's injury is just mentioned in the opening and is never brought up again.
It is so frustrating because this drags the whole show down for me. Obviously the clear prioritizing of the white characters over Willow and Gus, but also just from the technical writing stand point the arcs end up very unbalanced and sometimes the writing choices to remove Gus and Willow out of the picture are just plainly lazy. If Gus and Willow and their friendship with Luz were treated with the same importance - even if after the shortening it was just a moment here or there - it would remove like half of my complaints about the show.
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numericalbridge · 3 days
Escaping Expulsion wouldn't be so bad in it's treatment of Willow&Gus if at least the rest of S2, specially S2a, were better on those terms. If they got more stuff to do, I wouldn't be bothered that the second episode was more Lumity focus, but they almost don't get anything. And there was stuff you could do, like Eclipse Lake is even worse in how it uses their characters and it had the opportunity.
Having Willow not react to the Blight parents or getting expelled by them, having Amity not react to that as well with the focus being mostly on Luz, feels truly like a missed opportunity. Amity&Willow B-Plot in Labyrinth Runners wouldn't feel so out of place if they got more interactions through the season other than that one scene in Follies at the Coven Day Parade.
S2 truly makes Willow into a side character and then tries to fix it in S3, but it kind of fall flat because of that. Like she and Gus both deserved better.
Definitely. And the problem with their treatment is pretty consistent. Even in season 1 Gus has the least amount of time dedicated to him among the core characters, and, while Willow has an arc of her own, they both don't really interact with Luz as much as i wished they would.
like Eclipse Lake is even worse in how it uses their characters
Oh, yes, unfortunately i remember that one. And then even ASIAS wasted time on the fanservice-y 'who wrote the book' b-plot instead of freeing more time for Willow and Gus.
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numericalbridge · 3 days
TOH rewatch semi-liveblog. Season 2a part 1b
episodes 3-5
Still my least favourite part of the show, but i don't dislike any of these episodes as much as i dislike episode 2
Episode 3
- Lilith is good in this episode too, and i think this has a good balance for her character between her Coven-forged persona and her nerdy side. I wish it was kept mostly like this for the rest of the series, only very gradually expanding more open facets of her personality in s2b episodes
- i feel sorry for the guardian creature
- ugh, but the tropes utilized here with the 'ancient ruins' and the music and the 'monstrocity room' and all 'exploring the ruins in an exotic location' shtick... yeah, not great
- King's scenes after the revelation are so good, so emotional - pretty much the only time i felt like nearly crying during both the first watch and rewatch - but the way the show approached this plot is still so weird to me😂 Just an episode ago it was assumed that this 8 years old had to go and deal with Eda's sulking.
I know it seems like i have been ragging on this plot point a lot, but honestly, this is really not a dealbreaker for me, and i just take the dynamic that is established after this episode as canon, but still i feel like overall it was so weirdly written.
And it even felt like there wasn't enough focus on Eda in this episode, and instead Luz and Lilith had more development (which, on itself, is good). And i actually misremembered the "No more secrets" part as Eda saying it to King, but instead he says it to her, and it felt like it was very quickly resolved instead of there being an arc. And i don't mean that i would want Eda to wallow in guilt or self-flagelate, but the way it is written is still... odd that King seemed to do more soul searching than her. I guess because it is aimed at kids, King's development and decisions and agency are more important.
- King's reactions and development is this episode are A+, but the rest was meh. And i felt like this was one of the episodes that could've delved deeper into Luz' character too, through her relationship to King and Eda.
(Also i think Gus could've joined the crew for this episode considering his general lack on screentime, his friendship with King and his experiences with feeling tricked)
Episode 4
- Ah, here is the explanation for Eda's gem! I was wondering about it since season 1.
- the episode could've easily included a subplot with Gus, Willow and Amity
- Why, yet again, Gwen promises to help Luz only if this 14 yo does something for her first? It was somewhat unecessary since Luz would've helped regardless.
(and again things like this - yeah if you dig into it there are unfortunate implications with the ways these adults treat kids, and yet they keep happening because of plot convenience, but Darius is basically the only one who is judged more harshly for moving Hunter's plot forward)
- and, again, why does the 'wise sage' disguise have to look like that? The show doesn't explore orientalism or what kind of beliefs white women in rl, whom Gwen parallels here, usually hold in addition to just not trusting medicine, so was it necessary? Why are Lilith's eyes drawn like that in creature form?
- Lilith's moments with King and Hooty just before her transformation were fun, but this is the beginning of her character's downfall for me. And i was really excited for her arc and development on the first watch.
- Gwen is here for one episode, but we see her arc, her motives, she verbalizes where she was wrong, and while in-universe her relationships with her daughters might not be instantly fixed, and they will have to work on it, we as viewers can see that her arc is complete. So why couldn't Darius have the same treatment in ASIAS (only without revealing all his motives regarding the rebellion)? Because i don't think it was just fannish wishful thinking that he would get more focus, since the show could've easily finished his arc with Hunter just there, like with Gwen in this episode, but instead the show was seemingly leaving it to continue.
- Bye, Lilith, it was good to know you. I actually like that she goes with her mother, plus it opens the room for other characters. I wouldn't have even minded if she changed somewhat between this episode and the next time we see her, but the way the focus of her arc just... ok, i will wait till i rewatch the time travel episode and Oh, Titan.
- Poor Hooty though, lol
Episode 5
- The intro is Gus just explaining how Willow got injured... yeah, no wonder i've assumed this was done after the shortening
- 'Willow is tough as nails...' - and it would've been interesting if this perception of Willow was also examined, and Luz was allowed to interact with Willow in any meaningful way.
- The friendship between Luz and Gus would've been so good, but they way it is presented here and then just shifted out of the way so quickly - it again feels so, so dismissive. They could've framed it differently within the same amount of time.
And that they basically lampshaded that Luz only visited Gus to get his library card to visit Amity? Might have been cute if there were many episodes of Luz and Gus' friendship, but like this it feels mocking.
They could've just started with Luz and Gus going to the library together, discussing Gus' problems, then Bria and Co arrive, and Gus choses to go with them after Luz' encourangment - so, basically the same but without being weird.
- Luz and Amity B-plot is pretty boring for the most part, and the twins are yet again unecessary until the end. Though I did find the twist with the librarian, who was being presented as this scary creature at first, hilarious. And the the scene between Luz and Amity just after that was also great, and the emotions depicted seemed really more realistic than usual. That was good. Also Luz getting angry at the mouse was interesting.
- And Gus' plot was good, and pretty much one of the only things i liked about s2a on the first watch. I like the old illusionist guy too, lol.
- I've always found something a bit odd about the way Bria and Co were written, maybe because i don't understand why they took Gus with them initially when they didn't believe in illusionists' abilities? But i liked how the show clearly showed that robbing the graveyard was a bad thing (though i wish the show was more consistent about it, for example with episodes like s2e3).
The first episode of the season i liked much more on the rewatch, the second episode i hate, and I don't actively dislike any of the episodes 3-5 like i dislike episode 2, and i think on themselves they all are mostly meh-to-fine episodes, but they don't work that well all together since some characters get dropped for a long time, the bigger plot is on the hold, and it all feels very unbalanced. And yes, all these episodes are important in one way or another, but it still doesn't work for me. On the first watch i was losing interest in following the show, and this time, knowing how the rest of the season develops, i don't like this part either.
And Willow and Gus' treatment and the treatment of their friendship with Luz is just making me feel bad. I don't think the writers were intentionally dismissive or mocking the fans of the friendship, but it really feels like that, with the ways Gus and Willow keep appearing and then immediately removed from the plot or from Luz. If the show didn't keep pushing scenes like 'oh, Luz only visited Gus to get the library card', 'oh, Willow and Gus are easily captured by some abominations so we can remove them from the plot' i think i wouldn't have disliked this part of the show so much.
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numericalbridge · 4 days
TOH rewatch semi-liveblog. Season 2a part 1a
episodes 1-2
Here we go, season 2a aka my least favourite part of the show
Episode 1
- Set 1,5 weeks after season 1 finale
- Ok, actually i like episode 1 on itself. I think on the first watch the lack of acknowledgement for Gus&Willow's actions had weirded me out way too much, but this time i was - sigh - prepared.
- The first scene is the main characters going bounty hunting (and King trying to eat a tiny demon). On the one hand this is just playing with tropes and silly humor for kids, but on the other hand, considering Belos's regime and overall themes of the show, it's kinda odd that bounty hunting is just an accepted activity and without examining the implications? Who exactly are they hunting and what happens to them? How is it different from those demon hunter villains from season 1? Whatever.
Still funny how in the fandom's eyes all these moments are acceptable except for Darius' - also clearly comedic moment - of saying that only the small ones will get eaten, when suddenly that line should imply something negative about his personality. Oh, wait, there are also those Hunter stans who thought that Luz comedically tackling Hunter in HM was her "being as bad as Belos".
- I do like how they show Belos's statue being put in the town and how the show in general conveys the increase in propaganda's intensity. I feel like pre season 2 for the general population Belos' reign was probably more outwardly 'subtle' and 'soft', particulary if compared to other evil cartoon rulers, and i think it actually makes a more chilling picture when things like secret petrifications are shown, and, of course, the perspective of people like Eda - though that's why i wish we saw other wild witches too.
- Lilith is ok here, and i like the way Luz introduces her in the beginning, and Lilith and Eda's scenes are still fun, but in retrospect i think the shift towards one of my least favourite character development tropes has already started with her. Though in these s2a episodes her development is still mostly fine.
- Not Eda trying to use King as a target practice😭
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- I understand Eda hides her emotions under the facade, but i wish even the first episodes went a little bit deeper with her frustration over the loss of her magic.
- Would've been nice to have some news/mentions/montage about Willow, Gus and even Amity.
(Also - this a mostly minor gripe, but weird how there is no connection regarding the public opinion on Eda between the protest at the petrification ceremony vs the public mocking her in this episode. I can see several lines of reasoning for it, and that's why it is mostly a minor thing, but alas it is not explored at all).
- Luz became really proficient with the glyphs!
- Hooty is so funny: "A good friend would respect your wishes, but a better friend would help no matter what" lol
- Considering the same 'Bye' thing both Eda and Hunter do in the same episode, it wouldn't surprise me if his connections to the Clawthornes was meant to be a much, much bigger thing before the shortening (and, tbh, i don't like it... unless... i won't say it because it is too controversial even for this post)
- Lilith's potion: Could've introduced the Coven Heads here, imo.
- Also, forgot to include it in the season 1 finale rewatch post, but i really like how 'playful' Belos is, especially when interacting with Luz - really quite different from the standart 'obviously super strict' religious villains, and i think it makes a more interesting and even realistic take while still showing how awful he is, without rellying on tired tropes.
- The episode itself is actually pretty good: Luz and Camila's connection, Eda and Lilith, Lilith and Hooty's interactions, introduction of Hunter as an antagonist - are all good. For me it falls a little bit short - and i felt this way on the first watch too - as the first episode of the season, especially with the absense of real consequences of Willow&Gus's actions in s1 finale, since what they did seemed like somewhat of a big deal, and knowing how it only gets worse for them... yeah
I have conflicting thoughts about the 'must do it alone' part and the way the episode shows&resolves Luz's guilt. On itself it is perfectly fine, the lessons are good, the progression from s1 is resonable. But in the context of the whole show and with how even the very next episode repeats the same 'guilt-must do it alone' plot... it feels a bit odd and sometimes too repetitive.
And i don't think it's bad on itself that the theme of Luz feeling guilt is constantly present, and that sometimes her thought patterns and actions repeat - i think it could have been an excellent arc of showing how the progress isn't linear, and you can't just learn the lesson of the week to fix your problems forever, and that sometimes Luz gets pulled into the same thought spirals - it could've been a very heart-felt arc (and, to extent, it is in the actual show) if it was translated better across the whole series; but it doesn't fully work for me, because it feels like season 2 just keeps introducing new players and focusing on Eda&King (understandable, considering they are also main characters, but still...), while Luz has the lumity plot and get home plot, but her story could've been even richer - within the same shortened 3 seasons - via just varying more her responses to the same mini-arcs and through deeper connections to various characters. And with better pacing and character balancing. Does this make sense?
Episode 2😡
- Definitely among the worst episodes for me just for Gus&Willow's treatment alone. The only thing i like is the way Amity's emotions are portrayed in the episode, especially in the scene where her friends are getting expelled; and Eda and Lilith's b-plot is ok, but not great enough as to save the episode.
- again, no consequences or a real follow up to Willow and Gus' actions during the s1 finale (what their parents thought? the schoolmates?) except for super brief reunion with Luz and a 'thank you'. No reaction from Eda or a change in their relationship with her - the relationship that was present through season 1.
- Oh, don't worry, instead the joke is that Eda now 'doesn't remember' Gus' name😠 (yes, it is meant to be her teasing him, but imagine what would've happened if someone did it to Hunter?)
- minor gripe, but why was Luz absent from school for 1,5+ weeks - was it a school break or was it because of what happened with Eda and the ceremony? Why couldn't she meet her friends out of school? Why not make a one sentence explanation in the first episode or this one.
- yes Lilith and Eda's behavior like they are in school is probably funnier for the target audience, and it expands their characters a little, but i would've prefered if Lilith was specifically acting like that because she felt awkward after she treated Luz badly in s1 and now didn't know how to interact with her, similar to how she wanted to make the spell for Eda in episode 1, but much, much more awkward and cringe-y (and Luz being awkward in response, and then it would've been fully resolved in the time travel episode). Eda's subplot and her jealousy over Lilith's sucess worked better for me, and the scenes of Lilith making stuff for Hooty out of the ice were funny/cute, but I think some of the stuff that was touched here would've benefited from a more serious approach.
But at the same time i feel like it might have been easily dropped, Eda could've discovered glyph combos together with Luz in ep1, Eda and Lilith stuff could've been moved to the following episodes, and then the freed time could've been used for Willow and Gus🤷
- and why again, King - who will be revealed to be an 8 year old in the next episode - is the one who has to deal with 'it' (Eda's frustration) and not Lilith?
- Ah, yes, the fairy pie - but you see, Darius is the cruel one for that one comment.
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(Amity's hands look so weird here, it seems like she has way too many fingers, lol)
- Meanwhile Alador is playing with Bumps' palisman. Like, the difference in fandom's reactions - in a much more unclear situation what Darius does is 'ableism' and it condems his characters both in- and out- of universe, but this rich white man is straight up playing with someone's disability aid / assistance animal while they are at work, and even people who dislike Alador won't mention it. (But i think it would've been an interesting frame to explore Alador's character - more below)
- What i especially hate about the episode is how Willow and Gus' reactions and emotions are framed in comedic way / played for laughs again and again, and how they are repeatedly taken out of the picture. Does Willow have 0 strong emotions from meeting the Blights after what she has found out in the Understanding Willow? Does Gus not feel anything deeper about being expelled and Amity not standing up for them? Especially when other characters like Amity here and King next episode start to show more 'realistic' reactions compared to show's usually cartoony/stylized style.
- The one thing i like in the episode is how Amity's reactions and emotions are portrayed. But it really just contrasts how Willow and Gus are treated. And, despite Amity mentioning them as being her friends too and, i guess, 'protecting' them from the twins' prank, there are no deeper interactions between the three other than what the immediate plot dictates - and i don't even mean anything profound, just a couple of lines here or there would've been better. What is even the point of having Gus&Willow in the opening when they are treated like side characters.
- Would've been also great if Amity remembered how her parents treated Willow
- Odalia saying/pretending(?) that she appreciates Luz's 'tenacity' - i think it would've been something interesting to explore if she was genuine and tried to act as some sort of 'dark mentor' type teaching Luz 'life lessons'.
- Bump is again played for laughs, and i think his scenes were funny, but i wish there was a serious moment or two because of the switch between this episode and his behavior from the Hunting Palisman onward.
- Alador even outright states that the Blights specialize in weaponry, so he is not as complitely oblivious as some people state (like yeah, he was making those weapons anyway, lol). And, true, before this episode they were not supplying the weapons to the Emperor, but he still happily posed with that abomaton in the penstagram photo later, so idk where the notion that it was all Odalia forcing him, or he didn't realize anything even comes from.
- like, Amity gets to have all those multi-dimensional reactions and plotlines, so the contrast to Willow and Gus is so, so clear
- Oh, and sure, Gus and Willow are just so easily taken out of the picture by some abominations😡 Even though it is probably unintentional - It still just feels like a deliberate dismissiveness because you could just either a) not include them in the resque at all and have a c-plot of them interacting with their parents or b) have them cause distractions outside while Amity saves Luz.
- But Luz holds herself extremely well against the abominaton. I dislike when the fanon downplays her abilities.
- I can see hints in this episode that Alador is a better person than Odalia, but he still was playing with Bumps palisman while his daughter's friends were getting expelled, so i think that should've been adressed. I actually think it would've worked well for Alador's character if that was something like an intentional flaw of someone who is rich enough (and buys into the Blight superiority) that he can afford not to pay attention to others, and then through getting to know Luz and King he becomes a better person.
But Odalia's interactions with him seem to be much different from the later episode, and i think it should've been kept that way and expanded upon - afterall the show manages it with Belos while still showing how he is an abuser - rather than weird cartoonish evil Odalia in the Clouds that seemed just so cheep narratively.
- Lilith is good at the end of the episode, until they bring on the 'oh, she treats Luz like Luz is a teacher' joke again. It feels just way immature even for the show, in my opinion.
- I love the headcanon - that i've seen others make - that Belos was buying the abomatons partily because he wasn't trusting Darius or at least as a way to insult Darius, though the real reason is probably just what is stated - he didn't want for the citizens to build a private army.
- Plus the Blights were, like, planning for Amity to replace Darius, lol.
- Also, can't help but notice how we already got at least glimpses of Willows interactions with her dads in her mindscape, and here it was expanded upon, meanwhile we never see a scene just between Gus and Perry until the s3 finale, and in this episode there was a clear opportunity for it😠
- Yes, so this is either the worst episode in the series for me, or the second worst. Would've been more tolerable if Gus and Willow were treated better. But the repeat of Luz's 'guilt-do it alone' from the previous episode was also a bit odd, especially since the ending focused more on Amity and lumity.
(One possible change i could see working would be for Luz and Willow to go together to the Blights, then Amity calls Gus to help them, expanding on their dynamics on the way. Or to make episodes 1 and 2 into one narrative, with the first episode still dealing with Selkidomos and second one with the Blights, but Luz's arc and various subplots continuing between the two.
Have Luz and Eda figure the glyph combo together in episode 1, move some Lilith and Eda stuff to the next episodes, have Gus cause an illusion distraction that somehow results in Willow getting injured to continue into the opening of the Glass Ruins, and have Amity or Luz call out Alador on his treatment of Willow - showing him feeling guilty - to continue Alador's arc and to make Amity and Willow's sub-plot flow smoother into the LR.)
The first episode is fine on its own, but as the first episode of the season it hints at future problems. Second episode i really hate because of clear dismissiveness towards Gus and Willow. It would be one thing if they were just absent from the main plot or if there was a plenty of attention for them in the series, but that's not the case. And there were ways to remove them from the plot while being respectful to their characters instead of playing them solely for laughs.
And i asked myself - do i just overthink this show made for 10 years old? The show is mostly comedic, so would the target audience even notice? And, no, i think i would've hated the way Willow and Gus are treated even as a kid. I actually remember, as a child, switching from hating characters to liking them just because i felt the shows were not treating them 'fairly', so it would probably upset me even more at 10 years of age. And also just from the narrative and writing perspective it is so clearly favouring some characters (who are mostly white) over the others, and so unbalanced and at times it just feels narratively lazy.
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numericalbridge · 5 days
The truths and a lie game, but with my toh AUs and described badly
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numericalbridge · 10 days
🍊 or 🍐?
Hi! Thank you for the ask!
I've answered 🍊below
🍐 Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics?
Tbh, i don't think i've written enough fics for any trends. I hate the puppet transformation very much, and i think it was just a very narratively lazy decision, but so far i've included it in my fics. On the rewatch i greatly disliked Gus' non-involvement in the Understanding Willow episode and how it fits the general sidelining of his character, and i am thinking about a short fic about the aftermath of the episode with Gus and Perry.
And i am bitter over Darius&Raine only having 1,5 scenes together as rebels, but this is something understandable because of time constrains - but also this is what i usually like to 'fix' and develop in my fics.
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numericalbridge · 10 days
Hello! Hope you're doing well!!!
For the fruits ask game: 🍓🍊🍍
Hello! Thank you for the ask!
🍓 What’s a fic you’ve written you feel is underrated?
difficult to say, because i've overestimated my english skills when i tried to write in the past tense, but i was surprised that the fic about Darius and Odalia+Alador friendship break-up got less than 40 hits - and was stuck at 18 hits for the first few months - because i thought that was something fans of the characters would be curious about.
🍊 Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more?
Any of the main characters. My interest in the regards of fanwork is very Darius and team RED-centric, but i have ideas for a Luz and Willow story and for a couple of stories about Gus and Perry. And i want to make a write up for the Human Gus-Witch Luz AU though it won't be a fic but just a text post.
🍍 What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you hate or just generally have beef with?
I like canon divergent "For want of a nail" type of AUs and AUs that allow characters who didn't interact in canon to interact, and i like the idea of role swap aus, and also for toh in particular - different takes on the mindscapes/going into different character's mindcapes.
The AUs that i hate - while i think role swaps where the hero is the villain and the villain is the hero can be an interesting way to explore the characters, i hated all the evil!Empress Luz AUs that i've seen. (and of course the Whittebanes are the main characters there). They all place Luz as a human from the 1600s, while trying to shorehorn her into Belos' role without any thoughts about the implications (or even characterization/worldbuilding). And they all then turn a bi woman of color into a child abuser, and towards white children specifically. I find those AUs nasty.
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numericalbridge · 11 days
fruit emoji ask game for fic writers
Send a fruit emoji for an answer!
🍉 Do you prefer to write short fics or long fics? Multichaptered works or single ones? Why?
🍓 What’s a fic you’ve written you feel is underrated?
🍎 Is there anything you straight-up won’t write?
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
🍊 Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more? (They’re so interesting! But maybe you have trouble pinning them down, or keep getting distracted by another blorbo…)
🍑 If you could make a connection between your favorite character and another work you care about (whether a crossover/fusion or a wonderfully “pretentious” literary reference) what would it be? How would it work?
🥭 Rank from most enjoyable/fun to write to least: Fluff, Smut, Angst, Crack.
🍍 What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you hate or just generally have beef with?
🍋 What’s your favorite spicier trope to write?
🍌 In your opinion, what’s the funniest joke/reference/pun you’ve made in a fic?
🍏 Is there something you overuse, whether it’s a certain phrase, trope, or piece of punctuation?
🥝 What’s your favorite trope/AO3 tag to write?
🍐 Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc…
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
🍇 Is there a particular scene/episode/book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one?
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numericalbridge · 14 days
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numericalbridge · 14 days
i think it is especially hilarious that the fandom made such a big deal out of Darius' "only the small ones will get eaten" moment, considering:
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how many times characters try to eat someone; not to mention many gags where the core characters are comicaly callous in inappropriate moments. And that Darius' line was framed similary as a comedic moment in canon!
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numericalbridge · 19 days
I don't know if you have seen the info about the pilot and the pitch bible (if you haven't, you can ignore this), but I feel it may explain some of the weird choices concerning King is S1.
Back when I watched S1 for the first I remember thinking King was older and that all the jokes about him being a toddler were jokes at his expense for being a brat and not an indicative of his age, all the way until S2E3. Like in One Upon A Swap I thought the point of his problem was that he was infantilized because of how he looked despite his actual age, not that he wasn't taken seriously because he was a child. Is wilde to me how much I didn't realize he was meant to be 8 because of the way he was writen sometimes.
Seeing the pitch bible and how he was mean to be older and the actual ex King of Demons I feel that explains it. His character was changed from a small looking demon into an actual child between the pilot and the actual show, but probably some of the ideas they had for his character didn't change and they didn't make the adjust all that well, at least is S1. Because in S1 it really feels like the writers aren't that sure what his actual age is supposed to be (what with how different some of his plot feels) and that may be the reason.
I have seen posts about the pilot and the pitch bible, but i haven't read it yet myself, but yeah, i definitely can see that it might have been the case with King's writing.
While rewatching i was wondering whether his backstory was changed between seasons, but then i feel like there were moments even in s1 that pointed towards him being a kid (like him settling down with the Bat Queen's babies to listen to Eda's story) or the moments where - if he was meant to be an adult - the infantilization would've been way too much.
Now i am wondering whether between the pitch and the actual season 1 he was already changed to be young, but what changed between s1 and s2 was how young and at what age he met Eda.
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numericalbridge · 20 days
wip excerpts
“I was betrayed.”
“No, you weren’t,” Raine really hopes he can hear their exasperated sigh even from the other side of the room.
“Betrayed and abandoned in my hour of need,” Darius throws one arm over his face and turns his head away. A little abomination that sits on the top of the headboard warbles at him.
Raine crosses their arms, “May I remind you that Eber only had to travel to the Shin because you’ve insisted that just one single potion shop on the Isles sells the medicine good enough for you?”
Darius grumbles under his breath. From their place by the door Raine can’t quite hear him.
“Come on, don’t be like this. Do you want me to read to you?”
“Do you want me to make an inhalation potion for you?”
“No, it won’t help.” He coughs again. <...>
“It’s so stuffy in here, at least let me open the windows.”
“No,” this time he actually sits up and turns to face them. “Do you want to get caught too?” A big abomination steps in between Raine and the windows and menacingly raises a spray bottle filled with disinfectant fluid. “Stay out of the gripping distance.”
“Fine! If you insist,” Raine returns to their place by the door. Darius re-assumes his sulking position in the bed.
“Do you want me to turn on some music or bring you your journals?”
Just ignore him, then. Raine turns back to finish the vegetables. It’s just the time to add the last batch to the soup. They’ll make everything right. Despite his efforts.
“Did you trim the tendrils off the beetle-goat meat?”
“Darius!” Raine returns to the door. “I know how to cook! I don’t need your… pestering.”
“Oh, really?” Darius crosses his arms. “You don’t know my kitchen, and you cook like a college student still on the run from the Choosey Hat!”
“That’s not true!” Raine feels their ears warm up. “Absolutely not true!” Well, maybe sometimes… Just ignore him!
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numericalbridge · 20 days
i am in a way apprehensive of starting season 2 rewatch because on my first watch i greatly disliked (to put it mildly) season 2a and dropped it early on, only watching some episodes that seemed interesting from the gifs i saw. Then after it got better in season 2b and i've heard about the cancelation/shortening i've rewatched 2a from the start - and i still disliked it, but i was under the impression at the time that it was made after the news of the cancelation, so i was trying not to be too harsh on it. Now that i know it was made before the cancelation i will probably dislike it even more.
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numericalbridge · 21 days
AU where instead of puppets Collector turns the Coven Heads and some other characters he could catch back into children/teenagers - without memories of their adult life but with real memories up to their current age, maybe slightly altered to keep them from freaking out. (Other characters who are not turned are not in the Castle and are hiding or whatever). Main reasons for the AU:
- teenagers Raine and Darius being the only ones who know each other, and they are scheming.
- the hexsquad arrives at the Castle and from hearing Hunter's voice from afar Darius assumes the previous golden guard has come to save him and runs up to meet him. A very 😬 situation (Hunter probably blurts something out about being the previous golden guards brother or cousin, but Darius is mighty suspicious)
- Raine deliberately acts shy until they can figure out the new people. Camila, trying to engage them, asks what's the name of their pet kitten (?) they are carrying, it's adorable! And Luz is, like, No, mama, that's the Head Witch Eberwolf.
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