#best winter coats
leathercollectionus · 7 months
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Are Leather Coats Still in Style?
“What to get your hands on from amongst the expanse of leather coats for sale in the market? A biker coat, or perhaps the trench. Click on for the best leather coat summation because the bad boys are here to stay.
When the mornings begin to bring with them the foretokens of wintry crystals; a tad bit of gloom here, a handful of chill there; when the leaves are withering off, the heart is swelling with the warmth of sensation, and the cold winds approach and indicate it is time. The long-abandoned trunk from the otherwise deserted corner of the closet is to be attended to, for you must find solace in your insulating companions for the season. What is fashion, after all, if not a poetic tale of love between the mortal and the inanimate?
What can be a better companion for a man to keep himself warm during the chilly mornings and the frosty nights than the everlasting, classic leather coats? Leather has been the best companion of man for centuries. Though it was forsaken, neglected amidst a wave of artificial materials, it is back with a bang to answer the question posed as the subject; yes, they are very much in style because an otherwise scenario makes no sense.
It is hitting the fashion ramps with all its style, proving itself to be ‘fashion gold’ – never getting out of trend. People from all walks of life, be it celebrities, sportspeople, megastars, or the ruling class, all are flaunting in the leather coats of different styles and sizes to the extent that it has become a ‘must staple’ for every wardrobe now.
Tell us then as to how it would be of any substance to invalidate the existence of an investment worth as much as any in the discipline of gold or real estate would be? In essence; an entity that is durable enough to last for your life. We are talking about leather coats here, and nothing presents the arrival of winters more than leather jackets and coats. This versatile piece of clothing goes with dresses, sweaters, and shirts on formal and informal occasions.
Fashion is a limitless expanse and there is always an oasis or two for each who makes its way through. Here are our top picks to stand out with that beloved leather coat of yours because à la mode they definitely are!”
Are Leather Coats Still in Style?
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vampireknitting · 1 year
So like 5 years ago while in the second hand shop I came across the most amazing faux fur long coat
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I've worn it every winter since. Like this was the best $20 I've ever spent on clothing. It's starting to fray in some spots and and needs some fixing. I've used it for 5 years now. My mom suggested I Google it before doing anything because I don't know how old it is or if I could. We've just been talking about how to go about fixing it. So I decided to Google the company.
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Founded in 1944. Neat. That means it'll take some time to find it probably. In like 30 minutes of searching I found 1, ONE picture that looks like my coat.
So like I'm getting mild anxiety. Have I been regularly smoking pot in an antique coat? For 5 years? Did I melt part of an antique coat while fried?
I start comparing the tags and this coat has different numbers than mine in the style/modle number but the rn is the same. Which means they are from the same year at least. Idk about the rest of the numbers though. The posting has different symbols on the tag too which is very interesting because they both could be from around 1971-1979. But mine may be older. The rn numbers suggest the 1970s because 1980s have 6 rn numbers while my tag has 5. They only just started adding care instructions in the 1971s which helps my math a bit.
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The way it closes is neat too so I just love this thing.
This motherfucker is potentially older, as old or only a few years younger than my mother. So like now I gotta find a good dry cleaners so I can fix it properly but in a way that keeps it going for as long as possible.
The most interesting hour and a half of research I probably should have done several years ago.
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bestcjv · 2 years
The Best Winter Coats For Women in 2022
For customers who find it difficult to find the best winter coats for women, refer to the list below. In addition, you can find helpful info in our buying guides to help make your choice easier. Follow along with my post for more information!
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pawfulofwaffles · 6 months
Nhnhnhn holidays
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It’s very snowy, Eddie better be careful delivering mail…
(In the first picture, since it’s hard to read, Frank is saying “Happy Hanukkah” and Howdy is saying “Merry Christmas” and their exclamations are colliding, so they just go with “Happy Holidays” instead)
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aeroplaneblues · 2 years
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Unlikely pair🍃
I don't have a set kazuha ship i like best, but with scaramouche is just some added angst and silliness that I cant ignore😂 Like one is a wanderer and the other is CALLED wanderer.
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samcrosfaith · 25 days
Sons of Anarchy 🥀
just a random SOA post about my favorite characters because why not? I so miss this show.
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wilddogdogo · 6 months
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"Winter is still weeks away but Sammy already has five extra blanket on their bed and her full winter coat in wolf form. Big, shaggy, and great for snuggling."
thanks so much to @barbwritesstuff for the top tier writing commission, had to throw out some fanart for the best throwaway line I've ever read
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polyamorouspunk · 3 months
My fwb / best friend let me borrow his hoodie while I was hanging out at his place one time and he joked about how it was "[my] sweater now" when it was about time for me to leave and I wanted to give it back. I joked back and denied it, but made a point to leave it when I left that night since I didn't want to "steal" his stuff. Although we still regularly hang out and we're gonna hang out tomorrow, I can't help but be sitting here alone in my room and wishing I'd taken that hoodie anyway just so i can be wrapped up in it reminded of him.....
I'm low-key jealous we can only hang out in his room atm and he gets to have his sheets smell like me when I leave, but atm I don't have anything physical to remind me of him when I'm at home :(
Nooo I feel that the last guy I was seeing I heavily hinted he should leave me the shift he was wearing because I liked it and he was like :) no :) which I guess worked out because we didn’t see each other after that but yeah I just really miss that fr.
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akallabeth-joie · 1 year
Les Mis 1.2.2
Following up from Pilf’s post, because clothing is the topic I have stuff to say about. [Also the rest of the action feels very natural follow ups from the previous 15 chapters: the people and house we met in 1.1.1-14 are about to encounter the guy having an awful day in 1.2.1, and this is Hugo’s set up for that.]
Caveat: my main research area is the mid-19th century (right around the time Hugo was finishing Les Mis, not the years it is set), and my working language is English. The US in 1860 is not France in 1815-1832, but I think some elements here do transfer over, or at least offer insight into how Hugo’s readers might have interpreted the text.
Main observations re: Baptistine Myriel’s clothing:
9 years is a very long time for a dress in active use. Washing and non-washing dresses will have different trajectories, but in contemporary non-fiction, making a silk dress last 7 years is a feat of clever planning and care. Five years is noteworthy. One to two years is more typical, and 3 months isn’t necessarily a frivolous waste (wearing a silk dress only once would be). Much like with the soup thing, the Myriel household is taking ‘practicing good economy’ to an extreme, almost absurd degree.
Also, the fact that Mlle Baptistine is still wearing her silk dress “in the style of 1806″ in 1815 is notably weird. Fiction and non-fiction sources of the 1850s/60s show economically-minded women remodeling their silks every season in order to keep up to date. Magazine articles give instructions for turning last year’s flounced skirts into gored ones, or adding puffed overskirts to update narrow gored skirts. Advice books recommend getting an extra yard or two of fabric so that you can update the sleeves of your dress when it’s taken apart for washing. Trousseaus should have some of the dresses left “unmade” (as lengths of fabrics) in case fashions change over the year. A missionary woman writing from not-yet-Seattle in the mid-1850s opines that the dresses she made for her wedding less than a year earlier are too “rusty” to be worn at home (in New York) but are sufficient for living in the woods.
So my impression of Baptistine is that she’s meant to be The Superlatively Economical gentlewoman, and also Not At All Vain About Clothes. She’s not spending her time or money on fashion, but the fact that she is still bothering to wear a silk gown for dinner is signalling that she’s still performing (her class’s) respectability. From this, and her letter about re-doing her room, I expect that her whole wardrobe and all the house’s domestic interiors are scrupulously clean and mended, but also old and likely inharmonious. The two women will do the work to live respectably, but will not spend any unnecessary money on their own comfort or aesthetics.
Hugo taking the trouble to describe Baptistine’s dress (”short waist, a narrow, sheath-like skirt, puffed sleeves, with flaps and buttons”) just reminds me of how much crinoline-era Victorians do not like the Neoclassical look. All of these specific elements are basically the opposite of early 1860s fashion--waists are worn just at/above the natural waist, skirts are about as wide as they can get, more fitted coat sleeves are replacing the wide-open sleeves of the late 1850s. It’s a bit different from how most modern folks seem to view the 1810s style (Austen! Romance! Bridgerton?): I’ll need to dig through my notes, but there’s at least one 1850/60s cartoon and one article I recall which amount to ‘yikes, the fashions of 50 years ago were awful’, and another article from the late 1860s which holds that the crinoline is a great improvement on the raised-waistline silhouette. I think we all prefer to ignore the weirdness of the c.1865-9 Second Empire style, but there were absolutely pairing high waistlines with fitted sleeves and trained skirts over elliptical or half-hoops (transitioning from the rounder cages of the late 1850s and early 1860s into the bustles of the early 1870s).
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cellamare · 5 months
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zer0point5ive · 6 months
cd player wrapped. she wont fit in my pocket but ilove her
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angryducktimemachine · 7 months
the brainrot really is strong when even your coworker looks at your new coat like "oh, Sherlock Holmes Coat".
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ourbastardofsorrows · 7 months
small victory: i just passed 5,000 words of the novel i'm writing
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lilbugprincess · 3 hours
Took my winter coat to the dry cleaners, then bought a little boba tea before driving home on the back roads five below the speed limit bc it's a BEAUTIFUL day and no one was behind me.
Living this long was worth it!
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bestoftweets · 6 months
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supercantaloupe · 9 months
honestly as much as autumn and its weather are my favorite time of year i also can't wait for genuine cold weather again because then i get to wear my fucking CLOAK again
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