#bg3 Dammon x reader
randoimago · 2 months
Hello again! Could I ask for bg3 Karlach, Gale, Dammon (if he's one of the npcs you write for), and Shadowheart's reactions to their s/o flopping onto them in a silent demand for snuggles?
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Character(s): Dammon, Gale, Karlach, Shadowheart
Note(s): I'm assuming this is after Karlach's engine is "fixed" since she would so confused and horrified if her S/O laid on her for cuddles and then burst into flame.
I also don't know if I've written for Dammon before, but I'm very happy to include him in my headcanons 🥰
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Very time and place for cuddling with Dammon. He likes to cuddle with you, it's a nice way to relax and wind down from work.
Dammon would chuckle and kiss your forehead before wrapping an arm around you to hold you close. If he is busy with something else then he'll give you permission to hug him from behind so long as you behave.
But please don't fall on him when he's working the forge, he does not want you to get burnt from any of the very hot materials he works with. Even if you have some kind of fire resistance, he still would be devastated if you ended up hurt.
"Well hello to you too." Is one phrase he'd say with a grin on his face when you flop on him. If he's reading a book and you decide to lay against him then he's quick to start telling you all about what he's reading while you cuddle with him.
Seriously is one to spill all about what new interest he has or some cool discovery he's made while cuddling. Doesn't even mind if you fall asleep or don't know what he's talking about, he's very happy to talk.
While he likes to talk about his interests, he does make sure to ask about your day, what you've been up to, things like that as he lightly rubs your back or makes some minor illusion / dancing light show for you.
Nothing needs to be said. You flop on her, she's pulling you into a tight (but not too tight) hug. Depending on where you're at, she throws you over her shoulder and just carries you around with her.
Karlach would never say no to cuddles. Even if she's upset. She's had enough space from others that you flopping on her is permission for her to wrap her arms around you. Might pepper your face in kisses, depends how she's feeling.
On the occasions when she has to leave camp to travel and do boring stuff while you stay behind then she'll hand you Clive, telling him that he better give you the cuddles you deserve until she comes back.
Also time and place when it comes to flopping on Shadowheart. Just because she might be focused and trying to do something, or figure out what's going on with her goddess. Having you flop on her when she's concentrating makes her pout and give you the silent treatment.
She does enjoy giving you hugs and affection when she isn't preoccupied. Will pull you into her tent and just lay down and cuddle with you as long as you're both able to.
There's quite a bit of teasing and being playful when you're cuddling with Shadowheart too. You flopped on her for attention so she's giving it to you, her giggles carrying through the air as she pokes your cheeks or sides to get you to pout at her.
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@reo-the-leo @unhelpfulnpc
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aerynwrites · 7 months
Bound by The Heart (And Other Things)
Dammon x Afab!Reader
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A/N: yeah uh…I don’t even have a reason for this other than I have my own personal HC that Dammon would be into bondage lmao. But like…the pretty kind. Hope y’all enjoy :3
Word Count: 6.1k
Warnings: 18+ ONLY! NSFW. Smut, PiV sex, cunnilingus, oral (fem receiving), multiple orgasms, creampie, unprotected sex, bondage, rope bondage, restraints, discussions of a safe word but it;s never used, aftercare, fluff.
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The weathered leather book is heavy in your hands as you examine the title. 
A Pleasurable Deal. 
The text immediately strikes you as one you’ve seen before, and heat rushes to your cheeks when the memory of a banned books list in Sorcerous Sundries comes to the front of your mind. 
You remember Gale lamenting the list, saying no texts - no matter how obscene - should never be banned. 
You hadn’t given much thought to the list until now, as the book sits in your hands. And the fact that you found it hidden away in Dammon’s side table. 
Despite having been with the blacksmith for months now, you’d never seen this specific tome. Either because it was a new item he’d acquired or…a well loved one he'd kept hidden away. 
You’re assuming it’s the latter if the worn corners of the leather cover and the bent pages have anything to say. 
You move to put the book back, not wanting to intrude on your partners privacy, but as you move to slide it back into place, another book catches your eye. This one tucked behind several other blacksmithing texts. 
It looks rather ornate, the black binding inlaid with gold colored trimmings. 
Before you can stop yourself, you’re already reaching for the book, fingers sliding along the smooth cover and pulling it from its place. 
Your eyes fall to the cover, eyes widening as you read the title. 
A Madam's Guide to Pleasure. 
The cover falls open before you can think better of it, your eyes immediately flicking to the small piece of paper sticking out from a section farther into the book. You yearn to flip to that page first, but your eyes instead fall to scan the table of contents. 
Your face gets even hotter as you read over the various section titles. Everything from the basics when it comes to sex to the more debauched. 
Finally, you flip the pages to where the paper sticks out, only to have a few pieces of folded parchment fall into your lap to reveal the title of the section they were tucked into. 
The otherwise wicked ideal behind the term is hidden by the pretty flowing script on the page. Your eyes follow the words easily, slowly feeling your heart rate pick up as you take in the text. 
You’ve only made it halfway through the section when you remember the papers that fell into your lap. Setting the book down gently and open to the page you left off, you reach down and unfold the pages. 
The first thing you feel is shock followed by a sudden stab of arousal as you take in the charcoal images sketched onto the pages. 
It’s Dammon’s work, you’d be able to tell his artistry from anywhere thanks to the hundreds of sketches he’s shown you of blacksmithing plans. 
But these…these are not blueprints of swords or daggers or armor. No…
These sketches are something else entirely. Light and dark lines coming together as he depicts various different types of bondage scenarios. 
None of the pictures are lewd in anyway besides their obvious connotation. In a way…they’re quite beautiful. 
You see the vague shape of a body, legs tied together with an intricate weave of rope and knots, as if it’s meant to decorate the wearer rather than restrain them. 
Almost all of the drawings seem that way, the rope and bindings tied and wrapped in a way that’s almost artistic. 
The one that catches your eye the most though, is a page that depicts the front and back view of a woman kneeling and sitting on her heels. 
The sketch of her from behind shows her hands bound behind her back, the ropes binding her arms together in an intricately woven pattern that spans from her wrists all the way up to just beneath her shoulders. 
The other view seems to be part of the same design, the ropes snaking to the front of her body, twining delicately over her breasts, sternum and chest in complicated knots and patterns. 
You’ve just reached up to trace your finger over the sketchings of rope, when a startled call of your name rips you from your reverie. 
“What are you doing?”
Dammons voice is raised louder than he usually speaks to you, face several shades darker than usual as he practically lunges for the items in your hands, a look of utter fear and panic on his face. 
“Oh, gods,” he mutters, hastily collecting the papers before shoving them back into the black bound novel. “You weren’t supposed to see that, I-“ 
“Dammon it’s okay! I promise-“ 
He turns to you then, book clutched tightly in his hands, as he looks at you with something none other than utter betrayal. “Why were you going through my things?” He asks. 
You shake your head, heart sinking to your stomach and dispelling any feelings of arousal the drawings drew forth. 
“I didn’t mean to, I came up here looking for one of my books and I saw you stored some in here and so I thought-“ 
“You thought you’d go through my books instead?” He asks, voice now tinged with accusation as he stands, the book still clutched tightly in his hands. 
“I’m sorry Dammon,” you say from your position still kneeled on the floor. “I didn’t mean to upset you-“
“I-I’m not upset, I-“ the tiefling cuts himself off, running a hand down his face as he lets out a sigh, avoiding your gaze. “I just…need some air.”
You watch helplessly as Dammon turns and leaves the bedroom, a pit of guilt stirring deep in your belly. 
Dammon spends the rest of the day in the forge, which isn’t unusual, but it feels like an intentional choice today. One you don’t begrudge him considering you snooped through his personal things. 
It’s well into the evening before he comes into the house, and you’re just finishing up dinner. You watch him between plating your meals as he hangs up his blacksmith apron next to the door before heading to the water basin to wash his hands. 
You’ve just placed the last of the food onto your plates when he approaches you, taking one of the plates from your hands with a quick kiss to your cheek.
A small weight is lifted from your shoulders at that small action, and you follow him silently to the kitchen table, taking your habitual seat to his right side. 
The meal is pleasant enough, you tentatively asking about his forge projects and feel the tension lift as he tells you about them. It goes on like that - like normal despite the nagging in your mind. 
You don’t want to ruin the mood by bringing up the earlier incident. But you also don’t want to leave it how it was. You owe him an apology, a real apology, and…there’s something else you want to talk to him about too.
You finally find the courage to bring it all up as you and Dammon clean up after dinner, you drying the washed dishes as Dammon puts them away. 
“I’m sorry about earlier, Dammon,” you say softly, not missing the way his shoulders tense as he takes a plate from you, eyes avoiding yours once more. 
“It’s…It’s alright,” he says with a sigh. “I’m not angry or upset with you, not over something so trivial. I was just…” he lets out a dry chuckle. “I supposed I’m a bit embarrassed for you to have come across such things. I know they aren’t…Common desires.” 
He’s still turned away from you when he finishes, stashing the last dish before his hands fall to his sides. You immediately reach for him, taking his hand in your own as you urge him to face you. 
“There’s nothing to be ashamed of,” you tell him, feeling that familiar heat creep up into your cheeks as you contemplate your next words. 
“I actually…Liked them. The drawings, I mean.”
Dammon’s eyes finally snap to yours then, bright blue iris’ completely visible to you as he stares at you wide eyed, mouth slightly agape. 
You take your lip between your teeth coyly, courage slowly building up in your chest as you move to slip your arms around his waist, hands resting on his low back as returns the lose embrace. 
“I liked them,” you repeat. “It looked…beautiful really. The intricate designs and knots and I…”
You pause then, shyness creeping in one more as you look up at your lover. 
“I think I’d like to try it sometime. If that’s - if you’d want too, of course.”
You can practically see the way Dammon’s heart rate picks up, cheeks darkening with blush as his breath stutters. 
“You’d…You’d try that? With me?” 
A small chuckle slips past your lips. “I hope it’s with you.”
In an answer of his own, Dammon captures your lips with his in a fierce kiss. It’s needy and desperate and filled with a relief only you can understand as he pulls you tighter to him. 
“I love you,” he mutters against your lips before pulling down to trail kisses down your jaw. “We can’t do it tonight,” he says. “I need to prepare.”
You try to hide the small swell of disappointment, but Dammon must sense it anyways, nipping at the spot just below your ear as he tugs you closer to his body. 
“I’m still going to ravish you tonight though. For making me the happiest man in Baldur’s Gate.”
You smile, pulling him up for another kiss before he whisks you upstairs. Anticipation for tonight and what’s to come in the future simmering low in your belly.
It’s only a few days later when Dammon brings it back up, asking if tonight you’d like to try what you all had discussed. When you agreed, a bit too eagerly, he had just let out a small laugh before laying out all of the boundaries. 
He had you pick a safeword in case you wanted out of the restraints, as well as asking you about anything you’d be uncomfortable with. In the end you’d just told him you trusted him completely and once again stated your excitment. 
Which led you here, blindfolded on the edge of your shared bed in nothing but your smallclothes. 
Dammon had tied the soft silk fabric around your eyes before leaving the room to fetch something, asking that you not remove the blindfold before he got back. You obeyed easily, but as the seconds turn into minutes, you feel yourself start to grow impatient. 
What is taking him so long?
Your fingers twitch against your skin from where your hands sit on your thighs before moving to be by your side instead, toying with the soft sheets beneath you. Every creak and faint footstep has your ears perking up, waiting in anticipation for Dammon to return. 
Finally, you hear his familiar footsteps coming up the stairs and to your shared room, the floor boards creaking beneath his weight. His steps are softer than when he left, the sound of bare soles on the wood greeting your ears as he approaches your position. 
He must have taken off his shoes. And you silently hope he took off other things as well, wanting to feel him at least a little bit before you're restrained. 
“Are you still alright?” he asks, his voice much closer than you anticipated. 
You jump slightly as you realize he’s right in front of you now, and you can feel the subtle heat radiating from his body. You nod, reaching out instinctively to touch him. 
He allows it, sighing lightly when your hands bump against his bare stomach, flattening against the taut muscle there before sliding upwards. You can feel the faint ridges and bumps unique to his skin as you continue upwards, gliding over his chest before coming back down again, mapping him in your blinded state. You only stop when your fingers meet rough fabric - the waistband of his pants. 
You hear the faint sound of his tail brushing the ground intermittently, and you can’t help but smile as your fingers curl beneath the band of his pants. But before you can get any further, familiar calloused hands stop your own, pulling you away from his skin. 
“If you do that, I’m afraid we won’t accomplish what we planned to do tonight,” he says breathlessly. 
You are still amazed that such simple touches drive him crazy, but you can’t help but relish in it, because you feel the same anytime Dammon touches you. As if your body can’t get enough. 
Tonight might be the night that it does. 
“Can you give me your hand?” he asks, and you hear him rustling around with something. 
“Of course.”
You offer him your hand and he takes it, turning it palm up and placing a long thin object in your palm. He curls your fingers round it, and when he offers no complaint, you reach up with your other hand to further investigate what it could be. 
“It’s the rope I’m going to use,” he informs you as your fingers trail along the braid material. “It’s…This is why we had to wait. I had to find someone who…dealt with these kinds of things.”
You let out a small hum as you run the rope through you hands, and you slowly begin to understand what he means. It’s smoother than any rope you’ve ever used, so smooth in fact that it feels like silk. It’s sturdy too, not too thick but not so thin it will dig uncomfortably into your skin if it gets tight. It’s like it was created for this purpose alone. 
And perhaps it was. 
You’re no stranger to the more debacuhed happenings in the city. Hells - you’ve been inside Sharess’ Caress. They probably use rope like this in abundance there.
“It’s so…soft,” you say finally, reaching out to offer the rope back to him. 
“Yes I…” He trails off for a moment before continuing. “This isn’t supposed to be painful,” he informs you, and you feel the bed dip beside you, his voice shifting to your right side. “It can be of course but…Not tonight. It’s more about the control I suppose. The art of it.”
You nod as you feel a warm hand settle on your hip. “That makes sense. The drawings I saw were beautiful in a way and also…” you trail off, heat creeping into your cheeks. “Let’s just say I was never put off by the idea once I saw it.”
You can hear the way Dammon’s breath catches, his nails digging into the flesh of your hip ever so slightly. “I should have suggested it sooner, it seems.”
You smile, leaning in to where you think his body is. “You should have.”
He lets out a sigh, and you feel the way it brushes against your temple as he speaks. 
“Well…We’re here now,” he says, slowly dragging his hand from your hip up your back before settling on your shoulder. “Are you ready for me to start?”
You let out a breath of your own, anticipation bubbling in your veins as you shift in your place, eager to get started. “Yes, I’m ready.”
Slowly and with whispered instructions he guides you so your are on your knees on the bed, sitting on your heels as you face away from him. Once you’re in position his fingers skim up to unhook the clasps of your bra, sliding it gently from your shoulders before tossing it somewhere off to your left. 
“If you wanted me naked you could have just said so,” you tease, smiling when it earns youa  chuckle from teh man behind you. 
“That ruins the fun,” he says, and you finally feel the cool slide of rope against your arms. “This is…a lot of this is about the anticipation,” he tells you, breath ghosting over your ear as he gently guides your arms into position behind your back. “The gentle touches, the slow act of tying the rope, the build of what’s to come…”
He has you bend your arms behind your back, forearms almost crossing as he starts to slide the rope beneath them, wrapping it over just a few times before starting to tie the first knot, securing your arms together. 
He continues like that for long agonizing moments. The cool rope sliding against your heated skin as he pulls, tugs, and knots the smooth cord into a masterpiece only he can see. The design soon travels from your forearms upwards above your elbows, as he begins to connect your arms together once more. He threads the rope beneath your right arm, hands ghosting across your back as he brings it over to your left, looping it over your bicep and back again, creating an intricate set of loops and ties that secure your arms behind you further, pulling your shoulders back to just the bare edge of discomfort. 
Dammon was right. This is about the anticipation.
Because with each slide of the rope, with each brush of his fingers or ghost of his lips on your skin, you feel a new pang of arousal pool in your core. You shudder with each pass of the cord on your skin, breath hitching with each knot he tugs into place. 
And Dammon, who’s never known to keep his hands from you for too long, can’t help but to touch you in between. His sharp nails ghosting along your skin, kisses pressed to your shoulder as he mutters words of praise…you can feel yourself getting wet already, and he’s barely even touched you. Not in the way you desire most, at least. 
A whimper slips past your lips when he finally pulls away from you, the last piece of rope in place agasint your arms. But his absence doesn’t last long before he’s back again, his arms snaking around you as a new rope presses against the delicate skin of your lower belly. 
“Are you still alright?” he asks, warm breath ghosting over your cheek as his head comes up beside yours to look down at your exposed body. His chin tucks perfectly against your shoulder as he presses a kiss to your cheek, waiting patiently for you to answer before he continues.
When you do find your words, they come out small, a mere gasp on your lips. 
“Yes,” you assure him. “I just…wish you would touch me. I didn’t…this is more than i expected.”
You feel him tense behind you, his hands stilling. “We can stop at anytime-”
“No!” you almost shout, leaning back into your lover in a silent plea. “Please, don’t stop. I only meant…I didn’t expect to react so strongly to just this.”
Dammon clicks his tongue, letting out a low hum of understanding as his hands start to move again, the rope sliding softly against your skin. 
“If it makes you feel any better…” Dammon trails off, wrapping the rope around your front again, allowing him to press himself against your back, the hardness of him pressing into your low back. “It’s having the same affect on me.”
His words, and the feeling of him hard as steel pressing into your skin is enough to send another bolt of pleasure through you. You expect him to pull away to continue his work, but he does no such thing, instead aiming to stay pressed as close to you as possible as he works on his art. 
Each moment feels agonizing as he slowly winds the ropes up your body, fingers braiding and knotting the pieces together, fingers brushing against your skin, but never doing much more. 
Your breath leaves you in shallow pants, and you can’t help it when you press your hips back into his own, desperate for any kind of touch, any friction to sooth the ache simmering in your veins.
A small groan leaves Dammons lips, and you feel a small tug the the ropes around your arms. “We’ll get there,” he whispers, leaning down to brush a tender kiss to your shoulder. “You’re doing so well, my love. I’m almost done.”
You fight to hold back the whine that threatens to slip past when his lips retreat from your skin, but you do, instead moving to lean back against him as he looks back over your shoulder once more to see his work. 
You can feel the way the cords constrict around you, knotting in the center of your body as it travels upwards and spans out to wrap over your ribs and around your back. Soon enough you can feel them start to settle beneath your breasts. His hands barely brush the plush mounds as he ties a secure knot between them before taking the two ends up and over your collarbones to secure at the back of your neck. 
He ties the last knot, a quiet sigh of admiration leaving him as his hands skim over his work, calloused palms ghosting over your skin. 
You feel the bed shift, his warmth leaving your back. You wonder for a moment if he’s leaving again, but you continue to feel him move, until you think he settles in front of you on the plush mattress. The bed creaks softly as he settles, and despite the blindfold, you can feel his eyes boring into you, admiring his work much like he does that which he produces in the forge. 
Dammon is a lot of things, and a proud man is one of them.
He’s never boastful or arrogant. But he loves his work - he’s always proud of what he can accomplish. And it seems that extends to you as well.
You don’t flinch when his hand settles on your cheek, thumb brushing the skin their gently, as he continues to admire you. 
“You’re absolutely beautiful,” he whispers, his other hand coming up to cup one of your breasts gently. 
A gasp slips past your lips as he runs a thumb over the stiff peak of your nipple, nails scratching the sensitive skin deliciously as he pulls away to trail further down your body. He traces the ropes he tied into place, fingers slipping beneath them every now and again to tug gently. 
“Is it-“ another gasp interrupts you as his hands slide down to brush over your thighs instead. “Is it everything you imagined?” 
Dammon leans forward then, his hands slipping around your hips as his lips fall to your shoulder before trailing down lower to nip sharp teeth at your collar bone. 
“It’s even better,” he breathes. “You’re more magnificent than anything my mind could conjure up.” 
A moan leaves you as his mouth finally reaches your breast, his teeth scarping against the sensitive swell before taking a pert nipple between his lips. 
“Oh, gods…” you gasp, arms tugging at the rope as you instinctively want to reach up to cradle his head in your hands. 
But the restraints keep you in place, completely at his mercy as he continues to lavish your skin with praises and gently love bites. 
You’re burning up now, blood boiling in your veins and desperate for anything Dammon wishes to give you. Something he seems to sense as both arms move to slip around your back as he gently lowers you to lay back on the bed, his lips traveling lower the whole way. 
Your arms are trapped beneath you in this new position, adding to the arousal pooling in your belly as you lay completely open and bare for the man before you. 
His teeth tug at the rope around your hips, hands moving to spread your legs so he can settle between them. 
“Are you still alright, my love?” He asks, fingers creeping slowly up your inner thighs. 
Gods you love him. You really do. But in this moment you want nothing more than for him to ravish you, to tear you completely apart before putting you back together again. 
He can be sweet later. Right now, you want him to fuck you. 
“Yes, yes, Dammon I’m fine,” you assure him, bucking your hips up into his hands. “Just please…fuck me. I cant wait any longer.” 
You would usually be embarrassed by blatantly begging like this, but the feel of Dammons mouth on your wet center removes any and all thoughts but him from your mind. 
His tounge parts your folds running up to tease the small bundle of nerves that sends bolts of pleasure through you. 
You squirm in Dammon’s steel grip, your back arching as he devours you, his fingers digging into your thighs, nails no doubt going to leave behind evidence of his hold on you come morning. 
His name falls from your lips in a lewd prayer, as you buck your hips up into his mouth, seeking more despite the way his tongue moves ravenously against you. 
You feel his hands slide up to the rope around your hips, fingers slipping beneath the cord as he uses it to tug you closer to him, as if he wishes to drown in you. 
His nose nudges at your clit as his tounge prods your entrance, desperate to taste you, his moans sending vibrations through you that make that coil in your belly pull impossibly taut. 
“Fuck,” cry out when he slides one hand to rub expect circles on your clit. “Dammon, I’m close I-“ 
An expert flick of his fingers cuts off your warning, sending you hurtling over the edge into oblivion as Dammon continues to work you through it. 
Incoherent babbles of his name fall from your lips until you finally say back into the bed, chest heaving and legs twitching as Dammon continues to lick at you, certain to leave nothing behind. 
You want to push him away, but without the use of your hands, you squeeze your thighs around his shoulders gently, urging him away from you. 
He obeys with a small sigh, his hand sliding up your body, as his lips follow suit, leaving a moist trail of kisses in his wake before he’s finally pressing them to the underside of your jaw. 
“You’re doing so well, my love,” me mutters against your skin, fingers toying idly with the smooth cord beneath your breasts. 
You smile as you turn your head to capture his lips with your own, tasting yourself on his tounge before pulling away just enough to speak. 
“Can you…Will you take the blindfold off?”you ask. “I’d like to see you.” 
Dammon lets out a low hum, pressing one last kiss to the corner of your lips before reaching up to tug at the silken fabric. 
While the sun has long set, the bedroom is still well lit, lanterns and a few candles lighting the space enough for you to need to adjust to the brightness. 
You blink a few times, leaning into the hand Dammon places on your cheek as his face comes into focus. 
You’ve never seen anything so breathtaking. 
His lips are tilted up in that small smile of his, pupils blown wide with lust as he looks down at you. His cheeks are flushed and errant strands of hair fall from his usually well kept style. 
You yearn to reach up and tuck them back, to card your fingers through his hair or trace around the base of his horns, but you’re once again reminded of the impossibility of that as your arms tug uselessly at your bindings. 
It’s then that you start to recognize the ache in your arms, your hands tingling as they start to fall asleep form their position pinned under you. 
You shift beneath Dammon, and he notices immediately, brow furrowing in silent question. 
“Does it hurt?” He asks, voice laced with concern. 
You shake your head. “No it doesn’t hurt. It just-“ you let out a small chuckle. “I think my hands are falling asleep.” 
Dammon nods, and immediately goes to help you sit up, but you stop him with a shake of your head, an idea popping into your head. 
“Wait.” You tell him, nodding your chin up towards where he was previously sitting. “Sit back.” 
He gives you a curious look, and for a moment he hesitates, but he obeys, scooting back to sit on his heels between your legs. 
You notice the hard bulge in his trousers, and any hesitance about your idea flies out the proverbial window. 
With less effort than you expected, you manage to roll over onto your stomach, gathering your knees below you enough to raise your ass in the air, presenting yourself to the man behind you. 
The sharp intake of breath is enough to tell you that Dammon understands your presentation for what it is. And soon two warm hands settle on your hips, trailing up your sides before coming back down again. 
The warmth of him surrounds you soon after, his chest pressed against your back and arms as he leans over you, pressing gentle kisses to your shoulders. 
“Are you sure?” 
You let out an exasperated sigh, turning your face so it’s no longer pressed against the sheets. 
“Dammon I swear to the gods, if you went through all this and don’t fuck me-“ 
His lips leave yours in an instant, the heat of him disappearing from behind you as you hear the faint rustle of fabric from behind you. 
His hands settle on your hips again, nails biting into the skin harsher than before as you feel the head of his cock nudge at your entrance. 
You expect him to check in with you again, expect him to ask if you remember your safe word or any amount of other precautions. But he doesn’t. 
Instead he presses into you in one swift thrust, his cock guided easily by your earlier orgasm. 
But it still never prepared you for the size of him. He always stretches you perfectly, the small ridges and bumps unique to his race adding to the sensation of him sinking into you. 
The groan you let out is sinful, and you can’t help but turn to muffle it in the sheets. 
But Dammon isn’t having that. 
A strong tug in the rope between your arms has you pulling up from the bed, the force of the movement pulling you further back onto him until your hips are flush with his own. 
“Don’t hide from me,” Dammon says, tugging at the restraints again, sending him deeper and making the rope dig deliciously into your skin. “I want to hear you.” 
“Oh, gods. Dammon…”
His name falling from your lips finally makes him move, pulling out of you before thrusting back in with one solid movement. 
Your name falls from his lips as he sets a punishing pace, something so different from the reverent way he worshiped your body earlier. 
He curls himself over you, his chest pressed against your back as he plants one hand by your head on the bed, his sharp nails digging deep into the sheets as he holds himself over you. 
He nuzzles his face into the space between your neck and shoulder, nose nudging your jaw as he takes your earlobe between his teeth and tugs. 
Another whimper escapes your lips as he continues his mind blowing pace, hitting that spot inside you as you writhe against the ropes fully now. Hands clenching and unclenching as you press your hips back into his own, seeking your second release of the night. 
“Gods, Dammon, please..” 
you're practically sobbing now, tears wetting your lashes at the intense pleasure that courses through you and the slight frustration of not being able to touch anything - touch him. 
“I’ve got you,” he murmurs, his free arm wrapping around your hips to hold you to him as he presses you down, further into the bed his cock pressing impossibly deeper inside of you at the change of position. 
“Let go for me,” he says, voice sinful in your ear. 
His words, and his fingers that slipped down to rub at your clit send you into oblivion for the second time. 
You clench around him, crying out his name in a desperate plea as you squirm against him, veins alight with utter pleasure.
Dammon is not far behind you, just a few more stuttered thrusts and he comes in you with a groan of your name from his lips, his chest rumbling against your back as he sinks down into you, breath coming out in short labored breaths against your cheek. 
Your mind is blissfully blank as you sink into the plush bedding beneath you, completely boneless as your lover adjusts his weight above you. 
You whine when you feel him pull away from you, the room seeming so much cooler without his body next to yours. 
“My love…?” His voice feels a million miles away as he brushes a few strands of hair from your sweat soaked forehead before pressing a kiss there. “Are you alright?”
You chuckle, but it comes out hoarse and weaker than intended. 
“You just…gave me the best orgasm of my life. I’m more than alright.” 
You watch through bleary eyes as Dammon blushes, his earlier dominant demeanor disappearing into the Dammon you know and love. 
“I’m going to untie you.” 
You nod, trying to help as much as you can in your blissed out state as he helps you to sit up, maneuvering you until you sit straddling his lap so he can more easily work at the ropes. 
He moves quickly, fingers deftly untying the intricate knots and letting the ropes fall away from your skin. When he loosens the ropes at your back, your hands fall to your sides, a dull ache running from your shoulders down to the tips of your fingers. 
You must have let out some kind of noise or flinched, because as soon as the ropes fall away, Dammon’s hands are on your arms, calloused palms running up and down your arms as he tries to sooth the aches and indentations left behind. 
“They were too tight,” he mutters softly. “I’m sorry, my love I-”
You shush him softly, pressing a kiss to the corner of his lips to quiet his concerns. “I’m alright, Dammon. I promise,” you assure him, smiling as he continued to rub at the light indentation marks left by the ropes. “I liked it,” you finally admit. “I really liked it.”
His minstrations pauses momentarily, hands sliding down to wrap around your waist as he pulls back enough to look down at you, brows furrowed ever so slightly. “You’re…not just saying that to please me, are you?”
You can’t help the playful groan that you let out, followed by a small chuckle as you wrap your arms around him and bury your face in his chest. 
“Only you could give a woman the best orgasm of her life and still question whether she liked it,” you tease, practically feeling the way Dammon rolls his eyes at you.
A small squeal escapes you as Dammon wraps his arms around you more securly as he flips you onto your back again, head hitting the pillow as he hovers over your, lips turned upwards playfully.
“If you think that was the best…I think I have more work to do.”
Your brows wing up in surprise, lips aprting slightly as your mind runs wild with the possibilities. “Is that a challenge, you’re proposing?” you ask.
Dammon smiles, humming low in his chest as he leans down to press a kiss to your jaw. “It might be,” he aquecies. “But for now, i’d just like to hold you and maybe run you a bath. If you’d be so inclined.”
Warmth swells in your chest at his words. Even after something most would consider debacuhed, Dammon still manages to be the sweetest thing in the room. You turn and press a quick kiss to his lips before reching up to wrap your arms around his neck. 
“I’d Love nothing more.”
He smiles and plops down next to you on the bed, gathering you in his arms as he does so. His chin rests on the top of your head as you nuzzle into his chest, your leg tangling with his own until you’re both settled comfortably against one another. 
Comfortable silence fills the space, Dammon trailing light patterns on your back, as you do the same on his chest - both of you just taking a moment to bask in the other's presence. Until Dammon finally speaks up.
“Thank you…for trusting me enough to do this,” he tells you softly, voice gentle. 
You nod, moving to slip your arms around his waist, scooting closer to him. “Of course,” you say, pressing a kiss to his chest. “I love you, Dammon.”
You feel his lips press against the crown of your head. 
“I love you more.”
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grievedeeply · 8 months
Thank you so much for doing my request I absolutely loved it and I can’t wait to request more BG3 content, could I please request first kiss headcanons for Dammon and Rolan 💙💙
my fave npcs..... I love them both so much thank you for giving me a reason to write this. I hope you enjoy and i'm so glad you liked what I did for your previous request!!
gn!reader/tav | no tws, just pure fluff
first kiss hcs with dammon and rolan
he's so gentle. when he gets there
but.. i think he'd be a bit shy to initiate. you could be on your fourth date and he'd still worry that he's reading the situation wrong
there's a part of him that's just so anxious about messing up he doesn't want to take that step forward with you without knowing you're completely, 100% ready for it
eventually a time comes where he does feel ready for it. the way you're looking at him makes his heart pound and he just.. takes the leap
you're in his forge. it's a comfortable setting for him and where he spends most of his time.. and it's where he first laid eyes on you
in the light, he can see every little detail on your face, and you're staring at him with so much love in your eyes..
he's worried about messing up of course but when you react to it with a smile, he relaxes into your touch and lets himself go
his hand holds your cheek. his thumb caresses your skin and he kisses you like you're the most delicate thing in the world
his hands are rough and calloused from years of working with metals but that doesn't stop him from being soft with you
his other hand rests on your hip and subconsciously he pulls you just a little closer. he doesn't want to let you go just yet
your kiss is brief but it speaks for itself. it's filled with love and respect and adoration
dammon holds you so high he practically worships the ground you walk on. it's just the way he is
but in his kisses, and especially the first one he shares with you, it's clear it means so much more to him
it's not just a kiss, it's a step forward in your relationship. this is a connection he treasures and one he wants to nurture!
he just adores you really
he definitely has trouble understanding and coming to terms with his feelings for you in general
so when he realizes he wants to kiss you? it was enough when he was able to accept that he liked you, but now.. wanting to move further with you?
it's something he grapples with for awhile. not because he doesn't like you, but because he's afraid of being vulnerable
kissing is.. intimate. no matter what way you look at it, it's something you can't take back
but there is a moment. you're sitting together under the stars. it's something you wanted to do and he can't remember why.. but he can remember looking at you
you're staring up at the sky. a content smile on your face and in that moment he realizes that you're what he wanted. he wants to take your relationship to the next level
so he does
he isn't thinking when he cups your cheek in his hand. all he does is look at you. he admires your features and whispers, "can i kiss you?"
you nod, and his lips press to yours and it's like everything changes
his kiss is gentle and so is his touch
he'll pull you closer. just enough for his other hand to take yours and he knows just how much he wanted this
he's never felt this intensely about anyone else, so this moment is really special to him. you're soft with him and you return his kiss without missing a beat
it doesn't last very long. a few seconds at most, but it's a moment he knows he'll never forget. one he wouldn't ever want to forget even if he could
he won't tell you, but he cherishes this moment. and he thinks about it more often than he'd care to admit
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forgeofthenine · 1 month
How do you think things would play out if insecure human Tav had feelings for Dammon, but she mistakenly thought he was hitting on Karlach all those times he helped her with her heart? With Tav being oblivious and mistakes that it’s because she is human and that Karlach is a tiefling that he has no interest in her, but in reality he does. How do you think Dammon would respond if there’s a little comment like: “I know it’s Karlach you were hoping to see.”
I'm not sure if I leaned too into the insecure descriptor in the prompt, especially after not doing any writing for so long, but I hope everyone's able to enjoy. I missed my main man so much <3
She isn't you
"I know it's Karlach you were hoping to see."
You can see the whites of Dammons eyes grow as soon as the sentence leaves your mouth, shock washing over him. It's something you'd tiptoed around for months. The way Dammon looks at Karlach, how he gravitates towards her, how that kills you inside. No one could blame you for falling for the sweet blacksmith with his easy smile and firm confidence.
He'd spent these past months giving your companion the gift of touch back, laughing at her raunchy remarks and looking at her like she'd hung the moon and stars. Hours were spent in his forge fixing her heart, idle chatter between the three of you the only real entertainment. Hours of inadvertently third wheeling them all because of your own unrequited crush. Karlach was your friend though, and if they were happy then you weren't going to interfere.
His lips part slowly. Beautiful, chapped lips you so desperately want to kiss but know you never will. Soon, Dammon finds his voice again. He seems so genuinely confused, as if he can't understand where you got that idea.
"Why would I want Karlach when you're here?"
A long tail flicks behind him, nearly taking out a table leg. A concerned look covers the blacksmiths face as he leans in, hands spreading over his workbench. "Not that Karlach isn't lovely, she is, but I'd prefer to have you here." Dammon clarifies carefully.
It's your own turn to gawk now, looking at the teifling standing there in the firelight. You'd never expected this, to have him so quickly disagree with something you were so certain of. "But... Aren't you and Karlach..." You trail off, unsure of how to word things, picking at your nails.
"Aren't we... what? Seeing each other?" Dammon asks, rounding his work bench with a small chuckle, the wooden floor creaking under steady steps. "Is that assumption what's held you back?" His calloused hand takes yours, smoothing a thumb over your skin as the tiefling draws in your gaze. Blue eyes crinkle at the corners with a small grin, a teasing smile appearing on the blacksmiths face.
"Well, isn't it true?" You gape, gripping his hand. The new brazenness draws a full laugh from the tiefling, topped off with a shake of his head. It's a dumbfounding revelation, after months of near torture watching the two of them only to find out none of your assumptions were true. "Stop laughing, I'm being serious-" You insist, a small frown growing on your face.
Dammon calms himself, still grinning down at your pout. "I know, and I'm sorry." His voice is lower now, missing that teasing lilt you love so much. "There's nothing happening between Karlach and I, promise. I did ask her for some advice, though." He adds, gently squeezing the hand enveloped in his.
You cock your head, wondering whatever advice he could've gotten from Karlach. Something to do with Avernus or leaving the hells? Something tiefling related? The visible confusion almost makes Dammon laugh again, but he contains himself. Instead, a firm tail snakes it's way around your leg, winding around you with a firm pressure.
"I wanted to know how best to ask one of her friends out."
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2kmps · 5 months
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dammon x reader | 2.5k
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story summary; all it took was an argument with your party leader and an incident of misfortune for dammon to realize he was smitten with you.
story warnings; huge spoilers for act 1 & 2 of baldur's gate 3, mentions of burns and cuts, implication of dammon and mc drinking before a smooch, mc is not tav, no pronouns or descriptions used. very briefly proofread.
if you'd like a part two, please interact & reblog! ❤️
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No one knew the time of day as black, tense air splintered those in fitful slumber into wakefulness that made their hearts hammer and bodies cold. There were shouts coming from outside the Last Light Inn, an unwelcome disturbance in these awful, glum days encompassed by death, shadow, and cries of beasts beyond Isobel’s barrier.
Dammon had been one of the first inquisitive souls on scene, already hammering away in his makeshift forge at some hour, surrounded by glowing iron, hot coals, and the smell of ox shit lingering over his workspace like a smoky cloud embedding its malodor into any pororous surface. As long as he stayed busy, deafened himself to all but the sting of metal, vibrations from his hammer memorized deep into his marrow, gave himself to the roar of the furnace—he didn't mind anything else, didn't think about his exhaustion, nor the fear that coiled his spine at every uncertainty around him.
But, he recognized your voice above the fierceness of his fire—knew the one retaliating your indignance just the same. He was drawn to it, leaving his tools by the anvil to step out towards the dilapidated stonework at the center of this improvised settlement, an old water fountain that once was beautiful artistry before the Shadow-Curse.
“I will not be cast aside! I will not be abandoned here to die, Dreston!” you were borderline hysterical, arms strewn about you wildly as you shouted. It was clear no one in your company wanted to feel the venom spitting from your throat. “I survived the crèche—I was integral to us all making it out alive! My abilities to heal are unparalleled, how can you just—”
“They need someone here,” said the tall drow at the core of your ire, leader of your motley crew. “Isobel needs to focus on the barrier. Someone needs to be able to heal the wounded.”
“They have a druid! They don't need me!” you tried again, rage weakening as your voice cracked and eyes gained a watery luster that you blinked back. “I've already done so much for the group. Do you think I'm useless on the battlefield? Is it because I'm not a druid like Halsin? A cleric like Shadowheart? Karlach, speak for me!”
You could've looked through Dreston at that moment and Karlach would've felt the desperation of your stare. She looked towards the ground, pushing stones with her boots. It was so drastically different from how she had been helping you with adjustments to your new armor just hours ago, laying hands everywhere now that she could thanks to Dammon
None of the others spoke for you, either. It was admission of guilt, silent consensus that you were to stay behind here and die if the barrier fell. You couldn't believe it.
“We’ll seek your aid again once we're en route to Baldur’s Gate,” Dreston said, his finality and firmness making words stick in your throat, jaws so tight your teeth could shatter. “Not a moment before. If you leave the barrier, what befalls you is of your own consequence. Protect these people here and wait for us.”
You spat at his feet, wiped your mouth, and then your tears before stalking off until you were far out of sight and alone.
Dammon stayed for the exchange and watched you go, a heart wrenching sight in his mind to be robbed of the love and passion you lived for. Adventuring and healing for you; the smithy and embers for him. Still, he never remembered you with such a temper, at least not one so outward, but these cursed lands had a way of bringing out the worst in everyone.
He had seen it many times over already—in others, in himself as well. Emerald Grove had been a perilous time just as this, but with the light of sunrise and sunset swathing him in some sort of feign comfort. This was not the same, there was no ease except what he knew with flame and steel and heavy hammer.
Still, back then, when he had met you the first time when acquiesced to eradicate the goblin hoards, you were different—brighter, skin aglow beautifully, eyes so radiant and divine. He remembered finding his gaze shifting to you more times than not, catching a jagged end of Dreston’s annoyance when he needed to repeat himself once or twice.
Dammon found it hard to focus in those days until your departure for the goblin camp, and that relief once you were gone had followed until now with your reappearance here at the Last Light Inn.
Now, he had to ask himself why he was standing before Dreston with an approachable smile, hoping he didn't fall on the receiving end of his bad spirits, and spoke his fate aloud:
“Don't worry, I'll keep a watchful eye out.”
He had assigned himself as your custodian like it was nothing, like you actually needed one in the first place. Dreston never mentioned it to you, probably for the best because your foul mood sat on your heels for many days thereafter. It took nearly a week to rouse you out of that state well enough to even visit him at his forge again.
“How are you holding up, Dammon?” you had asked with surprising calm, a similar sort of placidity you had when you'd first met. “It can't be easy being in this place. I keep looking at the barrier, expecting something to happen.”
“I can tell, you look tense”—he dunked red, searing iron into a vat of water and walked away as steam rose and hissed while it cooled—”Given the circumstances, I can't say I'm any worse than anyone else. If I worry, I hammer; if I can't sleep, I hammer. That's enough for me.”
You shared a smile with him, eyes wavering from his piercing blue to the arsenal of newly forged weapons he had managed to craft in a single night. He hadn't slept at all, but hadn't felt it until this moment.
“Don't forget to rest or you'll be one of the unfortunates lying unconscious on a bed that I have to take care of.” You said with a certain playfulness, a certain amount of snide and seriousness that he wasn't sure how to respond to. However, you gave a large logbook in your arm a pat. “I keep a record of everyone I've ever cared for—methods and medicine administered. Everything. I'd like to not add you to it.”
Dammon was a new entry in your logs a few weeks later, as it turned out. Misfortune seemed to torture everyone here beneath Isobel’s barrier, and he was not immune despite believing, foolishly, that losing himself to his projects would save him forever.
“Tell me what happened,” you already had an inked quill readied, a crisp, empty page dedicated to him. “The sooner you do, the sooner I can patch you up.”
For once, the makeshift infirmary sat barren besides the pair of you. It had originally been the bedchambers for weary travelers once upon a time, modified into a strategy room for Counsellor Florrick, and then finally commandeered as an infirmary by you and Isobel to bring some temporary sense of normalcy.
Jaheira let you have that small victory.
“Well,” Dammon wasn't sure what all to tell you that was necessary. It had all been an accident—a ridiculous oversight on his part, a disrespect to his craft and the fires of his forge. “You see—I, well, it's been a few days since I've slept. It's been difficult with those ravens constantly taking blows to the barrier. So, I've spent my time hammering away. Gets my mind off of things, off of everything.”
All went silent but the scrawl of your quill upon yellow parchment, faithfully recording his words verbatim. He waited for the feather to fall flat against your hands and eyes to rise to his before continuing:
“Honestly, it was just a freakish thing—a raven struck the barrier, startled that strange ox they have in the stable and I… my hammer missed and the sword I was working on came back on me. I had just taken out of the fire. Infernal blood I may have, I'm not immune to burns and cuts from my own craft it seems.”
Dammon tried to lighten the severity of his embarrassment with a laugh, hoping it would make that harsh crease between your brows smooth out. Seeing you worry over him did not fill him with a buzz of delight, but feeling your cold hands rest over his injured one did.
“Luckily it isn't too bad. Tiefling reflexes are impossibly good.” You sounded impressed, careful as you drew his hand closer, turning it whatever which way you pleased and he allowed it. He wasn't fond of the cold, but found himself reveling the magic that gushed out from your palms and soothed the burnt flesh on the back of his hand. “It'll be an easy enough fix, but, Dammon, you'll have to stay here and rest. You're not to return to your forge until you do. Understood?”
Perhaps, at a different time, such a demand would be reprimanded. To take a blacksmith from his forge is to take a healer from their potions and herbs—it would've at least aroused some frustration, but now, as he there on the edge of a worn mattress with your frigid hands caressing his scorched skin, wrapped in soft white light that reminded him of the long lost sun, he didn't refuse you and didn't think he ever could.
“Amazing,” he breathed out once he was awash in relief from his agony. The blistered, lacerated flesh from his own creation had closed and disappeared. Only the memory remained now, and the sensation of one of your hands hovering over his open palm. “You're no cleric or druid yet you can utilize magic like that. I've never seen the like.”
“Hopefully you never will again,” came your response, this time with much lightness and satisfaction. “How does it feel? Is there any pain remaining? I treat certain wounds traditionally with herbs and potions, but I know burns are in a league all their own.”
Dammon met the space of your palm facing his, fingers closing around you until the ridges of his well-earned calluses pressed warmth into your skin. Yours had a roughness about them as well without the same sinew and narrow bones and nails as him. There was a new sensation that struck him at that moment, like a jogged memory, a renewal of something once forgotten.
This simple touch reminded him of how much he had forced it away since Elturel was swallowed into Avernus—how much of his being now belonged to survival, and whatever was left was spent flattening iron with a hammer so his mind didn't escape him.
“I feel right, thanks to you.” Dammon said in soft, vulnerable tones that made flounder for words and withdraw your hand in a single, sharp motion.
You cleared your throat once and then twice more, closing your sizable book of records and rose from your chair. “Good! Good! I'll—I’m glad to hear it. I'll just step out so you can rest. Sleep well, Dammon.”
He did not rest for a long time because his thoughts were full of you, and that's where they stayed everyday afterward while he worked in the heat of his forge. It became easier to bear the ominous darkness that swirled around the barrier, a mere splinter in concentration away from consuming him and everyone else within.
Your company was a beacon of light to him in these terrible days, something he looked forward to after however many indeterminate hours clanging away on his anvil. He occupied a space next to you at the bar most times, some old beer in a mug that had lost its froth, listening to the dwarves among the settlement drunkenly, vivaciously explain their grand exploits while Alfira made up new lyrics to the strum of her lute.
“Enjoying yourself?” He asked this a few times a day, a midday, an evening, a night, because there wasn't much else to do or to ask. But, right now, he was feeling bored and courageous with a pint in him, “Would you like to take a walk? I don't think the dwarves are telling stories we haven't already heard once every night the last tenday.”
You didn't disagree and went with him to make laps along the barrier. There was nothing new about this, either. You could walk the perimeter of the settlement with a blindfold on at this point and never snag a stone, stumble, or catch a briar on your sleeve. Dammon always stayed in stride with you despite his height, always kept himself at a decent distance from you despite how much he wished otherwise.
“What will you do once we get to Baldur’s Gate, Dammon? Hm?” It was a familiar question, one usually forgotten after a glass or two of wine in you. “I’m thinking of telling Dreston to piss off and working as an apothecary. Get some stability in my life, y'know?”
“It’d be good work for you.” He understood that desire for something solid, a safe life. “I’ve realized through all of this that I'm not the adventuring sort. I like my hammer. I like my forge; I like a bed at the end of a long day. I like—”
Dammon was quick with a glance down at you while walking, arms close and brushing. His heart was a growing drumbeat in his ears. “I like the idea of coming home to someone, to share my bed with. After all this, that sounds like a luxury—a dream.”
“Oh~” you put a hand near your lips, pretending to hide a scandalous smile. “So you are the marrying type. A couple of us were talking about that the other day, gossiping about who’d end up married or die alone in a bottle.”
Dammon let a smile grow, fingers edging nearer to your own until he could curl one or two with his. “I’d say the latter is quite extreme.”
Your voice trailed but you didn't pull away, not even as you were led away from the prying eyes of patrolling Harpers into dark foliage behind low hanging trees. It was sufficiently hot behind your ears, beneath your layers of thin clothes, and your throat tightened in your effort to look up at him.
His ribs were a prison for his heart, a good thing in this case as he tucked a hand against your neck and kissed you. He kissed you until the uncertainty fell away, until he felt your hands climb the length of his arms and every touch grew with assurance, fostering the beginning of a new dream.
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a/n: possibly a part two if y'all let me know you like this??? so, pls interact and reblog to let me know!
this is also based off of my headcanons for tieflings that they're very loyal once they trust you—but they also fall h a r d.
it won't turn into anything big since I have my major projects going on in the background, but I'm just obsessed with dammon atm and figured the best way to get him out of my system was to write about him 💀. a second part would probs be smut.
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web-spinning · 3 months
Did you get a request? It's headcanons for Haarlep, Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor with gn s/o who is so kind that even strangers would approach them for help. Thanks!
Various BG3 NPCs with a very kind reader
A/N- hii, sorry for keeping you waiting, I just wasn't sure how to go around Haarlep because there's not much interactions with them in the game, so they're last on the list!
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- he's very attentive to details, perhaps a job effect, but he notices how often you help others,
- he finds it very lovely, and it makes him feel good that there are still people out there who can share kindness,
- especially grateful if you can help him bring around supplies,
- tries to return the act as much as he can,
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- he's anything but a nice person,
- pretends that he finds your kindness weird if anyone asks , when in reality he wishes he could also act like it,
- unfortunately, his skin's just a tad too tough after everything he's been through in Hell,
- if any of the kids in the Grove need his help, he'll get really mad, but then...
- "No, I won't help you with this!...you can ask my partner. They could help. Just don't waste much of their time",
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- he's been through a lot, to say the least, and maybe he can't always be as helpful as he wishes he could be,
- at some point of being surrounded by tragedies only you forget how bright the world can actually be,
- you gave him back that light,
- your actions makes him hopeful for the future; he wishes everyone will take on the same approach as you,
- melts at any act of kindness towards him,
- remembers you're "only human" too and makes sure to give you the most affection,
((no gif because they're all nsfw-ish))
- "Oh pet, one day your kindness will be our ruin",
- as you can imagine, Hells aren't a place where you can often find someone who's kind or helpful, so at first they think of you as rather naive,
- however, as time goes by, they become more impressed by it,
- as an incubus, you can't expect much kindness in the world, yet here you are,
- they adore your courage and selflessness more than anything they ever did.
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underdark-dreams · 7 months
Do you have any hcs for Dammon/M!Tav who’s never been into a guy before (until now)? <3
Thank you for your patience, anon! I may have gotten lost in this request and started a oneshot for these two because this is so sweet 🥺 Here are some thoughts I had though--a serving of sweet & spicy Dammon❤️
Dammon x male!Tav: First Love Headcanons
Dammon can't lie, the idea that he's the first man who's made you feel this way makes him feel so incredibly special
Being the object of your affection would send him over the moon no matter what, but this just makes his heart melt. Feels like the luckiest man in Faerûn
Ever since the Grove, when he saw what a kind hero you were and fell head over heels, he’s tried to make sure you know how fond he is of you. Asking after your equipment, offering to help you with anything he can
He has always worried about your dangerous line of work and wanted to keep you safe the best way he knows how 
When you confess your feelings to him, it honestly turns him speechless. He feels like just a plain-spoken smith at heart, how is he supposed to find words that express how amazing you make him feel? He’ll let out a few hesitant expressions of surprise and wish he was better at this
Dammon's a very loving man, but he does have trouble expressing his feelings verbally at times. It’s just been so long since he’s had a life where he could think about love and dating let alone whispering sweet nothings. He’s quite capable—just very out of practice
Still, he’ll make sure that you know in all kinds of other ways
Dammon touches you so, so much. Very physically affectionate, almost clingy, finding any excuse he can for your bodies to touch here and there
His hands linger whenever you’re breaking apart from a kiss, or even when you’re just passing him something, and he gently touches the small of your back whenever you're walking through somewhere crowded together
When you’re deep in a kiss, his tail will slide up to caress and circle your hips and waist. It embarrasses him at first, and he might even apologize, not wanting to come on too strong with his Infernal traits
The courtship stage is something he takes VERY seriously. You will be relentlessly wooed by this man
He loves to give you gifts, especially objects that he’s forged with you in mind. They’re sometimes practical, sometimes just pretty little things that he sketched up while thinking of you
Nothing around you stays broken for long, from your armor to the tiniest pin of your cloak. Dammon: “I can fix that”
And the way he looks at you lets you know exactly how he feels about you. Those soft blue eyes can burn like a white-hot flame when he’s holding you close
Getting you into his bed is definitely a thought that preoccupies his mind before long. He’s always found you quite dashing and handsome, and now that you’re his, the anticipation drives him a little crazy. He has a very good imagination and he’s dying to put it to use with the man he loves
However, the last thing he ever wants to do is rush you. He’s entirely satisfied to wait as long as you want or need. He knows this is all very new for you still, so he wants you to be completely comfortable and turned on when it happens
He's going to be SO intentional and gentle the first time you spend the night together. If you've never been with a Tiefling before, that will make him want to take things extra slow
Most of all, he wants to make you feel good. Watching you come undone with pleasure under his hands and mouth for the first time turns him on so much he's halfway to coming before you even get to him
Once he's sure you're more than relaxed and comfortable, he definitely gets bolder and more free with his words. It's like the sweetest dirty talking. It's not flowery, but it's raw and honest and from the heart. And it’s so hot
"Is that good, love?...let me hear you…Gods but you're gorgeous like this…"
Dammon's honestly chatty in bed, he wants to hear you and he wants you to know how incredible you make him feel
He knows how awkward first times can be, so he'd prefer to let you set the pace during the early stages of your physical relationship. But if you let him know you want him to take the lead, he’s ready in a heartbeat. He’s a generous man and would love nothing more than to take control of your pleasure (in the most loving way, of course)
We all know Dammon’s taste in bedtime reading…he definitely keeps the essentials within arm’s reach of his bed, including a few very quality lubes. There will be no embarrassment about making sure you’re both completely relaxed and ready for each other
And that includes aftercare, because Dammon is an aftercare KING, always making sure you’re taken care of first
One of those types who stumbles out of bed while you’re both still coming down from your climax to bring you a wet towel and a dry towel. Will tenderly clean you up himself if you let him
Whatever direction the night goes, it always ends with Dammon curling you up in a cuddle and wrapping his tail affectionately around your thigh, whispering how lucky he is to be with you and insisting that you spend the night—and every night after, if he has his way
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mooshywrites · 5 months
Could I request headcanons for Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Halsin, Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor react to his shy gender neutral crush accidentally sitting on his lap? They get off immediately while apologising the moment they realised!
A/N - Ahhhhh this prompt idea is so adorable ;-;!!!!!
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Art commissions
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Astarion -
~ Astarion would definitely not let you forget something like this.
~ After a particularly hard day full of fighting, I can see the whole camp deciding to relax and pass around one or two (or a case) of wine.
~ The alcohol goes straight to your head and you’re tripping over your feet in no time. This isn’t a problem, that is until… you stumble and trip your way right into Astarion’s lap
~ Your cheeks get all red, your words coming out with a plethora of excuses and Astarion basks in your embarrassment with glee.
~ He’s secretly loving it for another reason, that being the closeness of you against him now. You’ve been much too shy up to this point to even look him in the eye, let alone touch him
~ You’re falling over yourself trying to get up, apologizing more times than anyone can count and of course Astarion has all the petty things anyone could ever say
~ “If you wanted a place on my lap, you need only ask, darling.”
~ He loves it even more the next morning when he notices that now you can’t even look in his general direction without turning a beautiful shade of red
Gale -
~ Gale would be all jokes if you accidentally sat on him, trying his best to ease the awkward tension
~ “You know, I always thought I looked like an awkwardly plush chair” he would tease, lending a hand to help you up
~ I think he would love the flush to your cheeks, knowing you’re absolutely mortified by the experience.
~ He wouldn’t tell a soul about it, not even in jest. He knows how shy you are and knows the accident would only embarrass you further if your other companions caught wind of it, even if part of him wanted to brag
~ Instead, he would playfully point out ever tripping hazard while with you, leaving it an inside joke between the two of you
Wyll -
~ I can definitely see you losing your balance while practicing a difficult attack, landing right into the Devil’s lap
~ Wyll would be as charming as ever about the whole situation, making a dramatic flourish as he “caught you”
~ He’d probably rave on and on about how the ‘Blade of the Frontiers’ often had to catch damsels in distress as they fell into his awaiting arms. Everyone else may think this was because he was a braggart, but you knew deep down he did it to ease your embarrassment
~He would definitely be kind enough to ignore your reddened cheeks, whispering that everything was absolutely alright as you shot up practically shouting an “I’m sorry”
~ From that moment on, though, he always made sure to be the closest one to you, making sure he’d be there if you needed a knight in shining armor’s lap to save you again
Halsin -
~ You would be immensely tired after a long day of traveling, not even looking where your feet planted as you plopped down on what you thought was a log.
~ You practically jump out of your skin when strong arms wrap around you casually, Halsin continuing on his conversation with the others as if nothing happened
~ You would feel the red hot embarrassment in every nerve of your body, hissing to Halsin to let go, apologizing for sitting on him
~ He would cling on for a few moments, letting out a deep chuckle at your blunder
~ “Think nothing of it, my heart, I simply thought you wanted to sit somewhere softer than the ground. Would you prefer to sit on me if I were a bear?”
~ You couldn’t even answer him, smacking his chest and jumping out of his arms
~ Thank goodness it was dark, you wouldn’t want anyone seeing the goofy smile on your face paired with the knowing grin on the gentle giant elf
Dammon -
~ Dammon would be so generously kind as you accidentally sat on him, helping you back up, worried he made you uncomfortable
~ He would definitely be the only one to be more embarrassed than you, his cheeks the exact same shade of red. He’d try to play it off, but the cracks in his voice gave it away immediately
~ Both of you would be an adorable mess of apologies and stutters, trying to ignore how nice it was to be that close only moments earlier.
~ He would finally clear his throat, trying to change the subject as the red in his cheeks began to even seep down to his neck.
~ You both finally relaxed a little, smiling relieved smiles
~ That is until a very loud, very obvious Astarion would gesture between the two of you, “When the hell are you two going to finally admit you like each other! Seriously, this is getting difficult to watch”
~ It would take days before the you and Dammon could make it through a conversation without sounding like a bumbling lovesick kit after that
Rolan -
~ If anyone could be more awkward than Dammon when you sat on his lap, it would absolutely be Rolan. Apparently the invisibility spell he was trying out worked a little too well.
~ You would let out a shriek as you sat down, expecting the chair to feel… well… like a chair. You spun around to an apologetic smile and hands held up in defense
~ Both of you would choke out an “im sorry” at the same time, giggling a little breathlessly
~ “What the hell were you doing as a chair?” You’d complain, trying to swallow away the embarrassment, not knowing it was written across all of your features
~ “We’ll, technically, I wasn’t a chair” He’d say defensively, his cheeks turning a deeper shade of his already crimson skin
~ Neither of you spoke of it after, but you definitely didn’t miss the way Rolan seemed extra attentive in the days after
Zevlor -
~ Zevlor would be sickly sweet about all of it, a little disappointed when you didn’t stay for more than a moment
~ You’d make up for that when your sweet quiet voice would squeak out some apologies, eyes looking anywhere but him. He so very loved when you were embarrassed like this
~ He’d brush it off quickly, pulling up your hand to kiss it gently
~ This would make you blush more but that was probably his whole goal to begin with
~ “I’m completely at your disposal.” He’d say, taking every opportunity to memorize the shy smile you gave him
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dark-and-kawaii · 6 months
-> Second Masterlist (couldn’t fit everything on here)
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-> - Blog Rules & Warnings -
♡ 𝐇𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐩 ♡
- Worth The Risk | Pregnancy - Angst
- The Real Incubus | NSFW - Choking - Soft Haarlep - A Touch Of Malevolent Haarlep - Comfort
- Bred By The Incubus - Creampie - Breeding - Possessive - Pregnancy
- Milky | NSFW - Lactation - Knotting - Pregnancy - Fluff
- Daughters | Fluff - Parenthood - Haarlep Being A Parent
- Soft Haarlep PRT 1 | Comfort - Angst - NSFW
- Worried For The Incubus (Soft Haarlep) PRT 2 | Aftercare - Abuse - Comfort - Injuries
- A Tainted Mind (Soft Haarlep) PRT 3 | Hurt/Comfort - Soft - Bathing Together
- Bathing With The Incubus (Soft Haarlep Prt. 4) | NSFW - Masturbation - Hurt/Comfrot
- Prequel To Soft Haarlep PRT 0 | This was written by a lovely human I know and I wanted to add it to my list so you all could enjoy it as well!!! - Comfort
- Testing Their Patience | Slight NSFW - Humor - Comfort - Angst
- No Escape | NSFW - Noncon - Mephistopheles - Heavy Angst - Tragic Romance
- The Truth | Enemies To Lovers
- Frightened Little Dove | Hurt/ Comfort
- Loves Punishment | Angst - Character Death - Slight NSFW
- Unexpected Death | Angst - Character Death
- Just A Taste | NSFW - Male Giving Head - You’re Haarlep’s New Meal
- How They Say ‘I Love You’ | Confession - Fluff
- Reacting To ‘I Love You’ | How He Reacts To You Saying ‘I Love You’
- Realization | NSFW - Noncon - Hurt/Comfort - Ascended Raphael
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♡ 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 ♡
- Leashed | NSFW - You Leash Raphael - Multiple Creampies - Choking - You Ride The Devil
- His Weakness | Soft Raphael - Tender - Comfort
- Stuffed | NSFW - Breeding - Belly Bulge - Ascended Raphael
- His Little Mouse | NSFW - Jealous Raphael - Possessive Raphael - Hurt/Comfort - Minor Angst
- Bred By The Devil | Breeding - Creampie - Possessive - Pregnancy
- Loss Of An Heir | Hurt - Angst - Miscarriage - Ascended Raphael - Raphael Gets Revenge
- Fatherhood | Headcanons - Dadphael - Daughter
- Cambion’s Daughter | Dadphael - Fluff - Parenting
- Daughters | Fluff - Parenthood - Dadphael
- A Cruel Game | Mephistopheles - NSFW - Dubcon - Noncon - Heavy Angst - Double Penetration
- Symphony Of Sin | Angst - Romance
- A Devil You Love PRT 1 | Soft Raphael - Hurt/Comfort
- The Devil You Loved PRT 2 | Heavy Angst - Character Death - Ascended Astarion - Pregnancy
- No Hope For The Devil PRT 3 | Heavy Angst - NSFW - Ascended Astarion - Noncon - Bad Ending
- A Devil & His Eager Pup | NSFW - Riding The Devil
- The Problem | Raphael Realizes He’s Caught Feelings For His Little Mouse
- Professor’s Pet | NSFW - Au Professor Raphael - Age Gap - Slight Voyeurism - Handcuffs - Creampie
- His To Use | NSFW - Voyeurism - Exhibitionism - Degradation
- A Tender Moment | Raphael Reads To You And His Unborn Child
- A Dance With The Devil | Soft Raphael - Dancing - Comfort
- A Wicked Facade | Soft Raphael - Love - Raphael Loves His Little Mouse
- Testing Their Patience | Slight NSFW - Humor - Comfort - Angst
- Impregnated By The Devil | Breeding - NSFW
- His | Pregnancy - Possessiveness - Character Death - Protectiveness - NSFW
- How They Say ‘I Love You’ | Confession - Fluff
- Reacting To ‘I Love You’ | How He Reacts To You Saying ‘I Love You’
- A Pretty Little Toy | NSFW - Lap Riding
- Nightmare | Angst - Slight NSFW - Death
- Unholy | NSFW - Breeding - Corruption - Dubcon
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♡ 𝐀𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 ♡
- The Ascended Devil & The Mouse | NSFW - Monster Fucking - Belly Bulge - Ascended Raphael
- Confession | Belly Bulge - Cumflation - Deep Throat
- Ascended Phael | NSFW - Monster Cock
- Realization | Ascended Raphael - Noncon - Hurt - Forced Pregnancy
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♡ 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 & 𝐇𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐩 ♡
- Used & Abused | NSFW - Rough - Deep Throat - Choking - Anal
- Confession | NSFW - Belly Bulge - Cumflation - Deep Throat
- Plaything | NSFW - Threesome - Fingering - Stuffed
- Two For One | NSFW - Double Penetration
- Impregnated By The Devil | Breeding - NSFW
- Testing Their Patience | Slight NSFW - Humor - Comfort - Angst
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♡ 𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐧 ♡
- Come Undone | Angst - Hurt/Comfort - Pregnancy
- Birth Of A Miracle | Pregnancy - Birth - Angst - Fluff - Dadstarion
- A Little Convincing | Hurt/ Comft - Talks Of Pregnancy - Fluff - Making out (coming soon)
- His Child | Dadstarion - Jealous Halsin - Possessive Astarion
- Remembrance | Dadstarion - Angst - Hurt/Comfort - Character Death
- Prowl | Slight NSFW - Blood - Blood Drinking
- A Vampires Pet | Noncon Elements - Ascended Astarion - Yandere - Master/Pet - NSFW
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♡ 𝐙𝐞𝐯𝐥𝐨𝐫 ♡
- Commander | NSFW - Big Dick Zevy - Stretching - Calling Him Commander
- Betrayal | Angst - Pregnancy - Hurt/Comfort
- Training You | NSFW - Big Dick Zevy - Stretching - Creampie
- Big Dick Zevy | NSFW - Belly Bulge - Creampie
- Sweet Zevlor | NSFW - Comfort - Period Sex
- Zevlor & The Druid | Fluff - Comfort
- Tail Play | NSFW - Tail Play - Tail Blowjob - Anal - Shameless Smut - Painting Your Back With Cum - Free Use - Exhibition
- Zevlor’s Pretty Cock | NSFW - Cock - HC’s
- Zevlor & His Druid Child | Fluff - Adorable - Parenting
- Zevlor Confessing | Confession - Fluff - Comfort - Zevlor Doubts Himself
- Zevlor Headcanons | Fluff - NSFW
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♡ 𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐧 ♡
- Dammon Headcanons | Fluff - NSFW
- Tail Play | NSFW - Tail Play - Tail Blowjob - Anal - Shameless Smut - Painting Your Back With Cum - Free Use - Exhibition
- Dammon & The Druid | Fluff - Comfort
- Dammon & His Druid Children | Fluff - Adorable - Parenting
- Dammon’s Pretty Cock | NSWF - Cock - HCs
- Protector | Protective - Soft - Fluff
- A Surprise | NSFW - Comfort - Pregnancy
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♡ 𝐑𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧 ♡
- Damaged | NSFW - Noncon - Hurt/Comfort
- Rolan Headcanons | NSFW - Fluff
- Tail Play | NSFW - Tail Play - Tail Blowjob - Anal - Shameless Smut - Painting Your Back With Cum - Free Use - Exhibition
- Rolan & The Druid | Fluff - Angsty Rolan
- Rolan & His Druid Children | Adorable - Fluff - Parenting
- Appreciated | NSFW - Comfort - Riding Rolan
- Rolan’s Pretty Cock | NSFW - Cock - HCs
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♡ 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐢𝐧 ♡
Baby Trapping | NSFW - Forced Breeding
The Big Reveal | Pregnancy - Fluff
Unconscious | NSFW - Halsin doesn’t know his own strength
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♡ 𝐆𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐡 ♡
- A Dance With The Lord | Forbidden Love - Angst - 18 + Elements
- Sleeping Beauty | NSFW - Somnophilia
- Breeding Kink | NSFW - HCs
1K notes · View notes
avocado-writing · 3 months
do you have any headcanons on how the bg3 men + teifling bachelors would react to their s/o teasing them ? i have a desperate need to see these men needy
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minors dni
Astarion teases right back. He is an expert at driving people wild, after all, but with you it’s sincere. He loves to hear the way you moan and whine for him. He pretends he’s fine when you play with him and that he can take it, but wants to even the odds as soon as he possibly can… you’ll be crying out each other’s names by the end of the night, if he has his way.
Gale panics. Goes bright red. Coughs out a reply, tries to hide the growing bulge in his robes. If you’re not at a stage where you’re intimate, will need to excuse himself and take his hardness into his own hand in order to finish off. If you are intimate he’ll pull you into his tent immediately. The man has no patience and you’re glad for it…
Wyll teases you back too and is surprisingly good at it. Honeyed words whispered into your ear when you’re with company, pulling back and giving you a sweet smile as if he didn’t just tell you all the ways he wants to have you when he gets you alone. You can tell your words rouse him from the way he crosses his legs, but he’s a masterful opponent in return.
Halsin enjoys a tease as much as the next elf, and loves a long day of the two of you riling each other up before one of you breaks and takes the other with gusto. Find him picking you up and pressing you into a tree to make love to you, or dropping onto his knees to satisfy you with his mouth. The work up is just as good as the payoff in his opinion 💕
Dammon becomes surprisingly overwhelmed, red cheeked and words stuttered. A little rub of his horns or fingers along his tail give him a full-body reaction. The strong, professional tiefling becomes willing putty in your hands, happy to do whatever you ask so long as you please him in return…
Rolan is so touched-starved that any teasing will almost immediately get him off. Rub him through his robes, run your tongue across the shell of his ear, he’s gone. Masterful wizard reduced to a needy and whiny mess. Finishes quickly but will work his magic on you until he’s ready to go again, and draws it out all night ✨
Zevlor is thrilled you’d want to tease an old man like him. He enjoys the game of it all, willing to drag you into dark corners for long, steamy kisses before the two of you get caught. When you get to bed that night he drags out his pleasuring of you, drives you wild for him, but tuts and tells you to be good for him and wait with a glint in his eye 😈
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theactofknowing · 5 months
Can I request headcanons for Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Halsin, Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor react to shy gn crush confessing to him?
⋆·˚ ༘ * the BG3 boys/reserved!reader * ༘˚·⋆
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MILD game spoilers/references to mid-game story progression. you’ve been warned!!
someone who’s reserved isn’t typically what astarion looks for. he’s reserved in a sense—keeping his secrets: conditions and history, close to his chest; but he holds himself up with self-confidence and independence. your quiet and reserved nature is off putting—until he began, reluctantly, talking to you in the hopes of gaining your protection. as time went on, he found out that you weren’t that horrible—maybe he didn’t mind you too much. when you confess to him, he doesn’t find it surprising—it is him, after all. he’ll lightly make fun of you, but he won’t turn you down.
sweet, sweet gale. if you manage to confess before he does, he’s pleasantly surprised—considering how quickly he gets attached to someone. when you confess to gale and you’re unable to meet his eye, he’s not the type to affectionately tease you—he’s preoccupied by the fact that you are actually interested in him. gale is a confident lover when time passes between you, but he spent ages under mystra’s hand and a year locked in his tower—he’s a little rusty. gale and a reserved partner go hand in hand; gale likes to lead in a conversation and in a relationship, and you’re more than happy to put your trust in him.
wyll is graceful and chivalrous. when you come to him in camp one day, obviously nervous, he softly holds one of your hands and soothingly runs his fingers over your knuckles. if you’re hesitant about love and PDA—don’t worry, wyll is the man for you. wyll likes traditionalism, he likes to take it slow. you’ll have time to ease into the relationship because he’s courteous—chaste kisses, fleeting touches.
halsin is someone easy to chat with. his nature is kind and open, relatable—from one leader to another, and it’s easy to fall into a conversation with him time and time again by the fire. halsin says he can sense the good in you, and it’s only natural to fall by your side. when you do manage to confess to him, it’s no surprise. he was simply waiting for you, and it’s only right to slip into this dynamic with him.
you never quite had the opportunity to confess to dammon when he still occupied the grove, so it’s a welcoming surprise when you find him in the grim scenery of the last light inn. dammon always appreciated that you were kind to him as the tieflings were never looked upon favorably, so he’s just as happy to see you. dammon is sweet and soft spoken, willing to take the initiative when you can’t. when you come to him at the inn, visibly nervous and preoccupied with yourself, he indulges you in small talk about his trade until you’re able to speak whatever it is you’re thinking of. it’s easy for him to reciprocate, and he promises you a private date in the city.
it’s obvious rolan saw you in a less than favorable light at first. to enabling his siblings’ wishes to stay at the grove and failing to save them in the shadowlands, rolan wasn’t pleased with you—no matter how pretty he thought you were at first. to his surprise, you save his siblings, and he maybe starts to feel a bit guilty. rolan reeks of self confidence, but finds himself struggling to apologize to you and admit that maybe you’re not that bad. he later laughs when he realizes that he was just as timid as you were during the whole ordeal, entirely standoffish—it completely eases the worries of your confession.
zevlor isn’t someone who looks for romance. he isn’t a terrible bachelor—not unattractive or generally unlikable—he’s just preoccupied with handling himself and the people he looks after. when you came to the grove, zevlor found that he admired you—one leader to another. you advocated for his people, you made sure they were well, and he liked that you were dependable and trustworthy. when you confess to him that you find him just a bit more than admirable a day before the tieflings are set to leave the grove, he’s shocked. the feelings are easily reciprocated, and he wishes to see you again sometime—maybe in the city.
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thank u for the prompt. astarion was the most difficult to write for. feel free to send me requests on my page!
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randoimago · 22 days
Can I request headcanons for Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor with shy gn s/o please?
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Character(s): Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor
Note(s): You got it!
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Dammon finds your shyness to be utterly charming. You might hate how shy and flustered you get, but he tells you that you're adorable.
Of course, if you do want to get better and break out of your shell a tad, then he's more than willing to help. Just tell him what you need and he'll do his best.
He is more than happy to do things at your pace. Since you are rather shy, Dammon does his best not to give too much affection or tease you too much to not overwhelm you.
He notices your shyness and he can't help teasing you about it. He doesn't do it in a mean way, more of teasingly flirting with you to get a reaction. Would make a comment like, "I understand your shyness, I am a brilliant wizard."
Rolan does make sure that you're alright and comfortable. As much as he enjoys seeing you get flustered by your shyness, he also doesn't want you to end up being uncomfortable or upset.
If he does notice you getting overwhelmed with his words or the presence of others, then Rolan quickly tries to get your attention on him while doing some minor illusion or simple magic in the palm of his hand. Just something small and pretty in hopes it distracts you to calm you down.
Honestly, when it comes to this relationship, Zevlor is rather shy too. He's just not used to having a loving partner or being affectionate with someone else. It very much is a rather innocent love between you two due to your equal shyness.
Since you are rather shy, most of the affection he gives is gently placing his hand on yours. Or his eyes lingering on your face, taking in your details.
When you two are in private, that's when he's giving soft words of praise and affection to you.
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Taglist: @unhelpfulnpc
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aerynwrites · 7 months
Fear of Losing You
Dammon x GN!Reader
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A/N: Had this idea and realized it would work perfectly as a part 2 to Emeralds! I hope you all enjoy!
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: angst, talks of death, fear of death, emotional hurt/comfort, fluff, kissing, Dammon is once again a sweetheart and I love him.
Part 1
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His screams are the only thing you can hear. 
His screams among the dozens of others filling the air. You can’t even see what’s happening, darkness filling your vision as you search blindly for him. 
You scream his name, desperate to find him, but it only echoes around you, never receiving an answer. 
Swords clashing, more screaming, the iron tang of blood flooding your tongue. 
What’s happening? Where’s Dammon? What’s going on?  
A frantic call of your name has you spinning, that blackness nearly suffocating you as you search blindly for the man calling your name. 
He sounds scared. He sounds scared and hurt and you can’t see anything- 
Another call of your name is what finally jerks you awake, the all consuming blackness giving way to the familiar darkness of nighttime at camp. 
You’re shaking, sweat making your clothes cling uncomfortably to your skin as you take in your surroundings. 
Gale sits in front of you on your bedroll by the fire, brows pinched in concern as he gazes at you. His hand on your shoulder squeezes gently as you try to get your bearings, your other companions looking on in worry. 
“You were having a nightmare,” Gale says softly. “Are you alright?” 
You nod your head, bringing a shaking hand up to rest against your forehead.
“I’m fine I…” you shrug his hand off. “Something just feels…wrong.” 
“Such is the way of the shadow cursed lands,” Halsin says from across the fire, arms crossed pensively over his chest. “The shadow magic here affects more than just the creatures it creates. I’m sure when we reach Last Light, we may find some solace.” 
You nod despite the deep pit of anxiety settling in your stomach. 
“Yeah…you’re probably right.” 
You give a small thanks to Gale before laying back down and turning your back to the fire, knowing no sleep will come to you. Not with the fear of those terrible screams returning.
When morning comes, you’re already on your feet and gearing up for the trip to Last Light. You’d spent most of your sleepless night finding the best route to the inn the Harper’s had marked on your map, and once everyone was ready, you head out. 
You had tried all night to ease the pit of dread that formed in your stomach, but nothing helped. 
It’s as if you could sense that something was wrong. Something more than the evil that cursed these lands. And your mind would not stop going back to that dream. To Dammon’s screams…
“Oh, gods…”  
Shadowheart’s murmured gasp pulls you from your thoughts and the map you are currently looking at, coming to a stop as the group does. You’ve barely blinked when the map falls from your hands, utter fear gripping your heart as you see what caused even the sharran to pause. 
It’s the refugees. The tieflings from the grove. 
Dozens of them lay slaughtered in an open field in front of you, and before you can think better of it, you’re darting towards the massacre and out of the safety of the light Karlach holds. 
You faintly registered muttered curses and calls of your name as your companions chase after you, but you don’t care. All you can do is scan each body you pass, hoping and praying with each one that you don’t see his body among them. 
You see dozens of faces, some familiar and some not, but you know for certain they were from the grove. And with each one you find that isn’t Dammon you feel equal parts relief and dread. 
Until your eyes land on an all too familiar green scarf caught in the branches of a bush on the side of the path. It flutters weakly in the bitter breeze constant to these cursed lands, the only source of color besides the blood soaking into the ground. 
You stumble over towards the item slowly, reaching out and clutching the soft material between shaking fingers. Pulling it free form the tangled branches, you hold the fabric up to your nose, confirming what you already know. 
It’s Dammon’s. 
It still smells like him. Like burnt metal, smoke, and the subtle sweet spice cinnamon.
A cry works its way past your lips before you can stop it, and Shadowheart just barely manages to catch you before your knees buckle. 
“He’s…it’s Dammons,” you tell the others, tears already wetting your lashes. “They…they’re all dead.”  
The last word is choked out and you can feel a torrent of tears ready to follow, but Karlach steps forward, getting down on one knee beside you. 
“Don’t lose hope,” she says, voice firm. “He isn’t here, you looked remember? We haven’t found him yet, and this-“ she gestures to the scarf in your hands. “He could have gotten away.” 
You nod as her words sink in, the fear subsiding ever so slightly, but still gripping your heart. 
“Y-yes I suppose…” you trail off, looking back down at the scarf in your hand before wrapping it tightly around your knuckles. “We should push on to Last Light, maybe they…maybe they know something.” 
The rest of your companions mutter small agreements, as well as words of hope. Even Astarion places a gentle hand on your back, saying something about how Dammon wouldn’t go out that easy. 
The last leg of the journey to the inn feel like eons, each step feeling like a mile and each turn and bend looking the same as the last. 
Despite Karlachs encouraging words, you can’t stop the sorrow from clogging your throat. 
It feels foolish really - you and Dammon hadn’t even really started your relationship and yet here you are… mourning him. 
You try not to let the darker thoughts creep in. The thoughts of what his last moments were like. If he was afraid or angry or… scared . Did he think of you? Was he in pain? 
You let out a shuddering sigh as you turn the last corner, a cobblestone bridge coming into view, revealing a large dome of what looks like pure moonlight. 
This must be Last Light Inn. 
You just hope it holds what you so desperately yearn for. But just as you cross the bridge into courtyard, you’re stopped by two Harper guards. 
“Halt! Keep your hands off your weapons!” The woman says, drawing her own. 
You hold your hands up as you approach, your companions following suit behind you. 
“Who are you?” The guard asks, her crossbow at the ready. 
You introduce yourself as a friend of Halsin’s, before jumping into your more pressing concern.
“We’re just looking for someone,” you tell them. “Please, we just - I need to see if they’re here.” 
The woman regards you for a moment before dropping her weapon. “A friend of Halsin’s? She will want to see you. Come.” 
You cast a wary glance at your companions before following the guard, your desire to get more information winning out against any caution. You follow them further into the courtyard, watching as they approach a woman with long ashen hair. 
She turns to face you upon your approach, lips turned downward and eyes pinched distrustingly. 
Before you have a moment to speak, the woman reaches down towards the ground magic erupting from her palm as vines explode from the ground to wrap around your legs, leaving you immobile. 
You panic, tugging uselessly at the tendrils as you glance up at her. 
“We mean no harm!” You say, hysteria rising. 
You don’t have time for this! You need to find Dammon- 
The woman regards you coolly, “We will see soon enough.” 
Using her free hand she reaches behind her to produce a small jar, holding none other than a tadpole. You watch as the creature squirms, knocking against the glass as your mind pulses with familiarity. 
“This is why we’re here you see?” The woman says. “If there’s one thing we know about these creatures, it’s that they know their own kind.” 
She looks to you then, tucking the tadpole away in favor of unsheathing her dagger. 
“You never should have come here, True Soul.” 
Your heart rate spikes, and you hear your companions ready their weapons behind you. 
“No! Please , you don’t understand! We’re not true souls we -“ you can feel your tears threatening to spill over. All of your emotions from mere moments ago to now proving to be too much. “I’m just trying to find someone, please-“  
A faint call of your name causes everyone to pause, and your heart stops as you hear a commotion from the back of the gathered crowd. 
Bodies are pushed to the side, grumbled complaints silenced as the person comes into view. 
“Stop!” Dammon calls, wide eyes settling on you. “They are the saviors of the grove, they aren’t the people you’re hunting.” 
Everything else falls away then, the surprised murmurs, the muttered orders of the  woman questioning you. All that remains is the man before you, the man you thought you lost. 
He looks the same as when you last saw him, sans his signature emerald scarf. But there, sitting against his chest is that all too familiar silver and green emerald pendant. 
The necklace you gave him. 
You don’t even realize the vines have receded from your legs until you’re stumbling towards Dammon, the tears finally streaming down your face as you all but fall into his waiting arms. 
“I thought you were dead,” you tell him, voice so quiet you’re sure only he can hear. 
His arms wrap around you tightly, holding you securely to him as his lips fall to press into the crown of your head. 
“I’m alright, I’m okay,” he tells you, voice soft as he holds you in his arms. 
You faintly hear the woman who interrogated you invite your companions inside to discuss things further, thankfully allowing you a moment with Dammon, who slowly starts to lead you away from the crowd. 
He leads you to a small stone building off to the side of the inn, the warmth from the glowing forge offering you some form of solace as you both come to a stop. 
Slowly, Dammon reaches up to cup your face in his hands, urging you to look up at him, bright blue eyes searching your face. His brows are pulled together in concern, his thumbs wiping gently at the tears on your cheeks. 
“What happened?” He asks. 
Your lower lip wobbles, the tumultuous waves of emotions from earlier rushing back. 
“I kept having this terrible feeling,” you begin, sniffing lightly. “Then when we were on our way here we saw…we saw the refugees and they-“ you force down a sob. “I thought you - I saw you scarf, and even though I didn’t see you, I thought the worst and I-“ 
“ Shhh…”  
Dammon shushes you gently, pulling you back into his arms as more tears spill forth. “I was among the people you saw…we were ambushed. But me and several others were able to escape and make it here.” 
He pulls away from you once more, eyes soft. “We’re alive, I’m alive. And I don’t plan on going anywhere.” 
His words are so sure and full of conviction as if he plans to survive against the odds on sheer will alone. 
Before you can think better of it, you lean forward capturing his lips with your own, your hands gripping his shoulders tightly. 
There’s only a moment's hesitation before Dammon responds, one hand cradling your cheek while the other slips down to wrap around your waist to pull you closer to him. 
His lips move against yours gently, as if silently reassuring you that he’s here and he’s alive.  
He’s the first to pull away, but not before pressing a few parting kisses to your cheek and forehead before tugging you towards the back of the forge. 
You follow silently, taking in the small stall he leads you to. It’s clean, the straw looking fresh and the bedroll tucked in the back corner making you raise your brows. 
“You sleep here?” You ask, not missing the way Dammon’s cheeks turn just a tad darker. 
He nods, pulling you down beside him as he sits on his bedroll, his arm slipping around your waist as you take your place beside him. 
“Figured it’s easier this way - I keep odd hours so it’s nice to have a place close to my work.” 
For the first time in days you smile. Albiet small, but genuine smile as you turn to look at your blacksmith. 
“Why does that not surprise me?” You say, relishing in the way he smiles back at you. 
It’s then as you look at him, that you remember the scarf wrapped tightly around your hand. You look down, unwinding the fabric from you before holding it up. 
“You’re missing something,” you say softly, reaching out towards him. “May I?” 
Dammon smiles again, eyes twinkling in the orange glow of the forge. “I’d love nothing more.” 
You reach forward, slowly wrapping the soft viridescent fabric around his neck before tucking the ends beneath his leather vest. You then reach up and tug the delicate silver chain from beneath the scarf, letting it and the emerald pendants at its end rest on top. 
You thumb the pendant between your fingers, eyes flicking up to Dammon. 
“You still wear it,” you say, voice whisper soft. 
Dammon nods, reaching out to brush his fingers against the dagger holstered at your hip. “And you still carry this.” 
You smile, leaning forward so your nose just barely brushes his own. “So we always carry a piece of each other, right?” 
Dammon smiles, lips brushing yours. “Always.” 
Then he’s kissing you again, lips full of promises and so much more. 
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forgeofthenine · 7 months
Omg in the last few posts you were talking about heat as in temperature but my brain registered it as something COMPLETELY different and it got me thinking…
What if tieflings had some kind of a heat cycle and they get extra sensitive and desperate because of it?? I can imagine Zevlor and Rolan being super embarrassed or nervous to bring it up, maybe Dammon’s more chill about it but still extra needy
So, this has absolutely been a passing thought in my mind and as soon as this request came in I knew I just had to push it to the front of my request queue, purely for my own mental health lol
Gotta admit, I'm a fan of omegaverse dynamics and I actually looked a little into irl animal biology and mating behaviour to get a better feel for what I think tieflings would be the most like. So this has both general headcanons and some NSFW headcanons for the individual bachelors
You probably didn't expect quite this much (over a thousand words of tief content) when requesting but this had me in a chokehold, I hope everyone enjoys <3
TW: NSFW under the cut, very heavy breeding kink, overstimulation, alpha/omega adjacent dynamics
Tiefling NSFW heat and rut headcanons
So, I feel like once all tiefs reach sexual maturity they'll start to either have heats or ruts, depending on their biology
Anyone with female biology will have a heat, and I feel like they'd have heats similar to cats but with a slightly longer time between heats
So generally they'd have a heat every two to three months or so unless they're pregnant or have other health issues
For the ones with male biology they'd definitely have a rut
They'd follow similar patterns to the women, but it's not unusual for some tieflings to have longer stretches between their ruts if they don't have a partner
A single tiefling that isn't particularly sexually active might only go into rut once or twice a year
I do think a male tiefling could prematurely go into rut if exposed to a females heat, and couples that have been together for a while will sync up
They have pretty typical heat and rut behaviours with nesting, possessiveness, and a pretty undeniable breeding kink
Nesting, possessiveness, and general mood shifts tend to start setting in during pre-heats and pre-ruts
Pre-heats and pre-ruts can last two to five days, and a full heat and rut can last anywhere from two days to a full week depending on the individual
In saying that, having a partner can definitely shorten both heats and ruts, so single tieflings working through things by themselves will have longer heats or ruts
Heats and ruts can also become more painful the longer they go on without the relief of a sexual partner
Tieflings can tell when others are in heat and rut mostly through pheromones, but a female tieflings tail will also involuntarily lift when she's in pre-heat/heat and around a male
I wonder if I should go so far as to headcanon that they have knots, I did already give them all ridged dicks
If you and Dammon aren't dating then he'll be much more shy about his ruts
He basically disappears from his forge and the public for a few days and then comes back as if nothing happened
Once you start dating him is when you find out why he pulls the disappearing act
Dammon is actually very open about it now you're both together and have already been intimate
Blushes slightly while trying to explain some of the more physical, primal aspects
Would flush even more if you tell him you find the whole thing incredibly attractive
The next time he has his rut, you're the only person allowed to see him, and he really is a sight
Naked and tangled in his sheets, all flushed and tense, undeniably hard as he palms himself while looking over at you
Even the way he strips you of your clothing is different, he just about rips it off you as he kisses and nips down your neck and chest
While Dammon is usually one to take his time with making you feel good when he's in rut the only thing on his mind is getting to cum
Though even in his hazy mind frame he still makes sure you're comfortable the whole time
Even a near sex crazed and highly hormonal Dammon is still a very caring partner
You know he's going to bend you in half as he fucks you, he just loves how good you look underneath him like that
Breeding kink go brrrr
This man always fucks like he's trying to breed you but it's off the charts when he's in rut
I hope you're ready to be fucked within an inch of your life because his refractory period ceases to exist
Absolutely watches as he pulls out of you and some of him cum leaks out because he's stuffed you so full
Dammon praises you so well too, you can not shut up this man and his dirty talk
"That's it gorgeous, you take my cock so well."
"You gonna make me a daddy, darling? 'm gonna knock you up, full you up with my cum."
Once his rut dies down enough, he'll scoop you up for a bath
There is no way you could stand after the way this man just wrecked you-
Dammon takes very good care of you, and then you do it all again the next day
Whether you're dating Zevlor or not, he's your personal wealth of knowledge on everything tiefling
So what do you do when a book you read mentions 'the times of year and conditions unique to tieflings' and doesn't explain it?
You go and find your favourite paladin
Zevlor is so embarrassed, dating or not, explaining to you how tiefling heats and ruts work
Can't even keep his eyes on you
When you two are dating and you realise you didn't see him at all yesterday, it's time to go hunting for the man
You have an idea of what might be going on but nothing prepares you for what you find
Much like Dammon, you find him tangled in his bed sheets desperately trying to get himself off
He lets out the sexiest groan when he sees you standing there
He's the gentlest of the three while working through his rut
Even then, Zevlor is noticeably rougher with you than usual
Has you in a missionary position, his whole body pressed to yours as he pants in your ear and thrusts into you
Zevlor can't keep his hands off you when he's in rut, they're all over your hips and chest and giving light tugs to your hair
He gives into the primal need to mark you too, it's the only time he'll give you hickeys
Breeding kink: the sequel
Absolutely tells you he's going to breed you, and fucks you like he means it
Doesn't even think as he uses his hands and tail to spread your legs so he can fuck you deeper
Zevlor loves to look at the way you tremble every time he fills you with cum, using his fingers to help you get off at the same time
Even while he's trying to find his own relief, he makes sure to make you cum so many times you end up overstimulated and about to cry from the pleasure
Definitely has you cockwarm him as the two of rest, the thought of you keeping his seed so deep in you until it takes just gets him going again
You'll know he's ready for another round when Zevlor starts grinding himself into you again
When the worst of his rut is over he gives you the best massages
Apologises so profusely too the first few times you help him through his rut, even if you tell him how much you like it
There is no way Rolan is ever telling you anything about heats and ruts
Absolutely forbidd his siblings from mentioning it too, he's just way too embarrassed for you to know
Even when you guys are dating he just locks himself away in his tower for a week while he works through it and recovers
This man will not tell you anything
And then he forgets to lock the door
As soon as you open it you're met with the sight of a whiney, teary eyed Rolan trying to get off by grinding against a pillow in desperation
Unlike with the other two, there's no clear 'top' when you're with Rolan during his rut
He loves having you ride him until he sees stars just as much as he wants to bend you over his desk until everyone else in Ramaziths tower can hear you scream
Rolan loves hearing you when he's in rut
Yell his name, tell him that you belong to him, tell him how good he fucks you, say he looks so pretty when you ride him-
He loves all of it so much
He's also the one that bites you the hardest, expect him to draw at least a little bit of blood by accident
Breeding kink: the trilogy
Rolan isn't letting you leave the room unless he's knocked you up
Absolutely puts a fertility spell on you by brushing his hand over your lower belly and murmuring the words
He also refuses to pull out unless it's to change positions, and if any cum leaks out of you he'll push it back in with his fingers
Overstimulation is the name of the game with Rolan, he wants you both overstimulated and crying and completely fucked out
This man believes in equality and we love him for it
The youngest of the tiefling bachelors and definitely the most pent up, it'll take all day before he calms down enough for the two of you to rest
When things do calm down, after he makes sure you're both clean and fed, Rolan wraps you up with him in his bed and will read to you
It's his own personal flavour of aftercare, cuddling and reading your favourite book as he makes sure you're comfortable and happy
And it all starts over when you wake up the next morning with him hard as a rock against your ass
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lostinforestbound · 3 months
Could I request NSFW headcanons for Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor react to their non-tiefling gender neutral s/o asking if they can worship his body & kiss everywhere especially his infernal features? They want to show him how much they love everything including his horns, ridges, and tail!
You got it! I had to think about these quite a bit, so I hope these turned out as well as I hoped! Apologies for the wait! And feel free to add other ideas too!
The Tiefling Bachelor's Receiving Body Worship
NSFW Under Cut, Minors DNI
I would say Dammon is the most secure and comfortable with himself overall, compared to the other two tieflings on this list. Despite snide comments once in while, he's pretty proud of his infernal traits.
When his non-tiefling partner asks if they could explore his traits in the midst of a heated make-out, he doesn't think twice about it and takes off his shirt.
Now, his tail isn't sensitive, some parts of it are even numb due to forge related accidents. His horns aren't particularly sensitive either.
But trace the ridges on his chest and sides, he's a goner. His partner using their nails to tease him is a good way to get him to keen in his throat.
He loves having his partner's hands on him always, he's a very touchy person overall, but this is MUCH different.
This kind of touch really gets him going, especially since he's not used to his ridges getting so much attention.
Pin him against the wall! Kiss, nibble, and lick those ridges and damn, if you want Dammon to get loud, this is the way to do it. He lets his partner have control as much as he can, but the urge to grab them is becoming too much. Especially with praises spilling from their lips.
Eventually, it's too much for him to handle and he switches their positions to take them against the wall. He doesn't last long at all, coming within a minute.
He'll be apologetic and promises to be more patient next time, but he couldn't help it.
"...Could we try that again, soon?"
Out of all three Tiefling's, Rolan's infernal traits are the most sensitive. He hates that fact a lot. Why do you think he wears layers under his wizard clothes?
He's very reluctant when his partner brings it up for the first time, and seeing that nervous look that's being shielded by a scrunch of his nose, his partner reassures him that he can just think about it.
When he finally settles on at least giving it a try, he lets Tav gently lay him down on the bed to get started.
He did not expect how much he would love it. Kissing along his sternum, rubbing his horns and ears, tugging his tail; gods, he's already hard just from that.
Stroking his tail makes it quiver and coil in the air, wrapping around their arm and tugging for them to do more. If they grab one of his horns and pulls him into a kiss while they keep stroking, he'll whimper into their mouth.
They'll have to be careful, because if they're patient enough Rolan will come completely untouched from tail/horn stimulation alone.
If he ends up doing so, he is so, so embarrassed. He's worried he just ruined the night by not lasting long. Though he calms down if his partner mentions it was extremely hot.
If Rolan allows it, they'll do it over and over to overstimulate him, and the prettiest sounds come out of his mouth. They'll stop when it becomes painful for him.
He still wants to satisfy his partner. Even if they say that they're more than happy just by watching him fall apart, he'll make it up to them by shoving his face in between their legs, knowing his mouth is good at things other than talking.
When they bring it up to him, he instantly looks like a fish out of water.
He's not inexperienced by any means, he's had more than a few flings/partners in the past. But body worship? For him?? That's new. Are they sure?
With lots of reassurance from his non-infernal partner, he decides to give it a shot, unsure what to expect. He's worshiped their body plenty, but hasn't received some himself before.
While nothing is particularly sensitive, the way his partner looks at all his traits so lovingly and curiously makes him throb in his trousers.
His favorite is his partner straddling his lap with their hands trailing up and down the ridges of his spine. He didn't even realize that part was sensitive until they started to explore the wing impressions on his back.
As they do so, he'll start grinding up into them, nibbling at their neck as he groans at the feeling. Be cautious of grabbing the base of his tail, or it'll be over all too soon, especially when they're kissing his neck at the same time.
The tip of his tail flicks excitedly if they grab both of his horns as they kiss. He finds it as a loving gesture as they thumb the base of them.
When he's panting into their mouth, he'll actually start requesting them to touch certain places. The nape of his neck where the ridges first start to poke out is one of his favorites.
Another place he would love that hasn't been revealed yet is the back of his horn, near the base. Scratch a nail right where the horn meets the skin and he'll start losing it.
After everything is done and they're laying in bed, he'll shyly ask if they could do this again sometime. He ended up loving it.
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Hc for Halsin, Astarion, Will, Gortash, (& maybe Damon and Raphael) caring for a loved one with chronic illness or like an illness that keeps them bedbound for an extended time
A/N: Oh Nonnie, do I feel this ask lol. Chronic fatigue sucks, mainly because so few people don’t understand it goes beyond being just ‘tired’. There’s brain fog, stomach issues, and body pains– so I tried to touch on each of these symptom types for each character response. However you’re doing, whether you’re in a flare or not, I want you to know your illness is not your fault. You didn't ask for this. Don’t feel guilty for having to take care of yourself. You’re worth it. I promise. 
Also, this is unrelated but it’s lowkey funny that the week after I got diagnosed with a weird anemia, I write an answer for an ask about chronic fatigue. lol
TW: Mention of Chronic Fatigue/Pain, Brief Mentions of Sex 
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🤕 BG3 Men Caring for a Gender Neutral! Loved One With Chronic Illness 🤕
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Worries. Like A LOT.
Tells you not to be so dramatic about it but will literally sprint towards you if he even hears you sigh.
He asks Karlach to carry you. 
Steals somebody’s cart/chariot if she refuses and instead makes her and Shadowheart take turns pulling that. (Jokes on him, they do it because they’re your friend, not his lol.) 
Has you come on missions because he feels more secure knowing you’re right behind him, and he can keep looking after you. Astarion makes sure to always sneak ahead so you never walk unknowingly into any danger 
Will give you massages if you’re in pain frequently, especially shoulder rubs, as he loves the view it gives him of your pretty neck. 
Speaking of necks, feeding is a huge no-no. At least, until you start feeling a bit better. And then he’ll only allow himself a taste. Gods knows you need all your strength, and he would feel terribly guilty to take what little you have from you. 
Lowkey appreciates the bags under your eyes and the way you can look like death incarnate, because well, then he doesn’t stand out as much. He also finds it strangely alluring, how you can look so fragile yet be so strong. It inspires him to find that balance within himself if he’s being honest. 
If you have trouble ‘performing’ due to your illness, he’s not upset at all! (He’s actually quite relieved.) 
Loves finding other ways you can be intimate together, like going to a spa and sharing a bath. Or finding a highly-rated inn and cuddling under some luxurious silk sheets. 
Turns out that after a lifetime of being forced to do things, Astarions is more than happy to spend his time doing nothing with you. 
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Is so sweet and tender when he speaks to you.
He’s literally Prince Charming, which makes you his Sleeping Beauty. 
On your good days, he’ll have you stand on his feet as he twirls you around, finding this the best way to ‘dance’ with you, given your current stamina. 
Requests for you to stay back at camp and rest while he and a few of the others handle the more taxing and dangerous missions. Gifts you some books and journals of his to keep you occupied in the meantime.
When he comes back to camp, the first thing he does is check on you. If you’re awake, he’ll make sure your needs are met before tending to his own. Doesn’t matter if Wyll’s starving and covered in guts, if you need a drink or an extra blanket, just say the word and he will fetch it immediately.  
Will recite poetry to you on the bad pain nights when you cannot sleep because everything aches too much. He knows his voice won’t stop the pain, but he hopes it provides a soothing atmosphere to just rest in, even if sleep cannot find you.
Is always so tender and gentle in his lovemaking, that it’s rarely an issue for you. However, on the nights that it is, don’t feel bad at all. Wyll adores you for much more than your body. He loves your mind, your heart, and your soul. Just being near you, knowing you love him back is more than enough. 
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Is always prepared with some medicinal herbs or a healing spell. 
He’s a natural caretaker, and you are no exception. However, when it comes to you, Halsin does approach the act a little bit differently. 
It’s much more personal when he makes you health potions or casts spells to heal you, you can see it in his eyes. In a way, it’s as if your pain has become his pain, and he needs the relief just as much as you. 
As long as you give your consent, Halsin prefers to have you touching him. Be it laying on top of his chest, or seated on his lap, he always wants his skin against yours, as if his touch alone could shield you from your illness. You find it rather sweet of him.
He pleads for you to stay behind in camp, or the grove- somewhere that is not the center of the action. He wishes for you to remain out of the fray, fearful that in your condition, fighters with less honor than he would take advantage of your vulnerability. 
If you need to be in a house with a room, and not camped out in the woods, he understands, although it may frustrate him a bit. He believes nature is the perfect healing environment, but he also trusts that you know your illness better than anyone. After all, you’ve managed it all these years. So instead, he simply brings nature to you. 
Haslin decorates your bedroom with plants, trees, and succulents. If you’re allergic, he enchants them to reduce their pollen production. 
Halsin understands he is rather large in the ‘down there’ department. If you cannot have traditional sex with him, it’s not a surprise to him. He knows more than one way to please his partner. He’s very giving and seems to get off on your pleasure more than his own at times. 
Halsin thinks you are one of the most beautiful gifts of nature. Your illness is just another part of you, and because it’s a part of you, he thinks it’s beautiful as well. You may resent it, but Halsin could never separate that part from you and hate it. He simply loves the whole of you too much to do that. 
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Oh my god, he’s such a sweetheart.
But also a low-key tease. 
He has no issues getting or reaching things for you, but he does have a mischievous side, so be prepared for him to hold your things hostage, in exchange for a kiss or two. 
Has a habit of finding you curled up in bed on your worst pain/fatigue days and peppering you with kisses, and won’t stop until you laugh. 
Forges special mobility aids! Do you need help walking? Pfft. Not a problem. Dammon’s an incredible blacksmith, and he can make you armor that helps stabilize you. You know those really cool joint support braces you can get on Etsy and stuff? Yeah, he makes you DOZENS of them, all in different metals and designs, to match your mood/outfit for the day. 
While on the road, or in the grove, he always ensures you’re armed with some sort of easily gripped knife or sword, just in case anyone attacks. He does his best to keep you close, never walking too far ahead or behind, but you having that extra layer of protection makes him feel all the more reassured. 
He's not a fighter, but years of working in the forge have made his arms and back strong. He swears he will do everything he can to protect you, that no harm will come to you so long as you stay close. 
Is so relieved when you make it to the city at last. He’s so grateful that he can finally provide a real room and bed for you. He feels as if the entire journey has been worth it now that you’ll be able to rest and heal as you need, in the kind of safe and stable conditions you deserve.  
Comes in from a long, sweaty day of working in the forge, but immediately sets his sights on taking care of you. Draws a bath but insists you bathe first, as the water won’t be full of grime and ash after he bathes. 
Is always surprised and very flattered when you tug him in with you, still touched by your affection for him, as if you’ve just met for the first time. Dammon’s still a little shocked that out of everyone, you chose him. (Ironically, you feel the same. You’re a perfect match!) 
Insists on taking the lead during more intimate moments, and to make sure you just lay back and let him do all the work, introduces soft silk ties for your hands and ankles for whenever you feel like indulging in that kink with him. 
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Spoils you rotten. 
No, really.
Part of the highlight of being a Lord, soon-to-be Duke, is that he has the power to make all the other people do things for him. And no task is too costly or requires too much manpower so long as it means you’re taken care of. 
Buys the most lavish sheets and sleep sets for you. He wants you to be comfortable, the both of you deserve nothing but the best, after all. 
Assigns around-the-clock healers to you 24/7. They are always in your home, on-call, awaiting your request for relief. He wants every measure of treatment and remedy explored. If there’s a spell or herb that can reduce your pain, then you shall have it. 
Enjoys any downtime he has with you. Has his staff put a special chaise lounge in his office so you can visit him when he’s working. 
Gortash is so used to putting up fronts for everyone else, that it’s nice to let his guard down around you. You don’t judge him, or think less of him for his ambitions. Other people would run if they learned the truth, but not you. No, you’re so much more special than that. 
Of course, whenever you go out, you have your own guards and steel watch keeping you safe from anyone who’d wish to harm either you or him. All the other Lords and Ladies of Baldur’s Gate don’t dare say a mean word about you or your abilities, lest they wish to face the wrath of a peeved Gortash. 
As an inventor, Gortash invents the very first automatic, steampunk-esque wheelchair for you. It’s powered in the same way his Steel Watch is, and it is uniquely one-of-a-kind, tailor-made just for you. 
You know how in the game it’s hinted that Gortash basically stole and fucked his way into the high society of Baldur’s Gate? That many of the widowed Ladies gifted him lavish presents (like the deeds to their house?!) in response to whatever ‘relationship’ he had with them? Yeah. The man knows what he’s doing. And he does it well.
Your fitness level is no concern to him. The both of you will enjoy yourselves. He learns how to play the erogenous zones of your body perfectly, and in the event you’re too exhausted to play his, he has some, shall we say, special toys, he’s created just for himself. Course, should you ever ask, he’s more than willing to share them with you. ;)
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Switches between pampering you to badgering you about it.
When he’s feeling particularly generous, he makes a point to overindulge you, making sure you’re aware of how unselfish he’s being at the time. 
He’ll make sure you have not only whatever you need, but also, anything you should want. As a devil, he does have some magic up his sleeve, ready to take care of various aches and pains that you feel. 
Ensures no other beings in the House of Hope lay a finger on you. No, that’s a privilege for him and him alone. 
Of course, such benevolence from him comes at a price, so don’t expect the luxury to come freely, without strings attached. 
After he feels you’ve rested enough, he switches from being overly doting to being more curt, and even a bit cruel. 
You honestly don’t expect him to let you lounge all day, do you? Surely there’s a way you could make yourself useful to him. Your attention, your company, your body… there must be something of interest to him at the moment. Of course, Raphael won’t tell you outright what he wants, you have to figure it out for yourself each and every time. 
More than anything Raphael loves your adoration, your attention. Just sit with him in his office as he reads over the various contracts he has binding any number of sorry souls. Ask him questions, praise him. Tell him you think he’s brilliant… Darling just worship him. 
And after his ego’s been satisfied, he’ll go back to worshiping you. Relationships are all give and take after all. 
(And don’t worry if you’re too tired or in too much pain to perform well in bed. He’s certainly no good at it either lol.)
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