#bharti eye foundation
bharti5 · 11 months
Best Eye Centre in Delhi
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Welcome to Bharti Eye Foundation, the leading eye centre in Delhi dedicated to providing exceptional eye care services. With a team of highly skilled ophthalmologists, advanced technology, and a patient-centric approach, we strive to deliver the best possible eye care solutions to our patients. In this article, we will explore why Bharti Eye Foundation is considered the best eye centre in Delhi and how our expertise, experience, and commitment to quality set us apart from others in the field.
Bharti Eye Foundation: The Epitome of Excellence
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure and Technology
At Bharti Eye Foundation, we believe in staying at the forefront of technological advancements to provide our patients with the highest level of care. Our eye centre is equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure and cutting-edge technology, including advanced diagnostic tools and surgical equipment. By leveraging these resources, our ophthalmologists can accurately diagnose eye conditions and perform precise surgical procedures, ensuring optimal outcomes for our patients.
Specialized Eye Care Services
One of the reasons why Bharti Eye Foundation stands out as the best eye centre in Delhi is our comprehensive range of specialized eye care services. Whether you require routine eye check-ups, cataract surgery, refractive surgeries like LASIK, or treatment for retinal diseases, glaucoma, or corneal disorders, our team of highly experienced ophthalmologists is well-equipped to handle all your eye care needs. We offer personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique requirements, ensuring the best possible outcomes.
Expert and Dedicated Ophthalmologists
Our team of ophthalmologists at Bharti Eye Foundation is comprised of experts in their respective fields, with years of experience and a commitment to excellence. They are renowned for their knowledge, skills, and compassionate approach towards patient care. Our ophthalmologists keep themselves updated with the latest advancements in the field of ophthalmology, enabling them to provide the most effective and innovative treatments to our patients.
Patient-Centric Approach
At Bharti Eye Foundation, we prioritize the comfort and well-being of our patients. We understand that visiting an eye centre can be an anxious experience for many individuals. Therefore, we strive to create a warm and friendly environment where patients feel at ease. Our dedicated staff members are trained to provide personalized attention and address any concerns or queries that patients may have. We believe that every patient deserves individualized care and attention, and that philosophy is at the core of our patient-centric approach.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Is Bharti Eye Foundation the best eye centre in Delhi?
Yes, Bharti Eye Foundation is widely recognized as the best eye centre in Delhi due to its exceptional eye care services, advanced infrastructure, and a team of highly skilled ophthalmologists.
What types of eye conditions can be treated at Bharti Eye Foundation?
Bharti Eye Foundation offers specialized treatments for a wide range of eye conditions, including cataracts, glaucoma, retinal diseases, corneal disorders, and refractive errors. Our ophthalmologists employ the latest techniques and technology to ensure optimal outcomes.
What sets Bharti Eye Foundation apart from other eye centres in Delhi?
Bharti Eye Foundation stands apart from other eye centres in Delhi due to its state-of-the-art infrastructure, specialized services, experienced ophthalmologists, and patient-centric approach. We are committed to providing the highest level of care to our patients.
How can I book an appointment at Bharti Eye Foundation?
Booking an appointment at Bharti Eye Foundation is quick and easy. You can visit our website or contact our helpline to schedule a convenient time for your consultation.
What can I expect during my visit to Bharti Eye Foundation?
During your visit to Bharti Eye Foundation, you can expect a thorough evaluation of your eye health by our expert ophthalmologists. They will discuss your concerns, perform necessary tests, and provide personalized recommendations based on their findings.
Does Bharti Eye Foundation accept insurance coverage?
Yes, Bharti Eye Foundation accepts insurance coverage from various providers. Our team can guide you through the insurance process and help you understand the coverage details.
In conclusion, Bharti Eye Foundation is undoubtedly the best eye centre in Delhi, offering unparalleled eye care services, advanced technology, and a team of expert ophthalmologists. Our commitment to excellence, patient-centric approach, and state-of-the-art infrastructure make us the preferred choice for individuals seeking top-quality eye care solutions. Trust your eyes to the best. Visit Bharti Eye Foundation today and experience the difference.
Our Best Eye Surgeries in Delhi include:
Refractive SurgeryCataract SurgeryContact LensLaser Cataract SurgeryRetina SurgeryGlaucoma TreatmentPhacoemulsification SurgerySmile Eye SurgeryLasik Eye SurgerySquint TreatmentCornea TransplantPediatric OphthalmologyOculoplasty And Aesthetic
Visit our Website:  Bharti Eye Foundation
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bhitmagazine · 6 months
Best Eye Hospital | Bharti Eye Foundation
Bharti Eye Foundation is a renowned eye care institution situated in Delhi, India. With a mission to improve the visual health of patients, this esteemed facility offers a comprehensive range of eye care services. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and staffed by highly skilled ophthalmologists and support staff, Bharti Eye Foundation is dedicated to delivering exceptional care to its…
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ashwanikumar16007 · 7 months
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scit-pune · 7 months
Exploring Data-Driven Career Paths with SCIT's MBA Programmes in Pune
Are you intrigued by the infinite possibilities of data-driven careers and eager to fortify your capabilities in the ever-evolving domains of IT and data analytics? Pune, celebrated for its prestigious educational institutions, unfurls a plethora of opportunities for those with aspirations to excel in the tech-savvy world. In this article, we embark on an informative journey through Pune's educational landscape, shining a spotlight on the pivotal role played by the Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology (SCIT) in crafting your professional future.
A Breeding Ground for the Best MBA IT Colleges in Pune
Pune stands tall as a revered sanctuary for top-notch educational establishments, particularly in the realms of IT and management. As an aspiring MBA candidate, you'll find yourself in an enviable locale. Pune boasts a thriving job market and a rich academic ecosystem, making it an ideal backdrop for your pursuit of excellence in IT management, data sciences, and data analytics.
The Essence of an MBA in IT Management
An MBA transcends the boundaries of a conventional academic credential; it is a transformative journey that equips you with the skills and knowledge required to thrive in the technology-driven corporate landscape. A comprehensive MBA programme not only hones your management acumen but also empowers you to delve deep into specialized domains like IT management.
MBA in Data Sciences and Data Analytics
In the era of big data, data sciences and data analytics have emerged as the bedrock of informed decision-making across diverse industries. The demand for adept professionals capable of deciphering valuable insights from data is burgeoning, rendering it a promising career choice. But where do you begin this enriching voyage? SCIT has the solution.
SCIT - Your Gateway to Data-Driven Success
SCIT, an esteemed institution in Pune, offers MBA programmes meticulously designed to cater to the dynamic IT industry. Here's what sets SCIT apart and positions it as an excellent choice for aspiring IT and data sciences professionals:
Curriculum and Specializations
SCIT's curriculum is industry-centric and forward-thinking. At SCIT, you will be mentored by a team of experienced faculty members. These educators bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in data sciences and data analytics. Their guidance will offer direction and insights into the multifaceted world of data-driven decision-making. 
Expert Faculty
At SCIT, you'll benefit from the mentorship of experienced faculty members who have a profound grasp of the intricacies of an MBA in data sciences and data analytics. Their expertise will act as a guiding light, illuminating your path as you navigate the complexities of this field, thus establishing a robust foundation for your future career.
Industry Connections
SCIT prides itself on its robust industry connections, ushering you into a world of practical exposure and networking opportunities. Collaborations with reputable companies guarantee that you gain a taste of the real-world challenges and the opportunity to apply classroom knowledge to practical scenarios.
Internships and Placements
SCIT subscribes to the belief in providing practical exposure to its students through internships. The hands-on experience garnered during internships has laid the foundation for thriving careers. Furthermore, the institute's robust placement assistance guarantees that students are well-prepared to secure promising positions.
Some of the esteemed recruiters are as follows:
Deloitte USI
IBM India Pvt. Ltd.
KPMG (India)
Industry Trends and Challenges
Affine Analytics
Aloha Technologies
Bharti AXA
and many more!
SCIT keeps a finger on the pulse of industry trends and challenges, ensuring you remain updated on the latest data sciences and analytics developments. This knowledge equips you to address real-world issues and create a tangible impact.If you're fueled by curiosity regarding data-driven career paths and are in search of an MBA programme that resonates with your aspirations, SCIT is your compass. With a robust curriculum, seasoned faculty, strong industry connections, and a legacy of student success, SCIT serves as the ideal launchpad for your career in IT management, data sciences, and data analytics. Your voyage into a data-driven future commences right here in Pune, with SCIT is the Best MBA IT College in Pune.
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bharti9 · 10 months
Cataract Eye Surgery Hospital in Delhi
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In Delhi, Bharti Eye Foundation stands out as a leading hospital for cataract surgery, offering state-of-the-art facilities and expert care. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about cataract eye surgery and why Bharti Eye Foundation is a top choice for patients seeking treatment.
If you are experiencing vision problems due to cataracts, Bharti Eye Foundation in Delhi is a top-notch hospital with a reputation for excellence in cataract surgery. Their skilled surgeons, state-of-the-art facilities, and patient-centric approach make them a trusted choice for those seeking vision restoration.
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bharti3 · 1 year
Retina Eye Surgery and Treatment in Delhi
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If you or a loved one is dealing with a retinal issue, you are not alone. In India, millions of people Suffer from retina-related problems. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available to help You manage your condition. Retina eye surgery is one such option. If you are considering retina eye Surgery, you may be wondering about the procedure, the recovery, and what to expect. In this Article, we will discuss everything you need to know about retina eye surgery at Bharti Eye Foundation In Delhi.
What is Retina Eye Surgery?
Retina eye surgery is a type of surgery that is performed to repair a range of retinal conditions, Including retinal detachment, macular holes, diabetic retinopathy, and more. The procedure is Typically performed under local anesthesia and involves making a small incision in the eye. The Surgeon then uses specialized instruments to repair the retina and any related issues.
Who is a Candidate for Retina Eye Surgery?
Not everyone who has a retina-related condition is a candidate for retina eye surgery. Your eye Doctor will determine if retina eye surgery is the right choice for you based on your specific condition And medical history.
What to Expect During Retina Eye Surgery?
Before your surgery, your eye doctor will provide you with detailed instructions on how to prepare. During the surgery, you will be awake but under local anesthesia, so you won't feel any pain. The Surgeon will make a small incision in the eye and use specialized instruments to repair the retina. The surgery usually takes between one and three hours.
Recovery after Retina Eye Surgery
After your surgery, your eye may be covered with a patch or shield to protect it. You may also need To use eye drops or take medication to manage any pain or inflammation. Your eye doctor will Provide you with detailed instructions on how to care for your eye after surgery. It's essential to Follow these instructions carefully to ensure proper healing and prevent complications.
Advantages of Retina Eye Surgery at Bharti Eye Foundation
If you are considering retina eye surgery, you may be wondering why you should choose Bharti Eye Foundation in Delhi.  Here are a few advantages of getting your surgery done at Bharti Eye Foundation:
1. Highly Experienced Surgeons: The retina surgeons at Bharti Eye Foundation have years of Experience and are experts in their field.
2. State-of-the-Art Facilities: Bharti Eye Foundation is equipped with the latest technology and Equipment, ensuring that you receive the best possible care.
3. Personalized Care: The team at Bharti Eye Foundation is committed to providing personalized
Care to each patient, ensuring that you receive the attention and support you need throughout your Recovery.
4. Affordable Prices: Bharti Eye Foundation offers retina eye surgery at affordable prices, making it Accessible to more people.
Risks and Complications of Retina Eye Surgery
Like any surgery, retina eye surgery comes with risks and complications. Some potential risks and Complications include: Infection Bleeding Retinal detachment Cataracts Vision loss It’s important to discuss these risks with your eye doctor before deciding if retina eye surgery is right For you.
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deepakverma123 · 3 years
Indian Famous Sports Person Arunima Sinha
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On July 20, 1988, Arunima Sinha was born in Ambedkar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. Her parents were working professionals, and they encouraged their children to follow their dream. The family shattered after the demise of the girl’s dad when she was three years old, and the responsibility of the kids was on the shoulder of the mother. The mum supported the daughter to follow her passion. Arunima Sinha was interested in several sports and would participate in all events actively. She was fond of playing football and volleyball. With the passing of years, the athletic youngster began to play volleyball efficiently and became part of the national team.
Arunima Sinha dreamed of joining CSIF and also began the preparation for it. On 12 April 2011, she took the Padmavati Express train for appearing at the CISF examination centre. During the journey, robbers trying to snatch her bag pushed the athlete out of the running train after a struggle. While the victim fell on the railway track, a train that came on the nearby line ran over her leg. The famous Indian sports player laid helplessly on the track till the next day. In the morning, the people found her, and she was rushed to the hospital. Unfortunately, the doctor had to cut off her left leg to save the girl’s life. Moreover, the right leg got a rod and also suffered multiple fractures in the spinal cord. Later Arunima Sinha was taken to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, where the patient was given treatment for four months and got a prosthetic leg.
The Indian Sports Ministry and the Minister of State for Youth Affairs and Sports Ajay Maken offered compensation to the athlete. She was recommended to work at CISF and Indian Railways. Moreover, the police began the inquiry of her story, but they claimed that she might have attempted suicide or met with an accident. Arunima Sinha denied the claims and the Allahabad High court asked the Indian railway to pay Rs. 5,00,000 to her. The sportsperson in India had a hard time fighting the case and at the hospital.
She was tired of seeing sympathy in the eyes of people who came to meet the player in the hospital. The strong athlete determined to do something big and change the thinking of everyone. Consequently, the lady decided to climb the highest peak of the world and refused to give up. Then the star discussed the plan with her loved ones. Her mother and brother encouraged the girl to execute the idea after recovering. The strong woman learned basic skills of mountain climbing from Nehru Institute of Mountaineering in Uttarkashi. The courageous women contacted Bachandri Pal, who was the first Indian women to summit Mount Everest for guiding Arunima Sinha to be a mountaineer. So, she joined a training program under Bachanderi Pal at the Uttarkashi camp of the Tata Steel Adventure Foundation. Thus, the journey of the star to conquer the world with hard work and strong desire began.
On 21st May 2013, Arunima Sinha with Susen Mahato, who was her instructor, summited Mount Everest. After fifty-two days of struggle in climbing the peak and eventually, they accomplished their goal. The success made her the first female amputee to reach heights. Subsequently, Arunima Sinha conquered Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa, Elbrus in Europe, Kosciuszko in Australia, Aconcagua in Argentina and Carstensz Pyramid (Puncak Jaya) in Indonesia. The famous sportsperson in India launched the autobiography in 2014, and the book was named Born Again on The Mountain.
The Vice President of India Shri M. Hamid Ansari appreciated the mountaineer with the Amazing Indian Award in 2014. In 2015, the government of India honoured her with the Padma Shri. Moreover, Arunima Sinha also achieved the Tenzing Norgay National Adventure Award, First Lady Award, Malala Award, Yash Bharti Award and Rani Laxmi Bai Award. The Limca Book of Records included her name in the People of the Year list in 2016. Arunima Sinha successfully summitted Mount Vinson in 2019, and thus she became the first female amputee to climb the highest peak of Antarctica.
Arunima Sinha has taught us a vital lesson of never losing hope and achieve every goal, even when difficult obstacles block the path. The determined mountaineer dreams to start Pandit Chandra Shekhar Vikalang Khel Academy. She wants to help physically challenged athletes to grow by giving them the best training through her institution. It’s an honour for India to have prestigious citizens like Arunima, who makes our country proud with her efforts.
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contactabbyroy · 3 years
Delhi Leading Hospital For Motibindu Operation Best Cataract Eye Surgery Okhla
Cataract Surgery Motibindu Operation Is Another Field Where Bharti Eye Hospital Is A Leading Center In The Country. Dr. S. Bharti Is The First Best Cataract Motibindu Surgeon In Delhi To Begin Eye Drop Anaesthesia For Phaco-Cataract Surgery In 1997. Bharti Eye Foundation Was The First To Acquire The Soveriegn Phaco Machine And Zeiss IOL Master In The Asia Pacific For Excellence In This Field.
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bestitmagazine · 3 years
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Know about airtel ad tech platform with VAR india that the client base of in excess of 320 million and approaches information as second as what its customers spend on and where they spend, it likewise has subtleties of their geographic district. Airtel really definite the dispatch of its progression tech stage, Airtel Ads. The regularly introduced demand in the recent days has been whether it will take after the headway tech foundation of Google or Facebook? Airtel Ads is presumably a protection from Google and Facebook, yet its notification stock is relied on to be evaluated at a more prominent cost than normal. Specialists recognizes, Airtel needs to fught with the two American tech monsters , which pack more than 85% of India's general promotion dollars. Adarsh Nair, chief thing official said that, Bharti Airtel had facilitated almost Rs 100 crore in annualized pay in the progression tech segment during the beta dispatch and that it had run profitable missions with in excess of 100 brands in the country and passed on eight billion impressions consistently. Visit on https://www.varindia.com/news/ads-tech-platform-of-airtel-eyes--10-bn-digital-advtg-revenue to read more abut it.
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bharti5 · 1 year
Bharti Eye Foundation offers a wide range of eye care services, including eye examinations, diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases, cataract surgery, corneal transplantation, and pediatric eye care. The organization has state-of-the-art equipment and a team of experienced eye specialists to provide the best possible care to patients. According to a survey conducted by the National Eye Institute, nearly 45% of adults in the United States have some form of vision impairment. Organizations like Bharti Eye Foundation play a vital role in providing comprehensive eye care services to people in need.
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What kinds of eye issues are dealt by pediatric ophthalmology?
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Pediatric Opthalmology  is a science that deals with the eye problems occurring in the children. Pediatric ophthalmology involves the examination and treatment of the eye problems associated with children. Children have to face the eye problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness, tearing from the eye, red eye, etc. due to these issues, they have to face difficulty in reading, noting down from the blackboard, playing outdoor games, tearing from the eyes while concentrating on something, etc.
Some common eye problems in children that are treated by pediatric ophthalmology
Pediatric cataract is an eye condition in which the natural lens of a child’s eye becomes cloudy
Congenital glaucoma is also an eye condition that causing damage optic nerve. Congenital glaucoma occurs by birth in children
Amblyopia or lazy eye is reduced vision in one eye caused by abnormal vision development in children
Squint is an eye disorder in which both eyes are unable to align together and they are unable to coordinate with each other
Pink eye an eye condition in which the eye gets red due to a sort of  infection, irritation and allergy
Epiphora means excessive tearing from the eye while focusing on something
Farsightedness (difficulty to see the close objects)
Nearsightedness (difficulty to see the distant objects)
Our Best Eye Surgeries In West Delhi Include:
Types Of Refractive Surgery Cataract Surgery What Are The Disadvantages Of Laser Cataract Surgery Retina Surgery Advantages Of Phacoemulsification Glaucoma Treatment Smile Eye Surgery Near Me Eye Treatment To Remove Glasses bhengapan treatment cornea foundation Oculoplasty
Bharti Eye Foundation
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chandan19kubharti · 5 years
My experience interacting with the children in the government schools supported by Bharti’s QSP has been eye-opening. I was initially shocked by how happy the children were with everything in their school. It was amazing seeing the children make use of every aspect of their school activities from the sports equipment to participating in clubs. I don’t believe there was a single child that I interviewed that was not part of a sports team or had not taken part in competitions which illustrates how engaged the students are. It was also very intriguing to see the student’s level of obedience and respect. best ngo in india
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bharti9 · 11 months
Best Eye Doctor in Delhi
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Your vision is one of the most valuable senses, and when it comes to eye care, finding the best eye doctor is of utmost importance. If you are in Delhi, look no further than Bharti Eye Foundation. In this article, we will explore why Bharti Eye Foundation is regarded as one of the best eye care institutions in Delhi.
The Importance of Eye Health
Vision plays a vital role in our daily lives, and maintaining good eye health is crucial for overall well-being. Regular eye check-ups and timely intervention can prevent or manage various eye conditions. Bharti Eye Foundation recognizes the significance of eye health and offers comprehensive eye care services to people of all ages.
About Bharti Eye Foundation
Bharti Eye Foundation has been serving the community since its inception, with a mission to provide world-class eye care and enhance vision for everyone. The foundation operates multiple eye care centers across Delhi, equipped with cutting-edge technology and a team of experienced ophthalmologists.
Expertise and Specializations
At Bharti Eye Foundation, you can find a wide range of eye care services, including but not limited to cataract surgery, LASIK, glaucoma treatment, retinal disorders management, corneal transplants, and pediatric eye care. Their ophthalmologists are experts in their respective fields, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care.
State-of-the-Art Technology
Bharti Eye Foundation is committed to staying at the forefront of medical technology. They have invested in state-of-the-art equipment and innovative techniques to perform accurate diagnostics and provide advanced treatments. This dedication to technological advancements sets them apart from other eye care providers.
Patient-Centric Approach
One of the reasons why Bharti Eye Foundation is highly regarded is its patient-centric approach. The team believes in personalized care, taking the time to understand each patient's unique needs and concerns. This approach fosters a comfortable environment for patients during their eye care journey.
Highly Qualified Team
The foundation boasts a team of highly skilled and qualified ophthalmologists, optometrists, and support staff. Their expertise, combined with years of experience, ensures that patients receive top-notch eye care services.
Positive Patient Reviews         
Happy and satisfied patients are a testament to the quality of services provided by Bharti Eye Foundation. Many individuals have shared their positive experiences and successful outcomes, further solidifying the foundation's reputation.
Convenient Locations
Bharti Eye Foundation has strategically set up multiple centers across Delhi, making it easily accessible to people from various parts of the city. This widespread presence allows more individuals to benefit from their exceptional eye care services.
Community Engagement
Beyond providing eye care, Bharti Eye Foundation actively engages with the community through various initiatives. They conduct eye health awareness programs, free eye check-up camps, and vision screening in schools to promote eye health and prevent avoidable vision loss.
Beyond Eye Care
Bharti Eye Foundation believes in giving back to society. They actively participate in charitable initiatives and work towards improving the lives of those in need. This compassionate approach reflects their commitment to making a positive impact on the community.
Insurance and Payment Options
Understanding the importance of financial accessibility to eye care, Bharti Eye Foundation accepts a wide range of health insurance plans and offers flexible payment options. This ensures that quality eye care is available to all, regardless of their financial situation.
When it comes to eye care in Delhi, Bharti Eye Foundation stands out as a leading institution. With its team of highly skilled professionals, state-of-the-art technology, patient-centric approach, and community engagement, it has earned its reputation as one of the best eye care providers in the city.
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bharti3 · 1 year
Best Glaucoma Eye Treatment in Delhi
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Glaucoma is a medical condition that affects the optic nerve in the eye, resulting in vision loss and blindness if left untreated. If you have been diagnosed with glaucoma or suspect you have it, seeking treatment immediately is essential. Bharti Eye Foundation in Delhi is one of the best places to get the best glaucoma eye treatment. In this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for glaucoma, as well as how Bharti Eye Foundation can help. Understanding Glaucoma Glaucoma is a progressive eye disease that affects the optic nerve, causing it to become damaged over time. This damage occurs when the fluid pressure inside the eye, also known as intraocular pressure, builds up and puts pressure on the optic nerve. This pressure damages the nerve fibers, resulting in vision loss that usually starts with the peripheral vision and gradually progresses to central vision. Symptoms of Glaucoma The early stages of glaucoma often have no symptoms, which is why it is known as the "silent thief of sight." As the disease progresses, you may experience the following symptoms: Loss of peripheral vision Blurred or hazy vision Halos around lights Pain or pressure in the eye Nausea or vomiting If you experience any of these symptoms, it is essential to see an eye doctor immediately for diagnosis and treatment. Types of Glaucoma
There are two main types of glaucoma : open-angle glaucoma and angle-closure glaucoma.
Open-Angle Glaucoma Open-angle glaucoma is the most common type of glaucoma and occurs when the drainage canals in the eye become clogged over time. This leads to a gradual increase in intraocular pressure, which damages the optic nerve. Angle-Closure Glaucoma Angle-closure glaucoma occurs when the iris bulges forward and blocks the drainage angle in the eye, resulting in a sudden increase in intraocular pressure. This type of glaucoma is considered a medical emergency and requires immediate treatment. Glaucoma Treatment Options The goal of glaucoma treatment is to reduce intraocular pressure and prevent further damage to the optic nerve. Treatment options include: Eye Drops
Eye drops are often the first line of treatment for glaucoma They work by either decreasing the amount of fluid produced in the eye or increasing the amount of fluid drained from the eye, which lowers intraocular pressure. Laser Therapy Laser therapy is another option for treating glaucoma. It is typically used to open up the drainage canals in the eye or to create a hole in the iris to relieve pressure. Surgery In more severe cases of glaucoma, surgery may be necessary to reduce intraocular pressure. There are several types of glaucoma surgery, including trabeculectomy, in which a new drainage channel is created in the eye to allow fluid to drain out, and tube shunt surgery, in which a small tube is inserted into the eye to help drain fluid. Why Choose Bharti Eye Foundation for Glaucoma Treatment Bharti Eye Foundation is one of the best eye hospitals in Delhi and is renowned for its state-of-the-art facilities and experienced doctors. They offer a wide range of glaucoma treatment options, including eye drops, laser therapy, and surgery, depending on the severity of the condition. Their team of experts is dedicated to providing the best care possible and ensuring that you receive the right treatment for your specific needs.
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net4news · 3 years
Lalu Prasad Playing Jungle Love With Grand Son In Delhi
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Lalu Prasad playing Jungle Love with grandson. On one hand, the eyes of the whole country were on the cabinet expansion on Wednesday. Nitish Kumar's Mission Two in LJP was about to succeed when Pashupati Paras was being made a minister at the Centre. On the other hand, Lalu Prasad was enjoying life in his own style. He was engaged in playing with his grandson. Lalu Prasad is seen playing with his grandson, away from political upheaval. Misa Bharti's son is dressed as a monkey. Lalu is trying to scare her. A game of jungle love is going on between the grandparents. Lalu Prasad's elder daughter and Rajya Sabha MP Dr. Misa Bharti has shared beautiful pictures of Lalu with grandson on social media.
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Lalu Prasad with grandson in Delhi. Lalu Prasad specializes in the art of stealing the moments of the game of laughter In the photo, Lalu Prasad's grandson ie Misa Bharti's son is wearing a cartoon animal dress. Lalu Prasad is seen with a hand gesture in her intimidating style. The grandson is wearing a monkey dress. Misa has written on Facebook that - Nana and grandson's look yari, the cutest, the cutest! Misa further writes – The art of stealing a few moments of laughter and games from the whirlpool of life's problems and tensions has been given the name of vivacity. Papa is a master of this skill! Lalu Prasad is alive despite many diseases There is information about Lalu Prasad that he is suffering from 16 types of diseases. Of these, heart disease and kidney disease are the most serious. His condition had become very critical due to pneumonia. The doctors are handling these diseases, but it is the district inside Lalu Prasad himself that he came out of jail life after suffering the deadly pain of the disease. Lalu Prasad's specialty has been that he is in a funny mood even in times of stress. He has faced great upheavals in politics. Have eaten sticks. He clashed with the large cadre Bharatiya Janata Party and arrested the then fire brand leader and put him in jail. They speak even the most serious things in a light-hearted manner. When it came to saying that even in the state of illness, Lalu Prasad fiercely targeted the BJP in his cheeky style on the occasion of Foundation Day two days ago. This method of curing disease is different from medicines When Lalu Prasad is seen intimidating his grandson dressed like a kapis monkey with the gesture of his fingers, the child inside him comes to the fore. This is also a great way apart from curing the disease with medicines. The country is playing politics-politics, Lalan-RCP is playing with Chirag-Paras and Lalu Prasad is playing Jungle-Love with grandson. Source link Read the full article
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contactabbyroy · 3 years
For No-Injection – No-Stitch – No-Bandage Cataract Surgery Is Another Field Where Bharti Eye Foundation Is A Leading Center In The Country. Dr. S. Bharti Is The First Surgeon In Delhi To Begin Eye Drop Anesthesia For Phaco-Cataract Surgery and Motibindu Operation In 1997.
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