nikartacademy · 3 years
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“Bifurcation” original art by Nikolay Dmitrenko @nikartacademy oil on canvas, 110x100 cm., 2021 #coffeelat @coffeelat @ceo_coffeelat A #person in a modern #megalopolis is almost constantly not alone. He often sees himself reflected in the polished surfaces of urban #architecture, in shop windows. A "mirror effect" is created. The person is in himself and his constantly accompanying double. A certain #split occurs. Including the conflict of opinions. Many thoughts and feelings within the person himself are conflicting after all. They already have a split. And this split occurs at different levels. #nikartacademy #piecewithartist #neorealism #actualart #perrotin #streetsgram #thescream_art #paintingsdaily #oilpaintingart #artforsales #mirror #housepainters #dmitrenkonikolay #professionalartist #coffeetime☕️ #arts_realistic #visual_enjoyment_gallery #artworkfeatures #oilonlinen #bigpainting #themoptop #bifucration #coffee #coffeeshop (at Ocean Plaza) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPTYibaDJBH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tfaotb · 7 years
8. Bifucrated
The bartender simply laughed. “I’m just a bartender.” He said, shaking his head. “Sorry jewel-eyes, you’ll have to figure it out yourself.”
I walked out of the tavern. I was going to find him, one way or another. Anger burned bright in my heart. I don’t know what relation Minerva had with Cleaver, but I didn’t care. He killed her, he was going to die.
I was a bit concerned, these guys were probably trained swordsmen. I was basically an amateur. I felt as if I had to do this, however. I walked down the street, looking for something I wasn’t to find, but I looked anyway.
I found myself in front of Avadini’s house. I didn’t want to go inside. As I began to walk off, her door opened. It was Avadini. I could tell she had just been crying.
“I know what you’re about to do. They’ll kill you, you know” I shook my head.
“Not before I kill Cleaver.” I said, boldly. I began to walk away, when she grabbed my arm. I stopped and looked at her.
“Outside of town, past the south gate. Follow the left road, you’ll find a derelict manor.” She said, softly. She let go of my arm. “That is where Cleaver and his gang live.”
“Why did they kill Minerva?” I demanded. She simply shook her head. She turned around, heading back inside. She was about to close the door when she stopped.
“If you come back, I’ll tell you.” She told me, as she closed the door.
I followed her directions, within about thirty minutes, I found myself standing outside of the derelict manor. It had been there for some time, it was very obviously in disrepair. I looked straight ahead, a doorway led inside the manor. There was no door, it had been removed, or had fallen off. As I continued to approach, I heard heavy footsteps coming from inside of the house.
I froze, unsheathing Gisele. I readied the massive blade, what greeted me made me lose motivation.
A very large, armor plated demon came lumbering out of the manor. He barely fit through the doorway. I only knew him a demon because a very long, red tail protruded from his backside. He walked outside, I expected the worst.
He removed his helmet, revealing an extremely reptilian face. His long snout housed several fangs, that shown even when his mouth was closed. He raised his arms above his read and yawned. His yawn reverberated through the nearby wood line. He lowered his arms and closed his mouth. He opened and closed his mouth, as if smacking his lips, if he had any. His scales shimmered in the morning sunlight, glistening different colors, over his black and red scales.
He was looking into the woods, casually swinging his arms. He appeared to not notice me. As he swung his arms, he looked in my direction. He finally noticed me, I was about to ask him if he worked for Cleaver, when he jumped back and shrieked. The sheer volume of his shriek startled me, as I recoiled from his outburst.
The demon, who caught his breath, finally began to speak. “Damnit human, you nearly gave me a heart attack.” He scolded. He stood up again. “What do you want human?” He asked.
“Do you work for Cleaver?” I demanded. He scratched his belly with his frightening claws. He looked utterly indifferent.
“No.” He simply replied with. I held my sword, ready for an attack, but our conversation made me feel a bit awkward.
“Cleaver had my friend killed, I want to know who killed her, and kill him, and Cleaver!” I loudly announced. I was trying to sound strong and tough.
The reptilian demon turned his head toward the house and loudly bellowed, “Cleaver!” After about a minute, the blue demon emerged from the house.
“Jewel-eyes, so nice to see you again.” He said, snidely. He had his armor donned, and a thin sword on his belt. “Come here looking for work?” He asked.
“Who killed Minerva? Bring them here.” I demanded. He laughed.
“You’re looking at him.” He said, as he put his hands on his hips.
I immediately charged with Gisele to my side. I swung the heavy blade, it was harder to handle than I thought. I felt an extremely sharp pain in my shoulder. As Gisele’s tip rested on the ground, his thin, needle like sword had stabbed through my shoulder.
I shouted at the sight of it. He pulled it out slowly. Blood quickly ran down my arm. I dropped Gisele, as the pain exploded even more. I dropped to my knees, grabbing the hole in my shoulder. I looked at his sword. I recognized it from a book, an Epee.
Blood dropped from the tip of his epee, as I stared at the sword, the blood became more animated, before my eyes. I could smell it. A burst of rage coursed through my body. I didn’t move, but I could feel my heart beating faster.
Adrenaline pulses through my veins. I grabbed Gisele and spun around in a quick, vicious circle. Cleaver barely dodged my spin. He looked surprised, as he raised his sword for another jab. He sidestepped, waiting for the right moment. I felt my muscles pulsing, stretching my thin skin. My veins felt as if they were going to burst. He lunged forward, thrusting his sword quickly. I couldn’t move fast enough. It pierced my shoulder, near my chest. It came out the other side.
The pain was nonexistent. I grabbed his sword arm, and squeezed. His gauntlet was locked in my grip, he tried to pull his hand away, but his strength wasn’t enough. Eventually he removed his hand from his gauntlet. I crushed the thin metal as I threw it back at him. It hit him in the face, causing him to recoil. As he turned back around to face me, my fist made contact with his cheek. He stepped back from the blow, and tripped. His thin fangs on that side of his face were broken. Black ooze came from his mouth. It was thick and viscous. It smelled like rust. It had a strong odor, one that invaded your nose and mouth.
The scent of it increased my ferocity. I don’t remember what happened exactly, but I remember injuring him with Gisele. I remember the woods speeding past me. Once again, I must have blacked out.
I awoke under the forest canopy. A blinding pain surged through my lungs. My chest. I looked down to see the epee pierced through the middle of my chest. I screamed in horror. I looked to my right to see Gisele still gripped in my hand, and Cleaver.
Cleaver had been completely cut in half, down the middle. Black ooze trickled out of his split body. I looked at Gisele, covered in the black ooze. The pain from my wounds were overwhelming. My visioned began to darken. As I began to sleep, I saw a figure approach.
I remember dreaming. In my dream, I saw my mother. I finally saw her face. Her voice resonated in my head, in my ears. She wore a coat, with metal plates on the front, her eyes, practically shining like the sun, as she proceeded to slay a monstrous demon. My mother, after killing it, looked up.
Only then did her surroundings become clear to me. She was in a dense swamp. Tall, gnarled trees with scum ponds beneath them. My mother, her gaze fixated upwards, walked over the dead demon. Before her, was an impossible sight.
A tremendously massive stone building towered before her. The gigantic wooden doors swung wide for her, as she disappeared inside the blackness, as the doors slammed shut.
I immediately awakened. I was inside a house. My lungs burned, still. The pain, however, was not as severe. I looked to my left, a door. The front door. Soft daylight entered through gaps in the wooden walls. A candle was lit behind my head, illuminating my face as I looked at it.
I looked to my right, and I nearly fell off the surface I was laid upon. It was Minerva, sitting in a chair, snoring as she slept.
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