#block ASAP-from experience lmaoo
phasebun · 1 month
Hello hello! I feel like you’re the right person to ask about this cause you could give me some motivation and good advice maybe? Anyway, I have two OC’s in bg3. The first one is a female and she’s the dark urge, then I have another one that i haven’t created yet but i’m planning for this one to be her love interest; so I wanna swap out one of the companions and redo them, into my male oc, so I can get kissing scenes between my two oc’s. Does that makes sense? I’m just like, idk, worried, that people will dislike me for it, for not pairing my durge with any companion or npc in the game :((( just love to create fictional original characters. Idk where i’m going with this, but do you think i should do it or should i do like most people, pair my durge with for example Astarion instead? Dont wanna get hate :(( thank you.
Hiii!! ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ ) I must apologize if this does not help or comfort lol I can only give advice from my perspective :x sorry for the long answer!
You make perfect sense lol that’s literally what I do, with all four companions more often than not LOL!! And have been doing a bit less than a year ngl ^^ BG3 is a tool in my eyes, in many ways. I find it fun, writing and bringing life to an entire crew, shaping their lives and “being” myself. To be honest, there may be people putting assumptions on the “why” you’ve swapped a companion. They may assume it’s a deeper meaning when in reality, you’re just trying to have your characters in action. Don’t let that get to you! You know what they say about assumptions ;) lmao. Personally, the negative reactions I’ve received over the months are from “trolls” posting psychological attacks, as well as a few that have more personal issues with me/what I’m doing. (Tbh, I consider all hate mail and unwarranted malicious acts to another as internal problems the person needs to work on themselves, but can't/lack the ability to do so.....but that's online spaces for you. Sitting behind a screen is like liquid courage to MANY, MANY people) I’m here to tell you if it happens, you’re human, it might sting, but don’t let someone else’s personal issues cause you to toss it all away and just stop!! Unfortunately negativity runs rampant in online spaces, if it happens once, I'm sorry, it could happen again. Never let another have so much control over you, that you stop though!
If you love your charas and truly want to flesh them out, you might need to take a bit away from the negativity but don’t stop. You could create while taking a moment away! I’ve had interactions that made me create and not be bothered posting to the online world. Vibe out, don’t let them into your head…at least not for too long. That’s what negative people want, to try and cause you to stop! Like you said, you love creating, don’t let someone else’s dark cloud latch on to you!!! Never let someone else stop you from doing what you enjoy! If you get hate, or deal with something less than positive, protect your peace. Always. Block them asap!
Pairing your durge with a canon character truly, mostly, garners more interactions due to others understanding said canon chara already. (I've lurked before really diving into things, I noticed the way things were lol) Doing so initially can build a following faster. As you’re fleshing your characters out, others are learning about your characters along with you! For me, I knew people would see a gang of my own original characters and be confused to what’s happening. It reminds me of something I saw and it had a person confused with a piece of art that had a random character who was with the canon charas and they go “oh, it’s their tav” lol
I’m here to tell you once you start, no matter how it may seem, you aren’t alone. A ton of engagement or not. It might feel a bit lonely, but that’s when engaging with the community a bit comes in handy. ^^ The more you create, especially consistently, the more others are seeing it and connecting with both you AND your charas. It's a slower process, but don't let that discourage you ^^
Ofc!! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ ) ♡ any time! Hope I've helped!!
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