#blue people movie
You’re his mate? | Neteyam x Omatikaya!reader
Word count: 1.2k
Summary: Aonung gets it into his head that you’re together
A/N: Credit to @dantakeyoman for inspiring the ending
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GIF cred: @urlocalfeiner
Being Neteyam’s mate, you couldn’t bear to watch him leave the Omaticaya forever. So, you went with the Sully family. You had no family to speak of, so leaving was an easy decision. You cried when you left, however; the forest had been the only thing you had known. Neteyam held on to you, feeling exactly the same way, but waiting until you and him were out of sight from his family, not wanting to make it worse for Kiri and little Tuk.
Pleased or not, you finally arrived at the islands across the sea. You were fed up; you had been traveling for days, left your home, and now you learn that it might all have been for nothing. Your tail was swishing in anger, so Neteyam put his arm around your waist and Lo’ak put his hand on your shoulder - before he got side tracked by Tsireya, that is.
Two boys about your age were looking at you and whispering to each other. Now it was Neteyam’s turn to be angry; he never liked seeing other boys watching you. You lent into his shoulder to calm him down before he did something that he would regret.
Finally, you were granted a safe haven, much to the displeasure of the two boys, who left. Jake negotiated to give you and Neteyam your own Marui, following complaints from both Lo’ak and Kiri about hearing you two “cuddle all night”.
You were practicing breathing exercises with Tsireya, Lo’ak and Neteyam when Aonung ran up to you and said that Neytiri was looking for you and Tsireya. You shrugged, and the two of you left your little circle to go find out what she wanted. Neteyam ruffled Lo’ak’s hair and ran off behind you, leaving behind a silent warning not to anger Aonung.
Left alone with Aonung, Lo’ak started packing up his things to go practice elsewhere, while the metkayina boy tried to start up a conversation.
“You know, for freaks, your oldest sister is very pretty.” Lo’ak scoffed and walked away. Kiri was hardly an ideal choice of mate for Aonung.
You, meanwhile, were completing chores that Neytiri had assigned after talking to Tsireya. Neteyam had been dragged away by his father to hunt.
“Hello!” You jumped up from where you were crouching, startled. Aonung stared back at you, his hand up in a shy wave. You hissed and went back to what you were doing.
“We should get to know each other better. Like a date?” He said. The last thing that you wanted to do was go on a date with him, especially since you had already mated. However, he was the chiefs son, and you had promised Jake that you wouldn’t cause trouble, so you scuttled away without replying.
Unbeknownst to you, Aonung had taken this response as a positive one and had gone to tell the entire clan about it.
You were eating dinner with Neteyam, Lo’ak, and Kiri when Tsireya ran in to your marui.
“Is it true? You’re dating Aonung?” She cried out, breathless. Neteyam immediately moved from his position next to you. Upset that Neteyam would so easily doubt your trust, you shook your head.
“He asked me out but I left without saying anything. I wanted to spit in his face but I kept it civil.”
“Actually, yesterday he came up to me and told me that my sister was pretty. I thought he was talking about Kiri, because anyone with eyes and a brain could see that you two have mated.” Said Lo’ak, thinking back to the beach.
“Well, unfortunately for you, my brother is lacking a brain.” Said Tsireya, annoyed by his antics.
“What should we do? Just ignore it?”
“Tsireya, could you please tell anyone who talks to you about this that Aonung and I have never dated, and that it was just a rumor.” You asked your friend. She nodded and left the marui with her new mission.
A few weeks have passed since Tsireya had burst into your dinner, and the clan seemed to have moved on to other gossip. It was time for Aonung’s rite of passage.
You weren’t particularly interested in the scumbag boy becoming a scumbag man, so you and Lo’ak were cracking jokes the whole time while Neteyam tried to stifle his laughter.
“My son, Aonung, has become part of the clan!” Boomed Tonowari. “He may now choose a mate!” The clan cheered and dispersed, gone to their maruis so that the new member could visit them individually, as was Metkayina tradition.
All the eligible girls of the clan hung an ocean flower above their door, signaling that they were interested in being courted. Your marui was noticeably flower-less, and you and Neteyam settled down for the night.
Neytiri shook you awake.
“You must come! Now!” She whispered urgently, trying not to wake Neteyam up. Unfortunately for her, he’s always been a light sleeper. He jumped up immediately. Neytiri pulled you up and dragged you to Tonowari’s grand marui. Inside were the chief of the Metkayina and his family, plus the sullys. Aonung brightened when he saw you.
“Y/n. Aonung has told me that he has chosen you as his mate.” Lo’ak burst out laughing as Kiri scoffed, but Neteyam had had enough. He pulled you into the middle of the marui, where everyone could see, and kissed you, hard.
“I am going to say this for the last time,” Neteyam said, barely controlling his anger. “She is mated to me, understand?” Aonung nodded quickly. Jake stepped forward to fill in the awkward silence.
“Tonowari, thank you, but we must talk about this later. Neytiri, would you mind taking y/n?”
Neytiri took your hand and gently led you out of the marui to go with your ikran. You weren’t particularly worried for Neteyam; you knew that, when it comes to your relationship, Jake wouldn’t be too hard on him. You didn’t know why, but Neteyam suspected that it was because your relationship resembled his parents’.
“You humiliated him in front of his family! In front of ours! You need to go apologize, immediately!” Jake thundered.
“I’m not going to apologize for this. He went too far this time.” Neteyam defended.
They argued for longer as Kiri and Lo’ak stood outside, clearly eavesdropping.
Neteyam got nervous when he fought with his father; when he gets nervous, he plays with the beads on hair that you arranged for him. It just took this small touch to remind Jake of your bond. He scolded him one last time before deciding to calm down. They agreed that Jake would go apologize to Tonowari for the disturbance, not for the actual act.
“Besides, who taught you how to kiss like that?!” Lo’ak and Kiri jumped into the tent and started making kissing noises. Jake ruffled Neteyam’s hair and he left to go find you.
“You have to admit, it was kind of sweet though.” You said. You and Neteyam were relaxing on the beach during the eclipse.
“How dare you!” He playfully said. You laughed and curled up in his arms.
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Divider cred: @cafekitsune
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satansdarlin · 1 year
Pandoras box (Tsu'tey x reader)
chapter (1) (2) (3)
warnings for this chapter- cursing and a light bit of ooc for tsu"tey and death threats
word count- 3K
you are an artist who came to draw and record the flora and animals on pandora after your sister gets sick you are taken under the wing of the next chief of the omaticaya tribe.
this series is hopefully the beginning of many more when more movies come out. the reader is actually my own oc just with a name change. i haven't sene the second movie yet but I am very excited to see it with my boyfriend. no beta-read we die like men but did a Grammarly run through.
When the ship landed on Pandora I walked alongside a man I met on the ship, Jake. He was an ex-marine and was here to replace his brother who had been murdered by a man with a gun. I was no fighter or scientist like the others here, I was an artist. My sister was a scientist here and she had gotten into an accident that had put her out of commission since my DNA matched hers just enough they pulled me in to use her avatar, a pretty similar story to Jake except well Paige was still alive. The number of armed men and women around me was astounding and intimidating but my eyes were drawn to the huge arrows that were jammed into the wheels of a wheel loader that passed in front of us. The colors were unique with yellows and blues, an interesting combination. Jake and I were guided into the building where we were ushered to the safety meeting and after that ushered to different areas. So I found myself in Paige’s room she was hooked up to all kinds of machines that were helping her stay alive and she had deep circles under her eyes. 
"You look like shit" I spoke aloud as a threw my backpack onto a chair. She snorted at me before wincing in pain.
"No shit. I feel like shit." She wheezed out to me, I walked to her side and placed a hand on hers. "Listen, kid pandora is a beautiful place but it's still dangerous when you get out there you listen to grace okay? I know you aren't ready for this but they need you to help with this mission. Your drawing skills are going to take you deep into the forest to find plants and animals. You are going to be their eyes you've got to prove that the life out there is worth something to these corporate assholes okay?" 
I nodded in the affirmative, eyeing my sister with concern. A nurse came in and said I was needed in the science bay to test my avatar. Grace was eyeing me up and down, she had not talked to me as severely as she had Jake but it was clear I wasn't what she wanted. 
"An artist and an ex-marine when I need two scientists who studied for years to be here. Just great." She growled as she helped us get hooked up into our coffins like machines. "Just listen to the smart people and maybe I can keep you alive. Just clear your mind and relax got it, Picasso?"
I gulped and nodded again, grace was intimidating. The lid shut, sealing me in darkness with a light blue hue around me, I steady my breathing as I stared up trying to keep myself from panicking. My eyes fluttered shut as I took deep breaths which smoothed out almost like I was falling asleep. I jolted awake. I could hear more, smell more, feel more. The scientists above me spoke as they were checking my reactions and smiling at me as I became responsive. 
"Morning guys" my voice was like I hadn't spoken in days. A racket started to come from Jake's table I turned my head to see Jake ripping off the wires attached to his avatar body. "Jake? Hey, you should probably sit back- you can walk!" I looked in amazement at his legs and smiled at him. The scientist were getting things to sedate him but he was already out the door, norm and I were forced to catch up with him. Norm was shouting about us not supposed to be running but u couldn't help it. The colors around me were so much more vibrant and seemed to almost pulse with beauty to me. The smells around me were new and alluring I found myself running alongside Jake as we skidded to a stop in the garden. I admired the purple fruit growing from the vines.
"Hey, Picasso and marine. Good to see you are up and functioning well. Your motor function seems at the tip-top." Grace's voice came from her gorgeous avatar, I smiled at her. 
"Everything is amazing grace" I spoke with a gleeful tone. She nodded at me in agreement as she tossed Jake a fruit that he caught and began to eat. 
"Come on let's go eat." She tossed me a large sketching pad with some pencils. "Your sister said you'd need one of those." 
And the first night in my avatar body went over without a hitch. Soon after a morning of relaxing, we got our first mission. Norm and grace needed samples, Jake was there to guard, and I was there to sketch out and flora I found. I sat in my avatar body looking out of the chopper as we were in flight my pack full of my art supplies and some rations if I got hungry. Jake rested a hand on my shoulder 
"Nervous?" He had to speak loudly due to the noise. I nodded a bit 
"A little" I looked at him the placement of his white freckles were pretty to me. "You nervous marine?" I teased him a bit and he huffed at me. 
"Not at all" He shook his head as I laughed at him. I looked at my sketchpad and tore out a piece of paper handing it to him. 
"Here I drew it on my first night here. You are a good muse when you aren't looking." The paper had a charcoal drawing of Jake in his avatar form chatting with others at dinner.  He looked amazed as he looked over it 
"Damn you've got a real knack for this stuff huh?" He folded up the paper and put it in his pocket. "Thanks for the keepsake Picasso" 
We landed on the ground and grace lead us deep into the jungle. Once she and norm found their spot, I began to wander a bit looking for interesting flora which I found. It was shaped like a lily pad with more layers spiraling upwards. I crouched down and began to sketch it out as Jake looking bored found me sketching it up. He touched one of the plants only for it to shoot closed. He let out a surprised chuckle and I gasped in surprise before giggling setting my sketchbook in my bag as we touched more watching the shoot closed with a goofy sound. Jake touched one and it caused a domino effect to happen closing all the rest and showing us a creature, which looked like a cross between a rhinoceros and a hammerhead shark. The creature let out a bellow and stomped its foot towards us, as Jake took aim grace spoke up from the tree line. 
"No Jake don't shoot it, its skin is too tough for the bullets to pierce you'll just piss him off" She was watching with a worried look plastered on her face. 
"Well, what the fuck do I do then?" Jake whispered aggressively at her as his tail pushed me behind him. 
"Just stand your ground. Don't run or he will charge" 
The creature took more stomps towards us letting out another warning noise which Jake hissed back at placing an arm across me to protect me almost. The creature whimpered and suddenly ran off to its mother and Jake let out a slurry of curses at it but my ears picked up on something, a low growl. I slowly turned around to see a jaguar-type creature and let out a gasp hitting Jake's arm to make him realize. 
"Grace stand our ground or run?" I spoke loudly as I kept my eyes trained on the creature. 
"Definitely run!" She shouted at us and Jake took no hesitation in lifting me up and throwing me over his shoulder as he ran. The creature gave chase. Jake ducked under the roots before finally, the creature ended up snagging his bag, sending us to the ground. I rolled further from him. Jake uncapped his pack from around him and slipped out of the straps as he grabbed my hand and began draining behind him as we ran, jumping over the edge into a waterfall. Somehow his hand let go of mine and I traveled further downstream. My head bonked a rock at the bottom of the river and it all went black. 
When I came too I had been drug out of the water and it was nightfall. My pack was off of me and so was my knife. I sputtered up water as I coughed it all up out of my lungs. I looked around and my eyes fell on a strong na'vi man pulling my art supplies from my bag as his people stood around him except for the one that had a spear pointed at me though he seemed hesitant as I looked over my clothes I noticed jellyfish like seeds had landed all over me with a white glow surrounding them. The man looked over shocked before it turned to frustration as he growled something out in his native tongue. 
"Get up" He spoke gruffly as he shoved my pack to me. "Up!" He snapped again and I quickly got to my feet. 
"You speak English?" I asked in my daze and this made him more annoyed as he snapped something in his language again before he lifted my weak body onto the back of his horse as climbed on himself. I fell asleep again as he held me secure to his horse. I woke up as he threw me to the ground 
"Get up" He snarled at me as two of his guards grabbed my arms as I yelped. They drug me along through a gigantic tree where I saw Jake also being held by two other guards. 
"Jake!" I whisper shouted at him and he smiled seeing me 
"Good to see you still kicking." A woman stood before him and the man who grabbed me stood before me both looking disgruntled. The leaders came down from the spiral speaking in their languages before the woman circled us and tasted our blood. She came to the same conclusion both times it seemed. 
"What do they call you" She spoke aloud so everyone would hear. 
"Uh (y/n) (l/n)" I answered her question. She smirked a bit 
"Well (y/n) why should we keep you and jakesully alive? What is your purpose?" 
"I am an artist, I'm not a scientist or warrior like Jake. I am simply here to appreciate the beauty of your home and to try to get the Sky people to understand your home is beautiful and should not be harmed. My tribe is broken all that is left is my sister and me. Please I'm all my sister has left."
She nodded a bit at my story and gave Jake time to give his speech which all the na'vi seemed to enjoy except for the two in front of us. 
"Very well. Tsu'tey you will train the girl in the ways of our people as you found her and Neytiri will take Jake and do the same"
They both pitched a fit but knew it was already spoken. Tsu'tey eyed me before grabbing my arm and dragging me up the spiral to an area of hammocks. 
"Tomorrow you learn. Tonight we rest" He jumped into a hammock and touched the side of it and it closed around him. I slowly entered mine with a lot more fear and did the same and slowly sleep consumed me. And I awoke to Norm lightly slapping my face saying my name over and over again 
"She's back with us!" He shouted over to grace as she pulled Jake from his station. Norm eyed me as he helped me up "where were you?" 
"Their home" 
The next day was full of people looking at Jake and me. We had achieved what many of them could only hope to do so on a miracle. Paige was proud and also a little annoyed at my lack of self-preservation. Paige made me practice the names of the na'vi royalty. 
"Tsu'tey is the one who is training me. He's pretty rough but I think we can work out" 
I spoke to grace, norm was glaring at Jake they had been arguing. Norm was upset that jake with no training or knowledge was the one to get in good with the clan princess. Grace helped me into my pod and gave me a nod 
"Be careful Picasso. Tsu'tey could loose his temper on you and that would screw everything up" and she shut the lid before giving me a moment to speak. 
My eyes shut and I drifted back to my avatar body. I jolted up and Tsu'tey seemed annoyed that he had to wait. 
"Today we practice your riding skills." He stood up and began to walk away giving me yet again no time to talk. 
"Wait up!" I quickly clamored out of the hammocks. Tsu'tey whipped around, teeth bared at me. 
"No. You will do things quickly otherwise you will die and if you die my job is over." I put my hands up defensively as he snarled at me towering over me. 
"Okay okay. I understand I'll keep up" He nodded a bit grunting at me before turning around and continuing on his path. 
Eventually, grace moved us up to the floating mountains to continue our work in peace. Working with Tsu'tey was hard, Jake often said he seemed to run me harder than Neytiri ran him but I could see the change I'm myself. I had toned up, the soles of my feet were stronger and I could run faster and longer. I could shoot a clean kill but mostly I could see how proud Tsu'tey became. At first, he hated me just like he hated Jake then it turned into simple distrust and now we had a good friendship if I had to say. He still hated Jake though not much I could do to fix that. 
As I pulled the bowstring back with my arrow lined up I released a breath before letting go of it piercing my prey I quickly hopped down to finish the job whispering the prayer to my fallen prey as I stabbed it cleanly. Tsu'tey watched silently 
"Good. A good clean kill tomorrow you shall participate in Tsaheylu" He grabbed my bicep giving it a gentle squeeze of approval which made me smile at him, I saw the faintest glimpse of a smile on his cheeks before it disappeared. I walked alongside him now no longer at his back, he would hiss or growl at me before but now he welcomed it. 
"You know tsu' I think you might be warming up to me" I teased him lightly flicking his tail with my own. He scowled at me.
"Do not call me that" He huffed at me before turning his gaze back to the path. 
"You didn't deny it" I spoke with a smile and a hand pushed me to the side as he let out a "psh" noise. 
"You are annoying. Like a bug" as I was about to defend myself he continued "but you are fast and sharp like poison. You are like Kali'weya" 
I was touched by his words And bumped him with my shoulder. 
"Don't get soft on me now Tsu'tey" I teased lightly as we walked side by side back to hometree. 
"You are gonna be participating in tsaheylu tomorrow. You need to be prepared, lucky for you kid, that your sister wrote the book about tsaheylu. I suggest giving her a call" Grace spoke up as I was eating my food and I gave her a nod. I had met Tsu'tey's banshee. They were a gorgeous blue color with yellow eyes. They were rather gentle with me which seemed to surprise Tsu'tey. 
I clicked the button on the screen as my sister answered my call she gave me a weak smile to me. 
"Hey, squirt. I heard you are about to get a new friend. Let's talk" Paige explained the details of tsaheylu to me in depth to the point where my nerves were amplified but by excitement as well. As I followed Tsu'tey up the floating mountains I didn't look down once until I had to jump from one to a vine which I did rather poorly making Jake snort before he failed worse than me. The cave was beautiful. Jake and Neytiri went first and then Tsu'tey and myself followed with his other students behind us. 
We watched Jake try and find his banshee but I was watching Tsu'tey a smirk was plastered on his face as he watched Jake fail. "He is going to die trying this" he muttered to his students making them giggle his eyes caught on me as and looked at him with a glare before turning back to Jake 
"Come on soldier you can do better than that can't you!?" Jake flipped me off as he made the bond and began his flight. I was next I stepped down from the rock and grabbed my rope, walking forward the banshee hissed and would fly away til I found her. She was lavender with golden markings and grey eyes she hissed at me which was a hiss I returned she bared her teeth before trying to take a bite out of my leg which I narrowly avoided. I hopped on her back locking my legs around her snout and keeping it shut as I struggled her to the ground as Tsu'tey trained me for. She thrashed under me until I connected my braid to her neural link on the back of her head. The feeling of linking with another creature was hard to explain every time it was amazing though. 
"Fly Kali'weya. It completes the bond you must fly" Tsu'tey shouted to me from the rock and I did just that. Gliding through the air I found I was able to control her rather well and so I named her, Ome. The team took flight together once we all had our banshee as Jake and Neytiri played. I could see Tsu'teys approval in the gaze he gave me. Tsu'tey and I began to fly together from then on.
Part two
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cherub-bite-mark · 6 months
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Same picture, different blending modes.
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drabblesbyjubs · 1 year
Seeing y’all thirst for the men I’ve been thirsting for since before the word ‘thirst’ meant anything other than water is really funny imo
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This might sound juvenile or petty, but I’m so glad Avatar lost!
It's not petty or juvenile!!! That cultural appropriation mess didn't deserve to win!!
mod ali
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juanitasupreme · 7 months
I'm sure that one mutual would thirst over them...
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dontfuckmylifewtf · 1 year
Fun fact: Na'vi are adults when they're 15-17 years old. Fully developed and all.
According to that, Neteyam probably was an adult when he died. Even though he couldn't enjoy adulthood for long.
Do whatever you want with that information.
Source: Lifespan
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You get a week to cast your thoughts
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boccs · 10 months
I feel like tumblr should be bigger fans of The Blues Brothers. It's a movie that has everything we value as a community. Attention and respect to pioneering black musicians, open hostility to nazis, open defiance to police, Carrie Fisher with a rocket launcher and flamethrower, a soundtrack that goes hard as hell, John Belushi so blasted on cocaine that he continues to do somersaults despite having a broken ankle. It's got it all!
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Please reblog for a larger sample size!
Edit: the first option is supposed to say secretly dating au! My bad. Once I get around to writing it I might make a poll to see if you guys prefer fake dating or secretly dating
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hellish-cruelty · 9 months
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Of lost chances, forbidden love and remorse.
It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Films in frame: Past lives, La la land, Fleabag, Normal People, In the mood for love, Atonement, Potrait of a lady on fire, Maurice, Blue Valentine, Her
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cherub-bite-mark · 10 months
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James cameron should have hired me, im so fucking cool.
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emmythbread · 1 year
i still have not seen the first blue people movie and the coming of the second blue people movie will not make me watch either of them
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I didn’t even know there was genuine interest for the blue people movie?
omg gross *retching noises* I pretty much assume that all ppl interested in the blue ppl movie are just pro cultural appropriation/white supremacist.
mod ali
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juanitasupreme · 7 months
Who tf call a child Spider and why don't they cut his hair ?
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mabbbish · 1 year
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wonderful day to remember ninjago has a canon highschool au
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