#bravern theory
tzuu-died · 4 months
braven and superbia theory :]
so my discord server allowed me to be stupid on main and rant about bravern at 11:30pm my time, so here’s just.. everything copy and pasted LMAO
also, posting this before ep4 drops, i can’t wait to see if any of my ramblings made sense
theory under the cut, spoilers for bang brave bang bravern ep. 1-3 and ep. 4 preview
the theory is this: bravern and superbia are the same species, possibly related to the deathdrives
firstly, in episode 1 and episode 3 we see bravern with a mask thing covering his face. and when you look at superbia, it seems as though they have something similar
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i wouldn’t say that part is superbia’s actual face, due to the purple highlights/crystal looking things on their body. bravern’s eyes are green, and he does have a green crystal or piece of glass on that gold part of his face
and also, bravern has a green background in his transformation sequences and when we first meet him.
there’s also a green trail left by him when he flies in the intro + uses his blade.
the show’s logo briefly flashes green in the op
and the green in bravern’s cockpit + the weird green liquid from ep3
and superbia’s eyes do flash purple in the op, so i’m willing to bet superbia wears a mask much like bravern when we first meet him
and now when you look at bravern and superbia, they do seem very much alike
plus, the opening hints at superbia being somewhat relevant at least, due to the fact that in most anime openings, the fight featured in it is at least somewhat relevant to the story
and also, bravern knows superbia
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the “you never change” implies that bravern’s fought against superbia before, or known them in the past
plus, the opening and show kind of confirmed lulu pilots superbia
1. lulu and isami have very similar outfits when piloting
2. this scene in the opening. the character does resemble lulu and the necklace looks like it was made to resemble superbia
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3. again, the weird liquid in the mechs’ cockpits
so in other words, bravern and superbia are definitely very similar
plus, we saw that bravern was losing to superbia without isami
without a pilot
and lulu magically appeared on a beach after superbia was defeated. and coincidentally, superbia was in the deep waters when we first see a hint of them.
and i just wanna point out that smith had no idea what lulu meant when she said her name, but bravern understood.
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and he didn’t look too happy about that
and in the preview for episode 4, we see a few scenes of bravern essentially being in a shitty mood. kind of looks like he’s lashing out here?
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and then at the end we see a scene of lulu looking confused, and we immediately cut to this?
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so to just tldr the point that bravern and superbia are part of the same species:
1. they share similar traits and visuals in the show (mainly the colours i talked about)
2. they both have pilots
3. they have a history together (we see superbia scoffing at bravern a few times, and bravern’s quote: “you never change”)
4. bravern shows a clear dislike for superbia and isn’t all too happy about lulu
and now, the other thing: bravern and superbia are some advanced form of the deathdrives, or are related to them
so first off, when the deathdrives are defeated, they go kaboom and explode into this weird cube shaped stuff
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and what happened to superbia after bravern and isami’s attack?
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additionally, when battling superbia, bravern attacked them with a punch, which they stopped with a purple shield
and what else uses a purple shield?
yup. the deathdrives
and in episode 2, bravern explains that they’re inorganic, metallic organisms that gained something like a conscience. and both bravern and superbia show to have that
bravern’s can be sean very clearly. he talks a lot.
superbia? all we hear from them are shrieky noises and scoffing. and what do we hear from lulu? also that
so to just tldr this entire rant/rambling:
bravern and superbia show signs of being from the same species. they both needing a pilot to achieve their true strength, without them they’re not as strong.
the deathdrives also show similarities to them; that being the similar way they “die” (we’re not sure if superbia actually died in ep3, so i’m putting the word in these “ ”guys), similar abilities (barriers/shields, flight, weaponry?).
so basically, to put all of this short: bravern and superbia are some advanced form of the deathdrives, probably existing to be something like commanders in an army, seeing how superbia kind of teamed up with the deathdrives?
anyway, hope this makes sense LMAO 😭
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bravern crack theory
now that things have calmed down a lot for me, the days leading up to new bravern episodes feel like forever so my brain has been running a mile an hour thinking about what could possibly happen next in this show.
okay, okay, y'know how the OP depicts the moment when lewis fuses with knuth to form bravern but not depict it accurately??
what if the scene at the end of the OP of isami helping lewis stand up and the destroyed dual-pilot titanostrider (i forgot it's name ARGH) is in pieces in the background is actually depicting a moment in the final episode where bravern somehow turns back into lewis????
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coolboxofcandy · 3 months
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People call me the hero, but that's not quite right. Everyone who participated in this incredible battle is a hero. As long as you have courage and continue to fight, I will always exist within your hearts. Let your bravery burn bright. That... That and nothing else... is Brave Bang!
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margoshrmargoshing · 3 months
(SPOILERS) I watched the ninth episode of Bravern twice in a row (I want a third time) and I am BURNING WITH EMOTIONS.
So. We confirmed the theory that Bravern is Smith, and even the crazy conclusion that Bravern is in some sense a kid/descendant of Smith and Knuth (or I watched with my ass?? in general, after watching i thought he used her power in some way for this to happen)
This answered some questions and created new ones. Let's say, how did Bravern know Isami's name in the first episode, is Bravern a deathdrive and who is he anyway.
But then who is the Lewis Smith we have seen throughout all the previous episodes? Where did Bravern come from if Smith had not yet died there and how did he even return in time?
We still haven't been told what the rest of the Deathdrives need and who they really are. Knuth's true goal was to merge with Smith, but he did not agree in this world. If he was Bravern from the beginning and was there with himself, then perhaps it's like a loop: the Lewises die and become the new Braverns. So, maybe there is a universe in which Bravern did not appear at all?
If he had agreed to merge with Knuth, then this would have collapsed the loop and Bravern would not have appeared in the next universe, and both worlds would have died - the first because of Isami's despair and the victory of Vanitas and Pessimism over Bravern, and the second because of for Deathdrive attacks and Bravern's absence
Maybe the Lewis and Bravern loop is Knuth's selfish wish? She said that she rewinded time over and over again, "repeating their tryst”(or something like that). Perhaps the moment of Bravern's appearance was the very “tryst” that she repeated? Killing and reviving Lewis again and again for the sake of this feeling? The loop can't end there every time
I will miss Lewis TERRIBLY. But I know that he will remain with him, in a different form though, and that there would be no other way out, but they will still be together and will be able to fulfill the promise. He was destined to this for Isami's sake every time
Other notes:
—The voice actor of Vanitas is no worse 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏HE HAS SUCH A GREAT LAUGHTER
—I’m shocked by how they changed the design of Bravern and it reminds me of the changes to Optimus from the third season of TFP. Bro went to the gym
—I realized that I prefer original to Russian voice acting because Japanese actors are not shy about YELLING.
—LULU 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
—Lewis flies naked and glows as if he was censored
Overall I'm shocked
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schupuff · 3 months
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cyber-neptune · 2 months
We (I) need more slutty Bravern content
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mary-moongood · 4 months
How come nobody is talking about how Bravern is suspiciously similar to that Spar Kaiser character?
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The colors, the head, the chest piece…
He’s got his pose and everything!!
AND we know as a fact that Bravern has at least some knowledge about him
He literally 3D printed a replica of him!!
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But why? How did Bravern learn about this guy? Did someone base his appearance off of Spar Kaiser? Why would they do that?
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chipsncookies · 4 months
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From ep 2- we actually got a shot of superbia inserting the capsule (you can see his nail!), which charged him, and got launched away after he was defeated. I assume he didn't use her full energy because she survived, unlike the poor lulu from cupiridas :(
Edit: important to note that even (seemingly) after superbia used lulu, she's still inhumanly strong after lewis woke her up so i think i can see why they used humans as energy + she could still survive
Something else i realised is superbia's mechanical noises before he could speak is really ga-ga-pi, same with what our Lulu said when she first woke up. This makes me wonder if she could hear him? Weren't they supposed to be unconscious? 😨
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thefoldedbird · 4 months
Brave Bang Bravern
Theory Time! - Episode 4 Spoilers!
I'm definitely on the train of thought that Lulu is a lab grown specimen that was specifically grown to pilot Superbia. They need a pilot to be stronger and allegedly they have to be human or at least human-like but why go through the trouble of it like Bravern is with Isami? I don't think Lulu's suit was anything super important. She can still use her sonic scream and combat skills without it. Perhaps she's just never seen another human -possibly because she's only EVER been in Superbia's cockpit- and bonded with the first one she met once she figured out he wasn't trying to hurt her.
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Second to this, I'm thinking that the ga-wa-pi phrase she says (and the variations of it) is a fragment of language she learned wherever she was grown from. It doesn't seem to be connected to any particular action or emotion as she used it affectionately with Smith and aggressively with Isami. But it's her only other constant phrase.
While I think it would be cool for her to have an aggressive memory recall later down the line where she fills us in on some background Bravern has been purposefully omitting I don't think it's likely. Why give your lab rat intelligence? She's basically there to function like a minicon from Transformers Armada.
Another clue to her having never left Superbia, her hair. It's super long. No one's ever been able to cut it, least of all her. Also she's covered in purple goo when Smith finds her on the beach. It's very similar to the green goo Isami is covered in in Episode 3 and 4.
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Sure, it can supply oxygen directly to the pilot, but there's a damn good chance it can supply other things as well. Like nutrients.
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coredrill · 3 months
funniest thing abt bravern is that isami goes around saying shit like “there’s no point in saving the world if smith’s not here” “i’m not strong enough to do this but smith made me feel like i could” “hey smith i feel your dick” “smith gets full body waxes?” and also literally begging smith to talk to him from beyond the grave (in a callback to their first conversation no less!) and yet the poor dude is like. struggling to hold onto his spot as the third gayest character in his own show LMFAO
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ryu-blue · 5 months
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//Some brave bang bravern spoilers/theories//
Okai so, bravern is my new huperfixation.
¿Does bravern had a pilot before? ¿The old Pilot died? He is emotionally depent with isami, although never waits to isami answer. Msybe the ex pilot treated him in a bad way or not, and treated bravern with care, and bravern just want again that acceptance again.
If that's not true at all , bravern Is searching for humans acceptance? Trying to be a heroe for everyone. And that's make me think about, if he could been disowned for a reason, for don't have a pilot or be something different.
About the movie reference he said in episodio 3, bravern were watching humans before invation? He could be the reason of the earth invation at first place, and lies about it bc he likes earth
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margoshrmargoshing · 3 months
A couple of things I noted in the 10th episode of bravern: (obviously spoilers)
—The combined entity of Lulu and Superbia's souls in The Scene of them bonding is represented as a bird. Bird is a symbol of freedom, and it may mean that they are freed from a destructive codependency and are separate spirits now while one in a healthy relationship
—In the scene where Bravern talks with Superbia about being piloted and says that he should respect and care for Lulu instead of using her, we are shown two birds in the sky while listening. First, they fly separately, and then one of them lands on the other's back, standing on it while the other one continues flight. I don't think this is accidental: What it could possibly mean?
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aecho-again · 4 months
Potential Ep 4 spoilers
Okay, so Lulu keeps calling Bravern Smith so there has to be a connection between these two and the current most popular theory might prove true in one way or another. The question is, what exactly could have happened to Smith that turns/turned him into a robot
One thing that speaks against the theory is every scene where Bravern says a word in English
He may have his DNA (?) though. Or a part of his personality. But they can't possibly be the same person
Or this is one massive red herring and they are playing us for a fool
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cyber-neptune · 3 months
"Isami kissing and confessing his love to some ghost-holographic Smith to revive Bravern" is my shitty theory for the 12th episode
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elfdragon12 · 3 months
So I'm up to date with Brave Bang Brave Bravern as of March 3rd...
Episode 8 very much recontextualizes the title "Deathdrive".
My current prevailing theory is that Bravern is from a "bad ending" future timeline. That is why he knows so much and why I think he's so excited for Isami and this present Earth.
The Lulus are human. It's possible that humans have been either completely wiped out or there are very little left and it's been this way for a long time, so the Deathdrives have these Lulu clones to use at their complete disposal for their thrilling death escapades. It seems that Superbia has only ever seen the Lulu clones when it comes to humans, so to see "his" Lulu up and talking and being a person is something he really had to sit and think about.
My biggest question is "how did Bravern come to his own personal revelation about humanity"?
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randomidiocyncrazies · 3 months
... it's interesting that the preview for Bravern is just a different edit of the one for ep11; the dialogue is exactly the same with the previous ep 11 preview, just the images and background music that's different.
if there isn't another preview for ep 12 later, then it's pretty much confirmation that ep 12 will be a redo of ep 11 due to time travel shenanigans, though who triggers the time travel remains to be seen. I really hope it's Isami, but it'd also make sense for Bravern to subconsciously(?) do a time jump before death, or future Lulu trying again.
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