#bugnarok cannot be completely written out yet because Jeramie needs a people to rule over
mofffun · 10 months
a little IRL future spoilers/speculation:
the tochigi film society posted ep24 & 26 is filmed there (at Ooya = Bugnarok base cave) and now I can see why 25 isn't included because it's set in Shugoddom (studio) so it means the whole team visiting the Bugnarok base in 26 (and that plot wrapped up in the same episode) is looking firm 🤔 Deathnarok turned giant next ep so he's dead, what are they searching for in 26? (unless they are reviving him as Deathnarok IX) Who will tell them the history prior to 2000 years ago? (ehto, Shido-san/Rainoir said his schedule is open in November.)
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