#bungo stray dogs matcup
distortedataraxia · 2 years
heyo i couldn’t see if you’re doing matchups or not rn, just ignore this is you aren’t :)
if you are doing them, i was wondering if i could get a matchup with one of the bsd boys?
i’m she/her and only 5ft so i’m quite short aha, i’ve got big thighs and hips and a lil bit of a tummy, i’m extroverted and super confident and nonchalant with other peoples opinions.
i like to talk a lot about literally anything and everything, i often over explain or repeat things i’ve already said (which i’ve probably done here) which can be annoying for some people aha but i can’t control it. i show my affection with physical touch and rough banter and play fighting lol.
i love cooler weather and thunderstorms late at night (especially when i’m with someone else). i like being loud and messing around a fair bit (i’ve got half a dozen brothers so it’s a given aha) but being quiet and domestic, like dancing around in the lounge room or cooking with someone i love are some of my favourite things. and i have a weird dislike/distrust for nice people with no dark side lmao.
Author note : Hello, i'm really sorry for the wait, i made you wait really long and i don't know if you'll see this but i'll write it anyways in hopes that you'll see it and like it nontheless, this might seems rushed and i guess it's my fault but I hope it's okay anyways ^^
I pair you with...
(I need to stop pairing people with Dazai or atsushi shzjaizkzkja)
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TW : suicide cuz Dazai
You both would probably have a lot of fun together. People would probably sense you from afar like 362828km ahead and be like "Uh oh. Troubles are coming. " - since Dazai likes to mess around with people, you both will probably mess around with a lot of people together just as you mess around with each other, and that's where the play fighting may begin ! Dazai may seems nice but he has a dark side i think ? So it's okay right ? - ERM ATARAXIA CONFIDENCE PLEASE.
When you try to cook, be careful, Dazai will destroy your kitchen, good luck dealing with that, i'll let it up to you to imagine- I don't know why but i can imagine both of you just looking at the thunder and then dazai being like "I wish i could leave this world just as fast and as beautiful as that" , i'll let you imagine the rest -
Also, frankly,best of luck, dating Dazai might probably be mentally draining, multiple suicide attempts everyday is not great at all - especially for people you care about... Oooh do i sense angst? I'll let up to you to imagine.
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distortedataraxia · 2 years
If requests are open, I hope it's okay if I request a matchup 🥺 I'm a bisexual transdude. I'm a pretty big introvert, if I go to big social things, I will need like a full day to myself at least after it or else I will have an emotional breakdown from being burnt out. Despite that, I'm a childcare worker and I adore my kids so much, little ones are my specialty. It's my dream to be a dad one day! I'm a very domestic person, my hobbies include cooking, baking, and drawing. I'm also super into fashion and like looking good whenever I go out. A malewife, some would say /hj.
I'm a big people pleaser with social anxiety, so I tend to be reserved and overly polite when I first meet people. This also tends to make me a bit of a doormat. If you mistreat me, I'll of course be upset, but I'll bottle it up and won't voice my complaints because I hate confrontation. Plus I'm an angry crier and I hate crying in front of people. I constantly have the attitude of "I'M TIRED OF BEING NICE. I'M GONNA GO APESHIT." But I never go apeshit because I need everyone to like me so much all the time.
I'm super loosened up around friends though so I can be sarcastic, teasing, and cuss quite a bit. I tend to have a bit of dark... Dazai-esque humor sometimes, it's a habit, not as bad as it used to be. I'm also pretty dirty minded lol. Also, if my loved ones need something, my anxiety will go out the window, I'd fight anyone for them.
aaaaa this is getting long so I'm so sorry, I'll just state a few more facts
- I love anything horror. Movies, video games, haunted houses, esc.
- My cats are my babies and are at the top of my Favorite People list. I like all animals though!
- I'm punk-eque I guess with a love of rock n' roll, motorcycles, and tattoos. I am my father's son lmao.
- I have a big weakness for anything cute. I have impulsively spent $20 on a bunny plush. Help.
- That being said, I'm usually super cautious with money and encourage others to do the same.
- One time I cried after killing an ant bc I put myself in its shoes and "Oh my god, he was just walking around and living his life. And now it's gone. He's just suddenly DEAD. Oh my god."
Ummm I think that's it. I really enjoy your writing and you seem really nice and I hope you have a good day ❤️
Author note : Hello !! I'm so so so so so sorryyyyyyy for the time i took to work on your request - I haven't been active at all and i don't feel like i have any valid excuse, just me being emo/20 lol. Anyways I'm sorry this is rushed and i'll doubt you'll see this but i'll do it anyways,- still sorry ! You have a good day too and take care ! 💜also i didn't know if you wanted to be paired with a girl or a boy so i just did whatever came to my brain as other people are waiting - I'm sorry this is completly my fault TT-TT If you wanted to be paired with the other gender you can request to me again that won't bother me! I won't make you wait months-long this time... I think 🥲
I pair you with.....
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I can already see you looking at horror movies with him with A LOT OF FOOD- Ranpo also likes cats so i'm sure you'll take care of some together - Ranpo likes to play video games too as he plays some with yosano, i'm sure he'll find a lot of time for you and him to play together ! if you go to Haunted houses together, i'm sure he'd be amused by your reactions as he already figured out where everything is and what will happen.. Or maybe he can be taken by surprise..? Who knows - that's for you to imagine ! As he is really smart no shit sherlock he will probably figure out when something is bothering you so you won't even have to say it ! I'm sure this man will beg you to bake or cook things for him and then will eat almost everything in the blink of an eye - Goodluck with that! Ranpo will be careful with you, i can already imagine a dramatic plot where one of your loved one is in danger and it's too dangerous for you and he's gonna save them but you find out and he tries to stop you from going there and then idk boom drama and- yeah -
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distortedataraxia · 2 years
HELLOW THERE i would like to ask for a nsd match up❤️❤️❤️❤🙋🙋
people usually like my insane nature and how funny i am, will always brighten your mood when your down and will always try to make you laugh with the things i find in the internet and stories when i was a kid since im pretty chatty💀,even tho i have a bright personality i can be quiet when i draw or focused on something ,i maybe stubborn at times but i will never give up,im an enfp btw!!
over all, im a funny person and who hope one day they could be a philosopher
Second author note : Hello I wanted to apologize for the reallyyyy long wait i don't think i have any valables excuses (well maybe i do but maybe i don't want to remember 🤔) and i'm sorry if this is rushed , I'm also sick while writing this TT-TT My writing might have changed or decreased and i'm sorry for that, i hope that regardless this, it'll be enjoyable,I didn't know what gender you wanted to be paired with so i originally planned to pair you with 2 characters seperately but my brain stopeed working on the second part and I didn't want to make you wait any longer so..I hope that doesn't bother you - If you want you can request to me again the same thing with the other gender..or to someone else judging the time I took to actually start getting my request dones again..i'm really sorry, thank you for your time, really ^^""
I pair you with...
Atsushi !
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I don't know.. My brain forced me to pair you with Atsushi-
You both would probably have a lot of fun together and you'll probably cheer up people together on some occasions, you guys would be pretty obvious. I can already imagine the whole thing ahah, but i'll let it up to you to imagine if you'd like. Also please give that boy comfort and love he needs it -
Of course you can't be chatty forever and you have time when you're focused, during theses times, Atsushi is either wondering what you are doing, either preparing something to try and surprise you, either on a mission or doing Dazai's job-
I can imagine you being stubborn and Atsushi giving up with a small SIgH and a little smile - But he won't let your stubborn habits put you in danger, don't even try to go on dangerous missions with him, especially if you don't work in the ADA or anything, you're too precious for him to lose.
He'll encourage your hopes to , one day, become a philosopher, and will probably go to Dazai like " Dazai-san ! I need your help! How do people become philosophers ? " Or maybe ranpo too - he'll be very supportive and will try to help the most he can when he's not working - please make sure he gets some rest.
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