bunningchaos · 4 months
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..This was meant to just be a shading test, but it somehow turned out like this.
Anyways, from what I've seen and were told. It's the murderer's birthday, so uh.
Happy birthday to the dusty boi!
Albeit this drawing definitely isn't a good celebration
Dust belongs to Ask-DustTale, on Tumblr!
Swap belongs to Popcorn Pr1nce, on... Uh, where?
Andd, because I felt like it, putting a extra story thingy underneath the cut
This is mainly only for the drawing
Time and time again, the timeline kept on being rewinded back to the start. As if the human whom monopolized the power of 'Determination' had encountered some sort of issue that forced them to go back constantly. Starting all over again, rather than continuing from where the last save point left off.
How unusual, Sans couldn't grasp the situation at all. Even so, this wasn't going to stop him from moving forward with his plans on gathering EXP and LV for himself. All for the sake of hindering the human's progress and to get stronger, much stronger than the vile being that treats every monsters' lives like nothing but toys.
As much as he tries to tell himself, "It's for the better". Guilt still overwhelms him heavily, especially when he land the final blow on his own brother. His one and only precious family member, though that's besides the point. He had to forsake literally everything he knew, his morals, the others that he knew. Even the friends he made from other Universes, having no other choice but to cut contact with them. For the fear of possibly putting them in harm's way just.. didn't feel right.
Not like the current situation was any better! Why?
The current issue, right at this very point, lies in the fact that.. there wasn't any monsters in sight. No matter where he looked, exception for the few that he had managed to dust within Snowdin's town. All of it accumulating to lesser LV than the initial amount he'd normally obtain in the prior resets.
Adding onto the fact that he could barely even get one simple thing done courtesy of the constant reloading and resetting that was ongoing. This in turns, ended up frustrating him more than expected.
Just what the hell is wrong with that thing this time?
Did they finally get bored of dusting monsters and decided to mess with him by screwing with the timeline?
That surely can't be it, right?
Or was it...?
Hell if he knows, pushing aside every single thoughts in his head for the time-being. He made his way towards Waterfall, his slippers damp from the snow, the fluffy fabric making soft 'squish'-like noises with each step that was taken. Disturbing the tranquil silence, where nothing else could be heard other than the subtle noises from the waterfall.
Too peaceful, everything was far too peaceful. In a horrible way, dust could be seen drifting within the air. The atmosphere abnormally tense whilst then temperature dropped to a all-time low, even lower than the snowy region's.
Narrowing his eye sockets, his eye lights glowed dimly. Barely illuminating the darkened surrounding, there having absolutely no light sources other than the occasional echo flowers scattered around randomly. The bright blue glow emitted from those flowers was eye burning, to say the least. Yet it did a pretty good job of lighting up the area, albeit a limited range.
Even so, every single one of those flowers he walked past. All repeated the screams and noises of sheer panic, presumably from the residents of Waterfall. The culprit that caused all those, however, was unidentifiable from just these voice 'recording'. If one can even call it that.
For there isn't a single word nor sound, uttered from the perpetrator.
This definitely wasn't the doing of that disgusting thing, so, who else could it be?
Undyne? No, she isn't the type to harm others. Maybe except the human, after all. Sans did witness her going all out against them multiple times, yet it never succeeded. They were always stronger.. no, they abused their ridiculous ability to reload and kept on trying, when they failed the first few times. Unfortunately, getting the upper hand eventually and finishing off the Captain of the Royal Guard, once they learnt from their mistakes that caused their deaths and losses.
Alphys? Definitely not, she's too much of a coward to even hurt a fly.
Asgore? Yet another no.
So who...?
Unbeknownst to Sans, as he lost himself within his own thoughts. He failed to notice a presence behind him, one that was familiar yet also not anymore.
Within the blink of an eye, Sans was abruptly yanked backwards by a hand grasping tightly onto the bright red scarf that hung around his neck. Startling him right back into reality, his balance being thrown off as he barely managed to keep himself from falling onto his bum. His guard immediately rosed up, however, before he could even react nor do a thing.
A sharp blue bone, was pointed directly at his neck. It was a clear threat, that if he moved even one inch. The culprit wouldn't hesitate to harm him, and knowing of his current stats. He dare not make a move.
For once, in a dreadfully long period of time. He felt fear seep into his body, whoever this was. Is definitely dangerous, even though they didn't give off the same presence as the human.
"..Huh?" Sans uttered under his breath, his eye lights shrinking when he took notice of the all-too-familiar cyan gloves that the other person.. no, monster, was wearing.
It can't be. There's no way, he tried to deter his thoughts away from the numerous possibility that stirred within his mind. Yet it was all for nothing, once the other spoke up
"Found you." The voice was so unsettlingly cold, sending chills running down his spine. His entire body tensing up and freezing in place, he couldn't move. It felt as if his feet were rooted straight into the ground.
Not just fear, but sheer disbelief overtook him entirely. Not at all needing to turn around, to figure out the other's identity. As it was more than obvious, Sans so badly wanted to curl up into a hole and die.
It was Swap, the one other version of himself that resembled his own brother, Papyrus. Especially, being quite righteous and isn't afraid of speaking up plus doing things for the greater good. Due to him wanting to join the Royal Guards, hence having a more, dominating presence and attitude.
So, if that was the case. Why did Sans feel so much bloodlust from him? The one monster that is meant to be.. kind and forgiving, but not naive. At least, not murderous.
"Don't underestimate me, Classic. Did you really think you could cut me off that easily?"
Swap's tone was like a sharp blade, cutting through the tense silence. His entire demeanour had completely changed, there wasn't even a single shred of the once upbeat tone he used to have.
As much as Sans didn't want to cry, his body betrayed him. Bright blue tears welling up within the corner of his eye sockets, this wasn't supposed to happen.
The other skeleton wasn't meant to be here, neither should he be.. this.. malicious. It felt as if this 'Swap' was nothing more than a genocidal freak, with the presence he gave off.
Sans was more than certain he made sure no one else, but himself knew what was going on. He ensured that he left quietly without arising any suspicions.
..Or did Swap just paid too much of a attention to him?
No one could tell at this point, even Sans himself wasn't sure what Swap's intentions even were.
Since his thoughts trailed off, only now piecing together the puzzles of what caused the human to have so much issues.
They were caught up trying to deal with Swap, a completely new and unexpected obstacle.
This is going to be troublesome.
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bunningchaos · 6 months
Thanks for the 23 follows!
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Do NOT claim Nuax as your own character, please. He belongs to me.
Have a drawing of Nuax comforting you when you're feeling low.
Honestly, I intended to have this done at 10 followers but I got sidetracked. And yes, I'm still working on the Christmas comics.
Though, if you'd like to draw your character over the 'Anon' figure, have these versions of the drawing!
It'll all be under the cut, oh and.. there's also a story written to follow with the image. Wayy below if you're interested in reading!
If you do use drawing to add your character or even yourself, please do post it and tag me and/or tag #NuaxComfort ! So that I can see your wonderful creations!
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Pose Only
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Background Only
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Without further ado, have the story that was written within ten minutes or less. So do pardon me if there's any grammatical errors!
It had been about two weeks since you've been welcomed into this small yet lively AU that was ironically, named 'Safe Haven'. The one whom took you in went by the name of 'Fi' and they had also happily assisted you with settling in with the other residents alongside granting you keys to your new house. All within the time-span of a day
It was overwhelming to even process everything that happened, especially when it went through this quickly. You begun to wonder if this was a dream, unaccustomed to the warmth and kindness you received.
Of course, you didn't take things for granted. Trying your absolute best to socialize with everyone else and partaking in their shenanigans which was one of the most joy you've experienced. Albeit also getting into trouble and having to be lectured by Ctrin, when things got out of hand.
Your chest felt heavy.
The moment you're alone, even for awhile. The uneasiness you feel within the back of your mind that you've been desperately trying to push aside, it kept on returning back.
The urge to cry, to just breakdown and scream. It gradually was getting harder to brush off.
You carried so much on your shoulders but there was noone to talk to. For, the fear of driving people away, forced you to keep your mouth shut.
"…Hello" A soft, unfamiliar voice soon spoke out from behind you when you were tightly gripping onto the front of your shirt. Your breathing unstable and heavy, a clear sign that you were NOT okay.
Turning your head towards the direction of the voice, you notice it was Nuax. The one small skeleton that was always lingering around town and rarely talked, with the exception of a selective few.
Even then, seeing Nuax taking the initiative to approach someone was.. rare.
So you weren't sure how to react to Nuax's sudden greeting, that and, the look in his eye lights. It felt as if he could see right through you.
"…Are.. you okay?" Was the only other thing that he asked, as he gently reached one of his scarf's end to wrap around your wrist. His voice sounded so comforting, causing you to drop your guard without realising.
As much as you wanted to keep your mouth shut, you couldn't. Tears was already starting to gather within the corner of your eyes as Nuax stared up at you worriedly. Soon he gently pulled you along to his house that was only a few steps away from yours.
Seating you down by the couch, the smaller skeleton sat down next to you and lightly tapped his lap. Giving you permission to rest your head on him which you hesitantly but gladly accepted.
This was.. nice.
You soon feel a blanket being pulled over you as Nuax begun to slowly but lightly pat your head, whilst a comforting warmth gradually engulfed you, allowing your body to ease up further.
However, you could've sworn you saw pink particles of magic but your vision was incapable of processing it.
..No, it was more so, you're refusing to acknowledge the usage of magic on you. You were relaxed far too easily, and you knew that.
This feeling of warmth and comfort, was one that you had been desperately craving for. You've always wanted someone to listen to you, for you to get the heavy feeling off your chest.
Without even thinking, you soon opened your mouth and started spilling everything. Everything that you had been bottling up until now
Nuax, didn't stop you. He listened to it all, continuing to give you soft pats on the head as you ranted....
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bunningchaos · 6 months
Hihi, welcome to BunningChaos' page!
This will be the "Masterpost"
Kindly no reuploading, yknow. Those kind of stuff, like stealing and claiming drawings as your own even if it isn't yours.
I should probably add this, but some basic info on this blog- -I'm kind of, inconsistent with what I post, though mainly Undertale related content. Do bare with me on this aspect -Asks are appreciated! Regardless of it being silly questions, or stuff/interactions for my characters! Although, the current focus will be on the recent new AU thingy I'm working on, so unless indicated. I'll casually assume it's directed to them
I'm shoving most stuff under the cut so this don't take up too much space!
[Current Main Focus - Knight's Vow AU]
[Asks for them are open now! - Most are under the tag #KVAU Ask or #KVAU] It'd practically be interactive with the characters, be it questions or actions. It's gonna be answered with drawings though, very rarely will it be in text-only format
Information + Beginning
A Promise
Characters Reference - Individual Ones Coming Soon : The Children (The Wanderers) The Enlightened (The Saviors) + Error and Reaper The Eclipse (The Runaways)
UTMV X TNMN (That's Not My Neighbour)
[In order]
Editing this as the time goes on
Specific 'AU/Ask' Tags
Other Tags
[Social Media]
I do not have any other platforms, if you see 'me' anywhere else. Report or let me know. I will take action. • Ko-fi (Consider supporting Bunning via a cup of Coffee!) • YouTube (Secondary, however I kinda- don't animate much) • Instagram (I rarely use this platform-) • Twitter (X) (Weee, it fixeddd--) • Archive Of Our Own (AO3) (Longer story stuff- probs)
• #Fi (Ink Frisk) • #Nuax (AU Sans) • #Igneus (AU Sans)
• #Demise (Demised Remedy Frisk) • #Remedy (Demised Remedy Chara) • #Warden (Demised Remedy Sans) • #Memory (Demised Remedy Asriel/Flowey)
• #Bolsive (Ink Sans Variant) • #Ctrin (Error Sans Variant) • #Buttercup (Bitty Chara)
• #Fallen (Feathered Revelation Sans) • #Angel (Feathered Revelation Frisk)
• #Mirza (Sans AU) • #Sprinkle (Lust Sans Variant) • #Rainbow (Fresh Sans Variant)
• #Vultous (Fell!Goth Variant) • #Xenos (Crossmare/Nightcross Ship Child) • #Nomos (Crossmare/Nightcross Ship Child)
• Shiftfell! Magnolia Chara (SF!M Chara) - No Nickname Yet • Shiftfell! Magnolia Frisk (SF!M Frisk) - No Nickname Yet
• Comet (Outer!Ink) • Starry (Outer!Fi) • Blackhole (Outer!Error)
• Lucky (Kindness Soul)
• Solaris (Sans AU) • Lumen (Sans AU)
[Safe Haven Related] (#safe haven timeline) or (#safe haven asks)
[Safe Haven Travellers] (#safe haven travellers)
[Ask Vultous (Fell!Goth)] (#ask vultous)
[Ask Sprinkle] - Pause (#ask sprinkle)
[Demised Remedy AU] (#demised remedy) or (#demised remedy au)
[Feathered Revelation (Otherwise Birdfell)] (#feathered revelation) or (#feathered revelation au)
[Shiftfell! Magnolia] (#Shiftfell! Magnolia)
[Outer!Verse (Not finalized name)] (No Tags yet)
[Bunning's Stuff]
• #Bunningart - Any artwork that I upload, those for #Safe Haven Asks, won't be included under this tag
• #Bunningreference - Reference sheets for my characters
• #Bunningbragging - Where I post about merchs or other stuff
• #Bunningshitpost - .. Shitposts, obviously
• #Bunningreblog - I reblog stuff.
• #Bunningstory - ..My written stories and stuff.
• #Bunningwip - All my WIP's since a vote concluded 100% Yes- to showing them-
• #Bunningpoll - Where I drop Polls (Votes for stuff)
• #Bunningcoffee - Ko-fi stuff! Perhaps exclusive drawings or commissions
• #Bunningtalk - When I want to talk about random stuff.
• #BunningRequest - Tag for drawing requests!
• #BunningAsk - They answer.
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