#but ... eh.
daily-ron-fnf · 15 days
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Day 109
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visionthefox · 1 year
your so real about sams
im so sorry.. but I'll rant a bit.. if you wanna read some nonesense.. click it w
.. I dont like to dislike the show.. it used to be fun, actually fun! the lore and the gameplay was nice! Eclipse was such a terrifing character! .. and Lunas was nice! but.. for me now.. its not the same.. dont get me wrong, KC was a cool idea, if done right! reason why I drew him! another personality and the twins? imagine! the chaos! the destruction! the fun!.. but .. that didnt happend.. people hating on Sun had me annoyed for so many days , not because I like Sun, but because it showed me these fans are easy to attack when a fictional character gets hurt.. how easy to manipulate they are.. then Earth.. she is an overused concept.. we have Lunar.. and even Nice Eclipse to fill the role of "nice bot who is there to help".. so why adding her? the cast is already full.. aside from that.. her lack of care to see KC in such pain.. the way she just stood there..talking nonesense, forcing her way into a broken family.. because let me tell you, family is who YOU choose to be, not someone who suddently tell you "WE ARE FAMILY NOW".. thats wrong.. its so intrusive..
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lesbiantherian · 3 months
when you're being mean to me, this is who you're being mean to.
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navysealt4t · 1 month
didn’t make it into something rotten </3
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ask-cal-cuttlefish · 2 months
(consider this your opportunity to ask hypno-callie questions for a while)
*she was raging, hypnoshades on in octo-canyon, just taking out her anger on random walls and objects around* "THEY DONT UNDERSTAND! NONE OF THEM DO!" *she scream's for a few moments. and then just cries. then laugh's...* "GOD... DAMN IT! HAHAHA... WHY... HEHEHEH... he..." *she goes back to just crying. and just idly swaying around octo-canyon... no one dare's try to make her do anything, not in this state...* "..." *on autopilot, she just walks and walks. not knowing what or where to go or what to do and say...* "...huh?" *she find's herself in the workshop, and decides to just idly mess around with some tools... playing with a drill bit. she look's around through her red-tinted shades... her mind screaming, the non-stop panic setting in...* "..." *she spot's something... she looks shocked at herself, but then... walks over, and grabs it...* "..." *she press's down on the trigger, the welder springs to life... and she slowly brings it up to her ear...* "its time to rock their worlds."
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taxi-boi · 2 years
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There is Something Wicked Within You
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rcsetorn · 1 year
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Tagged by: @asteelgarden <3
Tagging: @braverybled (Leon) @xkuja @vxmpirehunterd @ofgeneticperfection @ofhades
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the-faultofdaedalus · 6 months
mmmm thinking of reworking yy'vae lore again
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give us some of your political beliefs?
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♧~Y♧u kn♧w wh♤t? Fu◇k It.~◇
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♧~I h♧n♡st|y thInk th♤t tr♧|| s♧◇I♡ty sh♧u|d b♡ m♧r♡ ♧f ♤ d♡m♧◇r♤◇y.~◇ ♧~|Ik♡, f♧r ♡◇♡ry ◇♤st♡, th♡r♡ Is ♤ ♡|♡◇t♡d r♡pr♡s♡nt♤tI◇♡ ♧f th♤t ◇♤st♡ ♧r s♧m♡thIng.~◇ ♧~And ♤ n♡w ♧n♡ Is ♡|♡◇t♡d ♡◇♡r ♧th♡r sw♡♡p.~◇ ♧~D♧ y♧u s♡♡ my ◇IsI♧n?~◇
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miraclespin · 5 months
Thinking about that reverse AU got me to thinking about my own reverse AU, which itself was inspired by another reverse AU that I never actually properly read or interacted with because it was old, unfinished, and hadn't updated for years by that point (it still hasn't, by the way). I kind of wish I could do something with mine, but I'm very bad at planning long-form stories- hence why I haven't updated the Unsolved AU for literal years (and it wasn't even supposed to be a strictly chronological endeavor, barring the one part I've been struggling to finish; I can't even remember most of the ideas I had for the one-offs, either, it's been so long).
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anne-the-insomniac · 9 months
Oh I am not Lore.
Thank god.
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edoro · 2 years
i have sent TWO anxiety-inducing business emails and made an anxiety-inducing annoying phone call today
I Am Like Unto A God
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a-trying-writer · 2 years
[[ Qiu -- an original short story featured in a bigger story, and two key points in two different stories i may never fully write. please no reblogs. ]]
No-No found themself at the mercy of Qiu, while Xiao Wei stood off to the side, enamored by the sight of the legend himself.
He said nothing as he reached out to No-No’s mask, but didn’t take it off. Instead, he focused on the energy of the artifact that is in his heart, to feel the one within No-No’s forehead. Theirs was much, much smallers, no bigger than a sliver, imbued within their skin, but gave off a lot of energy.
But not enough that it bothers him. So he threw them aside, before walking towards the middle of the room, and sat down on the slab. “Get out,” he said.
Xiao Wei’s smile soon fell. “How dare you tell me to go, after all I did to get here! Please, Master Qiu, you--” “You aren’t capable of using the runes,” he interrupted her. “It’s not something you can practice, like writing or learning an instrument -- you will have to be born to use it.”
“But--” “You’re getting on my nerves, human, so either leave now, or suffer from your own hubris.”
No-No slowly got up from the ground to stare at Qiu. “Fine... We will leave you to meditate...” they said. “But you’re wrong about me being the same as you!”
Qiu shrugged. “I didn’t say we are the same, child, only similar. What you do with your life has nothing to do with me. She, on the other hand, wants everything to do with me, which I don’t take kindly to. I don’t need people to force themselves into my life, and try to worship me as if I’m some sort of God.”
No-No glanced towards Xiao Wei, as she slowly made her way up to Qiu. They quickly hurried to stop her in her tracks, and grabbed her arm to try to drag her out of the chamber forcefully. “She is a guest to my village, but it is my responsibility to keep her safe. Thank you for sparing us, Qiu.”
Xiao Wei tried to fight against No-No, to run towards Qiu, but a single word from the man made her change her mind, unwillingly.
Once the door to the chamber was shut behind the two, Qiu shut his eyes as he took in a deep breath.
At least this didn’t end violently, he thought.
“Osiris!” Ara called out, as he crashed against the ground and rolled towards the edge. She rushed towards him, trying to use words to give her the boosts she needed, but was interrupted by a sudden kick against her stomach, causing her to collapse onto the ground with a gasp.
Towering above her, the man she had learned to be named Qiu, grabbed her the collar of her shirt to lift her from the ground with ease. He stared at her battered face in silence, before blocking the blast that Osiris threw with the use of the artifact he held, by using his own.
Osiris noticed how unamused Qiu looked, but neither was he smug, as he continued to look over Ara’s face.
“Wasted potential...” Qiu muttered, then wrote a single word in the air with just his index finger, to open a rift. Osiris quickly realized what he was going to do, so he forced himself to get up and dashed towards him.
Qiu simply stepped aside when he pushed Ara in, and watched Osiris grab her wrist, right before she could fall into the abyss below.
“Ara...” Osiris cried out, as he tried to use his artifact to bubble her and lift her up, but he was too weak to use it. “Wake up, Ara!”
She slowly turned her head up to him. “Os... You’re hurt...”
“Come on, Ara! Give me your hand!”
She tried to reach out, but the shooting pain from her arm that went straight to her neck stopped her. Various thoughts went through her head, as she tried to write, but couldn’t, due to Qiu cutting her off from the source of her talent.
Feeling beaten, and not wanting Osiris to hurt himself anymore from trying to lift her up, Ara gave him a weak smile. “You know... The past two years were fun...” she said, sending chills down Osiris’ spine.
“W-what are you talking about? We still have so much to see, Ara!”
Ara tried to laugh, but the pain in her ribs cut it short. “I’m sorry, Os... You should... You need to go back home. But... promise me you will say ‘hi’ to my mom and brother for me, okay?”
“You can tell them--” Before he could say much more, Ara used whatever strength she had length to pull herself off from Osiris’ grip, and was attacked by the force of the realm, tearing her robe into pieces. Osiris was able to grab a cloth, before he pulled himself out of the rift, and sat in place, stunned.
Qiu said nothing as he shut the rift, then turned away and walked from the man. He knew that such a small daemon could not defeat him, but was much more disappointed that she wasn’t as strong as he was told. A real pity.
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majormeilani · 2 years
besides i think grooves being the winner of award 42 leads to more potential for character development for the both of them, anyway
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meowww-ffxiv · 2 years
Watching the other alliance eating shit.
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