#but I really. really like this entry and i think if you come in with an open heart you will too
thisapplepielife · 2 days
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Written for the @steddiemicrofic June challenge.
June Prompt: Stuff | Word Count: 483 | Rating: T | CW: Language | Tags: Established Long-Term Relationship, Moving, One of Them is a Packrat, And It Isn't Steve
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"How'd we end up with this much stuff, Jesus Christ!?" Eddie shouts from the other room, sounding exasperated. And he's not wrong. For living in such a small apartment, they've sure gathered up a lot of shit that they are now having to pack.
Steve doesn't dare tell Eddie it's him. That he's the goddamn packrat around here, so he says nothing, continuing to wrap the dozens of mismatched fast food glasses with cartoon characters splashed on the exterior, in sheets of newspaper. 
Eddie saves, collects, everything.
Glasses, Happy Meal toys, and honestly, why is this grown man ordering Happy Meals? Steve is unsure, but he's got proof by way of a drawerful of toys, mixed in with the takeout packets of ketchup, and for some godforsaken reason, the twist ties off sandwich bread. Like, hundreds upon hundreds, all snarled together in their junk drawer. 
Stuff, everywhere. 
Steve gets it, he thinks. It's from the way Eddie grew up, wanting, needing, saving scraps for a rainy day. Steve never had to do that, and doesn't hang onto things he isn't absolutely sure he'll need again. 
Do they need forty-seven empty butter containers? Steve's pretty sure the answer is no. His mom gave them a huge set of Tupperware that she definitely had no need for herself, because she doesn't cook, but that she bought at some home party to impress her friends.
But Eddie deemed the Tupperware to be too nice to use everyday, so now it's squirreled away, and they're stuck reaching in the fridge, playing the 'is this really the butter?' game.
Now. Here they are. 
Steve's packed butter containers and Cool Whip containers, and a few empty pickle jars, putting them into boxes, when he's pretty sure they should have just gone straight into the trash.
But, he's been in Wayne's house. Wayne's kitchen. And well, Eddie didn't suck this out of his thumb. He learned it from the man with a wall full of caps and mugs. 
And since Steve loves them both, more than anything, he'll pack up these things that should have been long thrown away, and cart them over to their first home. 
Eddie comes waltzing into the room, Steve's nailbat pinched between two fingers. He must have made it to the back of the closet, then.
"Do we really need to keep this?" Eddie asks, holding it up, like it's offending him.
Steve wants to grab two fistfuls of bread ties, and ask him the same goddamn question.
Instead, Steve just says, "Yes, we need to keep that. Just in case."
"I mean, it's been eight years," Eddie wheedles. 
"I feel better knowing it's there," Steve says, and that's the god's honest truth. He does. He sleeps better knowing it's waiting, just in case.
Eddie shrugs, but has the audacity to say, "Okay. It's just a lot of stuff."
Steve won't kill him.
Probably. Maybe. 
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddiemicrofic and follow along with the fun! ❤️
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umlewis · 1 day
lewis hamilton is interviewed during the press conference on media day, canada - june 6, 2024 (transcript under the cut)
Interviewer: "Lewis, let's come to you now. Back to the scene of your first Forula 1 victory and six subsequent ones, as well. You've always gone well here. What is it about this place?" Lewis: "I don't know. Hi, everyone. I think it's probably just kind of a street circuit, and a bit like a go kart track-long straights-so it's a track that bodes well for late brakers, and someone that's aggressive, I guess; aggressive driving style." Interviewer: "And is that you?" Lewis: "I think I've had an aggressive driving style for a long time, yeah." Interviewer: "Look, tell us about the car and your chances this weekend. The team is telling us that you're making a lot of progress in recent races. Are you feeling that in the cockpit?" Lewis: "Yes. Yeah, the car's continuing to improve. I think everyone's obviously taking that step hopefully closer to the Red Bulls, and I think that's been really positive. But incredibly proud of everyone back at the factory, just how hard everyone's working and how resilient everyone is, and everyone's just staying very focused, head down, and the morale's really great in the team, so I'm hoping that we can get closer to these guys and start actually competing at the front with these." Interviewer: "Do you think that's actually possible this weekend? Is a podium on the horizon?" Lewis: "I don't think it's far away, and so we've got the upgrade. Both cars have the upgrade this weekend, so I'm looking forward to seeing how that feels actually on track." Interviewer: "You've got the new front wing. Gonna out-qualify George this weekend?" Lewis: "I'm gonna try." Interviewer: [laughs] "Alright. Well done, Lewis. Good luck." [time jump] Journalist [Nelson Valkenburg, Viaplay]: "Question for Lewis. Lewis, you already spoke about the improved potential of the car and the way that it's heading. What aspect of the car is improving, and what is then needed more to be able to fight for the podium?" Lewis: "The biggest improvement, I think, coming into this year has been ride quality and being able to get the car lower, which is what others have been able to do, and then stability on entry of corners. The car's far more predictable than it ever was, particularly the last couple of years, and particularly this year it's a lot more stable, so we can be a lot more committed into the corners. But then through-corner balance is where we've been lacking, as where some of the others have really taken a big step, so that's what we're trying to work on." Interviewer: "Thanks, Lewis. Any more? Yep." Journalist [Roldán Rodriguez, DAZN Spain]: "To Lewis, as well: In the contract with Ferrari for next year, the question is, was Frederic Vasseur, a man you know pretty well, directly involved in your contract?" Lewis: "Yes." Journalist: "Yeah. Good." Lewis: "Yeah, he's the boss, and really a huge amount of support from John Elkann, who I've got a great relationship with, and so with those two together, Fred and John, we worked really closely."
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ratgrinders · 2 days
Lucy headcanon: she journals. But like the way Kafka journals where it is not helping her mental state at all and in fact may be making things worse. She’s such like a pretentious literary indie sad girl to me. She’s the girl behind a tumblr blog that romanticizes the ‘sad girl’ and ‘female rage’
Bonus: do the other ratgrinders journal? Does it help them or make them worse?
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^^^^^^ sorry ur ask inspired me lmao
BUT YEAH god i love the interpretation of lucy as someone who kinda romanticizes sadness in a way, until it becomes Too Real and Too Close To Home now that she's actually died.
I think the rat grinders journal to varying degrees!
Kipperlilly i think got recommended to journal by jawbone, as a sort of "let your thoughts flow freely you you have a place to express them." kipperlilly doesnt see the point of it, she mostly just ends up writing really angry vent posts that almost tear the paper, which tend to get angrier as the year progresses.
Ruben i think maybe writes down song lyrics, doodles, maybe even poetry if he's feeling up to it, but he's less inspired with the rage crystal and hasn't been doing it as much. he does find it relaxing tho.
ivy im not sure? i could see her maybe scrapbooking or something like that. just making a collage out of a bunch of things that are meaningful to her.
oisins very practical and only ever writes notes, reminders, thoughts to himself. he probably uses it as an agenda of sorts to keep track of things.
mary ann doesnt journal, but she does blog lol, though i doubt its anything personal. shes just a very active forum poster, and i doubt shes keen on letting her personal thoughts be anywhere external.
buddys diary entry starts with "Dear diary <3, Oh golly, what a day! Every day is a trial under His good graces. Why, I was at a "social function" when this boy walked up to me asking if i wanted some of the "good stuff" because it looked like I needed some "positive vibes". I told him the only vibes I need come from the Holy Spirit, thank you very much. If only we could all walk in the light of Helio. I'll have to pray extra hard this evening to balance out the unholy vibes I was exposed to. Yours in Christ, Buddy Dawn <3"
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mingisdoll · 2 days
New concepts
I've been wanting to write this type of fic for a while now and I'm so excited to present it to you all! So here's this
Trope: producer!Hongjoong x composer!gn!reader
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Nervous would be an understatement. Your hands were clammy as you clutched the small briefcase in your hand. Breathing in and out slowly, you walked into the pristine studio, momentarily distracted by the way it way set up before you regained focus and continued walking to the assigned room you were supposed to meet Hongjoong in.
Hongjoong's POV
I was talking with Mingi and Maddox, two members of my trusted team that Eden had put together for me when I was younger. They were just as nervous as I was when they heard that the famous y/n would come in and help us out with some new songs. Despite me not showing it, I was gettting anxious. Y/n has won academy awards for their illustrious film scores and the occasional orchestral pieces they have composed for Seoul's orchestra. A lot of media painted them as someone who is strict as hell and will only take up jobs that are deemed worthy to them.
I picked up my water bottle and I was about to take a sip when I heard a knock on our door. Mingi, being the loud motherfucker that he is, shouted for the person on the other side to entire. I froze momentarily as they walked in and thanked Mingi shyly for being granted entry.
To say that they were mesmerizing would be an understatement.
Black hair swept up and styled into a single braid, a small briefcase being clutched tightly against their chest, and warm brown eyes that scanned the room like a hawk before landing their gaze onto me.
I think I was frozen in my seat.
No one's POV
As you scanned the room, your eyes landed on Hongjoong, who was frozen in his seat and the water bottle in his ringed hand was positioned for him to drink from it. You took notice of the black nail polish that was on his pinky and you bashfully looked down at your own pinky that had blue nail polish on it.
You really took up after your ult bias after all.
"Hi. I'm Y/N. I look forward to working with you."
Mingi was screaming around in excitement while Maddox simply smiled at his friend before nodding politely towards you in acknowledgement. Hongjoong placed the water bottle down on the table next to him and stood up slowly from his seat as he strided over to you. You took the time to assess the outfit that he put together.
He looked good. As always.
"Hi. I'm Hongjoong. I'm sure you know about us." He introduced himself shyly and you couldn't help but giggle at his shyness.
"You're the only kpop group I listen to on a daily basis. Hope that helps."
Mingi strided over to your and gave you a big hug which elicited another giggle from you.
If Hongjoong could, he could record your giggles and play them on a loop so he had something to listen to when he needed to take away some stress.
"Since you listen to Ateez, who do you bias?" Maddox asked you.
"Easy. I bias Hongjoong. In fact, I ult him." You say instantly.
Hongjoong felt the breath being knocked out of his chest.
You, a famous film score composer, ulted him, a member of the biggest boyband and the most credited producer.
He felt like he accomplished a lifelong goal.
He smiled his famous endearing smile and stuck out a hand for you to shake. You took it and shook it before letting go.
"We're going to have a lot of fun together."
That was over a few months ago. From that faithful day, you met up with Hongjoong in his studio and discussed ideas for potential instrumentals that the both of you wanted to produce/compose. You were currently taking a break. Mingi lost a bet and he had to go buy food for all of you. As you sipped on your iced coffee, you saw Hongjoong staring at you with such admiration and
Was that a hint of love in his eyes?
"I have to ask. What made you want to take up composition? Based on the knowledge I have, you used to be a violin player. You were a maestro even! The youngest maestro of them all! So why did you switch gears?"
You've been asked this question millions of times but with Hongjoong, it was out of curiosity rather than something he needed to write for a tabloid or blog. His eyes were full of wonder as he leaned in slightly to indicate that he was listening carefully. He was bouncing both legs and he had his arms crossed.
His pretty smile never left his face.
"I've been performing for so long that at one point in my career, it became so dull. It was also a hassle as well. Wake up, practice, practice, practice, take a break, practice, practice, practice, go home, practice, practice, practice, then sleep. It sucked out my passion for music and I wanted to give up at one point. On top of that, I was going to school as well so it was more stressful for me. During one semester, I was taking a film score class and that's when I realized something."
Hongjoong kept listening to you.
"I have a knack for writing music. My theory wasn't bad and I found myself cranking out so many melodies that I didn't realize I had stuck in my brain until I wrote it on paper. Now I only ever pick up my violin if I wanted to hear how the melody sounded and if it sounded good or not."
"Ahh. I see. So you only ever use your violin to see how a melody would sound from an orchestral perspective?"
"Pretty much. Also, I do that since I have bad speakers and I can't play back anything I've composed."
His eyes went wide with surprise and you nodded bashfully before looking away.
"Most of the speakers I found were either too big to fit onto my desk or too expensive. And the studio apartment I live in doesn't exactly have the cheapest rent so yeah."
Hongjoong frowned for a moment before a bright expression came onto his face. He sprang up from his seat and went into some random corner of the room, digging through a crate full of supplies before walking back to where you were seated and dropping something into your empty hands.
"Here. These speakers still work. They're perfect to fit onto your desk and you can play back your tracks without any worries."
Your eyes widened at the sight of these small speakers that apparently had a big impact on the sound quality. You set the speakers down gently and sprang up from your own seat to pull Hongjoong into a hug.
"Thank you so much." You say happily and Hongjoong chuckled before kissing the side of your head.
"You're welcome, Y/N.
A month had passed and the song that you and Hongjoong were working on not only reached a billion streams on Spotify but it also won you a few awards. As you were celebrating your victory with the rest of Ateez, Hongjoong pulled you aside and brought into a hug.
"We couldn't have done this without you."
"Same here."
A comfortable silence hung between the two of you and you saw him momentarily stare at your lips before looking back at you.
"May I...?"
You nodded shyly before finding yourself kissing the love of your life.
The kiss only lasted for a while before he pulled away and caressed your cheekbone with his thumb.
"I've been wanting to do that for the longest time."
"I guess it's safe to say that you & I have feelings for each other."
"That we do." He kissed your lips once more.
"Will you be mine...?"
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The Look - Chapter One
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AN: Welcome all to my first entry for Hot Bucky Summer. I’m picking up where I left of last year, with a return to Bucky and Joaquín from You bring me closer to God @kingofsorrow20 jumped at the chance to beta this, so gets all my thanks.
Buckyquín sluts - Assemble!
Likes are loved, reblogs are golden
Mood board by me and dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Master list | HBS Master list
Summary: Now that Bucky and Joaquín are proper boyfriends and not secret FWB, they don’t have to sneak around and have sex in out of the way, but semi-public spaces. However, when Joaquín voices that he misses that aspect and comes up with a solution, Bucky finds that he can’t keep his hands off his baby, just thinking about it.
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Relationship: Bucky Barnes x Joaquín Torres
Word Count: 2k
CW: Mean Dom Bucky Barnes, Sweet Sub Joaquín Torres, Domesticity, Developing relationship, Discussions of exhibitionism, exploring fantasies, Bucky’s dirty talk, Joaquín’s oral fixation, hand job, cum eating, cum as lube, spit as lube, masturbation, facials, dacryphilia, Bucky obsessed with how pretty Joaquín is, dirty pictures, aftercare
Bingos and Challenges: HBS - Week 1 - “Louder, let everyone hear you”/ Screaming or Noisy sex/ Gangbang/ Exhibitionism.
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Every so often it really hit Bucky about how much things had changed since he and Joaquín had actually started communicating. Take the present situation, for instance. They were in his Brooklyn apartment, having gotten home from a mission just as the rest of the world was starting its day. After the debrief at the compound, they could have gone to their shared quarters onsite to recover, but together had decided it was worth staying awake a little longer to have the relative privacy later. Admittedly, Quín had dozed - complete with drool - while Bucky had driven, but once they’d gotten to his apartment they’d collapsed into bed and slept for seven hours. They both woke up mid afternoon and, still feeling exhausted, settled down with takeout on the sofa, while RuPaul’s Drag Race played in the background. The show in question was Quín’s guilty pleasure and Bucky found it cute whenever his boyfriend started shouting at the TV. Three months ago, such a scenario wouldn’t have even been on Bucky’s radar as something he might want, but now he’d realised all of the ‘boyfriend stuff’ he’d been missing out on, he couldn’t wait to catch up with it. 
Speaking of cute, despite the fact that Quín had moved in a stash of his belongings, - the look on his face when Bucky had cleared a drawer for him was priceless - he was still cosied up in a pair of Bucky’s sweatpants and one of his large hoodies. And although Quín wasn’t skinny - far from it - when the young army lieutenant put on his clothes it high-lighted just how much broader - thicker - Bucky was. Looking at him, Bucky couldn’t help but lick his lips.
The thing that had really surprised him though, was how much better the sex had gotten. Before ‘the talk’ they’d only ever fucked like animals - rough and dirty - and while they did still do that - boy, did they do that - they now also made love. There was something about teasing Joaquín softly - slowly -, until he cried those pretty tears, that turned Bucky even more feral. And Quín, the beautiful boy he was, would cry out about how much he loved Bucky, never once getting frustrated that Bucky hadn’t yet said it back.
On that note, Bucky knew that he cared deeply for Quín - had done for a while, even before he could admit it to himself - but those three words? He wanted to say them, he really did, but he also wanted to be sure he actually meant them and it wasn’t just lip service. There were days however, when Sam would catch him watching his boyfriend and roll his eyes and tell him to stop making goo-goo eyes at his protege in public. Moments like that made Bucky smile, and he was smiling a lot more these days. 
“Bucky?” Quín’s soft voice, complete with a note of worry? - concern? - embarrassment? - pulled him from his reverie. 
Bucky shuffled across the sofa and wrapped his arm around his boyfriend’s shoulders, drawing him close with a kiss to the top of his head. “What is it, baby? Got something on your mind?”
Quín squirmed a little and picked at some fluff stuck to his thigh. Bucky waited, giving him the time and space to voice whatever it was that seemed to have him a little twisted up. “You know how before,” he eventually started, “we were always… you know…”
”Fucking?” Bucky supplied, with an arched brow and a quirk to his lips.
”Yeah,” Joaquín confirmed, with his own small smile. “How we were always fucking in not so private spaces?”
The memories of trysts in store cupboards and dark corners of the quinjet jumped to the forefront of Bucky’s mind and made his dick twitch in his pants.
”Well, I was thinking that that wasn’t necessarily something we had to stop, just because we aren’t having to keep it secret any more.” Quín looked at Bucky with a sideways glance, obviously trying to check his reaction.
”You wanna go back to sucking my dick in janitors closets?” Bucky tried desperately to bury his amusement - this was obviously something that Quín wanted to discuss, and he owed it to him to take it seriously.
”No, not that,” came the tentative reply. “I was kinda thinking about… in front of other people. In a place where that sort of thing is acceptable. Like a kink club.”
”Oh,”said Bucky, glitching slightly as he tried to process his boyfriend’s request. “You want to be put on display in front of other people and let them see you?”
Quín bit down on his lower lip, stifling a moan, and a grin broke out across Bucky’s face. “Oh, sweetheart, my little exhibitionist slut, you want it so bad don’t you?” He dropped his head and nosed along Quín’s throat, feeling the fluttering of his heartbeat. In an instant, he turned his lover and pressed him back onto the sofa, looming over him. A pathetic, needy whimper left Quín’s lips.
”Would you want them to see how sweetly submissive you are? Let them see how you’ll do anything I tell you? Imagine me making you kneel, and spanking that perfect peach of an ass until it was throbbing in time with your cock? You’d have to count for me, and be loud. I’d want everyone to hear you, so they’d know exactly who was in charge of you. I wonder what else I could do to you?”
“Anything,” Joaquín whispered breathily as he rolled his hips under Bucky’s larger frame, getting lost in the fantasy. “I’d let you do anything.”
Bucky slid his right hand down between them, cupping the bulge in Quín’s - his - sweatpants and his slutty baby gasped at the harsher than necessary pressure. “You’re being very needy, sweetheart. What if I left you like this, all wanting, until I got round to arranging it? It could be next week - it could be a month.” Quín’s eyes fluttered closed and his hips rolled again, likely unconsciously this time. “You’d do it though, if I told you to, wouldn’t you?” Bucky continued. “You’d hate it, not coming, not having my touch, but you’d do it all the same. To be a good boy.”
Bucky let go of Quín’s crotch and trailed his hand up his boyfriend’s toned body, sliding it under the hoodie and tee shirt underneath, to tweak at his left nipple. With a gasp, Quín’s eyes shot open again, his body acting as though it had been shocked with electricity. Bucky pinched him again. Harder. Crueller. He could see Joaquín’s eyes start to water, but he didn’t safeword. His baby loved this type of treatment. With the thumb of his left hand, Bucky swiped at an errant tear that had broken free and started to trail down quín’s cheek.
“You gonna cry those pretty tears for me? Pretty tears on a pretty boy?”
The question was entirely rhetorical. Bucky didn’t even give Quín the chance to respond as his left hand then slid further down his sub’s face, and Quín’s lips immediately parted to accept two of Bucky’s fingers into his mouth. His boy immediately began to suck on the metallic digits and Bucky returned his right hand to Quín’s crotch, this time moving it under the sweats and underpants to circle his stiff cock. Joaquín let out a garbled moan and his hips thrust upwards.
“Greedy baby,” Bucky cooed, voice full of condescension. “Fucking my hand and sucking my fingers. How naughty. If you’re like this with just me touching you, imagine if I let other people play with you. How many do you think you could manage? How many loads of cum? Splattering these pretty lips, all over your tits.” He smirked as Quín whined at his words “I don’t think I’d let them have your ass though,” he mused. “That’s all mine.” Quín nodded in agreement around the fingers in his mouth.
Bucky continued his onslaught, his right hand jerking Quín’s cock methodically with a little twist to his wrist that he knew made the younger man see fireworks, and his left hand sawing between Quín’s dusky, puffy lips, pressing down on his tongue and testing his almost non-existent gag reflex. He felt pride well inside him at just how good his boy was being - taking everything he dished out. However, he was also only human, and Bucky knew all his lover’s buttons and how to push them. It wasn’t long before his body started to twitch, pleasure obviously threatening to overwhelm him.
“Open your eyes”, Bucky commanded and the sight of Joaquín’s dark lashes, clumped together with tears, along with the unfocused nature of his gaze almost undid him. “You wanna come, sweetheart?”
Quín let out a loud whine, which Bucky took as a yes. “Such a good boy, waiting for permission. And if I said no, could you hold off?” He knew he was being cruel as his hand continued to move, because he was making Quín wait, just not obviously. Another garbled whine and an accompanying nod, let Bucky know he had his boyfriend just where he wanted him.
“Such a good boy,” he purred. “You can come then. Show me how pretty you are.” He pulled his fingers from Quín’s mouth just so those wonderful noises wouldn’t be muffled. He hadn’t lied before - he loved it when Quín was loud in his pleasure, and he didn’t disappoint. As he came he shouted and garbled in both Spanish and English, his abs tensing and cock spurting out thick white ropes over the sweatpants that Bucky had only pulled down enough to give him access, as well as Bucky’s fingers.
Bucky looked down at his boyfriend - cheeks flushed, brow sweaty, looking totally fucked out - and he sucked his fingers, enjoying the salty, musky taste. His own cock twitched in his pants, refusing to be ignored any longer. He changed his position from kneeling between Quín’s legs to straddling his waist, and pulled his dick from his own sweats. “Just lay there for me, baby,” he commanded and Quín smiled lazily back at him.” Bucky began to strip his cock, his hand flying up and down its length, eased by the mess of saliva and cum still covering his fingers.
“God! Such a beautiful, submissive slut, and you’re all mine, aren’t you? Can’t wait to show you off. Let everyone else see what they’re missing out on.” He could feel his orgasm building in his gut, his balls twitching and drawing closer to his body. “Open your mouth for me, sweetheart. Stick that tongue all the way out.” Once again, Quín obeyed him, and with a loud groan, Bucky let his orgasm flow through him and he pumped his cum into Quín’s waiting mouth and over his lips. “Hold it, baby. Don’t swallow yet.” He dug into his pocket with his left hand, clumsily opening the camera and aiming it to take in Quín’s completely fucked out state with his eyes closed in a state of bliss and face painted with Bucky’s spend. With the moment immortalised, he let Quín know he could swallow it all down, and felt another jolt of lust when his boyfriend's tongue came back out to reach the cum that had missed his mouth. He couldn’t help but swipe at the remaining globs with his thumb and press it between Quín’s lips, making sure he got all of it
“How are you so perfect?” Bucky questioned, voice full of wonder, as he clambered off the sofa and scooped Joaquín up in his arms. “Now, let’s go have a bath and get you cleaned up, and then in a bit we can talk properly about this club idea of yours.”
Chapter 2
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Tag list: @christywrites, @doasyoudesireandlive, @endlesstwanted
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valeriannnn · 4 days
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I know little of the Keepers and their cultural norms, but I suppose it should not come as a surprise that matters of grooming and personal maintenance should carry a more pragmatic connotation for those who live in such isolation - or perhaps our friend is simply strange, regardless of his context. I must admit: it was no small comfort to me, in those frigid days heralding the twilight of the Dragonsong War, to discover that our champion did not share our Sharlayan intuition toward personal space. Our more guarded companions don't always share my gratitude for the attention, but I believe that after our long estrangement, even the coldest of hearts could not fail to be warmed by such a gesture.
Wolcred Week 2024 Day 1: Warmth | Home
ok as mentioned in the tags i didnt have time to render a complete scene for this but i found this old mspaint sketch that demonstrates the Vibe. tyagoa just walked up behind him after cleaning up from their meal
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bonefall · 1 year
Warrior Bites: The Overview
A new series on Clan Culture I’m going to be running in addition to my Herb Guides and Warrior Cats conlang, Clanmew. This follows how to prepare fancy meals that a semi-canon compliant Warrior would have access to, with the assumption that the Five Clans are based in northeastern England.
A lot of the feedback and suggestions I got were based on speculating the capability of the cats and the sorts of things they could reasonably prepare, so I think it’s worth it to define the basics!
The Rules
No Poisons
Tool Use + Fire
Sweetness Tolerance + Stronger Stomachs
Northwestern England-friendly
I use the Lake Map Rework
(Explanation of each rule under the cut!)
1. No Poisons
I filter out any food that is deadly toxic to cats. That means that no dish will ever contain garlic, onions, currants, mint, raw potatoes, oregano, so on.
2. Tool Use + Fire Access
autism be damned my firestar can work a grill
I will be mixing in raw dishes here and there, and keeping preparation as simple as possible. However, based on the capability of the cats in canon, able to weave, tunnel, and practice medicine, there’s no reason they would not be able to start fire or handle simple tools.
Plus, it’ll give me an immense amount of freedom! It opens up smoking, baking, grilling, pickling, fermentation...
3. Sweetness Tolerance + Stronger Stomachs
I won’t be changing that warrior cats are obligate carnivores, meaning that 70% or more of their diet is meat, but I will be allowing for some spices and plant material to accentuate their dishes. That means that I will allow foods that (when consumed in excess) can cause upset stomachs in real cats, like rosemary, yams, and berries.
So please do not feed these recipes to your real cats.
The Clan cats will also be able to taste a small amount of sweetness, if the warrior has Sweetness Tolerance.
Sweetness Tolerance is the Warrior Cat equivalent to lactose tolerance. Kittens can taste sweetness and typically grow out of it, but most Clan cats have a gene to enjoy this taste into adulthood.
(Firestar does not like waffles because he cannot taste syrup. Sad but true.)
4. It must be found in northwestern England.
It can be native, naturalized, or invasive, but it’s gotta be accessible in northwestern England, between Wales and Scotland. I’ll also be limiting access to crops and spices that can’t grow wild.
I’m being SO brave about this. They don’t even have pepper :(
5. I am using my Lake Map Rework.
This lets me keep the cuisine largely the same between the Forest territory and the Lake territory, except for ShadowClan’s loss of the carrionplace and the addition of a large body of calm water for RiverClan.
That doesn’t mean I’ll necessarily keep the food EXACTLY the same between the two territories, but it does give me the freedom to make creative choices about culinary differences instead of being stuck with something.
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Ive seenyou mention wuxia a few times now and i wonder what that is. Would you mind explaining it to me?
not the most qualified person to explain this as i'm not, in fact, from china; but i've read a couple of wuxia so here goes:
wuxia is a genre of fiction from china specifically, about martial artists in ancient china. i don't think a specific time period is like required? obviously some dynasties are more popular but idk how it goes in that front. it just has to be Not Today and probably Too Long Ago. like pre industral revolution i think. again idk if that's a requirement, but most i've seen are from around the same relative murky pre-electricity era.
xianxia is a subgenre of wuxia that's specifically more fantasy-like, and it's not just martial arts, but also spiritual powers and cultivation (which i have no fucking clue how to explain without two hours and three tangents other than chinese magic system. if you've ever heard of chi/qi as an energy, it appears there). so like- genshin is by all accounts a xianxia, it just doesn't use the more common specific xianxia terms like cultivation. some of those are very weird to translate and probably not common for the average non-wuxia reader, so it makes sense why they're going for alternatives.
chongyun and xingqiu and xianyun are very much straight out of a xianxia. xianyun's entire story quest was the closest genshin has gotten to a straight xianxia plot so far. i highly reccomend ashikai's video on unnecessary visions if you want more info on why genshin is a xianxia hahah
cyanide narwhal has some talk of some stuff from xianxia, but that's mostly because well- fucking liyue, that's how it works there. the whole light energy striking down someone who's getting powerful and giving them godhood if they survive the strike is, while not exactly like that, something that happens in some xianxia as well. like the way adepti work in general is just very xianxia. ashikai does a much better job explaining it than i do tbh but yeah
TL;DR: wuxia is chinese martial arts fiction in ancient china, and xianxia is a wuxia subgenre with more magic elements. also genshin is a xianxia
#i was going to recomend some xianxia if you're curious but like#genuinely don't know which one is a good starting point#like i'm tempted to say just dive headfirst into mdzs like most of us did but like#is mdzs the best place to start if you know nothing? unsure#genuinely#given how it's made to feel more lighthearted and formatted more like it's a fucking videogame#svsss might be a good launching pad#but tbf it's been a while since i read it#also it has unskippable sex scenes (i think??) so like- if you don't want to read that you're kind of out of luck there#not that mdzs doesn't have that either but they're not literally Plot Relevant. like the plot does not hinge on their horizontal tango#there's probably a good wuxia to start out there but i can't really remember right now#like mdzs is the easiest to recomend bc it's trial by fire and you're going to come out of the other end knowing like 80% of it all#plus it's not nearly as traumatizing as some of the other options#and it's so easily accessible it's almost funny#like take your pick: novel. live action. animation. audio drama. comic#it's fucking everywhere and the fandom is fucking huge so that's a giant plus#but that doesn't change the fact that idk if you can watch a couple episodes to get a feel for the wuxia genre. like would that work??#so i guess i'll leave that to everyone else to comment with any recomendations if they have a good one#for like an introductory work#or just decide mdzs is just the easiest point of entry. that can always be it. i mean we all made it anyway
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josouhenshin · 7 months
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despite playing a fashion oriented game, I don't actually know that much about fashion. so in order to comment on the looks these dolls have played with thus far, I've asked some of the local dolls for their opinions.
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hm, maybe that was a little harsh. well, reimers does tend to see things in black and white. which this image is notably in.
anyway, until next time~!
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wild-at-mind · 27 days
I get why people like the whole queer existence is resistance thing. I don't personally, because I think it puts a tonne of intracommunity pressure to exist in the 'right' way, I.e. the way that is 'radical' to the person currently scrutinising you. As a person with OCD that manifests in self scrutiny that I have to constantly concentrate on to avoid it becoming self hatred, I'm never going to be a fan of that. I kind of feel this way about any kind of assimilation conversation with regards to queerness really. I think it's an important conversation within irl communities who already care for each other- who shows up for others outside of their own interests and who doesn't, etc. But the internet makes things so impersonal and cold. It encourages people to make very serious snap judgements about others who they don't even know, and to encourage others to believe that about them. None of these people are in community together in any meaningful sense, or they wouldn't treat each other so ungenerously.
Anyway I had a bit of a realisation earlier- I think we have to tell ourselves our existence is inherently radical all the time because we're always getting the subtle message from our community and the wider activism community that having a good time or enjoying yourself is somehow bad, or insulting to people in dire straits. But instead of challenging that idea we say no it's OK because I'm doing activism simply by being here. I think it's fine to feel that way and in many ways existing as a marginalised person really is radical. I just want to make sure we aren't internalising the idea that we can't ever be happy or having a fun frivolous time without justifying it, and passing that idea along to others without meaning to.
#as radio 1 used to say: you only get one life- love it#i try and tell myself that when i get bogged down in the 'my misery is activism somehow' thinking#that so many people on here reinforce#i feel the 'pride is a protest' conversation constantly turns into this#because while pride's origin is in protest on the anniversary of the stonewall riot#most prides now are parties with a march and some information stalls#and...that's fine! If people have fun at it!#not everyone finds pride fun obvs its usually boiling very overwhelming and loud#ive had some shit times at pride but had a blast at my last one#it was post coming out as trans and I'd just started drinking more regularly#after abstaining for my meds for so long#i went alone had some drinks and a dance and went home#loved it best day ever#anyway the idea that in order to do activism you have to constantly disrupt#bring your 'queer liberation not rainbow capitalism' sign#i dunno...i dont think anyone really likes rainbow capitalism but the sponsers keep entry free#thats the case at my main one anyway#i struggle because i only just started having fun a bit more and enjoying things#i hate being hit with the message of 'actually this fun time is wrong '#even in the most subtle ways- but maybe im oversensitive#i will say that if misery is activism ive more than paid my dues#why do they think people wanted to get into stonewall inn anyway???#eta- i know not all prides are free and the ones that aren't still have corporate sponsors#i just don't feel it ruins pride personally#it's mildly annoying and that's all#eta: i put activism instead of capitalism in the slogan in the tags for some reason
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purpleisnotacolor · 10 months
I... do not understand why people try to argue that you should believe that Christianity(or anything, really) is true without evidence.
I have a moral obligation to believe it? Well, it would only be wrong not to believe it if it was true.
I should believe it because it says it's true? Everyone thinks they're right! That's not a clue at all.
My reasoning is flawed, and I should trust God's instead? That makes sense... if I already do. But that means nothing if I don't already believe God is real. I can't trust someone who doesn't exist.
It's just circular reasoning, it's true because it's true because it's true.
There's no entry point! It's a totally useless argument to make. If I'm already Christian, then you don't need to convince me, and if I'm not, then I have no reason to believe you!
It just defeats the whole point of apologetics. I've seen people actually debate with evidence and logic, (mainly in the accounts of the resurrection) so there's no reason to forsake it.
I don't... I really don't get it.
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catboy-cabin · 5 days
percabeth really set the standard for me bc now like half of my favorite ships are like "guy who literally went to hell" x "guy who would fight god given the opportunity" and i love that. i really do.
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miabrown007 · 1 year
a minute of silence to my skills to estimate how long a project is ever going to take
#my google calendar and Carl bot (and my friends) have been kind enough to inform me today was the estimated posting date of heist au#suffice to say that is not happening#it would have been rad to make a habit out of the co-occurrence of starting a new job and starting to post a finished WIP but alas#that will not be happening for a while longer#I have no idea when will I find the time for writing between two jobs and the big bang but. we'll work something out.#but hey it's good to give your projects breathing space so your brain can do the work in the background and solve the problems for you#I'll probably need to go back and revamp the whole last chapter I've been working on#but I'm still too sick and jet lagged and sick to be thinking about that so I'll consume some more media in the meantime#and complain about how bad the fic I'm listening to is. like god it's supposed to be so romantic and cute and he's literally#depriving her bodily autonomy and her friends support him I want to leave a strongly worded comment so bad#I will not be doing that but god it's so awful I should have stopped listening to this fic long ago. so that's a lesson learned.#put the fucking fic down there's plenty of stuff that's going to be better#hot take I sure no one saw coming sometimes things that are popular are actually bad#anyway have some stream of fucking consciousness /ref to another fic I'm fighting hard to keep discontinued#I know I won't like it why is this so hard#heist au should have been posted today based on maths btw. maths I did wrong for the first time which means it should have been posted#a year ago really#not like I have the proper structure to do a heist au daily#but it would have been fun to post the first chapter on the exact day it takes place. idk just for flavour#does all this make any sense? hardly. this is a diary entry and my two braincells are firing random thoughts at each other#that's fine though. it's all fine. here have some popcorn to go with all this nonsense 🍿🍿🍿 <3#(and also all the drama in the new shadow and bone season. ugh it's so good I love Wesper SO. MUCH. or just Waylan. and Nikolai.#he's my blorbo assigned at first relevant information. relavant information: he's my friend's blorbo#but gods he's so my type it's scary. of course I'll have him as my blorbo. of course of course!#*puts him on a shelf next to Adrien Draco and Hunter*#*steps back to think before putting Waylan there too and sitting Zuko on the far end*#war crimes look so good on them :3#miaing#heist au
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bookrat · 2 years
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Went on a camping trip down to south Florida, starting in the everglades
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We were looking for snakes and American crocodiles, but we did find this day moth and tree snail
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Plus a couple nocturnal critters settling down for a nice days sleep
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Lots of high quality birds in the swamp
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Saw frigate birds in the Dry Tortugas, but they mostly hung motionless and effortlessly high in the air like low poly videogame background birds
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Had to flee back north early ahead of Nikole. Managed to catch a glimpse of this bark anole when we stopped for breakfast, but all the iguanas were hiding.
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Tons of introduced rock agamas calling this gas station home, and a nearby rooster hung out with a flock of grackles. Was hoping to see more exotic reptiles around Miami, but perhaps another time.
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whereistheonepiece · 5 months
I had a dream I was...somewhere, and saw a bunch of artwork displayed by students. I saw someone had painted a picture of Cavendish. I said I wanted to buy the painting and the artist agreed to sell it to me.
And now I want a hand painted picture of Cavendish, but that will remain a dream ;;
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4arconinoma · 4 months
Ok so I haven't finished it yet But I'd like to ramble just a little about some thoughts on Marble Hornets so far that being: 1. WAY sadder than I had ever expected it to be 2. I find it really entertaining how the protagonist is honestly kind of terrible
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