#but I'm the monster for fantasizing daily about burning them all alive while they sleep
christiecandor · 4 months
Gone for the last couple of days since the fucking gestapo threw me in prison for pushing my landlord out of my face making false accusations at me for daring to assert my tenant rights, in which those self-hating jackbooted cunts in there stripped, sexually assaulted me, and then threw me in a cell without shoes or a place to lie down, because i protested it after getting attitude for asking about it.
Nevermind she'd scratch me much worse in the process, and the staff had been antagonizing me since I got here, stealing, harassing, abusing, and gaslighting just like the family I had just escaped from- who BTW placed false police reports to get me legally removed from their home leaving me homeless at the height of the pandemic, June 2020, in retaliation for trying to protect the rest of them from my grandfather.
And so I can't stop thinking about how when my grandfather bashed my head in with a rusty metal dishrack in which i needed 5 staples in my skull, I got no victim witness much less any legal or mental support, he got one day in jail and 1 anger management seminar. He didn't even have to be in a cell because "oh what a charming old man" thought those brainless fucking pigs. Everyone always thinks I'm exaggerating, but I came across the pictures and even though that was 2011, I need people to see them now because my life has yet to get better since.
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