#but alas Johnny isn’t into killing people. He’s still so soft at heart even after all his training
zappedbyzabka · 11 months
Kreerence <3 (gnaws on ceiling fan)
#The way Kreese is so possessive and obsesssive about Johnny is so good#The way Kreese would not hesitate to kill someone for him. He’s so fuckin obssessed he nearly killed JOHNNY#We never see him show a soft spot unless it’s with Johnny or women….and don’t even get me started on what that implies#He would literally throw Daniel off a cliff ZERO hesitation if Johnny wanted it. He would be elated actually#Daniel is nothing more than a pest to him. it’d be like squishing a bug in his eyes#but alas Johnny isn’t into killing people. He’s still so soft at heart even after all his training#and ​still seems to LIKE Daniel (a nice guy with a good soul and gentle hands) in some ways. which is so damn annoying to Kreese#And gosh Johnny’s love for him. So wild and confused. wanting his love back and to make him happy. Make him TELL him he’s happy#Kreese was at his absolute lowest after he lost Johnny for his own actions#for hurting whats precious to him. For losing everything important#That’s why he didn’t leave Johnny alone throughout the entirety of CK#Johnny really said ‘fuck off and learn to treat me right’#Kreese: WaH Baby no I care about you more than anyone come back—#can’t wait to see how this pathetic❤️ behaviour continues in the new season#But what would have happened if Johnny had stayed after the choking? came back the next day to Kreese who was like a bitey dog with its tai#between it’s legs. staring at the marks on Johnny’s neck with disgust. he likes leaving his marks on Johnny#Likes hurting people with no mercy—But god. not Johnny. At least Not this much. How can he possibly make it up?#He does end up making it up. Gets Johnny back by slowly allowing himself to love better#at least with Johnny. Now they cuddle on the couch together and buy each other holiday gifts#Gosh I could talk about them so much#john kreese#kreerence#tw possessive behavior#tw unhealthy relationship#Turned healthy
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adelesbian · 5 years
Hercules had his heart in the right place as he worried about whether or not Amadeus has any male friends that were his age. He mostly hung out with the Champions, almost all of which were younger than him by quite a few years. It wasn’t really his fault after all he spent a good chunk of his life following Hercules around then trying to find his sister, but now he was paying for it. Hercules knew the importance of brothers-in-arms. Men that you could spend time with, drink with, men that you could go to battle with.
“I worry for him. He is young, but he has no friends his age,” Hercules admitted to his Champions.
“Wait, how old are the other Champions?” Bobby asked.
Hercules shook his head. “Alas, they are younger than him,” he said. “They are children compared to the man that Amadeus has become.”
Warren shook his head. “He’s 19,” he said. “He’s barely a man.”
“Robbie’s about his age,” Johnny said behind his drink, “and I don’t think he has many friends his age either. I asked him about it, and he said he had this friend that was a girl, but he wouldn’t tell me anything else about her.”
If a lightbulb could have gone off above Hercule’s head it would have. He hit his fist to his hand. “We should set them up,” he said. Bobby’s brows raised for a moment admittedly taking what he said wrong. “Surely they would get along. Amadeus knows much of having a monster inside of him, even before the Hulk he had a darkness my sister spoke of quite often, and Robbie would do good to have a friend as loyal as Amadeus.”
“Do they have anything in common?” Bobby asked leaning on his hand.
Hercules and Johnny glanced at each other momentarily admitting that they didn’t know much about their young friends’ interests. “He loves his little brother a lot,” Johnny said shrugging.
“Amadeus moved heaven and earth for his sister,” Hercules said.
Despite the nervous glancing between Warren and Bobby, Hercules and Johnny made plans for Amadeus and Robbie to meet.
Amadeus checked his phone knowing that he was early but checking anyways because maybe he wasn’t as early as he thought he was. He took a booth and sat where he could see the door. A waitress asked him what he wanted, and he politely told her that he was waiting for someone. He checked his phone again. Hercules sent him a message that said, “RUNNING LATE, FRIENDS JOINING.”
Amadeus smiled slightly and sent him a text back telling him “ok,” then he slipped his phone in his pocket. As soon as he looked up he saw Robbie Reyes enter the diner looking around for Johnny. He looked over and saw Amadeus, and his face fell.
“Fuck,” Amadeus said leaning down and covering his face as if that would do anything to disguise him considering he was just under seven foot and green all over.
“What’re you doing here?” Robbie asked sliding into the booth with him, “and why do you look like that?”
Amadeus looked up at Robbie embarrassed. If he could turn red he would, thank god he couldn’t. “I’m having dinner with a friend,” he said, “and new diet.” Re-using a joke, nice Amadeus… It’s fine, he hadn’t heard it.
“This friend Hercules?” Robbie asked raising an eyebrow. Obviously whoever his friend was was better at texting than Herc was. Amadeus was going to kill Herc the next time he saw him.
“Yeah,” he said, “Are you one of the friends he said was joining us?”
“Just my luck,” Robbie said crossing his arms. “I’m killing Johnny Blaze.”
“Is he running late too?” Amadeus asked. Robbie nodded his head. “We might as well order. Hercules isn’t gonna be here for another hour at least.“ Amadeus gestured for one of the waitressed to come over. She was cute, but not really his type.
“I hired a babysitter to hang out with you,” Robbie grumbled.
“I’m not too thrilled about spending time with you either,” Amadeus said just as the waitress walked up clasping menus to her chest. Amadeus was sort of famous, he got why she was star struck. He flashed her a big smiled as she handed him his menu.
They ordered drinks… then they got their drinks… then they ordered their food… then they got their food… then they ate their food…
“I had a really terrible thought,” Amadeus said before eating a fry. He was trying to make the mood a little less ‘I don’t want to talk to you’ and more ‘okay maybe you’re sometimes funny I guess’.
“What if they were setting us up on a date?”
He was joking of course, but Robbie looked over at Amadeus with real panic in his eyes. “Is that why Johnny was asking me about girls?”
Amadeus stared for a moment his mouth suddenly very dry. “Fuck, do you think they would do that?” He stopped for a moment covering his eyes with his hands and leaning back in the booth wanting to scream. Who was he kidding? “Hercules would definitely do it.”
“Does he do this a lot?”
Amadeus shrugged. “One time he didn’t rescue me from the Amazons quickly because he was under the misguided impression that I was going to get laid. I was sixteen at this point,” he said. “At least then it was women. I don’t get how he knew that I…” Amadeus’s face fell as he realized what he said. “Shit, I talk too much, and you didn’t hear that.” Amadeus was freaking out and saying way too much. He didn’t want to come out quite yet, but here he was saying everything that entered his head in front of an almost stranger who was so hot. God, why was he so hot?
Robbie leaned onto the palm of his hand. “You sure you’re smart?”
“Says the guy who made a deal with the devil,” Amadeus grumbled. Nervous Amadeus was stupid. So stupid...
“It wasn’t the devil,” Robbie said and he added maybe to be funny, Amadeus couldn’t tell, “Also he wants me to kill you right now.”
“Sexy,” Once again he didn’t mean to say it. It just slipped out, and he couldn’t put it back in. He didn’t cower in embarrassment after this one though, he might as well roll with it.
Robbie smirked slightly as if he heard something that Amadeus couldn’t. “He really didn’t like that.”
“How mad would he be if we made out?” Amadeus asked shooting his shot. He didn’t quite understand what it would be like to have a demon on the inside, but he did have a Hulk in his consciousness up until a few months ago when he assimilated that part of his personality into himself so maybe he had an idea what that would be like.
“Probably disgusted,” Robbie mumbled. He smiled a little wider than said, “Very disgusted, and pissed. You should hear the kind of stuff he’s saying.”
“We should kiss,” Amadeus said, completely joking. Okay, maybe not completely joking. Robbie was hot, so hot, “for science.”
“You think you’re hot stuff,” Robbie said.
Amadeus smirked. This one was too easy. “I know I’m hot stuff,” he said. “I’m totally awesome, remember?”
“You’re obnoxious.”
“But I am hot,” Amadeus said winking. God, he was obnoxious…
“Has this ever worked with anyone?” Robbie asked.
“Yeah, once or twice. Being a superhero usually did it before,” Amadeus said.
“You don’t get laid much do you?”
“Ouch, you really think that of me. I’ll have you know that I get laid semi-regularly. What about you? You’re hot in bad boy has a secret soft side kind of way, bet that gets you loads of girls.”
Robbie’s eyes were so easy to get lost in. “No girlfriend remember.”
“Really? And you haven’t tried the superhero card. Girls love that. I bet guys would too. I really need to come out. How did Hercules know? I don’t think I look gay.”
“If I kiss you will you shut up?”
“I can try.”
Robbie leaned over the booth table and kissed Amadeus. Unnoticed by Amadeus, mainly because he was making out with his dream boy, Hercules and Johnny walked into the diner only to see their protege’s kissing. Hercules smiled and hit Johnny on the low of his back knocking him forward. Amadeus saw them walking towards them and sunk down into his seat hiding his eyes with his hands. God, he wanted to scream.
“I’m so fuckin’ stupid,” he groaned.
Robbie turned around and saw Johnny. He didn’t make any signs of shame, maybe he was braver than Amadeus. Hercules was practically Amadeus’s father, and he walked in on him kissing Robbie. It was embarrassing, to say the least.
“So,” Johnny said sitting next to Robbie, “what have you two been up to?”
Hercules crammed himself into the booth next to Amadeus which was not only uncomfortable because he was huge, but also uncomfortable because of what Hercules just saw.
“Have you something to tell me, Amadeus?” Hercules asked.
“I’m the dumbest man alive,” Amadeus said avoiding eye contact with everyone.
Amadeus pulled out his phone and saw that he had messages from Hercules which he checked because how much worse could his life get at this point?
“THE GLORY OF THIS BATTLE WILL BE SUNG ABOUT FOR YEARS TO COME,” and attached was a picture of Hercules beaming above a defeated monster and in the background, Johnny was walking towards Herc.
“I think I’m gonna go kill myself,” Amadeus mumbled looking out the window.
“I texted Robbie too,” Johnny said, “and I used real words.”
Robbie didn’t say anything. He also didn’t check his phone either.
“We’ve already eaten,” Amadeus said still wishing he could disappear. That would be more useful than smashing right now. He wished something would come to attack them, but he didn’t have such luck.
“You’ve had a whole date while we were fighting monsters,” Johnny said glancing over at Robbie again.
“It’s my fault. I was joking and said what if y’all set us up…” Amadeus admitted.
“He wouldn’t shut up,” Robbie said.
“You know how I never shut up, Herc,” Amadeus said, “especially around hot people.”
“You are relentless,” Hercules said nodding his head knowingly.
“To shut him up your first instinct was to make out with him?”
“It was to piss Eli off,” Robbie said, and he waited a beat before saying, “and he’s not bad looking.”
Hercules punched Amadeus’s shoulder at the compliment. Amadeus rubbed his shoulder and smiled slightly at Robbie as Johnny started to chew him out for being irresponsible and purposely provoking Eli. Robbie looked over at Amadeus and rolled his eyes. Maybe he got this a lot or maybe he didn’t care. God, he was hot.
“Am I a good kisser?” Amadeus asked interrupting Johnny because no one was listening to him.
Robbie smirked. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“If you don’t tell me I'm gonna assume it was the best kiss you've had,” Amadeus said.
“It's his only kiss,” Johnny said glaring over at Robbie. Robbie rolled his eyes, but there was something more performative about this eye roll.
Amadeus would have felt bad for Robbie if he was so happy that he was his first kiss. “Then by default, I'm your best kiss,” Amadeus said grinning.
“Doesn’t mean it was good,” Robbie grumbled.
“If you want to try again…”
“Does he ever turn off?” Johnny asked.
“For as long as I have known Amadeus he has never known silence unless to brood,” Hercules said.
“In other words, I don’t shut up,” Amadeus said.
Johnny and Hercules ordered food, and Amadeus ordered more food. He shut up when he could eat. Robbie watched them eat for a while. He ordered a kid’s meal to go, presumably for his little brother. The awkwardness of Hercules and Johnny walking in on them making out didn’t quite disappear. Amadeus talked a lot, god why did he never shut up. When it was finally time to leave Amadeus went to his car (which wasn’t just a car).
“How far are you going?” Robbie asked standing by the Hell Charger which was parked next to Amadeus’s green 1959 Dodge Coronet.
“I’m going back to Austin,” Amadeus replied.
“That’s a long trip,” Robbie said shaking his head. “You’re coming home with me for the night.”
Amadeus didn’t have the heart to tell Robbie that it would take about an hour to get home in his car because then he would have to admit that nothing about it was original which was the greatest sin he could commit in the presence of a car guy. He just agreed and got in the Hell Charger.
“We’ll come back to get your car tomorrow,” Robbie said. “It won’t get towed in that time.”
Amadeus probably looked like a lovestruck idiot as he watched Robbie drive his car down the road with ease. He kept his eyes on the road and seemed to know the car so well shifting effortlessly and weaving in and out of traffic. God, he was hot.
“Finally decided to shut up,” Robbie said glancing over a smile playing on his lips.
Amadeus looked away maybe more than a little embarrassed. “You get this good at driving cuz of the whole Ghost Rider thing or some other reason?”
“I was a good driver before,” Robbie said hitting the gas and blazing passed more cars.
“That’s hot.”
Robbie started to slow down as he reached a residential area. Amadeus stared out the window.
“Is what’s going on here what I think is going on or am I just projecting?” Amadeus asked finally looking over at Robbie.
“What do you think is going on?”
“Was that kiss a one-time thing?”
Robbie parked the Hell Charger and turned to look at Amadeus. God, he was hot. He leaned over and kissed Amadeus again. This time it was more deliberate and longer. Robbie’s thumb brushed against Amadeus’s chin, and it drove him wild.
“It’s a two-time thing now,” Robbie said getting out of the car with the to-go bag clasped in his hand. Amadeus got out of the car trying to get Robbie to give him some kind of explanation on what was going on, but Robbie was already going into the house.
“I’m back!” Robbie said opening the door, “and I brought a friend.”
Amadeus ducked in after Robbie. Gabe’s eyes widened. “It’s the Hulk!” he exclaimed.
“Just Brawn right now,” Amadeus said smiling at the kid’s excitement, “or Amadeus since we’re friends.”
“How in the world did you two meet?” Lisa asked looking away from the board game she and Gabe were playing on the living room floor.
“He has exceptional taste in muscle cars,” Amadeus said, “I met him a while ago when a friend of mine needed her car fixed.” That wasn’t a lie. Well, he wasn’t sure he would consider Laura a friend; all he did was hit on her the whole time they were together.
Robbie handed Gabe his dinner, and Gabe cheered. “You’re the best, Robbie!”
“I’m gonna take Lisa home. You and Amadeus should hang out.”
Amadeus sat next to Gabe and stuck out his hand to him. “Howdy,” he said jokingly.
“What are the Champions like?” The kid didn’t waste time, but honestly, Amadeus loved talking about the Champions he was so proud of them.
“Oh, they’re great,” Amadeus said. “I bet I could get you in to meet them if your big brother lets you.”
Gabe cheered. He convinced Amadeus to play with his toys with him. They both laid on their stomachs and had mock battles with the Avengers. Amadeus had the Hulk obviously. Gabe had Ironman, and Amadeus let Gabe win in their beat down even though the Hulk was much stronger than Ironman.
“What kind of wheelchair do you have?” Amadeus asked rolling slightly to look at it.
“Oh, I don’t know,” Gabe said. “Why?”
Amadeus grinned. “I want to give you an upgrade,” he said.
Gabe smiled. “Whoa, how?”
Amadeus winked. “I like building things,” he said. He clicked a button on his watch and wait for his car to get there. There was a loud noise as his car landed. “Here it is.” He jumped up and got some things from the trunk of his car.
“How did you do that?” Gabe asked reaching for Amadeus’s arm to look at his watch as he set out all the things he got out of his car on the ground.
“My car is remote, and it can fly,” Amadeus said smiling.
Gabe gasped. “That’s so cool!”
Amadeus grinned and put a pair of safety glasses on Gabe then started to work on Gabe’s wheelchair.
“So, Lisa’s Robbie’s friend?” Smooth Amadeus.
“Yeah, she’s got a crush on Robbie though,” Gabe said.
“Does she now,” Amadeus said biting his tongue slightly and laying back so he could see what he was working on. He may not have green eyes, but he sure was feeling like the green-eyed monster right now. Robbie wasn’t his boyfriend, but if he was playing with Amadeus’s heart…
“I thought he had a crush on her too, but he hasn’t started dating her yet. She’s sad about that,” Gabe said.
“That’s go-” Amadeus corrected himself, “interesting.” God, he was a jerk, wasn’t he…
“I like Lisa hanging out with us, but I just want Robbie to be happy,” Gabe said.
Amadeus smiled. “Can you hand me the blue tool?”
Robbie got back a few minutes later. “How did-”
“His car is remote, and it can fly!” Gabe exclaimed handing Amadeus one of his tools.
“What are you doing?” Robbie asked squatting down to be on the same level as Amadeus and Gabe.
“Giving Gabe’s wheelchair an upgrade,” Amadeus replied. “Right now I’m extending the battery life, but I could build a really cool one if you want. Maybe I’ll make one that can fly.”
“Do it!” Gabe exclaimed.
Amadeus smiled and reached out for another tool. He worked on the wheelchair for a few hours until Gabe started to get sleepy. Robbie picked him up and took him to bed then tucked him in.
“How’s long this gonna take?” Robbie asked sitting down next to Amadeus.
“I’m almost…” Amadeus had his tongue between his teeth. He finished one last thing then dropped his tools and wiped his forehead. “Done.”
“And the battery life will last longer?” Robbie said inspecting Amadeus’s work.
“It shouldn’t ever die,” Amadeus replied.
Robbie stared at it mouth open. “Thank you,” he said quietly.
“I think this deserves a kiss,” Amadeus joked sitting up.
Robbie kissed him suddenly falling on top of him. Amadeus didn’t quite know what to do with his hands so he placed them on Robbie’s hips. Robbie rolled off him staring at the ceiling.
“That was nice,” Amadeus said reaching out for Robbie’s hand.
“You are a good kisser, by the way,” Robbie said rolling onto his side to look at Amadeus.
“Damn straight I am,” Amadeus said.
Robbie smiled then inched closer to lay his head on Amadeus’s chest. Amadeus wrapped his arms around Robbie and drew him closer.
“So, I know we’ve only made-out a few times, but what are we?” Amadeus asked.
“Oof, movin’ fast are we?”
“It’s a habit, sorry,” Amadeus said. It wasn’t really his fault. In the superhero business, he had to move fast otherwise you’d never get anywhere with anyone.
“Give me a little time. I’m new to this whole making out with other superheroes thing.”
“Was I your first kiss?” Amadeus asked sincerely curious after what Johnny said to him.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
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