#but also this is still totally juliantina related
estamos-destinadas · 3 years
Just dropping by to say: Fer Piña 👀🌈🏳️‍🌈👌🏽
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captain-tiggy · 5 years
In honor of Juliantina appreciation week, I thought I’d help kick it off with a Juliantina tag in case there are folks who weren’t able to create content for the week or simply want to celebrate. Bon appetít fam!
Juliantina Tag!
Copy and paste the questions below and tag 11 (as in Episode 11 😉) of your fellow Juliantinas.
Part of the world you’re from: Los Angeles, CA
When did you join the fandom: I was lucky to find them while the show was still airing mid-season. I have my tumblr mutuals to blame.
With or without sub titles: I failed my AP Spanish test so I’m usually better off watching with English subtitles.
Favorite interview: Raze live. 100%. The interviewers didn’t even need to be there, Maca and Barb were in their own world the whole time.
Top 3 Favorite lines:
1. ¿Vamos por un café?
2. ¿Como sabes que no fui yo la que se salió con la suya?
Most relatable scene: Vale coming out to Guille. There’s so much about that scene, her vulnerability, admitting her love for a woman, being unsure if her brother would accept her, where I had a similar experience. Also the fact it was only one take between Gonzalo and Maca make it that much more incredible.
Most annoying interruption: The backseat of the car. I mean, they both admitted they weren’t going to stop so wtf Alirio
F@#k / Marry / Kill? Lupita, Eva, or Lucia: F@#k Eva because she can redirect her anger at me any day / Marry Lucia because she’s a total package / Kill Lupe because how are you going to put your daughter into more danger and then run away while she’s being held at gun point by a druglord???
Personal Juliantina theme song: Peaches and Cream by 112 (be forewarned though, it’s nsfw)
Valentina in 5 words: Completely lost in her eyes.
Juliana in 5 words: She will kick your ass.
Tagging: @hedawolf @valevxlentina @julianavaldescarvajal @julesvale @samzzie @poppin-poblanopeppers @redbeautyskimmonsftw @dorrisdee @dorkheya @sighingmoon @akaseru
Don’t forget to tag #juliantinaappreciationweek and #juliantina tag!
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ladyshinobi · 5 years
Listen...I DON't make the rules BUT...
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"Un descuento para una pizza? REGALEN UNA PIZZA!!!
I said the exact same thing when I saw the coupon post on Instagram and I just saw her ranting about it just now and can't stop cracking the hell up lol.
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Oh and the Pacto Juliantina shirt was a gift from Maca... Fandom transmigrating in 3...2...1....XD.
Sup' Juliantina Kru!? How you holding up after a month without Amar a Muerte? (with some Drama according to Twitter Lol)
Secretive Photo shoots (they were wearing shoes ..that much we know lol), Orange matching (business?)lunches, Español-Juliantina-Twitter Drama, Maca being surprisingly absent on social media today...what else is new in the ship of dreams? hahahahaha
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Oh and the Spin-off is coming faster than GOT's winter IMO ...
That whole interview that got pushed debacle? obviously there was some very spoiler-y info in it, at this point I think they were wearing just a sign with "Spin-Off CONFIRMED" written on it? lol ..like the secretive nature of it all is really interesting.
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(People’s reaction vs The Fandom reaction to the photo shoot probably lol)
I don't think it will be racier than the Waif Photo shoot, for two reasons:
1) Its a cover for a (probably mainstream, TV Y NOVELAS maybe?) magazine in Mexico.
2) I don't think they'd go with the overly provocative route with Juliantina, they treated the couple with care and respect through the whole show so I assume they will keep that going (Unlike the freaking Magnum promo that had them even low key moaning and shit ...ugh the cringe...lol) the one thing I can think of that could be super groundbreaking while still making sense for them (and could top the Waif one for the fans) would be them actually kissing on the cover but I guess we'll see if they actually pull it off, I just think it has to be something special or different for everyone involved to be so tight lipped about it, also it could be 100% connected to announcing the Spin Off. Im not sayin' I may already be looking for the best Mex restaurant in my area, but... maybe..? (I chose the one where they actually serve Mezcal, that is gonna end well, right?...lol).
Spin Off wise, I have a few things I'd like to see them address, here's a short list:
Lupe's Wedding? did It actually happen? lol
Val talking about her mom
Juls talking about her (shitty) childhood
Val's drinking when under pressure addressed in a serious way (and it creating friction between them)
NO CHEATING (I think there's a million better, more creative ways to create obstacles for them to overcome than a 3rd person? Society for starters? lol)
Juls not actually finishing Fashion School 'cause she's too good and decides to quit and start her brand early, this of course could provide a great source of dramatic self doubt and impostor syndrome (which we saw a lil' bit of in the actual telenovela when she goes to the fashion school for the first time)
Val finding her true passion and actually pursuing it, I just think her being a model is a little shallow and wouldn’t provide much growth to her character?
The parents showing up (Y'all KNOW I love Disaster-Dads lol) from time to time and being there for them when shit gets rough ....SPECIALLY LUPE.
Camilo publishing another book and finding sneaky ways to promote it on the show lol.
Also I’m not against marriage and/or kids, I know a huge part of the fandom would love that but personally I think they’re just too young for either right now.
Those are the ones that came to mind just now....what about you guys?...
What would you like to see on the highly-anticipated-incredibly-fought-for-totally-deserved-Juliantina-Spin-Off? Lemme know.... K, Thanks, Bye.
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