#but also………… that amv objectively slaps so fucking hard
butch--dean · 2 months
not to be ungrateful or whatever but it sucks when you put sooooooooo much work into a creative project and then so few people engage with it
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iiigris · 3 months
songs with some of the best guitar intros ever made in my opinion, in no particular order, a comprehensive (& continually updating) list:
Crazy Train (Ozzy Osbourne); I don’t care how you feel about the rest of the song, the intro fucking slaps and if you deny that you’re lying. to yourself and everyone else.
Smoke on the Water (Deep Purple); literally iconic. the intro reaches a part of my soul no other song does, besides maybe the cinematic cover version by 2wei
I Don’t Wanna Stop (Ozzy Osbourne); I feel like this is probably in a Tom Cruise movie somewhere. self explanatory. I’ve had this song on repeat for two days
Personal Jesus (Depeche Mode); again, SO iconic. if I could inject a song into my veins like drugs it’d be this one
(Don’t Fear) The Reaper (Blue Öyster Cult); maybe I should start keeping track of how many times I say “iconic” in this list. not only the intro, but the instrumental bridges throughout the song, ESPECIALLY the one after verse 2 and the second chorus… 🤌✨
For Whom the Bell Tolls (Metallica); *slaps track name* this bad boy can fit an intro that is SO LONG. and it ALL FUCKS.
Kickstart My Heart (Mötley Crüe); there should be some sort of warning feature installed that doesn’t let you listen to this song if you’re driving bc if you do you WILL get a speeding ticket. altho it does sound better if you’re driving tbh. but watch for cops
Welcome to the Jungle (Guns N’ Roses); see my notes on Crazy Train above
New Divide (LINKIN PARK); ok honestly this one’s a nostalgia trip for me but also just objectively I feel like it goes pretty hard regardless of what scene you were into during the 2010s and how many amvs you watched
Everlong (Foo Fighters); I mean come ON. do I even have to say anything
Panama (Van Halen); sets the hype tone for the rest of the song right away, also this is another one that’s so much better while you’re driving for some reason. whole song fucking slaps too
Whispers in the Dark (Skillet); it’s not right at the beginning like most of these other ones are but just. just give it 20 seconds I promise it’s worth it.
Monster (Skillet); while we’re on the topic. imagine trying to fight the weird kid allegations and then these two songs come on back to back. lol. couldn’t be me..
Smells Like Teen Spirit (Nirvana); ICONIC. changed the game forever and ever.
Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy) (Big & Rich); this one’s mostly just here for that drop at the beginning cuz it’s actually pretty dope
The Adults Are Talking (the strokes); I can’t explain how this one makes me feel. but boy does it make me feel
Thank You For The Venom (My chemical romance); LITERALLY SO GOOD. sometimes I’ll listen to this song just to headbang to the intro and then skip the rest
Scotty Doesn’t Know (Lustra); this is embarrassingly near the top of my “songs I recognize within the first 0.1 seconds” list. we don’t need to talk about that tho
Headstrong (Trapt); even if you don’t know the name of this song you would recognize the intro, I’m sure of it
Puppet (Thousand Foot Krutch); this one had 14-15 year old me in a CHOKEHOLD OKAY and it still fucking slaps. I love this band.
Are You Gonna Be My Girl (Jet); fun fact the first time I heard this song was in the movie Flushed Away so now I always associate it with that 💀 but yeah this song bangs
Supremacy (Muse); gosh this whole song is just. like. RIDICULOUSLY good imo, the vocals the strings and drums combo,, the intro part lays the foundation tho. easily one of my favs out there
Immigrant Song (Led Zeppelin); see notes for Crazy Train and Welcome to the Jungle
Living Dead Girl (Rob Zombie); gets stuck in my head a lot.
Something In Your Mouth (Nickelback); yes, I listen to them unironically and yes, this song made the list
Square Hammer (Ghost); honestly I listen to this song pretty much solely for the guitar track in it
Let It Happen (Tame Impala); I don’t know what instruments those are at the beginning but one of them sounds like a bass and regardless, the thing slaps so I’m including it bc I want to
link to the spotify playlist! (updated 2/23/24)
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meowstix · 4 years
fuck it my thoughts on every pokemon theme song
indigo league: it’s good and all but compared to other themes there’s no way i could confidently call it the best. also has anyone even heard the full version bc i sure hadn’t until recently
pokemon world: i really don’t know what to say other than this slaps HARD, especially the movie version
pokemon johto: the second best one, this song fills me with so much joy i love it so much........ movie version is far worse though imo
born to be a winner: it’s like indigo league but cooler, specifically it reuses a part of the full version of it, i’d say it’s better but still not close to the best. movie version, however, gets to go in the cool kids gang.
believe in me: ok i legit remember this one only because of pokemon heroes..... and yeah it’s a good song!! i don’t know what else to say honestly...
i wanna be a hero: most of the song is meh, but there’s a couple good bits, wouldn’t say it slaps but it’s not bad
this dream: this one’s pretty nostalgic to me bc i used to watch this one dvd with a few of the hoenn eps on it a lot and i think they might’ve had this theme song?? i can’t quite remember though
unbeatable: HAHA IT’S FUNNY BECAUSE HE KEEPS LOSING!!!11 jokes aside i also have immense nostalgia for this one bc i don’t really remember if the dvd i mentioned above had any episodes with this dream as the theme song but this one was DEFINITELY in there
battle frontier: it’s fine but also like. if this song was a person i would probably hate them idk how else to say it honestly
diamond & pearl: awful, i hate it, the worst one. i remember in the pokerap bdg mentioned “educational rap flow” and i feel like that applies here. the ending is pretty decent though.
we will be heroes: i guess they knew diamond & pearl was bad bc sinnoh’s other themes are a lot more.. pretty, i guess? not like they objectively slap they just feel like the aim’s more uplifting and.. kinda sorta calm i guess. anyway this one’s fine, definitely a step up from diamond & pearl.
battle cry: yes this song’s good but that PERCUSSION..... a whole different level and it alone makes me declare this song a banger
we will carry on: honestly i don’t really vibe with this one but i can’t call it bad. percussion is once again great here.
black & white: the song itself is decent enough but the animation is unique and neat... i just like the funny cgi pokemon ok
rival destinies: it’s fine but also this feels too much like a love song and i do not like that. like yeah they say “friends” but let’s be real these are love song lyrics.
it’s always you and me: this one’s very nice and happy and i like it but it also has those love song vibes unfortunately
xy: man x/y really did love gen 1 huh........ anyway the original vs this is just daniel vs the cooler daniel... still not part of the cool kids gang though
be a hero: absolutely SLAPS. also they never say pokemon in this one so go apeshit with those amvs lads. how many of these have hero in the title anyway jesus christ
stand tall: it’s cool and good but also i made a playlist of pokemon music and put this there, hit shuffle, and got it like 5 times so augh
under the alolan sun: i know the theme songs generally have some amount of cheesiness to them, but this is too much for me personally. also “it’s like i’m on vacation” isn’t this the one series where ash goes to school how do you mess that up
under the alolan moon: first off, apparently this one and challenge of life. don’t have full versions?? idk what’s up with that. anyway i don’t like this one and is the only one i’d call bad besides diamond and pearl .
the challenge of life: honestly this one’s short and sweet, that’s all i have to say about it actually.
after the rain: the best one, please listen to the full version if you haven’t i’m begging you it’s SO GOOD..........
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