#but also..... i love my sanwa shit
hunterofthehunters · 11 months
pros of learning fightstick:
- clicky button
- clicky stick
- feels good to play on
- trying to learn how to mod this MCZ TE1 i have is inflicting psychic damage to me
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6ad6ro · 5 years
nobody asked but here’s my quick review of arcade1ups final fight cabinet:
it’s amazing and i love it so gd much just wow one of my fav things i’ve ever owned. considering reg cabs run $2000+, these having multiple games and starting at $400 feels like a steal? tho realistically u can find em anywhere for $300 and they always go on sale. i got mine black friday for only $150. like $150 for an arcade cab!? holy shit yeah ok! it’s only 3/4 the size of a reg cabinet. and has an lcd instead of a crt. no heavy arcade guts bc it’s emulating. no coin slots/chutes. these prob all sound like cons, but realistically? these are all kinda good things imo. it’s light so u can actually move it easily (yeah have fun tryin to move a reg cab on ur own). it’s small enough to fit into a normal bedroom etc (u ever want the best nightlight in the world)? and u don’t hafta worry about replacing impossible-to-find arcade crt (also low power consumption thank god). the emulation feels perfect btw like i can’t tell the difference tbh... the games included are: “final fight”. obviously... which is amazing n my fav arcade game prob! “ghosts ‘n goblins”. which is great n another fav n perfect for this kinda thing bc it’s super hard? but u keep goin back to it to see how far u can get. then “strider”. which is just one of the coolest cap platformers ever. and finally “1944 the loop master”. which is a very good, pretty, and solid shmup. honestly i love all of these games and it gives the cab an amazing sense of variety. i might have wanted to swap out 1944 for somethin else, but i feel almost like i’m spoiled sayin that. it’s a fantastic selection! it has a nice on\off switch on top so u don’t hafta unplug it or have it on a power switcher etc! and it has a sound switch to swap between “silent, normal, loud”. silent is perfect to select a game n just run the demo mode (my fav part besides playin the games). normal is standard volume for playin a game. and loud is PRETTY dang loud? i assume thats for wantin to still hear it a bit if u wanted to have it in a room with other arcades or if ppl were hangin out. loud won’t blow ur eardrums out or nothin! n it only has one speaker but it works pretty well n sounds fine imo. the sticks are great. feel really good tbh! i’ve heard them called “good sanwa clones”. buttons are fine but not as good as the stick? no satisfying “click”. i’ve heard the street fighter cabs or the older 1ups had much worse sticks, but they clearly fixed it with their newer ones and w final fight in particular! i’ve had zero input issues so far with either player (it has two sets of sticks/buttons for 2 player). the cabinet aesthetics is amazing quality n they perfectly recreated the final fight cab art. it looks and feels like a real cab, but totally clean and brand new. IT’S INCREDIBLE! i’m glad they started including clear plastic covers for the stick/button area so u can even play w greasy pizza fingers n not worry about rubbing the design off. it’s all just exactly what you’d want imo. if i were to have any real critiques? it’d be the fact they have no way to access soft dip settings. meaning u can’t access things like difficulty? which when u consider they make street fighter 2 multicabs? it seems insane. that alone would make me rly consider not buying any of their fighting game cabs. default arcade difficulty is usually cheap as fuck. this should be fixed and i don’t care what excuses they have why it’s not in there. but the final fight cab (n i assume same for all their cabs) it’s set to freeplay. unlimited credits. so you can just manually decide how many “coins” ur willin to use at the start? which is honestly FINE and most of the games are super tough and perfect for this kinda thing. if u can have self control w self-limiting credits, it’s perfect. and anyone wanting to beat any of the games real quick still could just by mashing in credits. tho ghosts ‘n goblins is thankfully still set up to be rly challenging even w unlimited? i love it! obv it woulda been nice to have lightup coin slots n chutes? even if they were fake? but nbd. and i wish they had a few settings for aesthetics like scanlines or crt warping/wrapping etc? but again i don’t NEED that and the display looks great imo. you can still select a game and it’ll run a demo/eyecatch? but it woulda been neat if u waited on the game selection menu and it cycled thru the eyecatches. again none of these are rly mandatory changes. and tho access to the game settings (at least difficulty) NEEDS to be in later cabs? it’s weirdly fine to not have it with this game selection? it’s great  as it is, but just lacks little bonuses u might like. oh and sadly there’s no good way to softmod em yet, and there’ll prob never be a way on these? people already have good methods to use these cabs as a base for good retropie setups tho! it just involves soldering so i’ll prob keep this one standard (it only has two buttons per stick anyhow). it took me a few hours to set up alone, but it was kinda fun tbh? all in all, it’s maybe the best $150 i’ve ever spent on something i didn’t need. I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT! if u have the money to spare n can get it at a good price, and it has a game selection you’d want, i’d say DO IT. if they ever make one based around street fighter iii? i’d prob buy it even if i don’t rly have room! it’d hafta have difficulty settings tho like they need to figure that out geez... anyways! good purchase. love it. i just run it in silent demo mode all day like it’s perfect.
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brutalsmash · 7 years
day 2
wake up time: 7:30 AM (out of bed at 7:45)
left for work at: 8:50 AM
arrived at work at: ~9:15 AM
breakfast foods: green smoothie + coffee with 2 tbs. soy milk = 305 cal
snack foods: blueberry cake donut = 340 cal
dinner + dessert foods: pecan crusted salmon + marzen lager = 644 cal
total calories consumed: around 1,266 cal
litter: done
cleaning activity of the day: none, though i did wash my blender in advance
did you meditate: no
did you brush your teeth: yes
gratitudes: my dad, my tattoo artist, my ad 2 chapter
sitting in bed by: 10:30 PM
today was pretty wild and stressful. i’m on a big, very visible project for work, which is cool, but all the stuff is due simultaneously and the specs for the deliverables aren’t terribly clear. i also have to wait a lot on others, which as someone who has a difficultish time absconding control, can be nervewracking. ultimately my share of a project due today was turned in, but it technically wasn’t the whole pack, which was bothersome. i also came to grips with a lot of reactions behind fairly mundane or nonconfrontational things -- it’s trauma! my number one fear is betrayal by a loved one. inundation with images of casual abuse on others (”prank” people on youtube come to mind) coupled with past abuse has warped my trust in people who have never wronged me, leading me to believe that eventually, for NO GOOD REASON, they will. and therefore, i have to be a mighty fortress and guard my money, food, heart, whatever. i cried about that for a bit today. i think the board of ad 2 noticed i was in a shit place, i got the last beer in the meeting. and a squatty potty! i can’t wait to use that.
went over my calories a little but overall i’m off to a good start. i’m eating more deliberately and tracking more diligently, which is the main habit i wanted to kickstart. i’m excited to go to sanwa this weekend and buy lots of yummy produce, and i’m popping into trader joes tomorrow for more stew ingredients!! YUM. i think soon i may begin a transition into lacto-ovo pescatarianism, but i’m not all the way sure yet. i uncompromisingly cannot stand animals being hurt but i have a weird sociocultural attachment to meat, while also knowing that it tastes good, so it makes the transition harder. there’s a lot to process, so i think i’ll take my time in making that decision.
tomorrow i get to see a doctor for my TMJ, do a big lift, and finish up my big project. tomorrow marks one week until i get my tattoo! lots of big changes coming to this vessel. just a few more weary days and then i’ll fly away. hallelujah by and by.
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