#but bestie. how long do u think it took the FIVE yr old
butchladymaria · 1 year
yknow sometimes i see an artist who’s maybe young or just new post their art online and honestly? i’m so incredibly happy for them?? like you are documenting your journey as an artist and i think that is an incredible thing to share
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 4 episode 18
🚨TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of suicide/suicide attempt 🚨
Notes by me
- im unashamed to say my first thought when Jack handed the guy something to give to daniel....was a note with a heart
- what was the bet I want to know
- why is this soldier so intense ???
- on one hand its rude to bet on your friend but on the other hand...extremely funny
- I hate to be the bearer of bad news but i dont think jacks note is gonna make it to Daniel
- Daniel looks really handsome??? Like....his five o clock shadow is really working for him
- the device looks like a star trek communicative device I'm sorry
- frustrated! Daniel
- "this thing doesnt work!"
"Have you checked the batteries?"
*death glare*
- omg the ANGER honey calm down. Why are you so pissy about this
- I like the think Jack followed daniel up to hammonds office bc he could tell something was off. Also so he could be an extra authority figure to tell Daniel to chill if needed.
- daniels apartment! I expect plants
- is this bc of his trauma? I mean I'm surprised the writers are actually acknowledging it
- "it just goes away" is he talking about his happiness? Flare ups of happiness that crash fast is a sign of mental illness and depression
- imagine if Jack wasnt there.....he wouldnt have been able to stop him
- it almost looked like "woke up" when he turned around??? Maybe it's a split personality thing??? Or black outs???
- P4X347
- time to break out the hazmats
- "whatever it was they didnt breathe it in" HOW do you know. You have met countless other alien things you couldnt detect with your 2002 fancy tech. You dont think theres a remote possibility that theres something there that youre stuff CANT detect?
- the symbols on the pillars remind me of the Prince of Egypt movie
- alright Daniel had a point. The throbbing light is kinda nice
- they are a smidge too awestruck
- wouldnt it be funny if they were looking at the light and when Jack looked at his watch they would have been looking at it for like 4 hours
- "nice digs" you know when you meet an alien teenager and say the first thing that comes to your mind
- Lauren ?? Or Loren ? Idk
- another case of Jack shifting into Dad Mode when faced with any person under the age of 18
- "all of sg5 are dead" :(
- coma!Daniel
- Jack so concerned about Daniel 💖
- tealc pulling a gun on the kid when he shows him a toy gun
- its literally a star trek phaser
- tealc is 101 yrs old????? Why did i think he was older
- "in 47 days" tealc birthday is only a month and a half away , I gotta start preparing
- do you think he likes jumpy castles
- omg when he smiles at the toy gun. My heart is shaped like tealc
I appreciate the passionate outburst of love for your bestie but if you yell at janet again im breaking all of your fingers
- addiction ?????? Stargate gods.....you know me so well
- when jack cradles his head to lay him on the floor
- staring at the light for HOURS I was right
- Daniel just keeps his head in his arms
- bro how long have u just lived there by yourself thats so unhealthy, where are your parents
- "is there anything you need?"
He said that so fast
- it literally was the batteries
- "perception of time is the first thing to go when you're....high"
Ive always wanted an episode where they just get baked
- an opium den for the goaulds. They just be having these on random planets and the tokra havnt attacked them at these??? When they are at their most vulnerable???
- cool big sphinx statues 😍
"YES.......so am i"
Never not arguing
- grabbing each others coats?? I mean I dont wanna be the person in the audience that yells at them to kiss but....kiss
- I want to see that picture of Daniel that Lauren took
- is lauren the addiction thing?? Maybe alien blood or something
- this whole story about his parents😭
- "the system lords needed slaves while they were here"
Now im thinking about Daniel being a slave
- "you like ice cream?"
"Whats ice cream"
Whump under the cut
Daniel jackson whump: 🚨trigger warning suicide attempt. Daniel stands on edge of balcony contemplating whether to jump. Depression, hospital scene, coma, passed out, Jack firemen carried him, head in arms, anger outburst, flatlining, addiction to light machine
Jack oniell whump: anger outburst,addiction to light machine, holding head, hospital checkup scene
PS: just want to note this is the second instance that daniel has gotten addicted to something the goauld made
🤓no glasses!Daniel for less than 10 minutes from when hes in the hospital bed to when he tells hammond he needs his glasses
🎶Listening to Missing You by All Time Low 🎶 for Daniel almost commiting suicide and old trauma surfacing bc of the depression machine
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