#but i also dont want to leave it uncolored
eggnogtoast · 3 months
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leon wip i don't think i'll ever finish. sobs
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creacherkeeper · 4 years
tagged by @lil-annie-adderall​ thank you! 
1. Favourite album?
i’m going to cheat a little and say the family tree by radical face, which is actually 4 albums (the roots, the leaves, the branches, the bastards) of interconnected stories about the generations of a magically inclined family. it follows the various bloodlines through happiness, death, tragedy, love, discovery of powers, and leaving to make better lives for themselves. theyre sweet, hearbreaking, and lovely. and there’s a guidebook available for free online that leads you through the generations so you can follow specific characters and learn all the behind the scenes 
2. Make a 5 song quarantine playlist
hotel california - eagles 
dont fear the reaper - blue oyster cult 
the wanting comes in waves - the decemberists 
so far away - carole king 
waving through a window - dear evan hansen 
3. What do you miss most about the outside world?
i was very much a homebody before all this who worked graveyard shifts and never went anywhere but the chiropractor, whose disabilities have much improved since quarantine started, so, uh ....... i miss hugging my friends? i need a hug my bros 
4. Do you have/want any tattoos?
i have 3! 
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[ID: a raven tattoo on the shoulder. its in a realistic style, showing the raven’s face down to about half its wing. the colors are black, turquoise, and gold. end ID] 
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[ID: a tattoo on a forearm of a shaded green fern with the words “much abides” in all caps handwriting. end ID] 
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[ID: part of a half sleeve, on the outside of an arm. it is uncolored lineart, of several corvids sitting on and flying around cherry blossom branches with flowers. end ID] 
i haven’t gotten to finish my half sleeve :’( luckily it looks okay uncolored, but i’m still kind of sad. honestly like the first thing i’m going to do when this is over is get it finished. if i still have any money that is ^^’ 
5. What’re your comfort movies/books/shows?
comfort books: the graveyard book, east 
comfort shows: parks and rec, psych 
comfort movies: kiki’s delivery service, real genius, pretty in pink, unicorn store, pacific rim, princess bride (i have a lot of comfort movies ...) 
6. If you could get a candle scented like anything what would it be?
bonfire but also cinnamon?? pleas
7. If you could enter the world of any tv show and be friends with 1 character, what would it be?
i know im on a community kick right now but probably abed. i feel like we could have really good discussions about media analysis. i feel like he could bring a craft component to the conversation i would be super into. barring that we could just watch stuff, make jokes, and have quote offs. autistic friends with shared interests unite 
(i would say amaya from the dragon prince but literally i would just want to marry her i dont think i could be friends with amaya) 
8. Do you have any strange or cool talents?
uh. i have really dexterous toes? i have gotten first place on medium difficulty against computers and other players in racing games (mario kart type where theres obstacles and abilities) using my feet. i havent tried it since i broke five toes though?? been in quarantine long enough, might be pushed to try again 
9. What’s the nicest thing anyone has done for you?
oh boy this is a loaded question ^^’ most people in my life have turned out to be extremely shitty unfortunately ...... but my dad and some of my friends edit my books for me. i’ll go with that. its a big time commitment and i appreciate it a lot 
10. Tea, coffee or hot chocolate?
gatorade 8) 
(allergic to tea, hate coffee, dont drink hot stuff) 
tagging @agentcalliope​ @orocatto​ @loved-the-stars-too-fondly​ @theclaravoyant​ @ragnar-rockandroll​ @iseedeadsneeeple​ @sweet-robingoodfellow​
new questions: 
1) favorite book that you originally didn’t want to read? 
2) pick a song that you have to listen to on repeat for the next 24 hours 
3) what’s a weird thing about your city? 
4) if you had to merge two pieces of media to make a new thing, what would it be? 
5) what’s a piece of media you KNOW is bad but unabashedly love? 
6) favorite comfort food right now? 
7) believe in ghosts? come on be honest (8 
8) something that you like completely against type 
9) if you had full creative control over a piece of media, what would you make? 
10) you live in a fantasy world and you have an animal companion that will not harm you or your friends. what is it? 
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