#but i am not upset at molly having a crush on a boy
yaboirezzy · 1 year
TGAMM fans, I'm disappointed that I have to be a part of y'all. I thought you peeps were cool, I thought you peeps were chill, but noooooo y'all just had to act like an Owl House fan where when a Het/Straight ship appears half of you are angry at there being no boy-likes-boy or girl-likes-girl, while the other half are stupid trolls purposefully annoying and pissing people off with the Het/Straight ship
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allzelemonz · 1 year
Suitors: Kieran Duffy X Male Reader
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Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘boy’, ‘lad’ and ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Language Warnings: Sean is a bully, Bill is gay (cannon, literally just talk to him it’s so obvious), Kieran has game but he doesn’t know it, Reader and Bill are besties, this one is silly and messy but it’s fun Summary: Sean attempts to mess with Kieran by flirting with you, but you put him in his place with help from your best friend Bill.
Kieran has been working hard ever since the Van Der Lindes let him off of the tree. He enjoys working with the horses, but it’s grueling. Whatever free time he has is filled with torment from whatever Van Der Linde happens to be closest. Bill will invite him to drink on occasion, but after that incident with the tongs Kieran would rather keep his distance. It’s Sean that seems to seek him out for mild torture. He’s headbut him, threatened him, generally been cruel. But when the Irishman found out about Kieran’s little crush on you, it got worse.
You aren’t sweet on Sean by any means, you hardly talk to him. Most of your time is spent with Molly, listening to her drone about Dutch, or with Bill on jobs. But now Sean seeks you out, so long as Kieran can see. In an attempt to escape Sean, Kieran accepted Bill’s invitation to sit by the fire. Bill has been trying to be nicer, gesturing for Kieran to sit on the crate next to him and handing him a beer. Kieran takes the bottle and gives Bill a small smile, sitting on the edge of his seat given how he met the man he’s sitting with.
“Come on, lad!” Sean laughs. “Admit it! You’re in love with me!”
Kieran looks up to see you and Sean by Pearson’s cart, getting dinner for the night.
“You’ve been following me all day, Sean, and I only find you more annoying.”
“Come on now.” Sean says, following you towards the fire. “I’m a good, honest son a’ the soil.”
“Shut up, Sean.” You sigh, taking a seat on the log.
“He been followin’ ya all day?” Bill leans over to ask.
“Oh, you’ll fall for me.” Sean laughs, settling in next to you. “Everybody does.”
“Ain’t that what ya said ta Miss Tilly?” Bill asks.
You nod. “And Mary-Beth?”
“Oh, shut it, ya sorry sods.”
“Take your own advice.” You say, eating a spoonful of stew.
Bill laughs at that, miming a cheers to you with his beer bottle. Kieran smiles to himself, taking a sip from his own bottle.
“What’re you smirkin’ at, O’Driscoll?” Sean mocks.
“He’s not an O’Driscoll, Sean.” You sigh, having said it a hundred times.
Sean turns to you. “How’re we ta know he’s not still workin’ for Colom?”
“It’s Colm.” You say, putting your bowl down.
“It’s Colom.”
“He’s right.” Kieran says quietly. “It’s Colm.”
“It’s Irish, it’s Colom. We’ve had this little chat before, O’Driscoll.”
“Half the people here are Irish, Sean. They all say Colm.” You look at Kieran. “Does he say Colm or Colom?”
“Colm.” Kieran says.
“Good. Shut up, Sean.”
Sean groans. “You’re seriously sidin’ with the O’Driscoll over me?”
“I am.” Bill mutters.
“Unbelievable.” Sean says.
“He’s nicer than ya.” Bill argues. “Quiet too.”
“Come to think of it,” You look at Sean, knowing this will hurt him. “You’re Micah, just louder.”
“I am not!”
Bill laughs again, clutching his stomach because it’s more boisterous this time. Kieran smiles to himself again, careful to hide it this time.
“You’re comparin’ me ta that arse?” Sean stands, offended.
“Does that upset you?” You ask.
“You’re damn right it does!”
“Then yes, absolutely.”
“I ain’t nothin’ like him!”
You sigh. “Apologize to Kieran then.”
Kieran looks up at you as you stare Sean down.
“What?” Sean asks, screwing his face in confusion.
“You’ve been nothing but mean to him. Apologize.” You gesture to Kieran. “Micah would never do that.”
Kieran looks up again, avoiding Sean and focusing on you. Next to him, Bill finally has gotten his laughter under control and pats Kieran on the back.
Sean turns to Kieran. “Sorry, O’Driscoll.”
“Try again.” You shake your head.
Bill chuckles. “Like ya mean it!”
Kieran’s cheeks have turned pink from the embarrassment and attention.
Sean groans. “What’s he done to deserve my gratitude?”
“He’s been helpin’ us track Colm.” Bill says, making sure to say the American pronunciation.
“I take care a’ Ennis.” Kieran mutters.
You smile at Kieran. “That’s right. Your horse likes him, Sean. Why not you?”
Sean kicks his foot at the ground like a bored toddler and sighs. “Fine, fine.”
“Go on then.” You gesture to Kieran. “Apologize.”
“If it’ll make ya happy, love.” Sean faces Kieran. “I am truly sorry.”
Bill cheers, clapping Kieran on the back. “Ain’t that nice.”
“Ya in love with me now?” Sean asks, turning back to you.
“Shut up, Sean.”
He grins. “I’m warmin’ up to ya, I can tell these things, love.”
Sean walks off, claiming a victory with his own delusion.
“Okay, okay.” Bill leans forward in his seat, glancing between you and Kieran. “Now when are ya gettin’ together. I don’t wanna miss Sean’s fit.”
“What?” Kieran asks, a bit of a crack in his voice.
“I, uh, I didn’t tell him yet, Bill.”
“Oh, shit.” Bill exclaims. “I’m sorry, boys.”
“Tell me what?” Kieran asks.
“That I’m sweet on ya.” You lean forward to poke the fire with a stick as Kieran’s face flushes again. “Bill is too.”
“No I ain’t!” Bill argues.
“Bullshit, Bill. Look at you.”
Kieran looks between you two as you argue. He knows you’re good friends with Bill. This might be a common occurrence.
“I ain’t the one talkin’ about him like he’s some greek god!” Bill yells.
“That’s Mary-Beth, not me.”
“What?” Kieran asks again.
Bill laughs at that. “Sorry, Kieran, I ain’t so good at secrets.”
You laugh a little too. “You have a lot of people that’re sweet on you, Kieran.”
Kieran grips his beer bottle a little tighter as he takes in the information. “I do?”
Bill blushes a little. “Sure ya do.”
“Aren’t you two cute.” You muse.
“Shut up.” Bill mutters.
“Bill’s easy to fall, not so easy to admit it.” You say. “What was that guy from the saloon in Blackwater? Chris, Clyde?”
“Clark.” Bill sighs.
“Right.” You nod.
“So, you’re both sweet on me?” Kieran asks.
“He is more than me.” Bill says, taking a long drink of beer.
You chuckle, looking at the ground to hide the love-sick look on your face.
“I think I’ll leave ya to it.” Bill says after he finishes his bottle. “Just let me know when ya think Sean’ll throw a fit again.”
Before you can stop him, Bill is off towards the crate of beer to grab another and wander around. You turn to Kieran and give him a small smile. “Sorry about, uh, that.”
Kieran’s face is a solid pink and he can’t look you in the eyes. “It’s, uh, it’s alright, Mister.”
“You don’t have to call me Mister.”
“W-Were you tellin’ the truth?” Kieran asks, his eyebrows knitted in confusion. “About all that?”
You nod. “Yeah, all of it.”
Kieran chuckles lightly. “I didn’t take Bill fer the type.”
“It’s obvious once you spend some time with him.”
“Time with him?” Kieran asks.
You shake your head. “Not like that. He’s just my friend, Kieran.”
Kieran nods, looking back at the ground.
“Oh, for Christ’s sake!” Bill yells, stomping over. “You’re sweet on each other! Sit together, stare, kiss, somethin’!”
You laugh as you stand, taking Bill's former seat next to Kieran. “Happy, Bill?”
“You frustrate me.” He grumbles, stomping away.
“Is he, uh, he always like that?” Kieran asks, a small smile on his face.
“Usually.” You laugh. “He’s a sweetheart, I promise.”
“When he’s not torturin’ a feller?” Kieran laughs lightly.
“Exactly.” You smile, holding your hand out. “He’ll come yell at us again if we don’t do something. He’s been waiting for me to tell you for weeks now.”
Kieran grins as he takes your hand. “Ya sweet on me that long?”
“Sure.” You nod. “And I know Sean was flirting with me to mess with you.”
Kieran looks down, hiding his smile. You squeeze his hand a little tighter and look over to Bill. He gives you a thumbs up and takes another swig of beer. It’s not how you intended to tell Kieran, but nothing ever goes according to plan as a Van Der Linde.
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radi0activesmile · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel spoilers below the cut:
Episode 6:
1:00 Hey Vaggie your I'm actually an angel is showing.
For real this woman could step on me.
Remember like five years ago when Viv said Pentious had a crush on someone and people were like It's Lilith because snake but it was obviously going to be Cherri?
It's Cherri.
I feel vindicated.
I don't remember who called that Emily was going to be Heaven-Charlie but A+++++ you nailed that.
Darren Criss here to remind me that I was once a Gleek. Nobody look at me.
... People who drew out-of-armor-Lute were also very accurate good job guies.
Okaaaaay Sera are you....good? Evil? Not... sure. You're gorgeous though.
BTW I'm still upset over the Alastor-Husk-chain thing.
.......... Original Dick Master naming someone after a vagina makes so much sense and yet I need to lie down.
Oheeeeey homophobic Lute. Fuck you.
And not in the good way.
iiiiii always figured Charlie knew who Vaggie was. I guess it makes sense from a drama perspective that she doesn't though. But it feels weird.
The Porn Demon better be Angel's overlord title when he overthrows Val.
But uh... didn't you say Pentious was making more progress? Whyyy not mention him?
Why say you only have one patron?
Adam really does have Stickettadamanitus.
As a very discrete HuskerBomb shipper I'm just thrilled they exchanged even 1 line of dialogue. I did not think I was going to get that.
I'm still upset over the chain thing.
........ Pentious stop being so mother fucking adorable I cannot handle this right now.
Don't look at her like that. Adam's said fuck and bitch since this started.
Angel's really trying STOP MY HEART CANNOT TAKE IT.
I. Was not expecting to see Val in this one.
INB4 Emily's falling. I give it a week. -- No, I give it eleven minutes.
Ho boi that was an emotional roller coaster that I was not expecting.
I guess episode 4 was like our turning point for intensity.
am going to need time to process aaaaall that.
And I'm still upset about the chain thing that's gonna have to be its own post.
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beccadust · 7 months
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Debbie and gabby
The boys are nicer than they are
Well you say I don’t need a check up I have learned over the years that you are the best doctor to yourself usually
Doctors are upset because they want to ask my opinion on things, except wait a minute
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I have a little crush on Dave Grohl because he has a crush on Molly Ringwald and he said that he would give his left nut to sleep with Molly Ringwald one time Ashley. I think he did say make love to you and that is even more days like
Dave like
It’s just very poetic, I’m sorry so I forget my boundaries a little bit because I am some of that energy
Well, and also in the music world you just sort of kind of dissolve in it not necessarily
I need to remember that I have a very low class audience trying to lower my frequency and I need to probably leave this application because Stephanie Bryant and the other supremacy piece of garbage are going to take over Kentucky industry. Everything beautiful I said and destroy everything beautiful
Because everybody wants to sleep with trash, Stephanie
0 notes
hops-hunny · 3 years
When He Sees Me
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Pairing: Fred Weasley x Chubby!Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 4.3k
Request: N/A
Summary:(Y/n) always thought she was too rational for love, until she wasn’t. (Based off of the song When He Sees Me from Waitress)
Warnings: Slight negative thoughts and angst but vast majority fluff and pining! Oh and positive use of the word fat.
A/N:  Fred is a little OOC in this?? But I honestly just imagine him as the type of guy to be sorta whipped if he really falls for someone.
I stick with real things
Usually facts and figures
When information's in its place
I minimize the guessing game
(Y/n) had always been a rational girl. In her younger years at Hogwarts, as all her friends began to giggle and blush at their crushes, she kept her nose in her books. Although she was curious of what they were experiencing, the thought never lasted long in her mind due to what her mother had told her from a young age.
(Y/n) was about the age of 6, sitting on the floor near the couch as she colored humming to herself softly. She had noticed her mom was in a bad mood due to her being sprawled out on the couch many upon many empty bottles of alcohol littered the table. She wasn’t sure why her mother was so upset but ever since they had seen her father at the park with her babysitter last week her mom had been in this mood and her father hadn’t been back.
“(Y/n) dear, promise me something.” her mother muttered to her half asleep. The girl turned around smiling at her mom. Her mom gave her a weak smile back as she pet the top of the girls head. “Never give your heart to a man. He’ll only leave it in pieces.”
At the time, the girl obviously had no clue what she meant but the older she got and the more she saw the people in her life get their hearts broken time and time again she had developed a clue. So, she simply focused on anything that wasn’t romance. School, plants, knitting, you name it and that’s what she gave her attention to. Even though it wasn’t a conscious action, it still affected her deeply.
I don't like guessing games
Or when I feel things
Before I know the feelings
How am I supposed to operate
If I'm just tossed around by fate?
Like on an unexpected date?
Although her friends described it to her many upon many of times, she still found herself absolutely clueless of what feelings of love was like. That's why when she saw him, she was confused by what was happening.
“Oh he’s simply lovely! He does this funny little things with his hands where-” Although (Y/n) was focused on her coursework, she was still listening to Diane as usual. She liked to listen to her friends retelling of experiences with lovers, soaking it in like a cheesy romance movie. She looked out the window needing a quick break from her work. Her breath hitched quietly as she placed a soft chubby hand over her heart feeling as it raced wildly in the chamber of her chest. Her body had a tingling sensation all over that she had never felt before as she felt herself get dizzy.
“W-who’s that?” she said in an airy tone, causing her friend to follow her gaze. There he stood, laughing and joking around with his friends pushing each other around. His ginger locks blew in the wind slightly and his skin glowed in the soft afternoon sun. 
“You mean you don’t know who that is? That’s Fred weasley! He’s like one of the most popular guys in our year. I can’t believe you just asked that.” She snickered some, teasing her friend. She stopped once she noticed the girl who was usually quick to snap back was unusually quiet. She smiled softly at her expression, noticing that look in her eyes. Whether (Y/n) knew it or not yet, she was absolutely enamoured with none other than Fred Weasley.
“I don’t like him. He makes me feel funny.” she said, however the way she looked out the window still said otherwise.
“Funny how?”
“I don’t know, just funny.”
“Like laugh funny or like funny funny?”
“Obviously not laugh funny, are you an idiot?” She asked, glaring at her blonde friend. She looked out the window once more. She noticed him look back causing her to gasp, eyes wide with shock. He winked at her causing her to scoff, pick her things up before shutting the library blinds and run off to who knows where.
Diane laughed to herself as she began to pack her own stuff up to go after her friend. She sighed before running quickly out the library to catch up.
“Ah, young love!”
With a stranger who might talk too fast
Or ask me questions about myself
Before I've decided that
He can ask me questions about myself
He might sit too close
Or call the waiter by his first name
Or eat Oreos
But eat the cookie before the cream?
“For the last time Diane, I’m not talking to him!” she said, slamming her book closed as she tossed it on the table in front of her. Her, Diane and a few of her other friends found themselves in the common room as they usually did on friday nights talking and gossiping about anything that came to mind. Today’s topic of discussion was the girl’s apparent “crush” as they called it. Considering she had nothing to base off of whether that’s what the funny feeling she had mentioned earlier in the week was, she decided to trust her friends in them saying that’s what it was.
“What? Oh come on, give me one good reason why you won’t.” Molly said, facing her friend her sharp green eyes boring into (Y/n)’s (e/c) ones. 
“Oh I can give you a PLETHORA of reasons why not!” the (y/h/h) girl exclaimed as she stood up. She began to pace, trying to rack her brain for good reasons on why not. “Aha! What if he butters both sides of his toast? Or-or what if he asks me too many questions on why I’m talking to him? Or if he’s as popular and well known as you say, what if he takes that as an excuse to ignore personal space boundaries and gets handsy?” 
“He’s a teenage boy, not a serial killer. Someone’s been watching too much muggle crime specials.” Molly said as she rolled her eyes, sighing as she leaned back into the couch. (Y/n) glared at her friend, letting out an exasperated sigh as she facepalmed. It wasn’t like she didn’t wanna do anything about these feelings. She most certainly did. Whatever would get rid of them the quickest is the route she wanted to take.
“Well, you could always let him know another way!” Ronnie said as they looked up at their friend. “You’ve got so many skills and talents, why not take advantage of it?” Although Ronnie wasn’t very talkative, whenever they opened their mouth they always said something that made perfect sense.
“As per usual Ronnie, you’re the voice of reason. Merlin bless Ronnie for all of eternity!” (Y/n) exclaimed dramatically as she got on her knees, pretending to worship her friend like a god. 
(Y/n) had been doing just that, making herself known to Fred without making herself known. The (y/h/h) girl had wanted to be anonymous about it, leaving things without her name however Diane pointed out the fact that (Y/n) had “the presence of a ghost” and that “even ghost had more of a presence then her” which meant that even if she did attach her name to the things left Fred would have no idea who it was. Because to be frank (Y/n) was, well, a nobody. 
She noticed this little ‘talent’(if you could even call it that) first year when her teachers would mark her as absent despite her being in the front row of the class and having some of the highest marks. She seemed to fly by unnoticed by all but her small group of friends which they all found funny, especially with Diane being one of the most popular girls in their grade if not all of Hogwarts. 
So, she started off small. She’d leave little notes for him in places she knew he’d find them, usually his first or last class of the day, and his seat in the great hall. She would watch him as he’d read them, flushing sometimes as he read them. However, his usual response was to read them out loud to George, bragging about how a pretty girl was leaving him notes.
“Ah listen to this one, Georgie! ‘Here’s a quidditch tip for you Fred. I noticed that when you’re on your broom you have a habit of going to the right which is why you often get stopped. Try switching it up sometimes! However, that’s not the only thing I’ve noticed. Somehow despite being in that dorky quidditch outfit, you still look just as fit as usual. Yours truly, (Y/n).’” He smirked at that part, a chorus of ‘ooo’s from his friends.
“Although she may be blind to say that, she does know her quidditch! Sounds like a catch if you ask me. I’m surprised she didn’t go for me, the better twin.” George said, choking on his toast as Fred smacked him on the back of the head.
Diane nudged her friend, glancing at her. She laughed as she saw her friend’s round face buried in a book to hide the overwhelming amount of shyness that was overcoming her. Even though this had become a regular thing, she still couldn’t stop the way her heart would race every time Fred would read one of the letters aloud. 
To avoid the notes becoming repetitive, she started to switch it up every once in a while. Baked goods, hand knitted scarfs and gloves, even flowers with meanings behind them made their way into Fred’s ownership. However, the more things he got the more not only him but other people became curious. Who was (Y/n) (L/n)?
But what scares me the most
What scares me the most
Is what if when he sees me, what if he doesn't like it?
What if he runs the other way and I can't hide from it?
What happens then?
If when he knows me, he's only disappointed?
What if I give myself away, to only get it given back?
I couldn't live with that
Molly was currently trying to catch up to her soft friend, a sympathetic look on her face. “Why not? I think you should just go up to him and tell him! So many other girls have tried, claiming to be you.” she said, catching the other girl’s attention. She bumped into her as the (h/c) girl abruptly stopped. She turned to look at her friend with tears in her eyes causing her to look down at her agape.
“Do you wanna know why I haven’t just gone up to him yet? Do you really?” She said above a whisper as she looked up at her tall friend, silent tears making their way down her cheeks. “It scares me. It scares me even fucking more than what I feel for him does. Fred is just so..he’s funny, talented, popular. Who wouldn’t want him?” she choked out, looking away. “What if when he sees me, he doesn’t like me? Whenever he reads my notes or gets one of my gifts he always mentions how beautiful (Y/n) must be.”
“Let me finish Molly. When he says that, he probably means some tall leggy blonde like Diane. I’m just me.” she lets out a dry chuckle, sniffing as she wipes at the tears streaming. “Sure, I find me beautiful, you guys find me beautiful, but the world doesn’t. I don’t look like anyone he’s ever been with before. Fred is always surrounded by tons of gorgeous women. If he saw me, he’d only be disappointed. If I gave myself to him and he rejected me, I couldn’t live with that. Now I see what my mom was talking about.” she said as she walked off leaving Molly confused by the last part of her statement. She frowned hearing her friend’s words but she knew her better than to chase after her when she was upset. She turned the other way, walking quickly in hopes she’d make it to her lecture not too late. However, a flash of red hair out of the corner of her eye didn’t go unnoticed but it did slip her mind when she saw her friend later.
So, I'm just fine, inside my shell-shaped mind
This way I get the best view
So that when he sees me, I want him to
(Y/n) sat in the library at a table by herself. It was a friday, usually she’d spend this time with her friends in the commons. However, after the never ending pestering to just talk to him, to face him she told them she wasn’t feeling well and that she’d be retiring early. It wasn’t a lie, she had completely planned on getting some much needed rest but as she lay in bed tossing and turning her restlessness turned into frustration leading her to read a bit to clear her mind. Reading was what she enjoyed doing when she wanted to clear her mind or simply escape the insufferable reality she was living in. But after she found herself reading the first line to chapter three 10 times she placed her bookmark between her pages, looking out the window.
It was if the universe was taunting her from the sight in front of her. There he stood, talking to another girl from their year. She couldn’t recall the girls name but it wasn’t that important, she was beautiful. She sighed as Fred laughed at something the girl said, patting her head before walking away. ‘It’s better this way. He can’t see you which means he can’t reject you which means you won’t get hurt’ is what she kept telling herself. However if that was the truth, then why did she feel so empty inside?
(Y/n) laughed along with her friends as they sat in the empty common room. Everyone from their house was Merlin knows where at this time as they all shared their intimate horror stories.
“Oh come on, that did NOT happen.” she said through laughs, eating another chocolate from the box on the table. Her cheeks hurt from the amount she had been laughing. Diane was in the midst of telling what happened during her recent sexual endeavor with some guy from her herbology class.
“I swear he did! His face was green and everything! Next thing I know he was blowing chunks off the side of the bed. I offered to take him to the infirmary but he didn’t hear me through his tears so I just made my exit as swift as possible!” she said laughing as well, face red from how much she had laughed through the telling of the story. They all continued to howl with laughter, someone else’s laughing triggering someone else to laugh even more. (Y/n) was the laugh one left laughing as her friends all began to grow quiet. 
“G-guys? Why’d you stop? Who’s next?” she said, looking at Molly who was on her left and Ronnie who was on her right. 
“Um, don’t look how (Y/n) but Fred Weasley is coming this way.” Diane said, causing the girl to stop breathing briefly.
“W-what?!” she whispered loudly, eyes growing wide.
“Yeah and um don’t freak out, but he’s looking directly at you. No pressure though!” Molly said, giving her a rough pat on her back as she offered the girl a smile. The (h/c) haired girl glared up at her. As Fred grew closer, their voices grew quieter.
“Why wouldn’t that make me nervous?!” she said through gritted teeth as she pulled on Molly’s curls causing the girl to let out a quick ‘ow!’. She chuckled nervously. “Well, we have nothing to worry about! It’s not like he knows who I am!” she said as she relaxed some, closing her eyes as she leaned back. She heard footsteps stop in front of her causing her eyes to shoot open as she looked at the ground. Huh. Those shoes didn’t look like Ronnie’s shoes. Matter of fact, they didn’t look like Diane’s either. Or Mo- oh no. She looked up, arms folded across her abdomen self consciously as she looked up at the man in front of her. She couldn’t help but take in his appearance.
He was in a white shirt, some spots see through from what she assumed was a mix of sweat and water. His flaming hair was mostly dry but damp in some spots and he adorned a pair of sweatpants that made him look quite godly in her opinion. If she had to guess, he had just gotten back from quidditch practice. It was weird for her to be this close to him intentionally. The only time she found herself close to Fred was when they’d walk past each other in the hall or when their classes would go by each other due to a required location change for the lesson. Therefore she had never been able to see the freckles on his knuckles, the barely noticeable acne scars that adorned his forehead, or even the way his Irish spring’s shower gel smelled oh so heavenly.
“I’ve been all around the castle for weeks, months even. I think the main reason it took me so long was not only the fact that I haven’t really seen you up close before, but all the other birds claiming to be you. It was like that one muggle film, what’s it called? Cinderfeller?” he pondered for a moment looking off.
“I-it’s Cinderella.” Ronnie chimed in, giving him an awkward smile. They were all quite stunned. Although they all knew that this wild goose chase couldn’t go on forever, they didn’t expect it to be Fred of all people to approach first. They were sure (Y/n) would reveal herself on her own time but it seemed that they weren’t the only one’s getting impatient with the girl’s excuses and whys.
“Right, thank you. So I set off, making a list of every girl in our year in the castle- with the help of George and Dean of course- and we spoke to quite literally all of them. It was easy to weed out the fakes because they couldn’t answer questions related to some of the gifts I had received. So by the process of elimination that leaves you, love. Are you (Y/n)?” He said, crouching down to her level. As hues of brown met hues of (e/c) it was much too intimate for the girl to handle. She sat there, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.
“W-well I am a (Y/n). I’m sure there’s plenty of others in the castle!” she retorted letting out a forced laugh, wiping her sweaty palms on her skirt. Was the common room always this warm? 
“If I recall correctly, weren’t you bragging the other day about being the only (Y/n) in the castle? You said and I quot-” a quick stomp of (Y/n)’s foot on Diane’s caused the blonde to quickly stop whatever she was in the middle of saying. Fred looked down at the (h/c) hair girl with a quirked brow and knowing smirk. She was caught red handed. Without another word, he quickly pulled her off the couch with ease, dragging her along with him. She tried protesting and looking at her friends for help but they all simply waved and smiled at her, making kissy faces and noises. ‘Idiots’ she thought as she rolled her eyes. Fred continued to guide her, the path to where they were going looking awfully familiar until they arrived at the astronomy tour.
“Listen Fred, I just wanna say I’m sorry. I know you were probably expecting (Y/n) to be someone who looks like Diane, or hell, even Molly’s dumbass but I’m not. I’m just me.” She began as she walked to the edge, looking off the balcony. “I know now that you’ve seen me you’re probably disappointed. I’ve seen the girls you hang around all the time and they’re bloody gorgeous and-”
“So are you.” he whispered, causing her to whip her head around quickly.
“Pardon?” she responded with glassy eyes. The girl wasn’t too sure why her eyes began to water from three simple words. They weren’t the usual three words that cause or evoke such an emotional response but they felt like the missing piece of a puzzle. Her eyes followed the lanky guy as he walked over to her, tucking a few pieces of hair behind her ear as he interlocked their hands. Long, skinny and defined calloused hands meeting her soft thicker but smaller ones.
“So. Are. You. Beauty is such a fluid thing. There’s no one way to be beautiful, lovely. Museums have many unique and beautiful forms of art and so does life.” He let his hands wander on her sides, gliding up and down her love handles, waist, and hips. He took one of his hands to tilt her head up oh so gently. “If you were a sculpture, you’d be made of the finest of marble by the most talented of sculptors. Hell, if I wasn’t so bloody bad with art I’d sculpt you myself but I don’t think I’d be doing you much justice. It’d be a monstrosity.” he said, shuddering at the idea of him doing anything art related. (Y/n) found herself giggling at that.
“If only you applied this verbiage to your coursework. Perhaps you’d actually be doing decent.” she remarked as she continued to laugh. Fred gasped a bit before joining in as well with his own laughter. As the laughter died down, he lifted a hand caressing her cheek, thumb sweeping across the smooth skin. She found his eyes to see they were filled with adoration. “Fred Weasley, are you whipped for me?” she spoke softly as if she had said it any louder, that he’d simply disappear.
“I have been since the first time I saw you.” He responded, his own cheeks flushing a bit with a light crimson. She looked at him puzzled a bit before her eyes widened slightly.
“You remember that? That was months ago!” she noted. He grinned at that, pulling her closer.
“Of course I do. Imagine my delight when I found out that beautiful girl who slammed the blinds shut on me happened to be the girl my heart was slowly going out to with every note and kind gesture you sent my way. Merlin is definitely on my side.  Although I must be honest,” he looked away for a bit before lookin back at her. “The list was a huge help, but I also couldn’t help but overhear your conversation in the hallway that day. However I knew then wasn’t the right time to approach you, I assumed you would’ve just been more upset over the fact I was eavesdropping a bit.” he mumbled. She opened her mouth to question what conversation before she recalled what she had said to Molly that day in the hallway.
“Let me finish Molly. When he says that, he probably means some tall leggy blonde like Diane. I’m just me.” she lets out a dry chuckle, sniffing as she wipes at the tears streaming. “Sure, I find me beautiful, you guys find me beautiful, but the world doesn’t. I don’t look like anyone he’s ever been with before. Fred is always surrounded by tons of gorgeous women. If he saw me, he’d only be disappointed. If I gave myself to him and he rejected me, I couldn’t live with myself. Now I see what my mom was talking about.”
“Hearing you speak so lowly about yourself upset me quite a bit. I wanted to plan out what I was going to say a bit more and also make sure it was actually you.”
“I’m sorry you had to hear me say those things about myself. I usually don’t say such things like that, I’m very confident in the way I look. To me, fat and ugly aren’t synonymous but I know everyone isn’t so open minded.” she admitted, dropping her gaze to the ground. “I’m also new to this whole feelings thing. You’re the first guy I’ve ever had feelings for.”
Now, it was Fred’s turn to become speechless. He couldn’t believe his ears, he had the honor, no, the privilege of being the first guy to be such a sublime goddess of a woman? He felt his ears heat up and he knew he had to look absolutely ridiculous. “I don’t blame you, I am one hell of a guy!” He said, flexing his arms as he flashed her a cheeky grin. (Y/n) scoffed some, shoving him away as she rolled her eyes playfully. She pondered for a second before standing on her tippy toes planting a kiss on his cheek...or at least that’s what she had planned. Fred being Fred turned his head last moment wrapping his arms around her waist as he pressed his lips into hers. She gasped softly, chills running up her spine again as her body tensed.
Even this was her first time having a kiss, she could tell this was a feeling she’d be craving nonstop. (Y/n) wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling Fred down to her height. The ginger boy smirked into the kiss, trailing his hands all along her soft frame practically melting at the feeling. His hands snaked their way down to her ass, cupping the pillowy flesh between his large hands causing the (y/h/h) to moan softly. The Gryffindor pulled away, biting and pulling her bottom lip along with him.
“So, I have a question for you then…”He started, pressing his forehead against hers. She felt the warmth of his minty breathe hit her face as she looked into his eyes expectantly. “Do I really have a tendency to go to the right when I play quidditch? Because in my opinio-”
“Fred! Really?!”
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saphirered · 3 years
Saph I hope you feel better! I really liked the VM Snow White you just posted, but could you also please do the same prompt but with M9 boys including Molly? If you’re not feeling up to it that’s fine too!
Thank you! The meds are beginning to do their job luckily. I'm glad you liked the last one. I blinked, my hand slipped and now it's here. Prepare for some angst. Hope you enjoy! 😘
Caleb had always known his past would come to haunt him. He was prepared for it. Prepared to take the hit, take responsibility for everything and he’d face his past be that with or without the people he loves. Part of him, once he got used to having these fools around, having you around, wanted it to be on his own, to protect them and protect you. To not have any more lives lost in the grand scheme. The people he loves becoming collateral would be unacceptable. But you had become collateral in the grand scheme of things.
When it became clear to his enemies he was a bit more attached to you than the others, they took this weakness and exploited it. They pushed his buttons before, using you as a tool, verbal bait even, but he never fell for it. His reluctancy to act on his feelings, to keep them to himself instead, were the very thing he hoped would keep those loose ends from latching onto you. His love is a curse, the objects of his desire always to be torn away from him no matter how hard he tries to prevent it. He’s lost you to that same curse. Not lost. Almost lost.
You’ve been cursed, your conscious mind separated from your unconscious body. Simple healing spells wouldn’t do the trick here. This curse holds no roots in the divine. He’s spent days researching and that much he could confirm. This curse would take an arcane approach. Something he prides himself in to be his specialty. Lucky you. Lucky him. He had the others bring all books, ancient scrolls and other sources of knowledge brought to him, along with a wide variety of components once he’d made a significant dent in the research matter, assuring him this would have the greatest chances of success.
It’s not the soft canopy bed with the plush pillows from the fairytales you’re placed on. Instead you lay on a wooden table, inscribed with all sorts of arcane sigils. Nor do you look like some angelic peaceful being. Your brow is furrowed in discomfort, your hands balled into fists at your sides. Caleb moves a brush against areas of exposed skin, painting symbols to match with precision and care, afraid to even make a single mistake, triple checking every mark. He speaks the incantations while incorporating the components varying from precious gems crushed and whole, herbs and incense. And then he waits. He doesn’t expect the effects to be immediate, often with these magics it is not and he knows that but that doesn’t get rid of the impatience and fear.
“How I long to hear your voice again. I know this will work but that doesn’t ease away the sliver of doubt. What if… What if… That’s what I keep asking myself. I know it’s stupid.” Caleb wipes an hand over his brow as he pulls up a chair and sits at your side, elbows leaning on the table careful to avoid any sigils just in case.
“It also faced me with the harsh reality that I held off telling you how I feel. It looks so stupid now in hindsight because what good did it do anyone. In the end you still ended up paying for my mistakes. I was stupid to push you away, try to convince you your own feelings were unreciprocated. I know I didn’t have you fooled in the slightest but to know I could have loved you, it makes me feel like I am to blame for wasting that opportunity and possibly shortening our time together. The thought of losing you before having given you my love will forever be my greatest regret.”
Caleb watches the muscle of your hand unclench and relax. He hears a deep intake of breath and staring at your face he’s met with your smile, one filled with love as he helps you sit up. All is good once more.
Fjord’s drenched to the bone, out of breath, anger running through him like he’s never experienced. Still he’s unsure if his anger is directed at the one responsible for your eternal slumber or at himself for making a ballsy move that didn’t pay off in the slightest and in fact backfired in a worse way he could have ever imagined. He played a game of chicken with Uk’otoa and lost. He’d have been fine by letting someone else pay the price for him. Why should he care about some stranger becoming victim to the leviathan? The one who paid the price, became the victim to his actions didn’t end up being a stranger. It had to be you of all people hadn’t it?
Uk’otoa must have been watching his dreams, even his waking actions if that were possible and have seen his infatuation with you. When the leviathan threatened Fjord in another briny dream of his mentioning your name he had called bullshit. The snake had never been able to reach out to anyone it didn’t already have some kind of grasp on. Little did he know Uk’otoa had just that. Just enough of a sliver through him, and the Cloven Crystal to get to you.
So there Fjord sits at your bedside. You’re just as drenched as he is, hair dripping, skin glowing in the candle light of the room reflected off the water particles. Your lips are tinted blue, a redness around your eyes, your skin is cold. The sleep you’re in is a state of perpetual drowning and Fjord knows what it feels like, to drown. He can only hope you’re spared that pain. He doesn’t think he’ll be able to forgive himself if you are tortured like so because of his actions. Clasping your hand between both of his he runs his fingers over your knuckles. He bows his head. It still feels so wrong to not have you respond to his touch. So wrong.
“I want you to know that I am to blame for your fate. I’m about to do a very stupid thing to make it right. I know you’d tell me not to but I can’t sit by and watch you suffer like this. I’ve tried everything. I’ve begged and bargained. I’ve shouted at the skies but I got no reply. Everything comes up empty and I see no other choice than to do this. It might sound stupid but I came to ask for your forgiveness.” Fjord pauses. Usually he would have gotten a reply. He would sell his soul for just having you tell him everything will be alright. It’s a good thing he’s about to sell it for so much more than that. It’s worth it. It’s worth having you alive and well.
“I won’t ask for forgiveness for what I’m about to do because I will never regret it. I ask only you may one day forgive me for what I might become. I need you to know I love you and did, will do all of this out of love. That’s why I hope you’ll never see me again after I give myself to Uk’otoa. I can’t bare to watch that affection in your eyes being replaced by hatred, but most of all disappointment. I hoped to be worthy of your love and I will always regret never having truly experienced it.” Fjord’s voice cracks slightly. He studies your face, as if to ingrain every detail into his memory, as if he thinks he might never see it again.
“I’m afraid. I’m so deadly afraid.” Fjord whimpers pressing a kiss to the back of your hand before he lets go. He checks his supplies, taking out the Cloven Crystal, glaring at the orb intensely cursing the thing to oblivion. Coughs pull him out of his staring match with the crystal. Your body moves, leaning over the edge of the bed vomiting up brine. Fjord drops the orb and his belongings running over to you and helping you gather your bearings until you’re no longer chocking on sea water.
“You better not do what I think you’re planning with that orb or so help me Storm Lord, I will drown you myself.” Fjord can’t do anything but laugh despite the very real threat on his life as you pull him into your embrace.
Caduceus isn’t bothered by death. Death is part of life as much as living is. It’s inevitable. Every soul will move on, leaving its vessel for the earth, the fire or the wild things to bring forth something new. What does very much bother him are perversions of death, those who try to cheat death, upset the natural balance, maim and manipulate that what is and should be. He hates it with a passion and seeks to rectify it, return the world to that balance when faced with it. That’s where you come in. You much like him have a respect and understanding of life and death similar to his own. Very few people understand that. Very few people do not fear the end when they see it coming. You’re one of those very few people.
You understand Caduceus on a different level, in his sentiment and mannerisms while others may think him strange. Not that he cares if people do, you’ve been his filter in the big shiny new world past the borders of his grove. You’ve been his safety net, his grounding force, his safe haven when the world seems against him and he thinks his senses might be wrong. The Wild Mother must have gently blown her winds to bring you together.
That’s why it seems so wrong you’re affected by this darkness having taken hold over your body, leaving you in a state of not entirely alive nor dead. Resurrection has been futile as much as draining your life and allowing you to move to the care of the Wild Mother herself. You’re trapped and that’s why Caduceus fears what would happen should you die. He’s seen what this perversion of life and death has done to his home, the forests surrounding it and the creatures living in it. He’ll do everything in his power to prevent that from happening to you.
Caduceus has put your body through the typical burial rites and rituals, preserving what he can by using wards and the divine blessings granted to him by his goddess, sending her prayers of your recovery but you appear to be even beyond her reach now. He moves a damp cloth across your arms and face, brushing aside your hair, humming to himself until he’s done, moving on to clean the room around you, getting rid of the dust, placing things back where they belong and replacing the decayed flowers with fresh ones. Caduceus gathers his tea, preparing a cup for himself as he watches you.
“Can you show me how they’re doing?” The wind grows cold. He knew that would be the answer but still he could hope maybe that answer could change.
“Are they in pain?” The wind grows warm but then cold again. You were, but not anymore. It seems that the new wards he’s put up are doing their job. That’s good.
“Is there a cure?” The gentle breeze disappears. She doesn’t know then. This goes even beyond the goddess herself but it doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Caduceus will keep hope, though it is dwindling fast, for your sake he’ll have hope. He’s always spoken to the dead before and while you’re not really dead, there’s a strange comfort to something that feels so final.
“Hey. I’d ask you how you’re doing but that’s not gonna work now, is it? Don’t worry. You’re going to be fine. I know you are. You’ve managed to keep me alive with the others for much longer than I’ve been taking care of you like this. I think we’re going to be fine. I know you’re here but I still miss you. Calliope makes for terrible company watching things unfurl between the others. She’s too much of a hopeless romantic. You forgot to tell me the recipe to that special brew of yours. I’ve been trying to recreate it but I haven’t been able to. I think what I’m trying to say is, I could really do with having my best friend back. That’d be nice.”
Caduceus sips his tea, face devoid of his usual dopy smile. A sudden breeze hits through the window, blowing it open. A few lighter weight and loose items go flying but the thud of a heavier one is clear to hear. Caduceus closes the window and feels something solid hit his boot. It’s a crystal from the ones surrounding the grove. He picks it up, feeling the warmth run through it. The breeze directs towards you and he feels himself walking over to your body. The crystal calls to you and when it touches you your body runs with energy, pulsing, like you’ve been forcibly pulled back to this world. You look around eyes wide breathing heavy.
“Hey.” Caduceus smiles. “I made tea.”
Maybe pretending you and him were some high born assholes was a questionable decision. Taking on an invite directed at the said people you were impersonating even more so, and stealing, sorry, borrowing without asking, some things from their summer cottage to swim in luxuries, an out right terrible idea when these people happen to be very well connected.
So when these fancy folk came back to the cottage earlier than expected, the two of you had grabbed what you could before making your grand escape, chased by their private guards until you lost them. A safe distance away you set up camp. Time to inspect your findings before returning to the carnival. Your eye for valuables had always been much more keen than Molly’s and your appraisals usually spot on. It was only natural he would let you do your thing but he’d still help you.
Particularly proud of getting some ornate jewellery box Molly had pried it open and revealed the jackpot. But of course you couldn’t just sell recognisable jewellery as is and you couldn’t keep such a thing on you very long. So of course you went to work, prying the stones from their settings. A particular necklace was giving you trouble, not even your tools being able to pry it out, you even broke one so you left that one for last.
The two of you had argued, eventually setting on just smashing the stone with the pommel of Molly’s scimitar, the broken gem still providing plenty of pay and not being as recognisable in peaces. So you held the necklace across a stone while he smashed it. When it did a spark hit, next thing he knew you were on the ground, your hands burned where you held the precious metal. At first he thought you were simply knocked out but when you didn't wake up he grew worried. Splashing water in your face, shaking you, lifting your legs, nothing got you to wake up so instead he carried you and the jewellery back to the carnival. Two days and still you didn’t wake up. It became clear this bloody gem was cursed when dark veins started crawling up your skin as the days passed.
Since this was technically on him, Molly took care of you. He makes quite a doting nurse when he wants to be but never without an inappropriate comment or two. It was quite strange to not hear you laugh at or scold him for these comments. Nevertheless he’d fluff up the pillow beneath your head, provide you an extra blanket when the night was cold, tell you stories, or simply the events of the day, the people who came to the carnival, some things he lifted from people’s pockets and so on. Molly has to say he’s ashamed to admit he’d got frustrated with your unresponsiveness or rather the fact you still hadn’t woken up and there was nothing the others could do for you. A healer would still be a week or so out.
“You know, while I’ve really begun getting used to these little one-sided conversations and your lack of judgement at some of my more terrible decisions I really prefer sharing them with you in the moment. I’ve gotten caught by the guards twice now and without you, Gustav is getting a bit sick of bailing me out. I miss our little flirtations. I miss your sometimes wrong opinions, though you’d say they’re proven facts. I miss your company. I think our time apart has given me time to reflect how much you truly mean to me and how much I need you in my life.” Molly leans on his elbow as he studies your face unmoving. You look so peaceful and asleep but he’d much rather get lost in your eyes when you’re awake.
“I laughed at you when you told me the most valuable thing in the world anyone could ever give another is their heart but I think I know what that means now. I’ll offer you mine if you will have it. So please, come back and make sure my head doesn’t get up too high into the clouds or I might just float away.” Molly leans back looking at the ceiling of the tent with a sigh. He’s pulled out of his mind by a snicker.
“A dramatic confession of love to the unconscious target of your affections? And you call me cliche.” Molly looks at your face, eyes still closed but smug grin clear on your face. He pokes your side making you jump.
“You are insufferable.”
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weelittleweasley · 4 years
Merry Christmas | Fred x Reader
Prompt requested by @n3ssm0nique: Best friends were all that you and Fred were. Right? Or at least that’s what you thought. But will Christmas at the Burrow change things?
Warnings: literally absolute adorable fluff JFC, Fred being adorable, George being George
Word Count: 5.6k words
A/N: I AM SO PROUD OF THIS FIC IT IS SO FUCKING CUTE My first Fred fic, babeyyy!! Weasley Nation Rise! Just an FYI, we are wholeheartedly pretending that the Burrow didn’t get destroyed for this fic hehe. 
Flashbacks told in italics.
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“Thank you for letting me stay with your family for the holiday, Mrs. Weasley,” you graciously tell the woman in the kitchen who hovers over a kettle, brewing you a cup of tea. You sit on a chair in the dining room, keeping quietly to yourself, hands folded in your lap. The sunlight streams in from the window, warming you up, the tip of your nose still chilly from your travels here. The Burrow was still quiet; it was early in the morning when you arrived, expecting everyone to be up, but you should have known better that only Molly Weasley would be up at this hour. Everyone wanted to catch up on their sleep while on holiday from school. 
Mrs. Weasley turned around to offer you the warmest smile, “No need to thank me, dear. You are always welcome in our home. And please, call me Molly.” She pours you a cup of tea in a delicate piece of china that you knew she saved for when guests came in fear that if she used it in her regular rotation of dining wear her children were bound to break it. “Drink up, dear. You must be freezing. The wind is unforgiving this time of year,” she adds, wrapping a blanket around you making you smile at her motherly gesture. 
This year you were spending the Christmas holiday with the Weasleys due to your parents work schedule. They were traveling abroad for work which made you upset that this would be the one year you haven’t spent the holidays together. But when you mentioned in passing that you would be spending the holidays alone this year in passing to George Weasley, he insisted that you would spend it with the Weasleys. You told him that the offer was kind, but you didn’t mind going to your aunt and uncle’s house to spend it with them and your cousins, but George said you would have more fun spending it with his family. Which you knew he was right, so you eventually gave in.
Spending Christmas with the Weasleys also meant more time with Fred which made your heart flutter. You had been best friends with the twins since year three, but you and Fred became especially close in your fourth year. Since then, you two were inseparable. But the more time you spent with Fred, you eventually grew romantic feelings for him. You feared that these new feelings towards Fred would ruin your friendship, so you had kept it all bottled up, knowing that it was best to just stay friends and nothing more. 
As you sipped on your tea, still wrapped up in the blanket Moly gave you, you heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Molly hovered over the stove again, this time cooking up a large amount of breakfast foods for the many people who would be dining this morning. “Oh, (Y/N)!” Ginny says when she reaches the bottom of the stairs. “I didn’t know you were coming this early,” she skips over to you, giving you a large hug. You had always taken a liking to Ginny and how outspoken she was. You had to be if you were the only girl amongst the Weasley boys. “Fred! George! (Y/N) is here!” Ginny yells up the stairs. “Wait until they see you. They couldn’t shut up about how excited they were for you to get here. Especially Fred,” she tells you with a wink. Ginny knew about your little crush on Fred after she coerced you to tell her after she told you about her crush on Harry. 
After the words fall out of Ginny’s mouth, you hear bumbling and crashing from up the stairs before wild running down the stairs. “Easy, boys!” Molly yells at them while flipping bacon over in the pan. “(Y/N) is not going anywhere! No need to rush,” she laughs at them before looking at you with a smile. Molly knew how much her boys loved you. She shook her head while laughing, continuing to cook up enough sunny side eggs to choke a horse. 
George saw you first and a beaming smile came on his face. “There she is!” he yells as you laughed, scooping you up in the biggest hug, spinning you around. “I’m so glad you’re here!” he exclaims as you wildly giggle. He places you down gently before looking over at his mother, “Merlin’s beard, Mum, the poor girl is in a straitjacket the way you bundled her up.” George helps you get out of the blanket, wrapping it over your shoulders lightly. “Much better, right? Now you can give people a proper hug,” he teases, hugging you once more. 
“Hey, save some for the rest of us,” a voice calls from behind George. You pull away from George and see Fred patiently waiting to give you a warm welcome. When your eyes meet, your heart instantly starts beating faster and a pink hue makes its way up to your cheeks, warming your face instantly. A small smile dances on your lips as Fred gives you a cheeky grin. “Hey, you,” he winks, making his way over to you.
Fred engulfs you in a hug, picking you up and spinning you around similar to George, holding onto you tightly. He puts you down as you beam, hands resting on his shoulders. “Hi, Fred,” you smile up at him, eyes locked on his, allowing yourself to relax under his touch. The joy on his face was evident, his eyes twinkling with happiness and his mouth drawn into a toothy smile.
The two of you just stood there for a moment before George clears his throat, making his presence still known. “Alright, enough of that you two,” he speaks, knowing very well that the two of you had unspoken feelings for the other. George liked using that as leverage against the two of you when he wanted something to go his way. And this holiday, he was going to make sure that the two of you were going to confess those feelings to each other. “We’re glad that you came for the holiday, (Y/N). It’s gonna be wicked time.”
You pull your gaze away from Fred, peeling your hands away from his shoulders, but Fred keeps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into a side hug as you smile. This was fine for best friends, right? “I was just telling your mum thank you for having me. I’m excited that I can spend it with my best friends and their family,” you beam as Fred squeezes your shoulders.
“Breakfast!” Molly calls to the rest of the house. With that, you immediately hear footsteps run down the stairs that are unmistakably Ron’s. 
Behind Ron follows Harry, the both of them with major bedhead, still in their pajamas. “When did (Y/N) get here?” Ron asks, raspy with morning voice, rubbing his eyes as he tries to get used to the sunlight.
You shake your head, “Good to see you too, Ronald.” He chuckles as you pull him into a big hug, Ron squeezing you tight. Ron was like your younger brother. He was always pushing your buttons, but in the most playful way possible. “Hey, Potter,” you rustle the other boy’s hair as he laughs, giving you a small hey. 
Everyone gathered around the table, taking a seat and a plate, piling mixed breakfast foods onto it. The sounds of happy munching and forks hitting plates filled the air. Light chatter between siblings and friends ensued as you sat and took in the atmosphere. The Weasleys were always so happy and that’s why you loved the family so much. They always managed to make the best out of whatever situation was thrown at them. No matter how dark times got, they were able to find lightness and laughter. When you first became friends with the twins, you were in a really sad place, always very homesick. But when the twins came into your life, they brought so much joy and hope into your life. Now you can’t help but feel out of place when you are not with them. 
Fred interrupts everyone’s conversations and speaks, “Since (Y/N) is the guest of the house, sorry Harry, you don’t count anymore,” Harry shrugs, “(Y/N) gets to pick what’s on the agenda for today.” Fred sends you a smile and a wink making you lightly chuckle. 
“That seems like a big responsibility,” you say as everyone looks at you. 
But before you can say anything else, Ginny grabs your hand and pulls you out of your chair. “I need (Y/N) first to help me with something,” she tells the group. The twins look at her suspiciously, knowing that the youngest sibling was up to something. “It’s girl things. You wouldn’t understand. Right, Mum?” Ginny looks at her mother for support as Molly gives her a thumbs up and wink. “Right then, come on (Y/N),” she drags you to the stairs.
“Ginny, I didn’t even finish breakfast,” you laugh at the girl who has an iron grip on your hand as she pulls up the winding stairs of the Burrow. 
Ginny just looks at you quickly before saying, “Ron can finish your plate. Besides, if you think breakfast was a lot of food, just wait until lunch.” With that, you make it to Ginny’s bedroom as she slams the door behind her. The fourteen year old sits on her bed as you slowly take a seat next to her. “So, are you and Fred gonna get together now that you’re here?” she excitedly ask.
You sigh. You wish it were that simple. “I don’t know, Gin,” you softly smile at her. “Anything can happen, honestly.” Ginny rolls her eyes as you laugh. “Give me your brush. I’ll braid your hair,” you tell her. A bright smile finds it way to her face as she grabs her hairbrush from her desk, handing it to you, turning so her back is facing you. Carefully, you brush out her long ginger hair, pushing it away from her face as Ginny happily sighs. “I’ve always wanted a younger sister,” you tell Ginny honestly. You did feel like Ginny was your sister in an odd, yet comforting way. When you first started hanging out with the twins and Ginny arrived to Hogwarts, she kind of latched herself onto you. At first, you were a little shocked, knowing that Ginny wasn’t like this around most people. But for some reason, she trusted you and you with her. Ginny became your little sister very quickly, always coming to you for advice and guidance when it came to school, boys, and everything in between.
“I always wanted a sister,” Ginny retorts, making you chuckle. “Seriously. It can be so much sometimes with all these boys in the house and it’s just me and mum. It’s always nice when you or Hermione visits. It gives me someone to talk to rather than having to constantly hang out with those bloody idiots,” she rolls her eyes, making you laugh.
From outside the door, you hear a hey! The two of you look at the door as Ginny springs to her feet and opens the door to reveal a Harry and Ron eavesdropping on your conversation. “Get out of here, you stupid gits!” Ginny chases them down the hall as the boys laugh wildly. You laugh at the young girl’s antics before she returns into the bedroom. “Do you see what I have to deal with everyday? Drives me mad.”
Ginny returns to the bed, sitting back down as you start to braid her hair. “Poor you,” you tease. The two of you sit in a comfortable silence as you braid her long hair, the ginger hair now perfectly styled and swept back from her face. You pat her shoulders, letting her know she’s done as she takes a look in the mirror, smiling at the results. “Like it?”
“Love it,” she looks at you before coming back to sit next to you. “But anyway, I really do hope that you and Fred get together. You’re perfect for each other. And Merlin, he never shuts up about you. It would just make so much sense if you two were together.”
You knew Ginny was right. Fred and you were a match made. The two of you knew how to have a good laugh, but you balanced each other out. He was always there for you when you needed him most. Fred was everything you wanted. But you feared that he didn’t feel the same in contrast to what everyone told you. The fear of rejection from your best friend was a terrifying thought, so keeping things to yourself seemed like the best option. “We’ll see, Ginny. I’m hopeful,” you brush her cheek.
As you and Ginny sat in her bedroom, what you didn’t know was Fred and George were outside, leaned against the wall, eavesdropping on your conversation much more slyly than Harry and Ron. George bumps Fred in the shoulder with a smile as Fred blushes. This just made holiday much more interesting for everyone.
The week has gone nothing, but smoothly. Matches of quidditch in the backyard, playing chess, late night bonfires, and long chats all ensued throughout the week and it just made you sad that the holiday would be coming to a close in the upcoming days. You were having so much fun being around the Weasleys and staying in their home. It felt like home to you in a comforting, yet odd way. It felt like you belonged here. Molly treated you like a daughter and Arthur even forgot that you were going to leave at one point, thinking that you had moved in. 
But in all of the fun, you and Fred hadn’t got a moment alone. You knew that George and Ginny both were anticipating when you two would finally make a move. Hell, everyone in the house was anticipating when you two would do something. But within the week the most intimate thing that happened was you waiting to use the bathroom and Fred getting startled that you were outside waiting, him still wet from the shower, towel tied around his waist. The two of you just stared at the both, bright red blushed on your cheeks. “I didn’t know you were waiting for the bathroom,” Fred had said. “You could have just come in. You know you’re always welcome too,” he said with a wink making you gulp. And with a wink he was gone, leaving you shocked and unable to speak.
Tonight was another bonfire, everyone in the backyard circled around the roaring crackling fire. The flames were the only things illuminating everyone’s faces. You looked around with a smile, enjoying the night. Ginny sat disgruntled and mad at Ron who sat in between her and Harry, Harry also a little pissed that Ron couldn’t take a hit that he would rather be snuggled up to Ginny rather than his best mate. You giggled at the sight, sipping on your hot chocolate as Ginny just glared at you. With her eyes, she gestured for you to git next to Fred would was just a seat over from you. George was too busy telling Ron a story about one of he and Fred’s many adventures when they first got to Hogwarts, Ron completely enthralled. Sit next to him, Ginny mouths to you.
Absolutely not, you mouth back, eyes darting to see if Fred was watching you. He just stared at the fire, legs kicked up resting on a log, his hands behind his head. I’m not gonna make the first move.
Ginny rolls her eyes. Just do it, she mouths before returning her attention to George and his story. You sigh, looking at your almost empty mug of cocoa. You look at Fred longingly, wanted to be cuddled up next to him under the blanket that rests on his lap. You imagined being able to rest your head on his shoulder, his strong arms wrapped around you, protecting you as you felt safer that ever. He’d kiss the top of your head before resting his head on yours, enjoying the way your body melted into his. As you get lost in your imagination, you realize that Fred has caught you staring at him. Your breath hitches in your throat and you blush, unable to look away from him.
Fred chuckles and smiles at you softly watching you as you are curled up in a ball on the chair just a few feet away from him. Your lips were perfectly pink and the tip of your nose a little red from the windchill in the air. The jumper you wore was pulled over your hands as you cradled the mug in your hands. You looked absolutely adorable as a small smile was on your lips. Fred sighed as you giggled a little at him. He just shook his head at you jokingly before dropping his left eye in a wink. 
“I’m gonna go get more cocoa,” you announce to the group, but your eyes don’t leave Fred’s as if you were just directing the statement to him, as if you were telling him to follow you. You rise from your chair and make your way inside. There are small whispers being exchanged behind you that sound like words of encouragement as you smile to yourself before going inside. Shortly after, you hear footsteps follow you inside. As you go into the kitchen and pour yourself more cocoa, you turn your head to see Fred beside you. “Hey, tiger,” you tease him.
He laughs at your nickname for him, “Hey, gorgeous.” Your heart flutters, knowing that he’s been calling you that for years, but now when he says it, it has new meaning to you. “You alright?” he asks.
You nod, happily, turning to face him, ignoring the task you originally came in here for. “More than alright. The week has been lovely,” you tell him as the two of you walk aimlessly around the lower level of the Burrow. “I can’t thank you enough for letting me stay with you and your family for Christmas. It means the world to me,” you genuinely tell him.
Fred smiles, “Of course. There was no way George and I were gonna let you spend it alone or with some weird family members.” You play with the cuffs of your jumper nervously, a thousand thoughts dancing around in your head about where this conversation was going to go. The two of you come to a halt as Fred speaks, “You mean a lot to me, (Y/N).”
His confession makes your heart speed up. “You mean a lot to me, too, Fred,” you confess to him, looking deep into his eyes. “Truly.”
“I don’t think you quite understand how much you mean to me. You make me feel really happy, (Y/N),” Fred tells you, taking a step closer to him. The two of you were so close that you could hold a magazine between the two of you. You can feel his breath on your cheek as you look up at him, biting your lip gently. “I really don’t know what I would do if we had never met that day at Hogwarts,” he recalls making the two of you chuckle. You remember when you met in the common room, them mid prank on a poor first year student as you had joined in on the prank. From that moment on, Fred was infatuated with you, much to your surprise. “And now we’re on our last year at Hogwarts and I’m just scared that I won’t be able to see you as much as I’d like to.”
Impulsively, you take his hand in yours. “Don’t say that,” you shake your head. “I’ll see you all the time. I’ll make sure of it. I can’t imagine living life without you, Fred, honestly,” you tell him, speaking so raw and genuine from your heart. You wanted to kiss him so badly, comfort him that there was no way he was going to get rid of you. He had you and there was no way that either of you were letting go of the other. You were so deeply connected to other that the notion of losing each other was nauseating. 
Fred smiles gently before looking upward, you following his line of sight. Above you dangles a small bunch of mistletoe. Your heart stops and then starts beating impossibly faster. The both of you look back at each other, a little smile dancing on both of your lips. This was a good excuse as ever to share a kiss, you could just blame it on the mistletoe. “Mistletoe,” Fred breathes out with a light laugh, you joining. “I hate breaking traditions,” he teases you as you laugh. 
“I hate nothing more than breaking a tradition,” you tease back.
Fred looks at your lips and then back at your eyes, waiting for you to do something. Gently you nod as Fred leans in closer and closer. It was like this whole scene was in slow motion as you both lean in, waiting for your lips to collide gently. You couldn’t believe this was finally happening after years of waiting and longing. You were going to kiss Fred Weasley.
“Oh, sorry,” a voice interrupts you both as you jerk away from each other. “I didn’t know I was interrupting something,” you look over to see Ron awkwardly standing in the doorway before darting away back to the group outside as the group yells at him, Ron yelling back he didn’t know in defense.
Fred huffs, “What a bloody moron.” 
The moment was gone. It was over. Your chances of getting that kiss from Fred was gone. You both knew it. The two of you looked at each other sadly as you sighed. You gave him a look that said I wanted you to kiss me. He gives you a sorry look as you just stand there for another moment. “Stupid Ron,” you break the silence, making Fred laugh. 
He pulls you into his side, wrapping an arm around you. “Come on, the fire is still burning,” he tells you, walking outside. “I’m not letting you get away so easily, no matter how much of an idiot Ron is,” he whispers in your ear, making you blush. What a flirt.
As you return to the group, everyone stares at you two as you walk back together. “Nothing to see here,” Fred dismisses them all as Ginny groans loudly. Fred pulls you next to him on the loveseat that was outside, not wanting you away from him now that Ron disturbed your moment. “You really are a moron though, Ron.”
Ron furrows his brows and raises his arm in defense. “What’s going on?!” he says, completely confused. Was the boy really this clueless? 
“Oh, you’re bloody joking,” George says, throwing a pillow at Ron, everyone joining in, hitting Ron with a pillow, everyone erupting with laughter as Ron tries to defend himself. 
Although the moment was ruined between you and Fred, this moment was heartwarming as you all picked on Ron before returning to watching the fire burn out.
Two days later, Christmas morning rolled around and Ginny jumped on top of you waking you up, excitedly. “Merry Christmas, you animal!” Ginny hugs you as you groan, slowly waking up. “Mum made pancakes and there’s presents downstairs! Come on, (Y/N)!” she pulls your hands up and out of bed. 
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” you laugh.
Suddenly, every Weasley is up and down the stairs in seconds as everyone takes their usual seats around the table. Arthur proudly shows off his muggle radio and explains that muggles listen to Christmas music this time of year, him tuning it until pleasant music emits from the small box. Molly plates everyone a large stack of pancakes dosed in maple syrup. You watch as Ginny squeals in excitement, sitting herself down next to Harry as you watch with a smile. 
“Merry Christmas,” George gives you a hug.
You smile at your best friend and squeeze his torso. “Merry Christmas, Georgie.” He rolls his eyes at the nickname you coined for him as you laugh. You see Fred at the bottom of the stairs as he makes his way to you. “Merry Christmas, Fred,” you smile.
Fred pulls you into his chest for a bear hug as you sigh in him. “Merry Christmas, darling,” he whispers into your hair, placing a gentle kiss on the top. You can’t help, but blush at the gesture before the three of you take your seats at the table. “Pancakes, bacon, eggs, and toast? Merlin, mum, you really pulled out all the stops this year,” Fred teases his mother. 
Molly smiles, “This Christmas is special this year so that warrants a special breakfast.” Molly sends a wink your way as she hands you a plate. “Merry Christmas, darling. Eat up.”
Everyone munches on the delicious plate of breakfast food, complimenting Molly on how extraordinary the meal was. And that’s when the presents start to come out. Molly and Arthur hand out presents to each of their children as the impatiently unwrap them. Each Weasley gets a hand knit sweater with their respective initial on them as you giggle as Ron pulls his over his head. It was absolutely adorable that they all had matching sweaters. “And don’t think we forgot about you two,” Molly speaks as she hands you and Harry boxes.
“Oh, you didn’t have to, Molly,” you tell her as she insists to open it. When you open it, you see a navy sweater with your initial on the front. “Oh, I love it!” you cheer. “Thank you so much,” you beam. You really did love it, immediately pulling it over your head to wear it over your pajama top.
Molly claps as you do so. “Now, you’re officially a Weasley. No need to marry Fred anymore,” she teases as Fred nearly spits out his pumpkin juice. “What?” she asks. “Did I say something wrong?” You just blush a wild shade of crimson that matches Ron’s sweater as Fred excuses himself, making George let out a wild laugh.
As if the timing couldn’t be anymore perfect, an owl flies through the window with a letter in its mouth. Arthur gets up and retrieves the letter from the owl before it flies away. “It’s for you, (Y/N),” he smiles, handing you the envelope.
You furrow your brows, not knowing who it could be from. You rip open the seal of the envelope and peel the letter open which reads:
Dearest (Y/N),
Merry Christmas, darling. We miss you so much. We are so upset that we cannot be with you on your favorite holiday. But rest assured that we will see you soon after our trip comes to a close. We have beautiful gifts for you from the places we visited and we cannot wait to give them to you. Paris is truly the most beautiful place on Earth.
We hope that you are having a grand time with the Weasleys. Give them our love and gratitude for hosting you. 
We are so proud of you and everything you have done at Hogwarts, love. You are truly remarkable. We love you so much and are so excited to be reunited with you soon.
All the love in the world,
Mum and Dad 
“It’s from my parents,” you tell the group with a smile as everyone softly smiles. You look at the Polaroid pictures that they attached in the letter. Your parents are smiling in front of the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, and the Louvre. “They’re in Paris. They send their love and gratitude to everyone. They said that they love me and miss me and they’re proud of me...” you trail off as tears start to form in your eyes. A lump starts in your throat and you become very sad and embarrassed at how you are reacting. You just miss your parents so much. “I’m sorry could you excuse me for a moment?” you ask as everyone nods, completely understanding how you feel. 
You rise from the table and move into another room of the house, letting the tears slowly fall from your eyes. You are sure not to make any sounds, too embarrassed that you’re even crying in the first place. Sucking in a shaky breath, you try to collect yourself, squatting low, burying your head in your hands.
As you breathe in and out shakily, you feel a hand on your back, rubbing it gently. “Hey, shhhhh, come here,” Fred’s voice says as he pulls you into him, as you cry into his jumper that his mum made. “It’s alright, darling, it’s alright.” He sits on the floor as you rest next to him, holding onto him tight as if he would leave you. But Fred wasn’t going anywhere. “I know you miss them, but they are right. They’ll be back so soon. You know that they love you and they’re proud of you. What’s not to be proud of? You’re brilliant,” he tells you, rubbing your back in circling, gently comforting you.
Moment pass and you slowly pull away from Fred, looking at his now tear stained sweater. “Oh, man, I’m a mess,” you wipe your tears away as Fred shakes his head, brushing your hair away from your face. “Sorry about your sweater, I can clean it up.”
“I like it better like this,” he says with a smile. You just laugh at him as you sniffle. “I have something for you,” he tells you as you furrow your brows.
He pulls a small box out of his pocket. You sigh, “Fred, I thought we weren’t buying gifts for each other this year. We said we were saving money to go on a trip after graduation.”
Fred shakes his head, “I couldn’t resist.” You slap his arm teasingly. “Open it.”
You slowly open the small box and your eyes widen. Inside is a small golden locket engraved with beautiful detailing. You open the locket and inside is a picture of you and Fred from last year in the common room, laughing on the couch together. The memory brings an instant smile to your face. This was the sweetest, most thoughtful gift anyone has ever bought for you. “Fred, I don’t have any words. This is beautiful,” you tell him.
“You like it?” he asks, nervously.
“Do I like it?” you laugh. “I love it. Thank you so much,” you tell him. “Could you do the clasp?” you ask, turning around and handing him the necklace. Carefully, Fred places it around your neck and clasps the necklace. You hold the locket in your fingers as you smile at him. “Why did you do this?” you ask, furrowing your brows.
Fred nervously gulps. “Because...” he starts. “You know, (Y/N)...like I said the other night...we’re close and I really cannot see myself without you.”
Your heart flutters as you look around only to recognize that you and Fred are in the same spot as you were the other night from the bonfire. Mistletoe dangles above you again and Fred follows the sightline. He stops talking and looks at you. This time no one was going to stop from you from doing this.
In this instant, you lean in and press your lips to Fred’s, connecting you two in a sweet kiss. At first, Fred is a little shocked, but takes no time in kissing you back, his hand cupping your cheek, pulling you closer to him. You hands cup his face as your lips move in sync with each other. His lips taste of syrup and you smile into the kiss. It just felt so right like this was how your first kiss was supposed to go. 
Slowly, you pull away from the kiss, searching his eyes for what he was going to say. But for the first time in forever, Fred is speechless. “I hate breaking traditions,” you tease him, making him chuckle. 
Fred shakes his head and kisses you again, this time more excited and passionate. His arms wrap around you, letting you know that you aren’t going anywhere. You were his now and there was no way he was letting you go. Not like you wanted to. This was home. The kiss is gentle, but loving and passionate. Your heart is beating so fast and your mind is reeling. This felt like a dream. 
You pull away again from the kiss, pressing your forehead against each other. “Just so you know,” Fred speaks, “I was going to kiss you whether there was or wasn’t mistletoe.” You giggle at his antics, knowing that he was telling the truth. “This does mean you’re my girlfriend now, right?” he asks, genuinely asking, making you laugh.
“I hope so, Weasley,” you tell him. “That’s my present to you.”
He jokingly pumps his fist in the air. He places a quick kiss to your lips again. “Merry Christmas, (Y/N),” he whispers to you.
Smiling so hard that your cheeks hurt, you whisper back, “Merry Christmas, tiger.”
Fred pulls you up from the floor, giving your hands a squeeze. “And now to face the taunting,” he warns you. “Be prepared. But on a brave face. This is just the beginning. You don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into dating a Weasley.”
The two of you emerge back into the dining room, hand in hand making Ginny cheer and George stand up, clapping. “It’s a bloody Christmas miracle!” he yells, making you laugh as Ron just sits there, absolutely lost at what is going on, mouth full on pancakes. You blush wildly as Fred pulls you into his arms, kissing your forehead. “Welcome to the family!” George mockingly yells, embracing you and Fred in a dramatic hug.
In this moment, you have never felt more at home. It was the most wonderful Christmas you had ever had and you couldn’t wait for more.
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Things about Fred Weasley that keep me up at night
Nsfw warning here.
Also I have no idea why I have a thing for Fred. I mean honestly. Why am I like this?
Tumblr media
Long haired Fred weasley
That's it.
That's the first point.
He never died.
There was no fucking reason for Fred to die.
Jk rowling wanted to know "Hmmm... What does writing angst feel like?" And killed off a random character
In my head he still alive
I can see him having a crush on this one girl who plays quidditch.
But he doesn't form that crush until he sees her covered in mud and grass and you're just standing there like "Guys... I did a thing"
I specifically can picture him with a Hufflepuff or a Ravenclaw.
I can vividly imagine him pulling a prank with a girl and having a moment where they hide in a small space with a finger over your lips
I can picture him kissing you for the first time after a hogsmeade trip and practically skipping to his common room.
Is it weird that I can imagine making out with this dude?
Like he most definitely is the type to be like "oh, I'll help you study" and then be the biggest fucking distraction to you
I can literally imagine him kissing this girl and him being like "mmm... Number five is wrong by the way" and then going back to doing something normal while she sits there like "you little shit"
Molly definitely loves you.
You just know she sends you sweaters for Christmas
Fred is calmer with you around
But not by much
Ron actually doesn't dislike you, he thinks you're cool
Especially after you save his ass from detention multiple times.
Whenever you'd get detention Fred would do something equally stupid to end up with you.
Detention make out sessions
I honest to God think he lost his virginity in the fifth year or sixth year.
I strongly believe he loves gratifying his girlfriend during sex.
I can actually imagine him saying: "You're doing beautifully Princess, just like that"
He definitely doesn't mind restraining you.
Definitely has held back your hands a couple of times
No arguments. He's a top.
Fred definitely is not against teasing a girl in public.
He has definitely fingered a girl underneath a table a few times.
He only does it though when he knows he can't get caught.
He's definitely figured out how to go through those fucking charms in the dorm rooms
He's definitely somewhat of an inside joke for your house.
"Where's Fred?" ".... He's doing... Things." "Is that Y/n's nickname now?"
He definitely loves to call you Princess during the DEVIL'S TANGO
That or Love.
His most common thing for him to do is to literally make you speechless, practically begging for him
And then ask you to speak.
He'd say "Words Princess, what do you want?"
And you'd be a complete disaster because your brain.exe has stopped working completely.
I don't know why I have so many headcanons about this man and sex. But I do.
Would it surprise you to hear me say I actually prefer Draco despite the fact I can barely muster a dirty thought about him?
I can imagine him just watching a girl from across the room and smiling to himself because she's his girlfriend.
I can perfectly imagine him sitting in on the couch in the gryffindor common room and just holding his girlfriend while she reads or talks to him.
Pranks are definitely a necessity in this relationship.
Come on have a little sense of humor
I could see him dating a hardass. But I feel like eventually his girlfriend would crack and he'd end up doing a prank with you.
He definitely is protective
He's not jealous though.
He trusts you.
But if a guy does try anything he'd kick the PDA up like six notches and basically make out with you until he leaves.
Stargazing dates are definitely a thing. Don't try to change my mind because I can literally picture him having this one spot in the burrow where he'll go to be alone
Course he's brought you there a couple of times and you both just sit out under the stars and you'd tell him what constellation he's looking at.
He definitely loves it when you're really smart and passionate for learning.
He gets to see you get all excited before class like "OH I KNOW THIS!"
After you graduate you most definitely work in the shop with Fred and George
Sometimes the boys swear you're the reason they're successful.
Like my God you're good at your job.
I can picture Fred and his girlfriend on a slow day, you sitting on the counter eating some sort of candy while talking to Fred and George
I can also picture Fred sneaking a few looks at your ass while you're working.
George teasing his brother because his so called "subtle glance" is more just staring and drooling
You know this. And you continue to do things on purpose that you know will drive the man insane.
I can perfect imagine a romantic night where there's a record player and you two just sway to a slow song, listening to each other's breathing.
Hear me out: I think the man smells like coffee, honey and popcorn.
It's just the vibe he gives off.
Like does that make sense-- I feel like it makes sense.
He definitely loves to hear you hum to yourself
He sings off key in front of people
But I have this strange idea that he actually can sing
George however? Tone deaf. Ears will bleed.
I love to imagine him dancing with you and singing in your ear.
I can literally just imagine this.
He definitely does goofy shit to cheer you up if you're ever upset
Like terrible terrible dancing.
His go to goofy dance move is the sprinkler
With sound effects
He will do fucking jazzercise to get you to smile.
He'll definitely fall on his ass
But he'll quickly get back up and keep going making you laugh harder.
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edie-k · 3 years
Title: Worth the Work
Pairing: Romione
Summary: AU continuation of Section 2 of Four Times Ron and Lavender Broke Up. Hermione and her mom chat on the drive home from King’s Cross.
Notes: This is nothing more than a shared vanity exercise to 1. make me more comfortable with drabbles (my asks are open btw) and 2. giving me an excuse to ease into writing Hermione’s parents again.
You may want to read Section 2 again but if it’s TLDR, Lavender just called out Ron for dumping her and kissing Hermione on the train home for Christmas in 6th year.
Judy Granger slid into the driver’s seat of her car, closing the door to keep some of the chill out and popped the bonnet.
After the big revelation on the platform, Hermione had quickly bid farewell to Ginny and Harry, telling them she hoped to see them soon. Ron, his face bright red with embarrassment, had told his mother that he was going to help Hermione bring her trunk to the car but would be right back. Molly had looked like she might object but one of her twin sons’ cracked a rather crude joke in response to Ron and she turned her attention to him. Judy had led the two silent teenagers to her car in the parking lot.
As she rubbed her gloved hands together, she could hear muffled voices talking quietly outside. Voices belonging to her daughter and her daughter’s… well, what he was was unclear.
The words they were exchanging were also unclear but Hermione’s tone had that slightly hysterical aspect to it that she got when she was upset. Ron’s, however, seemed steady and reassuring and she could sense Hermione calming in their exchange.
Judy felt the car dip slightly as Hermione’s trunk was loaded and felt the lid of the car shut with a thwump. She glanced in her rear view mirror to see the two hugging before drawing apart. Ron leaned down to kiss her on the forehead and as he turned to walk away, her daughter grabbed his wrist to stop him. She saw Hermione rise up on her toes to press her lips to his. She glanced away, smiling as she started the car.
A minute later, Hermione opened the passenger side door and climbed in.
“So,” said Hermione with forced cheer. “How are you? It’s so good to see you!”
“It’s wonderful to see you too, darling. I’m doing well.”
“Good, good,” Hermione said, twisting her hands.
“Presents are wrapped, house is decorated, food is bought… really, only one minor annoyance.”
“Oh?” Hermione asked.
“Yes, you see, I missed part of my favorite drama.”
Hermione looked at her like she was crazy. “Really?”
“Mmm,” Judy said. “It’s this great teen drama. The last I saw, my favorite character was devastated that the best friend she had a crush on was dating another girl. But suddenly, in the newest episode, the girlfriend is yelling at her for snogging the best friend on the train. And behind her mother’s car.”
“Mum,” Hermione sighed, clearly irritated.
“I feel like I should be scolding you but I am endlessly entertained that you, the girl that once made me immediately return to a bookstore when you realized there was a bookmark shoved in your novel that you didn’t pay for, has stolen another girl’s boyfriend.”
“I did not steal him. He has agency.”
“Yes, of course. I also suspect he was probably more yours than hers to begin with.”
“Quite possibly,” she said primly but the upturn of her mouth gave her away.
“So when did all this happen? Recently, I imagine. Harry looked very surprised.”
“Yes, Ron was going to tell him later,” she said. “Harry didn’t even know that Lavender and Ron broke up this morning.”
“This morning! Hermione, you did steal that girl’s boyfriend!” Judy exclaimed.
“Stop! I did not! I just… we had a conversation last night and I was very clear about my feelings and Ron decided to break up with her.”
“Why was he dating her in the first place?”
“I think it was… I don’t know. Maybe to make me jealous,” Hermione said.
“Oh,” said Judy. Her stomach clenched a little. Not ideal behavior from a suitor.
“I-I might have done the same to him,” Hermione admitted.
“Your date last night?” Judy asked knowingly.
Hermione groaned. “Yes, that was certainly stupid. And… maybe a little bit with Viktor. Not anything specific really but I could tell Ron wanted to know if we were dating last year but he never directly asked me and I never told him one way or the other.”
Judy let out a deep sigh. “Can I give you some advice?”
Hermione groaned. “Really?”
“Yes! You need to talk to him about these things. I know boys don’t always want to discuss things but - ”
“No, he does. We will. He wanted to last night.”
“And you didn’t?” Judy asked, eyebrows raised.
“It just didn’t make sense when he hadn’t broken up with her yet.” Hermione was now blushing furiously.
Judy nodded, suspecting Hermione was leaving something out. “I just imagine that moving from such a strong friendship to a relationship isn’t going to be easy.”
“I know,” Hermione replied. “When we were on the train this morning, making plans to tell Harry and all, I said the same thing. That it’d be a lot of work.”
“And did he agree?”
“Yes. He said… that I was worth working for,” she said quietly.
Judy took a deep breath and stole a glance at her daughter. Hermione was looking back at her with shiny eyes, biting her lip.
“Absolutely,” said Judy. “I always hoped you would find a boy as clever as you.”
“Yes, well,” Hermione said, a bit flustered. And we agreed to discuss it if I get to visit him for New Years,” Hermione hinted.
“You want to go to his house to have lengthy conversations, huh?”
“There'll be at least 9 other people in the house!”
“You’ll save it for the train then?”
“Oh, let me have my fun,” she laughed. “But I mean what I said. Have the conversation.”
“I promise.”
“Talk about the physical part too.”
“MUM! It’s been less than a day.”
“And yet I suspect that you’ve managed to get your fair share of kissing in,” Judy said pointedly. “All I’m suggesting is that you discuss your expectations when you aren’t in the heat of the moment.”
“Noted,” Hermione mumbled.
“I can’t wait to tell your dad that our little rule follower is snogging on the train.”
“You wouldn’t!”
“I’m so happy that Molly told me that Arthur and Ron would pick you up on New Years Eve.”
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sharks-are-friendly · 3 years
Headcanons for Epithet Erased.
This is for Giovanni and his boys (including Molly) none of this is cannon and I basically sprint far away from it. Oh and there's no specific order. Half of this is me just projecting myself onto Spike. I vent through my favourite characters so... She's suffering in at least 5 headcanons.
(I'm gonna be honest, I have no idea what headcanon means but my online friend says that most of these could be considered as headcanons so..)
Ben, Car crash and Spike all have Dyslexia that affects them daily to the point that they occasionally do homework together. (me and my friends used to do this but stopped a couple of years ago)
Darkstar is still wondering if purple is spikes natural hair colour or if she just 'copied' him. (it's been months dude.)
Giovanni still drives Spike, Ben and Flamethrower to school + Molly when her dad forgets.
One time, Car crash nearly killed, Spike and Molly by nearly crashing his car, so badly that spike just went "I'm driving... No I don't have a license, but at least I won't nearly kill us" surprisingly Spike didn't crash the car at all... she ran a red light
Spike is asexual but not aromantic. (she doesn't know what she is)
Molly one time accidentally made fun of Spike's dyslexia when she couldn't read the menu when The Boys went out for lunch together. It didn't make Spike upset or anything but Molly is smart and could tell that Spikes mood had shifted a small amount. (Molly is still a kid, let her make mistakes)
Spike and Dark star both have autism and ADHD, but it affects them both differently.
On her first mission, Spike had a meltdown, it wasn't very bad or anything but it was noticeable to the point that Giovanni actually called it (the mission) off so Spike could properly calm down. (she herself has no idea what triggered it, she kinda assumes that it was all of the loud noises but she isn't sure)
One time, Crusher, Dark Star, Flamethrower and Spike all dressed up in those like fucking dinosaur costumes because they felt like it.
Spike has to hype herself up to take cough medicine.
Flamethrower is more dramatic than a theatre kid.
Flamethrower is all 3 of the mean girls put together. He literally knows everything about everyone.
Molly and Spike bond over having Shitty dad's/parents. By this I mean they vent to each other about it. (I headcanon that Spikes parents are 'staying together for the kid' if you know what I mean)
Giovanni is informed of any learning difficulties, disability or disorder that a new boy has.
Ben is a trans boy and is really happy that Giovanni refers to him as one of his boys.
Spike and Dark star both become that spiderman pointing meme when they see each other at Hot topic.
Spike's hair is longer than she presents it to be. (the helmet helps with this)
Spike and Crusher have no idea what volume control is.
Car crash has nearly hit someone with his car at least 2 times.
They're all trying their best.
Giovanni is so protective of all of his Boys to the point that he 'grounded' Spike and Car crash, Spike for driving decently without a licence. Car crash for almost crashing the car.
'Don't. Touch. My. Food.' - Everyone at each other at some point.
Dark Star, crusher and Spike all live in the same neighbourhood... They totally don't have sleepovers at the weekends, and they definitely don't do each others hair. (it's more like, crusher and Dark star do Spike's hair but still, she finds a way to style theirs)
Despite them both having a crush on Giovanni, Spike and Crusher are really good friends and will support each other till the end of time.
Spike hates being the shortest out of The Boys, she's always been used as the arm rest. Seriously, she could swear that she was taller, then everyone got a fuck'n growth spurt over summer or some shit because now she's smol (I'm totally not bitching about the fact that at least 4 - 6 of my friends are now taller than me through this character)
Out of everyone, Spike and Ben are the most chaotic. Ben is chaotic in a way that borderline dangerous, Spike is chaotic in a fun way.
While everyone else panics when they run into Percy on the street, Spike and Molly are both chill and calm about it.
Molly slept over at Spikes house, and started crying when she woke up to hear Spike's parents just screaming at each other, Molly also did her mute thing around herself and Spike when she noticed that Spike was getting overwhelmed. (am I once again venting through this character.. 100% yes)
Spike knows Percy personally, as her neighbours always call the police for a "noise complaint" because of her parents arguing. Instead of an interview, it turns into a therapy session.
Giovanni breaks into everyone's houses to check up on them, and to update their status on the Banzai records (I literally just made that up). This always turns into a therapy session as well.
That's all... It really took me and my dyslexic ass over like what a month to finish this...
Sorry for how long this is.
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weasleydream · 4 years
A story of love, pain and shitty parents - Part 1
Heyyyy here is the first part! 
So there’s a little bit of violence, but it’s just the beginning 😇
Hope you enjoy!
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Almost five years later
“Y/N what the hell are you doing?”
Fred was calling for me from downstairs. I was still in Ginny’s room, frantically looking for my green sweater. I couldn’t go to the Quidditch World Cup and support my favourite team without my green sweater. No, impossible. But a loud sigh escaped my lips when I finally saw it folded on a chair behind me. I quickly slipped into it and managed to store the room, because it was a mess. Soon Fred barged in and, without a word, dragged me in the kitchen where George, Arthur, Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione were already eating their breakfast. Molly was nowhere to be seen. Some groans welcomed me. Obviously, everyone was a bit tired. Well, I was too, because barely four hours of sleep weren’t enough for me, but the excitement I was feeling helped me staying perfectly awake. Glancing at Fred, I noticed his ruffled hair and almost closed eyes. He seemed to be exhausted too. 
That wasn’t a surprise: I had stayed in the living-room with Fred and George after everyone went to sleep. We had discussed about the winners of the finale of the World Cup: we happened to be all sure the Irish team would win. However, the twins were sure Viktor Krum, the bulgarian seeker, would catch the Golden Snitch. “Impossible.” I had answered. “Aidan Lynch is way too skilled.”  A playful argument had started, only interrupted by Molly who wanted us to go to sleep. 
A few hours later, we were on the verge of leaving when Molly caught George trying to hide some Ton-Tongue Toffees. Here we are. Three seconds later, a true explosion shook the house and I escaped the infuriated woman by following Ginny. 
“Unbelievable…” I murmured. “I told them not to take the Toffees. And did they listen? Of course not.”
“What did you expect from them?” answered Ginny. “I thought you knew them better than that. They only do what Mum doesn’t want them to.”
“I swear they are driving me crazy.” I said while looking them passing in front of me and ignoring me. The poor boys were upset because I had left them alone in front of their mother.
“I think Fred is driving you crazy more than George. Am I wrong?”
“Of course you’re wrong.” I answered with a nonchalant tone. 
I needed all my will to hide the blush on my cheeks and Ginny’s knowing look didn’t help. Instead of facing the imminent threat of revealing my secret to my crush’s sister, I accelerated and slightly pushed the boys to make some room between them. 
“Here’s the quitter.” mumbled George. 
“Ooh,” I mocked. “Mummy did really scare you as it seems. You wanted me to wet my pants with you so that you would look less childish?”
George rolled his eyes and Fred chuckled. I eyed him suspiciously.
“You seem way too happy for someone who just lost all opportunity to gain money. What are you hiding from me?”
“You know me too well, dear Y/N. But why would we trust you with something as important as this?”
I pretended to think about the answer. 
“Because despite what you say, I know you both love me and I’ve kept plenty of terrible secrets for you in five years of school.”
“True enough.”
Fred managed to show me the content of his bag without Arthur seeing anything. I was so absorbed by my conversation with Fred (at some point, George had sped up and joined Harry and Ron) that I didn’t realize everyone in front of us had stopped on the top of a hill. 
“The portkey shouldn’t be far from here!” shouted Arthur. 
We separated and I found myself next to George. We almost had the nose in the grass as we didn’t even know what it would be like. Something suddenly landed on my back and George coughed, as if he wanted to hide a laugh. I turned around and saw Fred, a few meters away from me. His hand was above his eyes like someone who had just aimed right and he was smiling goofily. Then my eyes fell on the old dirty boot and I screamed.
“You’re gross Fred!”
George couldn’t hide his laugh anymore and soon his twin and I joined him. Maybe it was the fatigue, fact is that we were still crying and holding our ribs five minutes later, when the rest of the Weasley family, Harry, Hermione and the Diggorys finally understood something was up with us. 
“Good, you’ve found the portkey!”
“Merlin, how could Lynch be so stupid?” 
I wiped away another tear as we gathered around the shoe. From the corner of the eye I saw Fred wiggling his eyebrows to me the exact moment I put my hand on the boot and my chuckle drowned into the hissing of the wind carrying us to the world cup. 
_ _ _
I was struggling to stay behind the twins as we were slowly downing the bleachers stairs to join our tents. The match had just finished and, as hard as it was to admit, these two idiots were right. Krum had caught the snitch. Even if their long ginger hair were the only thing of them I could see - and it was quite practical, or else I would have been lost in the crowd in no time - I knew they were making fun of me while I was grumbling. 
“I mean, the first time, okay. But doing the same error a second time?”
“Maybe he had drunk too much butterbeer before…” said George. 
“Or maybe he was distracted by the Veelas. I mean, have you seen them?” added Fred.
I had just arrived between them but I was too busy being jealous and slightly hurt to catch the playful look in his eyes. 
“Fact is that you’ve lost your bet, dear Y/N.” continued George. 
“What will be our reward?” Fred’s voice was teasing.
“Nothing. We didn’t bet anything.”
My voice came a bit more harsh than expected. I decided to avoid any question and quickened my pace to join Hermione and Ginny. The latter sent me a questioning look but by the time she knew better than just ask me what was wrong when I was upset. Plus… how could I admit I was jealous of a few Veelas just because Fred thought they were pretty? It was a very girly problem and I had never been like that. The only girly thing in me was my mother’s necklace. It had never left my neck in five years. Never. 
I jumped, not because of Fred’s voice but because of the sudden touch of his hand. I quickly composed myself before giving him a convincing smile, or so I hoped. 
“What was that earlier?”
“Nothing, guess I’m a bit tired.”
The sun was slowly rising in the sky as we were making our way back to the Burrow. The eventful night had left my muscles sore and I hadn’t slept more than an hour. My brain was full of what had happened earlier, bad things like good. We had been sleeping for roughly an hour when Arthur had called for us. The camping was being destroyed by masked persons and a true chaos was reigning. Without losing a second, George had grabbed Ginny’s hand, Fred had grabbed mine, and we had run toward the forest at the entrance of the camping. As soon as we had arrived under the protection of the trees, Fred had wrapped me in a relieved embrace and I had felt like nothing could ever happen to me. Above his shoulder, where my head was resting, I had seen Ginny’s smirk and, slightly panicked, I had pulled him, pretending to be looking for the others. We had waited for them for what had felt like hours before finally joining our tents to try to get some sleep. It seemed like no one had succeeded because right now, as we were walking down the hill near the Burrow, I was pretty sure we were looking like a bunch of Inferi. 
He frowned and I saw he was on the verge of saying something, probably not to take him for an idiot and tell him why I had snapped like that, but I anticipated and lightly kissed his cheek before fleeing in the tent, my bright red cheeks matching his without any of us knowing. 
_ _ _
A worried sick Molly welcomed us and as Arthur was reassuring her and Ginny was preparing some tea, I let myself fall on the couch and closed my eyes. Almost immediately, I felt a weight next to me and I knew who it was. I rested my head on Fred’s shoulder and he wrapped his arm around mine. 
“I’m sorry for yesterday.” 
His voice was hoarse, like always when he was tired. I loved hearing him talking when his voice was like this, it happened often at Hogwarts when we sneaked out the common room with George and sometimes Lee. It also happened each time I spent holidays at the Burrow. 
“Why would you be sorry?”
“I’ve thought about it all night.” I lifted my head and looked at him, surprised. He was deadly serious and I couldn’t help but think he was really cute when he had this tired yet determined expression. “I said something that upsetted you, and I’m sorry. You know, you don’t need to be a Veela to be pretty, Y/N.”
Honestly, dying on the spot would have been less embarrassing than stuttering like an idiot while all the blood of my body was rushing in my cheeks. I definitely felt like fainting when he kissed my forehead.
“Everyone in bed! Come on, you all need to rest!”
Molly, who had gained back her strict-mother-self, literally saved my life as she clapped her hands behind us. The little bubble around Fred and I suddenly disappeared and we both jumped on our feet. Fred almost ran to George and I quickly followed Ginny, hissing in passage that she better had to shut up. Obviously, Ginny was not the kind of girl that shuts up whenever something happens in front of her and this time wasn’t exception. 
“I knew it!” she exclaimed as soon as the door was closed. “You like my brother! I knew it!”
“Ginny, don’t talk that loud please! He could hear you!”
“Y/N, dear, you have to wake up.” Someone whispered in my ear. “Y/N, your father is here.”
The little demon stayed totally indifferent as I begged her. She was gloating, probably imagining a world where she would be surrounded by plenty of babies looking like Fred and I. I sighed and laid in my bed, deciding I didn’t want to hear her babbling about my possible future relationship with him.
_ _ _
It was enough to wake me up. In fact, I sat so fast that my head almost bumped in Molly’s one. The room was dark as Ginny had closed the curtains, and filled with loud snores. Molly sent me a little smile to show me she was sorry even though she didn’t specify why she was. I doubted it was because she had woken me up in the middle of a really needed sleep. No, she knew about the kind of relationship I had with my father. In fact, it wasn’t difficult to figure it out: I knew I had the habit to frown each time someone mentioned him near me, and since my first year at Hogwarts, I had always done everything in my power to avoid the holidays with him. But no one knew who he was really. No one knew about his crisis, about the nights he yelled on Mary or on me for whatever reason, about the evenings I knew I shouldn’t approach him because a glass of whiskey accompanied him. No one, not even Fred and George. 
I quickly gathered my things and got out of the room as quietly as possible. I followed Molly, dodging the squealing steps as naturally as her. When we arrived in the living-room, I saw my father waiting for me in front of the door. He was nervously pacing and regularly passing an hand in his short salt-and-pepper hair. I had rarely seen this tension in his body. He wasn’t the kind of man who lost easily his calm, not in public anyway, and certainly not the kind to show fear.
“You’re here. Come on, we don’t have all day.”
His voice snapped like a whip. His piercing blue eyes landed on me, and an imperceptible move of his eyebrow convinced me I should obey. I threw a little smile to Molly, who was watching my father with her lips pursed, and quickly followed him. As soon as we stepped in the neglected garden, he grabbed my wrist and we apparated in front of the manor. 
The thickets hadn’t been trimmed in years, neither had been the trees. The marble statues, once magnificent, were now nothing more than the vestiges of the past splendour of the mansion. The path leading to the door was invaded by weeds and grass and some slabs were broken. The imposant white building in front of us was giving an impression of coldness that had taken over the place since the day my mother had died. 
The heavy wooden door closed loudly behind me and I turned just in time to see Mary fleeing in a corridor that leaded to the kitchen, her head down. I briefly wondered why she acted like this and why she didn’t even look at me before my name echoed in the main corridor in front of me. 
“Y/N, move!”
I dropped my things, knowing that Mary would appear to get them to my room, and followed my father. I found him in the huge dining room, standing straight in front of the fireplace. All I could see was his back but I didn’t dare to approach and see his facial expression. 
“You were at the world cup.”
It wasn’t a question, and I didn’t answer. He knew perfectly why I had insisted to go to the Weasleys earlier this summer. 
“Did you see the attack?”
He suddenly turned toward me and I couldn’t help but take a few steps backward. His eyes were round and looked like they would leave their orbit. A vein was palpitating in his neck and he was compulsively tightening his wrist. I nodded, my throat too dry to let me say anything. 
“Tell me. Everything. Now!” He yelled when I didn’t answer. 
I began to tell him everything I remembered, which in fact wasn’t a lot. I told him about the masked persons, the fire, how much they had loved humiliating these muggles. I added timidly Arthur had warned us they were Death Eaters and an heavy silence took place. My father was pacing in front of the chimney. He was mumbling so low I didn’t understand one word, and he seemed to have totally forgotten I was here. I didn’t move, though, too afraid he still needed me. He was in a nervous state I couldn’t even suspect and my worried eyes were fixed on his wand, firmly held in his hand. 
“In your room.”
I didn’t lose time and almost ran toward my room. Surprisingly, my bags were on the floor in front of my door. Usually, Mary would at least put them in the room. The feeling that something was wrong crept in me and I stayed unable to forget it. When diner finally came, I headed directly in the kitchen. When she saw me, Mary found a sudden interest in the first pan she could grab and royally ignored me when I asked her what was wrong. I sighed and took the plate of sandwiches she had let on the table. I would eat alone in my room, and I couldn’t help but feel sad when I imagined the table of the Burrow’s kitchen, animated and surrounded by people I loved like my family. 
Each day until the first of september was exactly the same as this one. My father had never talked to me that much, only because he seemed obsessed with what had happened at the world cup. I noticed he received more visits than usual but he had made me understand I wasn’t welcome when it happened. Mary also ignored me, which was what worried me the most. I only understood why the day before my departure. 
I was looking for the Weasley sweater Molly had knitted me the previous year. I had forgotten it when I had packed my things the first time and I wanted to ask Mary if she had seen it. I went in the kitchen first: it was empty. I was going to go in the lavery when shouts echoed from the dining room. I tiptoed and hid behind the door. 
“I forbid you to tell anything.” My father’s voice was colder than I had even heard it and I shivered when I imagined Mary cowering in front of him. “From now on, you haven’t seen anything. You don’t know anything. You better have kept your mouth shut, and you better continue. Am I clear?” A silence, followed by a weak squeal. “Am I clear?”
“Yes…” Mary answered in a sob. 
I decided to see what was happening and slightly opened the door, just enough for me to see the scene. Mary was in front of my father, she was on her knees. He was tightening his wrist in the same compulsive movement I had seen before and his eyes were throwing lightnings. He gave his back to Mary and was ready to leave by the other door when she mumbled something. If I didn’t hear, my father obviously did and he turned vividly toward her. 
“What did you just say?” He yelled. 
“I said you must be terrified.” I couldn’t see her face, but I pictured myself an insane expression on it. “After all, you’ve crawled at the Ministry's feet when -”
I hadn’t closed my eyes in the last 24 hours. Even though staying impassive in front of my father had been mentally exhausting, I feared the flash of green light would appear behind my closed eyelids if I slept. The noise in the Hogwarts Express helped me staying awake. The problem? I had to face Fred and George’s questions. 
She never ended her sentence. A green lightning enlightened everything and Mary’s body fell lifeless on the floor. 
_ _ _
They had wanted to know why I had left so quickly, of course, but as soon as they had realized I wasn’t in my normal state, they had also wanted to know what was bothering me. 
“Come on Y/N, you know you can tell us everything, right?” had pleaded Fred. 
But I had stayed resolutely silent, dreading the tears that would surely come as soon as I would open my mouth. Somewhere in the middle of the travel, they had given up, but I had noticed how they tried to make sure that one of them was always with me and how they kept an eye on me. 
The feast passed in a blur, and so did the first week at Hogwarts. Everyone had noticed I wasn’t my normal self, but even Professor McGonagall hadn’t been able to make me spill the bean. I had received plenty of letters from Molly, and even one from my father. However, it was really short; in fact, what he had to say was expressed in one sentence: Stop whatever you’re doing. He was probably afraid someone would find out about Mary. 
Deep down, I knew I would give up one day or another. I knew the twins could be really persuasive, and I could feel the weight of what I had witnessed slowly crushing me. I just didn’t think it would be in the middle of the Charms class. 
Indeed, it was always a very animated class, very favourable to discussions. After a few failed attempts to know why I was acting so weird, Fred and George decided to give me space and began to chat with Lee and Angelina. I tried not to listen to what they were saying but they were sitting just next to me and a few words inevitably arrived to my ears. 
“No George, I’ve told you not to cover me in ink and you still did so, I won’t help you with this essay!” exclaimed Angie. “Fred, drop this stupid look right now, you won’t tenderize me with these goo goo eyes of yours!” 
“Come on Angelina, what could we do to be forgiven?” asked Fred. 
“Do you want us to crawl at your feet?” added George. 
Angelina’s answer wasn’t what I heard. 
After all, you’ve crawled at the Ministry's feet… The green flash… You haven’t seen anything. You don’t know anything. Am I clear? Yes… Sobs… Y/N? Y/N? 
I suddenly became aware of the gazes on me. The class was obviously over and the only persons present were gathered around me. Professors Flitwick and McGonagall were here, the latter obviously warned by Professor Flitwick who was still panting. Fred and George were sitting at each of my sides, both holding tightly my shoulders. Fred’s fingers were slightly sinking in my flesh and this detail helped me coming back to my senses. 
“Y/N do you hear me?”asked Fred with a strong voice. 
A relieved sigh escaped everyone’s mouth as soon as I nodded. It was a weak movement but it seemed to be the first in a certain time. 
“What happened?” 
I feared no one had heard me as my voice was quieter than a whisper but Fred answered, because he had heard or just because he knew I would ask that. 
“You froze, Y/N. You didn’t react when we called you…”
“You seemed terrified.” finished George. 
Tears immediately pooled in my eyes as I remembered what I had heard. I understood I would have to say something. The weight had become too heavy for me. However, murderer or not, this man was still my father. What would happen if someone knew what he had done? He was a respected member of the Ministry of Magic, he was moving in its highest circles. Would he have troubles? No matter what he had done to me, I just couldn’t bring him troubles like this. Plus, would he hesitate to make me suffer the same treatment as Mary? 
“Y/N, now you have to tell us. I won’t let you the choice.” warned Fred.
His serious voice let me know he wasn’t kidding. 
“Not now.” I managed to say. “Too tired.”
It wasn’t a lie, and as if my body wanted to prove my point, I yawned extensively and my eyes almost closed by themselves. I barely heard Professor McGonagall asking Fred to bring me back to the common room and allowing him and his twin to stay with me for the day. 
I woke up after a needed rest in the middle of the afternoon. I was curled up in a tight ball on the Gryffindor common room couch. Fred and George were both sitting on another one next to mine, and they jumped on their feet when they finally saw my open eyes. 
“How are you feeling?” asked George. “You frightened us, you know.”
“I’m sorry I haven’t told you before…” I murmured. 
Without really thinking about it, my decision was taken. 
“Told us what?”
And I told them everything. The violence my father had made me known, the murder. Everything. Once I had begged them not to say anything to anyone, not even Molly, I stayed silent and looked at them. 
To say they were shocked would be a massive understatement. They stayed silent for a long time, their expressions matching and turning more and more angry as the time passed. I was beginning to fear an explosion.
“I’m sorry,” murmured Fred. “I… I should’ve seen… I-”
“No!” I exclaimed, making him jump. “You don’t have anything to be sorry for. I didn’t want you to know, I would have never let you figure it out. Just please, promise me you’ll keep it a secret. Please!”
“Why would we do that?” George’s voice was awfully calm. “Why would we cover him whereas you’ve suffered because of him all these years? He killed the woman you loved like your own mother!”
“I know!” I cried out. “I know that, George! I was there, remember? I just… I don’t know. I don’t know.” I repeated with the head down. 
Another long silence took place, only broken by George. 
“Sorry… We won’t say anything.”
“That’s a promise.” added Fred. “But you have to promise us something too. No more secrets.”
I nodded, too happy to know I could trust my favourite twins with this to realize how shitty my life had just become.
To be continued
Tags: @pregnant-piggy
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scriibble-fics · 3 years
I am so so so glad that you gave EA Lily a found family with Madame Rue, the Prewetts and the Weasleys. That warms my heart. After losing his parents, James still had Sirius and Remus/Peter. Those boys are devoted to him. Without James, Lily lost the Marauders - even if Remus was still super sweet, it’s not the same - and Mary left. Comparatively, even when her parents were alive, Lily couldn’t ou wouldn’t share her struggles in the Magical Community with them. That’s very upsetting when I think about it. And she had already lost Petunia and Snape, in spite of they not deserving her. Lily and all those cute Weasley babies/toddlers seem to me such a poetic justice considering the Weasleys sorta of adopt Harry. In my head, EA Weasley kids love Aunt Lily, especially the younger ones (Ron, Ginny and the twins). I can see even Charlie or Bill having a childish crush on her. I’d love for an outtake of Lily bringing James to a Weasley/Prewett family get together.
“Lily and all those cute Weasley babies/toddlers seem to me such a poetic justice considering the Weasleys sorta of adopt Harry.“ ❤️ Love this. It’s definitely something I thought about when I wanted to make her close with the Prewett family. In my mind, there’s just no way that Molly’s family wouldn’t adopt any and all strays.
I love the continued theme of found family in Harry Potter. Harry with the Weasleys, Sirius with the Potters--it’s really heartwarming. I’ll definitely consider an outtake of James and the Weasley family! I already had something like that in mind, so I’m glad to see it’s something people are interested in!
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Brothers best-friend.
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Synopsis: Y/N is Dean’s sister. George is Dean’s best friend. George has a crush on Y/N. Y/N has a crush on George... 
Word Count: 2, 862
“What are they?” I lent over the couch and looked at the tickets in Dean’s hand. 
“Golden ticket,” He flipped it over, “When we were filming 1917 George invented this for my birthday, it’s hidden someone and the person who finds it, either give it to the birthday boy or passes it to a friend,”
“What do you get if you find it?”
“You get to kiss the birthday boy,” He threw it on the couch beside him, “Don’t worry Y/N, you won’t have too, I’m sure June or Felicity will be hunting it all night,”
“They’re still after him are they?”
“Like bee’s to a hive,” I shuddered at the idea, “And they’re going to be all over him tonight.” He chuckled. “Any of your girls coming tonight?” By girls, I knew he meant the Facebook group Lennon and I with our friends Molly and Charlotte had created one night when we were drunk off tits, and now thousands of women across the world have joined it to talk boys, and issues women face, 
“Nope, just Lennon,” 
“Lennon’s coming?” I nodded my head, “You didn’t tell me that,”
“Didn’t think I needed too.” I laughed, “You know Dean… If you asked her out I’m sure she’d say yes,”
“Wouldn’t that be weird for you?” 
“Would it make you happy?” Dean nodded, “Then that’s all I need.” I pushed off the couch to walk towards the stairs, stopping when I was at the bottom, “Hey Dean?” 
“Just, don’t hurt Lennon okay, she really likes you…” 
“You told your brother I had a crush on him?” Lennon yelled at me as the music kicked in, we were still in my bedroom getting ready for the party when I’d told her about my confession to Dean. “Why would you do that?” 
“Because he likes you too Len,” 
“He what?” 
“He. Likes. You. Too.” I spoke slowly, “He’s had a bloody crush on you the minute you stepped into our house when we were in second grade?” 
“That was year’s ago,” 
“Exactly, so how about tonight you two finally put me out of my misery, and talk about it.” 
“You don’t mean talk do you?”
“No, but the idea of you two doing anything more than that really upsets my stomach and the mental pictures… I can’t.” Lennon cracked up, pushing me off the bed, I landed on the floor with a thud. “Hey,” Lennon rolled her eyes and rolled off, laying next to me. 
“What about you and George?” 
“Nothing’s going on,” 
“So you’re going to forget what happened when they were filming?”
“For the tenth time, that was before I knew who he was and he was working with my brother.”
“But you guys did hook up,”
“Yes, and then when he showed up to set the next day it was extremely awkward,”
“But you still like him?”
“Does it matter? Besides he’s like… five years older than me,”
“He likes you Y/N!” She scoffed, “Beside’s ages is just a number,” 
“Dean will never let anything happen,” 
“Oh please, he can’t stop you.” She shrugged her shoulders, “And if he tries, I’ll distract him.” 
“What if he’s just being friendly,” 
“The way he basically strips you naked with his eyes every time he sees you tells me otherwise,”  
“Lennon!” I gasped, “He does not.” 
“Well, he will once he sees you tonight, that shirt, oh baby it’s just asking George’s hands to take it off,” 
“Is it too much for a house party?” I looked down at the hot pink material covering my boobs, “I mean it is a halter top after all, and what if I’m the only girl this dressed up.” 
“Baby girl, relax. You’re going to be fine.” She grabbed my hand. “Just breath,” I nodded, taking a deep breath, “Ready?”
“Yeah, let’s go.” We both stood from the ground off my bedroom and walked to the door, I grabbed the key and slipped it in my pocket, locking it behind me, Lennon raised her eyebrow at me, “I don’t want random’s having sex on my bed,”
“Fair enough,” She grabbed my hand and pulled me down the stairs, “See him?”
“Y/N,” Someone called behind me, I turned seeing George walking towards me, “Ben and I have a question for you,” I smiled at my brother's friend Ben Hardy, who nodded in return, 
“Sure what is it?” 
“How was Heaven looking when you left it?”  
“Really George,” the corners of his lips began to raise as he gave me a toothy smile, “It was fine,”
“Alway’s knew you were an Angel,” He pulled me into a hug laying a kiss in my hair, 
“Happy Birthday,” I pulled away and moved back towards Lennon, “Have you seen my brother?” 
“He was in the kitchen, do you want me to help you find him?” Behind George, I noticed Felicity and June, two of the girls who worked on 1917 making their way towards him, 
“No, it’s okay,” I motioned behind him. “You look like you have some people to say hello too,” George turned to look behind him, nodding at the girls. “Have a good night George, and happy birthday again,” I went to grab Lennon’s hand to pull her off, 
“Wait, Y/N.” George pulled me back to him, his lips quickly finding my ear, “Find me later, I miss hanging out with you,” 
“Sure,” I pulled away again, “Now go say hello to your friends,” I smiled at him once again before going to Lennon’s side. 
“Oh, he wants it bad,” She chuckled pulling my hand towards the kitchen where Dean was standing talking to some of their other friends. “What do I say to him?” 
“I got you,” I walked up to Dean pulling Lennon behind me, smiling at the guys who turned to say hello to us, 
“Dean, can you watch Lennon just while I go and find us a drink, there’s a guy here who won’t take no for an answer, and he’s being a creep,”
“Who is he?”
“Don’t worry about him, he’s drunk, can you just watch her while I get us a drink, please?” 
“Course,” I pushed Lennon towards Dean who wrapped an arm around her waist, “You right Len?” 
“Yeah, thanks Dean,” 
“I’ll be back,” 
“You gonna be right Y/N?” Dean called as I turned, I turned back, silently cursing my brother for being so caring.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine, beside’s George was in the living room so if he gives me any grief I’ll grab him,” I smiled making a quick exit. As I was passing the pot plant mum had put by the front door I noticed a shining gold ticket poking out from behind it, as quickly as I could I reached down and picked it up, folding it so it fits into the pocket of my jeans. 
The party went on, and on, Dean and Lennon had finally left the group to speak about things and had returned hand in hand, a giant smile on each of their faces, I had been calculating George’s every move and had managed to hide from him for the rest of the night, while still managing to have fun. George’s friend Ben had kept me company most of the night, and even taken some joy in playing hide and go seek from him, and before I knew it the house was empty and it was just Dean, Lennon, George, Ben and myself packing everything up. 
“You guy’s really don’t have to help,” I called across the yard to George and Ben as they helped pick up red cups. “Dean and I can do it,”
“Don’t be silly Y/N, we’re more than happy to help, aren’t we George,”
“Yeah,” George called back throwing another cup into his garbage bag. 
“I can’t believe no one found the Golden Ticket.” Dean laughed as he emptied one of the tubs of ice onto the back lawn. “Look’s like George will be going to bed lonely tonight after.” 
“He’s been doing that for years. He should be used to it by now.” Ben laughed across the lawn to Dean, I looked over to George who was still collecting cups in a giant rubbish bag.
“You guy’s wanna finish this then go get the food? I can help George pick up the cups.” I called to Dean and Lennon. Dean cheered while Lennon kicked the last tub over with her foot. 
“I’ll go tell George and Ben.” She bounced inside, I looked to Dean shaking my head. 
“That’ll be a fun walk.” I laughed walking to him before helping him pick up the now emptied tub. “Let’s put them on the deck.” We picked them all up and carried them to the back deck. Lennon, George and Ben following behind her,
“Please get extra this time Len, I’m sick of this one stealing all my fries.” I glared at George who rolled his eyes. 
“Y/N…” My eyes narrowed. “We both know out of anyone you’re the fry thief, but I agree with her Len. Please get extra… We don’t need a repeat of Y/N falling off the back of the lounge… As funny as it was.” 
“Excuse me, it was you who fell off the lounge,” I cried throwing an empty cup at his head. 
“On it,” Lennon raced down the steps. “C’mon guys.” 
“Wish us luck.” Dean laughed as he and Ben chased after her. I picked up one of the black garbage bags and started to fill it with red cups. 
“Still no sign of the ticket?” George asked as he picked up his own bag, beginning at the other side of the porch. 
“No,” Liar, Liar, “Sorry,” Pants on fire. 
“Not meant to be I guess.” Yeah,
“Yeah Y/N?” He looked over to me. 
“Nothing,” I turned around. Picking up another cup. “Forget it.” 
“No what is it?” This is it Y/N. Time to be brave. 
“I’m an idiot.” Great start there, “I am an idiot who created a Facebook group where every day I see women post their stories about how they got the guy, or how they were brave today. Fuck, they post it basically every five minutes, theres a new story about a girl getting the guy she’s wanted for years.” You can do this. “But creating that group isn’t the reason I’m an idiot. I am an idiot because I’m breaking Dean’s cardinal rule, one that I’ve been breaking for a while now, but if I don’t do this, then I’m not being brave. I’m not being one of those girls.” I pulled the ticket out. 
“Took you long enough.” 
“Ben saw you slip it into your pocket.” 
“George, I…”
“You what?” 
“I don’t want you to do this because of the ticket… I want you to do it because you want too.” 
“What took you so long Y/N?” 
“You knew?’’ He shrugged his shoulders.
“I hoped.” What are you doing to me George, He pushed away from the railing and walked over to me, each step more determined than the last. “Now,” He reached me. I took a step back, he took one closer until my back was flush with the bannister “Tell me” One arm went to the right of me, the other to my left. He had me trapped.“Why now?” 
“Because every time I see you I forget how to breathe,” My voice came out breathless. “And maybe doing this will fix that,” 
“We can only try,” He leant in closer, lips brushing my cheek. “And then if it doesn’t work, try again,” The lightest touch from this man was enough to send shivers through my whole body. “Wanted to do this since I met you,” He whispered, lips brushing underneath my ear this time. “Didn’t care if you were Dean’s sister, just knew I liked you” I couldn’t speak, only focus on my breathing. “Now I finally get you, to myself,” He kissed my jawline gently. “Tell me you want me too.” He didn’t have time to finish. I’d reached my hand around his neck, pulling him to me, the rest of his words lost against my mouth as he kisses me gently. But this wasn’t a time for gentle, my hands gripped in his shirt, his wrapped around my waist. My left hand left his shirt, running up to his hair knotting in it, pulling it. He groaned, low in his throat and then he was kissing me harder, with a vehement urgent need that it’d never felt before. He’s kissing me once, twice, three times. He’s everywhere making my head spin. “Up.” He groans lips leaving mine for a fraction of a second. “Y/N.” He speaks again. I understand what he wants, and I jump. He catches me with ease. My butt is placed on the bannister and his lips are on my neck. 
“George,” His hand held my face as he kissed my jaw. “George, we have to stop.” 
“No.” He whispered in my ear bitting it. “Don’t wanna.”
“Dean,” God. Why am I trying to stop him? “Dean will be home soon. We have to clean.” 
“Fuck cleaning,” He groaned biting the skin of my neck, “Don’t care about it right now.” 
“Oh fuck it,” I whispered bringing his lips back to mine, his tongue in my mouth, his hands gripping the skin of my waist tightly, keeping me steady, my legs wrapped around his waist. 
“The fuck is going on here?” George and I stopped moving, my eyes snapping open at the sound of Dean’s voice. “You better not be kissing my sister, MacKay,” Dean raced up the porch steps, Lennon and Ben beside him, 
“Dean, let it go,” Lennon grabbed his hand trying to pull him back, he flicked her off. 
“My fucking sister,” 
“Dean, I can explain,” I tried to move around George who held me steady,
“Don’t talk to me right now Y/N,” Dean shouted at me, I lowered my head, nodding. I knew Dean’s temper, and I knew when it was best not to mess with him.
“Don’t speak to her like that,” George shook his head, “It’s not her fault, just like it’s not your fault that you like Len,”
“Are you fucking serious, She’s a child, and you’re too old for her,”
“She’s a grown woman Dean, you’re the only one who keeps making her out to be a child.” George turned his body, keeping a protective stance between me and Dean. There was a silence for an unmistakable moment. 
“Stop seeing her,” 
“What did you say?”
“I said no, Dean. I won’t stop seeing her, I’ve liked your sister since I first met her, BEFORE I knew she was your sister, and do you know how fucking irritating it is to pretend for months that I haven’t liked her? That she was nothing more than a friend?” 
“What do you mean before?” Neither George or I answered, “What do you mean before?” He shouted, 
“Dean, C’mon mate,” Ben tried, “Get your wallet, and let’s go.” 
“No, not till they bloody tell me what’s happening.”
“They met before,” Lennon spoke for us when neither of us went to speak, “When Y/N and I arrived for the week when you were filming 1917, we went to that pub, and George was there with some of the other boys, you were doing that audition, and we started talking and they hit it off,” 
“So you slept with her, and then didn’t tell me?”
“Nothing like that Dean,” George rolled his eyes, “Yeah, we met, and we kissed but you know what else, we talked, had a real conversation something I didn’t think was going to be possible, and then the bloody worst thing happened.” I grabbed George’s hand giving it a tight squeeze, “I walked onto set the next day and there you were ready to introduce me to your sister,” 
“Dean…” I stopped as soon as he looked at me, I’d never seen him look so mad. 
“You really like her?” 
“Yeah mate, I do.” Dean pursed his lips and nodded his head, 
“And you like him?” 
“Yeah, I do Dean…A lot,” 
“Then I suppose I can’t do anything about it, can I?” Dean stepped backwards, “Just don’t hurt her MacKay, or I’m going to fucking kill you,” Dean grabbed Lennon’s hand and pulled her off the deck, “Hardy, You’re paying for our food…” 
“Alright then,” Ben called, following the pair off into the dark, 
“Fucking wallet,” I heard Dean curse as they walked away from us, George turned around and looked at me, a coy smile on his face, 
“Didn’t know you liked me that much,” He smirked pushing some of the hair off my face, “Good to know I’m desirable,”
“Oh shut up you tosser,” I laughed shoving him away from me, sadly though George was solid and he didn’t move, my shove only forced him to crash back into me. 
“I meant what I said Y/N, I really do like you,” He whispered hands holding my wrists, 
“I really do like you too, George,” 
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The Story Of My Addy, In Honor Of Her Birthday.
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(VERY long post.)
Growing up, the three American Girls I wanted most were Addy, Kirsten, and Cecile.  However, Kirsten and Addy were always the top dolls I wished for, they probably tied in first place. I remember being about six or seven and flipping through my first American Girl catalog I ever received, along with Kit, my first American Girl. After staring at her respective pages, I flipped through the other Historicals. I was never too interested in the non-Historical aspects of AG as a kid (other than Mckenna), I was what one would class as an aspiring history buff. I thought all the dolls were gorgeous, but Addy in particular caught my eye. She was stunning. 
I thought Addy was beautiful, and her pink meet dress was quite similar to a couple of my childhood dresses. If I wanted to be atmospheric I’d probably say I was wearing my favorite pink sundress the first time I was introduced to Addy, but realistically I was probably wearing my frog rain boots and my lobster pajamas. I had a fascination with footwear as a kid, particularly boots, and Addy’s shoes reminded me of Doc Martens. I had always wanted a pair of black boots, and I thought it was sick that Addy had “Docs.” I thought she was the most stylish out of the historical characters. I thought Addy’s hair was the prettiest out of the Historicals as well, it looked very soft and reminded me of my best friend’s hair. I also thought Addy had the prettiest face out of the dolls, I loved her nose and her eyes. 
However, the people around me didn’t see Addy the way I did. I suppose you could call it a tradition for the girls of my elementary school to huddle around a new American Girl catalog when it released. My peers often marveled over the blond or light-red haired Truly Mes, and occasionally the GOTY. They rarely paid attention to the Historicals, and when they did it was usually a doll like Julie. When I brought up how pretty Addy (or Cecile) was, and how much I loved her, the girls would laugh at me. There soon became a group of white girls in my school who would laugh at me for wanting a black doll. They would call Addy horrible things, anything from saying she looked “dirty” to calling her the n-word. They said I probably only wanted Addy so “I could have a slave.” I would defend Addy and tell them that they were wrong, but if anything that made them more antagonistic towards her and me. 
I was a very shy, anxious, soft-spoken kid, and so thinking about telling an adult made me want to vomit my Caprisun. The adults of my elementary school were also extremely dismissive of me anyway in some cases, and would become annoyed with me for reasons I won’t get into, other than that I was a “problem” child as a kid due to my home situation, being bullied, and not being accommodated in school for my disabilities. I knew I wasn’t going to be taken seriously by my teachers, and I didn’t want to gather up the courage to open up to one of them only to be dismissed. There were some adults that did see what was going on and would tell the girls to stop, but more often than not when the adults did witness the girls making fun of me, they’d turn the other way, or even condone it. Many adults asked me why I didn’t want a doll that looked like me, or asked why I didn’t want a “pretty doll.” There would be adults who would warn me that I would ruin Addy’s hair and that Addy’s hair was to difficult for me to take care of. Adults would often try to sway me to like another doll, usually a white, blonde-haired one. 
I began to keep my love for Addy a secret. As an elementary schooler, I didn’t understand why everyone was upset with me for loving Addy, but the reactions from the people around me made me feel as though there was something wrong with myself.  There wasn’t really anyone telling me that the people being racist towards Addy were the problem and that I was not the issue. My eight-year-old brain basically came to the conclusion that people wouldn’t be yelling at me if I wasn’t doing something wrong, and for a while, I felt ashamed for loving Addy. I still did love her however, and I would quietly stare at her page in the catalog for hours, becoming extremely upset with the fact that I would never have her. I adored all her outfits, they reminded me of the ones my mother and grandmother would sew for me. I wanted her Christmas Dress, Sunday Best, and Nightgown especially. I begged for a nightgown so I could be like Addy. I wanted Ida Bean and Addy’s lace-up boots. Basically, anything Addy related? I wanted badly, but I always kept it a tight secret. 
An activity my family would often partake in growing up was going to the thrift store during half-off weeks. On one of these trips, my mother found quite a few historical American Girl books, including a copy of Meet Addy and Changes For Addy. There was also a copy of Merry Christmas Kit, Molly Saves the Day, Meet Felicity, etc... But I was extremely excited for the Addy books in particular. I carried my copy of Meet Addy everywhere, from the time I was in about fourth grade, until the time I was eventually pulled out of public school in the middle of grade seven. I always had it in my backpack, and I was to busy reading it to pay attention to the kids who liked to make fun of me (or my teacher trying to teach me for that matter, my book got taken up on multiple occasions.). Meet Addy and Changes For Addy were the only Addy books I was able to read until recently, except for the times I would skim through her books when my mother went to the library. Only this past year have I been able to actually sit down and read her entire central series rather than skimming/reading random chapters.
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Addy’s books were my only meaningful education on slavery and the Civil War for a long time. Before I was homeschooled, my education on the topics were often skittered around, or had details omitted to make my state appear less complicit (Where I live, all history education in public school revolves around our state, excluding things such as world history. At least it did when I went to public school.). My elementary school only had thirty minutes of allotted time for history or science instruction, and even then it was treated as optional instruction. The allotted time slot was often used for extra math instruction, test prep, or free time. I’ve had to retake much of my history education when I became homeschooled, because the education I received in public school was poor. Before Addy's books, I had been taught that ‘slavery wasn’t that bad,’ and my first actual look into the topic came from her series. My only meaningful history instruction for a long time came from the American Girl books, but Addy’s were especially important due to how little education I got on the topics of slavery and the Civil War, and also due to how much misinformation I was taught when we did discuss these topics in class. 
Addy’s books made me love her even more, and she was definitely one of my first crushes as an elementary schooler. I thought she was beautiful and strong, and I wanted more than anything to be like her. All my pink dresses became “Addy dresses” and I would pretend to dress up as her. I liked to draw her and write stories about her. My grandmother at one point gave me a doll outfit that was (coincidently?) extremely similar to one in an illustration in Addy’s book, and I loved it to pieces. I somehow found out about Addy’s stilting outfit, and that started my multiple-year fascination with stilts and begging my parents for them (I never got them). I learned to play mancala primarily because of Addy (and also for the fact that the kids at my summer camp that year based your popularity off of if you could play or not). 
 Addy was a strong character who was both a child and a girl, which I didn’t see much of, and I looked up to her immensely. She was also black, and although I’m not, seeing a strong girl character who was also in a minority meant a lot to me as a disabled kid. I was used to reading books about white, able body boys who were tough and strong, I rarely saw books that had girls who were strong, and if I did they were often adults, as well as able body and/or white. The disability representation in Addy’s books was also extremely well written, especially in comparison to much of the disability “representation” I was exposed to as a kid. I liked to read the chapters with M’Dear in Happy Birthday Addy, or the later books with Sam whenever my mother took me to the library.  I was used to disabled characters “overcoming”, or being pitied in the books I would read, but M’Dear and Sam weren’t like that. 
Eventually, I grew up never receiving Addy, and was pressured to put my dolls away. It wasn’t until a couple years later I would bring my dolls back out. My sister had her own American Girls at that point, so there was no weird obligation to let her play with my old ones, and I was no longer in public school where I would be made fun of for liking dolls. I had missed my dolls all the years they had been put away/given to my sister and I was so happy to finally have them back. After a while of having my dolls returned to me, Melody was released, which is really what completely brought me back into American Girls. Growing up, I wanted a Civil Rights American Girl badly. I am neurodivergent, and as a kid, I had a hyperfixation with the Civil Rights Movement. I wanted a Civil Rights American Girl almost as much as I wanted Addy, Kirsten, and Cecile, but she didn’t exist yet.
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I immediately knew that I wanted both Melody and Addy in my collection as soon as possible (I had gotten Kirsten at that point. I wanted Cecile as well, but she wasn’t at the top of my mind as she is retired.). Although I no longer had a strange sense of reputation to uphold with my peers at public school, I did have a girlfriend. As a young teenager, I was so enamoured with the thought of having a girlfriend, that I often rushed into relationships with extremely toxic people, and this girl was no different. Aside from the usual “dolls are creepy” narrative, she also told me that she found Melody and Addy to be racist and that they offended her. She was very adamant that she would break up with me if I got Melody or Addy, and this scared my young teenage self who wanted a girlfriend (To this day, I do not know her exact issue with Melody.). I still got Melody that year, unbeknownst to her. I kept Melody a well hidden secret from her, but she had scared me enough to where I was afraid to get Addy at all. At this point I had started researching Addy constantly, and I knew the discourse surrounding her. I didn’t want to make my girlfriend at the time upset, so I held off on getting her. I have an AG store close to where I live, and I went a couple times after getting Melody and every single time I wanted more than anything to get Addy.
It would be a couple years before I would get Addy, as I got her this past January. I had started to become very antsy to get her, and in my wait for her had welcomed both Nellie and Josefina into my collection. About last September however, I made the mistake of bringing up how much I wanted Addy on an activism account I ran on Instagram, and immediately had people flooding me with all the usual Addy discourse. It took a long time to recover from that, and I had to shut down that account for a couple months. Since then everyone has cooled down about Addy, and I have some people who even follow me specifically for Addy. I’m not ashamed to admit that account has turned into more of an Addy Appreciation Account rather than an activism account. 
My quest to find the perfect Addy became all I would talk and think about. If you were within a mile of me, you KNEW that I wanted Addy, and I wanted her badly. Shout out to my friends who allowed me to talk from sunrise to sunset about Addy with no breaks for multiple weeks in a row. I was constantly looking on second hand sites, thrift stores, anywhere I could to find the Addy I wanted. I had my heart set on buying a pre-Beforever Addy at that point, and I was doing everything to find a listing that was affordable and that I loved. Then came the day where I found an Addy listing that I immediately fell in love with. I don’t know what exactly it was about the listing, but I wanted THAT Addy. Unfortunately, the site wouldn’t let me check out and I was incredibly upset to the point where I had multiple of my own friends, and even people I didn’t know on my Instagram account mentioned earlier offer to buy me an Addy doll. My “activism” account is relatively large, and there was a group of people ready to all chip in and help get me Addy. I had people ask if they could buy the listing that I wanted, and then ship her to me. Addy was all I could talk about at that point, and I had only talked about her/posted about her for at least a month. It only made me more upset to find out that the listing I had wanted had been sold. Plot twist! It was my mother who bought her.
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(This is the first photo I ever took with Addy, I didn’t think I had saved it, but my friend did!)
I cried for about two weeks until she arrived. I was so happy I was finally going to have Addy, I couldn’t believe it. I thought for so long that I would never be able to have her. When she finally arrived it was love at first sight. I didn’t cry immediately upon unboxing her, I was trying to keep my composure, as I was filming unboxing her to put on my Instagram. Mostly so my friends could see, but also because I wanted to keep the moment, and because some of my followers were interested. I cried after turning the camera off, however. For the next couple of months I was extremely protective of my doll, I had the fear that she was just going to be taken away from me again. I took her everywhere with me around the house, she slept with me, ate dinner with me, would attend my online classes and sweep the porch with me. I didn’t like going out in public when I couldn’t have Addy nearby, I still don’t really, not that it’s much of an issue as we are quarantined for the time being. I’m planning on getting a mini Addy that I can keep in my purse sometime. 
Addy doesn’t stay on my shelf with my other dolls, she sits on my bed. Someday I hope to have her complete collection. That’s a far off, possibly unreasonable goal, but I don’t mind. My more attainable goal is to read all of Addy’s books, which I’m about halfway through doing. I recently got my first official Addy dress, her Christmas Dress, which she is currently sporting as we speak.
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alindakb · 4 years
How Love Hurts - Chapter 6.3 - by Alinda
Harry slowly walks down the stairs. He’s in sweatpants and an old Gryffindor t-shirt. His hair is a mess and he hasn’t looked in a mirror in days. But he’s out of bed before Hermione forces him out, so that’s a step forward, isn’t it? Not that his heartache is any less than when he moved in with Ron and Hermione. No, Harry still wants to floo Draco and tell him he needs him back, just thinking of him stifles Harry. But he needs to think of his kids. Ginny said she would consider visitations. So maybe Harry will get to see his kids before they go back to school at the end of this week. And that is worth all the pain that cripples him these days.
Harry is halfway down the hallway towards the kitchen when he hears Rose scream. “I hate Aunt Ginny, she’s ruining everything!”
They stop Harry in his track towards the kitchen. His heart sinks to the bottom of his feet and his hands tremble.
“Rose, please calm down,” Ron begs his daughter on the other side of the wall.
“I won’t call down,” Rose screams. “He’s my friend, dad. I want him back at school with me.”
“I know you want that, sweaty. But it’s not up to us. We can’t force them to come back.” Ron’s voice is calm and patient. Harry leans against the wall. He doesn’t want to hear who isn’t coming back to Hogwarts. Would Ginny really pull Albus out of school so he can’t hang out with Scorpius anymore? Is she going to send his little boy to a different country all by himself? All because of Harry left them?
“We were going to study for our owls together. He promised me last year. And now it’s all ruined!” Rose shouts again. The door of the kitchen slams open and Rose runs passed Harry, up the stairs, back to her bedroom. Harry is stuck to the wall. Tears fall freely down his face. He should have never left Ginny. It brought everyone nothing but pain. Harry had been selfish and now everyone had to pay for it. Ron had been right that first night at Grimmauld Place, after Harry had left. He had been stupid and hadn’t thought about the consequences of his actions. He messed up. And if Harry could, he would take it all back. He would stay with Ginny so he wouldn’t hurt everyone he loves.
“Rose, baby,” Ron shouts when he walks out of the kitchen. His eyes fall onto Harry and he stops in his tracks. “Fuck, Harry, are you okay?”
Harry shakes his head. His palms are flattened against the wall and he closes his eyes. “Where is she sending him?” he asks.
Ron doesn’t answer straight away. His hands rest on Harry’s shoulder. “Who’s she and who’s him?” Ron asks.
“Ginny, she’s not letting Albus go back to Hogwarts, isn’t she?” Harry utters with trouble.
Ron shakes his head. “Oh fuck, Harry. No, it’s not Albus,” he says. “Ginny is sending them all to Hogwarts this year. It’s Scorpius that’s not coming back.”
Harry lets himself slide down the wall. He’d chased them away. He’d given Draco up and destroyed Draco’s and Scorpius’ life in doing so.
Ron sits down next to him and throws his arm around Harry’s shoulders. Harry rests his head against Ron and closes his eyes. He should have just stayed in bed today.
“How do you know?” Harry asks. He’s not sure he wants to know the answer, but he’s desperate for any news about how Draco is doing. Harry needs him to be okay, he can’t stand the thought that he broke the person he loves more than anything.
“Draco called, he wanted to make sure the kids knew, so they won’t be worried,” Ron tells Harry.
“You spoke to Draco?” Harry chokes out. “Is he okay?”
Ron’s arm around Harry squeezes him a bit. “I don’t know Harry. He said he was holding up, but I said the same about you when he asked, so that doesn’t really say much does it.”
Harry shakes his head. He wants to call Draco, hear his voice, have him tell him all will be okay somehow. He wants him to fight for them, for their love. But he knows that won’t happen, he knows Draco knows that Harry’s kids are more important than their love.
“Where is he?” Harry asks.  
“He’s staying in Paris. He said it was good to be away from everything. He’s going to help out Daphne this fall with her new collection, do the shoots and everything. That’s why they’re staying in France. Scorpius is going to go to Beauxbatons.”
Harry nods his head before he rests it on his knees. “I drove them from their home,” he says.
“Harry, don’t. This is not your fault. They just need to start over, away from all the crazy shit that’s going on here.”
Harry doesn’t respond. He can’t help but feel responsible for the move. He’s the reason why Draco can’t stay in Britain. He’s the reason why Scorpius has to go to a new school. He’s the reason why Rose is upset that one of her friends isn’t returning to Hogwarts this year. If it hadn’t been for him Albus would still have his best friend around the coming year. James wouldn’t feel alone and lost now that his mother hates him for being gay. And the entire family wouldn’t be at war with each other because of his selfish action. Ron and George fight half the time about Harry staying here. Percy doesn’t want to come to family lunch when Ron, Hermione or Charlie are there. And Harry didn’t miss Arthur’s visit last week where he begged Ron and Hermione to see things from Molly’s point of view. Everything is falling apart and it’s all his fault.
“This way Albus will be able to get back to Slytherin,” Ron continues. “Ginny didn’t want him there because of Scorpius. But with him gone, there is no way Minerva is going to keep up with the nonsense of having him in Gryffindor tower. The kid doesn’t belong there, we all know that.”
“But his best friend won’t be there,” Harry chokes out. “He’s going to hate me for pushing them away. They’re all going to hate me,” Harry breaks down. He struggles to breathe in between the sobs that escape him.
“Harry, they don’t hate you. They will never hate you, you hear me?” Ron says in a firm voice. “Your kids love you. They want nothing more than to see you and talk to you. Why do you think Ginny is even considering visitations. It’s her way to make sure she keeps any control over them, to stop them from running off to you all the time.”
Harry looks up and tries to find comfort in Ron’s words. “Do you think she will let me see them before they go to school. It’s been weeks and she still hasn’t.”
“I don’t know, Harry. Hermione and Davis are on top of it. Calling her lawyer every day. We’ll get you to see them before the turn starts. You’ve done what she asked, so she will have to.”
“You say that like she expected me to say no to her demands.”
“I think she was hoping you would. You left her for Draco. I think she thought you would not be willing to part with him.”
“I would do anything for my kids. She knows that,” Harry says. Did Ginny really think he would place Draco before them? Doesn’t she know Harry at all?
Ron shakes his head. “I think she needed to be reminded of that. And you have. And this will all work out. You’ll get to see your kids. And then you can talk about proper visitation rights and all. And before you know it, everything will be okay.”
Harry rests his head on Ron’s shoulder again. “You really believe that, don’t you?” he asks.
“I have to, Harry. I want to believe that my family can become a family again. I wouldn’t know what to do if we all break apart because of this.”
“I’m sorry,” Harry says.
“Don’t be. This is not all on you. Ginny is just as much to blame for the mess our family is in as you. You fell out of love with Ginny and in love with Draco. And maybe you should have broken off things with Ginny sooner, or do things differently. But in the end, you did nothing wrong. As soon as you realised you couldn’t stay away from Draco you did the right thing. And fuck, your marriage was already over long before you left Ginny. I just wish the others could see that.”
Putting it like that makes Harry feel a little bit better. It’s good to hear his best friend is on his side and wants the same as him. “Thanks,” Harry mumbles.  
They stay put for a while, just staring at the wall on the other side of the hallway. Harry follows a spider climb the cabinet that stands there.
“You’re going to be okay, buddy?” Ron asks after a while. “Because I still have an upset daughter I need to attend to.”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” Harry says. He doesn’t really believe it, but it’s the best he can do at the moment. His heart still aches and he still feels responsible for the entire mess his family is in. But he’s not sobbing anymore and that is enough for now. He and Ron both stand up and Ron turns towards the stairs.
“Why is Rose so upset?” Harry asks. “I didn’t even think she and Scorpius were that close.”
“Teenage hormones, Harry. I think she has a crush on the boy.” Ron shakes his head. “No clue why it has to be that rebel, but who am I to judge her. I was just as rebellious when I was that age.”
“But she can still write to him, can’t she?” Harry asks. He tries to understand why the world ended because of this.
“Just wait until Lily reaches this age. You will understand how every little thing is world-shattering for a teenage girl.”
Harry nods and hopes he will be around to see Lily get her first crush. He just needs to hang in there, forget his own heart and be brave for his kids. It’s all he can do right now. Harry watches as Ron takes the stairs two steps at a time. When Ron is out of sight he turns back to the kitchen and walks in. He takes out some bread and pushes it into the toaster. Maybe a little food will help him get through another day.
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lgbtqhp · 5 years
Scorpius and Arthur are everyone's favorite gays, yep, gay as hell, and popular as well
Astoria and Ginny liked to set up play dates between these two, so by the time they got to Hogwarts age, they were already best friends (Dominique, Rose, Roxanne, Lorcan, and Lysander were also present during some of these playdates)
But, first, their childhood: They loved making forts & watching TV (which had recently been incorporated into the wizarding world), they loved Astoria's grilled cheese & tomato soup but hated Ginny's spaghetti and hot dogs, and they loved racing around on their miniature broomsticks
Anyways, they sat together on the train, equipped with Astoria's brownies and Molly's homemade sanwiches ("My dad said when he was a first year, your father bought the whole cart," Scorpius said; "Weird. I wonder why he would do that," Arthur said)
When they got to Hogwarts, they swore to each other that they would be in the same house. Thankfully, the sorting hat decided it was about time that a Malfoy and a Potter room together. They were both sorted into Slytherin :) (So did Dominique and Lorcan)
The first night, Scorpius got homesick for his mom and Arthur offered to cuddle with him to help him sleep. It wasn't anything that they hadn't done before. Although waking up the next day to find one of Lorcan's elaborate booby traps all around and Dominique taking pictures of them ("for her memory book") was definitely something they hadn't done before.
During their first year, they joined forces with Dominique and Lorcan to become the next generation of marauders. They loved pranking their siblings/cousins/friends and soon became the most popular kids in their year. But they didn't really care about their popularity. They just loved being together. But the greatest thing about their group was that none of them ever got caught. Well, not by teachers at least.
Second year, they became beaters on the Quidditch team, because they knew each other's every move. And if after every game, Arthur tackled Scprpius into a hug, well, then, that was just a nice bonus.
For their winter break, Scorpius joins Arthur and his family on a trip to New York and falls in love with the Dear Evan Hansen musical + soundtrack. Which led to him loving all types of muggle books and musicals, including but not limited to: Heathers: The Musical, Legally Blonde (musical), Simon vs. the Homosapiens Agenda & Leah On the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli, What If It's Us by Becky Albertalli & Adam Silvera, The Gentlemen's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee, etc.
Arthur loved listening to Scorpius rant about whatever new obsession he had. He would just sit there and listen for hours and hours, never getting distracted by anything else. Because after Scorpius would finish, he knew that he would be able to rant about how beautiful he thought the creatures that swam through the Slytherin aquarium were and how he wished more people appreciated them.
Also in second year, Dominique decided that they should all become animagi. They started right after they got back from Winter Break and ended right before Winter Break in Third Year. Arthur was a black dog (Zeppelin), Scorpius was a ferret (Kit), Dominique was a white cat (Duchess), and Lorcan was a goat (Drove).
Third Year, Arthur went on a trip with Scorpius's family over Winter Break (it was only fair, after all) and they spent the two weeks in the Carribean, going from one island to the next. They spent most of their days tanning on the beach, but also went on "adventures" like hiking in Puerto Rico and swimming in Mosquito Bay, night diving in Aruba and Bonaire and Curacao, taking historic tours through Santa Domingo, swimming with wild pigs in the Bahamas, and tricking their way into clubs in Jamaica, surfing in Haiti, etc.
But at the end of every night, they collapsed into bed with each other, and if Scorpius curled up against Arthur a little too much for boys their age, then it didn't matter (this is totally when Scorpius's crush on Arthur really began showing)
But they came back to terrible news. Lorcan had gotten sick, too sick, over break. He had been sick for a little bit before break, but no one had worried about it. At first, it was just a fever and chills, common symptoms of the cold. Over the break, he had begun getting tired all the time and food didn't appeal to him at all. Just after New Years, he was taken to a muggle hospital and it was declared that he had Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a type of cancer that begins in the lymphatic system. He was immediately pulled out of school, and Dominique and Lysander didn't return for nearly a month. It was devastating to everyone, including Scorpius and Arthur, who felt like they only had each other now.
The second semester of third year was mostly spent worrying over Lorcan. Scorpius had thought about telling Arthur about his crush many times, but it never seemed right. Something much bigger was going on, and he didn't want it to seem like he was selfish or anything. And then things got even worse. Scorpius's mother was pregnant again, and his father (and the doctors) weren't sure if she, or the baby, would survive.
Arthur spent the majority of the next summer at Scorpius's house, trying to take care of Scorpius as Scorpius took care of his mother. He slowly began to realize that he was, in fact, in love with his best friend, but he could deal with it after they were sure everything would be okay. Because everything would be okay. Maybe. Hopefully.
When they went back to school, despite Scorpius's protests, Scorpius began to have even more trouble sleeping. He had nightmares so bad sometimes that he refused to sleep. Arthur would offer to lay with him or steal some sleeping draughts from the potions lab, but Scorpius would always refuse because "It's my problem, not yours Art"
So with Dominique always worrying about Lorcan (he still wasn't back in school) and Scorpius always worrying about his mom, Arthur sort of lost himself. Not that he blames them for ignoring him, he would never do that... but they were his closest friends and he doesn't know how to help them.
By the time winter break came, Scorpius was out of his wits with worry. He couldn't sleep, his arms were scratched up from anxiety ticks, and he couldn't focus on anything for more than 2 minutes. Arthur couldn't bear to part with him at the station, but Scorpius did not want him coming home with him. Not this year.
Less than an hour after Astoria's death, the Potters got the news. Teddy, James, and Lily were upset, as they had all been babysat by the Malfoys when they were younger. Harry and Ginny were upset, as they had gotten closer with Draco and Astoria over the years. But Arthur was a wreck. He had to get to Scorpius, he had to, he had to, he had to... He couldn't stop crying.
Arthur refused to go back to school when break was over, so while his parents were dropping off James and Lily at the station, he stayed at home with Teddy. When he heard the knock at the door at ten past eleven, he wasn't sure what to think. Nobody from the neighborhood they lived in really talked to them. Muggle mail rarely came, unless one of the kids had ordered something off a muggle website. He heard Teddy open the door, he heard Teddy's voice speaking and another voice replying. A voice that was barely audible, yet still distinctly the voice of his best friend.
He heard the light footsteps on the stairs, and the click of his door opening, and he rolled over from where he was laying face down in his bed. Scorpius was standing there. With a baby in his arms. Arthur, of course, had heard that Astoria's baby had survived, but he also knew that there were many health problems. She was deaf for one. And would probably have breathing problems for the rest of her life.
"Her name's Indus. She just got released from Mungos. Dad's somewhere, I don't know where. But he's not home. He left us with (Great) Aunt Andromeda. She's downstairs, I didn't just leave without telling her." Scorpius kept on talking and talking until finally Arthur said, "Scor. You don't have to explain anything."
And Scorpius wanted to just collapse onto the bed. He wanted to hug his best friend for being so supportive. He wanted to kiss him too. But he had Indus in his arms and refused to let her go. If he let her go, she could die, and it would be all his fault.
Harry and Ginny come home and are definitely surprised, but they don't show it. Ginny coaxes Scorpius to let go of Indus ("You can't protect her when you're this tired. I promise to take care of her. I promise."). Harry heads out to search for Draco (whom he found and immediately brought back, so that he could warm up in front of the fire and eat for the first time in days). Teddy offers his room to Draco ("I can take Jamie's. He doesn't need it right now anyways."). Andromeda writes her sister, who is teaching at Hogwarts and wasn't able to get out of her duties, and then goes to the kitchen and cooks for group. Scorpius and Arthur are sleeping in the same bed for the first time in months, and despite everything that's happened, neither one of them has a nightmare.
After the funeral, Scorpius and Arthur go back to school, and to make sure the nightmares don't come back, they start sleeping in Arthur's bed every night.
And one night, many weeks later, Scorpius woke up around 2 AM, having just had a dream about Arthur. He couldn't think of anything else and he couldn't go back to sleep. So, he nudged his best friend awake ("Art. Artie. Arthur. Wake up," Scorpius whispered.) and Arthur freaks out ("Did you have a nightmare? Are you okay?", Arthur whispered back in a state of panicked drowsiness.) and Scorpius blushes and shakes his head ("No. I just had a dream. About you," Scorpius replied, a blush spreading across his cheeks.)
And Arthur sees his chance ("I like you, Scor. And I know that it could be awkward, because we're best friends and we could ruin everything but I really want to try this and - " and then Scorpius cuts him off and days "I like you too Art". And Arthur is super happy, but also super tired ("Talk about this tomorrow?", "Yeah") and they go back to sleep, cuddling a bit closer now
The next day, they wake up and they're both so happy and they don't want to get out of the bed, but they're also not talking. Finally, Scorpius rolls over in bed and looks at Arthur, whose eyes are already wide open, and says "Boyfriends?" and Arthur laughs at the lack of effort putting into the asking out, but it's okay, because he doesn't really like big gestures anyways (but Scorpius does). Anyways, he says yes, of course. And they finally kiss and end up skipping breakfast.
They go on dates whenever a Hogsmeade weekend comes around, and by the time they leave for spring break, they're pretty set in their relationship except now they have to be apart for an entire week and they do NOT like that.
To be continued...
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