#but i went out to see barbie in theaters dressed head to toe in pink
1smolbean · 11 months
barbie (2023) has genuinely done so much for my confidence its unreal
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elizacarlsonwrites · 10 months
Went to see Barbie for the second time and I just. I know others have said it here already, but it was genuinely So Much Fun to go to a theater full of people dressed from head to toe in fabulous pink outfits, also wearing as much pink as possible myself, and to experience that whole moment together. And to cry. And laugh. And feel a little bit more seen in some way, a little more understood somehow. I wasn't expecting the film to hit me emotionally as hard as it did, and have spent a good deal of time since that first watch thinking about and trying to make sense of all the reasons why. What I do know, though, is that I felt so full of joy walking out of the theater- in a way I haven't in a while. And maybe we all need a little bit more of that joy in our lives, wherever we may find it for ourselves.
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strawberryshortpace · 11 months
I’m seeing so many Barbie post talking about men refusing to see it, refusing to understand it, calling it ‘anti-men’. And I know most of the guys these posts are talking about are grown men and these posts make me sad that they’re not willing to learn and understand why this movie means so much to women and AFAB people. BUT I had a very different experience at my showing. I saw the movie around midday on July 20th and there were multiple rows filled with entire friend groups of only boys. They’re wearing head-to-toe pink, ready to get in the Barbie spirit. Most of these friend groups seemed to be middle or high schoolers. In past generations if these groups of boys went to this movie for any reason other than to mock it they’d likely be made fun of or bullied. But I could hear from their voices how excited they were for the movie to begin, I saw them wiping their eyes and noses at the ending, I got to listen to them immediately turn to each other to talk about how good the movie was as soon as the lights turned on. And then as I walked out of the theater I saw even more groups of boys, dressed in pink, ready to go see Barbie. The next generation of boys are here and they are willing to listen and to understand and it makes me have faith that things might be okay
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