#but if a person is going to so LOUDLY and BLANTANTLY say wrong things about what feminism is and purposefully not educate themselves
autistic-daydreamer · 2 months
"Listen, I'm a feminist but [insert something about romance]"
No one cares. For FUCKS sake, no one cares. Let him save you, let him pay the check, let him buy you flowers, WHO CARES.
The only reason you believe you can't do those things as a feminist is because you were taught feminism wrong. Feminism is about equality and loving yourself and not judging people for harmless things. You can wear long skirts and bows in your hair and be a feminist. You can wear tank tops and crocs and be a feminist. You can wear suit pants and a button up and be a damn feminist. You can be a florist and be a feminist. You can be a scare actor and be a feminist. You can be a weightlifter and be a feminist. You can be a feminist and not pay the check. You can be a feminist and sleep around.
For fucks sake, feminism is about empowering EVERYONE, so believing that you can't do certain things "as a feminist" is so backwards.
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