#but im so braindead rn dude
madame-mongoose · 9 months
Who's your alien girl failure with the spiky head? 👁️👁️
I need you to know right now I meant to answer this ask hours ago. But I wanted to draw a color verion of Fleck and. Dude it took me HOURS to figure out. MY BRAIN HURTS. Anyway this is Commander Fleck!
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She's basically like if Commander X2 and Commander Peepers had a baby. I wanted to make my own oc that captured the same vibes as them while also being my own.
She's a sea urchin-like alien that comes from Neptune! Commander of the Maritime fleet and right hand of the queen. She leads conquest to take over other planets in the galaxy and expand Neptune's reach. She's also hopelessly in love with the queen, which is why she lets so many shenanigans pass. She's a bit high strung and hotheaded, but also very pathetic about it lmao. Honestly all she aspires for is galactic conquest, even more so than the queen, so if she ever breaks that loyalty she might be one of the most fearsome critters in the galaxy (if she wasnt so small and cute lol)
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
Alright i can't do this anymore i think i will be interacting w the quarry fandom as little as possible these cunts won
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luvrxbunny · 6 months
i have a major size kink and rn all i want is a big dude to just fuck me braindead on his thick cock and tell me im his good girl, his good little puppy that takes his cock so well and he'll reward me with his cum inside me >~< i just wanna be full of his cum while he cooes and praises me and leaves marks on me to the point where my lil tummy is all bloated and even then i want him to still cum in me :))))))) i wanna be someone's good little puppy so bad. im so sorry for this its so random 😭😭😭 i think im ovulating
AAAHHHGG no no same babes my ideal guy is: bigger than me
if he’s big enough to look menacing but i’d loooove for him to be a pussy crazed sweetheart ooo i could go on and on
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ectonurites · 2 years
i have a lot of things related to the tim news today in my inbox (understandably so) and i will try to respond to some things but im also so fuckin braindead rn my dudes. still can not believe the first day of me being back to busy all day is when this gets announced djsjsjshsh
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divinemackerel · 2 years
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im finishing this shit tomorrow im so braindead rn dude
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detransexual · 3 years
I honestly just wanna give up on art. Everything is so fucking frustrating. Why is everyone on art twitter/tumblr/[social media] so deep in gender politics like if i have to see one more post about "THE UK IS TRYING TO ABUSE AND TORTURE TRANS KIDS BY NOT ALLOWING THEM TO UNDERGO IRREVERSIBLE MEDICAL TREATMENTS!! hormone blockers are 100% safe and 100% reversible uwu" im going to fucking explode lmao. I dont fucking know dude im just so fucking frustrated with having to just ignore or go along with this fucking bullshit. Im sorry for rambling but ive already lost almost all my motivation to do art and i have no hope of ever getting anywhere with it professionally anyway so like.. Whats the point lol? I wanna find other creative people and make art friends but whats the point of that when i cant be honest or open even about my own life? Yes im paranoid and irrational and a coward but im not gonna subject myself to being openly "terfy" because my mental health could not fucking handle that rn lmao. Anyway. Fuck gender ideology im fucking tired of everyone online being braindead lmao
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Edie & Diego
Edie: Aygo! I got a pitch, you buying? Diego: give me more to go on Edie: oh yea, you too young to know how it usually goes on casting couches, my bad lil homie Edie: you got any super 8 atm? Diego: Can get some Diego: a day or two? Edie: what u gotta clear ur schedule big man Edie: u on ur business boi respect Edie: well, i think we could do most of it in a day buuuuuuut i gotta secure a car to trash and i haven't convinced iggy he don't need that fuckin' hippie van so that'll be another day as and when, ye? Diego: I can give you that Diego: on your own with the car situ Edie: ye ye ye i won't get u in the shit Edie: what kinda big sister would i be?! Edie: but, similar vein, don't tell mum and dad where we shooting okay Edie: you'll be safe with me but they'd never sign off on it ya feel Diego: understood Diego: where we going? Edie: don't u like surprises? 😜 Diego: hard no Diego: get a car that goes so we can store the equipment before killing it I'd like that Edie: What about ones you can't hear, better or worse? cos I've got some fireworks that might be cool Edie: you don't like surprises but you wanna DIE Edie: boi i can't drive! Edie: I'll see if I can get someone to take us but if not, hitch ur wagon to my pushbike Edie: just like old times n'awwh Diego: I'll steer you do the pedals Diego: fireworks smell bad but I won't do fart jokes if you want the colours Edie: if we find a motor that runs Edie: know there's one that the O'Dwyer lads left under that dodgy underpass Edie: but I say we got only so long 'fore that's completely fucked/burned out Edie: time's a wasting boyo Diego: Can be ready day after tomorrow if you are Edie: not a cult classic but how you rate it? jake's usually a fittie but he's pretty dorky in that Diego: the special effects were bomb for the era Diego: I can give you the same commercial success with my skills Edie: dope 💎 Edie: i'll storyboard lowkey for u but i'm happy for it to be mostly in the moment real shit Edie: u can use editing magic after if ur so inclined lil dude Diego: send me the song Diego: I'll get a feel Edie: hoe u best hop on my soundcloud rn Edie: gimme them listens Edie: EDieM as you clearly forgot 😤 Edie: newest track on there Diego: I remembered how to sign it, giving you that promo to my friends, but yeah Diego: confusion Diego: you're you're name sign to me Edie: 🙌 ayo, jokes aside about being a musician with a load of deaf fans Edie: always amping that bass up so should be feeling it literal Diego: capitalise Diego: nobody else is Diego: take the silent disco concept and make it fresh Edie: 💸💸💸 Edie: i'm into it Edie: fuck the mainstream, making music for the kids at places like ur school n mine n all the other's who a lil fucked up Diego: Put that into your storyboard Edie: 😏 Edie: mightbebreakingintomyschool Edie: itseasyandriskfreedoneitbefore Edie: hey, d'ya reckon we could get our hands on some hearing aids and shit Edie: not about to suggest we break into your school, more to nick=not worth it Diego: Old people's home? Edie: yassss Edie: shame our grandparents are young as shit and we love 'em enough not to do it to 'em Edie: i'll give 'em a free performance, they'd LOVE that Diego: ma has my baby stuff kept cos she loves me real deeply Diego: won't be enough but its a start Edie: 🙄 lowkey a hoarder Edie: imma make billie n her go round all the antique shops, keep an eye out for those real old school ear trumpets Edie: that'd be sick Diego: my teacher has one of those! ill ask if we can borrow it Diego: he loves showing it around Edie: 👏 i've got a vision so hard now Edie: u can ask if any of ur friends wanna be in it but we'll have to do that 'round here Edie: look like pied piper paedo taking too many of yous away on a jolly Edie: esp. with a 🎥 in tow Edie: lord help me Diego: I'll do seamless cuts Diego: there's a girl that NEEDS to be in it Edie: I see how it is Edie: ur REAL muse Edie: better not be too cute, stealing my shine Edie: i'm the ⭐ remember Diego: Understood Diego: She's a good singer if you do need backup Diego: [Sends her soundcloud] Edie: oooooookuuurrr lil mama Edie: i see u Edie: if she's down then we can make it happen sure Edie: get you your boo thang 😍 Diego: I'll ask Diego: don't out me Edie: gon' get all shy? Edie: use your director swag Edie: just don't get #metoo wid it, Tarantino, alright? Diego: She's shy Diego: and with that voice Edie: or playing it Edie: best be chill then lil one Diego: You think she's faking coy? Edie: meh, might be too young to know how Edie: but that's what girls do Diego: do you? Edie: i'm not telling u all my signature moves! Edie: depends Edie: lots of lads don't like it if a girl is funnier, more mouthy and opinionated than they are, if that's what you're after, then sure Edie: some boys want that at the start, so they can 'tame' you and have that on their ego, so you end up pretending later Edie: but you'll get it as you grow Diego: Everyone's thinking too hard Diego: I just like her, she's nice and funny and talented Edie: you sweet sweet child Edie: don't ever grow up k Edie: once u hit 10, 11, you'll be a right dickhead Edie: always happens, the girls usually a bit before 'cos we're always ahead of yous Diego: Are not! Diego: and I'll be sick when I'm older you mean Edie: are so! Edie: we'll see Edie: not in my experience but prove me wrong Diego: I'll be the first Diego: Be ready Edie: 😂 believe it when i see it Edie: guess Junie isn't so bad but that's 'cos he's gay Edie: its different Diego: He's not? Edie: oh yeah shh Edie: keep that under your hat Edie: deal with that one later Diego: more importantly Diego: half the school want to be in this Diego: they're telling me Edie: ✋ hahaha yes brotha Edie: can do so much more with a full cast Edie: i'll make sure its fun, even if they can't come for the illegal bits Edie: love these kids, so hype 😂 Diego: im loving the song Diego: Feeling it Edie: forreal? Edie: u can be brutal, my ego can take it 😉 Diego: don't need Diego: it's bomb Edie: knew u was my fave Edie: feel free to rub it in w the others Diego: They'll state me a liar Diego: but you're on to something with these beats and you need to be told Edie: i got ya back Edie: i'll start bein a real cunt to 'em sharpish, like Edie: no room for doubt lmao Edie: gotta when u gassin' me up so hard Diego: ulterior motives Diego: can I use some of the footage for school Diego: If it turns out it's one less essay Edie: 'course you can Edie: its probably not all gon' be sfw, don't need the 'rents saying i got u in shit as prev. mentioned, but the salvageable shots, go for your life Diego: I'll do extra editing don't want you in the same trouble Diego: I'm trying to film what we do much as the whole fam'll stand it Diego: personal project Edie: Fair 'nuff, fill your boots Edie: I ain't camera shy Edie: And Rio and Gracie can't pretend they are either Edie: always pouting looking like braindead fish 😂 Diego: Got a mountain of footage of them already Diego: Only been doing a few days sly Diego: I want Billie's vibe but I can't catch her Diego: Iggy same Edie: Shoulda known 😂 Edie: yeah good luck with the rest, either too busy for the fam or moody lil fuckers Edie: take ya pick Edie: self included usually obvs but you know, wanna do this music thing proper so Edie: got 🍀 kid Diego: arrgh Diego: facts Diego: I'll keep at it Diego: maybe I'll strike it with them Edie: get gus to round 'em up Edie: hard to say no to Diego: Now that's an idea Diego: Bound to work Edie: i'd pay for that energy Edie: i do 😂 Diego: hahahah Diego: put a price on it Edie: if i could bottle what he has i'd be laughing Edie: don't give a shit what nobody thinks man, what a cool kid Diego: his piss bottles itself some of the time Diego: you're there Edie: ya nastys Edie: secured a ride Edie: ur equip is welcome Edie: but i gotta go now, favour fo' favour Diego: I'm in too then Diego: don't do anything I wouldn't Edie: 👌 Edie: like i said, don't grow up Edie: need that childlike wonder for my vision Edie: catch you on the flipside mofo Diego: not in my plans Diego: enjoy yours
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koneko----chan · 5 years
My life blows atm so imma rant
My boss got my hopes up at my job saying I can work till the end of the month but then relised that today was my end date and so while he was evaluating me for the season hes like theres alot of things you did that I didn't like like leaving the light on in that building the outher day, and when i told him it was because the person in charge of the shift told me the light wasnt a big deal and that it would take too much effort to open it up and fiddle with the alarm just to turn a light off,,,, like i already correct the person in charge on my shift constantantly because he was promoted instead of me, and litterally wasnt trained to do the 3ed shift part of the job where we work, while iv been doing it all year so ik what to do. Like now my boss boss takes the outher persons mistakes whos sposed to be in charge out on me? Like no him saying no we wont go turn the light off is absolutely the outher kids fault not mine. Not to mention i fucking hate the kid whos in charge of me and want him to get in trouble for how the shifts been run because hes so fucking braindead. But he probly wont be repromanded at all. And then I come home feeling like shit and my bfs getting mad at me cuz I " have no ambitions in life and make no effort to get a real job". Like sorry up until today you've been telling me to get a job quick just to hold me over until I find a good one,,,, so I litterally got a job at one of the food places in the collage down the street and now hes saying all I do is bump around to shitty part time places instead of calling back the outher places I applied to. Like I get it but like can you shut the fuck up and be happy im not a jobless bum?then hes ragging that im turning into my mom cuz the house is slightly messy because iv been so busy all week getting 3 hours of sleep and haven't had time to like pick up my laundry. But he doesn't see what if been doing all week as busy. So i have no excuse apparently. And he's saying he didn't know if he wants to be with me and all that shit and like yeah just fucking abandon me like everyone else has in my life. Like hes been with me for 5 years youd think hed understand me at this point and be a little more conserderate of me. Like yes theres clothes on the floor, I havent had time to pick them up,, fuck you. Ik ppl go through alot worse stuff but everyone has their own struggles and rn i feel like everything i do is pointless and im not good enough. Not to mention I litterally have 0 friends. And because of how my work has been all summer i only saw 3 ppl that also work 3ed with me. Ones a old lady, one is a dude that i fucking hate, and the others nice and all but we've never hung out outside of work so idk if ill ever see her agein after today so i dont even have anyone besides my bf
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