#but it was so fucking sweet 😭😭😭 and somewhere along the line i realized i was dreaming and that i was going to lose her
send-me-a-puffalope · 3 months
guys wtf i just had the most detailed dream last night about a girlfriend that doesn’t exist,,, like idk how to explain it 😭😭😭 and i don’t even remember her name, it’s at the edge of my memory but i can’t recover it. but i remember like all the events and her face.
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thexsilentxwordsmith · 7 months
How about an excerpt from the 3rd part to Mid-day Texts to get you all hyped? A little posessive Simon to whet your appetites never hurt, right? 😈😈
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reade
Part 3: Life Changing Texts <- Available now!
Author's Note: I realized after I got the ask for this last week and after I answered it and left it up for days and days that I had talked about the wrong fic 😭😭 I felt so embarrassed that I ended up deleting it because I couldn't believe I did that.
But yes this is going to be the 3rd part of the Late Night Texts / Mid-day Texts saga, so if you want to be tagged, leave a comment here.
“Get the fuck away from ‘er,” Simon’s low growl sounded as he stalked up from behind as he entered the bar, “or you’re gonna wish you fuckin’ had.”
The drunk man before you looked up wide eyed at the massive figure of Simon standing at your back, but he couldn’t back down, not when his ego was on the line. Somewhere in that alcohol-riddled brain he came to conclusion that if he could just get the big man to leave that you would eventually give in to his advances.
Again he reached his hand out to grope your arm as you wrenched it out of the way. “Look pal,” the slimy bastard addressed Simon snidely, “I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but this isn’t what it looks like so why don’t you just go along. We were just having a little fun, weren’t we sweetheart?”
“No, we fucking weren’t,” you hissed back as you joined Simon in glaring him down.
“Ya heard ‘er,” Simon immediately jumped to your defense, “so even though I rarely like repeatin’ myself, I’ll tell you one more time. Get. The fuck. Away. From ‘er.”
The rage in his voice made you shudder with its intensity. Though you could not see it, you knew by the way he spoke through his teeth that his jaw was clenched tight, matching what you could see which were his fists tensing so tight that it was turning his knuckles white. Shit just the aura radiating off of him was so full of wrath that there was no mistaking just how much this had effected him.
The man took another swig of liquid courage before he grimaced with a shake of his head. “You think you can just waltz over and steal this sweet little thing out from under me?” he challenged, stepping in closer to you to get in Simon’s face. “I saw her first, she came here alone. So, she’s gonna be coming home with me; I can be very persuasive when I want to be.”
He reached out to you once more and actually got a bit of a substantial caress this time on your hip; instantly Simon saw nothing but red.
And that was fucking it. Whatever modicum of decorum Simon possessed up until now completely flew out the window the moment that bastard had even brought up trying to get you to go home with him. And now he had watched him touch you?! If he didn’t back off now, they would be carrying him out in a body bag.
You were his, his, and he didn't care if the whole entire bar saw what came next.
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staytheword · 1 year
First I’ll start this by saying thank you so much for both of your series, I seriously wasn’t expecting to love them as much as I did. To the point where I had to sleep 1 hour before going to work because I’ve just binge read your series works.
The Jisung rockstar series made ME BAWL MY EYES OUT, you had me there for a moment, I really thought somewhere along the line they would really finish the HUGE fling they had and my heart just broke, no fic has ever put me in me tiptoes like this one did. I loved every second and I really felt like they deserved to be together. Also I love how your Y/Ns are always reckless, fuck the world why not Y/Ns, I lived for how logical but emotional your Y/Ns are. I was wondering what they’re up to now, few years gone by, did the band prosper or fail? Are Y/N and jisung still together or did fuckboi jisung appeared in the way? Did Y/N visit her hometown and meet her loving friend Changbin? PSPSPSPSPS a little taste please
Also the dilemma of an ex friend pulling a friend away from Changbin really hit home here. Thank you for your story, it really helped me heal a little bit and think how could things go in another perspective.
GAAAAAH I really really really loved Minho and Changbin biker series, another amazing series delivered amazingly by you. I love how you write the side characters and how their different personalities are so well executed, I love how you’re able to write a slow burn that isn’t slow at all, but doesn’t feel rushed neither. I love how different they all are, I loved every single bit and I loved even more how the poly couple complimented each other. I love how Y/N managed to be a wreck even though she worked with such gracious and innocent things like flowers. But my delulu romantic self kept wondering if older Minho ever settled down? I’d love to see how Y/N being a old lady would be, because of course the loving Changbin would make Y/N one, but Minho is just that missing piece to Y/N thunderstorm, like a little mirror to her. I wonder if Y/N ever ended up being Minho’s AND Changbin’s old lady. That would be the first and the best poly fic I’d prolly would find. Imagine a full house with the three of them, and probably their descendants, that would be fun to explain onto next generations. Surely a mark in history of the club.
Sorry for my English, it’s not my first language, and thank you again for your work!
hello ♡♡ I hope you are doing alright? I received this some time ago and I really really wanted to answer although I don't really write anymore, you have really made me smile and I wanted you to know that ♡
I hope you got more sleep after reading - and your english is great, really, omg ♡ thank you for everything you said, it is so sweet of you and it always moves me to realize that people actually get invested in the stories I write 😭 and that it could help you heal a little - that means a lot. that couldn't have been easy. in fact i know it isn't. so please accept this hug ♡♡
aaaaah I wish I had a little taste to give you about lmly!!!!! honestly, I don't really know. I never wrote more of them, maybe because in my heart they are living their best life and not caring what anyone else says or thinks. I'm not sure about the details, but really, I know they are happy ♡ (and ofc yn can never leave changbin alone... you can be sure she visits often)
i mean emotion IS the leading force in everything, i think. i sort of made that thinking my life's work in both writing and academia. so i appreciate it, really ♡ thank you for loving my characters. 😭
thank you also about roses. i've said this multiple times but this series was soooo fun to write, so to see that people have fun reading it is everything. "slow burn that isn't slow at all but isn't rushed either" i love this ♡ and for your questions, once more I don't have a lot of answers for you, I will let you imagine what you prefer ♡ buuut I will say that i don't think minho will have ever been able to stay far away, i'm sure he's lurking and a frequent guest in the household. the next generations will certainly hear about it :'') "that missing piece to yn's thunderstorm" that is so beautifully said 😭 you got it, anon. that makes me very emotional ♡♡
i'm so sorry i can't give you more, but it means a lot that you would have these questions, that you care about what happens to them in the future, i'm very touched and grateful for it. ♡♡ thank YOU for taking the time to write this to me, i'm sending you a lot of love and please take care!!!!! :) ♡♡♡
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