#but not every lsn autistic is like that. and even the ones that are are usually (consciously or unconsciously) downplaying their symptoms
swordsonnet · 11 months
lately, i've seen more people in the online autistic community acknowledging the struggles of people with higher support needs, which is of course an important development. but for some, that seems to come with the implicit assumption that low needs autistics "have it easy" or experience no stigma at all, which is just wrong??? people with low support needs are still disabled by their autism and still face discrimination because of it. sure, they are impaired to a lesser degree than those with higher support needs, but that doesn't mean you can just erase their struggles, y'know?
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on one hand i know why like in online autistic space, people are really against assuming support needs online. because sure what put online is only a fraction of experience. some only want post positive things. and other people mask difficulties so appear better off than actually are, etc. know all that!
but issue comes when… there is consistent pattern of a specific type of lower support needs (LSN) autistic generalizing their LSN experience, pathologize every little experience as autism, spread misinfo, use aspie supremacist rhetoric,
erase higher support needs (HrSN) autistic experience, speaking over us, perpetuate extremely harmful ableism against us, do not reflect own privilege, pose self as most oppressed,
and misusing support needs label
and it’s important to note that it’s mostly being done by (a specific group of) lower support needs autistic. because they have more communication abilities, more self advocacy abilities or more able to learn self advocate, more independence, more closer to the mythical “neurotypicality” ideal, more able to mask, etc etc… loudest, most majority, most listened to.
“how dare you assume my support needs when you don’t know me” has been conveniently used as a shield to free them of responsibility. “if conveniently don’t mention that have lower support needs, or have level 1 autism, then they can’t criticize me of perpetuating aspie supremacy can’t criticize me of not reflecting on my LSN advantage, and i can become the victim and escape accountability.”
and. another layer of issue is. some of them genuinely think they high support needs or have substantial support needs because they need support and don’t have needs met. when they’re… not.
i have been putting off addressing this topic because i don’t want a slippery slope to fake claiming, or give off “i know you more than you” because i don’t.
but. i know the autism spectrum more than them. i know the support needs spectrum and autism levels more than you. and maybe even most important, i know what i don’t know about these topics more than you.
yes, HrSN autistics can achieve great things, as much or maybe even more than LSN and nonautistic nondisabled people.
yes, some HrSN autistics can speak relatively fluidly. some HrSN autistics may be able to mask. some HrSN autistic may be not as visible HrSN/autistic every single second of day—less likely, but who am i to generalize?
BUT. and i have addressed this over and over and over again in my posts. being HrSN is not just about needing help with “eating” (and by eating they mean cooking and not actually feeding), reminder to shower, budgeting, getting groceries, some of the time. being level 2/3 is not just about other people think you “weird” sometimes, or meltdown once in a while (like weeks apart).
overwhelmingly more HrSN autistics struggle with masking or unable to mask at all, with most or all communication, living independently is often not even an option to consider for us, can’t hold job (mayybe unless very specific employment support), visibly autistic, visibly disabled.—as in, you can tell. strangers can tell.
for many of us, there is no reasonable deniability, there’s no benefit of the doubt, there’s no hiding.
for many of us, we are concerned and focusing on basic living skills.
and i’m trying to be generous here. i’m trying to give these people & behavior i’m critiquing the benefit of the doubt. there are harsher things i want to say that im holding off right now.
not saying there’s nothing wrong with assuming support needs. not saying we should all start random assign internet people support needs labels.
but there is nuance. some people don’t like that nuance tho because it not in their favor and they can’t play victim anymore
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worms-in-my-brain · 4 months
I do think there is a distinction to be made between low support needs and very low support needs.
I am low support needs. But I still need to wear ear protection in a lot of situations, I have severe executive functioning deficits, I have social difficulties that make it very hard for me to navigate social situations, I have support needs at school and work and I require additional understanding in many situations—otherwise people tend to assume I dislike them, am being rude or callous, or not paying attention, sometimes even when I’m actively trying not to come off that way. At home sometimes my roommate needs to pick up some slack around the house, because all I can make myself sometimes are like toast and smoothies (when I have protection for the sound) and so I don’t eat, or I can’t do certain chores because of my sensory issues. It can be difficult for me to be caught up on any current events that require a knowledge of history because I find the subject very overwhelming and because it is very distant from what my special interest is and I find it incredibly hard to focus on it.
TL;DR, I am low support needs, but I am still disabled and I constantly am experiencing my disability. I am never allowed to forget it.
I then see people with very low support needs, some who say they have none (which, if true, in that case it would not be diagnosable autism as we don’t label personality types). People who generally live life functionally but who every now and then are reminded that they’re disabled and need help in very specific situations. Like somebody who doesn’t struggle much socially and who doesn’t need supports at school or work but who sometimes doesn’t have as much energy for doing the dishes because they’re exhausted from living as an autistic person in an allistic world.
And then an issue arises where people like me are so unable to relate to the other low support needs people that they start wondering if they are moderate support needs and/or calling themselves such, not even really realising what the term means and inadvertently erasing the experiences of autistic people with moderate and high support needs.
So if you’re like me, please don’t speak over higher support needs people. Recognise that, if you can generally live independently, you are lower support needs than a LOT of others. And if you’re not like me, please don’t paint all LSN autistics with the same brush. Even within our group there is huge variation in support needs, and one LSN autistic’s experience will not be the same as another’s.
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front-ill · 2 months
Not feeling heard, feeling invalidated, questioning if I truly have asd
To note: I am NOT diagnosed, nor have been evaluated yet for ASD. I suspect I have it, and suspect I am LSN, Level 1, High functioning
cw/tw: fakeclaiming, ableism
I originally reached out for an evaluation for a diagnosis, however I was instead given an evaluation for special ed./IEP. No one told me this, and I was mistaken and thought it would be for a diagnosis.
Anyway, regardless the meeting ending up being extremely invalidating because they thought I was actively skewing the results in order to be 'better fit for the evaluation.' I made eye contact for a little bit, and apparently when I stated I couldn't handle eye contact, I stopped making eye contact (I had a meeting over zoom with a psychologist who said this). They also said this for when I was rocking back and forward but stopped when I started talking to someone.
Then they decided that since they couldn't put the blame on those two things enough, they started stating it was just my trauma causing me this symptoms. While that may true, these symptoms wouldn't be actively still rampant and prominent despite my hardwork in therapy and being open in therapy.
Then one of them went on a tangent how me actively 'seeking out' a diagnosis and what 'I'm doing' isn't going on the right track. In regards to getting treatment. Felt so invalidating. Like they thought I was putting up a facade. It was a whole thing about how, 'statistically isn't possible for me to have all these disorders.'
I ended up breaking down from what they were saying, and it was just a bunch of adults saying they understand my struggle. I feel like they don't and want to push it off as 'normal'. Maybe I'll understand when I'm older I guess, but for now I don't. During the break down I started hurting myself because I struggle with handling my emotions when I break down, and they didn't so anything. They didn't check up on me when I went to take a break, nor were empathetic towards me.
I'm having every non-doctor (parents, special ed. teachers) say I'm not autistic. Even my general practitioner, who've I've only seen twice, said I didn't seem autistic since I'm, 'functioning enough.'
I'm really struggling right now because I've not only documented my symptoms for years now, but have been struggling so hard. From break downs, to overstimulation, to avoiding new hobbies and interests so I don't get hyperfixated on something, to inability to make and keep friends, to so much more. I just feel so lost. What of it isn't autism? What if it's something else? But, what? Any words, or similar experiences would be nice please.
I was looking to seek an evaluation for a diagnosis with Fraser in Minnesota, USA. If anyone has any experience with them, let me know please.
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every hobby have, want turn into autism disability talk (in true “restricted interest” fashion everything need tie back to special interests even special interests need tie back to other special interests pretend create new interest but just same three recycle reuse go green👍)
knit pretty sweaters spin pretty wool, want make public account show nonverbal HSN autistic AAC user wheelchair user can be in hobby
lolita EGL fashion, want make public account (this one will mean have attach at least body if not face) show same nonverbal HSN autistic who carry AAC device all all time be in wheelchair still like n wear lolita
mainly “disabled people not just exist in disability place disability context disability conversation but also in “your” space in any space in space very least relate to disability”
but just want exist not want educate with word not want have force explain entire self justify entire self “if you so severe HSN why you able do anything other than Be Disabled” force educate the “not know anything” disability people but also the for example “LSN autistic ableist against HSN” “think disability invisible ultimate oppression feel personally victimized by visible disabled ppl exist” crowd who also happen exist outside disability community
want talk about how multiple severe disability mean impact everything mean really hard do hobby mean lose ability do hobby, want talk about how some severe disable people really is too disable for do hobby (own ability slash disability/not enough outside support)
but mainly just want exist just want show exist just want people realize we exist outside perfect isolated pretty little cage for you as long don’t go near cage no see us
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most recent announcement:
account got accidentally deleted by tumblr twice, back now, but glitch kicked at least 500 people off follower list - if you was follow before but not follow now and you didn’t do, that tumblr that not me soft block! feel free follow back
about the bread loaf🍞!!
= bread
they/them/their/theirs/themself or themselves
nonverbal (not nonspeaking). all the time not lose speech or "go nonverbal"
full time AAC user
have language communication & cognitive disabilities
autistic catatonia with severe late autism regression / deterioration (* this why may see old post that describe self w more ability or different word, like medium support needs minimally speaking semiverbal etc)
higher support needs.
multiply disabled, full-ish time wheelchair user. also have physical & neurological & psychiatric disabilities
important PSA!!!
most of my reblogs are queued meaning i put them on list and tumblr posts them automatically. if i reblog a post of yours that’s weeks old this is why!! not stalking i promise
appreciate all asks and messages!! but also have very very hard time respond to texts and messages and asks and stuff. not personal against sender, not mad, just have really hard time. hope understand 💛 please please don't hesitate to send nice asks n comment on posts and stuff, i read all of them even if don't respond on time!!
i do not soft block people this blog. if was follow before but now not follow and you didn’t do, it because recent tumblr glitch (june 2023). please come back!!
get the fuck out if you “transage” “transx” “transid” “transabled” “transautistic” “trans severity” “transrace” etc. AND those who call self “cisautistic” “cisdisabled” etc. AND supporter. you are not welcomed here i hate you hope you explode to million pieces. (this not about transgender disabled people or transracial adoptee btw)
some of my relevant posts:
ABA conversations have nuance: one, two: questions for non survivors before they start talking about ABA (TL;DR ABA can absolutely be abusive, but i don't agree with either "all aba is abuse" nor "no ABA is abusive")
various things about support needs: one, two, three, four?, five, six, seven, eight,
stop. saying. "going nonverbal" i STG: one, one and a half,
AAC resources or my personal review of AAC: resource one, review one, review two
visibly autistic: one
autism late regression: one
autsitic catatonia: one
why i feel complicated abt terms/communities like neurodivergent, actually autistic, etc: ND one, ND two
research bias by late dx LSN autistic researchers who can mask: one, two
functional communication: one
race & autism: one
idk how to catagorize these but important: one, two, three
specific posts
i as a autistic person am allowed to identify however i want: functioning labels, severity labels, etc
in response to "autism support needs label is divisive"
in response to "every autistic can self advocate (right this second)"
nonverbal autistic people is not as simple as "verbal autistic people but just can't talk"
visible disability is not limited to having visible external aids, sometimes people look visibly disabled without anything extra
so many things are intervention, stop saying "autistic people don't need intervention"
self dx (after research) is valid but here's more nuance
i support autistics who want their own autism cured
a breakdown of the medical TV show House S3E4 in regards to nonverbal nonspeaking autistics (, presuming competence, the nuance of autism parents, and functional communication
why are autistics without intellectual disability so quick to distance themselves from those who do?
there desperately needs to be more respite care and caregiver support
functioning labels vs support needs not the same
diagnosis disparity exist & not everyone can get a diagnosis bc don't have resources but early diagnosis is not a privilege, some people are forcibly diagnosed young and old
autism support needs is comparing to other autistics not to a neurotypical person
post lists last updated march 5, 2023
some of these posts are older & opinion have matured since then so there may be parts where i would rewrite but in general opinion still stand.
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