#but simultaneously don't them trust fully out of fear. we know we're loved and love back but never fully in case its all a lie.
I don't think I've ever poured so many of my physical attributes and so much of my heart and soul into a character design before in such a personal way before so fuck it whenever I finish the final design for Faeng and whatever I come up with I'm making her into my sona (dragonsona? Persona? Idk how this works lmfao)
(long dump in the tags and under the cut)
The last time I was even remotely connected this much to a character was when I designed Jaxsu, but honestly never truly made her my sona/main character, she was just the one I used most often in art pieces. I never really actually liked her lore and backstory enough because she was what I wanted to be instead of what I am/was. Jax isnt perfect either, but her parents love her and otherwise has friends and is loved unconditionally. She has a healthy relationship with everyone and everything. This is where the disconnect happened and where I actually started to dislike her despite her being my otherwise favorite character for awhile. Both Faeng and Jaxsu have ADHD and Autism but Jaxsu was able to put that towards a job and becoming a ship captain and winning a colosseum tournament. She's done all of these great things so even if she didn't have a healthy relationship with her parents they'd still love her because she's done something impressive and useful.
Faeng on the other hand, has to fight for everything. Her parents are important and have important jobs, and place all of these unreachable and unrealistic expectations on her and expect her to reach them with minimal effort and be perfect, but she can't no matter how hard she tries. She needs someone to explain it and break it down for her in steps so she understands what do to and how to do it so she doesn't mess it up. She's both strong and smart but it's not in practical "normal" ways or subjects. It's convoluted, It's not in the ways everyone wants her to be, she has no teachers to help her understand how to channel that strength and intelligence into something "useful" so she puts it towards the things she likes and wants to do, and thus struggles in a world that would otherwise be easy to navigate and conquer if she were "normal". Those that do understand her and try to help her are alienated by other people in an attempt to either punish both of them or force her to adapt to be somewhat passing as normal, if not then at least listen to what she's told to do. She does eventually make acquaintances but find that her twisted speech and weird explanations aren't worth trying to decipher and understand so they leave, they don't put in the effort to meet her halfway even though she's struggling and doing her best to speak in a way they'll understand.
Her parents acknowledge her differences but in a way that frames it as flawed and wrong, something that needs to be corrected, and push her to figure out her problems by herself, tearing down any support network she tries to build. She tries her damned hardest but it's not enough, it never is and never will be for them because she's not the perfect child they wanted. She showed promise in her younger years being a "gifted child" so she knows what love and acceptance lies in wait and what could be if she could just be normal and perfect. Her achievements and promise come and show in waves. She burns and fizzles out in one of the most virulent, painful ways possible after getting hurt trying to prove her worth yet again. She holds nothing but criticism, vitriol and contempt for herself because she can't claw her way back to where she was before, this time something happened and something is terribly, horribly wrong this time but she doesn't know that it is and can't figure it out, nor will anyone tell her. Whatever it is, left a mental and several physical injuries and it does nothing but deepen her self hatred and her parent's waning belief in her. She listens to false promises and praise of other people who do nothing but wish to manipulate and harm her but she stays because any form of praise is deemed good, she hungers for more and does worsening things.
She ignores the people who tell her that what she's doing is dangerous and will only end in disaster, because she doesn't believe them. If the people who are saying they're her friends are telling her that the people she hurts deserve it and that what she's doing is good, then surely she needs to believe them over strangers, right? Everything comes to a breaking point and shatters around her leaving her with quite literally nothing but her own self hatred, newfound rage and overbearing mental issues she needs to navigate once again to find out what hell it is and what's wrong with her now. She's scared of everyone and everything with the added bonus of now being hyper-aware and perceptive of people's mannerisms and behaviors, especially those who want to manipulate or harm her again. She wraps every vulnerable part of herself in metaphorical thorns and teeth to bite and maim whoever pries and digs into what she truly is, even people who want to understand her. She suffers at more than her own hand, forcing herself to deal with everything alone, until she finally meets someone that could be considered a true friend. She slowly opens up and helps them as much as they help her before everything comes crashing back down once again upon the reveal that they've been lying to her the entire time about very serious issues, and she's been used as nothing more than an attack dog once again. She burns every bridge and everyone around her in one final breakdown of rage before shutting down completely. One of the groups of friends she's shoved stay comes back and asks if she's ok. She doesn't understand why they're being kind, why they're concerned it why they care and tries to shove them away again. Every single day they still ask, talking even if there's no response from her, until she finally relents and breaks.
She's finally loved and accepted despite every fault and every flaw she has, and every time she tries to pull away out of fear of being an inconvenience they pull back twice as hard and remind her that she's able to just exist, she doesn't need to constantly be useful and that they care. She finally, finally is comfortable enough to let herself be accepted and then becomes the most clingy little shit, just as they do with her. But yeah, my own life has been very much of the same, especially the last part. Every time I go on another self-hatred spiral and drop off the face of the earth my MonHun bros give me a metaphorical slap to the face and remind me that I don't need to constantly prove my worth to everyone and prove that I'm useful, and that existing every once in awhile is more than enough. If that doesn't work then it's "you need to get your ass back over here because we're failing the Safi siege without the absolutely ridiculous amount of DPS your build Switchaxe does". I was not intending for her to be so much like me but goddamnit she's wormed her way into being my favorite now and I guess Mirage is no longer my impromptu sona
#I've been working the last 3 hours on her design and like just noticed HOW MUCH of myself i put into her design#especially parts of myself im self conscious of and don't like/didn't like growing up. i usually zone out esp during a character design#but i stopped and i looked at it and my first thought was “that's me. that's me on that canvas.” and for some reason felt so happy with it#ik that's probably a selfish thought to have and im nowhere near done with her design but i looked at it and loved it so deeply.#she's imperfect and ugly and flawed but that's ok because she's still beautiful in her own weird way and her friends still love her#this is the weirdest shit I've ever experienced but i honestly feel like I'm finally accepting a part of myself I've hated and shoved down#for so long because of the absolute gnawing feeling of unacceptance I've always been subjected to as “not fitting in” and something she say#is “who gives a shit what other people think about me. i have friends who love and care about me just as much as i do for them.#you dont need to be liked by everyone to be worth something. sometimes just existing is enough for the people who do love you“#the parallels of both my life and her lore are so similar they hurt on a visceral level i cant describe and it was completely unintentional#we both trust too easily whether it's out of naivety or stupidity and not learning from past mistakes and have been hurt so deeply#so many times beyond our own comprehension by the betrayal of other people to the point of shutting down every attempt at friendship#despite knowing just how much being alone aches and burns and put both physical and mental health on the line to get the approval of others#but never letting anyone get close enough to be friends out of fear of being hurt again#and having every vulnerable part of ourselves wrapped in metaphorical knives and glass to hurt anyone attempting to get to know us#but simultaneously and unknowingly hurting ourselves too with that choice. we're both aware of what we're doing but also unable to stop it#out of fear and lack of people willing to understand our pain and frustration and anger over things and it's so so frustrating#we both lash out when angry or hurt and push people that we love and love us back away out of fear that if any “ugly” is exposed to them#they'll leave because we lose our one redeemable quality of “being convenient” in a group#but simultaneously don't them trust fully out of fear. we know we're loved and love back but never fully in case its all a lie.#we both want nothing more than someone to understand and listen to what happened to us and actually stay and be friends rather than leave#like truly actually want to be friends and not just stay out of pity or sorrow over what happened#i think this is just something that comes with the autism tbh#i am she and she is me#rambling#dragon character#character writing#character building#dragon oc
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 4 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 98) "Ring Around The Ruby"
@creatureofthen1ght-v3 @crystalbaby12 @mgkobsessed @backoftheroomandnotbelonging @5sosfam1dlover @lovemythsworld ...still trying Bra 🖤
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Are we sure we have everything??" Luna asks as she plays with her padlock, she finds herself doing that whenever she's nervous.
After breakfast with Casie. A morning ShowerFuck, lines and a burn session with Colson in the bathroom. Luna's dressed in a simple, white, silk dress. Black chucks and light makeup. Shockingly, she throws on no jewelery except her ring, which never comes off. Her long hair flowing around her. Looking around their hotel suite, Luna has a hard enough time keeping track of herself, let alone two other people's stuff.
"You double checked that you've got your necklace, Diablo shirt and sunglasses?" She asks Casie.
"Yup." She nods proudly at Luna.
"What Diablo shirt?" Colson whips around.
"Your purple one....." Luna answers.
"Why didn't you give her yours? It's smaller." He challenges her.
"Because I've already altered mine... To fit me." She answers with her eyebrows raised.
Fully aware of what she's hinting at, Colson's dick twitches. The memory of their first performance and Luna's homemade Diablo shirt floating around in his brain.
Colson sighs out a Fine with a smile at Casie. She can have anything she wants. Of his or The World's. Not even caring as long as His Peanut is happy. Unknown to him, Luna had already grabbed a replacement. The Three of Them taking care of each other in ways they don't even realize. --------------------------------------------------
Outside The Jacquard, Colson's Eleven are the same Assholes they always are. Each loudly squeezing Casie tight with huge kisses on the cheek. Slim spinning her in circles until they're both dizzy and laughing.
"Uncle Slim!!!" She giggles as she sees triples.
Finding her balance, Casie spots Sam. Through the week they had become great friends.
"It was really rad to meet you." Sam says as she squats down to do her secret handshake with Casie.
"Will you be at EstFEST for our wedding? She asks.
"I'll be at both. I wouldn't miss them for a thousand crabby patties." Her response making Casie laugh as she jumps into Sam, knocking her down.
Caught off guard, Sam laughs loudly with her as she falls back onto the pavement. Shockingly pleased by The Cool Ass Kid's grip.
Baze and Luna both watching them. Luna's soul flittering at this new side of Sammy. Baze almost sure he's in love with the Wild Drummer.
Hugging her bestfriend, Luna teases her lightly in her ear. "Fuck you." Sam laughs.
Gripping each other tight, they agree to see each other in Seattle. Behave... Luna smirks to another one of Sam's Fuck Yous.
As Luna and Ashleigh hug GoodBye, she Thanks Luna again. To her solid squeeze and Stop. Both knowing their friendship is genuine. Flowing beyond their relationships with Colson.
"Alright... Alright... She's only gonna be gonna for two days!" Colson laughs at the two of them.
"Two days too long!!" Ashleigh complains, loving another woman on The Bus with her.
Ashleigh and Sam get along very well but Luna helps Ashleigh run shit. With Luna by Colson's side, this has been Ashleigh's least stressful tour. In almost 10yrs.
With the uber arriving to carry The Three of Them to the airport, The Boys hug and kiss Luna and Casie a dozen more times. Laughing at Colson and giving him daps when he complains about Where's His Love.
"We'll see you tonight, Bitch." Rook laughs at him as he squeezes Luna. "Good luck, Bro.... Not that your badass needs it." He grins after pecking her cheek as they squeeze GoodBye.
Rook is Luna's favorite Drummer Boy. Luna is Rook's favorite Bitch. She rocks with all The Boys but those two are true Roll Dawgs. Both appreciating each other since their first conversation the night of Colson's Birthday Dinner at Tao.
"WE LOOOVE YOUSSSS!!!" Luna hollers out the car window as she heads off with Casie and Colson.
Preparing for the 13hr ride in front of them to Boise, The Remaining Eight fuck around a bit longer. Climbing on, The Bus feels a little off without Their Core. This does not stop the smoke, music and drinks from flowing though. It just makes it feel.... Different.
Sat in first class between Luna and Colson, Casie is talking a mile a minute. Both Luna and Colson requesting a Bloody Mary immediately. Grinning at each other over her talking head.
It's a 3hr flight. Having them hit Cleveland before 4P. Pulling out her carry on, Luna shares her art supplies with Casie.
Colson sips his drink as His Girls draw. Casie excitedly talking about Their Weddings.
"You know what we've still gotta do?" Luna asks the rambling child.
"What?" She asks as she lifts her face from her artwork
"Get you fitted you for your dresses." Luna shines into her sketch book.
"Dresses!!! Like TWO!!" Casie yells with wide excited eyes.
"Yeah, Dill. Two weddings. Two dresses, SugarPop." Luna laughs at her, looking up from the drawing she's working on.
"Jesus fucking Christ, I fucking love her." Colson thinks as uncharacteristic tears well in his eyes.
"AHHHH!!!" Casie shouts in excitement to both of their grins.
Colson reaches over, turning Luna's chin to sink a grateful kiss onto her lips as Casie's mid squeeze. The girl not minding being crushed in between the love of the two of them.
Just as they're about to land, Luna hands Colson her sketch. It's a crude drawing of the two of them embracing.
"Fuck. I love it." His heart beats faster as he studies it. "Tuck it in your book until we get home?" He asks to her smiling nod.
"Oooh!!!! My BAAAABY!!!" Emma exclaims as Casie runs into her open arms.
"I missed you so much, Mommy!!" Casie says as she falls into her tight grasp.
Colson and Luna watching the two. Their love for each other overflowing all over their front yard as they roll around in hugs and laughter.
"She's such a good mom." Luna whispers to Colson in admiration of Emma.
"She really is." Colson says proudly as he throws his arm around Luna.
Smooching her cheek, he grabs Casie's bags. Carrying them inside. There are many things that can be said about Colson Baker. Attentive to His, should truly be the first description.
Inside Casie erupts into the details of her week long adventure. Performing OnStage, swimming, jumping and diving last night, sitting with Patti during the taping of Ellen, The Planetarium and The Butterfly Exhibit. Forgetting about the Splash Park as she happily yells about how the butterflies flew all around them, kissing her and Luna's skin. All the while, simultaneously showing Emma her new treasures.
"We went EVERYWHERE, MOMMY!!!" We even bought a house in NY. MOM!! I LIVE IN NEW YORK CITY NOW!!!" She shouts while bouncing around the kitchen.
Those words cause Emma to shoot a quick Look between Colson and Luna. Wondering WHAT THE FUCK HER CHILD IS TALKING ABOUT.
"We're about to make settlement on a brownstone so we have a place in The City. Kinda like here and LA." Luna speaks up to reassure her.
Emma giving Luna an accepting and understanding nod. She turns back to the chattering little girl.
"So, you had fun?" She asks her daughter.
"SO MUCH FUN, MOM!!" Casie screams to Emma's laughter.
Colson and Emma touch base as Luna helps Casie with her luggage. Alone in the kitchen, Emma speaks freely.
"Don't fuck this up, Kells. She's good for you and Case already loves her. I know you're getting married next month, but, PLEASE. Don't fuck this up. For you or her." Emma pleads with the man she's known almost longer than half of her life.
"I don't want to, Em...." Colson replies with concerned eyes. "But, I'm so fucking afraid I will."
Emma reaches to hug him. "Keep that fear and you won't." She tells him honestly as they embrace tightly.
There's something to be said about co-parents who are friends that genuinely care for each other. It's a beautiful thing. Truly.
Outside, before Luna and Colson catch their uber to his house, The Family embraces each other GoodBye individually. There's a comforting warmth that flows through them.
As Colson and Casie say their GoodByes, Luna and Emma hug each other tightly. Probably tighter than they've ever held each other before. Emma whispering a Thank You for Taking Care of My Baby Girl. Luna squeezing her a smidge tighter to Thank Emma for Trusting Her With Casie. Breaking apart, the women look each other in the eyes. Both happy to have each other in their lives.
"I loooooove YOOOOU!!!" Luna swings a laughing Casie around. "See you soon?"
"Yup." Casie grins.
"Find a new home for your necklace for bed and shower time?" Luna asks with a tinge of authority.
"YES." Casie asserts, grin wider.
"Good shit. Love you, Dill." Luna holds Her Girl close and tight.
Emma appreciating the way they interact with each other as she watches them. Knowing Casie is safe with Luna.
"Ready, Kitten?" Colson asks as he kisses the top of Luna's head.
Before leaving, he grabs Casie again loving on her like there's no tomorrow. Giggling as his kisses tickle her skin.
After setting Casie down and saying their final GoodByes, he grabs Luna's hand. Leading her to the waiting uber. While in Cleveland, Colson has a specific mission.
On The Bus, somewhere between Colorado and Idaho, Sam has convinced Ashleigh to get fucked up with her and The Boys.
Cards are being thrown with jokes as music flows. Smoke billowing throughout The Bus.
Leaning into Baze, Sam seductively asks "How pissed you think they'd be if we stole their bed tonight?" Wicked grin spreading across her pretty face.
"Wanna find out?" He grins back to her tantalizing giggle.
Inside The Cleveland House, Colson heads straight upstairs. Luna outside to smoke a cigarette. She doesn't like smoking around Casie so it's been HOURS.
Opening the door to his safe, Colson pulls out a tiny box. Opening it, the huge ruby gleams at him. Solidifying that he knows he made the right decision.
Having been almost a month since he last gazed at it, he can't help but be proud of himself. And Rook. "It's perfect. Beautiful and unique. Just like her.... She's gonna love it." He thinks excitedly.
Luna's chain smoking on the picnic table out back. Letting the warm summer sun kiss her colorful skin.
"Come're...." Colson tries to coax her.
"Whhhhyyyy.....?" Luna whines as she scrunches her face, wanting to light another cigarette.
"Just shut the fuck up and come here." Colson tells her.
"Fine." Luna pouts as she takes his hand.
Walking into the kitchen, Colson hits play on a remote. Taking Luna in his arms as Clapton begins to float around them.
He sings to her the same way he did the night they first met. Holding her close and changing whichever lyrics he chooses. Luna's so dumb she doesn't know what's happening. She just thinks Colson's sweet as she rests inside of him.
As the ending guitar chords float away, Colson drops to his knee. Having the song on repeat, he takes Luna's hand as it continues to drift around them.
"What the fuck are you doing?" She asks, slightly bewildered.
"Doing this shit right." He asserts.
Looking up at her, Colson sees his entire future in Luna's eyes. Taking a deep breath, he has nothing prepared as usual. Their whole relationship is based off of instinct.
"I know you love the ring I made for you but I bought you a real one way before it. If you don't like it, we'll fix it or...." He says as he holds her left hand, slipping the metal string off her finger and setting it on the kitchen island. "You can keep the one you have.... Just as long as you promise to still marry me." He says as he pops the lid.
It's a gorgeous 10 carat oval ruby. Surrounded by small diamonds. Taking Luna's breath away on sight.
"I know you don't do diamonds, so, it's your birthstone with mine wrapped around it to protect you.... Not that you need protec...."
Colson can't even finish his sentence before Luna's on her knees in front of him. Tears falling down her cheeks as her kisses shut him up.
Her bare hands run up the sides of his face as she sinks her deep kisses into his mouth. Pushing him off his knees to straddle him. Their kisses are passionate and heavy as Colson tangles his fingers in her hair. Pulling out of her kiss, he gently holds her face in his large hands.
"Is that a Yes?" He asks.
"That's a FUCK YES." She laughs as she pushes her mouth back onto his.
Unable to contain themselves, Luna unbuckles Colson's belt. Lifting up, he helps her pull them down. Only bothering to pull her panties to the side, Luna guides him inside of her. Both groaning in pleasure.
Kissing each other sloppily as Luna slides up and down on Colson's cock he needs her body. Pulling her dress over her head, he's beyond pleased to find her braless as he suckles her pierced breasts. Naked, she bucks against him. Wanting her more than ever before, he carefully flips her on her back.
Throwing her legs over his shoulders, Colson pushes deep inside of Luna. Making her moan in pleasure as he fucks her on the kitchen floor. Mouth kissing hers as if they'll both die without the other. Moving to her cheeks, he kisses anywhere he can reach. Both whispering Sweet Nothing's instead of their normal Dirty Words.
Feeling her thighs grip his waist and walls clench his cock, he nuzzles into her neck and ear. Claiming I FUCKING LOVE YOU as they cum for each other.
Satisfied, Colson rests on top of her. He's by no means fat but Luna's tiny and with her gunshot wound he feels like he has to be extra careful with her. Kissing her forehead, he rolls out of her. Reaching blindly on the ground around them, he finds the box.
Sliding his arm under her head, he presents the symbol of their commitment. Asking Yes? With love pouring out of her eyeballs and heart, she gives him a teasing smile.
"I mean I guess I could say Yes for the 110th time." She laughs as she rolls towards him, locking her lips onto his.
Their kisses say EVERYTHING. Things that even couples who've been married for 50yrs still can't say.
Holding her hand out, Colson slips his ring upon her finger. Holding her hand out in front of them, they clutch each other while they both try to hold back tears.
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"It's fucking beautiful." She happily sighs.
"I told you not to doubt me." He lightly chuckles as he pulls her tighter.
Teasing her about how he knows what she likes. Laughing out a Fuck You, she climbs back on top of him.
Taking her time as she slowly rides him. Enjoying every inch of his dick along with every touch from his hands and mouth.
Luna and Colson don't make love. They fuck like animals but on the kitchen floor with his ring on her finger their touches are softer. Kinder. Gentle as they enjoy every inch of each other in the afternoon sunlight.
It's a long, hard cum. Both feeling like they may seize out from the pleasure. Completely entwined in each other, they take a light, naked, engaged, snooze on the kitchen floor.  The excitement of a life together dancing in both of their heads.
Colson stirs first. The hard floor waking him up against Luna's warm body. Brushing her hair from her face, he looks down. The huge ruby glistening on her finger catches his eye as her hand rests on his chest.
"Fuck.... How'd I get so fucking lucky?" He questions himself. "Em's right.... I can't fuck this up." His heart begins to panic.
Feeling his chest pounding under her hand, it's as if her sixth sense kicks in. Opening her eyes, she asks if He's Okay.
"As long as I'm with you." He answers, kissing her sweetly on her forehead.
"Mmmm..." She nuzzles into him contently. "What time is it?" She asks.
"I don't know, but we should move. We gotta be outta here by 9P...." He answers.
Luna pouts as she nuzzles into his chest. Asking if They Can Quit Their Jobs And Be Pirates. Please. Colson lightly laughs at her fantastic request. Asserting that Being Pirates Would Be Awesome Buuut He Doesn't Think It's That Easy. Leaving Luna to sigh in disappointment.
"Come on...." He begins to shift off the floor.
"Noooo.... I don't wanna...." She whines as he moves to pull her up to stand with him.
"I know... Me neither. 10 days though." He reminds her with a twinkle in his eyes.
This makes her move. Slapping his ass, she shouts Race You as she bounds up the stairs to the shower.
"Grab my real ring, please?" She hollers down the stairs.
Unable to stop the smile that is hurting his face he hits his IG before following her upstairs.
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"110xs I've asked her and she keeps saying Yes. I'm lucky AF and she's crazy insane. Imma 🔐 that sweet ass down quick. Bet. Saturday at #EstFest One of the most IMPORTANT days of my life. BE THERE. CUZ SHITS GONNA BE 🔥🔥🔥 #badthings WILL happen bc I LOVE A FUCKING LUNATIC 😈❤🐈 💯"
Luna's upstairs waiting for him. Naked. Joint in mouth. Lines cut out. Drink in hand. Hot shower running for them.
Tossing her arms around him, he lifts her up. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she holds the joint as he hits it and carries her into the bathroom.
The way they easily move with each other makes their synchronicity enviable. Puffing on the joint, Luna drops it in an ashtray on the sink before he takes both of them into the shower.
Slowly and softly fucking each other. For a moment, before their hunger and animal instincts take over.
"Bend me over..." Luna huskily begs in Colson's ear.
Happily indulging her, he pulls her hair and fucks her the way they both like. Gripping her hips as he pushes himself deep inside of her. Leaving Luna to shake in pleasure as she feels his cum fill her insides.
Out of the shower they blow the lines waiting for them. Lighting a joint as they get dressed. Kissing and playfully teasing each other as they burn along the way.
"Where's my other ring?" Luna asks.
"Right there..." Colson points to the dresser.
Luna grabs it, slipping it onto her right hand. Wiggling her fingers she admires both.
"You're gonna wear that one too?" He asks.
"Uhmmmm. Fuck yeeeaahhh." Luna looks at him weirdly. "It's my original."
Thinking she would toss it, Colson adores her logic. Along with her Love of Them
Throwing on black skinnies and a cutoff hoodie, Luna laughs as Colson pulls his black Chucks on too.
"Come're Kitty....." He swings her around on the bed to tie her shoe.
"I fucking LOVE yooou." She states as she watches him with adoration.
"Love-LOVE YOU." He grins, kissing her newly blinging finger as he pulls her up.
Colson orders an uber as Luna collects their things. Pulling off the black hoodie he had put on, Colson looks for the particular one he wants. They're both headed out. On separate flights. Him to Boise to meet up The Boys for another show. Her to Mexico City for a performance with Ashley.
Getting the alert that their ride is there, Luna grabs Colson. Gripping him tightly around his waist as she burrows into his naked chest. Inhaling his sweet smell. It's a mix of weed, his cologne Jean Paul and Luna.
"I love you." She states as she looks up into his brilliant blue eyes.
"Forever?" He asks.
"Beyond." She answers as she pulls him down for a kiss before letting him go.
Finding the grey hoodie he wants, Colson grabs Luna's ass cheek. Also kissing her face cheek as he asks If She's Ready.
With her nod, he shouts "We Out!!!"
Her laughter tickles his soul as they head back on The Road. Holding hands along the way
Luna flies out at 10P. Colson 11P. Walking her to her gate, they hold each other for as long as they can.
Calling for boarding, Colson grabs Luna. Lifting her high for her to wrap her entire being around him. The way they both like.
"Two days." They reassure each other with laughter at their jinx.
Pulling back, Luna tells him She Loves Him before kissing him solidly.
"I love you. Go kill Mexico City and come back to me." He tells her, causing a rise of small tears in her eyes. "Heeey... Two days, Bunny Love." He tries to reassure her again.
"I know...." She lightly whimpers. "I just hate to leave you...." She sighs as a solid tear drops.
It breaks Colson's heart as he wipes it off her cheek with his thumb. He hates when they're apart.
"Then... Seven days. Me and you. Married. With nothing else.." He grins as he reminds her of their short and long term goals.
Squeezing him tighter with her thighs and arms, Luna kisses him with everything inside of her. Pulling back, she looks him in the eyes before softly pecking his lips.
"Seven days." She asserts with a woeful sigh.
"Go." He tells her with a kiss on the lips and solid slap on the ass.
Luna can't help but break out into a grin over and for him. Kissing him quickly, she grabs her carry on before heading down the terminal.
"Seven DAYS!!!" She shouts as she looks over her shoulder. "I FUCKING LOVE YOU!!!" Her voice lingers in his ear as she disappears.
Heart throbbing for Luna immediately, Colson halls ass through Cleveland's airport. Barely making his own 7hr flight. Missing it would've been worth it to him just to see her off.
Settled, Luna touches her new ring. It's so big and different from her original. Looking at both, her eyes well up at Colson's words. Looking down at the new one, she sees him wrapped all around her. Missing him instantly.
"Seven days......" She sighs to herself. Already missing her puzzle piece. Popping two bars to sleep through her own 7hr flight.
To be continued.....
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