#but thats stupid bc i should just take a long break bc im v obviously not doing well. but at this point idk if that would fix anything
also i have a thing with my best friend and im sure thats dangerous but idrc rn bc boy oh boy does this boy just Know things and not even sexually like yes but i mean he asks if i drank water and makes sure i eat and wants me to go to sleep early when i work at 8am and watches over me when im in a depressive mood and like i had a fever the other night, bad because ive literally had a fever once and i was nine years old but anyway i had a fever and i was staying over his and we didnt realize it was a fever at first, i thought it mightve been laryngitis bc ive had it before and it started with the uncontrollable shivering and sore throat so he gave me pj pants and a sweatshirt and when we went to sleep he noticed i was rly warm and then we took my temp and found it was a fever and this boy, this boy still stayed in the same bed as me and brushed my hair out of my face and kissed me on the forehead and i asked why he was staying when theres the chance of him getting sick and he goes “its worth it” and yall yall i- and when i woke up the next morning to go to the bathroom i got dizzy on the way back and ended up on the floor whining as i struggled to take the sweatshirt off bc i got too hot and he helped me take it off and get up from the ground and then i felt like i was going to throw up so i ran back to the bathroom throwing my hair into a bun bc its rly long now and im just hacking because i hadnt eaten enough to throw anything up and he brings me water and sits on the floor with me letting me lean against him and we go back to sleep bc it was like 830 and when he wakes up around 10 he says i should still sleep and kisses me on the forehead and calls me cute even though i was a gross mess and when i actually wake up around 12 he tells me theres medicine on the desk and to take two and theres a towel if i want to shower and hes going to put stuff in the car and hes just,, so sweet but also he says things just to piss me off and i do too and half the time were together im cackling and he sends me cat videos but also bf tiktoks and he doesnt like when i tickle him but lets me anyway and he meets my friends and introduces me to his and he hates his glasses but knows i love them and hes not complimented enough which is a whole thing, boys not being complimented like what are your girlfriends doing if not calling you cute and hot and pretty and anyway he breaks me out of nonverbal moods and he understands my sign language even if it takes a minute and he says i make him smile when he doesnt want to and he watches my silly movies and shows and puts up with all that i am and says my room makes sense for me and lets me hate on his love of modern housing (its shit give me cluttered victorian or give me death) and he asks my opinion on his outfits and skin care products and wants to see christmas lights with me and teaches me how to play poker and will walk the mile to dunkin with me just to walk with me but he teases me about my ears getting cold and looks at the stars with me and has existential conversations and he says he doesnt talk much but feels like he could talk with me forever and i find myself thinking theres nothing i wouldnt let this boy do and its like every second i spend with him im happy and considering he sleeps over on average four nights a week, i spend a lot of time with him and it literally wasnt until wednesday when this thing started but hes been my best friend for months and heres something i was dating book boy right and he knew that obviously and btw im v stupid so i didnt realize he liked me until last friday but anyway hes liked me for a while but he thought i still loved book boy and everything and wasnt expecting there to be anything for a while if ever and he feels like this is a dream and the way id do anything for him its bad man, theres such a blur between i love you and i love you and its difficult to differentiate because i only had four days with him like that before we went home for break and we only live like an hours drive away but we used to be a four minute walk and i miss him, i missed him the first night when i had to sleep alone in this bed thats bigger than my college one and so much lonelier than id ever anticipated and we still talk all the time but i dont get to hold out my hand randomly for a high five anymore and i dont get him playing with the curls in my hair and i dont get that adorable smile in person anymore and it makes me upsetti and i went to a concert yesterday with another one of my best friends and her boy friend and when i got back we were talking about us going to a concert in spring and i immediately started searching concerts near our school and got one in feb for someone hes been obsessed with and i like too and literally bought tickets right then and hes wanted a silk pillow and has talked about it for months so black friday i ordered one for him and i like need to calm down but ive never been with someone after just being friends for a while first let alone best friends like my first two bfs i dated shortly after meeting them and the next two were friends of a close friend first right so idk like i found this one all on my own and became close with him all on my own with no intention of dating, on my part and very slyly on his, and ive always wanted an enemies to lovers because im a broken bitch but i mightve severely downplayed the power of best friends to lovers
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magicflowershop · 4 years
one day kitty; Atsumu version
《inspired by movie A Whisker Away》
✿✿ you wished to be with the person you like and wish granted. whiskers, button nose, tail, four legs and ears on top of the head; you turned into a cat. with this, you are given the opportunity to be with the person you want to express your affections to. but as a cat. and only in one day.
― haikyuu characters x cat!reader imagines!
❀ masterlist ❀
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the wheel of names have spoken.
you know you hated your housecat the second you laid eyes on it when your mum took it home one day from the shelter, saying it was an abandoned cat
abandoned cat your ass 
that cat stole your body and turned you into a cat
she stole your human identity 
like, girl, wha- the auDACITY for her to have you wake up on her stinky litterbox while she’s havin the time of her life talking to your parents as if you were in that body the entire time
and the audacity of her to go to school and attend your classes, talk to your friends while you’re over there lurking in the shadows, glaring lasers at her from a tree branch
and the absolute audacityyy of her to obviously ogle over a guy from your class when you weren’t even interested in him to begin with
why him when he has so many fans and the fact that he’s perpetually ANNOYED by his fans like c’mon????????????????????
now you’re just extra helpless bc there’s nothing you can do, you have no idea when you’ll get back to your original body, or if you’re able to get back to your original body at all :O
you also dunno who she made a deal with to get to this point in your lives
all you know is that you had a bad dream that morning, and saw a strange cat sayin you had one day
like what the hell is that supposed to mean
“hey what’re ya doin there?”
o wouldya look at that, a wild Miya twins appeared
you didnt notice that you were taking your sweet time contemplating abt life on that tree that three periods have passed and its now lunch break
the twins happened to see you while they were hanging out outside
so you was just staring at them,,, you had no idea what to do while they were there,,,, but it seemed like they were thinkin of saving you even though you’re not in trouble :v
so you was just starin at them
and they were starin back at you
then they left
you were gonna brush this lil interaction off until you arrived,,, i mean your body,,,, i mean your housecat in your body 
then you got incredibly annoyed cause she was doin so hard so hard to get their attention when she ady got it, and Atsumu was as annoyed as you are sksskkd Osamu didn’t care at all so moving on
and now you got even mroe annoyed cause she was ruining your image in front of your classmates like srsly
so you dipped and decided this is all a fever dream and everything will get better tomorrow with you back in your body and with a good reputation in school as if nothing horrible happened, yes? yes :)
“there ya are”
until Atsumu picked you up from the ground while you were stealthily making your great escape,, then he started acting like he was lookin for you outta nowhere
and Osamu was lookin at him like he was insane sjksd but he figured this is a plan of Atsumu’s so he decided to play along and told your housecat (that was the host of your body) to excuse them bc they had a cat to take care of and that its vvvv urgent 
now kitty you is officially adopted by the Miya twins <3
and you didn’t like it one bit HAHAJSJ
you figure this wasnt such a bad thing and you werent allergic to these boys nyway so you let things happen, and let Atsumu scratch the top of your head while they were discussing things about you
they werent talking mad things abt u nonono, they were talkin abt how strange you were acting when you’re literally one of the chill students in school,,, it was as if you were under a spell and suddenly you were in love with them lmao
Osamu proceeds to add the suspicion with the fact that he saw “you” staring at Atsumu during class like someone so lovestruck 
both you and Atsumu got goosebumps couple of the year amirite
so Osamu told him that this could just be a one-time thing (like strange conclusion but go off) and/or that you might’ve just confused him as your first crush lmao Osamu was just confusing himself but he was tryin his best to come up with explanations to ur behavior
so classes begin again,,, now Atsumu still dunno what to do with u ogling at him WHILE THE REAL YOU WAS A CAT WATCHING EVERYTHING FROM A TREE 
you was def ready to throw hands,, but thats a cat and ur against animal cruelty,,,,,,, tho its ur body anyway so whats the diff
meanwhile u coming up with a plan to end your housecat, Atsumu found you sitting on a tree and he was so shocked for his life bc last time he check he put you in a box with kitty snax, inside the gyms storage room, how in the world did you manage to get out from there??
the fake you sees you again while Atsumu was lookin at you from the window, and was enraged bc you’re taking the attention from her... hm
so you decided to face your stupid housecat head-on and get to the bottom of this bs and be grownups tgt bc no way are you just gonna donate your human life to an ungrateful animal
you look for the fake you at the back of the school, and now the Giorno theme is playing in the background sksk
“give me my body back”
“o pls can’t you just give me a one day chance?“
the audacity
“you ady stole it from me and you say this now?”
your housecat was smug enuff to tell you that she had the honors of asking a favor from a spirit cat who was the reason of all this,,, and who has also taken a liking to your human soul
your housecat just sold your human soul to a spirit cat 
so you just flew in the air to scratch your human face, you didn’t care anymore, its your body, whatever, the one experiencing the pain aint u anyway but your bitchy housecat that your mum seemed to have a deeper connection with than her own child
nyway that didn’t last long cause fake you was screaming help, other students found you two, and they got a hold of you while you were in your feral state and now you were terrified of possibly getting into the animal shelter fr,,,, fake you smirked at this possibility
until sum of ur school’s vball bois saw the commotion too and what do u know, Atsumu says that the cat is his and that he apologizes to the ruckus that the cat has done 
then it was your turn to smirk at fake you
so u spend time with Atsumu again for some odd reason that keeps the two of you tgt sweat drops looks away,,, you wonder why your mum’s cat is so attached and/or attracted to Atsumu like this???
you never remember them interacting at all since the very time you see them in the same scene is when you went to have your mum’s cat checked up in the vet and Atsumu was there with their dog too
whats happening
fast forward to dismissal, you’re quite thankful you werent in trouble, same as Atsumu since he managed to tell the other students to not tell anything to the teacher that he has a cat in school kdjsk sum rotten power he holds
but you decided to ditch him again and look for fake you
you found her talking to the spirit cat that she said,, so naturally you demanded said spirit cat to give your body back to you
the spirit cat smiled wider and says that, you haven’t finished your task yet if you want to get back to your original body, you have to wait till midnight
like what in the hell was that supposed to mean, you understood nOTHING
then your housecat goes and says “maybe i should extend my stay in this body, what do you think?”
SIS YOU WENT FERAL there is no way she’s staying in your body while you are sufferin like this, in which you do not deserve. watching your housecat ruin your life like its normal like cmon
“then if you’re gonna stay in my damn body then do it properly! don’t make me look like im a flirt!”
“i was never flirting with anyone!” 
“wdym?! you were staring at my classmate the entire time!”
“what was i supposed to do when its what your body felt like doing?!?!?”
w hAt
“what’cha screamin at the cat for, y/n?”
“i’m not y/n”
“i’m y/n’s pet cat, that cat is y/n we switched bodies bc y/n has been neglected by her parents ever since i was taken for adoption... y/n has a crush on you so i just reacted the way her body wanted to react around you so i’m sorry i made you uncomfortable”
you couldn’t take the embarrassment anymore and jumped from Tsumu’s hands and ran your way to your house as fast as you can
you thought abt how stupid that was and how stupid you looked in front of him,, like pointing at a cat saying that thats the real you like who in the heaven’s name would believe bs like that
you were beyond embarrassed that you just want to sink into the ground and just disappear from life rn and never see Atsumu again,,, anyone is fine but Atsumu pls for the love of god
“well ofc its a narrower place”
didn’t you say anyone but Atsumu is fine pls for the love of god
“get outta there, i got yer mask”
he placed a mask beside you, so you chomped on that mask and pulled it out of the bush with you,, you see him there crouching down to your smol height, watching you in concern
you try to take off your mask yourself but it isnt working, you try to push your head to make your actual mask stick to your head but it isn’t working. nothing is working so you started crying in meow
now tsumu is just confused there and asked if he can comfort you,,, you glared at him like he was stupid 
“yer still a girl yknow, i gotta ask for consent”
how sweet 🥺
he started talking abt how he and ur housecat tried to talk it out with the creepy cat to get ur normal life back bc apparently you never wished for a deal with him even tho u desperately hated ur life at home, all in all spirit cat is a big ass scam, while he was unknowingly scratching the top of your head again but moving on
also that your housecat wanted to apologize to you bc she didnt want to take your life away from u, and that she never meant to hurt your feelings while running his hand down to your back and forgetting that you aren’t a real cat but again moving on
“is, is it true tho?”
“ya like me?”
dumass rly asked that while ur a cat lol 
“it’s a meow for me”
smoke escaped your nostrils like a bull, the stupid spirit cat was playin games withcha since he ady got exposed for his scams >:O
“ya just spoke”
you left Atsumu there with the mask between your teeths, dragging yourself back home, expecting to probably go back to normal once you wake up,,, but you have your mask back now hm
“don’tcha want sum help?”
k ykno he’s annoying when he wants to be but he literally had no reason to be annoying know i mean pls
“sure i like u it doesn’t m-”
you’re back to normal
but wearing what you wore when you went to bed last night, in pajamas with no footwear, on the cold asphalt ground, blushing like a fool out of even more embarrassment, cursing at the spirit cat sum more from the back of your mind
that cat had no right to play match-maker after all that, even if he knew that Atsumu will naturally bring you hope since its night and give you a piggy-back ride since you had no slip-ons, asking for consent as well mind you
no right at all
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stay tuned for more!
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mingjue · 4 years
give us the good werewolf!! i Must Know More
ok BASICALLY, this will obviously be focused on Qinghe/the nie bros, so just for ref
Nie - Werewolf
Lan - Satyr
Jin - Elven
Jiang - Mermaid/Waterfolk
Wen - Draconic
WWX is vampire bc hes stupid and gay
Mingjue is half Elven, but you wouldn’t think he was asides from the big ears, Huaisang is full ‘wolf; jgy is elven/dryad; Wen Qing & Wen Ning are draconic/waterfolk
(For those who see this in the tags, this isn’t Om*g*v*rse or A/*/O do NOT touch this if u like that shit)
NOW, for actual werewolf content
The way the pack works in Qinghe is still pretty similar to clans in canon, just slightly different
Mingjue and his direct family are the head family Of Course, and they secure this position via duels/fighting should another family want to take over; these duels are common under stressful times, but Mingjue has been able to keep it held down. 
The duels are like.....scheduled ahead of time, and are held in a secure area; the rules are that you can’t kill your opponent, that if you win you must treat the wolf who lost, + only the wolf who challenged the leader can fight, no one else (and vice versa, only the leader can fight) can join in, And More
like you cant aim for vitals, use teeth beyond taunting, fights cant be scheduled during/near full moons, and the fighters must choose whether they will both fight in humanoid form or wolf form
 Clan elders supervise the fight, and have selected specific soldiers that will help break up the fight if anything goes wrong; doctors are also on stand by bc these fights get BLOODY (esp w mingjue)
Huaisang nearly loses his position after pretty much being back-to-back challenged for his position, which instilled the rule that duels can only happen three times a year. He’s managed to win his duels with his own tricks, but they can still end pretty bloody
Ranking is not much different due to the clans wanting consistency (also im stupid and gay)
The nies end up becoming the most medically advanced due to how dangerous shifting is; they develop medications to ease pain, different magic stuff to control body temperature, etc. etc.
and actually the Nies are known for being pretty wolves
TYPICALLY a fully shifted wolf during a full moon aren’t the prettiest things to look at; most commonly their fur is patchy, their limbs are obviously distorted, faces look mutilated in a sense, all that
BUT, due to advances in cultivation & medicine they’re able to be calm after a shift, so they’re able to keep up w personal hygiene LMAO
Mingjue personally is almost obsessive with keeping his fur a certain way to be both 1. Handsome :) 2. intimidating as hell; he has the advantage of getting rlly thick hair from his Elven side, so his pelt is flush. but he also leaves some of it “messy” and puffed out for the intimidation bit
huaisang keeps his completely brushed n smooth and he’s usually nested in his bed when he shifts. he was also blessed with the fullness in his pelt, but his chest/belly and thighs are more ‘bare’ compared to mingjue.
they also braid what parts of the fur they can; mingjue and huaisang have LOTS of braids as usual
ALSO the most common pelt color is black with white/lighter pelts being on the uncommon side, second most common are dark creams/browns/reds with black snouts/heads/legs/etc. 
Mingjue has ruddy brown + black snout/legs/all that; Huaisang has brown w black ticked (i have NO idea what the dog term is for that, its like the tips of the fur is black??) 
both have bright amber/yellow eyes
ok. PRIMARILY. they dont have tails in human form, BUT, it’s possible, and it’s something that puppies/young disciples will usually let show??
Mingjue ONLY shows his tail when hes in private with someone close, like Huaisang or Xichen, and he Knows they won’t be walked in on. He just has this Thing where he’ll be fucking humiliated if someone else saw it. he also has rlly long fur on his tail so its PRETTY, he just thinks its childish
Huaisang on the other hand kept his tail out until he became the sole leader of the pack, save for like, banquets he attended with Mingjue bc mingjue would tell him to Quit It.
getting rid of a tail is an hour long process so mingjue has to watch the time to get huaisang before they go anywhere
if theres no time to hide a tail, tuck it in ur pants so it doesn’t move and hide it under layers
just. a tail in humanoid form is a different context than just seeing it when they’re shifted, and again a sign of childishness.
puppy ears in human form can also happen but it’s discouraged heavily because of the possibility of damaging ear canals.
OH ALSO, another reason why like, the nie clan has that GIANT ass wall surrounding its city, is because they go on total lockdown during full moons. 
puppies are a fucking MESS to deal with, and they run like. constantly. If they’re still it’s because they’re either eating something or they’ve passed out from exhaustion. Huaisang was a TERROR when he was a puppy and mingjue still has a scar on his arm from when he went ballistic from pent-up energy
SO! There’s different parts of the city where puppies and young wolves can run around, destroy shit, eat whatever, wrestle each other, all that, and they’re HEAVILY supervised by elders/adult wolves who have better control of themselves during fullmoons
the only wolves who can leave the area during a fullmoon are Mingjue and Huaisang, and maybe like, a really well-respected elder or two, but that’s it
and despite popular belief this is actually the WORST time to attack Qinghe. Every wall is guarded, everyone is in a state where they can mutilate someone thats usually considerably stronger than them in human form, and Everyone is on high-alert whether they’re destroying a tree or nearly unconscious
theres also areas in the city sealed off for weaker/sickly wolves who are taken care of by capable adults, citizens of other species, all that
full moons aren’t hated in qinghe! they’re quite fun if you’re a werewolf; the areas for Going Ham are usually packed with different stuff u can mess with, you just have to watch ur back
they also aren’t that violent bc again, intense supervision by elders and the like; and they’re becoming more and more festival like with cultivation and medical advancement
then of course, the sword situation is still very much the same; my version of werewolves are like, slightly allergic to silver, but piercing one or having silver near won’t kill a wolf. the most it will do is give them a rash :/
all of their jewelry/accessories are made out of different metals because of this, esp since Qinghe is rich with that (+jewels/gems bc i love that hc so much)
THENNN i think last thing for now, they DO wear some form of clothing in wolf form, MOST of the time
typically there’s enough fur to cover privates, but its not unusual for there Not to be enough fur, so there’s specially made hanfu for full moons that are custom made for each wolf
basically being a seamstress in Qinghe will Get You Places, bc tears will happen, people will want them adjusted if they’re passing them to another family member, fashion choices, etc. etc.
Mingjue normally wears really simple hanfu and dachangs (the like, over-robe thing), but xichen bought him a specially made hanfu that he likes to wear during really important events, should he be in wolf form :)
huaisang buys new full moon hanfu every few months He Likes To Sit And Feel Pretty By Himself............(Or Maybe For Jiang Cheng If He Visits..........)
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