#but the youtuber was brushing off his feelings and saying it's just a word in a song and I was just
piplupod · 24 days
re: prev post, just an anecdote of my family's bs
i remember when i was trying to have a conversation w my family, esp my brother, a while back (last year) about the prev post's topic, and ohhh my fucking god. it was one of the worst convos I've ever had with them. my brother was whining about how difficult it was to not be racist and to know what qualifies as racist and what's "okay to say" etc (along with ableism, but racism was the main point of that convo at that point), so I said he just needed to go searching out some musicians and podcasters and streamers of colour and you'd pretty quickly diversify your media intake and pick up good habits and good viewpoints just through that one simple action. it's like,,, really not that hard to find POC to subscribe to/follow if you do a simple look-around in your usual spaces u spend time in on the internet.
and he said, and I quote, "i'm going to be honest, i just don't care enough to do that" and yet he had just been whining about how hard it is to not be racist and how he was stressed because people kept telling him he was being racist,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, head in my hands !!!!!! he went on to explain just how little he actually cared and how it seemed like too much work to him even though he'd literally just been complaining to me for like 20 full minutes about how he was so stressed and didn't like people telling him he was racist.
like i know what he wanted to hear was "its okay if ur racist, im sure ur just doing ur best :)" but i'm not going to fucking say that to him. even if it would make me safer in this hell house, i am not going to fucking affirm anyone's comfort in being racist.
#this family drives me nuts. i lost all respect for my brother that day ngl#and he has gone on to be continually racist and brush off anything i've brought up in family conversations about racism#like that one youtuber that he and another brother love so much that is white and bastardizing an indigenous spirit for profit#he got so fucking mad when i said the words ''white saviourism'' fdsjjkl i saw smth in him just snap when i said that about the youtuber#and then he uses ''tribal savages'' in his DnD campaigns and i'm just....... so tired. having to listen to him excitedly explain his-#-new campaign that he came up with and he's yet again using the tribal savage horrific stereotypes#and if i say shit about that then i get yelled at by the rest of the family and made to feel like im oversensitive and crazy#anyways. wah wah poor me etc. im sure this is somewhat normal and nowhere near the difficulties other ppl face#i just rly hate trying to slooowly teach them and suggest the tiniest steps towards being less racist and they get so fucking angry at me#im still smarting over yesterday bc i had to hold my tongue through a lot of shit and i feel awful about it#i want to teach them so they aren't going thru the world hurting ppl but i have to weigh my safety against it#and tbh they are not receptive anyways so i'd just be throwing away my safety for no real progress w them#but i feel like i have to try idk !!!! if i don't try then nobody in this family has any real hope of improving !!!#god knows theyre not going to take the initiative themselves. thats been proven repeatedly over my goddamn lifetime#sigh. head in my hands. tearing my hair out. etc etc etc#pippen needs 2nd breakfast
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obsidianbaby · 20 days
But that's what I love about you
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synopsis - you always get told you're too loud and that your laugh is incredibly annoying but that's what your boyfriend chris loves about you the most
warnings/notes - NONE!! pure fluff, established relationship with chris, some pets names but like get over it ?
a/n - i loveddddd writing this request i had so much funnnn thank you sm @presleyanswrites
The boys are pacing around the living room getting ready to go out to film a car video and chris notices you sulking on the couch.
"hey babe are you coming with us?" Chris asks from the kitchen looking over at you. Your face buried in your phone reading through comments on the last youtube video you featured in with the triplets.
"omg she's so fucking annoying"
"dont know how chris can put up with her"
"if i had her as a gf i would want to kms"
"her laugh tho? yikes"
"they must be so sick of her fr"
"how to fix my eardrums after hearing her yap the whole video no borax no glue"
chris noticing the sad look on your face, he wonders over to the couch and takes a seat beside you, resting his head in the crook of your neck. You continue to doom scroll through the comments, not being able to take your eyes off of the public hate flooding the internet.
"babyyyyyy" chris says softly against your neck.
"hmm?" you say not taking your eyes off of the screen.
"did ya hear me?" he asks, softly brushing the hair out of your face.
"no sorry, what did you say?"
"are you gonna come film with us? want you there with us tonight." he says sweetly, wrapping his arms around you pulling you against him.
"um... no i think i'll skip this one" you say quietly.
"what? you cant!!" Nick shouts from the kitchen.
you immediatley look up at nick and matt standing in the kitchen looking over at you and chris sitting on the couch.
"no it's okay guys i think i'll just go to bed or something" putting your phone down on your lap, the screen still open.
Matt and nick nod at you and start walking towards the stairs to the garage door.
"meet ya down there chris" Matt shouts as they disappear down the stairs.
"yeah guys i'll be there in a minute" chris says back. He sits up and turns his body towards you on the couch, "what's wrong baby?" chris asks searching your face.
"nothing chris im okay, just tired." you lie, looking down at your lap where your phone sits. Chris follows your gaze and sees your phone open on your lap and he looks back at you.
"whats going on hmm?" chris asks softly, reaching his hand to lift your chin to face him and he sees the emptiness in your puffy eyes. "have you been crying baby what's wrong?" he asks rubbing his hand against your cheek.
"it's nothing dont worry about it, go and film your video chris i'll probably be in bed when you get home" you say looking into his eyes, you can see the concerned look painted across his face and it melts your heart, you feel guilty about him wasting his time here with you instead of having fun with his brothers.
"listen, you can't lie to me like that you know how well i can read you," he starts, cupping your face in his hands bringing your face closely to his and he plants a gentle kiss on your forehead, "now tell me what's going on i wanna help"
you close your eyes enjoying the soft embrace of his warm hands holding your heavy head and you let out a heavy sigh trying to collect your words without breaking out in a sob.
But chris is right in the way he can read you and he instantly pulls you into him and you bury your face against his chest, your tears starting to fall.
"its okay baby im here i've got you" he says rubbing your back in soft circles, "tell me when you're ready okay? i wont force you to talk about it if you dont want to okay?"
you nod into his chest and take a few deep breaths collecting yourself before you back up to look into his eyes, "i just feel like people don't want to see me with you guys. like in your videos... I don't think they like me that much..."
Chris nods and looks towards your phone sitting in your lap, "whats going on hm? you wanna show me?"
you hesitate fumbling your phone in your hands before you sigh and hand it over to him. He takes the time to read the disgusting comments glaring from your phone screen, the same that are still swimming in your mind.
he shakes his head and closes the app, putting your phone down behind him.
"you know none of that is true, right?" he says, reaching out to wipe the silent tears now strolling down your cheeks.
"but its not just a couple comments here and there, so many people are saying the same shit. That I'm too loud, that my laugh is annoying, that i talk too much, that you guys must be fed up with me i just feel so disgusting and embarrassed."
chris's eyes sadden at your words and he sighs looking down shaking his head, "i know dating a content creator must be difficult for you baby, there's always going to be people who have nothing but negative and hurtful shit to say but they don't matter."
"but they're right chris, your fans aren't the only people who've said im too much for them, i've been told that im too much my whole life.." you say hiding your face in your hands.
Chris gently holds your hands and pulls them away from your face holding them in his as he looks into your eyes.
"yet you're here with me right now. and you know what? you're not too much, not for nick, not for matt, and especially not for me. I love you and i love how outgoing and loud you are." he says smiling sweetly at you.
"but-" you start but chris interrupts you.
"but that's what i love the most about you. I love your contagious laugh, i love the way you can freely share your thoughts and opinions without hesitation. You're perfect for me and my heart would break if you ever tried to dim your light because of jealous assholes hiding behind their screens on the internet." he says smiling at you.
you sigh, knowing your boyfriend is right. he chose you. and he's choosing to give his undivided attention to you right now to make sure you feel better and to show you how much you mean to him.
"i love you...." he says looking at you waiting for a response.
"i love you too chris. i appreciate you so much you know that." you say meeting his eyes. he presses his forehead against yours and the two of you stay like that for a moment.
he pulls away and looks at you a stupid grin on his face, "of course you love me i'm the best" and you giggle at him shaking your head.
"i wouldn't go that far..." you say teasingly and he gasps pretending to act offended making you laugh. man he always knows how to make you feel better.
Chris's phone suddenly vibrates, an incoming call from nick coming up on his screen and he looks at it and answers it quickly, "yeah nick im coming okay be down in a minute" and he hangs up pocketing his phone.
"its okay if you still want to stay home baby it's up to you but just so you know, the three of us want you there yeah?"
"i know... I think i'm still going to stay home, probably watch a movie."
"sounds good baby, i'll text you okay?" chris says pulling you into a big hug and he sprinkles a bunch of kisses all over your face.
"see you soon" you say as you watch your boyfriend get up and walk towards the stairs to the garage.
a/n - first fluffffffff let me know what y'all think!! sorry if you hate the pet names "baby" and "babe" i literally cannot stand y/n so i try really hard not to use it okok thank you for reading mwah!! xx
dts - @jnkvivi @bigbeefybitch @loud-sturniolos @d44rla @stuniolvs @stasiesturn @moeberry @sturniolocamper @thatssocancelled @bitchydragonparadise @crazy-people-are-here
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turcott3 · 3 months
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west side
lando norris x fem! reader
warnings?: cursing, alcohol, smut, p in v, creampie, and ofc as per usual!!!!! fluff!!!!!
positions fics masterlist
~i’m gonna make you want more, i’m gonna be your new favorite~
you laid on the couch with a glass of wine, chatting with lando, who you became friends with through your cousin. the two of you had grown somewhat close, however, you always felt a bit of tension when you were together, but you couldn’t put your finger on it. the two of you sat watching youtube downing drinks. you were already past the point of a buzz, you were a bit tipsy. both of you were.
“i feel like i haven’t had sex in so long.”
“lando is the middle of the season, that checks out.” you laugh.
“yeah but like, it kinda sucks.”
“you like to get your dick wet huh?” you laugh.
“yep, no shame in it.” he admits confidently.
“you wanna know something crazy?” you say picking up your glass.
“hit me.”
“a man has never made me finish.”
“really?” he gasps.
“nope, only i’ve been able to accomplish that shit myself.” you say, face slightly pink at the fact that you admitted that to him.
“wow.” he scoffs.
“i wish i knew what it felt like to cum at the hands of someone else.” you continue, digging yourself a deeper hole.
“well i can show you, if you want.” he states taking a sip. you didn’t know why, but suddenly your heart dropped.
“oh uh, i mean you dont have to-“
“maybe i want to? i’m not pity fucking you y/n. you’re gorgeous.” he replies. you couldn’t help the blush that creeped onto your face at his words. you scooted close to him boldly, taking his face into your hands, connecting your lips lazily. you could taste the alcohol on both of your breaths, becoming more intoxicated by the second. not more drunk, but more horny.
“lay down for me sweetheart.” he states as you pull away. you pull your shirt over your head, exposing yourself to him. you lay back and he crawls over you, attaching his lips to your neck as your fingers pulled at his curls.
“lando please.” you beg, tugging at the brunette’s curls lightly. he pulls away giggling.
“so anxious.” he teases, helping you pull your pants off before discarding all of his own. you scanned his dark, toned body up and down, observing the way the light hit all of his muscles perfectly. you couldn’t believe the sight in front of you. maybe the tension you couldn’t land you mind on, was sexual all along.
“i wanna do this the right way. so before you ask, no, i’m not eating you out. as much as i want to.” he smirks, leaning over you attaching your lips.
“don’t care, just want you in me.” you mumbled as you watched him rub himself hard.
“what’s that pretty girl?” he replies not hearing you.
“lan please, fuck me.” you say just a little louder and he smirks. he sits up positioning himself between your legs, running his hard cock through your folds before pushing himself into your wet pussy.
“god so wet for me huh princess?” he giggles as you attempt to gain your composure. you grip onto his shoulders as your head remained still between his hands that were on either side of you. he thrusted into you deeply, wrapping your legs around his hips. so far everything felt good. with every thrust he stretched you to a new level, his tip brushing the sensitive spot in your core.
“fuck lando.” you moan out.
“yeah you like that huh?” he grunts and all you can do is nod. your nails dug into his shoulders harshly. your moans beginning to be drowned out by the sound of his skin slapping against yours as he picked up his speed. he brought his lips to yours to quiet you down as your moans became yelps.
“shhh baby, you’re gonna wake up the neighbors.” he coos in your ear before replanting his lips onto yours. his kiss had become addicting to you, almost more so than the way his dick was pounding into you. he pulled out of you to roll over and get up on all fours, he plunged back into you easily, fucking you deeper and harder than before. you were a moaning mess, tears welling up in your eyes.
“oh my god.” you say. the familiar feeling of your orgasm was close. closer than you thought. it came out of nowhere.
“you gonna cum for me?” he smirks.
“fuck yes i think i a- oh my god.” you begin, interrupted by an orgasm ripping through your abdomen.
“good girl.” he mutters in your ear, slowing down his thrusts as you began to come down, your legs quivering slightly.
“oh my god, you made me fucking cum.” you giggle as he came to a stop, pulling out of you.
“told you.” he smirks.
“you’re fucking incredible.” you say grabbing onto his face and bringing him in for a deep kiss.
“too bad i didn’t get my turn.” he frowns jokingly.
“now hold on, that would be unfair of me. sit down.” you say and he does as he’s told. you straddle his hips shakily, sinking yourself onto him. you felt yourself get horny all over again. he placed his hands on your hips, assisting you in bouncing up and down on his thick cock. you knew he wasn’t gonna last long at the way he grunted every time you came down. you laid a kiss on his lips, lingering until you felt his cock twitch and spill his climax deep into you. you fucked him until he was dry.
“fucking hell.” he grunts leaning his head back to look at the ceiling.
“fuck this is gonna be messy.” you groan realizing the mess you’d make once you stood up.
“i mean you could just not move.” he suggests, his brain currently replaced by dick.
“very funny.” you reply slapping him lightly on the chest as you pull him out of you, the mixture of your climaxes forming a small puddle around the base of his cock. you dropped to your knees, sucking him clean of the juices, his jaw dropping at the sight.
“better?” you reply wiping your mouth.
“uh huh.” he replies, no words forming.
“uh here’s your clothes, i know you have practice tomorrow i don’t wanna keep you all night.” you reply picking his clothes up off the floor. you weren’t sure why you felt the need to tell him he could leave. you knew you cared about him but you didn’t know his feelings towards you.
shit for all you knew you liked him. after all he was the only man that knew how to make you finish. he was your new favorite.
“is it alright if i stay?” he asks, scratching the back of his head.
“oh uh- yes of course. i just wasn’t sure that you’d want to.”
“of course i do, what do you think this is? i didn’t fuck you out of pity, i told you that.” he giggles pulling his boxers back on and laying back on the couch.
“come here pretty girl.” he says opening his arms to you as you pulled your baggy tshirt over your head. you positioned yourself between his legs, laying your head on his chest as he strokes your hair.
“i’m glad you didn’t want to leave.” you mumble.
“what was that?”
“i’m glad you didn’t want to leave.” you state louder, leaning up to look at him. he replies by guiding your lips back to his, his tongue plunging into your mouth with ease.
“so what do we do now?” you reply giggling, pulling away from him.
“you busy tomorrow? i got a paddock pass.” he smiles.
“i’ll clear my schedule.” you blush, laying your head against his chest, dozing off to the sound of his slow heart beat and the feeling of his fingers running delicately through your hair.
“sweet dreams my pretty girl.” he whispers, that being the last thing you heard before you drifted off to sleep.
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kooeater · 10 months
kissy face | JJK
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Jungkook x reader
smut | fluff
warnings: slight innocence, childhood besties, dry humping, pet names, kissing, making out, assume legal age, inexperienced, virgins, walk in, rich kids, explicit, language, whinnying, slight teasing, top!reader, bottom!jk, crying jk
"you sure best friends are allowed to do this?" Jungkook whispers in your ear as you tell him that you want to plant kisses on his face with a fresh coat of pink gloss.
The idea came up as you were watching a YouTube video about "constantly kissing my boyfriend on the face to see his reaction"
You didn't have a boyfriend, you never really liked a boy like that. You never felt anything for another boy, the only boy you really cared about was Jungkook who just happened to be your childhood best friend.
You two are sitting on your bed, both of your parents away at a fancy dinner while discussing business topics for their multi million dollar company. Maids were making a bit noise downstairs but you didn't mind much since both you and Jungkook were used to house workers since birth.
"Well if the people really like each other they kiss, and we like each other right?" your round eyes sparkle up at Jungkook as you ask him the question. Jungkook blushes softly, he gets shy and looks away, eyes scanning your room.
He looks at the soft pastel pink wallpaper, your shelf full of romantic books you always read, your vanity that had all sorts of makeup and skin care. He notices how all of the products you buy are pink and girly. He looks at all the plushies you had, you were obsessed with plushies, he eyes all your pearl necklaces, you had a ton.
"Yeah I guess we do"
With that your pink tinted glossy lips go on the right side of Jungkooks cheek first, your breast brush against Jungkooks chest making him want to scream. Your lips start to kiss him on every spot of his face, you start to giggle as you find it funny that your lip marks are printed perfectly on your best friends face.
The way your warm vanilla scent becomes stronger whenever your lips are near his face makes his mind frizzy.
"you look so cute!"
you giggle out as you pull away from Jungkooks face. You bring your hand mirror to his face, he looks at the kiss marks you drowned him in. For some reason he was happy to have your marks on his face, he'd walk around in public with your marks on his face and he wouldn't care what others would say.
"what's on your mind koo?" you ask so innocently. Jungkook didn't say anything, instead he smashed his lips against yours. You didn't know how to kiss, and neither did he. Your eyes widen at the fact that your childhood best friend has his lips on yours.
He pulls away, he opens his eyes and sees how you're in shock. He panics at the thought of you getting mad at him but he doesn't say a word. He doesn't know what to say, "oh sorry I really wanted your lips on mines because you're making me feel all these strange feelings" that just sounds all stupid to him.
It wasn't long until you found yourself on Jungkooks lap, making out with him. You didn't know what you were doing but you were doing what your natural intentions were telling you and so was he. Your private part felt a odd sensation, you needed some friction on it so you rocked your hips so Jungkooks growing bulge would rub against your pussy. Both you and Jungkook made whimpering sounds against each others lips.
"Can we do it more? Can.. can you rub yourself on me again. It feels so so good ___ I can't take it! I need it.. I need to feel you on me please please please" Jungkooks whines made your heart skip a beat. He was so cute. He was older, taller, and stronger than you yet he was so soft and cute towards you.
"Yeah of course koo, just be good for me mkay?" you wanted him to be a good boy for you, you wanted him to let you take care of him.
He nods at your words before you quickly get off of his lap and signal him to lay down on your bed. You shove the hello kitty plushies off your bed and make sure Jungkooks head is comfortably laying on your big fluffy king sized pillow, it was a must to have Jungkook feeling well at all times.
Definitely not in the "Women are here to take care of the men!" bullshit kind of way but in the way that even though he's older taller and stronger than you but he's still your baby, he obeys you while you take good care of him.
"you look so beautiful" Jungkook says as you begin to slowly take your clothing off, you're only left in your white top and your white panties with the cute baby pink bow on the front.
"Let me take your shirt off koo" he nods so you take off his over sized black t shirt, leaving him in just his pajama pants.
You could tell Jungkook wasn't wearing any underwear on especially because you can see the outline of his cock so well, so one tug of his pajama pants his penis will be exposed.
You eye his beautiful abs, you've seen some of his abs before but not like this. Your pedicured fingers drag across his abs, he tries to hide his face by turning to the right but you softly grab his face
"Don't. I wanna see you koo, and you want me to do that thing again right?" you ask him, not wanting to make him uncomfortable
"please. I don't want to be rude but stop talking and do it again. I like feeling you so close to me."
It wasn't long when you crawl on Jungkooks laying figure. You're now on top of him, your core pressed against his bulge that was harder than before. You feel your private area grow excessively wet, it was clenching around nothing. You look at Jungkook, his big round eyes look at you with a pleading look. You smile at him before you start to move against him, the whines come out of his lips again. You see the way he closes his eyes, the way his lips part as he lets out soft moans for your ears to drown in.
His hands go to your hips and slightly grips them, something tells you he wants you to move faster. You plant your hands on his chest and move your clothed pussy against his hard bulge faster, you then moan at the way your clit was being simulated by the friction. It wasn't long until you and Jungkook both felt this feeling inside your stomachs, it was like a fire in your lower abdomen.. a good fire.
"Koo.. w-what is going on oh my god!" you screech as you felt yourself release some gooey liquid out of your pussy.
Jungkook saw the way you were slightly shaking on him, how your face twitched, how beautiful you looked when you reached your climax. Soon Jungkook felt himself cream in his pants, his eyes are teary at the pleasure. He sniffles as you wipe the tears off from his face.. he's so cute. At first he thought he pissed himself until he realized it was the same liquid that comes out when he thinks about you at night. What did they call it.. cum? He searched it up but he really didn't understand it much, maybe he'll ask you to look it up with him tomorrow.
"We should do that again" Jungkook says to you, you collapse by him and hug him from his side. He hugs you back, he feels so close to you.. like you two are one.
Your lips found their way back on his lips again, you then felt yourself rub against him again. Jungkook smiled to himself at how much you wanted to feel him, although he was a bit tired he'd put up with you on top of him again.
You and Jungkook were living in the moment you didn't realize 4 adults that happened to be your parents at you door.
"oh my goodness! Were you two.. oh my Jungkookie is all grown up now!" Your eyes widen along with Jungkooks as you both heard his mother's voice.
You look at your doorway and see your father, no emotion on his face.. he doesn't seem angry or sad he just seems unamused. Your mother had her hand over her mouth, Jungkooks father trying not to laugh and Jungkooks mother happy that her son is finally experiencing adulthood with a girl.
You'd expect scolding from both of your parents but really they knew this was going to happen between you two one day, they were childhood best friends themselves, they all used to be friends and now they're married with children.
It was safe to say, you'd be able to giving Jungkook kisses all over his face without hiding it from anyone
🤍🎀 an: I had fun writing this, it was so cute!! I loved everything about it honestly, I wish I added more smut but also at the same time I wanted this to be very fluffy and cute. Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed!! If you did like and follow me if you feel like it, much love always ~.~
- belle 💋
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nicksbestie · 18 days
Nightmares - M. Sturniolo
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Summary : the one where your boyfriend struggles with sleeping, but one night you find out why.
Warnings : nightmares, anxiety, panic attacks. read at your own discretion.
Word Count : 1364
Pairing : Matt Sturniolo/Reader (romantic)
A/N : gotta love a little angsty fic every now and again! <3
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Matt didn’t sleep much.
Well, he slept, but it wasn’t at the time that he should be sleeping, and it never seemed like he slept well. He always seemed to be tired, dragging, and there were permanent dark circles and bags under his eyes. He always insisted that he was fine, but he was never able to hide the truth from you, as you saw the consistent yawns when he thought you weren’t looking. You had also seen the clips that Nick had no other choice than to edit out of car videos where Matt had nodded off in the front seat. You both knew if those had gone onto the Internet, their fan base would have gone inside, and none of them wanted to deal with clearing up the rumors that would start flying, or seeing all the edits of a sleepy Matt to soft or sad audios, complete with a load of pity.
Matt hated being pitied. It was one of his least favorite things in the world. He wasn’t someone who genuinely believed that he was too tough to have feelings, or that he never needed help, but he hated when people felt bad for him just because they felt like they had to. Matt was strong, mentally. Growing up as a kid with a lot of anxiety had shaped him that way, but he wasn’t someone who thought that they were impenetrable. Unfortunately, this didn’t mean that he easily asked for help. He did try to hide it for as long as he could, because normally a side of pity came along with the help that he needed to receive. So, whenever you pointed out that he was yawning, or that he had slept incredibly late into the afternoon, he brushed it off by saying that they were out late filming the night before. 
He used this excuse even when Nick confirmed that they had been home the previous night, the video for that day having been pre-filmed last week. You never called him out on the lies, wanting him to trust you, and come to you with whatever was wrong when he was ready. Your relationship was new, and you didn’t want him to feel pressured by you or uncomfortable with you in any way. You were always there for him whenever he needed anything, and he knew that better than anyone, so you firmly believed that when he was ready, he would come to you. You were taking baby steps in your relationship, both of you learning about the other person every day, having a few wobbles but always getting back up, the strong attraction between the two of you being enough to make you keep working towards a happy, stable, and long term thing. 
You couldn’t deny that you were in the honeymoon phase right now, and while you were enjoying the happiness of being with someone who cared for you so deeply already, you were worried about him. The bags under his eyes were only getting worse, he was only sleeping later and later into the afternoon, and oftentimes, he was still awake and texted you back immediately when you texted him your usual good morning text. You were beginning to grow extremely concerned, feeling like this was more than just his bad YouTube filming schedule causing the lack of sleep. You talked to Nick and Chris first, making sure that you weren’t going crazy and imagining it all, and they confirmed your concerns, telling you that Matt had refused all of their help as well. They were worried, but at this point, there wasn’t much more that they could do without him opening up to someone. 
Nothing happened until your first night staying over with Matt. You hadn’t spent the night with him yet, your schedules were not lining up, and you had declined one night because you were so nervous about it. You didn’t want any expectations to be there, because you weren’t ready for some things that could be implied from the first night together, but you felt like you were comfortable around Matt, and your nerves eased. It wasn’t planned, you had just been curled up with him after coming over for dinner, and when you had yawned against his shoulder, Matt had simply suggested that you stay there for the night. When you brought up the fact that you didn’t have clothes, he offered his own, and since you were tired and didn’t want to drive back home, you agreed.
It hadn’t taken you long to curl up against Matt, his warm presence, comforting touches, combined with being wrapped up in silky soft sheets, and being in your boyfriend’s clothes, ones that smelled like his cologne and laundry detergent, caused you to fall asleep in his arms within only a couple of hours. As usual, Matt was still awake when you fell asleep, since he normally didn’t rest for many more hours, often waiting until the sun was rising and peeking through his window blinds. But this time, Matt fell asleep a lot earlier than he intended to. He felt comfortable next to you, being in your presence calmed him down, and it was only another hour or two before he fell asleep. He caught the time before he fell asleep, just past midnight, and that was the last thing he processed as his eyes slipped shut. Unfortunately, they didn’t stay closed for long. 
You woke up, eyes slowly blinking open as you tried to process the scene in front of you. You heard muffled cries next to you, and panic immediately coursed through your veins. Your eyes raked over Matt’s body, facing away from you, his shoulders shaking. You gently laid a hand on his shoulder, and he jolted away from your touch, his head turning and eyes snapping to see you. When you made eye contact with him, you noticed that his eyes were bloodshot, and they were full of fear. His forehead was coated in sweat, and you had no idea what was going on. You pulled him into a hug, noticing the way he clung to you, before speaking.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” 
He just shook his head against you, the slow rolling of tears beginning to stop as he was wrapped up in your presence. 
You frowned, kissing the top of his head as you kept him close to your body. 
“I’m so sorry, baby. It’ll be okay, it was just a dream. Everything is okay now, I’ve got you.” 
Matt furiously shook his head, denying your statement.
“It isn’t okay. I can’t go back to sleep. It’ll happen again.” 
Laying there in the dark, holding your boyfriend in your arms, you connected the dots. His poor sleep schedule, how he always seemed tired, how he never slept without being able to see a peek of the sun. This was a recurring issue.
“This happens every night, doesn’t it?” 
You could feel the nod against your chest, and your heart broke for him. 
“Oh, love. It’s going to be okay, alright? I’m not leaving, I’ll stay up with you, or I’ll hold you so you can sleep. If it helps, I’ll stay over more often.” 
He didn’t verbally respond, nor did you feel him move against you, but you knew he had heard you. You laid there, comforting him, rubbing his back, hoping to help lull him back to sleep, and after about another twenty minutes, you heard him yawn. You gently coaxed him to close his eyes, staying up for another hour after he dozed off again, and held him tightly. You fell asleep after about an hour and a half, feeling confident enough that he wouldn’t wake back up, or at least you hoped he wouldn’t.
You woke up about five hours later, around eight in the morning, to the sun creeping through Matt’s open window blinds. You noticed that Matt was still sleeping peacefully, so you slipped out of bed and closed the blinds, before getting back into bed with him. You were going to let him rest as long as possible, and you’d do anything to help keep his nightmares at bay.
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eliluvschan · 2 months
Boyfriend does my Makeup :)
pairing: bang chan x reader
word count: 1.048
warnings: just channie being cute
genre: fluff
a/n: Eid Mubarak babes! this imagine has nothing to do with Eid but since i’m muslim i wanted to post something and wish y’all a happy and good day with your families 🩵 and even if you don’t celebrate Eid, have a good day <3
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i laid on the couch, with my boyfriend Chan as we read through the comments of my latest YouTube video.
“babe look, there are a lot of people asking for a ‘my boyfriend does my makeup challenge.” i tell chan, pointing to some comments as he nods.
“it would be fun. when do you wanna film it?”
“how about now?” i tell him, getting up from his warm embrace as we walk to my makeup room.
“i’m going to set up the camera in the recording room. you can grab any kind of makeup you want.” i tell him, heading to our recording room.
— ❀ —
i start the intro of the video and explain what we’re gonna do today.
“alright Channie, you can use whatever you want.” i tell him as he looks at the table in front of us with all the makeup.
“okay, first, what’s this?” he looks at the package, opening it.
“first, i’m using this primer. i have no idea what it does but i see Y/n always use this first before anything.” he says in his perfectly Australian accent.
as he applies it, i stare in his gorgeous brown eyes.
“jagi, don’t stare at me like that. i get distracted.” Chan says as his cheeks flush red and he looks down with a huge smile on his face.
“moving on to foundation now.” Chan says, grabbing the foundation and smearing some on his hand before applying a whole lot to my face.
“babe! that’s a lot!” i laugh as he smears it out with his hand.
“how do you girls do this?!” he exclaims, not being able to do it smoothly.
“here, use this.” i hand him a beauty blender as he accepts it.
“thanks, jagi.” he takes the blender and tries to evenly apply the foundation on my face.
next he grabs some concealer and a random brush.
“is this the right one?” he asks me as i hand him the correct one. “this one is.”
he applies the concealer like he did the foundation. and then grabs banana powder to powder my face off. i hand him a triangle sponge and tell him where he had to apply the powder.
he applies it everywhere on my face as i laugh at the concentrated look in his eyes.
i notice him cluelessly looking at the makeup he has yet to use.
“here.” i say, handing him an eyebrow pencil.
“what’s this?” he asks, turning the pencil to the side. he reads the unclear words, still looking clueless.
“it’s an eyebrow pencil.” i laugh as he smiles and shows the pencil to the camera.
“i have to colour your eyebrow? that’s not even necessary. right guys?” he asks, turning my face to the camera as he keeps staring at my eyebrows.
“without colouring i look like i don’t have eyebrows!” i exclaim as Chan shakes his head.
“it’s not needed but i’ll use it anyway.” he says, and gets to work.
while he’s busy colouring, i notice the tip of his tongue slipping out of his mouth, resting on the corner of his bottom lip, making him look even cuter than he already was.
“can i use this now?” he asks, grabbing my eyeshadow palette. i nod and hand him the brush.
“look at this pretty colour, you guys! yah i’m gonna make you the prettiest girl there is!” Chan gasps as i laugh and close my eyes.
he puts a lot of eyeshadow on the brush and swipes it across my eyelid.
“jagi, that’s too much!” i say, feeling the thickness of the eyeshadow on my eyelid.
“no, it’s not. shh babe.” he says sassily, continuing to swipe it across my eyelid.
“look at her, she looks so pretty.” Chan gushes. “alright, which one do you think you have to use next?” i ask him as he looks at the mascara, bronzer and blush.
his eyes roll from one to the other and finally settle on the blush.
“this one.” i hand him the bronzer.
“you have to apply this one here, here and here.” i motion, pointing where he has to apply it.
“and don’t push the brush in, just gently swipe it across.” i add as he nods, his tongue sticking out again.
gently he swipes the bronzer on the places i showed him and blends it out with the brush.
then he grabs the mascara.
“this one next?” he asks as i shake my head.
“no, blush first. mascara and eyeliner at the end. and not to forget lipstick as well.” i point at the last few things as he nods.
he takes the blush and applies it to where i motioned it.
“woah babe, it looks like you had a walk in cold weather.” Chan says as we both laugh.
“your cheeks are so pink!”
“here.” i hand him an eyelash curler.
“is this scissors for your eyelashes?” he asks, taking the curler from my hand to his eye level, inspecting it.
“no, baby. it’s an eyelash curler. put it on my eyelash for a few seconds and it’ll have a pretty curl.” i tell him as he looks at it unsurely.
“naur, i don’t want to hurt you.” He says, putting the curler on the side.
“then we’ll skip. now apply the mascara and then the eyeliner.” i instruct him as he does.
“omg, you look so pretty babe.” Chan says, looking at the camera as he smudges some mascara under my eye and on my eye lids.
“really? thanks baby.” i thank him and open my eye.
“now add the eyeliner.” i say, looking by at him.
he grabs the eyeliner and does his best to apply it. i can feel his pinky finger on the side of my face, to keep his hand steady.
“and last but not least, lipstick.” Chan says, showing the mac lipstick on camera.
i have no idea what colour it is but i love it on you.” He explains, turning my face to him.
“do this with your lips.” he says, making an ‘o’ shape as i do what he says.
he applies a thick layer of lipstick and tells me to smudge my lips together.
“all done.” He says as i turn to the camera.
before i can get up to grab a mirror, Chan looks at me, with a big smile on his face.
“waaah, doesn’t my girlfriend look amazing?” he asks the camera.
Chan grabs a mirror and hands it to me after sitting down.
“babe! what do you mean i look amazing?” i exclaim, as we both burst out in laughter.
“i love you but please, never become a makeup artist.” i tell him, kissing his cheek, leaving a big stain on his cheek.
“let me clean you up.”
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hotmencoreplus · 10 months
𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧 ‘𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭’ 𝐑𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲’𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫
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Pairing: Simon Riley x sister!reader (she/her)
Summary: Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley, the infamous, relentless and fearless Task Force 141 soldier. And the particulars of him being the guardian of his baby sister.
Warnings: Talks of war and deployment, mentions of a traumatic childhood, language. Attempted to do it chronologically, but have added bits here and there
Word count: 3300+
A/N: Basing this off the theory that he is mid 30’s in mw2.
Likes and reblogs are much appreciated! Copying and reposts are not! My fics are only posted on tumblr, under this sideblog @hotmencoreplus for the account, @hotmencore
‣ Simon wasn’t at all prepared to be an older brother, but when he saw you, he knew it was his job to protect his little baby sister.
‣ You were the only one who was fortunate enough to not be killed by Washington, so when Simon was made aware of your survival, he took you in as his own.
‣ He doubted himself at first, fearing he would turn out like his dad, but also didn’t want to abandon you like he had been as a child.
‣ He wasn’t experienced in any way shape or form with taking care of a baby, so most of his days when not on deployment consisted of him watching youtube videos and going online to figure out how to do stuff and take care of you properly.
‣ When on deployment, he left you with a trusted neighbour who he had known for years before. (I feel like this would either be like a man who he would call his ‘best friend’ when home, or an old woman who has kids of her own, that use to babysit him)
‣ He would spoil you the best he could, and make you as happy as possible, not wanting you to have a childhood anything remotely like his.
‣ He definitely still gets help off of google for some things. He isn’t really too good with knowledge on ‘girly’ things.
‣ When home, you and him would always sit at the kitchen table of an evening, you playing with barbies whilst he sat across from you modding his rifle. As you got older, it would be the same just you with homework. You didn’t speak much when sat with each other, though it was always a comfortable silence for the both of you.
‣ Once when in primary school, you came home with a pout as you were jealous of your classmates pigtails and plaits, seeing that Simon only really knew how to brush your hair. So that night, he spent an hour watching videos over and over so that he could learn how to plait your hair.
‣ He felt stupid watching the videos, and frustrated that it took him so long to get the hang of it, but he knew it was all worth it when he saw the grin on your face the next morning as you looked at your hair in the mirror to see it all pretty and plaited.
‣ He also felt the same each birthday or christmas when you were little, worried that the little amount that he was able to get you wouldn’t be enough to make you happy. But 100% of the time, it was just him underestimating himself.
‣ When you were young, he never bothered to mention his own birthday. But one year when with your neighbour, you found out his birthday was a couple days after he came back from deployment. So you saved up money for the 2 weeks before he came back, and bought him a little teddy bear and a bar of chocolate. You also made him a little loom band bracelet, and haphazardly wrapped them up and hid them under your bed.
‣ When his birthday did arrive, you came downstairs to him in the living room, holding the parcel out in front of him. He lifted you up onto his lap, taking the parcel from you. “What’s this?” He asked, looking at it as he peeled his fingers from the cellotape of which you’d badly wrapped it with.
‣ “Happy birthday” you say softly with a smile, and that right there made Simon’s heart melt. He unwrapped the gift, and held the bear out in front of him. You looked at him eagerly, though his expression was confusing to you. “I hope you like it” you say with a slight hint of doubt. But Simon smiles at you, yes, smiles, and pulls you closer to him, placing a small kiss on your cheek, “I love it, thank you Y/N” he says, and the grin returns to your face.
‣ Simon had never felt more appreciated by anyone in his life.
‣ He let you off that one morning to share the chocolate with him, after eagerly placing the loom band on his large wrist, showing him that you now had matching ones.
‣ And he wears it everyday, even on deployment, under his uniform.
‣ And he still does to this day, years later.
‣ He also has a tattoo tucked away somewhere that he got for you, most likely your initials.
‣ When he first joined 141, Price was the only one who knew about you, and that Simon was the one who took care of you.
‣ He knew from Ghost’s files, as when he joined the task force, you were at the age where Simon wanted you written down as who was told when he died.
‣ You were at the age where it was harder to just pretend he never existed. Because when you were a baby, that was his plan. Before he joined it was your neighbour that was put down, just as a telling that you would need to be put in someone else's care.
‣ When Ghost requested the change to his file, he asked Price that someone could go over and tell you in person, rather than just a phone call, or his dog tags through the mail. Which caused for him to have to let Price know of your existence.
‣ He also asked for Price to tell Laswell, as he trusted her and wanted someone there for you who was in the UK more than he was, and in case both him and Price were on a mission/ far away.
‣ He also did it as he believed that you needed at least one female figure somewhat a part of your life, though you've only met her like once or twice.
‣ It takes a good amount of time and full trust in a person for Simon to be comfortable with them meeting you, or even just knowing of you. Which is why Johnny found out so randomly.
‣ You were late pre-teens when Simon was coming home from deployment, and got a call from his friend, apologising that he couldn’t pick him up from base. Johnny overheard the conversation and insisted that he dropped Simon off, though he was perfectly fine getting a taxi.
‣ Simon did message you to stay in the house, but you weren’t paying any mind to your phone, just looking out the window waiting for his arrival. Your own excitement blinded you to the fact it wasn’t the car of Simon’s friend dropping him off, so when you saw his skull mask through the car window, you jumped off the couch and ran out the door to him without a second thought. You didn’t hesitate in giving him a massive hug, which, though Johnny hadn’t pulled off yet, Simon reciprocated, as he knew there was no way of exactly hiding you now.
‣ It wasn’t at all that he didn’t trust Johnny enough, Simon just always felt awkward bringing it up and didn’t expect the circumstances of which he was in, so wasn’t prepared at all.
‣ Soap didn’t like to pry, but was curious and immensely shocked to see a young girl run out of his house and jump onto Simon’s huge frame. He knew it couldn’t have been his daughter as Simon would have simply been far too young for that to be true. So he made the conclusion of you being his sister, and tried to keep it to himself.
‣ Though on the next deployment, Johnny did ask about the young girl he saw, and with a grumble of a reply, he then understood that his guesses were correct. By then he trusted Gaz enough as well, so the whole of 141 eventually knew of Simon’s little sister.
‣ Simon keeps a little photograph of you in his uniform, in an inside breast pocket, above his heart. It’s a photo of you when you were little, the first year he put aside his fears, and took you trick-or-treating. You were dressed as a little fairy, grinning up at the camera, your face covering most of the shot as you leant forwards into the frame.
‣ You two don’t have any proper photos with each other, apart from one from when it was your birthday one year, and you told Simon that the only thing you wanted was a photo of the two of you together. So Simon begrudgingly granted your wish after a lot of convincing.
‣ In the photo, you are stood next to each other in the hallway of your home, you grinning with your short arms attempting to wrap around his large waist, and him stood looking emotionless with his simple skull mask on, his arm behind you resting on your back.
‣ It wouldn’t look sentimental at all to anyone else, but you treasured it. It stays on your bedside cabinet, with one of his old dog tags that he let you keep. You also have another old one of his attached to the zip of your school backpack.
‣ Simon never really decorated your room too much when you were younger, as he was new to the whole thing and decided that he would let you do it with him when you were older and found your own passions and interests. So first off for several years your room consisted of a small single bed, a wardrobe, and littles shelves for your toys, all of which he built with you sat on the floor of your room with him one day.
‣ But when you did find yourself and what you liked, you both spent a couple days decorating it. As it was just you and Simon in the house, you weren’t ever very ‘girly’ so the walls were painted a pale blue, and he bought you some new shelves and some fairy lights/ LED’s to hang up around your bed.
‣ When you use to get nightmares or just couldn’t fall asleep, you would sneak into Simon’s room, and wake him up so that you could stay with him. Although due to his own nightmares, was usually awake before you came in anyways. But there was something he secretly found so sweet about hearing your little feet try to quietly pad down the hallway to his room.
‣ He never minded, because he had nightmares all the time. Simon would never admit it, not even to his baby sister, but he enjoyed the nights where he would have her with him. Because in the long run it did actually help him fall asleep, knowing he wasn’t completely on his own.
‣ He had you.
‣ Due to him being away quite a lot, you have been aware of his job since you were little.
‣ Though when you got older, you wanted to know more about it. Simon didn’t really want to tell you much, as he didn't believe it was something he wanted his sister knowing about, but after so much pestering from you, he caved in. You learnt about his callsign, and how he always wore the skull mask.
‣ Once meeting Soap properly, he was the one to tell you about how infamous your brother really was on the field.
‣ You found it pretty cool that you were one of the only people in the entire world who new what the Simon Riley truly looked like, and secretly took pride in it.
‣ You have always known Simon with and without his mask, so it never feels weird. He rarely wore it when you were a toddler, though when you were first born he mostly kept it on, scared his scars were gonna frighten you.
‣ But the first time he took it off in front of you, you babbled and giggled, and reached out to his face. So from then on, he didn’t bother wearing it around you.
‣ There was one occasion when he came to pick you up from a neighbours after almost a year long deployment, and you were shy with him. It hurt Simon a bit, and made him feel guilty for not being there, and that you had grown so much in the time he was away. But the feeling soon melted away once your neighbour gave you a little push from behind their leg, you softening in Simon’s touch as he held you close in his arms.
‣ His teenage years were the most traumatic for him, so when you transitioned into yours, he became even more protective of you. You sometimes fought over this, and Simon felt bad, but you knew that he was doing it because he wanted nothing more than for you to be safe.
‣ When he bought you your first phone, he definitely made you have Life360 or something like it, so that he knows where you are just in case he needs it.
‣ He would never go crazy on where you were and who you were with. He trusted you. But when away, every night before he went to bed himself, or whenever it was late in the UK timezone, he would check that you were at home. It made him relax slightly about being away, knowing that you were safe.
‣ You were about 15 when you were properly introduced to the 141 team, as behind Soap’s teasing and pestering, Simon knew that you needed some other adult figures in your life. So, much to your own surprise, he messaged you asking if you wanted to come get him from base one time with his neighbour.
‣ You knew that Simon wasn’t really much of a physical affection type of guy, but you could never resist when he was coming back home after a deployment. And even less so now that you were able to come to base. But he also knew that much to his dislike for the public display of it, there was nothing he could do to stop you from doing so.
‣ And with that fact in mind, he knew he had to reciprocate the gesture, so when you did run up to him with your arms out, for a second he forgot about that fact the rest of the guys wouldn’t let cold old ‘Ghost’ hear the end of it, and wrapped one arm around you, lifting you up with ease, his bags clutched in his other hand. You practically squealed to him how much you’d missed him, as he mumbled back in your ear that he did you, too. Lucky for him the others didn't hear that.
‣ Once he had put you down, he very much awkwardly introduced you to the others in a grumbly tone.
‣ When you turned to them, the first thing that they all collectively noticed were your eyes.
‣ You had Simon’s eyes.
‣ Johnny’s hello was an enthusiastic “Good to finally meet you lass,” Simon glaring at Soap, aware of the amusement this brought him, knowing his lieutenant was annoyed as hell.
‣ Gaz nodded at you with a smile, and Price said hello in a deep but warm tone, looking on at you with an almost proud gaze.
‣ Price didn’t know what to expect when Soap loudly made everyone aware of Ghost’s new visitor at base pick up, as Johnny was the only one of them who had seen you before to recognise you as Ghost's sister, though they knew you existed (much to their inital surprise). But when you turned to the rest of the team without hesitance, Price instantly felt an even higher level of respect towards Simon as it was clear from your confident and polite hello that he had raised you well.
‣ Much to Simon’s own self doubt.
‣ One night when the 141 were all at a bar, Price quietly told Simon about how he had done well with you, knowing that he was definitely uncertain of his own worth in your life. But Simon heard the sincerity in his Captain’s voice, and with a quick look of appreciation towards John, he then didn’t doubt himself as much as he had before.
‣ Simon sometimes does mess up though with his language around you, only recently now that you have gotten older. But he isn’t too fussed, just as long as he doesn't hear you repeat any of it.
‣ Seeing that it is only you two in the house 24/7, you both surprisingly get on really well, and there have only been a rare few occasions when he has had to put his foot down.
‣ But these rare occasions would mainly consist of something silly to the point that he got sick of your nagging, like when you begged him to have ice cream for breakfast.
‣ “Please Simon, just this once-“
‣ “No, Y/N! You said that last time. Now drop it.”
‣ There have definitely been times where neither of you can sleep, and now that you're older, you both just sit with each other in comfortable silence. Occasionally just putting a random film on in the living room, but most of the time you would just be at the kitchen table, with a bowl of cereal at like 2am. That is until, and this is 98% of the time, you fall asleep with your head on the table and Simon has to carry you to your room.
‣ When you got to the age where Simon was comfortable with you in the house on your own, you once mentioned to him that the first day of him being away was always the hardest, and that it felt really weird in the house.
‣ You both knew he couldn’t do much about that, but he tried little things to make it somewhat bearable.
‣ For instance, he knows one of your favourite things is leftover takeaway from when you two have one, so the night before every deployment, he always orders takeaway for dinner so that there is always some in the fridge for you on the first day of him being gone.
‣ It’s the little things that Simon does for you despite his mostly cold heart that mean the most to you.
‣ On long deployments, you write Simon letters for him to read. You do message him too, but prefer writing them, as you know he will write back, which you feel is more sincere. His letters are never as long or heartfelt as yours, but you know your brother, and that he loves you dearly.
‣ His replies would often be a few sentences, praising you on anything that you would mention about school or just exciting stuff in general, signing off with ‘Simon’, and a barely noticeable ‘x’ next to it.
‣ You keep every single one of the letters he sends back, your favourites being the ones that he would occasionally send to you, first. And secretly Simon does the same, keeping your letters tucked away in his bag under his bed.
‣ He tells you unless its an emergency, that you should stick to letters or texts, so that he can still stay focused with his job and that if you do one day call him, he knows straight away that it’s an urgent matter.
‣ There was one time when you forgot about the emergency rule, and called him to tell him you passed a test you had been stressing about.
‣ He was about to shout down the line asking what was wrong and where you were until you beat him to it with a loud “I PASSED SIMON, I PASSED THE TEST!”
‣ “That’s amazing Y/N, but you just scared the fucking life out of me.”
‣ “Oh crap. I forgot, sorry. But I passed!!!”
‣ "Great love. I'm proud of you. But next time stick it in a letter, yeah?"
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flynnriderishot · 4 months
i needddd cute pt 2
cute pt.2 - m.s
a/n: i’ve been feeling really bad that i missed the original persons request by a mile 😭 so i’m gonna add that into this part lol
warnings: i couldn’t really figure out how to word it but i PROMISE matt wasn’t being creepy about following her to the bathroom‼️ he just really wanted to meet her. we don’t do that weird shit over here 🙄
also, vinnie hacker mention 🗣️ unfortunately, he has nothing to do with the story, i just needed someone to add💀
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you were invited to a party that a friend of a friend was throwing.
did you know who this person was? vaguely.
in your eyes, it didn’t really matter.
what mattered was that matt sturniolo and his brothers would also be attending this party.
while you didn’t really have to go, you were a good friend and rightfully needed some time away from your social media life.
what better way to do that than to surround yourself with social media influencers? cue the sarcasm.
what made this all the more annoying to you was that it was a ‘valentines day’ party.
as if you weren’t all over the age of eighteen. you wanted to roll your eyes at the thought.
sure, the thought was cute and the idea was definitely there. but as you walked into the house, y/f/n’s hand in your own, you couldn’t help but scrunch up your face at the excessive amount of pink and red that flooded your vision.
“i guess we missed the memo?”
“no, i saved us the embarrassment of looking like we were back in third grade.” y/fn laughed out a scoff.
“i should definitely pay you more.”
while she was your friend, she also helped quite a lot with managing your channel. with reminding you of what your supporters wanted to see, to recording you anytime you needed content.
and though before she would say it was out of the kindness of her heart, you felt bad that she did so much for free. and once you started getting popular, you made quick work to pay her for all the stuff she did in the past and now she practically worked for you.
it was a win win situation. you got a best friend and a coworker all in one. it was much better than your previous partner that expected so much more for doing not nearly as much as y/f/n did.
“i definitely wouldn’t complain.”
you shared a laugh, moving your way through the crowed and to the drink table.
“i haven’t been to a party in a while, what are the odds we see a fight break out?”
a voice behind you interrupted before she could respond, “that would make this place so much more entertaining.”
your eyes widen as you froze up, trying to pinpoint where you may have heard the voice before turning around to actually see who it was.
“hi.” nick smiled at you.
“oh my god. hi.” you pulled him into a hug, pulling away to see him do the same to y/f/n, introducing himself to her as they hadn’t known one another very well.
“it’s so nice to finally meet you.”
“you’re telling me.” you stepped aside so he could lean against the wall with you two, “i’ve been wanting to say thank you in person since you’ve sent me that lip balm.”
“i can vouch.” y/f/n spoke up, “after your live together, she wouldn’t shut up about it.”
nick smiled, “i appreciate it, and i’m glad you like it. ive been wanting to meet you too, you’re like one of my favorite youtubers ever.”
“my god, shut up.” you roll your eyes, nick coping the motion.
“speaking of the live…”
nick didn’t stop, “what’s this crush you have on my brother?”
“no crush, just…admiring his beauty.” you brushed off the teasing look they gave you.
“it’s definitely a crush. you can’t admire matt’s beauty without thinking nick and chris are attractive as well. they’re triplets.” y/f/n stated matter of factly.
“right.” nick agreed, “we literally have the same face.”
“nick and chris are gorgeous.”
“oh, thank you.”
you look back to see chris walking towards you guys, smile on his face. with just a simply glance to the side, you could see matt following closely behind his brother, eyes darting around him.
“oh.” your eyes widen, chris’ snort echoing in your ears as you pass your soda off to him, “i need to go to the bathroom.”
“no, you don’t.” nick laughed.
“i’ll be back!” you shouted, secretly having no intentions of returning until it was clear that matt wouldn’t be around.
“she’s nervous to meet you.” you could hear y/f/n telling matt after the middle triplet asked what was wrong.
if he was absolutely beautiful through your screen, you couldn’t imagine what he’d look like in person.
you barely managed to stop your face from warming up when you saw him in one of their podcasts episodes, how would you react if you got the chance to see him in person? last thing you wanted to do was embarrass yourself.
“hi, yn.” a voice called out, leading you to look over and smile,
“hi, vinnie.”
“you okay?” the hacker frowned at your unusually tense nature.
“i’m fine, i need the bathroom!” you called out, unaware of the blue eyes that were following your figure, also hearing your statement and making it his goal to get there before you.
“you’re going the wrong way.” vinnie laughed, pointing in the opposite direction of which you were walking.
“right, i knew that!” yoh waved off his drunken cackle, managing to make it down the hall and to the bathroom within a minute. you hoped you were lucky enough to walk in a not see some random couple doing it on the counter top.
as you opened the door, letting a sigh of relief and a short, “jesus”, you were startled when a voice spoke to you,
“take it as a compliment, you’re a lot cuter in person.”
opening your eyes in a panic, you spotted matt, arms crossed over his chest as he stood in front of the mirror.
“oh, my god.”
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taglist: @hearts4chris @timmyandsturniolo @mayhem-72 @luvsturns @knowingnothingnoel @mrsmattyb
tags for this fic: @3kslav @bb-1s-blog @annamcdonalds67 @sturns333 @dracoflaco @electrobutterfly @wolfstarfate @landrysflannel @3mm4yung @strnsblog @lexxxiii-iix @patscorner @lemon-criminal
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anothermansjeans · 25 days
I love the idea of YouTube reader and Spencer being like Jenna and Julien, you know that video of Jenna giving Julien fake nails? I totally see reader doing it to Spencer.
He’s like “these come off right?” And reader is like “:) hopefully!”
I GOT MAJOR INSPO FOR SOME DIALOGUE FROM THE VIDEO!! i hope you enjoy (i love these bitches 😭)
cw: acrylic nails, sassy spencer back at it again, reader enjoys making spencer suffer (lovingly ofc), my favorite fictional couple
wc: 877
youtuber!reader masterlist
“Your fingers are so big.”
You laughed as you pressed one of the acrylic tips onto Spencer’s thumb. “I have to push it–” your laughter was cutting you off, “I have to push it all the way down… to fit… your nails.”
Spencer was amused by your hysterical state. You got the video idea from a few of your comments. They were begging for more Spencer and wanted you to put him through the real youtuber boyfriend experience. A few suggested that you'd become good enough at doing your nails to the point where you should do Spencer’s nails and bam! There you were, sitting at your vanity with the camera and acrylic all set up. You’re about five minutes into the video already and you've only glued two nails.
Calming down, you continued to find the right sized nails for him, “you're being a really good sport about this, Spence.”
He was quick with his response, “when is being a good sport going to start benefiting me?”
You laughed again, squeezing his wrist as you placed a drop of glue onto his middle finger. “You'll look even more beautiful.” Placing the tip down, your next words were spoken under your breath, “even if I have to make these tips extra wide.” When the nail was fully on and you began to move on to his ring finger, you felt a small jab at your hand. “Ow!”
“I don't appreciate the comments about my fingers under your breath.” He was being playful and you knew that, but that still stopped you from further comments on his man-hands.
You sped through the gluing process and moved on to priming his nails. Once you got to the actual acrylic part, Spencer flinched. “What are you doing?”
“What?” You slightly panicked, scared you were about to hurt him, but seeing the inquisitive expression on his face made you relax. “You watch me do this all of the time.”
“I just want to know the process.”
“Okay,” you began, dipping the brush in the clear glass in front of you, “I’m dipping the brush in the monomer and gently tapping in on the paper towel to get the excess off. Now, I'm aiming to pick up a bead of acrylic powder, and place it on your nail.”
As you were doing what you were saying, Spencer furrowed his brows. “On my nail? Like, my real nail?”
“Mhmm. Then we’re going to let it dry.”
“So when I take it off will it be close to ripping my nail off?”
His scared expression caused you to suck your lips to your teeth. “Yes?”
He stared at you for a moment before speaking, “the rational part of my brain knows you're playing it up but this is uncharted territory for me so I’m not sure what to expect.”
You laughed and let him know it would be okay before continuing the process and allowing them to dry. When they were done, Spencer was wiggling his fingers and getting a feel for the nails. “I hate it. It’s extremely uncomfortable and I don't understand how you could do anything with these. I already respected you, but I think I have a lot more now.”
You smiled earnestly at his remark, and noticed his glasses slide down the bridge of his nose. His reflexes caused him to push them up, one finger from each hand on either side of his glasses secured them back in place, and you couldn't help but laugh once again.
“What?” He didn't understand how his actions made him look.
“You looked the amount of sassy that you are.”
“I am not sassy!”
“Yes,” you began, still laughing, “yes you are.”
“Whatever,” he muttered, holding out his hands to glance down at the nails. “We’re lucky I haven't been called in. Could we take these off now?”
Biting your bottom lip, you gave a cheeky smile. “Yeah… we just have to run to the drug store really quick to grab some acetone.”
“We?” His eyes were big, pleading with you.
“Spencer… it's dark out and I’m not driving to the drug store that is less than 600 feet away. You wouldn't leave me to walk the D.C streets at night by myself, would you?” You knew you got him the moment you mentioned the time of day. Looking at the camera, you smiled and addressed your followers. “We’re going to jump cut to me taking these nails off of Spencer. I think I’ve tortured him enough. He isn’t built for the acrylic lifestyle.”
“I could be!”
“You wanna keep those on?”
“No,” his answer was automatic, again, causing you to laugh.
You cut the camera before grabbing your bag and putting on your shoes, watching Spencer struggle with his Converse from your peripheral. “Come on, lover boy, you never know when you're gonna get called in.” You began to walk out of the room but heard him grumble. “What was that?”
You turned around and smirked at his defeated expression. “Can you help?” He said it a little louder, but still quiet. Shaking your head, you walked over to him. With or without the acrylics, he was truly the sassiest man you knew, and you loved him for it.
youtuber!reader taglist: @im-a-ghost666 @lyd14k4y @happiestcat @hauntedtv13 @obi-wansgirl @charismatic-writer
let me know if you would like to be added or removed!
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caramelcleopatraa · 2 months
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word count: 3.3k
x: finals are coming up, so i'm gonna be very busy, but i'm still writing y'all (this is the most consistent i've been lol) (excuse any errors of course) Hope you guys enjoyyy! leave comments... please. I love your comments.
content: Imani has a crush on Roman. Their friend group goes on live and her secret comes to the light. She thought that she was going to be rejected and move on, but things never go the way people expect. Roman Reigns x Imani, 18+ MDNI, oral (m recieving), cowg!rl, creamp!e
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Imani loved weekend kickbacks. Time to chillax with her favorite people, and get her mind off of things. It was moments like these she waited for. Drinks and joints in rotation, and endless fun for hours to come. Jimmy, Jey, Roman, Trinity Talia, and Imani. She wishes that she was only thinking about the good vibes that circulated in the atmosphere, but she was focused on something else. It wasn’t like she was necessarily trying to focus on Roman, but it was inevitable when she could see him so clearly from the kitchen. She knew that having a crush on him could possibly mess up the bond that the group has, but he was so gravitating, He was perfect in her eyes. She basically textbook described him when Trinity and Talia asked her to describe her dream man: Tall, muscular, sweet, absurdly attractive, charismatic, humorous, dedicated. God, she could go on to name every single one of his attributes that she loved. She tried to brush it off as a mistake at first, but there was no part about this that was a mistake. He had a tight grip on her, and he wasn't even aware. She wonders what would happen if he felt the same way. If those pretty brown eyes she daydreamed about would reciprocate the love she was anxiously waiting to give him. She could only imagine all of the things she could do for him, to him, and provide him. If she had him all to herself, how they would spend their nights alone. How it would feel to be wrapped in his embrace. How it would feel to get lost in him between the sheets for hours, and repeat it again the next day. If she had him all to herself.
“WE GETTIN TURNT!” Talia raised her glass in the air and yelled out to her viewers, watching her through the small rectangular frame. Jimmy came around the corner with uno cards in his hands as the six of us gathered around the table. Roman, Trinity, or Jey would pop into the frame to answer a couple of questions while Jimmy shuffles the cards and Imani gathers multiple bottles to bring to the table. “Mani! They have some questions for you!” Imani joins her party, sitting the bottles on the table and scanning through the comments.
‘Do you get to go backstage with the bloodline?’
“Yes! It's amazing, I'm not gonna lie.”
‘Please do a makeup tutorial!’
“Maybe, I don't have a youtube channel.”
‘Seen any guys that have caught your eye?’
“A couple, but they ain’t nothin’ important.”
“Oh word?” Talia and Trinity both look at her with curious faces, but Imani just giggles and goes back to answering questions. 
“Ooh this is a good one. Kiss, marry, fuck: Jason Momoa, Michael B. Jordan, and Roman Reigns,” Talia reads out loud. That question got everyone’s attention. Jimmy stopped fidgeting with the cards and Roman and Jey both put their phones down impatient for her answer. “Well?” Talia was definitely setting her up, and she could feel it. Thank god for her brown skin that covered her fastly spreading blush. “Do I have to answer this?” “Yes, you do. I'm intrigued now,” Trinity says, as Imani quickly takes a double take at the entire table to see them all staring at her. She sighs before surrendering and thinking hard about the question.
“I’ll… kiss… Michael B. Jordan, fuck Jason Momoa, and marry Roman Reigns.” She instantly regretted answering the question before Trinity pried at Imani to get out more information that everyone was itching to know. “Hmm, why marry Roman?” She quickly swiped her drink off of the table and took a long sip, hiding her face. In all honesty, she wanted to say that it was the easiest choice, but that would only make her sound suspicious. And that was not a conversation that she wanted to have in front of quite literally everyone. “I'm not interested in the other guys like that.” “So you’re interested in Roman?” ‘Wait- wait! Noo that's not what I meant!’
“No, I just wouldn't marry the other two men. It’s not that deep Trin,” Imani says, a failed attempt at dismissing the conversation. “You’ve never gotten this defensive before… don’t tell me that you in your feelings.” She could see Talia smirking at the corner of her eyes. She knew she had to stop this fast. “You’re reaching Talia,” Imani says, laughing to herself. “Oooooh Imani wants the Tribal Chief, huh?” Never in her life had she ever been more embarrassed. “Jimmy, for the love of god, please start dealing the cards,” Imani says, covering her face, her words muffled by her hands. Everyone laughs, finding amusement in her nervousness. She anxiously waited for Jimmy to start dealing the cards so this moment could pass.
11:27 pm
Several rounds of uno and spades passed, and the guests were slowly starting to make their way out. She noticed Talia, Trinity, Jey, and Jimmy momentarily texting throughout the night, which would probably explain why the four of them were explaining the consequence of Imani losing a couple of rounds. “Sooooo we thought of something. Don’t be mad! It’s just a punishment for losing so much,” Talia says, sticking out her tongue. “Your punishment is that you have to ask Roman to fuck you.” ‘ASK ROMAN TO WHATT!?!?’
Her surprised face told them everything they needed to know. “You'll be fine. Uce will probably be down to fuck either way,” Jey says. Imani gave Talia a death glare, making Talia laugh. “You’re trippin’ girl. Just approach him with the right energy and make him want to stay with you. I guess this answers the question of if you have a crush on him or not.” Before she could defend herself, Roman walks in from the restroom and the four of them are gone in the blink of an eye. ‘These trifling’ heifers’
“Guess they all left. I should be on my way out then. Thank you for the food and dr-” She steps in front of him, stopping him from exiting out the front door. He looks at her with confusion. “You okay?” Her heart was beating fast. She didn't fully think out what she was going to do after she stepped in front of him, but it was now or never. 
“Fuck me.”
“F-fuck me.” She couldn't look him in the eye the second time. The pressure weighing on her shoulders was too much. But the thing that was racking her brain the most was how close they were. She felt like this was a disaster taking place in real time. She hears a soft chuckle, looking up to see him lightly smiling at her. “Was this your punishment for losing?” She nods, and his smile stays fixed on his face. “Do you want me to?” 
‘...did he say what I think he just said?’
Her mind is searching for an answer, a reason to say no. But she can't find any. As embarrassing and confusing this was, she had daydreamed about this moment. Maybe he was just being nice and would give her a quick fuck to fulfill the punishment. That idea became her leading thought. “You don’t have to if you’re uncomf-” “Do you want me to fuck you Imani?”
‘Shit he’s not joking.’
She slowly nods, which prompts him to lock the front door behind you. Her head was spinning, trying her hardest to maintain her composure. “Ask me again.”
“Fuck me, please,” She says nervously, eyes returning her shiny tile floors. “I don’t believe you sweetheart. Ask me again.” His hand gently grabs at her chin, making Imani look at him. Once they made eye contact, she knew that she was done for. She was already feeling weak from just looking at him. She took a deep breath before finally saying, “Please fuck me Roman.”
He wasted no time pulling her into a heated kiss. Not that she minded. This felt like a wonderful dream that she didn't want to wake up from. Only this wasn't a dream, it was real life. She finally got to feel the body that she had been drooling over. Right now, he was hers, and she was going to make the most of it. 
Her curious hands creeped along his captivating body while they explored each other’s mouths, dragging her hands up his torso from underneath his shirt. He pulled away from her soft lips to trail wet kisses from her cheek to her neck. “Not shy anymore huh?” She couldn't be shy. Her desire for him had completely taken over. “I really need you right now Roman,” She pants out. 
“Bedroom?” She nods and takes his hand in hers, leading the way to her bedroom. The sway of her hips only made Roman more aroused, as he silently admired her body from behind.
They enter her bedroom and she doesn't get a chance to close the door before being pulled into his arms again, temporarily hoisting her in the air to lay her on the spacious bed. He pulls her into another messy kiss, setting his focus on getting rid of their bothersome clothes. He quickly tore his shirt from his body and she did the same with hers. Their lips connected again, moving in harmony. He started to make his way down her body, but she squeezed his shoulders, signaling him to stop. “I wanna make you feel good first.” Roman was surprised to say the least. He kissed her tummy and replied, “Are you sure?” She gives him a confident nod, with those big doe eyes and her beautiful smile. “Alright, what do you want me to do?” “Let’s switch places.”
She scooted to the side, giving him room to lay down on the bed. She crawled down to his waist, tugging both his sweatpants and boxers down. His dick springs out of his pants, finally free from cloth restraints. Her eyes locked with his before lowering down to lick the underside of him; from his balls to his mushroom tip. A wad of spit drips from her mouth and lands on his length, using her hand to lather him up. His soft hums let her know that he was feeling good, and she was determined to make him feel a whole lot better. 
Her juicy lips start at his tip, giving small kitten licks before taking the tip in her mouth. Her warm mouth felt so good on his dick. He didn't know that Imani was this nasty. She gives him kisses up and down his shaft before taking him in her mouth again. 
She didn’t waste any time trying to tease him. He was big, and filled mer mouth well, but it’s nothing she's never handled before. Before she continued, the warmth of her mouth left him once again. “Can you record this?” Just when he thought she couldn't get more nasty. 
“Record?” She nodded her head. “Only if you’re comfortable.” “I’m more than comfortable,” Roman says, while reaching into his sweatpants pocket. He grabs his phone and opens the camera app, pressing record. “It’s recording, baby.” 
She smiles at the camera, curling her fingers around the base of his dick and tapping him against her tongue. She takes him in her mouth again for the final time, keeping her hand put at the base. She bobs her head slowly, swiveling her head from left to right. 
She keeps moving slowly, making sure to fit all she can in her mouth. Her hand that stayed curled around his base, moved in juxtaposition, stroking the rest of him that her mouth couldn't get to. “Goddamn baby, that mouth feels so good. I need that mouth around my dick all the time.” She moans in response, giving him vibrations that made him feel oh so good. She had him moaning and groaning. She didn't mind that at all. She got a big ego boost that he was so vocal from her mouth working its magic. She took note of every moan, every twitch, and any reaction he made. Right now, she was focused on his pleasure. 
His grip on his phone tightened, trying his best to keep his composure. She moved her head faster, still bobbing up and down, and using her hand to stroke his remaining inches. “Ahh s-shit mama, you keep sucking my dick like that and imma cum in your mouth.” She looks at him, already staring at her every move while she’s giving him euphoria like pleasure. She moans around his dick again, feeling her panties dampen. Her other hand massaged his balls lightly. Her slurping sounds made him close to coming. 
He couldn't take his eyes off of her. Those innocent eyes staring into him as he recorded her doing such lewd things. He tried his best not to tangle his hands in her hair and fuck her mouth full of him. But her mouth felt so good, and he wanted nothing more than to cum in her mouth. He couldn’t help himself when his hands disappeared into her hair, planting his feet on the bed and fucking up into her mouth. She put her hands behind her back, letting him use her as he pleased. His thrusts were quick, but soft, his balls slapping against her chin. “Oh fuck! I’m coming mama, ooh I'm comin’.” He kept her head steady while coming deep in her throat, and she accepted with jubilation. 
She bobbed her head a few more times, trying her best to overstimulate him the most she can, until his hand grabs her chin, lifting her up. “Slow down princess,” He says, ending the recording. She crawls up to meet him, giving him a quick passionate kiss. “See how good you taste?” Roman chuckles at her boldness. “Your turn. Lie down,” He says, trying to sit up, but fails due to her pushing him back down on the bed. “I need that dick right now daddy.”
“You don’t want me to eat that pussy?” She runs her hand through her messy hair. “God yes I do, but I need you to fuck me right now.” Her eyes did more pleading than her words. 
“I wanna record this too,” she says, looking down at his chest, tracing the intricate tattoo. He feels around the bed, finally grabbing the phone and reopening the camera app. “Can you prop it up somewhere? I want you to be able to touch me.” “Already on it baby.” He climbed back further on your bed, propping the phone up against the lamp on the nightstand. While he did that, she slid off her shorts and panties, throwing them behind her. He pressed record again, and instructed her to adjust herself so the camera could capture everything. 
His hands landed on her ass as they both observed themself. His hands felt so good kneading her ass, and she saw his eyes drinking in every part of her body. He couldn't keep his hands off of her curvaceous body, and he didn't want to. “You like it?” Her soft hands massaged his shoulders, making him groan softly. “I love it baby, love this ass.” An unexpected slap to her ass made her jump. “You sound so good, daddy.” His hands move her hips along his dick, grinding her body against his. 
“How long have you been thinking about this?” She shies away from his gaze, a sudden flash of embarrassment runs through her body. She had forgotten about all of her feelings of distress and nervousness and realized that she was running on arousal and adrenaline. “A-a couple of months.” He lifts her hips and grabs his length, rubbing the tip along her slit. A few rubs up and down her slickness before impaling her on his dick. They moan simultaneously, relishing in the mind numbing pleasure. “You been thinking about taking this dick baby?” She gives him small head nods, still captured by the feeling of him inside of her. His hands cupped her chin, turning her head to the direction of the phone, steadily recording them. His hands were full of her ass, moving her up and down his shaft slowly. His unsteady breaths and her elongated moans were harmonious. “Go ‘head then. Bounce that ass on my dick.”
Her eyes focused on him as she steadied herself, her hands placed on either side of his head. She throws her ass back, his thighs catching it every time. His eyes were still glued to the phone, watching her beautiful body on top of him. But it wouldn’t be long until he faced her again, her soft titties hanging in front of his face. She had daydreamed about fucking Roman, and she was finally doing it. It gave her confidence knowing that he couldn't keep his hands off of her body. Her facial expression told her exactly how she was feeling. It was almost overwhelming how sexy she was. Beautiful smile, sexy body, paired with addicting moans that made him want to fuck her all night long. 
“Mmm~ look at you taking daddy’s dick. You’re doing so good,” Roman pants, grabbing at her breasts. His gentle praises and gruff voice was enough to make her cum. His dominating presence, his words, his touch. This man had her mind running laps. Even though he wasn’t putting in any effort, he was hitting all the right spots.
Her words were slurred, eyes rolled back, mouth wide open spewing salacious moans. Her hips slowed down, the constant rhythm created by her ass and his thighs meeting no longer lasted while she hid in the crook of his neck. Her body was decorated with a sheet of sweat that didn’t take away from her golden hue. “Look at me.” She rested on her elbows, locking her eyes onto his. Their faces were laced with lust, an unsatisfied want for each other. 
His strong arms caged her in, preventing her from squirming or escaping. She was still catching her breath while Roman planted his feet on the bed again. He places a tender kiss on her cheek before fucking up into her. She grabbed on to any part of his body that could, her eyes fluttering shut. A harsh slap to her ass makes her scream in pleasure. “I said look at me,” Roman says, demanding her full attention.
“Ohhh- my god! You feel so fucking g-good!” Roman loved watching her unravel. How she screamed for glory while he fucked her. God, he could make this his favorite hobby. Making her cum over and over again. “Mhm- fuckk- keep talking to me baby.” Her mind was foggy. She could only focus on one thing right now, how good he was dicking her down. Roman was making her feel so good. She looked at his phone propped up on the nightstand again to see their reflection. Her ass rippled from his hard strokes. That sight alone had her ready to cum. “Shhit! I’m finna cum on that big ass dick!” “Yeah? You finna cum?”
Her nails dug into his broad shoulders, feeling a knot build up in her stomach. “Cum with me Imani, let me feel you cum around my dick.”
Her eyes shut as she came, her orgasm hitting like a dam breaking, sending waves of pleasure throughout her body. His hips slowed down, but still gave her deep strokes, coming deep inside her. High pitched moans and deep grunts filled the room. His hands lazily grab her hips, allowing her to move again. She reached to grab the phone and ended the video, dropping the phone somewhere as she laid limp against his chest. His thumbs worked small circles as they both caught their breath. “I’m gonna take a shower when I get up, wanna join me?” Imani hears him chuckle, still working small circles into her hips. “Nah, we’re not done. I gotta eat that pussy, Imani.”
If these were the punishments she got for losing in spades, maybe losing wasn't so bad after all.
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🏷️ tags :) @reignsboy19 @2-muchsauce @theninthwonder @harmshake @alichesmi @thesamoanqueen @alyyaanna @empressdede @badbitchcentralinc @christinabae @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @cyberdejos2
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hoonvrs · 1 year
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PAIRING enha x gnr
GENRE est. relationship, fluff
WARNINGS none (i think??)
W. COUNT 1.6k
S. NOTE first proper drabble on this acc to ease me back in to writing, also because i don’t have time to write a full fic but shh
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( singing your name )
no matter where he is, he constantly sings your name
could be in public, at home, even at work
sometimes you’ll hear him singing your name out before you even hear him approaching you
has a new habit of singing your name in the middle of random conversations
he’d be talking to you in the most monotone voice ever then here comes mariah carey once your name is mentioned
would finish his sentence in the most normal voice ever as if he didn’t just scream your name in falsetto
gets weird stares from everyone around you
( adamant to talk to you even though he’s actively falling asleep )
you both fell into the routine of calling each other at night
and even though you can hear him slurring his speech and dosing off he refuses to hang up
would deny to hell and back that he is sleepy
even though you can literally hear him losing consciousness
would eventually hang up on him because the arguing became him saying incoherent words trying to prove himself
guess what: did not prove anything
expect him to call all pouty the next morning because you hung up
( touch your hair )
he’s not used to long hair (or at least longer)
would easily become obsessed with touching your hair
once saw a tiktok of how to braid hair and fell into a rabbit hole
would randomly try and braid your hair after watching a few youtube tutorials and 100% creates a lot of knots
but you still let him because he’s just so cute when he tries to brush your hair carefully without hurting you (would also give the best scalp messages)
if you have curly/coily hair he’d start asking about your hair type and would loveee helping you when its hair day
camera roll is just filled with pictures of him with bobby pins in his mouth/experimenting on your hair
( intense eye contact )
jay has never had a problem with holding eye contact talking to people
so poor baby was confused when you could barely hold eye contact for a minute
after getting together he’d ask you why you did that, and you had to explain that not everyone can intensely hold eye contact the whole time
also mentioned how him being attractive did not help your case
definitely the type to follow your eyes with his whole face to tease you
also prepare your heart for being on the receiving end of his ‘madly in love’ stare
would stare at you with his pretty boy eyes with so much love and no shame, he couldn’t care less who sees him
( blinking at you expectingly )
everyone knows jake is a very curious boy
both you and him knew that
so, him asking you questions about everything and anything is normal to you
but after the first few questions you realise, he never fails to look at you expectantly blinking his eyes at a kind of concerning speed
don’t think he even realises he does it
but it’s the cutest thing ever so its okay
could ask you the most out of pocket question then give you puppy eyes blinking at you cutely 
would push you into an existential crisis with his questions about life and debrief you with his blinking  
( resting his head on your lap )
you can never sit down to do anything without suddenly feeling something heavy in your lap
sit down and you’ll be able to distantly hear the sound of someone running full speed to lay on you
jake is a big fan of head scratches but sometimes he just wants to be there
could both be doing you own thing
no ‘hi, hello how was your day’ just head in lap and hand in hair
once you nudged him away from your lap because he wouldn’t stop fidgeting and he gave you the silent treatment for 2 hours
nothing a few head rubs and praises can’t fix
( tieing your shoelaces )
hoon is a domestic type of boyfriend 
so don’t be surprised when he likes to help you do mundane acts like putting on your coat, opening the door for you
but his favourite thing to do is tie your shoelaces
you don’t know why he likes doing it so much and honestly neither does he
bonus points if the weather is cold and you’re wearing a puffy coat with a scarf and hat practically drowning you 
sometimes he’ll watch you struggle a little when you can’t reach your shoes comfortably before sweeping in to save you
god forbid he sees you let someone else do it, you’ll have to deal with a petty sunghoon for the rest of the day
( squeezing/biting you )
when you first got together he’d randomly lean over to you and squeeze whatever limb is closest to him
sometimes it’s cute like your arm or thigh but sometimes he’s a weirdo and will squeeze your ankle if its close enough
after becoming more comfortable he’d start grabbing you more until one day he bit you
you were both cuddling on the couch watching a movie when you suddenly feel a set of teeth gently bite your cheek
cue him trying to explain himself whilst you stare at him holding your cheek in confusion
it’s a little cute like when he bites softly onto your hand but sometimes it would fucking hurt like the one time he back hugged you and bit you on the back
he suffers from high levels of cuteness aggression so it won’t be the last time he bites you a little too hard
( watch you do your makeup )
sunoo grew up watching his sister do her makeup in the mirror nearly everyday so of course he’d watch when you do it
would love to see the way you decide what look to do and what colours to pick
make sure to always ask for his input because he loves helping you pick your makeup
a little hesitant to ask to try on you since his sister never let him
would start smiling so hard when you let him
a bit scary though when he’s doing your makeup and giggling to himself
surprisingly good at it which confuses you because who was he practicing on hmm
( push up/take off your glasses )
when you first met sunoo you were wearing your contacts
so, when he saw you on a random day wearing glasses he became obsessed 
prefers at home dates since it usually means you wear your glasses instead of contacts
started a little thing were he’ll push your glasses up when its slides down
might slope down the little bit and now his finger is in your face
sometimes he’ll just completely take it off to mess with you
finds it hilarious when you try to read something far away and he snatches them off so you can’t see anymore
( watch you pick what to wear )
jungwon was shocked at the amount of clothes you had when you first started dating
which only got worse after you started stealing all his clothes
shocked gasps can be heard every time he hears you say you have nothing to wear
he finds the whole process of you picking out an outfit funny
loves when you try on multiple outfits because he knows you’ll probably end up with one of his hoodies and jeans
refuses to help you pick because you always ask only to do whatever you want 
loves when you make a pile of clothes you don’t want to wear on your bed because he can smell his and your perfume mixing from his hoodies
( poke/tickle you )
where sunghoon squeezes and bites, jungwon pokes and tickles
did it once to scare you but you didn’t react so now he’s made it his life goal to catch you off guard
convinced he can condition you into being ticklish if he tries hard enough like okay pavlov
will walk past you and jab his finger into your rib and get no reaction
where some people get bored and move on to someone who will react, yang jungwon only becomes more determined
has tried tickling you through the day to see if that changes anything. it doesn’t
lets just say a little argument ensued once when he decided to tickle you at 3am in your sleep
( constant touch )
niki is someone who needs constant physical touch 
he’s so dramatic with it too oh my god he’ll start whining about if you don’t touch him now he’ll die in two seconds
began with him trying to hug you 24/7 even when the members would tease him he wouldn’t let go
that soon changed to intertwining pinkies because walking whilst hugging is not easy
if for some reason he can’t hug or hold you pinkie he’ll make do
sometimes he’ll link your arms or pinch your clothes
another weirdo who’ll hug your leg if he has to
( looking for you in the morning )
he’s become accustomed to waking up with you that if he doesn’t see you next to him he’ll get up to look for you
it’s cute to you when he comes into the living room or kitchen dishevelled and hugs you
but scares the fuck out of his members
they were convinced for the first month he was sleep walking
would see niki at ass o’clock going through each room calling out your name like a broken record
would take him a minute to process the fact that you’re not there
would get sent a new videos daily from one of the members of a groggy niki going through the rooms saying your name
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perm taglist @mesopret @tnyhees ​@haknom @shinsou-rii @redm4ri @lacimolela @llama-lyna @chiyuv @lazysmushi @flwoie
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chaethewriter · 1 year
bf does my makeup q&a
Jack Champion x content creator!reader
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In which you record a Youtube video with your boyfriend, the one and only Jack Champion.
word count: 2,3k
Warning: fluff, lots of fluff that it's cringey, this took me 5 days to write bruh I'm lacking
tagged: @viivvriv @genesis4545 @norrisgf @darkcrusadestrawberry @drxwstxrkxy @wafflehousewrold
"Camera, set!" You put your camera on its stand as you flipped the screen around, pointing towards the front for you to see. Jack appeared on the screen as you did so, sitting on the couch in your room as in front of him stood a table with your two makeup bags and a mirror. You pressed record when everything was clear on screen— centered and not lopsided. You took a step back as you watched yourself on screen, thus making him immediately grab you by the waist, putting you down on his lap. He held you tightly against him, his arms caging you from behind, "Mmm, can't you start the intro now?" His face buried in your hair as he spoke, satisfied with the position they were in. But you had different ideas, as you abruptly got off his lap and took a seat next to him, your legs thrown over his lap, "you can't do my makeup when I'm on your lap, pookie." You booped his nose with your nail as the words left your lips. As a response, he groaned as he sat back, resting his back against the soft material of your coach, his hands behind his neck as he watched you through his eyelids. You took your phone out and clicked on the Instagram icon for today's video.
"Hello, pookies! Welcome back to the channel. Today is a very special video as I'm joined by my sweet Jack!" You wrapped your arms around his neck as you pulled him close to you, your cheeks pressed against one another. He brought his arms down, wrapping one around your waist. His gaze settled on your camera as he smiled, "Hi guys!" He greeted your viewers with his other hand raised into the air, doing his familiar greeting sign with his thumb, index, and middle finger. You pulled away from your boyfriend, putting your phone in your lap as you clapped in your hands, "Today! As the title said, Jack here will be doing my makeup as we answer relationship questions you guys have sent me through my story!"
"Follow her insta, by the way! Appearing right here!" Jack is almost a natural, as he did some magician movements with his hands for you to edit your username in. You watched as he did so, making you burst in a fit of giggles, "You're such a natural babe, you should start your own channel."
"What can I say? I'm Jack the Champ!"
"So cringey?" The two of you looked into each other's eyes as you laughed. You clung onto your stomach as Jack clung onto you for dear life. The laughing continued for like five minutes. You really had to cut this out later. "Okay! Okay! So Jack needs to recreate my usual makeup look with the makeup provided while we answer questions. I'm such a kind girlfriend, so I allow him to have a picture of my makeup look on his phone." You explained, pointing at his phone flat on the table with a picture of you opened.
"I just want to announce that I know what my girlfriend looks like and that I already had this picture of her in my gallery as well as hundreds of other pictures I snapped of her!" You rolled your eyes at that statement, a chuckle leaving your lips, "Yeah, yeah! Anyways, let's get started. What do we start with, babe?" You watch as Jack carefully unpacked your makeup bags instead of throwing them upside down. He knew how much you valued your products, and he made sure he was gentle with them. It gave you a warm feeling. He put everything down in a neat order, looking at all the different brushes and products, "so from my acting experience, because you know I'm an actor, they always use the prime thing first? Like to keep your makeup intact?" He looked at you with puppy eyes, asking for approval to his words. You knew you're supposed to not give him any hints, but you couldn't stop yourself from nodding your head. While Jack looked for the 'prime thing', as he said it, you scrolled through the questions you were asked.
"Found it!" The two of you exclaimed at the same time: Jack talking about the primer and you talking about a question. He picked the product up— the glass container filled with a white cream as a lid covered the pump. You smile as he pumped some on the back of his hand and taps it against your skin with his finger, putting both his hands on your cheeks right after and spreading it with his palms. You fell into a fit of giggles as he did so, "Jack!" You exclaimed with your face all squeezed up. Proud of his work, he pulled his palms away and awaited a question from one of the viewers. You brought your phone to your face as you read the first question, "How did the two of you meet? Jack, the honor is to you."
Jack brought his hand to his chin as he pretended to think, thus making you playfully slap his chest, "Don't pretend you don't know, now!"
"Okay okay! We actually met during my Avatar press tour. She was all over me and I thought she was incredibly pretty." He exaggerated what had actually happened and you barely wait to voice this out loud, "That's not how it went! Stop embarrassing me!" Your face heated up as you looked at the camera, "Yes we did meet at his press tour, but I wasn't 'all over him'! I just asked for a picture, posted it, and tagged him in it, and all of a sudden, he was in my DMs. Don't change the story now, mister Champion!"
This time, it was Jack's turn to blush immensely. His secret revealed how he actually made the first move. He recollected himself, before a grin spreaded across his face, "I mean what can I say? I'm a rizzer."
"Oh god, please never say that again."
The two of you laughed as he picked the eyeliner up, "You have a weird way of applying makeup, so this actually comes second. I don't understand why, though?" He uncapped the eyeliner, revealing the inbuild eyeliner brush. "Eyeliner is so hard to do! Like it takes so long cause I want it to be perfect and by the time I am done my foundation isn't correct anymore because of the wiping!" You whined your complaints out, already growing frustrated thinking about the struggle.
Jack put his hand on your waist as he pulled you closer to him, "Sit still, baby. I never did this before so uhm here goes nothing?"
"Don't poke my eyeball, please." You then kept your mouth shut, as if it helped with him doing better. Jack is incredibly delicate with it though— he held your chin with his hand while the eyeliner was in his other staring directly into your eyes as he concentrated on his work. You felt your skin heating up yet again, your grip on the eyeliner tube wet, thanks to your sweaty hands. It doesn't matter how long you're together with him. He never failed to make you feel nervous. He never broke eye contact, not even when he dipped the brush in the eyeliner. His breath fanned against your skin as he leaned in closer, "Are you nervous?"
"Shut up..." Your voice came out softer than expected. Unfortunately, he pulled back to admire his handywork. It's not even, but he is proud either way. "Next question, babe!" He playfully nudged you with a cheeky grin.
"You're so annoying!!" You quickly brought your phone to your face in an attempt to hide your embarrassed state. "But you love me!"
"What attracted you to Jack and vice versa? Definitely his goofy self. I usually don't look at gym guys, but Jack's goofy demeanor and just being himself made me attracted to him, no matter what he does."
"You're so cute!" Jack pulled you closer yet again, basically seating you on one of his as your legs dangled to one side. He faced the camera while his arms held you steady, "What made me attracted to her is definitely her way of texting. You feel her care and love and joy when she texts you. She's so sweet about it too, aren't you?" He faced you again with a cheeky grin, making you blush like crazy, "so annoying!!"
He picked your foundation and concealer off the table in front of you, "These are all too familiar to me, but I can't remember which one goes first?" He looked at you with puppy eyes, hoping to get an answer out of you. This time, you kept your mouth shut as you let him figure it out himself. He pouted at you, putting the concealer down. He uncapped the foundation and looked at the brushes. "Babe, which one? You should help me out, I wanna do good."
You almost give in. Almost. Too bad for Jack though, because you only gave him a cheeky grin. His gaze traveled from your pretty face to the table. There were so many different brushes and sponges. He remembered makeup artists using a big one, but which one? He decided on the latter and took the biggest one in his hand. It needed to spread and cover the entire face, after all, right? He decided to follow his gut and put a few small pumps on the back of his hand. He dipped the fluffy part of the brush against it and pressed it to your face. Like you were a canvas and he was the painter. Your chuckling made him roll his eyes, "stay still! I'm being a professional right now."
"sure you do, babe."
Jack started to feel himself in his role as makeup artist. He didn't wait for you as he immediately got on with the concealer. He tapped the wand under your eyes and on your nose, just like artists do to him. He took a small brush and blended it by tapping it. You watched how the tip of his tongue slips out from in-between his lips, his concentration to the max.
Even though your boyfriend has adhd, he can for sure keep his focus on you the entire day. "Next question! Ohh I like this one. When did you realize you fell in love with each other?" You tapped your chin as you think about it. You have always loved Jack, but when did that go from celebrity crush to a real crush?
"I have always loved Jack, if I am going to be honest. I started following him since his Avatar announcement, but he turned into a crush from the moment he wanted to switch from Instagram DMs to messages." You explained as you locked your sparkling eyes with him, awaiting for his response.
He took a moment to admire you, a warm feeling bubbling inside his chest since he knew the exact moment that he realized. "When you looked up at my face with those worried eyes that held so much care as you held on my arms. You always did so, but there was a time when it didn't feel friendly anymore. It felt like so much more as my heart sped up."
That was all it took for you to literally take off.
You sprinted out the room, towards the bathroom, in pure disbelief. The disbelief that he had actually decided to answer the question like that. The disbelief that a boy could actually be so true to his feelings.
"baby? Where are you going?" Did he say something wrong?
You stood in the middle of the bathroom with your face in your hands, teary eyed as you smudged your makeup. "babe?" He had followed you to the bathroom. When he heard your sobs, he immediately panicked. His arms wrapped around your figure, his cheek resting against the crown of your head as his hands caressed your back, "did I do something wrong?"
"no you just, you're, you." You didn't know why you were crying. Well, you did know the reasoning, but you didn't know why it made you so emotional.
"You truly love me."
"yes, yes I do. Of course I do. More than anything else." He ran his hands over your back. He knew you had a hard time when it came to romance in general. You had told him and he made sure to take good care of you, until you truly believed him. And that you did. He took such good care of you. And he would continue to do so until his very last breath.
Recording was long forgotten as the two of you bathed in each other's arms.
He was so happy to be yours.
"Ow! This hurts! Baby please stop!" After the makeup video, you had begged Jack to do a skincare routine with you. He had agreed, not knowing it could have been this bad. It was charcoal mask day.
"It's supposed to hurt!"
"Why would you do this to yourself? Ow ow wait!" He extended his arms to keep you away from him. He was much taller than you, so it certainly did the job. "But why! What does it do?"
"it deep cleans your skin, basically. Your face is going to be silky smooth when I kiss your face all over!"
He thought about it for a second. Kisses? Lots of kisses?
"Do I get lots of kisses after you pull it off me?" You nodded as a response. He sighed in defeat as he took a seat on the edge of the bathtub. This was your cue to stand in between his legs, his arms wrapping around you immediately. Your fingers made its way to the pulled bit of his dried mask.
"Fine, you can do it! But I expect a lot of smoo- OH MY FUCK AHHH!" 
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sociopathicartist · 2 months
In case I don’t tell you enough, I love you.
a letter from sans directed to you, his lover.
it’s been five years since monsterkind was freed from the surface.
it’s been four years since i’ve met you.
it’s april, and i’m still missing you.
maybe it’s stupid of me to miss you considering that i left your house only a few hours ago, and i’m laying in bed writing this on some loose paper i found on my floor while i think of you.
weirdly enough, the silence in my room is now unsettling compared to how calming it used to be. i guess the fan in your room blowing wind on your bed that i’ve yet to see turned off has grown on me. or maybe it’s the rain sounds you always have playing on your tv that clash with the fan that grew on me.
or maybe it’s you that's grown on me.
sometimes when i have a nightmare or i can't sleep i play fan and rain sounds on youtube to help me rest, not even thinking consciously about it anymore. it always just makes me feel like i’m back in bed with you with my eyes closed, waiting for you to come back from the kitchen with the glass of water that you wanted.
i wish that i could sum it up and say i can't find the words to describe how i feel, but that’s a lie. i know exactly how i feel about you.
tracing my phalanges along the little scars and nicks of your skin when i’m next to you never fails to entertain me. neither does running my hand through your hair, or twisting the rings on your fingers, or kissing you quickly for the 1000th time. i never thought i would be fond of that sort of stuff, i never thought i was a guy for any sort of romance.
i guess i just never realized that all i needed was the right person to give it to me. all i needed was you.
i’m not the best writer. even my lab logs from the rare times when i help alphys with her scientific tests are messy and short out. it’s almost like having all these thoughts about you is starting to eat me alive. i guess i have nowhere else to put them but on a piece of paper. if we ever get married one day like i hope we do, i’d like to give this to you. who knows when that will be though, so i guess this letter will just sit in one of my drawers collecting dust until i can give it to you. it kinda sucks to think about the fact that these words might never reach you, but that’s the way life is. it sucks most of the time.
i get this weird sinking feeling in my ribs near where my soul rests sometimes. it’s mostly when i think about how i miss you. sometimes my hand reaches up and brushes up and down my shoulder blade when i’m lying in bed alone, mimicking the motion that your hand does to me all the time when we lay together. i don’t even notice it happens anymore, but when i do and i realize you’re not actually there, that’s when that weird sinking feeling happens. it also happens on the rare thought of you not being in my future one day, even though i know that won't happen. i know you wouldn’t leave me.
i can’t help but wonder what this feeling was before i met you, and why i never got it.
was i just empty all the time?
even though i remember in great detail why my depression was so bad back then, back before i met you, i guess these happy years with everyone have slowly washed away that feeling. i felt so horrible for so long, and i didn’t care to ever try and get better because there was no point back then, but for some reason whenever i try to think of what was there in my life that i had like this, it’s almost numbed away from my memories. it’s like a bad nightmare that got washed away with the morning light.
that’s not to say i’m not thankful and glad i’m doing better now. sure, i’m still working things out, but who isn’t? i don’t think i wouldn’t have ever actually gotten help if it wasn’t for you, though. you’re really the only person who's ever seen me so clearly. i love how i don’t even have to tell you if something is wrong anymore, you just look at me and know. did you know that i’ve never had anyone take the time to notice the small difference between my genuine smile versus my resting and permanent one? the day you pointed that out to me was the day i realized i liked you.
i also thought it would take me a while to realize when i liked someone seriously. i think the last time i ever had a crush was… actually, i can’t remember. in the movies and books, it’s always the same scenario of ‘i like you but i haven’t liked anyone before so i don’t realize i like you until it’s too late’ but that wasn’t the case. i knew the moment i liked you.
it was this odd twinge in me that just kinda sprung throughout my bones. i think it’s the same equivalent of getting butterflies in your stomach, but without a stomach. i noticed your looks before, and i guess this sounds weird to say, but it was like after so long of friendship that i actually… noticed you.
you looked so beautiful, and you still do.
the shock at work and from other people was really funny when they found out we were dating. i don’t think they ever actually thought i’d find someone to settle down with. our friends knew better though. as shocked as our friends tried to act, it was pretty obvious that they were expecting it. i can’t believe it was that obvious that we liked each other.
there’s no big resolution to writing this. i just felt like writing it so that i could share the feelings i feel about you but that i forget to say when we are around each other. it’s not like i can get a single word in with how much you smooch on me though. not that i mind.
it’s not to say that if my puns ever get too much for you, or if you decide that i’m too lazy and you feel like you can’t leave, you can. i just really don’t want you to. i have a strong feeling that you don’t ever want to leave either.
i can’t wait to see how the rest of our lives turn out together. when we move in, get married, and just enjoy each other’s time. i know it’s crazy to hear from me, but i can’t wait to do the dishes with you and put away the laundry as you fold it. i can’t wait to enjoy your company every day one day. i know it’s a bit selfish, but i hope that things stay like this forever.
i hope that you get to read this one day, and in case i don’t tell you enough, i love you.
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devilishchaos · 10 months
Needy | Rúben Dias Imagine
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Rating / genre: M (18+); smut, fluff
Pairings: Reader x Rúben Dias
Summary: Y/N is needy for vitamin Rúben.
Warnings: Explicit smut, explicit talk, unprotected vaginal penetration (don't do it!!! stay safe!), hair grabbing, thigh riding, size talk just for a sec
Word Count: 2 307 words
This is a work of fiction. The story, names, characters and incidents either are product or the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
You were watching the training livestream on the Man City YouTube channel, trying to catch a glimpse of your man training on the field. The Etihad Campus had an open door day so the training could be watched online and since you stayed at home today and spent some much needed chill and relaxing time, you decided that you had nothing better to do than to thirst over your man. 
Watching him work hard made you come to the realization that you missed him a lot today, missed his touch..you craved him, not being able to feel his skin on your own or to please him the way he could please you - drove you absolutely insane. The only thing you could think about was Rúben..and his long fingers tracing down your body, starting around your nipples and touching them until they’re rock hard, then going lower and lower so he’s brushing over your inner thighs, teasing you until he lightly runs one of his fingers through your folds, coating it with your wetness before slipping it in, soon adding another one and pumping them in and out of you in a slow way, making you desperate for more, begging him to put his mouth to your dripping pussy and fuc- 
The ringing of your phone snapped you out of your daydream, Rúben’s name appearing on your screen. You furrowed your eyebrows and looked at your laptop to see the stream had ended, meaning training was finished and Rúben was almost free to come home to you. 
“Hello, handsome.” you said when you picked up the phone, trying to not let him hear the trembling in your voice after turning yourself on by fantasizing about him..and his hands. 
“Hi, amor. I’m just calling to say I’ve finished training. We’ll have a quick recovery session and after that I’m heading home, okay? I love you.” Rúben hung up right after you said the three words back, indicating he was in a hurry, but it made you smile that he still took the time to call you. 
The agony of waiting for him to enter your shared apartment followed by your little daydream had caused you to be wet for the rest of the day, your panties soaked by now and you were needing a release and to have Rúben with you was a must. 
After what felt like eternity, you finally hear the gentle clicks of Rúben’s key unlocking the front door of your guys’ apartment and feel a rush of excitement fill your chest. You immediately leave your spot on the couch to greet him. 
Rúben, with his backpack over one shoulder and his shoes in hand, barely closed the front door when you said 
“I want your dick..right now.” 
That made him turn towards you so fast, his backpack slipped off his shoulder. 
“W- What?” Rúben asked puzzled. 
“Hello, love. Welcome back. How was training? I want your dick.” you paused for a second and closed your eyes, took a deep breath in and added “I want it now. Like I have to have it..right now. Please, Rúben.” you gave him your best puppy eyes. 
With his mouth slightly open, Rúben was flashing in rags at you and simply said “Okay.”
“Perfect. So..youuu..wanna do it on the couch or in the bedroom?” 
“Wherever you want, baby.” and with that you took his hand and led him to the couch, because it was closer. 
You tore his jacket off him, dropped it on the floor and pushed Rúben to sit on the couch, then straddled his thighs. 
“Wait, wait, wait..I- I-..um..I’m not..I have to..” Rúben nervously tried to explain that he wasn’t hard yet 
“Shh..relax. I’m gonna take care of you.” you lean in for a kiss and he revels in your sensual embrace, loving your soft fingers tracing around his abdomen, feeling around his chest. Rúben lets out a noise, halfway between a purr and a grunt, hand gliding from your ass to the hem of your (his) big t-shirt as he tugs it over your head. You aren’t wearing anything to cover your breasts, which he’s eager to kiss. 
Taking his own t-shirt off, Rúben tosses the garment over the back of the couch. The roaring fire, coming from the fireplace, coupled with the heated friction between the two of you, makes things hot very quickly, temperatures rising as he pulls you in for another kiss. 
Your touch is voracious, groping and kneading into every available space of skin, molding Rúben in ways that he never thought were possible. You are passionate and exploratory, like the lick of an open flame, leaving behind incendiary sparks that make his stomach church with anticipation. You reciprocate his kiss, open-mouthed and heady as his palm falls against one of your breasts. 
Rúben moves you up, so you're straddling just above his hips, enough for him to have room to kiss your body. Each caress of his mouth to your flesh makes you shiver, fingers blindly skimming about to tangle within his hair. His lips are snug against your breasts, leaving behind pleasant trails of red marks. 
Allowing his mouth to wrap around one of your nipples, he begins to lightly suck at the sensitive nub, groping and squeezing at the one left unattended. Your fingers are tangled throughout his dark hair, melding your body to his as he showers your chest in appreciation, throaty sounds escaping from you. Rúben’s attentive, kissing and sucking until he pulls away, face pressing into the valley between your breasts. 
You can feel his cock prodding into your thigh at this point, twitching and throbbing inside of his pants, full of an aching want for you. Being on top of him doesn’t relieve anything either, but Rúben isn’t finished with you just yet, adjusting your legs until they’re situated atop one of his legs, and not straddling his lap. The material of your panties happen to be paper-thin, you are able to feel the sinewy muscles of his thigh.
Rúben places his mouth everywhere he can reach, letting out some husky whimpers as you begin to grind yourself into his thigh, attempting to find the perfect angle. Tilting yourself forward, your fingers grip his hair, his mouth tracing all over your neck, feeling you start to rock atop his thigh as you find the perfect amount of friction. 
A soft moan tore past your parted lips, feeling the muscles of his thigh, the angle at which you grind your pussy into him..the sensations sending shivers up your spine. Rúben’s hands grope at your hips, holding onto the curve of your waist as you ride his thigh, coaxing your face closer as he kisses you with blinding passion. Heat pools between your legs, soaking your panties in the process even more, if that was possible. 
“Rúben..” you moan against his mouth, his hands guiding you along, pushing you onto his thigh with each roll of your hips.You are putty within his grasp, able to be molded and bent as he saw fit, steadily rocking your clothed cunt into his thigh, making you squeak and mewl. 
As you’re riding his thigh, chasing after the growing sensation of your orgasm, Rúben’s palm splays out across the small of your back, face nestling into the crook of your neck as he shoves you further downward. He’s exuding more of his strength, letting your clit rub against the muscles of his leg, moving you with a force riddled with friction. 
His cock throbs and twitches within his pants, aching to be inside of you, but Rúben is willing to be patient, watching you move on top of him with a slight clumsiness, but he’s beyond understanding. You’re absolutely perfect..you’re stunning like this, straddling his leg and moaning his name, mouth having fallen apart to express your state of bliss. 
Rúben eases you forward, planting hot, messy kisses against your soft flesh, feeling your legs quiver around him as he jostles his thigh against your slit. The sounds you make are beyond delicious, he’s absolutely enthralled by you, mesmerized as you desperately careen into him, wanting an orgasm so very terribly. 
You feel his hand drift toward your ass again, giving it several greedy gropes and squeezes as he nudges you off of his leg. There’s a dark, wet splotch left behind, not that it bothers him, and before you know it, you’re situated on your back, Rúben between your legs. He’s tugging your panties off, gently sliding them down until they’re somewhere around your ankles. 
“I need you..” you whisper, Rúben responds with a husky noise, a throaty rumble that fills your stomach with warmth. The crackling of the hearth is beyond atmospheric, filling the living room with heat, making your skin break out with light perspiration “..Rúben, I need you..so bad.” you say it again, feeling his cock knead against your soaked folds. 
Rúben's face is hovering above yours and he settles for showering you in needy kisses, mouth settling along the curve of your jaw and just to the side of your jugular. 
Grinding his groin into you, his cock pushed past your folds, slathered with a sheen of precum, throbbing and hot as he teases your cunt. Rúben is well-endowed, you’ve come to learn, thick as ever as he slowly rolls his hips into you, keeping your legs apart. The noises you let out are vulgar, abhorrently sinful as he sluggishly thrusts his way into your aching slit, a low groan escaping from him in the process. 
It’s incendiary, the rush of heat between the two of you, chest to chest, flush together. Your hands come underneath his arms, feeling the muscles of his shoulder blades move, knees constricting his hips as he begins to find a pleasurable pace. Each roll of his hips finding a way to stuff you completely, until he can’t go any further. 
Rúben was horribly possessive in the moment whether you fully realized it or not, dominating you and keeping you pinned underneath him. Even when trapped within the throes of passion, Rúben’s mouth is furious, relentless as he covers your chest in amatory kisses, alternating between your lips and breasts. 
He sets a pace that reaches deep inside of you, lacking callousness or a hastiness. Rúben savors each bump and sliver of friction, rutting into you at a slower crawl. You squirm and moan underneath him, as his cheek nestles against yours and you quiver out of sheer excitement. 
“R- Rúb- ben..ugh..yess.” you croon, shuddering when you feel his teeth scrape along your neck, hips rutting into you. Rúben’s pace becomes increasingly steady, cock pounding into you with those torpid thrusts. A feverish heat creeps across your flesh, nearly burning you alive, though the fireplace seems to contribute to such a sensation. 
Your nails sink into the dips of his shoulders, eliciting a heady, wanton growl that tears out from the back of his throat, ripping through you as goosebumps collect along your spine. Rúben’s cock continues to pound away at you, trembling as your walls clench around him, his stomach pooling with warmth. It’s a sensation that drives him wild, coupled with your nails wringing into his back, leaving behind red trails. 
Rúben can’t get enough of you, drunk on desire, drunk on the feelings you stir within him. Wistful and desperate to please you, he begins to drag his hips back, cock nearly out of you completely before he slams himself back inside. 
The living room is silent, save for the crackling of the dying fire and your intermingled noises, Rúben’s throaty groans and your mewls. He plucks one of your hands away from his shoulders, intertwining your fingers together as he pins your arm back against the leathery sofa. 
It’s perfect - he’s perfect, holding your hand as he fucks you into the couch. 
Your knees are wrangling onto his hips, squeezing and coaxing him closer, your free hand snapping to hold onto his arm, muscles tensing and flexing underneath your fingers. Rúben picks up his speed as he chases after his orgasm, throbbing cock sending pulsations of heat into you, shockwaves even..as you lazily grind your hips against his, careening inward for another blistering kiss. 
He shudders, his thrusts stuttering as he cums inside of you with a throaty moan, feeling your cunt clench around his cock, your fingers clinging onto him as if you were a drowning woman. Rúben huffs, snapping his hips into you again as he fills you up, peppering feather-light kisses all along your jaw. 
You happen to cum in tandem with him, sticky and messy as you involuntarily push your thighs together. Rúben’s gaze is adoring, simply put - lovesick. His thumb strokes across your cheek, pulling out of you with a soft grunt. 
Rúben puts your (his) t-shirt back on, retrieving some articles of clothing that were lost along the way. His touch is gentle, tender after everything as he tidies himself, sinking back into the sofa. He’s quick to scoop you up, placing you back into his lap. 
Curling into his chest, your palm settles along his abdomen, tracing patterns onto his ribcage. Rúben seems to voice his enjoyment of such a gesture, letting out some noise that’s a cross between a hum and a purr, hands massaging into your hips, cheek nestling against the top of your head. 
Rúben stares at you as if you’re the only person he’s ever known, the only one for him, placing his fingers underneath the t-shirt you wear, caressing your skin. 
Neither of you say anything - you don’t need to. Whatever just transpired between the two of you conveys all that you need to know, any unspoken feelings having bubbled to the surface. You press a kiss into his mouth and snuggle against his chest with a smile of contentment. 
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nicksbestie · 2 months
can you do one where chris cares for reader while she’s sick? thank you!
Under The Weather - C. Sturniolo
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Summary : You get sick often, but Chris always runs the risk of catching it to be close to you. <3
Warnings : mentions of being sick, fever, sore throat
Word Count : 691
Pairing : Chris Sturniolo/Reader (romantic)
A/N : N/A!
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You hated being sick.
You couldn’t get anything done, you were exhausted, and you were bored most of the time because of the fact that you couldn’t get up for long periods of time to do anything even somewhat entertaining. A lot of your time being sick was spent watching dumb television shows, a shit ton of YouTube, and a lot of sleeping. So when you woke up one morning with a fever, you wanted to just curl up and sleep for the rest of the week. You’d had enough fevers in your life to know when you had one, and by the way you curled into Chris’ side, desperate for the extra warmth, it confirmed it in your mind. 
It wasn’t until Chris woke up that you even checked your temperature, and it was because he insisted on it. He wasn’t worried about catching anything from you, but he wanted to make sure that you didn’t need any urgent medical care. If you had to go that would be a whole new fight, because you hated going to the doctors, but luckily, your fever wasn’t high enough for that. He let you stay curled up in bed as he went downstairs to get you some medicine and something to drink, knowing that you would not be excited to be up and moving around anytime soon. 
When he got back, he closed the door and made sure that the blinds were closed as well, soft, dim, lighting filling the room, so it didn’t cause you a headache on top of the uncomfortableness you were already going through. If anybody asked you, you would say that he is easily the best boyfriend in the entire world. Sure, maybe it was not far above the line of the bare minimum, but you still appreciated it so much more than he would ever understand. He laid down next to you, gently taking your phone from your hand and replacing it with the medicine and juice, taking stupid selfies on your camera while you were distracted. The silly behavior made you laugh, distracting you from your fever for a split second. 
You had a sore throat as well, so the medicine and cold juice going down helped ease that pain for a couple seconds, and you could feel it coating your throat, so you hoped that it would take a lot of the pain away for a couple of hours once it, combined with the painkiller, finally kicked in. You didn’t stay up for very long, cuddling back up into Chris’ arms, and watching what he was watching on his phone with him until you finally dozed off again, a nap desperately being needed so that you didn’t feel as badly. 
You slept for another couple of hours, waking up still in your boyfriend’s arms, and you didn’t move for a while. He knew you were awake but he didn’t want to disturb you, so he didn’t move either, except to press a kiss to the top of your head and brush some of the curls off of your forehead. Your skin was still warm underneath his touch, so he took your temperature again, moving as little as possible so that you stayed comfortable and as happy as possible in your current state. It had gone down a degree, now a low grade fever, and he could tell that you both were really hoping it was just a twenty-four hour bug and it would go away soon. 
Chris got up when you both realized you were hungry, getting some food for the both of you to eat in bed, and he finished off your food when you decided you had eaten enough and wanted to lay back down. You ended up watching some terrible show and scrolling through social media for a little while, before you fell asleep for the second nap of the day. One of the last thoughts in your head as you fell asleep was about how even if it was truly just a twenty four hour bug, Chris would be there to help you feel better even after it was over.
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taglist : @blahbel668 @mattsgirlfrieeend @69isabella69 @mayhem-72 @iculdstealurgf @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 @sturnioloslife @heartsforkarina @nervousrebelglitter @sturniclo @elliegrace-7 @mattsturnioloisbae @strnilo
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koostarcandy · 1 year
whole damn world
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summary: a night where jungkook and you just can't fall asleep. ensue the cutest night you've ever had, including karaoke, chicken, watching modern family and loving on your adorable son.
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: fluff, fluff and fluff.
wc: 923 words (issa baby 🤕)
a/n: guess who's gonna drop this and then pull a jungkook :]
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"you're just fake snoring now, it doesn't even help!"
"i counted 837 sheep, sprayed our pillow mist and even played the dreamy lofi playlist we made and it got over. i have to resort to other measures, sweetheart."
you gasp, sitting up and throwing off the comforter, suddenly running to the living room. jungkook's tired brain short circuits, glancing around the room to see if you running wasn't something he dreamt of.
"baby?" he throws on a tshirt and quickly follows after you, "why are you running? did we miss an episode or something?"
"you said we tried everything but you forgot one thing, silly!" your eyes look akin to those of a detective who's pieced a puzzle they've been chasing to solve, fingers rapidly flying over your keyboard. he watches you in amusement and adoration, settling behind you and wrapping his arms around you. his eyes match yours now when he finds you ordering chicken from his new favourite restaurant.
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"damn," jungkook lets out, "soy garlic chicken supremacy, okay?" he says aggressively and cutely, you note, his furrowed eyebrows letting you know that he was finishing the box, even if the moon laid to rest and the sun came up to start its daily duties. you're absentmindedly tracing the clock tattoo on his upper arm, midnight chicken and beer getting you quiet and sentimental.
your human pillow notices the comfortable silence from you, starry eyes following gloria delgado's rant about how the men in her family don't talk to her. "can see and feel you staring, koo." you turn your head to his side, lips lifted up at his adoring attention, eyes still focused on the tv. jungkook removes his gloves, downing the last of his beer. he nuzzles your neck, taking your homey and comforting scent. he pulls you impossibly closer, scattering kisses on your neck, tracing up to your cheeks. your eyes finally fall on his, peeking through his long bangs. its at level 3 now, you remind him proudly everyday, tying tiny braids and squishing his cheeks for your weekly change of wallpaper.
"you wanna play with my hair, don't you?" jungkook reads your mind, smiling when you nod sheepishly, already taking out the silk scrunchie which was holding his hair back in a sprout. he sits in between your legs, settling in comfortably. this is one of your favourite activities, carding your fingers through his soft and silky hair, watching the curls bounce when you brush through them.
you have nothing particular bothering you today, watching him grab the remote and shift to youtube, pulling up the karaoke version of dreamers, "lemme put on a show, baby, just for you," he says sincerely, getting up and letting bam sit on your lap now. he waits for the song to start, laughing when he looks at you looking unbelievably small behind bam.
you both never fail to cheer him on, giving him song requests and watching bam run around him, keeping up with his intense choreography. jungkook dramatically falls on you, giggling at your open mouth, mind still stuck on his sudden cover of unholy. "cat got your tongue, sweetheart?" you punch his arm weakly, "you've had too much to drink tonight, honey," you retort back, laughing at your equally weak attempt to get him back. he straddles your lap, letting himself fall on you like a weighted blanket. and he's your favourite type, made of love and cosy comfort.
you look down on him, the beer chugging finally catching up with him, his droopy eyes catching yours. "hi, my love," he giggles, turning his head to find bam nosing him, "and hello, my bamie!" he sits up slightly so he could shower the pup with kisses, booping his brown nose with his finger.
you watch the interaction with endeared eyes, finding your day incomplete without seeing the both of them, happy and content. you weren't planning on crying tonight, it wasn't in today's plot of your unusual night and you certainly didn't expect tears to fall down like waterfalls down your cheeks when you hear jungkook say, "you both are part of the most important people in my life, never forget that, okay?"
you immediately lift your arm to cover your eyes, sniffling and crying like your husband just returned from war. said husband from war is on you in an instant, holding your face tenderly. "i didn't mean to make you cry," he says, leaning his forehead on yours and willing himself to not cry. "happy tears, koo, we're fine," you reassure him, pulling back to place a kiss on his lips. you push his hair back from his forehead, tying his hair in a loose ponytail. his eyes trace your feature with starry fondness, pulling your neck so you're looking at him again.
jungkook sighs, making you tilt your head to the side in curiosity. he kisses you tenderly, leaving another one on your forehead.
"bamie, house, it's late and i just remembered we have to go to the doc's, so sleepy time, okay?" he says firmly yet gently, giving the doberman a forehead kiss. he doesn't go until he gets his customary forehead pat from you, which you lovingly give him promptly.
"he knocked out quickly," jungkook says quietly, getting up and settling on the couch. he pulls you up so you're on his lap now, nosing his way to your neck and sighing in content. "he got that from me," you say, giggling when you get a playful glare and apologizing half-heartedly, squishing his cheeks in retaliation when he starts tickling you.
jungkook holds your waist, making you go still, "god," he breathes, "how is it that when i look at you, i see the whole damn world?"
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pt time: @armys-dna ; @junsai-tree ; @soobhyun ; @shatzkrinslinzki ; @jinsquishes ; @cherishoshi ; @fragmentof-indifference ; @indgio ; @jjkeverlast ; @parkdatjimin ; @yoogijk ; @starlight-1010
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