#but they'll be out soon and I bet she'll be a good mum :) VERY lucky they rescued her when they did!!!!!!!
https://www.instagram.com/p/C60I-DmO1IT/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== here's a little lady who's gonna have pups soon =]
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(images from the linked post)
I had no idea Ginger Rogers was pregnant!! With TWINS no less!!! She's so fucking round... I bet it'll be nice to have em out. Also check out those little pup skeletons in the X-ray!!!! So cool!! Their skulls are so TINY....
Bats tend to only have one pup, but Eastern Reds can have up to FIVE (although that is fairly uncommon) so twins aren't super unprecedented for her! They also have four nipples which is cool, I didn't know that until I looked up their litter sizes. These two will be able to suckle to their heart's content without bother :)
Here's hoping for everything to go well for her, I'm looking forwards to seeing the babies :3 Thank you for this VERY important Chopper update, anon!!! I haven't restocked the queue recently so I've been woefully behind on the PA bat rescue news...
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punkscowardschampions 5 years
Buster & Rio
Buster: Sleep well? Rio: Not a wink Buster: Told you to come in here but won't say I told you so as well, like Rio: Still not convinced that's the great idea you're painting it as Rio: Anyway, had to keep an eye on 'em regardless of comfort Rio: Not so your stuff was safe, don't get it twisted Buster: Suit yourself Buster: They're asleep now, yeah? So coffee or tea? Rio: Like friggin' babes Rio: butter wouldn't melt, okay bitches Rio: You offering or you got staff for that? Rio: 馃槈 Buster: Capable of pressing a button Buster: Sorry to shatter your illusions Rio: Jokes, babe Rio: Coffee, though, tah Buster: Yeah, well, you weren't the only one kept up by the youngers Buster: Sense of humor is heavily tied to mood Rio: Aww, so grumpy Rio: thank your lucky stars you don't live with 'em Buster: Do you want butler service or do you want me to spit in this cup? Think on Rio: After being treated with an insight into your sexual health? Not taking my chances Rio: 馃槵馃 Buster: Behave Rio: What can I say? Bed company I'm keeping Buster: I have no idea if you meant that or if it was a typo for bad Buster: Too tired to decode you right now Rio: No typos with these tired eyes Rio: Didn't fancy your 'rents finding any of us lounging on their sofas Buster: Well, as you can see, babe, not an issue Buster: Catch them doing the opposite at the office Rio: Foresight's a bitch Rio: and Indie kicks in her sleep Buster: Not too late to take me up on my offer Buster: Get your head down, they don't need watching now Rio: You started the coffee yet? Buster: All these fancy settings, takes me a while to figure them out, like Buster: Go Rio: Settles that then Buster: Catch you later Rio: You should Buster: Yeah Rio: Might cheer you up Buster: You wish, babe Buster: You ain't that good at handling people Rio: Yeah I am Rio: but shh, sleep now Buster: Pleasant dreams Rio: Backatcha Rio: [A nap later] Rio: You 'rents are back, sleepyhead Buster: Typical Buster: Get one of them to put the coffee back on then Rio: Debating waking them up and making it a party Rio: nothing having 'em running back to the office faster 馃槒 Buster: But we'd have to deal when they've gone Buster: Do you really fancy that? Rio: A fair point Rio: Get up then Rio: Me here making awkward small talk like they weren't shocked to see me omw to the loo Rio: Fair Buster: You're not selling it Buster: Reckon I'll stay here Rio: Don't be a prick! Rio: I'm dying Rio: they're your parents Buster: They know where my room is if they wanna act like it Rio: I'll let 'em know Rio: know you're alone and decent so Rio: as decent as you can be Buster: Cheers Rio: are they still asleep forreal? not heard nothing? Buster: 'Course Buster: No waking them Rio: Christ Rio: Good thing I didn't book us on an early back Buster: Not just a pretty face Rio: So charming Buster: I know Buster: You coming back or what? Rio: That wouldn't be weird to explain at all Buster: Bet mum and dad are already rushing around Buster: They'll be gone again soon Rio: Alright, know-all Buster: Like you said, I do live with them Rio: True Rio: Still Buster: Suit yourself, babe Buster: Did they make you coffee or just talk at you the whole time? Rio: They had time for coffee Rio: s'good Rio: you want? Buster: Yeah Rio: You coming down here or Buster: Bring it me Rio: Lazy Buster: Is that a yeah or a nah? Buster: Don't want it over my head, like Rio: Your bed was comfy so Rio: just this once Buster: Cheers Buster: Not the kind of compliment I'm used to waking up to but I'll take it Rio: Well, you kicked her out before she had the chance so Buster: She's got my number, she'll call back Rio: 1-800-GIMMESELFESTEEM Rio: Shaming Buster: You got all that from a perfume spritz and a glance as she passed, yeah? Buster: Very astute Rio: No, I'm saying, if she calls back, then its obvious what she needs Rio: and it ain't you Rio: and a spritz is generous for the bottle she showered in Buster: No if Buster: She'll be calling Buster: 'Cause yeah, it is obvious what she needs, you had that much right Rio: Disgusting Rio: You're obvious, that's for sure Buster: What's wrong with that? Rio: Nothing Rio: if you're fine with being basic then that's cool Buster: Fuck off Buster: Who do you think you are Rio: Touchy Buster: Nobody could blame me Buster: I've been proper nice to you Rio: Well, I was only joking Rio: You do need this coffee Buster: Not denying it Rio: I appreciate it, alright Rio: I'll wake 'em up and we'll be out of your hair Buster: I know Buster: I'm not saying you have to go Rio: s'alright Rio: can't commandeer Nance's room all weekend, lazy hoes Buster: Not like she needs it Buster: And we all need more sleep, wouldn't be such a moody cunt else, would I? Rio: True.. safe to say she wasn't vibing Brixton Jamm's hip-hop night, like Rio: Idk your life, boy 馃槒 Buster: Finally admitting you don't know everything, is it? Buster: You must be tired Rio: Not the same thing as admitting defeat Rio: just so you know Buster: 'Course Buster: When are you proper thinking of going back? Rio: as long as they're in school monday morning, we're sweet Rio: not that it'd be the first time either of 'em were a no-show but you know, promised Ma Buster: 馃槆 Buster: Where they dragging you tonight, so I can be prepped in case one of them does a runner again Rio: idk, we got as far in the plan as they wanted to go shopping today but Rio: doesn't seem likely now Buster: Did you wanna or you just the babysitter? Rio: never gonna turn down shopping Rio: but they wanna hit carnaby, camden, which ain't really my scene, nah Buster: Even you've got more taste than that, like Buster: If you wanna throw the word basic around throw it their way first Rio: Umm piss off 馃枙 Rio: They're allowed to be tourists if they wanna, they are Buster: And I'm allowed to take the piss if I wanna, 'cause I ain't Rio: If you're looking to impress with your LDN knowledge, take the actual and become a cabbie Rio: Useful, if one of 'em does a bunk again Buster: Piss off yourself Buster: I've done my good turn Rio: Yeah, ride that one to Christmas, like Buster: As the only ride I got last night was to a shitty postcode, I will Buster: You heading to Italy for that coffee or what, like? Can't get the staff Rio: Poor baby rich boy Rio: I had to say bye to your parents Rio: One of us had to be polite Buster: Why? Rio: 'cos word travels fast in this fam Rio: can't be a bad guest Buster: Says you Buster: They didn't know you were a guest, so they won't be shouting any of this about Rio: Had thought you'd drop 'em a text at least when you said it was fine Buster: No fun in that though Rio: 馃檮 Rio: Can't with you Buster: Can't what? Buster: Other than keep up, like Rio: Pah Rio: Who's still in bed? Buster: Don't play that you don't wanna be Buster: Proper cosy you were Rio: I already said Rio: comfy bed Buster: Yeah right Rio: What else? Buster: Not being kicked, of course, always an advantage Buster: And then there's how fucking good I look, and smell, despite the blonde's best efforts Rio: And with your rep, too Rio: 馃槀 reckon there's no room for me now you've moved your ego in Buster: You're tiny enough to make it work Rio: I'm not small Rio: you're freakishly large Buster: It's both, babe Buster: No saving your ego on that one Rio: 馃樉 Buster: You make it work too Rio: Cheers Rio: Your proportions aren't that circus freak, really Buster: I know Buster: No complaints here Rio: as if you're listening regardless Buster: Have a job not to hear, like Buster: Me and the neighbours Rio: 馃樂 Rio: Please Rio: too early for that Buster: Speaking of, I think one of 'em moving about up here Buster: You might get to shop after all Rio: Hooray Rio: Least they're definitely alive Buster: How long for is debatable, sounds like they're moving for Nance's en-suite with some speed Rio: 馃槕 Rio: can't take 'em anywhere Rio: really wanna spend tomorrow cleaning up the pig stye your making Rio: thanks lads Buster: The cleaner will deal Buster: All bants aside we've got one Rio: I will do it Rio: don't be stupid Buster: Don't be so stubborn Buster: I'll slip her some extra cash and she'll be buzzing Buster: Standard Rio: I'm not gonna just leave it but she can get it up to standard when I no doubt fail, yeah Buster: Now you're being stupid Rio: I am not Rio: this ain't a hotel Buster: You're a non-paying guest even more reason to leave it Buster: This is literally her job Rio: doesn't mean I've got to make it harder for her Rio: it's not a big deal Buster: You ain't Buster: Nance is literally the messiest person alive Buster: She won't bat an eyelid at those two Rio: Is it? Rio: You'd never know, Miss professional Rio: anyway Buster: She reckons it's a dyslexia thing Buster: Excuse if I ever heard one Rio: 馃槀 Rio: So mean Buster: Still true Rio: I'll give her chance to defend herself and expose you when I next see her Rio: s'all good Buster: 'Course Buster: I won't care I'll have died of thirst 'cause my coffee never came Rio: Drama 馃憫 Rio: surprised you ain't accused me of putting the silverware in my bag Buster: As much as I can bet your fam runs out all the fucking time, you can afford to replace it yourselves Buster: Hardly the poor relatives Rio: never stopped you playing the snobby one before though Buster: Ain't my fault I'm better than you, babe Rio: 馃あ Buster: And I'm the dramatic one, yeah? Rio: I'm not even, that is genuinely how offensive your little act is Buster: Says you Rio: Yeah Rio: You forgot who I am again? Buster: Nah, but you've forgotten me if you think all this is an act, like Rio: Whatever you say Buster: I know you hear me Rio: I dunno why you wanna be unlikeable Buster: I ain't Buster: Just not trying to attract you, babe Rio: Obviously Rio: but who are you Rio: girls as thoroughbred and long in the face as their ponies? Buster: Why do you care enough to ask the question? Rio: Nothing wrong with curiosity Buster: Nah, but you don't need to be curious about who I'm with or why Rio: I'm not Rio: I just wanna know what you're trying to achieve Buster: Nah, you wanna judge Buster: Already done without chatting about this Rio: And what, can't handle what you dish out? Buster: Fuck off Buster: I can handle you easily Rio: Sounds it Buster: I've proved myself enough to you for one weekend Buster: But go off Rio: Proven the opposite of what you're preaching Rio: hence the curiosity Rio: but forget it Buster: I get it, you're into me Buster: Get in line Rio: Now you're just being ridiculous Buster: Joining you in it, babe Rio: Whatever Rio: I'm going to get ready Buster: Cheers for the update Rio: 馃枙 Buster: Sooner you're ready the sooner you can sort them and go Rio: Believe it or not, they're capable of doing that themselves Buster: Sounds like it from here Rio: If you wanna help and get 'em out quicker, point them in the direction of another bathroom, yeah? Buster: And have you call me out again, nah, you're alright Buster: Handle it yourself Rio: Oh my God Rio: fine Buster: Try and keep it down though, I'm going back to sleep
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