#but we hsve SOOOOO MANY FUCKING REDTAILS i see them all the goddamn time. yes in town.
horce-divorce · 2 years
The other day my crows were annoying me SO much I actually packed it up and went inside.
I was sitting w the cats on the patio (they get supervised outside time in their tent or on a harness only) and usually we sit out there for a few hours while I do whatever. The crows are usually not around this time of day, they forage elsewhere (I feed & observe them too, hence "my" crows, for anyone who's new).
No. Not today. These corvids were HOME and they were NOT having it. Whatever "it" was. It was... Hard to tell at first.
Crows are uh, discordant by nature, but there's actually a lot of rhyme & reason to it. When you watch them every day you kinda learn their quirks and signals, even their voices and speech patterns. but this day was different. something VERY OUTRAGEOUS was going down and they just would NOT shut the FUCK up about it. none of them. 2 juveniles came screaming into the yard, an adult came and also started screaming, then left with one of the juveniles.
The other stayed in our yard and squaked- I shit you not- for FORTY. GODDAMN. MINUTES. WITHOUT. PAUSE.
At first I was like "what in the FUCK is his problem?! Does he just hate US? How does he not pass out?" and considering that, as soon as I went inside w the cats, he abandoned his post... Yeah, it kinda seemed like maybe they just wanted the yard! Like fine. Sure. We are the problem, I agree. You're a wild animal, you live here, too. I get it! I'll go. Nbd!!! Jesus!!!
I was so fucking wrong. That was not their problem.
So they keep this up for the rest of the day. He left our yard, but no joke, at all points you can hear a crow losing it's whole mind somewhere in the neighborhood, long after we went inside. This started around midday and continued until we were outside eating dinner at around 5/6pm.
We actually were like "......😳" like what do you even do when there's literally 50-100 crows just fucking screaming. This is highly unusual. Do you just... go inside?? Is that a portent of some kind? Like... We couldn't even have a conversation. (Also crows are bigger than you probably think. Have you ever seen one up close? No? It's a big ass bird, js. Having that many around suddenly is... Weird.)
But we were VERY curious what their fucking problem was.
So we watched.
And within about 10 minutes of The Screamening, we saw a huge faction of crows split off and take off screaming at top speed,
Once it was gone they immediately calmed down and went back to their normal, quieter behaviors (even doing the crooning and little croaks/trills that they only do when they feel safe & comfortable). They were VERY pleased w their work and I
I cry.
I thought the crow was trying to pick on my cats and HE WAS TELLING ME TO TAKE THEM INSIDE BECAUSE MY DUMB ASS DIDNT SEE THE FUCKING HAWK.
Im an IDIOT FUCKING HUMAN so it took me for ever to put together that they were just trying to protect their yard and we happened to be in the safety zone. I feed them and give them water and they know me, so they gave me a warning shout!!!!!! And he was SO DEDICATED like he really did not give up until he saw us go inside. Babie :'( I was making fun of him bc I was frustrated too, I am such an ass hole wtf
Where would we even be as a species without our animal friends and neighbors!!!! 😭😭 8 steps back in the evolutionary process undoubtedly!!!!! Fuck!!!!!!! Thank you for my life you funky little goth dinosaurs. What the fuck.
One man vs a redtailed hawk = holy shit have u seen those things. they're in a size class w bald eagles. godspeed adjusting to ur new prosthetic eyes
100 angry crows vs a hawk = haha oh shit you better fly faster 🤪 you fucked up!!!
Anyway. Wow. I'm gonna leave those crows some bacon today. It's a bit belated bc it took me 3 days to realize how the whole ordeal was connected but man they do such important work in this community. they might leave guts in the birdbath but they are some of the best neighbors I've ever had <3
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