#but wrio deals with the aftermath of reckless people's actions and sometimes that means kids become orphans
holybananaoafshoe · 6 months
✨️Team Dynamics ✨️
Tired Cryo Dads 7/8
The fighting dynamic:
They’re all DPS material so it’s chaotic
I like to think Klee and Freminet let’s Kaeya and Wrio do the heavy lifting while they provide cover fire/defense
Unless Klee, the beautiful chaos child, stumbles on a hilichurl nest--then she nukes the place and tearfully turns herself into Wrio, who tells her it’s okay to use her bombs on bad guys (and ignores the scene of utter destruction behind the child)
If Wrio and/or Kaeya get in trouble, which doesn’t happen too often, Freminet is the one to block the heavy blows directed to the two adults and Klee will one shot it with a bomb
Wrio is very impressed and very intimidated
They aren’t life-threatening wounds by any means, but being caught off guard is dangerous. They’re lucky Klee and Freminet were with them
Kaeya is getting messily bandaged up by Klee, who’s pulling out medical supplies from her backpack with tears in her eyes because she’s never seen Kaeya get hurt before (or at least he doesn’t get too injured when she’s with him)
“Don’t worry, Klee, it’s just a *winces* small cut, I’ll be fine! Wrio and I had the whole situation under control.”
They didn’t, but the sentiment seems to calm her down as Kaeya tells her grandly how they were going to take down the bad guy
He rebandages his wounds with the supplies in her bag (Klee now discussing the new bombs she made) as Freminet gets to work on Wrio
“You always tell me to be careful while I’m diving, but who’s being reckless by shielding the Cavalry Captain with his body?”
“Ah *ruffles Freminet’s hair, ignoring the glare* don’t worry kid, it takes a lot more than that to get me down.”
The action calms Freminet’s shaking hands, and as much as he hates to admit, he’s started to see Wrio as a father figure
One day Kaeya got badly injured fighting a group of corrupted robots
For one reason or another, he had decided to go look at some ruins Lisa had asked him to get photos of
Wrio had a briefing about the criminal of the week that morning and Klee was getting a tour of the city via Freminet and his siblings, so it was a good time to explorer and take some much needed alone time
That and the Fontaine sibling trio wanted Klee over for a sleepover, so he could spend the night exploring too
Bonus: he wouldn’t have to worry about Klee bombing the ruins
At the very least, he left a note with Klee and Freminet for Wrio before leaving with a wave and a “Have fun, Klee, I’ll see you all in the morning!”
He was literally in the middle of taking photos when he heard a clicking noise echo through the ruins, uneasy he put the Kamera away quickly and readied his sword.
Quietly, he made his way through the ruins, looking for the intruders.
Unfortunately, these robots had heat vision, and as soon as they picked up Kaeya’s heat signature, they charged.
He was doing pretty good at holding off the robots, but the sheer amount of them was overwhelming, even for him
After taking out half, one got the better of him and left him open to several heavy landing attacks.
He had disposed of one. An eerie clicking noise sounded behind him, and he spun around, ice coating the tip of his sword, ready to cut the robot down.
His sword is met with an empty space, and just as he’s processing that the robot is on his blind side, a white hot pain erupts from his abdomen. His vision goes dark for a second and comes back the moment the robot rips its lance out of his stomach.
Kaeya does his Best™ after that, but he’s struggling.
Kaeya’s sword is knocked out of his hand and he’s pushed back by the next attack, landing on the ground and looking up to see the final blow: “Oh, God, not like this--”
Wrio comes over and takes out the robot with a cyro charged left hook like a badass
(he hit it a little harder than he needed, but who’s around to call him out on it)
Moments before knocking out the robot, Wrio had caught sight of Kaeya lying on the ground, pushing himself to the limit to stop the robot on time and get up, get up! Why isn’t he getting up? Come on, Captain, you always get back up, give me a sign I’m not too late--
Kaeya is left awestruck as Wrio turns to the robots that are left and takes them out with a single, well-placed, cyro punch
Wrio sucks in a pained breath when he sees the wound at Kaeya’s abdomen and the dark stain that was steadily growing on Kaeya’s shirt.
Quickly taking off his coat, Wrio bunched it up and pressed it on Kaeya’s abdomen, getting a hiss from the Captain, to slow the bleeding.
It doubles as a blanket because Kaeya doesn’t know why, but he’s so fucking cold all of a sudden and he has a feeling it’s not just from using his vision too much
And he just gets colder by the minute
His injuries aren’t that bad right…?
Wrio then proceeded to pick Kaeya up bridal style
(with one arm, mind you, as he picks up Kaeya’s sword with the other to slide it into his belt before placing his hand under Kaeya’s knees.)
“I--I’m fine now, there’s no need to worry and I ca--”
*Wrio scoops him up with an unreadable expression* “You wouldn’t make it 5 feet without collapsing, so no you’re not walking.”
If Kaeya hadn't been profusely bleeding and on the verge of passing out, he'd have teased Wrio BUT OH MY GOD HES SO FUCKING COOL AND STRONG--
By the time they get to the city, Keaya is barely aware of his surroundings and Wrio is running to the medical center because Kaeya can’t die on his watch.
And Oh Fuck, he runs into Klee who’s in the middle of getting a tour of the city of Fontaine via Freminet and the twins.
To his credit, Wrio does a really good job at keeping the kids from seeing Kaeya’s injuries by adjusting his coat over Kaeya to hide the growing bloodstain (the twins may have also distracted them with a quick magic trick while Wrio was adjusting).
Klee wants them to join, but “Kaeya can’t join because he, ahem, overworked himself, and he’s super tired.”
Kaeya has most definitely collapsed from getting very little sleep after the more intense missions he’s been on for the knights, so Klee is none the wiser.
She tells Freminet and his siblings about the times Kaeya has collapsed, laughing as she recounts the time Albedo helped her draw on Kaeya’s face
As Wrio runs off, the twins steer her and Freminet in the opposite direction
Meanwhile, Kaeya’s eyes are closed, and Archons he’s cold and so, so tired.
Wrio is talking, asking him questions, but Kaeya can’t talk right now. In fact, all he wants to do is go to sleep.
Spoilers: they get to the medical center in time.
Kaeya wakes up to Wrio quietly changing his bandages, a worried expression on his face.
He gives himself away when he hisses at Wrio putting some kind of salve on his wound, who quickly apologizes and starts asking if Kaeya is alright and “it doesn’t hurt too much, right?”
Wrio is quiet, and Kaeya knows he’s angry about something.
Kaeya can't help but feel it's because he did kinda go off on his own without really warning Wrio.
They get into it a little bit, and the argument gets a bit heated.
In his defense, he could have handled himself very well, and it was unusual for the robots to get corrupted like that in the first place.
“The kids were with the twins today, and it was the perfect time to go without having to worry about them getting into danger or blowing up the ruins” and “Hey, you were in the fortress, how did you know?”
Wrio is so quiet until he mentions he had a bad feeling after getting briefed that someone had corrupted a bunch of robots (because of course, Wrio would be sent after the criminal).
“When I saw the kids without you, then the note… I knew you were in the area with the robots and… *Wrio closes his eyes for a moment, trying to force the words out* when I found you, you looked as if you were already halfway to death’s door.”
And oh wow Kaeya didn’t think he was injured that badly.
Wrio tells him he’s seen the aftermath of people recklessly getting hurt (or dying) by doing something stupid, and he doesn’t want to see Klee go through that.
And ouch, does Kaeya feel bad.
They talk it out and Lynette comes by to make sure Kaeya is okay while Lyney is keeping the kids occupied.
They cover the bandages with one of Kaeya’s shirts before Lynette brings the kids around to see him, Klee glumly saying she’s sad because she can’t draw on his face while he’s awake.
Kaeya is forced to bed rest by Wrio until he's fully healed under the pretense that “he just needs a lot of sleep.”
Living rent-free in my mind, let me know if you want the full fic
This is just an outline, imagine what a full fleshed 20k fic would look like (you should see the Kaithem and Cynari outlines I have…)
I’ll type it up for whoever wants it :’
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