pinkminecraft · 6 months
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i have a buttonduo roleswap au btw.
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somehowmags · 11 months
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my part for the @mcytblraufest big bang! i drew this for @enby-chaos's fic i leaned in and let it hurt, which is a buttonduo botw au! i will reblog this with a link to it aksjdffhlaksdfh
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honeyblockm · 1 year
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your own judas / the kiss of judas
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toxictitties · 2 years
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lmanburgseulogy · 1 month
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man this brick wall really reminds me of some place special
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enby-chaos · 7 months
just thought how about you could count on one hand how many plot relevant buttonduo moments there were (without counting c!wilbur and ghostbur as the same character, so no doomsday or revival attempt)
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lilytheflowerwrites · 7 months
guys... do you remember... c u in ut...
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raineyraven · 1 year
i know the dsmp isnt too much of a hot topic anymore but i still think the way c!eret and c!wilbur's arcs parallel and mirror each other is an incredibly underrated part of their stories. how through season 1, eret pretty much started as a traitor before bettering themself into a hero of this story, while wilbur starts as a sort of hero before descending into viewing himself as a villain. how eret's attempt to destroy l'manburg through deception eventually led to wilbur doing the same. how they were both left alone with only the consequences of their choices for company. how, as eret neared the end of their redemption arc, wilbur began his. the matching themes of them both being stuck in a narrative theyre trying to escape. how their arcs played out so differently from each other, despite the similarities in outline. they've interacted relatively rarely compared to other duos, and yet so much of their stories are affected by the actions of the other. they're interwined and they're so damn fascinating.
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peearrdee · 2 years
c!button duo webweave but it only makes sense to me
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phasewashere · 2 years
i will never get over the way c!eret says c!wilburs name. like not in a weird way its just. you can see how much she cares for him just when she says it. she says it so warmly and fondly and shes the only one that says it that way and and and. you can tell how much she admires him and would go to the ends of the earth for him AND FUCK FUCK FUCK
that narrative foil sure can narrative foil.
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pinkminecraft · 5 months
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@wondernoise @mcytblrholidayexchange
get buttonduo’d! I hope your Holiday Season is wonderful!
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somehowmags · 2 years
so the desert/utah represents cwilbur's freedom from the narrative. he's been playing the role he thinks the story needs this entire time- general washington, the tragic anti-hero, the sweet woobified ghost, a menacing pixie nightmare girl, and then finally the disgraced protagonist seeking out redemption. he wants so badly to be a three act protagonist- alas, he is in a improv group roleplay. he's trying to play by the rules of the story where those rules do not exist by the nature of the medium. the apology streams help break him of this because nobody acts the way he would expect them to in a story. eret demands a real apology and change from him. niki is distant. fundy straight up tells him they will never reconcile. he only hurts tommy more and tommy tells him so. all of this compounds until the finale, where he stops seeing himself as a character and starts seeing himself as a person. this is why he leaves minecraft, the stage for his play, and appears in the real world, finally free from the narrative.
so why then c u in ut? why tell this to eret of all people? because he hopes that she too, will be free from the narrative. the narrative that he put on her: the tyrant king, the traitor, his own personal judas. but also, the narrative she helped make: she betrayed him, said the iconic line, moved the story from a lighthearted play conflict to a story, a narrative. "you are not the villain"- he hopes that one day, she too will leave the stage, and join him in the desert.
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crastledivorce · 2 years
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xavalav · 2 years
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i forgor to post the blorbos that i drew in class here :3
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honeyblockm · 1 year
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Your own Judas
Wait hold on dont reblog this I wanna add some colors
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enby-chaos · 1 year
okay i just got off work and this is gonna be incoherent as fuck but i gotta talk about buttonduo okay
i started thinking about the moment in the may 2022 stream where c!eret says "you think you're better than me?" to c!wilbur and how they were right.
c!wilbur literally admitted to c!eret moments before (or moments later idk its been a hot minute since i watched the vod) that he purposefully talked bad about them behind their back to stop people from befriending them. effectively placing himself on the moral high ground
he was jealous of c!eret and pursued power in l'manberg, even going as far as the plan to rig the election before it started, yet painted himself as a good and just person (until that all fell apart)
and then, when he blew up l'manberg, he felt the need to tell c!phil about c!eret's betrayal, and reminded the audience about it too by doing so. yes he was doing a callback to "it was never meant to be", but why remind the audience about c!eret's betrayal right at the turning point of their redemption as they fought alongside pogtopia?
thesis statement or whatever; c!wilbur, subconsciously or not, thought he was better than c!eret and c!eret was right to call him out on that.
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