#by the time i got to s7 i dont think i was fully conscious anymroe adfkj also why im rewatching i would like to try
nicholaes · 11 months
sorry i put off answering this for so long bc i was super busy suddenly and then i was overthinking about rambling too much about my answers asjfkdj but thanks for asking i love an excuse to talk about characters
Favourite character: At the moment Tara from my rewatch (im in the middle of s5 currently) but in general Spike but also Buffy bc shes Buffy you know
Funniest character: I think it has to be Buffy when considering who's funny on purpose. But Spike is also funny on accident by just being a little idiot sometimes
Best-looking character: Gotta say Spike
3 favourite ships: Kinda hard to answer bc I actually dont like most of the relationships on this show that much 1. Obviously Spuffy, I had seen spuffy posts on tumblr ages ago and I was like thinking oh this is probably not gonna be fully canon and then I screamed when s5 and 6 happened. 2. Spike and Drusilla I just think theyre very fun to watch together 3. conflicted between Jenny Calender and Giles, bc it was kinda brief and Tara and Willow, bc I just didnt like Willow as much in later seasons so Im just not fully invested in either I guess
Least favourite character: hmm i dont know when I first rewatched I really disliked Glory and not in a this is the villain way but in a this character is really annoying me way but during rewatching my feelings on lots of characters have changed and theres a lot of characters that have moments or arcs where they annoy me a lot but none really stands out as a least favourite
Least favourite ship: I dont really hate any ship but I guess Xander and Anya I just didnt get why they got together besides wanting to have sex (shoutout to bangel just for constantly being brought up again like it was fine it made sense for the story but he left after s3 pls let him just leave)
Reason why I watch it: Its felt very just fun and different from what I had been watching before in a refreshing way. Really liked how things would be unexpected but it wasnt being over the top just kinda a genuine fun time. Then Spike was introduced and I got Spike brain worms lmao
Why I started watching it: Basically bc of Spuffy and I saw gifsets ages ago probably around 2013 and I was like seems like a cool show and then I saw Spuffy gif sets and I was like oooh and I remember seeing a video of him having to sing to Buffy in Once More With Feeling and being sold on the ship and then on top of that I found out he's a vampire so I was so in. I didnt really see much of it later but I think I just heard things about it being influential and just good in general so I was like ok I need to watch it sometime and then I started watching it as a chill show while working on my bachelor thesis (ended up only getting to it like 10 years but shh)
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