#c: dante
196794 · 21 days
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he has NO GAME
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visxionaries · 4 months
who: @baashirdayne / @dante-uller when and where: before the venture to kings landing, some of the reach faction travelled to dorne. what: cedric speaks with the first and second minister of dorne, regarding a conflict of interest. the summer isles risks a regional conflict.
the summer air within dorne was heated, hazy; such was the aftermath of the death of the prince of house martell, the man who he had disagreed with a multitude of times. the man whose sister had once remained perfectly atop of him; such was the haze that was the intricate history between the reach and dorne. enemies, and yet it had been the reach who had first formally allied with dorne when they had opened themselves up upon the world stage; and that had all but dissolved, when cedric decided that he would need riverland troops to fight on his side of the uprooting of the roses.
the rhoynish would not perish for any andal. still, in the years that had passed since the breaking down of their initial alliance, it came to his attention that dorne had allied itself closer to the summer isles and the lyseni. the former were more his concern than the latter: and the beginnings stages of their plan had begun with the privateering that had been commissioned. altan ryams had made it his mission to cause distant rumours of the reach's prowess at sea to reach docks, their aggressive nature; a contrast to their apparent chivalrous nature. and now, cedric tyrell intended to damage their pockets closer to home: for there remained arbor ships closer to starfall and dornish waters.
the trade of the summer isles would not reach dornish shores, if he had his way; when he had his way. meaning dorne would be unable to send their trade to the summer isles, nor would the summer isles receive payment from dorne for their usual trade. for it would be at the bottom of the summer sea, or upon the decks of redwyne vessels. they would add the blackbars to the number should they need to. "my lords, thank you for agreeing to meet with me."
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first minister, second minister. the system was foolish and unclear to the eyes of cedric tyrell, but it were not like he asked. he did not need the clarification, and so he looked between both the dornish lords. he could not pick up on if there were any tension between the two.
"may the gods establish a strength within your princess, and may her reign be prosperous." a three year old. the vultures would circle. cedric was one of them. it was the day following the arrival of highgarden's faction to dorne, and he noted the way in which the unpopular lady of oldtown had seemingly found herself easily in the presence of the princess regent. and then he stopped talking, considering he was not one to load discussion or information upon the others.
this was their land. and whilst he would do what he planned either way, he intended on at least attempting to get dorne to pull back from summer islander trade.
lest the reach enter dornish waters unauthorised, and sink trade. it would kickstart a greater region conflict, but when was there not? his gaze looked for the wyl and the yronwood, known for their aggressive stance on the march borders. the dornish had wiped out half of the peakes for cedric, before he could even get to them.
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aidankeef · 16 days
closed starter - @dantesinfrn0
local: campo de tiro ao alvo.
Assistia aos lançamentos em silêncio. Odiava qualquer modalidade de ataque à distância pelas inúmeras dificuldades que compreendia por suas limitações de combate. "Vai demorar muito aí, estrelinha?" A provocação era parte das interações de Aidan, que nunca buscou medir esforços para irritar os demais campistas, e não deixaria de fazê-lo com Dante. "Eu estou de saco cheio de ver essa flecha ir de lá para cá. Vamos logo tomar uma cerveja, não aguento mais esse clima mórbido."
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silvcrignis · 10 months
💕 How easily do they fall in love?
{Meme}: {x}
Raises an eyebrow casually thumbing through catalogs of my universal & open to everyone soulmates lore™️
Depends on who the other person turns out to be to them.
Are they?:
Mates are almost always platonic. A mate is someone your soul loosely connects with based on general compatibility with your own soul. If you have a “best friend” the two of you are most likely mated. A person can have an unlimited number of mates.
Soulmates? This connection is often romantic and one-sided. Two people can be soulmates and romantically involved of course. It’s less common than mates. Every person usually gets around fifteen soulmates or so in their lifetime which works out well since the third connection is so difficult to come around.
Aliuds, a completely different ballpark than the other two. Only four or less people in the entire world are destined to be each other’s Aliud and countless people live and die without ever meeting any of theirs. It’s very easy to tell when you’ve found your Aliud because two important things happen gradually after they meet. There is a certain moment during which you experience a very profound pain quite unlike any other. It’s commonly referred to as the Realisation and is usually experienced at separate times for each person. That means one person could have it the moment they meet and the other could have it in five years. Another obvious sign that someone is your Aliud is that their name will appear on your body in their native tongue. Say your Aliud’s first spoken language is Russian and yours is English. Their name will appear in Russian somewhere on your body and yours on theirs in English. This phenomenon only happens if one or both Aliud party is a supernatural creature.
Full Old Man Ramble From Keira’s Father About It Here
Of course Keira Black will still fight & resist every single goddamn one of these connections like they’re a gold coated wooden stake but she’s just as susceptible to these connections as every other spooky monster on this blog, she fell for Dante Donahue INSTANTLY, immediately got her Mark & vice versa because the connection was that quick for both of them.
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baashirdayne · 9 months
| @dante-uller | | setting :: baashir meets with the second minisiter to discuss the expectations of their roles and ensure they were on the same page. | | banter length |
"I'm sure you see the honor in this position. The honor in this role. We serve Princess Allyrion and we serve the little princess, it's our duty to ensure when it is time for her to learn from her elders she is properly educated." Bash didn't just have an idea of what he wanted to do, he knew what they needed to do and what was required of them. The Princess was 3, the youngest and only legitimate child of the previous Prince, the bastards were another problem that needed solving that Myriam would take the head there for she didn't wish for Bash to do things his way.
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"I've asked your brother to look into the Crownlands. We should consider the Stormlands as well. The marcher lords have started doing something, the sentinels report as much. And while I'm sure there were other matters before hand it matters not now." They were moving ahead and moving away from the past. And if anything from the past mattered, then Myriam would point him in that direction.
"Have you heard any concerns from the smallfolk? Any words beyond their mourning for the late prince?" Bash sat at the edge of the desk, his expression hard to read, his deep purple eyes serious as always. "We've quite the journey before us, wouldn't you agree, my lord?" Tasked with reviving the most honorable land of Dorne.
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wintcrstcrfall · 1 year
@dantexdrcke​ continuing from here
In that small, fleeting moment, Adelinne was happy. Without reservation, without trauma to pull her back and most importantly - without that cold touch of fear, she dared to allow every small, positive emotion to overwhelm her senses. She was smiling again too, not really knowing how to hide it - not really wanting, either. Dante’s admission about not thinking he would ever get enough of her scent was just the thing her heart needed to start thudding a little bit louder. And when his hand tugged her down, body falling on his lap instead of the couch, Addie let out a small laugh, despite that somehow all of the air ended up out of her lungs. Wincing a little and trying to hide it, she brought her hands around his neck. There was no hiding the roll of her eyes, nothing subtle about how exasperated she got from hearing Dante’s words. Back to being the same impossible tease that drove her insane, it seemed. “I don’t want to... put pressure on you or anything, but that chance I’ve given you, it has an expiration date. And it’s ticking away every second you waste time teasing me.” Head leaning sideways, Addie leaned in a bit more closer until her lips pressed to Dante’s cheek, leaving a soft, soft kiss there. God, she wanted to spend forever doing just that and the acknowledgment made her heart to flutter like a butterfly.
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dvstbvnnies · 9 months
ben blinks at dante. "i don't like the blonde."
“Fuck you,” he says and self-consciously runs a hand over his hair. He thought he looked good. “I don’t like your sweats either but I don’t complain about it—” anymore.
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devirtute · 11 months
@illicitlcve asked: 4MMM for dante subbing for two of your guys? (gregory and rodrigo)
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"come on dante, you want to earn it, don't you?" rodrigo grabbed the younger man by his head, moving his hand up to get a good grip of his hair. he pushed his head forward so that his tongue could please gregory even more. "be a good boy for us and then maybe both of us will fuck you." he grabbed gregory's shaft with his hand, wrapping it around the base but not stroking it just yet. instead, he looked at the other older man and smirked. "how's our little slut doing?"
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people normally didn't pay attention to his ass when it came to sex, but he was pleasantly surprised so far with everything that was going on. he watched rodrigo give dante commands while his legs were up in the air. "i think he really wants to earn both of our dicks inside of him." was all he could say in between moans. gregory's hole clenched the more that he could feel dante's mouth and when rodrigo's hand wrapped around his length. "play with yourself too. i want to hear you whining."
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angusbyrne · 11 days
LOCATION: One of the shared bathrooms in the house DATE: Sunday, September 4, 2005 (post-wake, 9:30 ish? what are timelines) Closed starter for @mustdies
There was only so long that Angus would allow an injury to be wrapped up in something that hadn't come from a first aid kit. The gash on the palm of his hand had stopped bleeding for some time now, but it needed a proper cleaning, an antibiotic ointment, and a sterile bandage. All of which he would have really rather done without a witness, but it seemed God didn't feel so kindly toward him on that front.
He'd just tracked down the first aid kit Mrs. Tristan kept in the bathroom on the first floor—possibly placed there to come in handy for any injuries acquired from horsing around out on the lawn—when he heard the door creak. Angus' right hand was curled upward close to his stomach, but he clenched it into a painful fist when the door swung open in its entirety. Angus didn't say anything at first, simply allowed his gaze to look heavenward.
"Blessed Mary, Mother of Consolation, pray with me for the virtue of patience," he started aloud, as halfhearted a prayer as he's ever given. He knew this one wouldn't do jack shit in the next 5 minutes. "There are so many times when my lack of forbearance keeps me from becoming the kind of person God wants me to be." His tone was even, emotionless, and all performance. "Please assist me in welcoming difficult people with a patient heart."
Angus looked straight at the intruder—at Dante. "Amen."
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myriamas · 3 months
who: @dante-uller when and where: following the tense conversation between king cedric tyrell, baashir dayne and dante uller, myriam allyrion awaits in her chambers for her usually weekly meeting with the second minister of dorne. she has already heard how it went from the viewpoint of the sword of the morning, and had been looking forward to speaking with dante to gain his perspective on the matter. context: myriam has fully accepted and fallen for the persona that dante uller puts on: that of him being understanding, more open minded and less judgemental. for this reason, knowing that baashir can sometimes be the sterner of the two, she seeks to understand how blatant the reach's threats truly were.
her kohl lined orbs remained fixed comfortably beyond the window pane, seated against the window wrapped up in her shawls; the amount of days for her specific mourning period had ceased, meaning that the silks of white adorned to mourn for her late husband had been unwrapped and discarded of. now, she was a crimson and mandarine sight; golden thread etched upon her blouse and her skirts, her shawl remaining loosely against the side of her curves with thick dark hair remaining glossy. truthfully, she had always found a great amount of confidence and respect in herself when it came to matters of her personal appearance: when she believed that she looked impeccable, she truly believed she was impeccable.
there was a vast difference in the aura she seemed to radiate when the white robes slipped from her for the final time; the heavy weight of needing to grieve for something she did not truly feel she knew what she was grieving about.
many assumed the shadows on her face came out of fear of being alone; but rather, it came out of fear for what it was to be a royal widow. the assumption that even in death, she would not be free of the bangles that had become her manacles. she was waiting for someone. not merely anyone, but rather, she was waiting for the lord of hellgate hall; the presumed heir of house uller, or so she thought. perhaps she was wrong on that account, because she did not truly understand the inheritance that were the methods of house uller - how was it matters were settled and decided upon? did a lord or lady not feeling a sense of dread in knowing their death would spark upheaval within the region?
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her gaze remained upon the windows, documents remaining sprawled out against the glitter of her blood orange coloured skirts, her gaze wafting between it and between the goblet she rested close to her, careful not to spill it over the parchment. what the actual fuck was this inheritance policy of hellholt? and of hellgate hall? her brows furrowed as she rested the feather of the quill against her nose, sitting upward as though she meant business now; the master of whispers had submitted the amount of forces he and dante's households combined held. but who was whose heir? who was dante's heir?
she begun to curse beneath her breath, tasting the wine upon her own tongue; though her voice trailed when she noted a figure approaching her chambers from the courtyard. and so she slipped from her window seat, still holding parchment in her hands as she made her way over to the door; swinging it open the moment the guards were ready to announce the presence of dante uller. she remained within the doorframe, her gaze flickering over him for a moment; he looked different somehow. she could not figure out how, or why. "dante uller." she greeted, wordlessly passing over the documents into his hands. there was a light wine stain upon the corner, something she had not noticed as she passed it over the man.
"would you do me the honour of informing me who it is you leave your holdings to in the present?" she asked, stepping to the side for him to answer, before swinging the door shut behind her with a certain bang. far too loud than she had expected. "one of your cousins from your uncle, would be the assumption."
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vapolis · 27 days
Could the Merc drag the ROs to karaoke and who would crush it?
that'd be hilarious to imagine
royal would get totally into it. outfits. duet. theatrics. give them all of it rn.
orla would belt some ballad even though she sounds like she's a dying cat.
jax would get dared into singing wonderwall or something and threaten to blow the joint.
echo would reluctantly choose a pop hit and smash it bc they have an oddly good voice. they'd be hella smug about it too.
dante/delilah will be the one drunk slurring into a mic and then rope people into a duet. they'd put on a great show even if the voice is lacking.
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196794 · 16 days
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current obsession is drawing dante and rose relationship memes
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natlacentral · 4 months
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avatarnetflix: Will be talking about the premiere of AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER for the next 100 years.
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civicrose · 2 months
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warframe 2 lookin kinda good
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tianhai03 · 2 years
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guys wake up new C coloring pic just dropped <333 have some teefs i drew awhile ago that i probably never posted here
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dvstbvnnies · 9 months
"I gotta say," Dante grabs his drink from the table and takes a sip, before quickly beginning to change into a new shirt, "it's still the funniest damn thing that a prince is coming to our shows. Not really the kind of music you'd expect royalty to listen to," he teases and pulls a black shirt over his head, neatly tucking it into his jeans, before casting his gaze back to @bravelyloves. "And I don't think Corinna could be any more smitten by you. Lucia too, but she's smitten with every attractive guy that walks by."
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