#c: lilith
xolaanii · 1 year
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Hail Daughter of Hatred. Hail Creator of Sanctuary. Hail... Lilith.
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ofescapisms · 3 months
Lately Sawyer felt like Lilith had something going on that she wasn’t telling her about, so finally Sawyer decided to confront that head on made her way right to the commune. She waited for the person who answered the door to bring Lilith as she waited at the front door, then smiled seeing her. “Hey! You busy? Figured we could hang out for a bit. Feels like way too fucking long,” she laughed.
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travelingreportersam · 4 months
Walking up to a woman shuffling through tarot cards on the front porch of the commune, Sam gave a smile and a wave. "Hi, sorry to bother you. I'm Samuel Ahn from the Huntsville Daily. I have a few questions if you don't mind."
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machinegrl · 9 months
tagged by @vicciouxs <3
Share a random line of text from your current WIP or a line or two of dialogue from one of your characters. Do not give any explanation or context, and see what your followers think. Then, tag a few friends to keep the randomness going!
im tagging: @intramoon @bunmou @salemssimblr ( i wanted to tag u guys but u don't have to do it if u don't want to 🤧🥰)
“why should i choose to die for a world that was never mine?”
— Lilith
“then what am i if not a machine?”
“a child.”
— Syera & her dad
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spearofdestiny · 1 year
Closed starter for @hellsqueenlilith​
Destiny always found solace in art, but since her father’s death, it was... harder to focus. Still, she’d taken out the dumb sword that she’d taken the night of Halloween, and sketched it out. Something had compelled her to take it, told her she needed it, even though that sounded crazy. Putting it back to the back of her closet she headed down to the art gallery, wanting to distract herself a little. 
Staring at a piece of work for a long time, she didn’t realise someone was standing near her until she heard them speak to her, and she jumped out of her skin.
“Shit! Sorry.... I was miles away.” She looked at the name of the artist, then glanced back at the other. “Oh, this is one of yours?”
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raiineyday · 2 years
"We never really talked much during our Hexside years, did we?"
"You're right, we didn't really." They agree, glancing over at Lilith. They can't remember the last time the two of them even had a conversation, but it seems fitting now. The day of unity is almost here, they should catch up while they still can.
"Were you jealous of me and Eda? I didn't mean to ignore you, but you know she was my best friend. I'm sorry if I hurt you at all."
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murder-popsicle · 1 year
'none of it ever seemed real.' (about her time with hydra)
@projectlilith || the things they carried || accepting
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"That's because they were fuckin' with your brain," Bucky said flatly. "Drugs, brainwashing, conditioning... There's bits of my time with them that I still can't remember clearly."
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phoenixtakaramono · 4 months
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I think the Princess of Hell and her devoted knight make a great powerhouse couple
Higher-Res Version: Twitter
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caliphoria17 · 11 months
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wooriid · 2 months
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A few years ago my sweet friend zencultist (Twitter) drew this meme for me (Lilith still wearing her unmodded very first signature outfit in red ^^) I still love that little gift so very much - and I still feel Goro so very much xD
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shy-forceghost · 1 year
A round of applause to Kristina Tonteri-Young's acting in here because I'll never get tired of watching the details of this scene
I'm certain I've seen something about this somewhere else but I can't find the post so here you have:
I want you all to appreciate the plethora of emotions on Beatrice's body language (specially her eyes) in the "We've lost Mary" scene. She starts trembling when she understands the message, the pain of the news unsettling her so much that she physically reacts to it. Then she realizes she has to tell Ava, and re-adopts her strong façade because she has to be strong for Ava, to support her.
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But as soon as she sees Ava's expression (which we as a public can't see) she understands that she's safe with her. That she is allowed to break down in front of her. Ava reacts quickly, it's her who grabs Beatrice into the hug trying comfort her; trying to make her understand "it's ok, you can allow yourself to feel. I'm here".
Imagine how it might've been for Ava to see Bea trying to suppress her emotions even then, she can see her pain and the only thing she wants to do is try to tell her that she is not alone in that; so she goes to the same way Beatrice has comforted her before.
Of course Ava is hurting, too, but in that specific moment she knows exactly what Beatrice needs, which shows just how much their in tune with each other now.
Being hugged by Ava, Beatrice lets go the pain, you can see how much it breaks her.
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In addition to that, once she is comforted by Ava, the realization that Mary is actually gone sets in. The sister she's been asking about for months, hoping that she might be safe somewhere, has been dead all that time. You see the shift in her eyes from pain to fear in a brief moment, the moment Beatrice realizes that another one of her sisters (her other role model after losing Shannon) is dead and she is alone now. That's when she realizes she can lost Ava, too. That's the moment that makes her think "You are the only one I have left, and I don't think I could manage to lose you, too".
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justmenoworries · 3 months
"Oooo Adam has a right to hate Lucifer, Lucifer took Lilith and Eve away from him"
Adam was an abusive asshat to Lilith. Lilith chose to be with the one who actually respected her and didn't demand she be solely his submissive hanger-on.
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"From the dust of Earth, [the angels] created Adam and Lilith. Equals as the first of mankind, but despite this, Adam demanded control, and Lilith refused to submit to his will. She fled the Garden."
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"Drawn in by her fierce independence, Lucifer found her and the two rebellious dreamers fell deeply in love."
2. Lucifer didn't "take" Eve. He offered her the forbidden fruit and she accepted.
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"Together, [Lilith and Lucifer] wished to share the magic of free will with humanity, offering the Fruit of Knowledge to Adam's new bride, Eve, who gladly accepted."
We don't know what happened after aside from the fact that apparently because Eve took the fruit "evil" was let in to the world the angels created. Since humanity still, y'know, exists, we can gather that Eve stayed with Adam and they had kids like in the original myth.
3. It really says a lot that this wording denies Eve and Lilith any actual agency in what happened in favor of pushing all the blame and responsibility on Lucifer and making Adam out to be a poor uwu misunderstood baby. The misogyny is strong in this one.
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ofescapisms · 6 months
Sawyer just started her break at work and took a seat on a park bench next to Lilith, sighing dramatically. “You know the shittiest part about construction? You gotta work fast enough to make sure you’re done before the ground gets too cold to work into,” she groaned. “Well that’s my bitching of the moment. What’s new with you?”
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liesminelli · 1 year
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Idk if anyone else caught it but these three concept designs match :))
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aro-tistic-art · 22 days
Firin' out fanart like no tomorrow bc I love them
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yamatokun123 · 1 month
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