coredrill · 1 year
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Gwenpool and Nadia Van Dyne in “Everything’s Coming Up Aces” from Marvel’s Voices: Pride (2023)
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storiesbyjes2g · 9 months
Back here thinking 'bout you
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Nadia loves how happy he is and how much he's growing up, but she can't shake feeling this might be a mistake. But she's trying to support him just like Melany suggested.
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raichana-artblog · 9 months
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Trails into Reverie Chibis
ok and Vacation Lechter...
SPOILER ~Unmasked C is under the cut~ SPOILER
I really enjoyed these babies in Reverie and I look forward to seeing them again someday soon~
OK again, last warning.
unmasked C is on the way with his goofy hand pose thing...
I understood it when he had the mask on but not when it's off.
but yes here is the goofball.
I hope you enjoy
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popcultr · 3 months
OPEN TO: anyone!
(TEST) MUSE: nadia chopra / 28 / band manager / pansexual
PLOT: rebellious pop star / band member x grumpy manager, u know the plot!
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"and then you've got an interview at twelve with..." nadia trails off, looking at them, a loud sigh leaves her lips. "are you even listening to me?" she asks, brow raised, "what did i just say? c'mon tell me" it was going to be a long day.
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ella-cooper · 4 months
On a Saturday morning, Ella would usually be sleeping in as much as possible. But considering they weren't in their own bed, they had woken up with a start, turning over to find Nadia sound asleep next to them. It brought a slight smile to their face before they felt the pounding of their head and groaned. They tried to slowly get out of bed as to not disturb he and slowly gathered their clothes. But they weren't actually inclined to rush off, too tired and too in need of coffee for that. That and when they tried to tip toe out of the bedroom, they immediately ran into Nadia's kids in the hallway. "Oh, hey dudes uh...you guys got cheerios?" A short introduction but soon enough they were seated with the little ones on the couch, watching morning cartoons, all three of them with hilariously big bowls of cereal. "Oh your tastes are immaculate little ones, teen titans go is my sh-my stuff," they told them, spooning another mouthful of cereal before they heard Nadia coming down the hallway. "Morning sunshine," they told her with a grin, "Me and my new besties were just taking in some quality tv. I made coffee if you want some." @nadiazahedah
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sols-actual-main-blog · 2 months
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Nadia's The Reason You Suck Speech
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ianmaliks · 1 month
where: nadia's place who: @nadiazahedah & ian malik
“Wait, so, where are your kids at again?” Ian poked up from his lounged position on Nadia’s couch, glancing around the living room. “I’m just now realizing how fucking quiet it is in here.” It’d been some time since he and Nadia had properly hung out, but the nice part of their relationship was that whenever they picked things back up, it was as if no time passed at all. “You didn’t have to kick them out on my account, though, dear Nadia. I’m not that type of houseguest.”
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morgenstern16 · 2 months
So far Reverie is a huge improvement on CS4's awkward plot, I'm really enjoying it. I love C and his collection of weird blorbo children.
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coredrill · 1 year
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ninenadiarayne · 8 months
Hi, i'm Nadia Rayne! This is a Kiseki/Trails of focused account, I'll post about series or any official merch/fanart i find. Hope we get along!
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storiesbyjes2g · 9 months
Lunch with the Piersons
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Even though this is Nadia's post, it's all about Kameron. Nate received a text suggesting STRONGLY that he bring "his girl" over to meet them properly and not to drop by unannounced lol.
Also...Miss Thang does smile on occasion lol.
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boyd-connors · 1 year
—Starter for @nadiamorgan​ Flashback: Providence Peak University Library
Boyd wouldn’t go so far as to say he hated business, but it certainly wasn’t a major he’d chosen out of some great life’s passion. It was a sensible major — the kind that might, someday, lead to a sensible job that would support the kind of life he intended to provide for his family. It was that promise that propelled him far more than any interest in the subject, and after several hours of study, not that even that could help to hold his attention. Especially not when something far more compelling was sitting right across from him...
He’d spent the last 15 minutes subtly trying to play footsie, his foot hooking around Nadia’s ankle to pull her closer only to be warned off by a quick flick. Usually, his girlfriend’s ambition and single-minded determination was one of the sexiest things about her, but right now... He needed to put on the pressure.
“I’m fucking starving,” he said, pushing his textbook away. As if he’d absorbed a single word from it in the last 20 minutes. “Wanna get some food?”
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minxxfur · 2 years
nadia: “my husband was murdered and it traumatized the entirety of vesuvia”
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ella-cooper · 2 months
"I know she could change her mind in a couple of weeks but I figure the best way to get into a sport is to get inspired by some kickass women who play it." Ella grinned as they held up the Sydney Leroux jersey they had gotten for Amelia. "Vegas doesn't have a team yet but maybe one day you can get her to Cali or Portland for a game. I promise it's worth it." Ella knew it was too much but they couldn't help it and they bought all sorts of shit when they were up late and scrolling through their phone. "I may have also gotten some toys for Aaron," they admitted before rejoining Nadia on her couch. "And now I'm here to take you out. Properly and without being blackout drunk," they teased, reaching out to put one of their hands on one of Nadia's knees. "You ready to go?" @nadiazahedah
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sols-actual-main-blog · 7 months
Me: Eighties Nadia isn't real, she can't hurt you
Eighties Nadia:
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gnossienneeins · 8 months
[  TAUNT  ] :  sender is taunting receiver, slowly moving in closer to their lips with no intention of kissing them, to see how far they’re willing to go. 
Mal se lembrava do que estava falando antes do movimento de Nadia. Provavelmente alguma reclamação sobre a forma que ela e seu grupo tratavam os humanos, alguma tentativa de fazê-la perceber que era irracional. Sentiu a respiração da vampira em seus lábios, e franziu o cenho. Jamais entendeu os desejos carnais dos seres humanos até chegar à cidade e ter contato com eles e tantas outras criaturas. Tudo o que sabia é que Nadia era muito eficaz em provocá-lo daquela forma. Não quis transparecer que realmente perdeu a compostura por alguns segundos, e então a segurou pelos ombros para a afastar. "Não estou brincando."
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