#camila luddington
celebrityfeet · 8 months
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Camila Luddington
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jwillims1 · 2 months
As soon as I knew you were going to this music festival, I immediately knew it was going to be a fun week. So don't go ignoring me all week, I need my fair share of the Luddington charm, the bad dancing and the even worse jokes. We've got a lot of catching up to do. // @luddingtonhills
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beavtifvltragedies · 15 days
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[ camilla luddington | she/her ] Another face is seeking safety in New Orleans. Make sure to welcome AVERY BRADENTON to the home of the resilient. Rumor has it that they are an 38 year old WITCH, who is one of the SURVIVORS but we’ll keep that a secret. They are said to be CYNICAL, but that’s all a façade to cover up their INDEPENDENT nature. We’ve heard that they can be found listening to CONSEQUENCES by CAMILA CABELLO which sums them up pretty well. Let’s hope that they can find a way to survive this harsh new world
NAME: avery joanne bradenton née reynolds NICKNAME:  AGE: 38 BIRTHDAY:  SPECIES: witch GENDER: cisfemale PRONOUNS: she/her SEXUALITY: heterosexual FACECLAIM: camilla luddington HAIR COLOR: brown EYE COLOR: hazel
andre reynolds ( father )
charlotte pearson ( mother )
unnamed reynolds ( older brother )
unnamed reynolds ( younger sister )
SPOUSE: ryker bradenton ( husband, deceased ) CHILDREN: ashton ryker bradenton ( five year old son )
Avery and her siblings grew up in New Orleans in a prominent coven. Their parents weren't the most prominent or influential. But they were among the most loyal. Everything they did, every choice they made was with the coven at heart. Their parents taught the children at a very young age to hone in on their powers and wanted them to move up within the coven and remain loyal.
Avery followed in her parents footsteps, learning complex spells at a very young age and eventually wanted to move up into a position of power within the coven. This was until she met a boy at school and the two became fast friends. The two were pretty inseparable. It wasn’t until later that she found out that his family were members of the opposing coven. This didn’t change how Avery viewed him; she knew him outside of the coven rivalry. But it did change how their parents viewed the other. The pair were no longer able to spend time at each others houses, only being able to see each other at school and extracurriculars.
The pair tried not to let it affect them, remaining great friends for a few years; Avery even developed a crush over time, convincing herself that at some point, they could be together. But over the years, the boy got more involved with his coven and let his parents influence him, naturally pulling him away from Avery. But she didn't give up hope. Even after going away to Duke for college, she still held out hope that eventually they would come back to each other and he would realize that she was what he needed all along.
That was until she met Ryker. He was just some guy in a bar. At first, that is. The two instantly hit it off and started w whirlwind fling that only lasted a short while until his was reassigned and quickly left. The pair promised not to lose touch, but long distance would never be the same. Though their romance was short lived, he had forever changed her life for the better. He finally showed her what she had been missing: a man who chose her, who wanted her. He helped her realize her worth, helped her realize that she deserved a man who would put her first. From that first day she met him, she would never let another man treat her as lesser.
Once Ryker was gone, Avery picked herself up and moved on with a newfound confidence. She graduated with a Masters in Business and eventually moved home and opened her own small coffee shop that she had since worked on expanding to neighboring towns. But what she couldn't have predicted was meeting Ryker again. She then knew that it was fate. The pair were meant to be together. And she wouldn't let him go again so easily.
However, their happily ever ever was not meant to last as Ryker's life was taken just before Avery learned of her pregnancy with their first child. Avery lost her entire sense of self when she learned of Ryker's death, leaning heavily on her siblings and best friend/business partner, the only family who had stuck by her side. This was especially so after the birth of her son.
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apparently camila luddington and jessica capshaw are starting a podcast they should invite katherine heigl on it walk with me
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mvthiical · 1 year
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╰      †   𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑹𝑶𝑫𝑼𝑪𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵: camila luddington  :  teen wolf  :  cis woman  :  she/her  :   i will not bow by breaking benjamin  —  looks like MALIA TATE has been lured to new new orleans since the collision of worlds. the 28-year-old werecoyote is  known  for  being  SELF-RELIANT on  a  good  day  and  TEMPERMENTAL  on  a  bad  day .  makes you wonder what everyone will think once they know that SHE’S BEEN SAVING UP MONEY TO LEAVE FOR FRANCE. perhaps that will help make sense in what exactly is going on . after all , it’s new orleans, where you’re bound to pass a good time . 
FULL NAME: malia elizabeth tate ( hale )
BIRTH DATE: november 28th
AGE: 28
SPECIES: werecoyote
OCCUPATION: bartender
MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral
HOGWARTS HOUSE: gryffindor
POSITIVE: self-reliant, courageous
NEGATIVE: temperamental, candor
malia's backstory is going to remain canon all the way through season 5. After stealing all her mothers power, malia went on to graduate high school. her actually getting to graduate high school was a big thing. It was her first "normal" achievement. despite having reluctant feelings towards going to college, she did it anyways. managing to get into the community college. for two years she was able to live out the college lifestyle, but soon realized that it was not for her. malia did not wait to even be handed her diploma before packing her bags and backpacking through mexico and the united states. she had always felt a strong connection to being out in the wilderness ; being carefree and wild. while she did manage to explore majority of the united states and mexico, there has always been one place she's wanted to visit: france.
she's was on her way back, looking for her pack, when the collision of worlds happened. she's not quite sure what is going on, but in the meantime she's working as a bartender. this way she is saving up money for her trip to france and attempting to find out more about this new town of new orleans.
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jarwoski · 2 months
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stillwaterca · 8 months
hi hi! can i get some fc suggestions for jolene? x
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Absolutely! There are a lot of amazing options for Jolene, however, some of our favorites are Amanda Seyfried, Aja Naomi King, Camila Mendes, Camilla Luddington, Coco Jones, Meghann Fahy, Karen Gillan, Im Jin Ah, Renata Notni, Shay Mitchell and Logan Browning. Hope we could help!
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armageddonhq · 1 year
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ale,  you  can  find  the  checklist  here &  please  turn  in  your  account  within  the next  24 hours  or  your  roles  will  be  re-opened .
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†. →  maite perroni  :  teen wolf  :  cis woman  :  she/her  :   mariposa traicionera by mana  —  looks like melissa mccall has been lured to new new orleans since the collision of worlds. the 45-year-old human is  known  for  being  compassionate on  a  good  day  and  snarky  on  a  bad  day .  makes you wonder what everyone will think once they know that she's been looking more into the supernatural world, attempting to learn more about it. perhaps that will help make sense in what exactly is going on . after all , it’s new orleans, where you’re bound to pass a good time . ( ale ● 27 ● est ● she/her )
†. →  camila luddington  :  teen wolf  :  cis woman  :  she/her  :   i will not bow by breaking benjamin  —  looks like malia tate has been lured to new new orleans since the collision of worlds. the 28-year-old werecoyote is  known  for  being  self-reliant on  a  good  day  and  tempermental  on  a  bad  day .  makes you wonder what everyone will think once they know that she's been saving up money to leave for France. perhaps that will help make sense in what exactly is going on . after all , it’s new orleans, where you’re bound to pass a good time . ( ale ● 27 ● est ● she/her )
†. →  chris wood  :  tvd  :  cis man  :  he/him  :   ready or not by mischa chillak  —  looks like malachai parker has been lured to new new orleans since the collision of worlds. the 23/50+ year-old heretic is  known  for  being  witty on  a  good  day  and  vengeful  on  a  bad  day .  makes you wonder what everyone will think once they know that he is still adjusting to being a vampire and the urges that come with it. perhaps that will help make sense in what exactly is going on . after all , it’s new orleans, where you’re bound to pass a good time . ( ale ● 27 ● est ● she/her )
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moorbrookehq · 2 years
Everyone please unfollow the accounts below:
The face claim(s) CHARLES MICHAEL DAVIS, CAMILA LUDDINGTON have now been reopened.
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randomwpsd · 3 years
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camila luddington icons; like or dobrevbond
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softscline · 2 years
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camila luddington icons, like if you save.
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draeisbae · 4 years
There is no way Alex just suddenly decided to run into Izzy's arms, which means that he has been considering this for a whils bc he went straight to her. And I call bullshit. You're telling g me that after everything he and Jo just went through, he was essentially having an emotional affair the whole time?! After everything he went through with Jo, he just dropped it for a woman who'd done the same thing to him? They absolutely should've just killed him too. I don't believe that the Alex Karev we know would just leave her to play house with Izzy. She had his kids and didn't tell him and now the only way he can be in their lives is to be with Izzy? No.
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i am once again saying camila luddington and jessica capshaw need to have katherine heigl on their podcast!!!!!!
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girlsdontlikepsd · 3 years
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– camila luddington;
like or dobrevbond on twitter
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autumnpsd · 4 years
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jo wilson
❥— like or reblog if you save  
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tconstelation · 4 years
Amelia Shepherd Jo Wilson Meredith Grey
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• Grey's Anatomy •
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