#can write an essay about the friendships in the series fr
niaoniaos · 1 year
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jeanmoreaux · 2 months
literally yes to all i could not fall asleep either 😭
i think what's so bRILLIANT about tsc (besides, like, everything) is that nora seemed really nervous that her vision for the story and characters would get swallowed by the HCs the fans have been cooking for years, and while that still could happen in book 2, i felt like while i was reading it her vision was my vision - like i am positive we as fans have influenced her story and maybe jerejean won't turn into anything (i'll eat my arm fr) but that bitch at the very least was like "okay sure fine i'll give you mutual attraction" "i'll give you jerejean friendship and intimacy even if i may not give you sex or romance (just yet)"
and i think the other thing i was so overjoyed about was that even though the og AFTG is definitely (clearly) very queer, nora really stepped up and took it to a whole new level in this one with both the representation and just the overall tone - that like not only are a lot (all????) of the trojans open and together and so incredibly gay, but they're shaping the story and jean and making it less shameful to be gay in exy. like og aftg spent a lot of time being like "don't be gay! this is bad! you can't do this!" and while jean still harbors that (for his own fucked up reasons i'm gonna kms) it's obvious that the tone for this book is so much brighter and gayer.
and! the parallels between neil's story and jean's!!! like obviously we could write essays on that topic alone but in conjunction with that point i just made - seeing the similarities between the house taking in jean and the foxes taking in neil (his lack of possessions, their protectiveness, their attempts to normalize him, their creation of a safe space for him) literally made me want to gouge my eyes out it was so beautiful and sweet and fun and QUEER. like aftg always had aroace undertones and such a huge part of the aro/ace experience is friendship and queer friendship at that and so to get to see this kind of found family play out AGAIN but in a slightly different way with a whole group of gays who are out and proud and happy is just......everything
like it's not that i was *worried* persay because i do trust nora but you never know what you're gonna get with spin-off sequels and this fandom is like a rabid dog and so for her to bravely return to this world after years is amazing in itself but to do it in a way that is.......dare i say.......almost......better than the original.......it blows my mind. and it makes me appreciate the original series in new ways now that we'll have more info on the ravens and all of their bullshit. like i literally am sitting here being like....so....series reread tn queen????
if i wasn't insane before (i was) then i sure as hell am now
also. can we talk about jeremy's cheesy af dialogue that makes me squeal? thinking about him saying hecka with his full chest....i love that man
holding hands 🤝✨ felt alive yet so dead once i was done.
also what a glorious ask. i can co-sign all of this and i don’t think i have anything to say that adds value to your points. you’re so right.
nora is so brave for letting us back into that world. because as much as i love and adore this fandom’s passion, it can be intense is a quite negative way at times. so yes, nothing but respect for nora coming back and giving us Her version of the story. the small nods to us (blond jeremy, frosted tips, the cardboard dog etc.) were so very endearing. and i don’t want her to betray her integrity just for the sake of fanservice. i trust her to deliver a great story, even when some of the things i might want to happen will not end up being anything (e.g. jerejean). nora’s vision will feel right because whatever she decides to do and wherever she decides to take this story i know will make sense. it’s very funny to me that you mentioned how you think tsc might be better than the original because i had the same thought. i am hesitant to really settle on it one way or the other yet; mainly because i tend to get very excited about new, shiny things, but also because we don’t have book 2 yet and i think to really Know i have to consider the story as a whole. but you can definitely see that nora improved as a writer in general (which ofc makes sense.)
i fear this will remain THEE aftg year for me. i am already tempted to reread. i don’t think i’ll know a moment of peace from this story in the foreseeable future but i am not gonna complain i’ll just lean into it and indulge.
godddd i expected to love jeremy but i didn’t expect to fall for him this hard. several time i caught myself studying his way of engaging with people and made some mental notes. he’s so special to me. i think once we get his backstory it will get even worse. and he does offer a very different perspective and attitude that’s so very refreshing while still being in tune with what we are used to.
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catboyclarity · 2 years
berk..... and uuuuh? pmmm for the ask game
Fav male character:
Guts and Griffith about equally but Guts means more to me emotionally bc well. He’s just like me fr (abuse victim).
Fav female character:
I would lay down my life for Casca I think.
Least fav:
I wish Wyald from the manga. Was not.
Prettiest character:
I want to put Griffith in my mouth where he will dissolve like a meltaway mint.
Funniest character:
Corkus!! I know lots of folks don’t like him but he’s funny when he’s comic relief while also being a complex and tragic character. I like him.
Also Puck is a funny little guy and I love when he’s a little blob thing next to a super detailed drawing of Guts.
Favorite season (arc):
I will need to finish reading the whole manga before I can answer this. However. The golden age arc has Casca.
Favorite episode:
Episode 24 of the ‘97 anime. The moment where Griffith sees Guts and makes the decision to sacrifice is like…maybe my favorite moment in the series? I could write an essay on it.
Also Wounds from the manga means a lot 2 me.
Favorite romantic ship:
Casguts in the “they invented love and it’s one of the best developed relationships I’ve seen I just want these two traumatized people to find comfort and strength in each other let them be happy please god” and griffguts in the “this is so horrific and toxic and complex and there’s so much present classical homoerotic subtext here I need to dissect it in a lab and write a 20 page paper with citations about it” way.
Fav family relationship:
Band of the Hawk. The whole thing.
Fav friendship:
Judeau’s friendship with Casca and with Guts idk I like it. I like Judeau very much.
Least favorite ship:
I do not know what ppl in this fandom are shipping and I do not care.
this show made me gay when I was 14. There are a lot of valid critiques of it but it’s not for you it was for me when I was 14 and trying to figure out if liked girls.
Fav male character:
Lol there are no important men. Kyubey gets called “he” in most translations but kyubey is not a boy. Begone.
Fav female character:
Sayaka i love her more than anything. She is the first fictional character I ever related to which should have let me know I needed mega therapy and also to transition but that took me a while. She is so tragic and her arc devastates me every time.
Least fav character:
I’m going to throw Kyubey off a bridge.
Prettiest character:
I’ve been answering this in the sexual lust sense but I just mean it in the aesthetic sense bc all of the characters. Are. 14. Homura has a very nice design.
Funniest character:
There’s not a lot of comedy!! Kyoko I guess?
Fav season:
It is 12 episodes.
Fav episode:
Episode 9. It makes me cry like a little baby every single time I watch the series.
Fav romantic ship:
Kyosaya is the fucking blueprint for me man. In the owl house answer I did with this ask game I mentioned the kinds of ships that were important to me when I was a baby gay? I meant Kyosaya basically. It has everything. Rivals with attempted friendship. Red/blue. Opposites. Tragedy. It is. The blueprint.
Fav family relationship:
I know the spirit of this is found family but Madoka and her mom really get me man!!!
Fav friendship:
Madoka and Sayaka. They clearly care about each other a lot and it is SO SAD.
Least fav ship:
See my berk answer.
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