#can you guys tell im definitely the biggest lucy stan
lucyshypemaster · 2 years
A Tale of Magic characters if they're in a summer camp but suddenly the camp turns out to be something from a horror movie:
Brystal - immediately takes in charge to calm everyone down and will volunteer to check out what's going on even though she's nervous herself
Lucy - has been waiting for something like this her whole life. definitely will leave the group, probably will force someone to be with her (most probably Xanthous) and uncover the mystery before anyone else does
Xanthous - tries to calm himself down with silent pep talks while following Lucy throughout the forest but fails miserably
Emerelda - helps Brystal to calm everyone down and keeps an eye on the group to make sure none of them does something stupid (but since Lucy is pretty sneaky, they did anyway)
Tangerina - pretends to be cool for the sake of reputation but is indeed, internally freaking the hell out
Skylene - honestly, she don't even try to hide it. definitely the first one to freak out
Seven - is the culprit who's causing mayhem but gets knocked tf out by Lucy (what a queen)
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