#can you tell im partial to batcat?
haveihitanerve · 6 months
The Batkids Bruce ships-
Dick- Hard core Batcat fan. He was there in the early days, he saw the looks, the dances, he was there for their first few flirts and was there when selina was the only person who could knock sense into bruce. spent time with her, laughed with her. She is his mother confirmed and he adores her. likes clark, but selina is his mother and he knows that she would make bruce so happy if he got his head out of his ass and asked her to marry him finally
Jason- Now, he personally likes Brutalia, but he understands its not good. Not healthy. He knows much more about Bruces and Talias relationship than any of the other kids, because he heard both sides. And he truly thinks they could work well together, but logically knows that they are better off as friends and truly doesnt want Talia near his father that much. So technically, for realistic purposes, he likes Batcat. He also witnessed the flirting, and the date nights, and the chasing across rooftops, plus selina and he really bonded over a shared background of living on the streets and ranting over bruces stupidity. So, he loves selina like a mother, but ships Brutalia
Tim- In the early days he was a hardcore Superbat shipper, but now that hes actually seen them interact, he does admit they are just brothers, even though they might be seen as gay. Honestly there isnt all that much on his and selinas relationship, and we all know he hates the league, but i would say hes a Batcat shipper as well, if only because he sees the good impact she has on bruce and has heard dick fawn over his mother
Cass- She and Selina go hard man. Batcat shipper until the end. Would literally propose to bruce for him if he doesnt do it soon. loves selina, the older woman just understands her
Babs- Its complicated. technically she has witnessed every single relationship bruce has had(and in some cases she is his relationship, but that is a dark corner of comics and shows that we are ignoring) but genuinely doesnt care who he ends up with, as long as said person makes him happy, since she doesnt live at the manor and wouldnt really have to deal with his SO, but she does want bruce to be happy, and her research has shown that BatCat would work best. plus shes biased because of dick
Stephanie- Hard core Superbat shipper, if only because it drives bruce insane. Has also argued for LanternBat and ArrowBat, but thats meant less seriously. Like babs, just wants bruce to be happy and maybe having a stable relationship will distract him from her and her shenanigins. (it probably wont but she has hope) has nothing against Batcat and likes Selina, but is a Superbat shipper until she dies
AAAAAAH-- we gotta go back to jason i forgot about his Wonder Woman infatuation- obvi would love to have her as like a pseudo mom, but also has a very firm belief that bruce wishes he could pull her, but actually cant. doesnt change anything about his Batcat shipping, but just forgot to add
Damian- Is a divorced kid. Just wants his parents back together. Accepts Selina, likes her because she is sweet and funny and makes his father happy and gives him cats, but wants his parents together. he doesnt ship them tho because 'thats childish Grayson'
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