#can you tell ive been dealing with more phobic people
thehoodedneku · 1 year
Sonic smooches his homies. He's LGBT+. It's ok he told me that himself.
That's it, that's the post.
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scentedchildnacho · 2 months
She told me her son started thrashing around on the floor so she had to take him to the ER as..............a mental so I told her I was called a mental and was concentrated I would read as much as I could and none of it makes any sense......so I told her she would have to find a British professional because they are theoreticians....the states only believes in science and physical laws if he had a neurobiological condition they could help but otherwise there is no relevance to mentalism in the states its all mass murder
And she cried too I guess it was pretty scary for him and apologized for not having money to give so I told her to not worry about money...I had complained to her about the assault from the city.....and told her if jobs is given money they think dominance is wanted and rewarded....so no it's not a good idea to give them anything if police violence is common journalism
If jobs is conditioned to quick financial awards because of city assaults on felons homeless other issues the problem never stops they promise forever that they will give jobs more dignity like public pay for equal service and respect like it's a public cafeteria and they continue to stalk them with please master or there won't be tips to pay rent it's never going away
Equal pay for equal work they promise that all the time but all the time desires for pornographic problems instead so I don't recommend that it was ever realistic to believe that humans could be elevated above animals you have to tell people your like an angel....
Dian fossey a lot of schools are like pennhurst they are very notorious institutions that severely batter their students into technocratic religion.....so they have been in study cells most of the time to write those papers they truly only start having a rational if your very sick and drugged
To truly understand just put the hand sanitizer on it and make it get out COVID policy you have to be a bottle a day liquor ho
I can sometimes be told military totalitarianism can be left for a civil society in the states but information that can only be processed into literate discourse like mentality those people had aids.....they were people speaking from near death states
The making of the protestant pastor persona people thought they were dead but they believed in Jesus and were not taken away the 20th century to religion is one of the most experimental Napoleon tries to throw it away
She told me I could get on a list to a motel.......so I told her I try to not be moved from one tentative situation to another if it's just yet another place a landlord has no rules from the tenant like don't approach my living space without two weeks notice and qualified reason to be on the property then it will just be more assault and battery they refuse to follow landlord Tennant laws and so do nothing but rape disease....its like liberia
You have to give hotels a months security deposit and the next day their banging on your door to get to rape....ive never been so gay phobic as around this occupation they want to call customer daddy all the time it's disgusting
I have met women who tried to be Mexican and stay in motels and you have to street drug deal to prostitute and street baggies are often situations unkind from the start or become very unkind
The basics of drugs is its a pyramid scheme to keep the police czar at the top of the pyramid and it's a police business a police business hurts very badly it's clientele if told to remove his business if the bottom of the pyramid keeps demanding supply then police hurt people to make them stop executiveing them
Uhm one motel woman explained to me her kidneys failed several times and there were surgeries so that's why she doesn't exhibit normal rat aversions anymore
If the white mouse is shocked it doesn't do that anymore
Uhm nicotine was still legal in pregnancy till 1976 and many women still practice it even if their told it's more for the mother the baby lies near the heart the feet don't
You could get a severe embollism from smoking while pregnant and the baby could start feeling like an intestinal worm you would be getting so few nutrients
The basis of 20th century religion to government is its all a race from Africa instead of indigenous to the United States.....and so most intellectual writing is based off severe lung cancer you would have to have a nicotine personality disorder to truly understand free love problems
If its nazish I am more on the Jewish side of things to believe that youth strength of beauty kindness will bring a compassionate revolution...Robert remak did more believe in strong beautiful mother's devoted totally to pastoral settings of simple skill building
To motel I just said I watch Martin Luther King Jr........so you have to sometimes believe in the other America there was this huge fortune of the 1950s and everyone could be very straight looking and clean and moral and little poverty and all these people from all over the world came and they created a 60s revolution....it was truly a global revolution and realize that this infrastructure is truly elderly peoples in some way and that there truly is a new world that is ours
When you don't focus on homeless or not and instead focus on I don't ever have to live harassed and condemned you should realize there are competent people in the army and they code buildings for everything possible
For instance his building appeared normal but did not have requisite safety ratings for the current car conflict so he doesn't.....have to live there and that's why homeless policy is illegal the current structure does not promise enough safety ratings to find restoration and renewal a correct policy
There are federal hunting machines you can't go out there and build a wood structure anymore you have to like learn concrete as above ground basements and live like an Arab or nowhere is truly quiet
Its illegal to have a petty view of homelessness because terrorist demands like these want to mine oak flats and other preserves and force us all to live in bunkers all the time or suffer nervous shock similar nuclear testing sites
Their petty wife beater problems are a public policy to them and sex harassment is like really wrong
His rv won't make him look good enough at meetings or she won't wear deodorant if her program views cosmetic alterations too much of a shipping problem their petty anti semites that can't truly love anyone
He won't take his hoodie off because his spine hurts that bad so he wouldn't invite him to tour a graduation ceremony because of his pain induced nihilism oh my God exact opposite of democracy correct
I only had to speak freely and unnervously and all my friends from childhood would never ever reconnect with me ever again
Doyle im sure some day I will understand the pavlovian clinic aversions to ever admitting an environmental basis to thought is feeling to feeling is thought
You can't get a job unless your really high on marijuana and your sole function is to please the tribal group.....Doyle
It was a brief moment of nostalgia I had to be suddenly around my mother a lot now I dont have any necessity to be around my childhood friends.......it would just be memories not learning and I require projects and environmental standards now
I told another man that the city assaulted me and tried to steal my personal property so he was quick to say to me I look a little like this woman that went into a gas station he worked at all the time
So i told him i just arrived to Escondido and have no understanding of the location he is mentioning....so that's the clue he would give me about identity theft some lady use to use a lot of liquor off my identification
I got the feeling the city worker who assaulted me was like this cory cop in Brunswick Georgia......he shot his wife and was induced into a psychosis by the county jail and he kept thinking that different women who popped up kept being his wife and he was just in a really lucid delusion and shot two more women till someone considered him a rabid dog and finally shot him to stop bothering people
If you ask me the city worker who assaulted me this morning is the type of blue eyed man that practices incest at yahshua communities....the Germans steal some of their children and he will keep going up to blue eyed women and assaulting them like incest induced sweat factory illegal labor is normal till people stop approving his subsidies and kick him out into the policy he created
It will start bothering people to have scenes and too many people will leave to go elsewhere and someone will finally dump him into his own policy creation
Yahshua houses.....I would call that michael ondaatje their people who do like large parties of entertainment and host important people and not so important people they entertain it's just what their community does
Theoretician....a belief in mentalism would be the type of feminist that doesn't believe battery is to create a dull thing it's cosmology it's a utopic vision of its angelic qualities
Thomas Kuhn the type of feminist that believes the 1960s revolution was in its belief that all life is inherent crisis
The states believes in science the indigenous people were thought of as aliens instead of earthlings so it's belief is that people try to murder as hopeless nuclear Holocaust victims white people under indigenous religions are so small featured and subtly provocative of a secular anger
So science posits no idealistic artistic vision it's view is disease is the body not able to be itself or grow in ways other cultures find heavenly prestigious
Things in the states arent dealt with really formally......i think to the city worker who tried to assault me....but I think the states is known for really really invading the privacy of the citizen....so things like the African abominations were known for how common of conversation it all was.....so there is an omnipotent eye of God sattelite that knows all about us every last thing and no one gets away with anything in urbanity
The paper just said tribal leaders maybe told that type of man to get out of white areas....their white people and their temper cant tolerate many levels of homosexual fascism.....and he kept stalking up to my tribe
The tong VA educational material I viewed just told me l.a. is all in some way a tribal land and their people who know they should not disturb white people i hate international Indian requirements I hate people ever asking me for physical activity i hate it and they dont stop
No i think trump homeless people may join drug cartels so trumpness was allowed around tribality and now I prefer death penalties for the threats to my life this morning
She isn't allowed as government on tribal lands and they keep stalking around till its well stupid bitch you do nothing for homeless people so drugs are sold because it's the most obvious resistance to people so rude and incompetent you feel bad if you don't just deliver their crack and give them their suicide building
Uhm to me I was white and I harbor European drug fanatics.....and if I had to drug deal I don't have to do anything as awful as marijuana stimulant theory is many things so is dope
No the prescriber in McKinney Texas to try to call me a condemned crack whore had to wear tight pants that called her labial infantile she had to look labial and starved all the time and people would try to gross her out from eating like a large pile of ground beef and stalked her with a large male sport team so no that drug boss is not good to his drug reps no
Its all simple tests of wisdom and you cannot ever decide to leave the matrix ship to be permanently put back into gen x world.....or you have to suffer and die for it
Uhm tommy wouldn't stop stressing out my shoulder in some way I think so somebody broke his shoulder they don't stop stressing out my head neck and shoulders so people will maybe shoot it in the shoulder
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hi, i have three questions:
1) where did you learn about all the typo stuff? i am new to this hell and you seem reliable and honest;
2) how does visual typing works? how do you type someone even based on their blogs vibe? it's fascinating;
3) how old should one be to be typed?
that's all, thank you if you decide to answer 💫
1) i've been into typology for a good decade now, i don't even remember where i got all my knowledge from anymore. once you get the basics down, you observe the people around you more and read less theory anyway
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
it was developed by Isabel Myers and her mother Katherine Briggs based on their work with Carl Jung's theory of personality types and tries to offer an explanation on how people of different types process information and make decisions differently. since i'm way too lazy to actually explain this theory in detail, i'm just gonna refer you to Em's crash course here. on that note, also check out her posts where she contrasts the different functions. i like her explanations because, unlike other sources, they aren't accidentally mixed with enneagram theory
it attempts to explain people's personality by identifying core fears/desires. Riso & Hudson are pretty solid and you can check out their website
the only thing i'm missing there is the distinction between phobic (p) and counterphobic (cp) 6. the theory goes that since 6's core fear is fear itself, 6 has come up with two different strategies to deal with it: either by running (phobic) or by "confronting" (counterphobic)
there exists also the tritype theory by Fauvre which i - more or less - subscribe to so i'm gonna link to her website too
don't bother with anything related to Chestnut or Naranjo. they don't offer anything of substantial worth to the discussion and their books are only good for kindling
Instinctual Variant (IV)
another tool to type people, the enneagram institute site i linked to also talks about the three instincts briefly. iv is usually the aspect of typology people grapple the most with because the descriptions are pretty vague because they try to sort people into only six categories. i still have an anon sitting in my inbox asking about my definitions so you can watch out for whenever i find the time to answer that ask. in the meantime you can go through my #iv tag. i also have tons of other good resources saved in my likes that i will try to reblog in the coming days (the pain of having to go thru 8.000+ likes tho, rip)
to wrap this up, all tests suck and anyone who calls themself a "typology expert" and demands money is trash. instead i'll recommend you some blogs who are actually reliable sources and know what they are talking about
@istj-hedonist Marri, an ISTJ with excellent use of dom Si. she offers good insights, nice aesthetics, as well as visual typing information
@ill-be-istj-if-no-one-else-is Em, another ISTJ. she offers to type people via a description. her dom Si does a solid job at identifying people's type
@mbtiguy-archive Sarah, an ESTP who is inactive, but her archive is still around. her dom Se offered some really good observations and she was also pro typing by ~vibes~
2) visual typing works on the assumption that people with the same personality type have the same physical features. while there have already been past attempts by other people to identify these traits, Marri is the one who actually offered a clear and comprehensive guide on what to look for. you can go through her #visual typing tag for more information
typing based on vibes operates on pretty much the same principle. people of the same personality type have the same kind of... vibe/air/feel/temperament/whatever you wanna call it, to them and you can tell that pretty well in person, but it also works on tumblr because of its nature. people of different types are drawn to different aesthetics, relate to different posts, and word themself in a specific way that you can pinpoint to a certain type
typing based on visual cues/vibes is pretty much just either Si recognising a pattern or Se excelling at reading people
3) if you're talking traditional typing à la self-typing based on understanding the theory, reading up on functions, identifying behavioural patterns, etc. i'd say it's best to type yourself once your brain has fully developed (~25) and you are recognised as an adult. it's infinitely more valuable that you actually experience life, work through your issues, improve your skills, and do some introspection in order to develop as a person outside of typology. the nerd stuff can definitely wait
however if you are talking about at which age you can reliably visual type, that's different. i think that one is born with their mbti type and first instinct, so you can already type toddlers if you want to. the second instinct probably develops somewhere around your pre-teens and is (mostly) dependent on your environment. as for the ennea core, i'd say it's a mix of nature and nurture. depending on your mbti/natural disposition and the sort of environment you grow up in. it probably develops roughly around the same time your second instinct forms. also, if you buy into tritype theory, you have to consider that certain fixes will be more prominent at certain stages. an easy and obvious example is the heart-fix. when you are a teenager, you will be mostly preoccupied with your image/issues involving shame. for that reason i wouldn't type anyone who is still in their teenage years because the heart-fix will be naturally more prominent and might be mistaken as the core when it's maybe not
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Long ask ahead, sorry: Hey there i wanna ask how do i tell if, as an 8, have a cp/p6 (with w5) fix? Ive been inclined to say cp6 but maybe that just the 8? Also, ive thought of myself as sx/sp for a while but that made me feel rlly disconnected from like community and group in general, which didnt make sense cuz im very big on like “loyalty” and group dynamics. I also identified strongly w a Y/sp, but now it makes sense thats just my 6 need for stability so i can just leave sp as my blind. Just read chestunts the social 8 and that makes sense, but im still not rlly inclined to say im so/sx, but rather sx/so maybe? Or would the description change loads? Esp since the irl person example she gave was much more mellow than me and more cut off from their anger (am slowly integrating tho) and the author went on to say how soc8s can usually mistype as 9 or 2(i have 2 last so there were influences for sure) which didnt apply at all, ive always known i was an 8 (except for when i thought i was a 5 but i was just spiraling what a time). But yea anyways, i feel like after all this time im rlly close to figuring out EXACTLY what my combo is and i just require like some tweaking. So yea, how do i tell bw 8(w7 if that helps) w a cp or p fix and ALSO soc/sx vs sx/soc 8? Ughhhh this is so frustrating im so close
cont:  Ah fuck, follow up cuz i forgot smth. What prompted me questioning whether im a cp or p fix is that i saw the distinction that when smth goes wrong p6 blames themselves and cp6 blames others or like chance. I rlly dont relate to that and i often take taking responsibility for myself and my actions to the extreme actually. That being said, i dont much relate to the well, i dont wanna be rude but its the most descriptive thing that comes to mind - lack of spine, i guess, of p6, but again, maybe tahts just my 8 talking? ______________________________________________________________
I’m going to be honest here, I think Chestnut’s countertype theory focuses too much on behavior rather than motivation as has lead to countless mistypes (ie. soc 8 mistyping as a 9 I think is almost unheard of irl despite what she says, unless the 8w9 in question is delusional, has a heavy wing lean, and/or grossly underestimates their own anger and disagreeableness, which I suppose happens on occasion).  Saying that 8 would mistype as 2 or 9 due to somewhat catering to the group is an exaggeration.  In general, I don’t suggest trusting those descriptions, especially if you potentially relate to soc a lot and 8 a lot when viewed separately.   I think part of the issue you’re having here typing might be that you’re “not seeing the forest for the trees” (which is pretty common for Ne doms tbh, as they can be blinded by potential.), so if you find that what I say here isn’t super helpful to you, it may be worth exploring IV as separate to core as separate to your probable cp or p6 fix.
While I don’t really think differentiating p or cp6 is super relevant on a fix (as it won’t change a bunch of things), it’s worth noting that the boundary is not a fixed black and white plane.  Often, I’ve heard even 6 fixers note a back and forth between which strategies they take (p or cp wise) when dealing in the realm of fear and head matters.  Taking from the only person I’ve seen who potentially has a phobic preference attached to heavy 8 influence (ie. a 386, for reference), I find that a more phobic influence attached to 8 tends to look for “a safety zone” within trusted others and leads to an 8 who is a bit more communicative and obvious about their fears (unintentionally) than your average 8 (since 8 in general is averse to showing weakness).  86x combos, especially those which are not soc blind, tend to place a lot of importance on loyalty, hence an 8 with a more phobic preference seems to specifically lean on structure or having someone to have their back unconsciously/in a way they hope is not noticeable to others or they might even deny a lot more than one with a more cp preference.
The addition of a 6 fix isn’t going to magically emulate sp, if you related to S?/sp before, you might want to look into so/sp, as any 86x combo is likely to appear pseudo sx anyways due to the level of reactivity and intensity that comes with double reactive combos in general (however I’m not one to tell people what they are and what they aren’t, so if you’re confident in sp blindness, feel free to ignore; I’m going to talk about all three instincts for sake of organization)
Sx is the instinct most connected to its own instincts and desires.  8 and 7 both are id types, hence both fixated or instant gratification of desire and specifically have the vices of lust and gluttony respectively.  Understanding that conjunction, we can understand that a sx 8w7 would not only be the most desirous types within the enneagram but the one with the least self-control.  Without a concern for mental and physical limitations (ie. sp blindness) and with catering for others only being a secondary focus, sx/so 8w7 is inclined in average health levels to almost single-mindedly pursue its desires, often regardless of risk nor how they will be perceived (unless of course it threatens other sx desires of course).  Comparatively to so/sx at least, it will be more disagreeable and reckless by nature.
Soc by comparison is the instinct most connected on power dynamics and unconsciously, so I suppose we could argue that Chestnut’s description at least caught onto the fact that soc 8 would often be the least disagreeable of the 8s.  8, by the mechanics of the type, however, will never be disconnected from anger and are by nature disagreeable and even as the “countertype” that is no exception.  Focused on gaining power and avoiding being limited by any means, both so/sp and so/sx are inclined to be more “calculating” than the other 8 subtypes (though still moved by instinct and impulse; We are not talking about the level of calculation of 5 or 6).  The blatant aggression and desire of 8 will be somewhat tempered by comparison by an understanding of how to navigate power dynamics and understanding of how their actions effect the group (though this will not always force them to yield). Desires may also connect directly to the group or community as well, which I suppose may be where she’s getting the 2 bs, but 8 is by nature a self-serving type by comparison. So/sx still lacks sp, so while more self-controlled than sx/so, so/sx is not considered to be self-controlled and maintains that lack of knowledge on personal limits.
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funkymbtifiction · 5 years
Hi Charity, I was wondering what your instinctual variants were? I don’t know if you’ve talked about this already but would you mind explaining a little about your experience as that iv? Maybe compared to other ENFPs or 6s you’ve seen?
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There is so much contradictory information out there that I was confused for awhile, but I came to determine sp/so based on descriptions of 6 subtypes.
I had to look at “what I am actually LIKE” far more than what I “THINK I AM LIKE.” As in, think back to my life and see if I could pinpoint any examples of my behavior that fell in line with the so and sp 6 descriptions.
I am way more this:
Sp 6: Passion of fear manifests as insecurity, fear of not being protected.
Escape anxiety through seeking security and protection, and become dependent on others, not trusting themselves enough. Feel alone and incapable without outside support. (I hate to admit this, but I have a huge sense of anxiety whenever I think about inheriting my parents’ business and all their responsibilities. I have this deeply-rooted fear of “I cannot do this” … even though I am capable, reliable, frugal, and smart. All of those things flit from my mind and I feel like I need other people helping me. Last week, I had an actual meltdown where I became almost catatonic because I had spent too much time thinking one day that there’s no way I can live up to my super-extroverted, confident father’s ease of business sense. I had to talk my way through it, and accept that I am far different, and think about how to achieve the same results but in a way that suits my more introverted and withdrawn, even shy, personality.)
Perceive the world as dangerous, and seek alliances. Endeavor to be friendly, trustworthy and supportive as allies are supposed to be. Taboo on aggression that results from the needs of dependency weakens them in the face of aggression, and contributes to their insecurity and need for external support. (I cannot think of a single instance in my entire life when I ever showed aggression in anything, even the times when it would have been beneficial for me to do so, but I can think of countless examples where other people verbally attacked me for some reason and I just stood there dumbfounded and unable to produce any kind of visceral rage with which to hit them back. I just listened, then, as a teen, went home and cried; now, I go home and withdraw from everyone.)
Want to feel the warm embrace of a family, in a protected place with no enemies. (I cannot stress enough how much this looks like 9 – I am exactly like my 9 friends in our need for a harmonious relationship; I cannot be around people who are angry, who stir up constant trouble, or seem to dislike me; and in the instances in which I am confronted by dislike or strong opinions, my literal first thought is “I want to go home, to the people who ‘get’ me and agree with me” because I feel safe there.)
Driving need is for friendship or warmth. Being warm is a way of getting people to be friendly and not angry. Warmest of the 6s. (Yep. A thousand times yep.)
Cannot let out their own aggression, and want to be good, ie. not angry. (This has baffled me for as long as I can remember. My anger flares up and then… dissipates in a very short amount of time. I never hold grudges. I never tell people off, unless I am very close to them, and even then I’m not mad for more than a few minutes. ONE TIME I lost my temper in front of two people, and I instantly felt bad about it. I have gone through some crap in my life, and never lost my temper; if I get mad, I start berating myself for BEING angry!!)
A lot of hesitation, indecision and uncertainty. Too much tolerance for ambiguity, don’t want to decide between ‘black and white’ because they see a lot of grey, can have a difficult time making decisions. Ask many questions but don’t answer any. (Sadly. Yes.)
Than this:
So 6: “Duty” - concerned with what their duty is, knowing the rules, the points of reference, the guidelines, the “good guys and bad guys”. 
Represents a mixture of the phobic and counter-phobic expressions.
Cool, cold, precise (archetypically German/Prussian character).
Stronger, due to certainty. Becomes too sure in defense from insecurity. Can become a true believer or fanatic, who holds tightly to ideologies, lacking trust to oneself and trust to others. (I do lack self-trust, but I also have it – in MBTI, for example, I am always seeking to learn more, and sometimes doubt I have typed a character accurately; in those instances I will ask someone whose opinion I trust if my reasoning is sound. I “consult” with others to get their opinions and like a consensus.)
Deal with anxiety by relying on abstract reason or ideology as an impersonal frame of reference. Make sure of things through an obsessive reliance on reason and precision. (I feel safe if I use a “rational” approach which I guess fits into this category?)
Love of precision and intolerance of ambiguity. See things more in terms of ‘black and white’ than gray. (If I put this into the context of my faith, then yes, I am more a person who says, “If you want to identify as X, you should live according to the principles defined by X.” Just as an example, Christianity teaches unconditional forgiveness, so if I see someone professing to be a Christian who is also hanging on to bitterness and refusing to forgive others, I would feel tempted to point that out to them, because they are not living according to the principles they “claim” to possess. I rarely do it, however, because it’s too combative and I’m not comfortable with initiating conflict on that level. I am more inclined to disapprove from a distance and keep my mouth shut unless asked for advice on that issue. :P)
Fear disapproval from the authorities. “The Obedient 6”. Think that the way to be safe is to do the right thing, and the way to know the right thing is to have clear rules. (Mostly, I think this way in terms of my faith; I am less this way about rules in an organization or a group, and I would never impose those rules on anyone – I would fail at being the person in charge of a “home covenants” group where everyone had to keep their house up to a certain standard and abide by the rules, since I think forcing rules upon people sucks.)
Concerned with efficiency, have a legalistic character. (Um. Yes? Kind of? I don’t like to think of myself this way, but I have been called cold before.)
Can look like: 1 or 3.
Lots of sp, some soc but not enormously.
Many ENFPs seem to be sp-blind and/or have weak sp, which is why I don’t resemble most of them – I have no problem taking tons of “alone time” to work on my various projects rather than socialize, I have always saved money with the notion that I might need it later for my long-term survival, I am aware of my physical needs and make sure to cater to them with regular mealtimes and sleeping schedules. I am very good with money and always have been frugal.
I do value soc but am hesitant to use it as a resource, and it’s hard for me to socialize or approach strangers to get to know them. I am an initiator with those I already know or have been introduced to, but more of a loner. Soc-doms tend to be more extroverted because they want to connect with you – I am never sure if I want to or not until I get to know you. I have to mentally prepare myself to go out and be with a group of people, and feel quickly drained by them and their chatter. When I first moved away from home, I really wanted to meet people and make friends but did not have the first clue as to “how.” I tried out a couple of groups where I soon discovered it was hard for me to approach people or initiate conversations. I do not project the soc-first “I am friendly, come and talk to me” aura. In one group, I realized my beliefs did not match up with theirs, so I walked away. I didn’t argue with them about it, I just knew there was no point and I’d rather be alone than in a group that seemed to agree with each other, but that I could not agree with myself. I figured, “Well, my loved ones agree with me, so they will have to do.”
I have an iffy relationship with the rules, also. When I was much younger, I had more strict views about behaviors and felt threatened when others disagreed with them – but as an adult, I am open to nuanced thinking and fall into being comfortable with uncertainty. I have super strong opinions, but rarely impose them on other people. I’m more able to be friends with people I disagree with now than when I was young – so fear of disagreement is something all 6s have to work through.
Probably my biggest clue about being sp/so came from my experiences in dating. Anytime the relationship appeared to grow more intrusive or serious, I would run away from it – it was threatening my sense of sp, and I lacked the soc-dom’s “social grace” of making a delicate break. I feel bad about that, but I think it’s a problem with sp-doms. They long to connect in a deep, meaningful way, but the minute anyone feels too “intruding” upon their time or resources or independence, they back away.
- ENFP Mod
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