captain-space-kin · 1 month
oh okay so you're more likely to trust the incest shipper than the normal one
“How dare you say we piss on the poor” looking ass
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alienthoughts · 3 months
Okay so I don't know how relatable this will be but its been something that's really been getting to me for a while.
Like, most of my close friends are also autistic. And they make jokes about you know, oh can't understand neurotypicals being friends with other autistic people is so much easier that kind of thing. But they still get annoyed with me because I visibly struggle a lot more with... everything!! Very basic things. Because I can't just figure things out or whatever. And it makes me feel like I'm going crazy!!!!
How can you talk so much about your autism and about what it's like and how hard it can be sometimes but just not understand my struggles at all. Even among other autistic people I still feel like a complete alien trying to fit in with them. But I couldn't bring that up because them I'm disregarding their struggles, or trying to be the most autistic or whatever. But I do struggle more and even they can tell!!!!! It makes me feel like they believe, on some level, I'm just not trying hard enough and they're better at things because they're just putting the effort in.
And it hurts because I always heard about how friendships with other autistic people is so much easier but. Its just as difficult as with anyone else to me. And thats a really complicated feeling. I've always wondered if this is even a semi common experience? Or really if anyone else has been in this position before
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rosetintedgunman · 1 year
Something needs to be done about the stowaway. That’s clear enough. Nothing catastrophic has happened, but oh, the stress. The Captain has been stressed. Where did he come from? If he isn’t a colonist, and has no cryo pod, what will happen to him when the warp core is engaged?
That may not be an issue, but they have no way of knowing that.
This is a way of opening conversation! Hopefully. It comes in the form of a note, stuck to one of the places Wilford has known to be spotted.
Dear Stowaway,
I have concerns that you wandering around the ship will be hazardous to yourself during travel. I only ask that you be careful. I don’t know who you are or why you’re here. Perhaps you can write back, if there’s anything you’re willing to divulge? — The Captain
The formality of the note is quietly undermined by a container of cookies nearby; a thank you for previous gifts. (c-aptainslog is here and still confused)
Why was he here? Great question!
The crew were at the end of their wits trying to catch the elusive pink figure. It didn't make sense! Those that spotted him insisted he was large and clumsy. It shouldn't be so agile! And yet he was! He'd disappear in an instant if they couldn't catch him fast enough!
Rumours of the stowaway having a sweet tooth emerged, and it was enough to get his attention, but never get him caught in the traps. That is, until the Captain took matters into their own hands.
The note was (eventually) spotted by Wilford, and he nearly dismissed it entirely if it weren't for the bribe of cookies. The entire container was claimed, and one cookie placed in his mouth, while reading the note. His head tilted left, then right, before he decided he probably should reply. A tiny entrance to the pocket dimension was opened so he could put the container inside, and lift out a notebook and a sparkly green pen (jazzing it up this time!).
Dear The Captain,
Don't worry, I'm very careful while travelling around. I always watch where I'm walking. Thank you for your concern.
The Stowaway
Another note was left on top of that:
The cookies are nice!
Followed by:
Call me Wilford ;)
And then, he turned a corner and blinked out of sight.
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dinghyrudder · 10 months
Captain's Log
August 11, 2023 CDT 1200
Ahoy sailors and shipmates,
Unfortunately, due to unforseen issues, there will be no voyage today.
Hopefully, I'll be able to get the episode up by next week, if not the week after. Since the last video I released had audio issues, I would rather the next one be a bit more finished instead of rushed.
If you want more detailed channel updates, become a shipmate by joining the Crew on Patreon (link in the pinned post)
I hope to see you at the mast soon,
As always,
Happy sailing!
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blueheartedmayor · 1 year
@c-aptainslog - Discussed Starter With Noah!
A bullet ripped through his chest as he stumbled backward into another wormhole. As what had happened countless times before, the irregularities of the wormhole repaired the injuries that he obtained, leaving only a faint scar that would likely fade in time.
The sensation of a hard surface underneath was a familiar one that he crashed onto. He shot his head up to take his surroundings. The ship's bridge. No flashing lights. No fires. No overhead warnings. In fact, there was no one there at all. Just him.
For the first time in a long time, Noah could breathe a sigh of relief. He was okay. He'd find the other members of his team in a moment. His focus was walking toward the large windows to take in the tranquillity of space while rubbing his right hand over the former bullet-wound injury.
"Computer? What's the status of the ship?"
No response. That was unusual. Noah glanced over his shoulder to the control panel and made his way over to it. Maybe the voice recognition was down.
His handprint was not recognised. The password was incorrect. In fact, nothing Noah did worked.
"Computer, you're being childish." Huffing, he clicked a button on the side of the helmet that slid the visor up. Unfortunately, that seemed to be the incorrect option as the control panel flashed an angry red. A decision was made to go find one of the engineers to see what the problem was - he was sure the facial recognition had been updated to recognise him with the gashes across his face - but spinning toward the bridge's entrance only revealed someone there.
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theauthorlives · 1 year
(yancy, 9. What is their greatest achievement?)
Character Questions (Accepting!)
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"Oh! That's a good question. I know I keep saying I ain't worth shit - and that's still true before anyone says anything - but there is one thing I did that I's proud of; and that's the fact that I is a qualified mechanic. It's kinda the, uh, finale to a big sorta big change, if that makes sense. But it's a bit of a long read so we's using one of them read mores."
"So when I was a teen, I had been in with a proper greaser group. Accidentally found 'em on one of my long trip walks home after school since I didn't wanna go home. They was just a group of guys in their forties and upward who was big into cars, rock an' roll, all that good stuff. They met some afternoons at one of the local coffee shops and they'd take up half the car park. Great business for the place, I was told! Anyway, I met this guy we called Rubber Wheels, and he was a mechanic. He seen I had an interest in how vehicles worked and, uh, maybe he saw something good in me that I didn't, 'cause he let me help him in his garage - also called 'Rubber Wheels', but folks just called it "The Garage". Only on weekends, since he wanted me to stay in school. He got me signed up on this intern programme that let me take part in a course that would let me get a mechanic cert that I could then use to get more things later.
I then hit my first real shit point in life, but that ain't a story for now. All youse gotta know I'd that I ditched the job without no excuse.
After that point - and we is talking a couple of years later - I went back to the Garage like some mutt with its tail between its legs. Rubber Wheels was pissed at first, but then he showed this side of him that, uh, that he was worried 'bout me? Slapped me upside the head when he seen the scar but then pulled me into a bear hug when he said that he was glad I survived.
Dunno how he managed it, but I was able to pick up the course where I left off and see it through. I was 20 at that point, and I wasn't in any school, so I could cover way more hours. He helped me get my smoking and drinking down waaay low too, and he'd keep me on so long as I kept outta trouble. And like, I didn't wanna get tangled up in nothing, so I could do that.
And I did, and I got my cert. But the night of it, Rubber Wheels had one of them family emergencies so he couldn't go with me. I was like, 'aight, thats cool, I can go by myself to get the piece of paper.
But I never got to get that celebratory drink off him. I lived in the high of having something good to my name for about... An hour? Two hours tops?
Still... If there's one thing, it's that even after all these years, I can still help the guards figure out vehicle problems before they can get a proper mechanic here. And I've been winging it, but I've been trying to fix some machines too. A washing machine ain't a motor bike, that's for sure!"
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voyeuristicvixen · 2 years
Captains Log No.33_ addsmespice
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Firuz and Inari are a pair of naughty ass alts tht I made to start some adult content w WAV and we have yet to shoot a scene with them but for avis that I put together with less than 100Ls they look goodt. Stay Tuned! Follow their twitter its, https://twitter.com/firuzinari!!
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she cute X.X So yaaahhhhhh Wav and I are working on episode 2 of Meta Love Talks and I am working in general on a full schedule for my creative ass (thank the fates) I am super grateful that I have so many amazing ideas and I ask for the strength to carry them out to completion and be fully committed and consistent in the act of self love that is putting it all out. AMEN!
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Sub to our Youtube page! https://www.youtube.com/@studio19.
One thing we didnt mention and want to make sure we do more moving forward is give visibility and credits to all the creators that make our content possible. I honestly haven’t been good at doing that because of pure laziness lol. I will do better! I do not want to gatekeep any of these amazing creative tools and things that come together to make videos and pics and looks possible! So ya that first episode we filmed at a historic Sci Fi spot in SL called Hangars Liquides, def a place to check out because the artists there are dedicated to the political movements that art generates in their home countries. Its a dope ass movement behind Hangars that we didnt know about till after the filming. I have to do a whole post and more on that because its so fascinating to me.
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I have been pulled into a deeper love for the history of SL, as time goes on there will be more history added and so everything we do in this platform can become apart of that too. Something to think about. Legacy is important to me. In RL and SL has now been a fun way to “troubleshoot” so to speak, the habits and skills necessary to make that happen fr. My Amor tribe will grow, and I have recently been honored to have been asked to be someones daughter. *pinch me im dreaming!* So now we growing our own family and im being introduced into another one all at once. Inshallah!  
Im pretty sure a black creator on zooby hud made this texture for the onesie and its just so clever because its got shoes and pants and a top but on one onesie its brilliant! I need to log in and look and add in where its from later for yall! Genius.
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We have been experimenting and practicing more with lighting and photography, getting content. Its been a lot of fun and sometimes also can be daunting. Always remember never compare yourself or your work to others as tempting as it may be! Unless you want to stifle you motivation and creativity! Heed this warning fellow creators don’t you dare do that to yourself! I get into that mode sometimes feeling like “oh no one likes my stuff” but then I realize that hey, I LOVE IT lol and thats all that matters. The bonus is that people that end up liking it too  are oftentimes creators that I myself admire and who’s work I think is amazing representation of SL so that means a lot more to me than having hundreds of likes. I see a lot of ppl get discouraged and maybe this can help put things into a diff perspective. Keep doing you!
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Wav had a whole ass amazing idea to do a shoot in the rain and so of course I needed to have us do a kiss in the rain. We have that on our RL couples bucket list. I think one of our meta love talk episodes will def have to include that segment in there because its really fun putting together and finding new things that we can experience together. Game changer! Anywayssss look how cuuuuuteeee they aree *hearteyes*
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I be so annoying and nagging Wav a lot more than I would like to admit XD He shuts me up when he does things like take me on romantic dates like this... its such a treat. Also funny asl whenever we try and have a meal and realize we actually have to make reservations so that people can RP the whole dinner for us lmaooo. I hope that one day we can fully get it together but it is really the thought that counts for me. I dont care if we are eating air sandwiches as long as its with MY MAN MY MAN MY MAN. lols and they had a bar cart! I was going in on green fairy absinthe and champagne. Reminded me of RL college days I made my own wormwood tincture.. I used to concoct all kinds of potions since very young. I started out in a coven in 3rd grade... but thats another story entirely !
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We need to go back and buy this couples walker it was such a delightful thing lol even when it was glitching out we were walking on air and thats how I feel when I am around this man (and when he’s not being annoying because we are mirrors for one another lmao) Fairytales are not always a walk in the park, the beautiful moments only exist because you choose to make them happen. Our generation has to learn that great things do not always come quick, they can be easy sure but things that last take time.
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eggmenonline · 19 days
when they’re Nice but they’re not *HIM*
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dkphonephotos · 2 years
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Beside myself over this gift of #DavidLynch as a #StarTrek Captain made for me by @mercado_48 and printed by @kariinakr This is one of the most perfect gifts I have ever received. ▵▵🖖🏼 . #davidlynchart #startrekart #livelongandprosper #llap #twinpeaks #startrekcaptain #captainslog #lynchart #enterprise #starship #damnfinecoffee (at Captain's Log) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjQozIIrSGm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thepumpkincorsair · 2 years
The Pumpkin Corsair’s Links of Importance
🎃 Jack’s Carrd  🎃 - All my links! ALL OF THEM!!!!
💀 Captain’s Log 💀- Essentially my travel blog here on Tumblr.
💜 Jack's Discord  💜 - Come hang out with us in real time!
🎵 Highwind Adventures  🎵 - The DnD Campaign that went off the rails and lost it’s map. So, we made a new map.
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captain-space-kin · 4 months
do you prefer writing oneshots or multi-chapter fics? when it comes to more complex plots, how do you keep track of outlines/plotlines/arcs etc?
I have yet to actually write a multi-chap fic, so I can’t say definitively, but I have been DYING to write something long form. Here’s hoping that happens soon 🙏 🙏
My first step is always to make a word vomit doc with all the ideas, scenes, themes, motifs, arcs etc etc that I initially have. From there I move on to a more detailed brain storm doc!
For Wayward Son (my “The ninja find Lloyd as a baby and raise him” Ninjago Au), my co-writer and I ended up having to rewrite the whole show for the concept. So the brain storm doc is us working through the episode transcripts and noting down all the changes we have to make for the story to work (plus things we want to change like relationships and such), it’s currently 36,800 (even!!) words ahsfsgdfdf
The few times I’ve planned long form fics I’ve used this Abbie Emmons guide for my outlines. It is meant for 50k NaNoWriMo novels, so we’ll see if I keep using it in the future lol
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As you can see it’s organized into my ninjago folder, and Wayward Son subfolder. Everything in it is labeled so that at least I can understand what it is. Both the docs titled “Baby Lloyd AU” are my initial word vomit and then another more detailed word vomit that I had before my co-writer came on board and we moved onto the brain doc. This was back in June-ish I think? I don’t have exact dates since these all used to be google doc files. The one labeled original is older then that though, sometime in early 2023 based on some dates from my notes app.
Anyway! Thank you for the questions!
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alienthoughts · 2 months
Whyyyyyyy is the medical system in this country so USELESSSSSS waited a year for a neurologist just for her to tell me ummm idk :// ill put you on a waiting list to test if it's epilepsy and try get you on anti seizure meds. And when I basically BEGGED for anything at all about my constant pain that's ruining my god damn life she just brushed it off and went back to talking about testing for epilepsy.... even though when i originally went in they told me the seizures dont seem to be epileptic.. OKAY. Waited a year to be told hey ill have you wait a year. Now get out. Okay....
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rosetintedgunman · 1 year
They don’t think the chances of whoever left the gifts in their locker returning are high, but the Captain still makes an attempt at thanking them. They have left a container full of Christmas cookies inside, and bottles of chocolate and strawberry milk. It seemed suitable to the situation. The container is significantly large, with a few shiny rocks placed on top of it. Stuck to the ensemble with a piece of tape is a thank you note addressed to Mystery Gift Deliverer. There’s no worry about the cookies going bad before they can be eaten; “movie magic” will take care of that. (merry christmas!)
All was quiet in the North Pole. Wilford had dedicated a day to sleeping, and he was in no rush to return down south as he had yet to explain his convenient absences lately. Being bad at technology would only help so far with why he didn't respond to any messages.
But when he did finally pull himself out of bed, he was greeted with the gift of cookies and milk. Apparently, one of the elves received notice that something had been left out, and somehow Wilford knew it was from one of the Captains. It was unlikely they knew it was him, but the gift would be accepted anyway.
The rocks quickly find pride of place amongst a snowy shelf decoration some previous Santa had put up. There was a pause before Wilford reached out and placed a small pink hat on top of the largest rock. There. Perfect.
One cookie was shoved into his mouth, a second was held in place between his teeth, and then he was on his way to the living quarters with the two bottles. He might offer the cookies to any elf that happened to be there waiting for him, but no promises.
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dinghyrudder · 11 months
Captain's Log
July 28, 2023 CDT 1515
Ahoy sailors and shipmates!
I am currently uploading the next episode of Shipwreck Bay, and should be up around 1700, for those of you on the Sailor's Registry/Crew on Patreon.
Of course to keep everyone on the edge of their seats, episode 5 will conclude the "season" on the Voyage of Shipwreck Bay in Minecraft, and will release for everyone else Friday August 4th at 1430 CDT
I hope to start a Voyage into No Man's Sky following Shipwreck Bay of Minecraft.
Join the Crew or sign up for the Sailor's Registry membership on Patreon if you want to receive the latest episode and news before everyone else!
Happy sailing!
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okaytaytay · 1 year
Hell Hath No Fury
The bar was…. less than busy, for a typical Tuesday. But more than empty. Small crowds of young, 20-somethings surrounded the pool tables near the front, their besotted laughter filling the open space. White haired, stone-faced and life-worn patrons were seated up to the worn wooden bar itself, grumbling to each other about whatever sports game played loudly above them.
A woman sat in a corner booth, a double rum and coke half empty on the table in front of her. Her mind whirled on the days’ events. She was angry. Sad. Hurt. Betrayed.
A diamond wedding ring sat on the table next to her glass and she absentmindedly traced a wet circle around it, pulling water from the condensation rings her glass left behind. Her honey brown eyes wandered around the bar, not looking for anything or anyone in particular, just lost in her sadness.
A man’s gaze across the room caught her attention. He was seated at the corner of the bar, his seat facing outward, his dark eyes seeming to assess the bar. Well dressed and clean, his gaze darkened more as he met her stare, heat flaring as his eyes raked down her body. She felt the weight of his eyes tracing her every curve. And she definitely had curves. She’d worn her spiciest top, a deep blue with a plunging neckline to show her cleavage and her best fitting push-up. Instead of looking away, as she normally would when a guy checked her out, she brazenly met his gaze, fire raging between their stares so hot she felt her cheeks flush.
Without giving herself time to overthink, she swept her wedding ring into her front jeans pocket, downed the rest of her drink, and walked up to the open space next to him at the bar.
“Can I get another?” she asked the bartender, placing her empty glass down. She was standing just close enough to the stranger for her thigh to graze against the outside of his knee. He took the opportunity she presented and quickly adjusted his seated position, sliding his right knee inbetween her thighs, almost seating her on his lap where she stood.
His breath whispered against her ear, goosebumps trailing down her neck. “Hey,” his voice was soft and deep, the kind of voice to lull you into a trance. Or a false sense of security.
Her gaze cut over to his face and she immediately knew she had a decision to make. He was keeping his hands to himself, respectfully, but his knee was seated firmly between her legs, pressing up against her heated center, his legs casually open and comfortable on his stool. It was a very obvious invitation. One that the darker, angry part of her mind wanted to accept.
Who was this stranger? No one she would ever have to see again, if she chose not to. When was the last time she had casual sex? Is that what she wanted? It had the possibility of being wild, passionate and amazing, but it could also end up being awkward, uncomfortable and followed with regret. Was she willing to take the risk?
Meeting his gaze, she felt heat sizzling its way down her spine. She found him attractive. He appeared clean and well dressed. The burn of the liquor she already had warmed her from the inside, making her brave and brazen all at the same time.
The bartender sat refilled glass down in front of her and she downed it in two chugs. Then she met his gaze.
Her back slammed against the bathroom stall door-
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theauthorlives · 2 years
@c-aptainslog  - A starter was requested!
Hina still had a lot to learn about humans. One such thing was the lights that would pass outside. At night, there would be a pulse of white or yellow lights that would shine through the window, only to be partially blocked by drawn curtains. These were cars, usually pulling out of nearby houses or turning to continue on the next journey life was taking them.
The light she saw try to slip through the crack in the curtain was blue. Not only that, it was a strong, brief flash of light. That was enough to put down her crossword and dart outside. There, just beyond the porch, was what appeared to be a human, only they were dressed in a helmeted suit of some sort.
“Excuse me? Are you alright?” No worry for being harmed was needed when you knew you could defend yourself if needed.
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