#caregiver rain
starsurface · 2 months
Hi, hello, how are you? I hope you’re good. :3.
I love your writing and I was hoping you could do a CG Kung Lao, Rain and Kenshi (separate) with a regressor reader? Just some head cannons or something like that Tehehe have a good day sending virtual snackies 🍦🍪🍩🍭🍫🍬
Hi!!! I'm doing good!! How about you? I hope your doing well!! <3
And thank you for the snacks!! I'm on a weight loss program (not diet), and I miss being able to freely have those things.
Sending some to you as well!! 🍓🎂🍬🍿🍨
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CG Kung Lao w/ Regressor Hcs
🍖 Very exciting CG!!!
🍖 He makes sure to spoil you with affection, whether that’s blowing raspberries on your cheek, or reminding you about how cute/handsome you are!!
🍖 Very good CG with playtime!!! Very fluent too!
🍖 Bigger kids that like running around, playing hopscotch, wrestling? Sign him up!! That sounds like a blast!!
🍖 Little/calming activities, such as building blocks, blowing bubbles, or pattycake? That sounds fun! Do you wanna sit outside on a blankie and play too?
🍖 Very big on getting some outside time, and will take you to his (Raiden’s) small personal garden so you don’t feel too uncomfy being small in public (unless you really don’t want to, he won’t force you)
🍖 He gets very sad if your sad or regress negatively
🍖 His main goal is to cheer you up, even if he has to act like a funky monkey and do a money dance to get you to giggle :(
🍖 Then he’ll cuddle you, put on your favorite cartoon, and get you a whole bucket of your favorite ice cream
🍖 His main mission is to make sure your happy and giggling
🍖 Kung Lao’s strong, and he wants you to know it
🍖 How? Easy! He’ll just carry you everywhere!! :D
🍖 After all, why would you need to walk when your Big Strong Lao is right here? 💪
🍖 This works great if your more of a dependant or clingy regressor!! But if your more of an independant regressor, just tell him and he’ll die down
🍖 I’m not going to make Kung Lao’s entire personality (My Baby’s much more than that) but he’ll make you a food/chore chart!!! Especially if you have difficulties doing these things, both big and little
🍖 ^ And you get a reward at the end of the week!!! :D (and don’t worry about a couple of slip ups effecting your reward, accidents happen sometimes)
🍖 No touching his hat, it’s a big no no
🍖 Well . . . maybe you can touch it
🍖 But he has to put a protecting rubbering on the blades!!! You could get really hurt, and just cause you wanna look cool just like Lao, doesn’t mean you should put your safety will be put on the line
🍖 You can’t throw it either, it’s also a big no no :(
🍖 He’s very good with regressors that use padding!!
🍖 In past games, it’s hinted that the Kung Family is decently big (hyposithis, but still), plus he also has Kung Jin as a nephew/cousin depending on the timeline, so he probably has some brothers/sisters of some sort
🍖 He’ll blow raspberries on your tummy, or jingle keys above you, trying to make sure your not too embarrassed <3
🍖 Kung Lao’s a big competitive, but he’ll always make sure to let you win
🍖 It might hurt his ego a bit (lot), but you look so happy when you run the race!! Or when your car was faster!! 🥺
🍖 He loves arguing with you, especially if you babble, thinks sassy babies are adorable
🍖 Also . . . he’s arguing with a toddler, and he finds the loosing battle highly entertaining
🍖 Favorite CG nicknames are Lao, Lao-Lao, and Papa
🍖 Calls you many nicknames!! Pumpkin, Sweetie, Little One, Aweseome
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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CG Rain w/ Regressor Hcs
💧 Very calm CG
💧 His favorite activity is cuddling with you after a long day
💧 He also likes preforming magic shows though!!
💧 Normally Rain huffs about using his powers for ‘silly’ things
💧 But if his baby wants a water show? . . . How could he say no? They just wanna see how cool their Dada is, obviously!!
💧 He’ll make some water form into little shapes, like stars or fishies swimming by
💧 He becomes very proudful and happy when you giggle and awe, telling him about how awesome he (his magic) is!! 🥺
💧 Your not allowed to touch his staff though, that’s his staff :(
💧 He’s also a bit worried you’ll break it by accident, especially if your tiny tiny or a little ruckus
💧 He’s actually really good with hyper littles!!
💧 He keeps you somewhat in line, chasing after you if your running around, or atleast keeping you close by
💧 He won’t help in your pranks though >:(
💧 In fact, he won’t even save you from the scolding you might get from the person you pranked!! >:O
💧 You wanted to prank them, you’ve gotta have your own consequences :(
💧 ^ . . . He’ll give you candy or something after because he feels bad if you got in trouble . ..  And he’ll probably end up saving you from a big lecture
💧 Your his baby, only he can lecture you >:(
💧 He’s also really good with younger or calmer littles!!!
💧 Hopscotch, tag, and those games can be very fun!!
💧 But he’s also content with cuddling or having you on his lap
💧 He’ll even take you out to the royal gardens and help you watch the little froggies!!!
💧 Outside time is important to him, but he’s also very content staying inside too
💧 He has a really nice bookshelf!! . . . That your not allowed to touch >:\
💧 He likes it organized, and they’re mostly boring magic books
💧 ^ But he’ll get some children books for your!! Whether it’s those baby books, or some simple chapter books (that he’ll read to you, or in his freetime so he can talk to you about it)
💧 Favorite CG nicknames are Dada, Bubba, and Rainy
💧 Guys, I wanna call him Fishy 🥺
💧 I think it’d be a really good nickname for him and all he’d give you as a reaction would be 😑, which totally means he likes it cause he’s not lecturing you!! :D
💧 . . . And your giggles/smiles after calling him that make up for you being mean to him
💧 Favortie nicknames for you are Button, Lovebug, Sweetheart, Little One
💧 ^ Rascal if your more energetic (lovingly of course)
💧 If your okay with it, I can see him playfully calling you a brat (also lovingly, and when you’ve done something naughty but not super naughty)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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CG Kenshi w/ Regressor Hcs pt 2
❤️ Protective Dada, you’re always within his reach
❤️ And even when your not, he’ll keep a close eye on you
❤️ Again, super good with a lot of ages!
❤️ Middles that want to sit down and watch TV or talk about their favorite band, he’s up for a nice chat (and is really good at treating you your age!!!)
❤️ Bigger kids that want to run around and play chase? He’s gonna make you a leash kid 😮‍💨 (lovingly of course)
❤️ Toddler that wants to make bracelets? He’ll wear them with pride!! And he’s good at tieing the knots at the end!!
❤️ Baby that just wants to cuddle up to him? How about you sit on Dada’s lap while he helps you color your picture?
❤️ Any kind of pet regressor? Well, he can play ug-a-war, or have you lazy on him or his coat!!
❤️ Guys, I dunno about you, but his voice makes me feel really tiny 🥺
❤️ ^ He’d use that to his advantage, softly talking to you on a particularly bad day so you’ll feel smaller faster
❤️ He’s also got a really good ‘Knock that off’ stern voice :(  (Similar to Nightwolf, they can both be really scary when they wanna)
❤️ Not that he purposely scares you!!! He only uses the voice when he really has to, he enverw ants his baby to be scared of him
❤️ If you use padding, and he’s using Sento, he’s very good at it!!!
❤️ He’s trying to learn how to change you without Sento (he’s not the best, but he’s getting good at it!!)
❤️ When he got blinded, he struggled with some activities and watching over you in general, but he also made sure to reassure you that he wanted to watch after you and you shouldn’t feel ashamed being small
❤️ It’s just a process of reworking and figuring some things out
❤️ Yes, he can see with Sento, and he mainly does, but he’s also working on not being hinder on it
❤️ His tattoos are pretty filled in from what it looks like, but if you wanna take a makeup brush and make him your personal canvas, he’ll let you (he finds it cute)
❤️ Kenshi knows how to cook, and he’d make your favorite little meals!! Whether they’re extragevent, or just some dino nuggies he can pop into the stove
❤️ No, you cannot help him, you might get burned and he doesn’t want you injured
❤️ He will let you sit on the stove nearby though!! Maybe you can pass him some seasonings (if you can read them correctly)
❤️ His chuckle when you hand him the wrong one, redirecting you to the right one as he calls you Silly 🥺
❤️ He won’t let you have unlimited candy because he’s mean >:(
❤️ And he doesn’t want your blood sugars to go too high or low, nor does he want to give you a tummy ache
❤️ Other nicknames he likes calling you are Little Lamb, Sweetheart, Tiny, Angel, Bunny
❤️ ^ I’m really set on him calling you Precious 🥺 (it’s his favorite nickname for you)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Ugh, I love all these characters so much. 🥺
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sphylor · 8 months
We Gotta Save Rainy From The Aliens!
1580 words of silly soft fluffy age and pet regression stuff ft. little Swiss, little Phantom, little Cumulus, kitty Dew, caregiver Cirrus and caregiver Rain.
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I was thinking about one of the hospital trips I had, I almost always get to hear weird shit when I'm there and this is my favourite one so here, have it as rain and little phantom because I just picture them as this
rain: did you wee?
little phantom: *long pause* yeah!
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littlerainyghoul · 3 months
Little phantom learning how to swim but he hates when the water gets in his face
Sorry this took so long, but what an adorable idea <3
Swimming lessons
Regressed Phantom and Caregiver Rain
Word count: about 1000
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"Come on, you can do it, you're a brave boy, Phantom" Rain cooed.
As Rain gently guided Phantom into the water, the little ghoul trembled with both excitement and trepidation. His translucent form flickered nervously, but he was determined to conquer his fear. With Rain's reassuring words echoing in his ears, Phantom took a deep breath and dipped his toes into the cool, rippling surface of the pool.
"You can do this, Phantom," Rain whispered, his voice filled with unwavering encouragement. "Just take it one step at a time."
Summoning all of his courage, Phantom slowly waded deeper into the water, feeling the gentle caress of the currents against his ethereal form. With each step, his confidence grew, until at last, he found himself fully submerged, surrounded by the soothing embrace of the water.
For a moment, Phantom hesitated, his heart pounding with both fear and exhilaration. But then, he remembered Rain's words – he was a brave boy, and he could do anything he set his mind to.
With a determined nod, Phantom pushed off from the bottom of the pool, his ghostly limbs slicing through the water with newfound grace. As he glided effortlessly through the shimmering depths, a sense of liberation washed over him, filling him with an overwhelming sense of joy and freedom.
Only until the water came up his face.
"Eek! No! Water bad!" He cried as he waded back up.
Phantom's brief moment of triumph was overshadowed by the sudden realization that he wasn't quite ready for full submersion. Gasping for air, he retreated back to the surface, his translucent form shimmering with agitation.
"It's okay, Phantom," Rain said soothingly, reaching out to gently stroke his trembling form. "You did great. Learning to swim takes time, but you're making progress."
With Rain's encouragement, Phantom took a deep breath and composed himself, determined to try again when he felt ready.
"I know!" Rain spat out quickly as he looked at the tiny quintessential ghoul. "How about we try the kiddie pool?"
Phantom's eyes brightened at the suggestion, and a tentative smile spread across his ghostly features. The idea of a smaller, more manageable pool seemed much less intimidating.
"Okay, let's give it a try," he replied, his voice filled with a newfound determination. With Rain by his side, Phantom eagerly followed him to the kiddie pool, ready to learn in a more manageable setting.
Phantom's determination to learn to swim was palpable as he approached the kiddie pool with Rain. With each step, he felt a mix of nerves and excitement, but he knew deep down that he could conquer this challenge.
As they reached the edge of the kiddie pool, Rain gave Phantom an encouraging smile. "You've got this, Phantom. Remember, take it one step at a time."
Phantom dipped into the water again, excitedly splashing, until once more, he managed to get water in his eyes.
"No!" He cried out once more, as his eyes welled up with tears. He couldn't believe how betrayed he felt then.
Rain quickly rushed to Phantom's side, wrapping his arms around him in a comforting embrace. "It's okay, Phantom. I'm here with you," he reassured him, gently wiping away his tears.
Phantom sniffled, feeling a mix of frustration and disappointment. "But I wanted to swim like everyone else," he lamented.
Rain knelt down beside him, his expression filled with empathy. "I know it's hard, but learning to swim takes time and practice. We'll take it slow, and I'll be right here to help you every step of the way."
With Rain's support, Phantom took a deep breath and composed himself. Despite his initial setback, he was determined not to give up. With renewed resolve, he wiped away his tears and nodded at Rain.
"Okay, let's try again," he said, his voice trembling slightly but filled with determination.
Rain smiled warmly at him. "That's the spirit, Phantom. We'll take it one step at a time, and before you know it, you'll be swimming like a pro."
With Rain's encouragement spurring him on, Phantom took another tentative step into the kiddie pool, ready to try swimming once more. And as he began his journey to conquer the water, he knew that with Rain by his side, he could overcome any challenge that came his way.
"Deep breaths, little bug, you can do it" Rain sweetly cooed at the ghoul, as he slowly sat in the kiddie pool with him. Slowly, Phantom followed, and sat in the pool, as Rain slowly started to splash water around. This time Phantom stayed calm, eyeing his best friend's splashes. Feeling more at ease with Rain by his side, Phantom tentatively reached out and copied his movements, splashing the water with his translucent hands. At first, his splashes were hesitant and small, but as he grew more comfortable, they became bolder and more confident.
Rain cheered him on with every splash, his encouragement filling Phantom with a sense of pride and accomplishment. With each moment spent in the kiddie pool, he felt his fear of the water gradually subsiding, replaced by a growing sense of joy and excitement.
"Well done, little one" Rain softly spoke, as he nuzzled his tiny friend. "Do you think you can handle the big pool now?"
Phantom beamed with pride at Rain's praise, feeling a newfound sense of confidence swell within him. He nodded eagerly, his determination shining through his translucent form.
"I think I can do it," Phantom replied, his voice filled with newfound determination. "With you by my side, I'm ready to tackle the big pool."
With Rain's encouragement, Phantom stood up from the kiddie pool, his anticipation building as they made their way to the edge of the larger pool. Despite a lingering hint of nerves, Phantom felt a surge of excitement coursing through him.
As they reached the edge of the big pool, Rain gave Phantom a reassuring smile. "You've come so far, Phantom. Remember, take it one step at a time, just like before."
With a deep breath, Phantom steadied himself and prepared to take the plunge into the deeper water. With Rain's unwavering support and his own newfound confidence, he knew that he was ready to face this challenge head-on.
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finsontrains · 3 months
The difference between 🌧️CG!Rain and 🫀CG!Havik babysitting 🗡️Little!Reiko is that Rain is more stern & firm—knows when to put his foot down and say no when Reiko is going to go cause a wreck. Havik on the other hand actively encourages them and would let him join in on his chaos (that doesn't hurt anyone, of course! Just pranks. No bloodshed here).
Cue Rain shooting Havik the Dissappinted™ glare, but of course he just sighs and smiles at Reiko—he's little and tiny and who was he deny listening to Reiko's ramblings about what pranks he did while cleaning him?
(Havik, stop grinning, you are banned from inviting Reiko to your pranks)
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littleprincerianne · 30 days
Rainy bedtime/ grunge baby mood board?
Thought it would be a cool idea 🦇
saw the words rainy and bedtime and ran with it i'm so so sorry (⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠) tried my best to use darker colours to kinda take into account the grunge part of the request... hope you likey (⁠ ⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⁠⌢⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀⁠)
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mother-athena · 8 months
Imagine, it's a cold and rainy day and you've decided to stay indoors to catch up on your growing list of holiday movies. While you're on the couch, sipping on a warm coffee, your little one toddles into the living room with their blanket dragging behind them. They rub their eyes and crawl into your arms, seeking your comfort and warmth. As you sip your drink, they watch curiously, inevitably asking to have some too. "Want, mama." But you softly shake your head and smile. "This is a grown up drink, baby. You're too little to have some right now... but, mama can warm up some milk in your bottle. Would you like that?" You ask and your little one happily nods as they wait patiently for your return. ☕
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sslowdeathh · 3 months
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✦ Chaperone ;
Not requested, coined for a headmate. I couldn't find a flag for this specific thing, though please tell me if there is one.
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✦✦✦ definition ;
A chaperone is a headmate that doesn't exactly care for littles, but they are always near / in front when littles front. A chaperone may also supervise headmates that age (or pet)-regress.
A chaperone will NOT interfere with whatever the little is doing unless it is dangerous, or otherwise harmful. The chaperone will only watch from a distance until something goes wrong. If everything is okay, then they just chill.
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[PT: Chaperone.
Not requested, coined for a headmate. I couldn't find a flag for this specific thing, though please tell me if there is one.
A chaperone is a headmate that doesn't exactly care for littles, but they are always near / in front when littles front. A chaperone may also supervise headmates that age (or pet)-regress.
A chaperone will not interfere with whatever the little is doing unless it is dangerous, or otherwise harmful. The chaperone will only watch from a distance until something goes wrong. If everything is okay, then they just chill. /PT END]
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awildteddy · 10 months
kiddo who keeps stomping in rain puddles with no boots on + carer who picks them up and carries them over the puddles so their clothes don’t get wrecked
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starsurface · 1 month
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Regressor Reiko w/ CG Rain (Fic)
Rain was very glad that Mileena had given him a second chance. Even after his . . . accident with Havik, she had granted him mercy. Something he desperately tried to show her was a good idea. Put on close watch sure, but granted his spot back as their high sorcerer.
Reiko . . . was not too keen on the whole second chance thing.
It was weakness, granting mercy for an enemy. Letting an enemy that hates them and wished them dead in their own home? It made no sense! Shao, if he were here, would never allow this. Then again, Kitana was the General now. And Reiko was now her Lieutenant. A second in command who refused to listen . . . Unless her plan was . . decent enough. Which, unfortunately, was surprisingly more often than not.
"I can't believe they gave us a second chance!" Reiko complained as he burst into Rain's room, causing the guards at Rain's door to roll their eyes as he passed by. "It is humiliating, Rain!"
"Hello to you too, Reiko," Rain greeted, pausing his reading. "And for your information, I am quite glad they gave us a second chance."
"It is humiliating, Rain!" Reiko whined, stomping his foot. "How can you be okay with this?"
"You're stomping your foot again," Rain pointed out, returning to his book. "Are you feeling small, Reiko?"
Reiko whined again, stomping his foot. He hated being easy to read, especially from Rain. The supposed half-god and he were good friends, childhood friends at that. Both were taken in by the royal house at a young age.
"No," Reiko grumbled, walking over to Rain's bed, where the demi god was laying at. "Just thought you could use company instead of your stupid reading . . . What are you reading anyhow?"
"Book of Magic," Rain explained, showing Reiko the book. He could tell that Reiko wasn't fully regressed. He most likely began to feel small and rushed to Rain, as he usually did.
"Lots of words," Reiko grumbled, snatching the book from him. "Looks boring."
"Hey!" Rain said, going to snatch the book. Reiko giggled and stretched his hand out further. "Give that back Reiko! You're going to destroy it!"
"Will not!" Reiko complained as Rain snatched the book from him. "Hey!"
"Will too! Plus, Tanya got it for me," Rain said, getting off his bed and heading towards his bookshelf, putting his book back in it. Reiko began to get off the bed too- "Don't try it, it took forever to reorganize the last time you tried looking for a . . . picture book."
"Or Warrior Cats?" Reiko asked
"No, haven't gotten that either," Rain rolled his eyes. "I can't believe the first time you've ever been interested in my library, you wish for a children's series. I guess it makes sense, with your current headspace-"
"Raiden recommended it!" Reiko tried to defend himself. "And I not small."
"Oh so now we're taking book recommendations from the people who kicked your a- I mean, your bum," Rain teased him, receiving a glare from Reiko.
"I could take him again!" Reiko cheered, grabbing Rain's pillow and punching it. "And dis time I'd win!"
"Don't punch my pillows!" Rain complained, walking over and snatching it. Reiko huffed, rolling over and onto the floor. "Really Reiko?"
"There's nuffing to do!" Reiko complained, hiding his face in his hands. "Nuffing fun at all!"
Rain didn't like play fighting or telling outlandish stories, things Reiko liked while small. When Rain was small, he liked to be read to or go outside and make Tanya catch frogs for him. Reiko didn't complain while watching him . . . Okay, sometimes he did. But he always meant well!
Reiko had obviously come to him while small and wanting attention. Feeling more playful than usual. Rain still remembers when Reiko only came to him when he negatively regressed. Where Reiko would cuddle up to him and Rain would read Nursery Rhymes while the boy tried not to sob into his arms.
"Oh, come here," Rain sat on the edge of his bed. Reiko looked at him confused before sitting beside him. "What kind of shape do you want?"
Reiko looked confused until Rain raised his hands, forming water that flowed around them. Reiko loved this game! Rain hated using his powers for 'silly reasons', but sometimes he'd make fun shapes or let water run on Reiko's skin.
"Sphere!" Reiko decided, patting his lap excitedly.
"Alright," Rain smiled, forming the flow of water into a sphere, holding it for Reiko to see.
"Pretty!" Reiko gasped, putting his hand into the sphere, giggling as his hand got wet. He immediately tried to touch Rain's face, which Rain gently pushed his hand away. Much to the boy's dismay. He would have complained, but he'd have to splash Rain's face with water later. "Do a star!"
"Can I hear a please?" Rain smirked.
". . . Now," Reiko grumbled, crossing his arms.
"That's not even close," Rain said, but formed the sphere of water into multiple tiny stars.
Reiko gasped and tried to grab one. Whining and pouting to Rain when his hand went through it. Rain rolled his eyes and formed some of the starts into a fish.
It swam towards Reiko, kissing his nose and splashing water onto Reiko's face as the shape disappeared. Reiko laughed and clapped his hands.
"Again Rain!" Reiko demanded, tugging on Rain's shirt.
Rain eyed him.
". . . Please?" Reiko quietly added.
"Why of course," Rain agreed. "What nice manner you have, Reiko."
"Shush it!" Reiko pouted.
He went to lightly hit Rain, even though he knew it was naughty of him.
Although his anger quickly disappeared as another fish reappeared. Rain smiled at Reiko's easily distracted attention. It was easy to watch him . . . Fun even. He would have to schedule more little times with him again. . . Maybe they could even invite Havik. . Maybe.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I wrote this before I knew Rain was just a sorcerer in MK1, that's why it mentions to him being half god!
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caregivingchrysalises · 2 months
hi my little sprout, you did such a good job today! you always make buba so so proud! i cherish you dewdrop and will always be here, rain or shine to care for and look after you!
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littlerainyghoul · 6 months
i saw your reblog and im here to say id love if youd write little rain with crutches
I'd absolutely love to! Sorry this took so long - I was really busy for a while hehe :]]]
Without further ado -
Crutches and Comfort
Summary: Rain collapses on the stairs, feeling regressed. Cumulus is there for the rescue.
Pairings: Regressed Rain, Caregiver Cumulus and Dewdrop.
Words: 1100
Slight CW for mention of injury.
Rain did not see that coming.
He started to feel small for a while when his legs started to give way. His usual confident and statured pose gave way to a shakier and smaller version of him. As he called out on his steps in his room, he collapsed on the stairs. 
“Mmmmmrph” Rain snuffed as he silently wanted to curse, his body descended on the freezing floor. He lay on the ground as pain crawled on his body, specifically the area where he landed - his right knee. 
Cumulus heard the drop and headed to the water ghoul's rescue. The air ghoullete's essence seemed to cradle Rain, offering support and reassurance. She was by his side in a matter of moments. 
“Rain, honey, are you okay?” She cooed softly, as she saw the collapsed ghoul on the cold, hard floor. 
“Mmmm, owie” was all that Rain could get himself to say. 
“You have an owie, Rain?" Cumulus eventually spoke, her voice raspy yet carrying an angelic tone laced with care and warmth.  
“Mmmmph. Yes” Rain continued to speak, his voice wavering with pain. He pointed to his knee where he landed on - "owie".
Cumulus gently lifted Rain in her ethereal embrace, carrying him as if he weighed nothing. Her form enveloped him, providing a soothing sensation that eased his discomfort.
“Let me see where it hurts, my sweet Rain,” Cumulus whispered. Rain winced slightly but allowed her to examine him. She gently laid them on the stairs as she examined their leg. 
"No visible injuries, dear" she softly cooed as she rubbed his knee, her touch gentle and healing. 
“Can...I have...my crutchies, Lus?" Rain spoke softly. 
”Of course, honey bunny" Cumulus stood up and disappeared for a few moments.
The room was adorned with a soft glow as Cumulus returned, holding the raincloud-stickered crutches. She carefully handed them to Rain, who gratefully took hold of them.
"Thankies, Lus," Rain murmured, using the crutches to prop himself up. Cumulus continued to hover around him, her ethereal presence radiating comfort.
Rain, with a determined yet cautious look on their face, gingerly placed the crutches under their arms. The raincloud-stickered handles were firm in his grip as he adjusted his stance, relying on them for support.  Each step was a deliberate dance of balance and coordination. With the crutches firmly planted, Rain shifted their weight. He moved forward tentatively, the sound of the rubber tips meeting the floor punctuating his efforts.
"Feeling a bit small there, Rain?" Cumulus inquired, her words dripping with genuine concern and care.
“mmm...yeah..." Rain murmured after a moment. "Owie. It still really hurts" he continued to speak, as shifted his weight back and forth.
Cumulus remained attentive, her raspy yet soothing voice offering a constant stream of comfort. "Take it slow, my sweet Rainy. We'll get through this together," she reassured, the soft glow in the room casting a calming ambiance as Rain continued carrying himself on the crutches supported by the care and warmth of Cumulus.
She leaned in, planting soft kisses on their forehead, each one carrying a touch of healing and comfort. 
"There, there, Rainy," she cooed, her voice wrapping around him like a soothing melody. "Let these kisses bring you some peace and healing. Now, how about we go on the couch with your stuffies and let you rest?" 
"Yay, Lus" Rain continued, as he tried to steady is voice a little bit more. 
Cumulus, with the same ethereal grace that defined her every movement, led Rain to the cozy embrace of the couch. As they settled in, Cumulus conjured a soft blanket, blue with rainclouds, draping it over Rain with gentle tenderness and ease. The room retained its warm glow, and the air felt lighter, infused with a sense of serenity. She took a seat next to the tiny water ghoul, as she let them wrap their arms around her. 
Rain, nestled on the couch with Cumulus, his head laid on her chest, as he heard her heartbeat, only raising their head when they spotted Dewdrop passing by. 
Dewdrop had a look of concern on his face as he witnessed the scene before him. Walking over, Dewdrop greeted them with a gentle ripple of fire that sparkled in the soft glow of the room.
"Hey there, Rain. What happened?" Dewdrop inquired, their voice echoing in the room. He noticed Rain shivering slightly, his eyes wide open. 
"Fell down the stairs. Am small" Rain spoke quietly, and gently, as he nuzzled himself against Cumulus once more, trembling. 
"Aww, are you cold, Rainbow?" Dewdrop couldn't help but aquire.
Cumulus, with a grin on her face extended a welcoming gesture to Dewdrop. "Join us, Dew. Rain could use the company. Besides,
you're literally a walking heater" 
Dewdrop, embracing the opportunity, pounced onto the sofa next to Rain, wrapping his fiery arm around the water ghoul and stroking his hair with gentle warmth. 
“Can...I have my...stuffie?“ Rain whispered, a vulnerable request that hung in the air. Cumulus, with a tender smile, gestured to the surrounding area, where the plush companions awaited.
"Of course, my sweet," she replied, her voice filled with warmth and understanding.
Cumulus conjured a shark plush, and nestled it beside Rain on the couch. Resting on the fluffy shark was Rain's favorite stuffie, a small water droplet plush with a smile that seemed to radiate comfort.
Rain nodded, a sense of gratitude washing over him. The trio—Rain, Cumulus, and Dewdrop—formed a unique synergy, a harmonious blend of air, water and fire, offering comfort and companionship. In the hushed moments that followed, the room became a sanctuary, where the troubles of the outside world seemed to fade away, leaving only the gentle sounds of raindrops and the ethereal glow that enveloped them in a protective embrace.
As the cacoon of warmth gently embraced the room, Rain, feeling the weight of weariness, snuggled closer to the plushie, as well as his companions on the couch. The warmth emanating from Cumulus, the soft glow of Dewdrop's body and the tales of resilience worked like a lullaby, soothing not just the lingering pain in Rain's knee but also cradling their soul into the land of sleep.
"Mmrph, might eep" Rain felt himself say, as he softly purred on the couch.
Cumulus, noticing the signs of drowsiness in Rain's eyes, continued to weave a gentle breeze around them, creating an atmosphere that whispered of dreams and tranquility. Dewdrop, with a soft crackling sound, adjusted his flames to emit a warmth that mirrored the coziness of a hearth.
With a contented sigh, Rain allowed themselves to fully surrender to the embrace of slumber. 
Cumulus, with a tender smile, extended an ethereal touch to Rain's forehead, planting a gentle kiss that carried the essence of care. "Rest well, sweet. May your dreams be as gentle as a summer rain."
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