#carlos is sick of listening to justin bieber
river-ocean · 1 year
a little drabble for the calamars club emoji challenge! 🐙❤️💙
you can read the ficlet on ao3 here 🥰
The last thing Carlos wanted today was to get involved in someone else’s relationship troubles. But when that person is his teammate, and when that teammate is blasting Justin Bieber’s That Should Be Me loud enough for Carlos to hear it through the wall, he really doesn’t have a choice. He pulls out his phone with a sigh and makes a call.
Pierre furrows his brow when he sees that Carlos Sainz is calling him.
“Hello?” he answers, trying not to sound too perplexed.
“He must have seen pictures from the cooking video,” Carlos says.
“Who — oh,” Pierre responds, knowing the answer before he can even finish the question. He has to bite back a laugh. Charles has a tendency to get a bit jealous when he sees Pierre interacting with other men, and Pierre would be lying if he said that he wasn’t being a little flirty with Jack today.
“How bad is it?” he asks Carlos.
“Well, so far he has played That Should Be Me and You Belong With Me, and now it’s…” Carlos pauses a moment before adding, “Olivia Rodrigo?”
Pierre winces. He probably needs to do some damage control.
Because the thing is, Pierre has been waiting for Charles to admit that he’s jealous. Pierre has been waiting for Charles to admit that he feels something for Pierre, something more than the friendship they’ve shared for 20 years.
Charles tries to shake himself out of the funk he has been in all morning. He knows he has no right to feel jealous, not when he can’t even bring himself to tell Pierre how he really feels. But every time he sees Pierre laughing with another man, every time he sees another man look at Pierre the way he knows he looks at Pierre, he feels something deep in his chest that he can’t let go.
He walks out of the Ferrari garage with his head down, not bothering to talk to any of the team on his way out. He just wants some space to clear his head.
But he promptly runs directly into someone the moment he crosses the threshold. He stumbles backwards and looks up, only to lock eyes with the one person he didn’t want to see.
“Calamar, please wait,” Pierre starts, and Charles takes another step back, backing himself right back into the garage. He can’t have this conversation right now.
“Non, Pierre, I have a meeting to go to,” Charles says, still backpedaling until he bumps into someone else.
He stumbles and turns around, coming face to face with Carlos.
“I called him. You two need to sort this out, because I am tired of hearing your sad songs every time there is a photo of Pierre with another man,” Carlos says firmly.
Charles glares at his teammate, and then looks back to Pierre who is biting back a grin.
“You are a traitor, Carlos,” Charles says through gritted teeth.
“Okay Olivia Rodrigo, let’s go have a chat,” Pierre chuckles, and Charles wants to wipe that fox-like smile right off his face.
But mostly, he wants to kiss it off. Especially when Pierre slips an arm around Charles’ waist and starts leading him away from the garage.
Charles sighs and allows himself to be led away, trying to push down the jealousy he feels when he thinks about Pierre’s arms around another man’s waist.
“Charlo, I — ”
Charles cuts him off. “I do not like seeing pictures of you with other men, Pierre. I know that I should not feel so jealous, and that you are allowed to have other friends, but every time I see a photo of you…flirting with anyone else, I wish that it were me. And I maybe should have said something when I started feeling this way but I do not know what this means and I — ” he pauses, takes a breath.
“I think I have feelings for you, Pierre,” he says quietly.
“I know, calamar. Would you like to go on a date when we get back to Monaco?” Pierre asks with a smile.
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