#celaena phantomhive
kkangkkangie · 1 year
Snape is a potions master, right? So, like he knows lots about magical plants and their properties. So, I propose that Snape knows how to make really good tea. Like really good tea.
So, when his students are stressed & talk to him (Slytherins obvi), he always makes tea. It’s like a secret thing—he listens and makes tea. He knows which to give to them, depending if they’re tired or too energetic, and bam—student is a-okay after the talk.
+ Celaena once called all potions “magical tea” & Snape the professor of “magicali-tea.” She got a life-long ban that lasted for two days before Snape caved in. 
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Snape, crossing his arms: Where have you two been all day? Harry & Celaena: Oh, just dealing with things way beyond my maturity level.
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josay · 7 years
rules: state ten different characters from ten different fandoms and tag ten people.
tagged by @durararas​ and @koitoshi​
hermione granger (hp)
harry potter (hp)
daenerys targaryen (game of thrones)
killua zoldyck (hunter x hunter)
lelouch lamperouge (code geass)
blair waldorf (gossip girl)
izaya orihara (durarara!!)
ciel phantomhive (kuroshitsuji)
celaena (throne of glass)
zuko (avatar the last airbender)
i tag @spaxe , @irnperio , @allenswalkers , @kirschtein , @destinytrio , @kurosaki , @monstrux , @sungeol , @jmin , @ryuzakki , @euloqy
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Celaena: So… I’ve seen you’ve been spending a lot of time with Malfoy recently. Harry: No, Celaena, it's not what it looks like, I swear. Celaena: Oh really? So no reason for me to be jealous? Harry: No! You’re the only one for me. Celaena: Is that so? Harry: I promise! Malfoy and I are just dating, okay? They’re my partner. Celaena: So there are no best-friends-feelings involved? Harry: You are still my one and only best friend! They’re just the love of my life, nothing more! Celaena: But I’m still the platonic love of your Harry, nodding like his life depends on it: Of course! Ron: What the-
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kkangkkangie · 2 years
In some time during fifth year, Snape somehow acquired a black kitten with grey eyes. Here are some headcanons based on that.
It’s nicknamed “deplorable” or “idiot” and “Hemlock”
The reason for the above nicknames involve the kitten meowing very loudly whenever Umbridge does her horrid “hem hem” & Snape goes “she thinks ur calling her by her name—so sorry”
Other students swear that they can hear a soft meowing as Snape pass by sometimes & it’s become sort of a trend to listen for it in his presence
He’s suddenly requested at more teachers’ meetings than normal b/c all the other professors want that dose of serotonin
That’s the only pet allowed in the Potions classroom b/c it’s well behaved—until Umbridge shows up for inspection
He had to ask McGonagall for a spell to rid of cat hair after a particularly bad day
The kitten is a sleep police, sleeping on his desk instead of the nice couch, and preventing him from doing work
It also smacked him in the face once trying to catch a fly—he was left with a scar of shame
The kitten was Celaena—her animagus form
Additional Headcanon
McGonagall was aware of the above fact—in fact, the two had several missions together to make Umbridge’s life a living hell
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kkangkkangie · 2 years
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The Slytherin Gang—minus Pansy & Blaise b/c they opted on a shopping spree instead & Millicent had to go home after fighting the wildlife.
Ron wanted to be in Draco’s hammock to be with his best mate, but he snores, so he was banished to the top.
Theo’s already passed out, poor bby can’t read in the dark
Tracey enjoys camping, just not when there’s a no magic rule
Harry and Draco are flirting—in their old bickering way. Apparently, Draco’s arse is disrupting Harry’s sleep.
Daphne’s attempting to be one with nature—but she’s currently fighting the urge to hex Harry and Draco
Celaena’s just stealing Harry’s body heat while writing in the dark—she wants Malfoy and Harry to get on with it and start snogging, so she can get the hammock to herself.
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kkangkkangie · 2 years
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Slytherin Gang (Pt. II)
When Zabini gets a little too dramatic for the group, Nott and Celaena are often volunteered to lock him in an empty terrarium that holds the community snakes (they make sure it’s empty—they’re not that mean). He’s still dramatic in it, much to the amusement of the underclassmen.
There are several cracks in the boys’ dormitory due to Malfoy hitting his head whenever he thought about Harry. It got especially bad in fourth year when Nott, Zabini, and Celaena kept egging him on to ask Harry out to the Yule Ball (cause Harry was too oblivious to get anywhere).
Celaena has absolutely no chill when it comes to her friends’ well-being. Despite being raised as a lady, she is not above holding knives or daggers and smiling menacingly. The knives may or may not be supplied by the House Elves who also dislike anyone who hurts their students.
Crabbe & Goyle are two peas in a pod, and if their loyalty isn’t to Malfoy, it’s to each other. They also share a brain cell together, often finishing each other’s thoughts.
Zabini is shamelessly pansexual, and Malfoy is hidden so far in the closet that Nott has to deal with the two. He’s suffering. Celaena just laughs while patting his shoulder.
Harry is also so far in the closet about his bisexuality, but it’s Celaena & Hermione who deals with this. A well-placed smack with a textbook (courtesy of Hermione) gave him a revelation in fourth year much to the relief of the duo. 
Harry’s paranoia may be well-founded, but it doesn’t stop the rest of the gang from making fun of his conspiracy theories. It’s become a weekly thing where Harry just spills his thoughts as the gang does their hw or smth.
There is an underground betting going around about whether his theories do end up being true. This is how the Slytherin House knows a little too much about incidents than the other houses. Ron’s surprisingly very good at these predictions.
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Harry: I just really like him, and I don’t know what to say to him.
Celaena, with 0 concept of what romantic love is: Just go up to him.
Harry: And say anything?
Celaena: Yep.
Harry, yelling it out loud in the Slytherin Common Room to Draco: Your ass makes me forget about my dead parents.
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Snape: Tonight, one of you will betray me. Theodore Nott: Is it me, Professor Snape? Snape: No, it’s not you. Ron Weasley: Is it me, Professor? Snape: It’s not you either. Harry Potter/Celaena Phantomhive: Is it us, Snape? Snape: Snape, mockingly: Is IT uS, Snape?
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Malfoy: I’m totally useless. Harry: You’re not totally useless. Celaena: You can be used as a bad example.
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Hermione: If you got arrested, what would be the charges? Ron: Theft. Harry: Disturbing the peace. Zabini: Aggravated assault. Nott: Arson. Celaena: All of the above. In that order, probably.
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kkangkkangie · 1 year
Slytherin!Harry Potter Headcanons
Harry was described as “bright” in canon. I headcanon that he’s a visual person—a concept map way more helpful than dry textbooks.
He’s extremely caring to his friends & loved ones, but people often mistake him for a warm person b/c of that. He’s not. Don’t be fooled—this is the same person who allowed Umbridge to be dragged off by centaurs—if you’re an enemy, he’s working on a wave of apathy. 
Dumbledore made an error in calculation due to that. 
His reflexes are the fastest of the group—wand draw, spell speed, he’s got everyone beat. Not even Celaena matched him with speed.
His temperature fluctuates—his friends made a habit to wrap as many scarves as they can around him. Potter the Snowman was the next Yule carol for the first three years.
He’s dissociates as a coping mechanism, but as a result, he has a scary resting bitch face when this happens, and the only people allowed to approach him are the Phantomhive siblings, Ron, Hermione, Theo, and Malfoy after fourth year.  
Slytherin!Ron Weasley Headcanons
He single-handedly destroyed every Slytherin with the exception of the Phantomhive twins in chess. The upperclassmen stopped bullying at that.
Ciel took him in at that, teaching him more about Wizen high-class society. Ron has the amazing ability now to be able to eloquently speak and switch back to his informal slang.
Ron’s still extremely loyal to both Harry and Celaena (later, Hermione as well) to the point where if you cross his friends—he’s ruthless in his retaliation. He’s not afraid of throwing a punch.
He carries a chessboard on him at all times. It grows when he takes it out of his pocket. Ciel & Luciel were absolutely taken with that idea, opting to do the same.
He just knows things. Obscure legislation on dragons? Charlie’s talked about it. Weird stuff about the fourth-floor corridor? Fred & George’s probably been there. Because of his siblings, he has an extensive information pool that he uses well later.
He’s an auditory learner—his favorite gift is a cassette player that Hermione gifted him for his birthday (Celaena & Theo figured out how to make it work in Hogwarts after several finicky spells involving wards). 
As a prefect in fifth year, a lot of first years flock to him naturally due to his affable external personality. It’s rather endearing, especially to Hermione, who was awkward around her first years as a prefect. 
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Celaena: Do you know that we are made out of atoms? Celaena: And atoms never touch each other. Celaena: So in my defense, Professor. I did not punch Malfoy. Snape, sighing deeply & signing her detention slip for the thousandth time: Phantomhives and their audacity.
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kkangkkangie · 5 months
I want Snape to have two feral children (i.e. Celaena & Harry) so that (1) they'll snap at Dumbledore but (2) also at the Ministry people.
When they get offended that Snape "can't" handle two children, they get so much worse & everyone realizes just how much Snape has everything under control.
Second-gen Snape protection squad
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kkangkkangie · 2 years
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Our favorite Slytherin Duo—Harrison Potter & Celaena Phantomhive (ft. exhausted Severitus)
Platonic lovers—literally. Celaena would burn the world for Harry & Harry would make sure that she knows she’s worth living
He’s almost always there for some of the stupid shit she pulls including but not limited to, practicing incendio on flying arrows for accuracy, trying to levitate herself to bring a cat down from a tree which ends with her face-planting, magically making it rain whenever he and Draco try to have a moment, etc.
Snape wonders who’s the bad influence between the two—sassy Harry or chaotic Celaena—anyways he’s set two tracking spells on the two (i.e. they’re leash kids now)
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Ron: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me? Snape: The statue isn’t smirking at anyone. They’re all just imagining it. Celaena: All three of us saw it, Professor. How do you explain that? Snape, with an unamused face: *points at Celaena Sleep deprivation. *points at Harry* Paranoia. *points at Draco* Delusional personality disorder.
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