#certainly a more special occasions kinda thing but... my mum just... made that
umilily · 1 month
the older i get the more i appreciate my mum cooking the things she did when i was younger. considering she doesn't even like cooking all that much and was still working full time back when i was a kid, i'm so impressed when i look up some of the recipes she made and seeing how much effort it actually was.
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luckersnwalsh · 4 years
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✦ –– / J U L I E T T E | W A L S H . ˚ ⁎ * ·
✦ –– /  f a c t s ;
name: juliette walsh age: thirty two gender: cis female pronouns: she/her sexuality: lesbian place of residence: brooklyn, nyc occupation: paralegal face: emmy rossum zodiac: capricorn ennegram: tba temperament: melancholic
tw; brief mention of drugs
✦ –– /  h i s t o r y ;
i. born in cork, ireland. father never stuck around. already had a second family by the time jules was six, a third when jules was nineteen. not that she cared too greatly. dad was an absolute loser with several speeding convictions and anger management issues so no big loss. the financial loss was certainly felt, however. mum worked three jobs to keep food on the table. the two were inseparable and despite her mother’s misgivings, they still are to this day.  maybe thats why jules takes ‘independent living’ a little too far nowadays.
ii. in primary school, jules was quickly labelled as a ‘problem child’.  her mother thought she was doing what was best for jules by not pushing for a diagnosis in autism, let’s just say it kinda fucked jules up even more. with a high IQ and a low EQ, most people assumed jules had some sort of savant syndrome. top 3% in the country! aren’t you proud? i have no friends, though. oh you’re just mature for your age. focusing on better things! the pressure mounted, her relationships non-existent and jules found herself closed off from the world, nose forever stuck in a revision book. 
iii. these problems follow her throughout her educational career. eventually she hit a burnout in her first year of sixth form college after trying to juggle too many subjects at once. that brainy maths whizz of a girl ended up going from an A+ to an E in less than a year. every subject failed in the most spectacular of manners. the gifted child suddenly wasn’t so gifted anymore, and it only fueled her resentment towards her teachers who pushed her to take on so much in the first place. there was, however, one shining light. law. the only subject she passed in her first year. the one subject she rebuilt her entire course to fit around when she applied to retake her college classes. 
iv. jules was destined to get a degree. after all, her mother never managed to get one, so jules had to go to university. freshers was... an Event, to say the least. the discovery of alcohol, marijuana and roommates who she had to force herself to interact with certainly morphed jules into quite the temporary wild child. it didn’t last long though. jules learnt the hard way that it doesn’t matter how hard you change yourself for your ‘friends’, you’ll never be good enough for them. by the start of her second year, jules was living on her own in a crappy one bedroom apartment with two cats. needless to say, this suited her much better. (still lights up on occasion though, oops)
v. half way through university, offered a placement in a new york firm as part of an exchange program. change is difficult for jules, but her ambition overcame her nerves. she had no attachments keeping her locked in at home, and with her mothers (unquestioned) blessing, jules hopped on to a plane with two furry passengers in hand.
vi. it’s difficult to find a job in new york when you’re foreign, young, female and don’t have any connections. and then there’s the issue that jules never wanted to be an actual solicitor, after all. no no no, that would require public speaking, keeping emotions in check, not swearing at the prosecution. for the most part jules worked as an intern to a small public defender firm. ( and then i need to talk to oaklynn mun before i fill the rest of this bc we need to work out details of this firm she eventually joins )
✦ –– /  e x t r a ;
juliette’s ideal is j u s t i c e. pretty obvious for the lawyer, but needs to be said. this ideal was present at a very young age, and coincided with her more... violent tendencies. juliette might be lawful, but she’s not exactly lawful good. for example, is there a kid who keeps pushing you off the slide so they can have multiple turns? don’t worry, jules will be waiting at the bottom to punch them the next time they come down. kid keeps hitting you during class? can’t hit you if jules bites off his arm. really, jules would’ve made a damn good vigilante, but sadly this isn’t that kind of story. 
jules comes off as quite stoic, a little bit cold and cynical. in her worst moments, she’s aggressive and like i said, can be pretty violent. since academia has been hard drilled into her since she was a bubby, she can tend to come of patronising and a little holier-than-thou.
get on her good side though and you find someone extremely logical and focused, and the most reliable person you can meet. generous and giving, jules is the type willing to give up her left leg if it meant someone could walk again. manage to make her smile and you’ll probably fall in love. whilst she keeps them hidden, she has a variety of special interests (in fact, she’s actually quite the nerd). unlock them all and you get a prize! (its her heart, you are now her best friend)).
her cats are called jasper and fred. yes i will eventually provide photos as they are models off my cats.
eventually there will be a pinterest and playlist here
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BDRPWRIMO: A mock application- disclaimer that I did this as an exercise for my OC story aha but it’s still connected enough to Swynlake so!! 
ABOUT THE CHARACTER; NAME: Opal FACE CLAIM: Mackenzie Foy PRONOUNS: She/her AGE: 18! SEXUALITY: Straight-ish. True Generation Z Straight, aka she mostly likes boys but won’t rule out ever liking a girl lmao sexuality is fluid JOB/SCHOOL: Pride U—Theatre! Scriptwriting at this moment. RESIDENCE: Belle’s house! WHY YOU’RE APPLYING FOR THIS CHARACTER (5 SENTENCES MINIMUM):
I’m just gonna use this space to talk about why I love Opal. She’s such a bright, upbeat, artistic character who has lots of dimensions to her. She’s driven first and foremost by an intense love and delight for life—for making each day unique and figuring out how to express herself or “make her mark.” She’s had a happy childhood with parents who love each other and are very passionate themselves, and that passion rubbed off on her and onto everything she touches and does. Because she was taught early on to never give up and to tackle problems head on (very Hades and Belle truly), she isn’t a pessimist or a cynic. She wants to find solutions to her problems. She wants to succeed and triumph. And so when her illness strikes, it never really occurs to her to be depressed about it. I mean, sure, that’s part denial right there but it also speaks to the iron of her will. She’s resilient and why wouldn’t she be? She grew up in Swynlake.
WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR CHARACTER CAN ADD TO SWYNLAKE (5 sentences minimum): She is the kind of girl to get into trouble and bring people along with her! She hears about something mysterious in the forest? Absolutely she wants to check that out. Student body elections? You betcha Opal wants to run. She’s more of a ‘leader’ than a follower, though at the same time, I think she operates in this middle space between “mom friend” and like, I dunno, cool aunt friend—like, part of Opal getting into trouble will be on behalf of some of her closest friends sometimes. (If you’re thinking to yourself, is Opal a Gryffindor??? I don’t know. I’m between Raven v Gryff v a very friendly Slytherin because I think she gets attached to persons over groups but I’ll let u know where she lands lmao.)
None of these are gonna make sense to you guys here we go— 1. Come to terms with her chronic illness—her ghostliness is sort of a metaphor for this. Opal desperately wants to be normal but she isn’t normal. She needs to accept she has certain limitations…but those limitations don’t have to necessarily LIMIT her “life” experience. 2. Have a YA-worthy romance probably—Opal is definitely too romantic for her own good, while simultaneously being pretty sensible about it and probably a little persnickety. She’s definitely had boyfriends in the past, but does fear true commitment in a way because of how much she values independence and doing things her way. She’s like her mum in that sense ahah. And I’d love for her to really learn how to be in a relationship. 3. Hijinks with her brothers related to “fixing” her condition—which maybe culminates in a visit to the underworld?! Mostly because I need a fucking plot for this thing. But it would be funny if Hades is still Lord of the Underworld and this is like the equivalent of going out to a 21+ strip club or something lmfao.
Opal grew up around magic so naturally she loves it. She also depends on magic to make her life livable. While magic is vilified by others, magic lifts up Opal’s own life—and so she sees lots of good with it and is a true magic advocate. She also realizes she’s in a really unique position (like a lot of white upper-class kids with a chronic illness) in that the nature of her family’s magic means she GETS the care she needs, even if that care is through magic. BIOGRAPHY (300 WORDS MINIMUM, 3RD PERSON):
Opal Acheron is not dead yet. Opal Acheron is a lot of things besides dead (ish.) She is the daughter of Belle Acheron, a very successful Magick Rights Lawyer, and Hades, the ambassador to the Underworld. She’s an artist. She’s an actress. She’s a big sister who takes that job very seriously, even when her twin brothers annoy her. She’s a wicked horse rider and she also plays a mean game of chess, taught by the Lord of the Dead himself. And when she was just 12 years old, she scripted her first petition with the help of her mother, advocating for an Undead Appreciation Day. She is a Swynlake Native and it’s in her very blood. She wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. And yes. She’s just a touch dead. Soon after Opal’s eighteenth birthday, she developed a very inconvenient heart tumor that would certainly lead to her untimely end. But her father intervened before her soul could pass through the veil. He bargained with the Fates—Opal would live frozen in time, a ghost during the day, and a girl at night, for as long as she wanted…or at least, until the Acherons found some kind of solution, magic or medical, that might give Opal more time. Now, Opal has to learn a different way of living, a life between things, and just in time for her first semester of university. But Opal considers herself a very optimistic girl, even if she’s a ghost one. She’s determined not to let her condition get in the way of her dreams. Why should she— Opal Acheron is not dead yet.
Opal sees a cute boy.
He sits in the back of Hatter’s café, trousers the colour of mustard and rolled up so she can see his ankles. She likes his ankles best of all, or at least, she likes them best from where she stands next to her brother who is waiting for his peppermint mocha. She wants to get closer to decide about those ankles. And whether or not those glasses he wears—the thick, clear plastic kind—are real or just a fashion statement, and what she thinks about that, too. Either way, she knows he is cute enough to ask.
Unfortunately, she’s a ghost, which makes these things slightly more complicated.
If she were still alive, Opal would not hesitate to go over and introduce herself. If she were alive, she’d already have made eye contact with him across the room-- like in her favorite classic movies, with women in splendid pin-up skirts and perfect curls, who flirted over the tops of books, speaking whole poems with a flutter of their eyelashes. If she were alive, maybe she’d even entice the skinny-ankled stranger to buy her a coffee too. But because she is not alive, she should turn away and mind her business-- her flirting days behind her now.
But that sounds terrible. So instead, she informs her brother, who is a medium: “Bell, I see a cute boy.”
Bellamy is reading and not paying attention to cute boys. He doesn’t look up from Frank Herbert’s Dune, only turns a page and says, “Good for you.”
She presses her lips together. “Bell, you’re not even looking. I need you to go over and talk to him for me.”
“No thank you.”
“That wasn’t a request.”
 “Ah, well, then you should say please.”
 “I said it wasn’t a request.” Opal stares owlishly at her brother, who has officially started ignoring her, as though she is little more than a gnat buzzing around his ear. Well, she can buzz much louder if she really wants to. Opal has no qualms about being an annoying older sister. In her opinion, being annoying is in the job description of an Older Sister, and especially an Older Sister Who Is Also A Ghost.
And so she reaches out with those ghosty hands of hers and levitates Dune right out of Bell’s hands. A few eyes in the queue slide their way and follow the book as it floats above her brother’s head. Bell stares at his hands still, like nothing happened.
“This is rude,” states Bell with his eyes on his empty hands.
She wiggles the book in the air, pages fluttering. “Please,” she says.
He finally looks up and regards her with a blank face. “You’re so immature.”
“I’m a ghost—emotionally stunted by nature,” says Opal. “Now, please, talk to Cute Boy for me.”
PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING ABOUT THE CHARACTER (MINIMUM OF THREE WITH 2-3 SENTENCE EXPLANATIONS): FAVORITE (OR LEAST FAVORITE)… COLOR(S): “It’s not fair to the other colors to have a favorite.” WEATHER: She loves thunderstorms. They’re so dramatic and she likes to pretend to be scared or like it’s gonna blow the house down. MUSIC: Musicals of course! Lots of classics and old jazz singers. She does like pop music too but only a tune here and there. MOVIE(S): oh OLDIES again! Musicals! Black and white classics! Got really into silent films at one point. She also loves old historical dramas and she wants to start in an Austen revival. Loves Shakespeare theatre. Sexual awakening when she saw DiCaprio in Romeo + Juliet SCENT(S): Um…flowers. Understated scents, probably doesn’t wear perfume unless for special occasions. BEVERAGE: is she an ice coffee bitch—Yes also flavored lattes and herbal teas. FOOD(S): vegetarian :3 She really loves coconut in things. Her favorite meal is probably like a vegetarian coconut curry or something—kinda sweet n spicy at the same time. She loves Indian food for that kinda reason too. Oh and vegetarian sushi like with avocado and mango and stuff. ANIMAL(S): Horses! Belle would have Opal start riding as soon as she can walk (despite Hades probably being overprotective.) Opal would be a true blue horse girl. She’d read all the horse books and goes to feed Philippe with her mum and probably wants her very own horse too! Horses are the best! 100 percent horses! Also, the humble caterpillar. OR 3 HEADCANONS (3 sentence mimimum): -Opal has one of those weird girly phobias about cutting her hair. She only ever trims it and she loves it as long as it can go. She also taught herself how to do extravagant braids and updos—definitely self-taught when it comes to that and also make-up, all through Youtube tutorials, since Belle isn’t exactly savvy herself. (I bet she’s done Belle’s hair tho isn’t that cute.) - Despite absolutely loving to dress up, her day to day look is pretty practical. She likes boots because they can be cute but she can still go trudging through Enchantra and they don’t get too uncomfortable.
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amplesalty · 3 years
Christmas 2020: Day 4 - Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical (2020)
On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...
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four red rocking horses!
So I probably touched upon this last year whilst inadvertently looking at a bunch of musicals, but it seems the US networks have a thing for churning out at least 1 big special a year around the holidays. I watched A Christmas Story Live last year but they’ve had things like Hairspray, Grease and Peter Pan before. Christopher Walken as Hook? Sold! They seem to share out the responsibility every year so I don’t know what agreement they have going on. This year it was apparently NBC’s turn and they bring us The Grinch. Well, how could I not watch this?
This show actually has some history to it, dating back to the mid 90’s before making it to Broadway in the mid 00’s so it’s not some random thing they slapped together or one of those quirky adaptations of a popular franchise that comes and goes quickly like Spider-Man. Apparently around the late 00’s the US tour had the bad guy from LazyTown in the title role so that sounds like it would have been fun. Going by how over the top he is in that show and the way that the Grinch is played in this performance, it kinda matches.
Which isn’t exactly how I was expecting the Grinch to be characterised. It doesn’t really strike me as the kind of thing that you can adapt to a musical given how surly the Grinch is, I suppose you did get a bit of singing from the inhabitants of Whoville though. In my head I’m imagining the Grinch being the one character who doesn’t involve himself in all this singing and dancing throughout, but becoming increasingly annoyed at all the theatrics going on around him. Kinda like Santa in Rudolph where he’s just rolling his eyes at having to sit through that stupid Elf song.
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Which does happen to some small degree, chiefly through Max who is played by the amusingly named Booboo Stewart. That’s just a nickname though, which is good because I feel you’d have to be a pretty irresponsible parent to name your kid Booboo. I wasn’t sure if it was some heritage thing beucase he looks a bit Native American. Actually, what he looks like is Vanessa Hudgens. I must have spent a good wondering they had this one guy playing an older version of Max who serves as the narrator, but then have a woman play the younger version. I did find the humans playing dogs thing a bit off putting at first but I kinda grew to like Max, he’s just so happy and has this naive optimism about trying to win the Grinch round into being more positive too.
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But going back to the Grinch’s characterisation, he always seems a little too into the idea of this whole musical thing. I could buy it if he joined in at the end of the show when he’s being redeemed but it’s just really strange to see him singing and dancing in the first place. Plus there’s a few moments where he breaks the fourth wall and addresses the audience at home and one part where he does repeated curtain calls like he’s some over the top diva seeking the adulation of his adoring public. I kinda got a little bit of a Jack Skellington vibe in the performance, but that made sense from Jack because he was so bored with Halloween and readily embraced Christmas because it was so different. Maybe that’s whats happening with the Grinch, only it’s something deeply repressed and waiting to come out. The costume and makeup isn’t too bad, certainly prefer it over the Jim Carey live action version.
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Which goes the same and then some for the Whos, much less disturbing than the 2000 version with their odd noses and buck teeth. These guys have a much more vibrant and colourful look compared to the older ones though, lots of pinks and purples. The movie seemed much more muted but made it up for it with the faces and wacky hairstyles. At this point though I think I just have an aversion to seeing the Whos in live action.
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Continuing with the aesthetics, the sets are something I’m a bit unsure on. They certainly are very crude but I guess they were going with something in keeping with the original illustrations of the Dr Suess book. Plus this is more in line with an actual stage show with everything taking place on one changing set rather than the more extravagant locations seen in something like A Christmas Story Live last year. Everything just feels a lot more low budget in comparison, I guess I’m just used to seeing a jump in quality when these adaptations come TV/cinema, like in Christmas Story or The Producers.
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The lighting is really good at times though, makes things very moody when the Grinch is looking down on Whoville from atop his mountain, or very dramatic as he rides his Max driven sleigh into town.
As for the show itself...eh. It’s pretty much entirely done through song and they’re all pretty forgettable. It’s either Grinch songs talking about how much of a loner he is or how he hates Christmas, or the Whos singing how much they love Christmas or other overly sweet claptrap. And much like in some of the musicals I was looking at last year, they lean heavily on the reprisal. Like, one of the first songs you hear is “I Hate Christmas Eve” from the Grinch which extrapolates from the lines in the original “The Grinch hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season! Now, please don’t ask why. No one quite knows the reason.” and the thoughts that perhaps his shoes are too tight. But then the next scene cuts to the Whos where Cindy Lou asks her mum what the deal is with the Grinch, only to get the song near enough repeatedly entirely. They do it again later on with “You’re a mean one, Mr Grinch” too, but that’s still better than that horrible rap version from the 2018 movie.
I don’t know if I’m just picking really bad examples here or what but I’ve not been getting on with these musicals. I know the reprisal is probably a big part of them but it just feels kinda lazy and especially so here given how quickly the songs repeat. This is an odd example sure but my musical knowledge isn’t exactly widespread, but in the South Park movie, you have the Mountain Town reprisal at the end but the original rendition comes right at the start so it serves as closure and bring things full circle. Plus it has different characters performing it and changes the lyrics to reflect how those characters and the story has developed throughout the movie. That soundtrack doesn’t really rely on the reprisal either and has a lot of bangers, Up There being...well, up there. Except they changed it on the CD release and whoever does the performance on that really phones it in. Outside of the Mountain Town at the end, I guess the only other repetition you get is that medley during La Resistance where Blame Canada comes back for a line or two.
I’m not sure where this would rank amongst the different Grinch versions, I feel like I’d have to watch 2000 again to see if it or this were dead last. Having pointed fingers at the characterisation of the Grinch, those odd moments in breaking character did bring some amusement so I probably would have enjoyed it more if they did push things further and made him more campy or push the sardonicism to all the musical numbers. They do tease it on occasion, like when Cindy Lou finds him stuffing their tree up the chimney and starts to sing, to which he says ‘Oh no, it’s a ballad.’ As it is, just stick with the KARLOFF short or the 2018 movie.
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anxiouspotter · 7 years
What’s mine is Yours
Jily Challenge
@lamelylimes | @sybilsvane 
Theme: Places
Prompt:  Room of Requirement 
Word count: 2079
Warnings: None
Summary: James’ relationship with the room of requirement throughout the years
A/N: This is late and kinda short and not very good and not beta’d. It’s far more James centric than Jily, and it could be way better. My only excuse is that I just moved back into my dorm and classes started and January was a trying time and I am currently dealing with a cold from Hell, but I wanted to get a piece out for you guys since this is what I signed up to do. So here it is. I’m hoping I can get back on track with February’s @jilychallenge
When James was eleven years old he stumbled upon Hogwarts’ greatest kept secret. He didn’t know that’s what he did, never would find out what the crazy room that always appeared when he needed it was, but he still considered it his greatest accomplishment.
See, James shared everything with his mates, told them every secret he knew, split up every sweet he ever bought, but this room was James’ thing, and James’ only.
(Except for Mum and Dad. He had told Dad when he found it, and since Dad knew, Mum knew.)
It appeared one day when he was thinking about how to cheer up Sirius after a nasty letter from home. He honestly had absolutely no idea what would help and had taken to pacing across an empty hallway.
“Think, James, think. You need to cheer Sirius up.”
His thoughts were a running track of nothing but You need to cheer Sirius up. You need to cheer Sirius up.
He let out an exasperated sigh and turned to head back to the common room when suddenly he noticed a door in front of him that had most certainly not been there before.
Hesitantly, he opened the door and peeked inside.
(Dad always said to explore, but be cautious. James didn’t always follow this advice, but he figured strange, magically appearing doors warranted some caution.)
The sight that he found drew him in. Surrounding the walls were millions of pictures of Sirius’ family, with a little sign in the middle that said feel free to smash. A devilish grin spread upon his face (the type that always made adults shudder or groan) and went running for his best mate.
When he reached the dorm he decided that he was going to keep his room a secret, a place for only him, and so he made sure to blind Sirius, and take the long way to his hallway.
(You could never be too careful when hiding something. He learned that one from Mum.)
He repeated his steps once again, his mantra running through his head, a bit more pep in his step this time.
He looked up on the third turn around and the door had reappeared. Grinning, he took Sirius’ hand and dragged him in.
James pulled the blindfold off of Sirius’ eyes, and the gray eyes underneath shined with the promise of danger as he took in his surroundings.
(The room was definitely magic. There was always a picture frame within reach for Sirius to smash, and the shards disappeared before anyone could cut themselves on them. James didn’t really care; he had been successful)
James looked down at the map in front of him. It was glorious, a moment so triumphant he could hardly believe it was real. A perfect moving representation of the entire Hogwarts grounds. The possibilities were endless.
It wasn’t perfect. There was a blank spot on the seventh floor. And, while it wouldn’t appear blank to anyone but him, he knew that there was something missing.
He had debated internally on whether or not to tell the others about it so it could be included, but eventually, he had decided against it.
His mind had come up with a pretty compelling argument against sharing, and James found that he really didn’t want to share it.
It’s part of the charm of the room. What’s the point of a magical room if it’s mapped out for everyone to see? And besides, it’s your room, your secret haven. You don’t have to share that, give that up for some stupid map.
(Peter had told him once that the map was broken because James had disappeared off of it once. James told him he had just snuck out to get chocolate for Remus and that was the end of it.)
James wasn’t thinking, wasn’t planning anything, he was just running. He could hear the slap of shoes on tile from behind him and knew that soon there would be nowhere left to go.
He slid to the side and noticed an odd portrait of some trolls learning ballet, a painting he knew surprisingly well, and knew what to do.
Please don’t let them catch me. Please don’t let them catch me. Please don’t let them catch me.
He heard the footsteps coming closer and prayed to whatever being was up above that he wasn’t crazy, that the room would work.
A door appeared in front of him, and he bolted inside, hardly pausing to make sure the Slytherins he was running from hadn’t seen his hiding place.
He sat down and tried to catch his breath, thanking the room for working in his favor.
The room wasn’t perfect, it wasn’t some miracle cure to all of your problems. James had dealt with its flaws a few times, he knew that there were some laws governing it, and he was just ecstatic that this was not one of those times.
He looked up and saw that the room was hardly larger than a closet, with a passageway leading somewhere else right across from him. He picked himself up off the ground and trekked on ahead.
(It lead him right to the Fat Lady, and he sent the room another mental thanks.)
I need my room. I need my room. I need my room.
The unassuming door with the creaky old handle appeared and James gripped the handle like it was the only thing holding him up and threw the door open.
He flopped down in the beat up armchair that was some weird hybrid of the ones by the fire in the common room and his dad’s at home, and just let everything out.
He knew he was panicking. He didn’t know why he was panicking, but he was definitely panicking. And the concerned looks of his mates were nice, but they weren’t really helping the situation, and so he went where he always did when he needed to get away.
It became his room during second year.
He just needed to get away.
James loved people, he really did. He grew up in a large house with just two other people, but his parents’ friends were always flitting in and out, and there was always something exciting. He loved it, loved how dynamic people were.
But they exhausted him, and sometimes he needed to get away. At home he would just wander the massive grounds, or the mansion if it was too cold, and be by himself, recharge his mind.
And, he maybe could’ve done this at Hogwarts, but there were so many more people, and an awful lot of them had already taken the spots where no one else went.
So one day, when he was feeling overwhelmed and just needed to get away, he decided to see how great his room really was.
I need somewhere to be alone and think. I need somewhere to be alone and think. I need somewhere to be alone and think.
A door appeared in front of him, as it always did on this particular wall. He glanced around, his dad’s words about caution echoing in his mind, and stepped inside the familiar-yet-unfamiliar room.
It was oddly similar to the Gryffindor common room, but there were a few touches of home interspersed throughout the decor as well. It was exactly what he needed.
It was his space.
He was surprisingly not nervous until this very moment.
James Potter had gone on a decent number of dates and not completely screwed everything up. Hell, James Potter had gone on a decent number of dates with Lily and she was still willing to go on more, so he obviously wasn’t bad at planning them.
He knew this was a big deal. He hadn’t really shared his special room, his go to place with anyone. But Lily was special, and he wanted something that was inherently theirs. He had spent a large chunk of his life with places that were deemed “his,” and after seven years, he figured it was time to let his space at Hogwarts go.
He knew that this was what he wanted. He knew that Lily wouldn’t think it was too lame.
He was still nervous.
“Hey, Lils, mind if I show you something after rounds? It shouldn’t take too long.”
His voice definitely gave away how nervous he was, and Lily’s face told him that she had noticed.
“Of course. Is everything alright?”
The concern in her voice made him want to scream, but it also strengthened his resolve to share this with her. He wanted something that was theirs instead of his.
“Yeah, just excited.”
He planned for their rounds to end in the right corridor, so there was no awkward silent trek to some random hallway. (He wasn’t the best at thinking ahead, but upon the rare occasion it happened.)
He could feel Lily’s confused look as he paced, but he was not to be deterred. (He was praying the room did not have a sense of humor because he’s not sure his pride could handle it if the door didn’t show up.)
But it was there all the same, creaky old handle and all, and he pulled it open with the most care he had ever offered it before.
Lily stepped in behind him, her eyes wide with wonder in a way they hadn’t been since first year, and he thought that he had never loved her more than in that moment.
“It’s nothing special really, this particular room. It can turn into pretty much any room you need it to, but this room is mine. I found this first year when I was trying to cheer Sirius up, and I’ve been pretty dependent on it ever since. It’s been coined my room, by me at least, and no one else seems to know about it, but I figured I could share it with you. Have a place that is entirely our own. It’s not much, not a big deal, I just thought you’d think it was cool. And if not you can totally forget this interaction and never bring it up aga—”
“James, you’re rambling for no reason. It’s perfect, and I’m very happy that you wanted to share this with me. It’s incredible, a little piece of you tucked away where no one can see, and you wanted to share it with me. I just—I love you an awful lot, James Potter.”
“Well, I love you an awful lot, too, Lily Evans.”
James had spent many days and nights tucked away in his—no, their room, with Lily, and they were great. He loved their little private space more than anything, wouldn’t trade it for the world. But it was still his room, his space, first, and that meant something.
The day before they left Hogwarts for the very last time (a thought James still couldn’t wrap his head around), he and Lily had said goodbye to their room, tucking away the last secret parts of themselves within the walls of Hogwarts when they could.
And that should have been enough, really, but this room had given him so much throughout the years, and it deserved more.
So he made an addendum to the map on its own special piece of parchment, a piece that would do nothing more than track what room the place was set to. And then he made his favorite journey one last time.
I need my room. I need my room. I need my room.
He turned the creaky handle, sat down in the tired old armchair, and let out a sigh.
“Thanks for everything, room. It’s been a good seven years. Be the solace for some other kids, will ya? They’re gonna need it.”
He tucked the piece of parchment in the cushion of the chair and trudged out of the room.
It’s hard to say goodbye. It’s something James Potter has never been a fan of, and saying goodbye to Hogwarts was something he could never have prepared himself for.
But saying goodbye to his room, his space, the physical embodiment of who he was, stung far more than he could handle.
He let the door shut behind him, and pushed on forward.
There were new adventures to be had, new places to find. He didn’t need a place that was him anymore. He had Lily, he had his friends, and he was ready to take on what was coming.
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vaarulvarchive · 7 years
RULES: once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. at the end, choose some other people to play!
TAGGED BY: stolen from @ofanimagi bc i want more stuff to do as i procrastinate  TAGGING: dude as before, see this, wanna do it? g’head ;D 
[1] drink: fanta orange  [2] phone call: it was either jack or samantha last night... can’t remember which one was first!  [3] text message: something from jack  [4] song you listened to: demons by frank turner  [5] time you cried: ahahah fuck literally thursday night in work it was The Worst 
[6] dated someone twice: idk what counts here tbh uhm... i mean tbh, i’ve never actually been on a date-- unless we count ‘date nights’ with people i’ve been in relationships with uh?? but been in relationship with someone, stopped, then started again? yikes uhm. yes. i’ve been very guilty in the past of getting back into toxic relationships. yaaay for always feeling i deserved it.  [7] been cheated on: hah, yep. ties into the last thing.  [8] kissed someone & regretted it: actually... no? i don’t think so? even the bad relationships/hook ups that turned sour, i’ve never actually had regrets and wished i’d not done it so??  [9] lost someone special: yeah, strange that it’s been almost ten years  [10] been depressed: ‘been’ hah. i live with bipolar man, so yeaa.  [11] gotten drunk & thrown up: lIKE ONE TIME OKAY.... okay that’s a lie i’ve done it tHREE TIMES IN TOTAL. 
[12] red [13] green [14] black
[15] made new friends: sO MANY OKAY LIKE. the people on here, and people at work etc!  [16] fallen out of love: nope. i’ve certainly fallen out of liking people and cut friendships with said people, but no loss of love here.  [17] laughed until you cried: often  [18] found out someone was talking about you: i think only in a good way?? idk and i guess the other too hmm  [19] met someone who changed you: i don’t think i’ve met someone that’s like... changed me significantly?? but certainly, a couple of people i’ve met on here for example without really realising have had an effect on me in a positive way  [20] found out who your true friends are: nahh man i’ve had a pretty stable set of friends for a few years now and we’ve long stopped being the drama sort.  [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: jack’s the only one 
[22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: pretty much all of them, most i haven’t seen in years-- a couple are friends from tumblr though  [23] do you have any pets: sadly not  [24] do you want to change your name: idk i’m fairly okay with it now?? i had a long time of not liking it but. idk. i still would prefer something more gender neutral but ehhh.  [25] what did you do for your last birthday: went up to jack’s, went out for food and drinks etc  [26] what time did you wake up: sometime around 9 [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: i think i was getting ready for bed  [28] name something you cannot wait for: uhhhh.... well i already saw beauty and the beast today and that was my thing so... the next thing is seeing jack on sunday i guess.  [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: uhm. hah. yeah. august 7th 2007, the day she died.  [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: it’s gonna seem selfish but honestly, my current financial status. if i could just have a lot of money right now my entire life would be better.  [31] what are you listening to right now: the sound of my typing??  [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: uhmmm.... gdi i really had to think, i think i knew someone when i was a kid? and i think there was a kid i knew through friends at college... aand i had an uncle on my dads side.  [33] something that gets on your nerves: as chill as i can be, honestly a lot gets on my nerves. first one i can think of right now is rude, fucking entitled old customers.  [34] most visited website: probs tumblr  [35] elementary: i’m english so it’s all named differently over here but, primary school was about three different ones before my final one being from year 4- finishing in year 6, a fairly nice church of england school. one class for each year.  [36] high school: again, different names so: secondary school for me was really big, a school that specialised in performing arts, maths and science. i chose it specifically bc of wanting to be an actor. it was alright. got me good grades but. it’s a hell i’d not return to.  [37] college: so again with different terms, college is to do a levels etc between the ages mostly of 16-18. i studied geography, english language, and communications & culture. it was amazing okay like. it was the best thing to happen to me after leaving a shitty school experience. and then university came later and yeeahh that was another big difference. but again, good timeeess!  [38] hair color: naturally i’m the whitest blonde. right now i’m brown/black/mess bc fading out  [39] long or short hair: at the moment it’s getting really long again. mostly bc i cannot decide for the life of me what to do with it  [40] do you have a crush on someone: nahhh  [41] what do you like about yourself? shit man uhm... honestly rn i’m in no place to answer this  [42] piercings: ears, lip, gonna get my nose re-done soon. and then also add an eyebrow one  [43] blood type: o?? i think??  [44] nickname: amess, satan, aim, etc  [45] relationship status: in a relationship, old fucking married couple  [46] zodiac sign: scorpio  [47] pronouns: she/her mostly  [48] fav tv show: it changes too often tbh like. since i finally started to continue watching supernatural, i’m on that hype rn  [49] tattoos: i’ll afford the ones i want eventually  [50] right or left handed: right 
[51] surgery: pretty sure my first one was the first face operation i had when i was a kid to remove the lump in my cheek  [52] piercing: ears  [53] best friend: samantha, jack & emily  [55] vacation: dude i can’t fucking remember the first  [56] pair of sneakers: i HAVE NO IDEA. but okay the first important pair of shoes... my first pair of converses: they were white with like, i think the blue and red lines??? idk man they were my fucking loves and they stayed white as hell foreeveerrrr 
[57] eating: nothing, but i’m hungry af  [58] drinking: nothing but as before, i am thirst af eeyyy  [59] i’m about to: prolly order food  [60] listening to: still the sound of my typing tbh  [61] waiting for: life to get better  [62] want: financial stability. stability in general just. ugh.  [63] get married: honestly idk jack and i have spoken it could be nice but?? we’re not like?? idk we’re both very well in tune bc neither of us want kids/settling down etc so??? idk maybe we’de spontaneously get married in some other country while travelling one day.  [64] career: i don’t fucking have one yet, i just work but it’s not a career 
[65] hugs or kisses: depends on the mood and the person but mostly i just really like hugs okay  [66] lips or eyes: eyes  [67] shorter or taller: idk man i don’t care  [68] older or younger: uhm??? dude again idek  [69] romantic or spontaneous: yawn idc either way just be decent  [70] nice arms or nice stomach: arms are nice??? stomachs are cool?? i just?? dude i don’t give a fuck just give me a decent human being honestly.  [71] sensitive or loud: listen i just. *drops jack down in front of this* this one will do [72] hookup or relationship: gdi i’m in a relationship so  [73] troublemaker or hesitant: omfg this is so cringe 
[74] kissed a stranger? yeeaahh  [75] drank hard liquor? yeepp  [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? nahh but i’ve broken my glasses before  [77] turned someone down? omfg i’m gonna die from the cringe of even remembering it but it popped right into my head: the time a friend from college offered to have sex with me ‘just as friends’ bc i hadn’t done it yet and goddamn i couldn’t have noped out any harder. mostly bc listen. in college? i honestly thought i was gay af  [78] sex on first date? mentioned before that i’ve never really gone on dates so?? but i’ve like, done the whole ‘texting/talking then meet just to hook up’ thing so???  [79] broken someone’s heart? i know i did tbh. and the hilarious thing is on both occasions they were the toxic fucking assholes. but ehh.  [80] had your own heart broken? in every way imaginable.  [81] been arrested? nahhh  [82] cried when someone died? yep  [83] fallen for a friend? *dramatically rolls eyes* i fucking have bc i was a twat omfg 
[84] yourself? *cries laughing*  [85] miracles? honestly watching cancer suck the life from your mum kinda ruins any belief in miracles or any of that shit.  [86] love at first sight? no bloody way  [87] santa claus? ahahah no  [88] kiss on the first date? i believe in the ‘you do you’ way of thinking like honestly people should be able to do whatever they fuckin’ want  [89] angels? nopers 
[90] current best friend’s name: samantha, jack, emily  [91] eye color: green  [92] favorite movie: fuck man this changes too often okay idk but lets go with my default: peter pan bc of the personal importance 
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