#certainly not the fuckin jl
redsray · 3 months
if tim and jason were allowed to be a villain duo I think the world would burn at their feet and I need a bucket of popcorn and a front row seat.
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kmp78 · 2 years
JL broke his nose crowd surfing about 15 years ago. I don't think it was a voluntary rhinoplasty.
Also people blissfully forget the excellent effects that a simple angle change can provide... 🤷🏼‍♀️
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The pic on the right where his nose looks perky as a button is waaaaaaay older than the one on the left where his schnoß looks massive af and we know he didn't get a nose job between these two pics and even if he did it certainly would not have resulted in his nose looking BIGGER than before, so... 🤷🏼‍♀️
And on that same note:
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Ta-fuckin'-daa. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Same nose, slight angle shift, big difference. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Fandoms Roil Online as Joss Whedon Suddenly Quits His New HBO Show The Nevers
Avengers: Age of Ultron director Joss Whedon has unexpectedly departed his upcoming HBO series, The Nevers. The revelation arrived in what some viewed as a “holiday news dump” just before Thanksgiving this week, and both Whedon and HBO’s statements on his exit had notably different vibes.
Whedon had been working on The Nevers at HBO for two years with Buffy and Angel alums Jane Espenson and Doug Petrie. The series stars Outlander’s Laura Donnelly, and focuses on a group of women in Victorian times who fight enemies with their strange abilities.
Usually a steady presence on Twitter, writer-director Whedon hadn’t tweeted anything for over a fortnight, and on late Wednesday when news broke that he and HBO had parted ways on The Nevers, HBO’s statement was objectively brief and certainly lacking in ‘best wishes’ for the show’s creator.
“We have parted ways with Joss Whedon,” HBO’s statement to THR read. “We remain excited about the future of The Nevers and look forward to its premiere in the summer of 2021.”
Meanwhile, Whedon had more to say on the matter, penning a statement that insisted he was simply “stepping back” from The Nevers due to a mix of exhaustion and a better “perspective” on his life thanks to the fluctuating events of 2020.
“This year of unprecedented challenges has impacted my life and perspective in ways I could never have imagined, and while developing and producing The Nevers has been a joyful experience, I realize that the level of commitment required moving forward, combined with the physical challenges of making such a huge show during a global pandemic, is more than I can handle without the work beginning to suffer,” Whedon wrote.
He added “I am genuinely exhausted, and am stepping back to martial my energy towards my own life, which is also at the brink of exciting change. I am deeply proud of the work we have done; I’m grateful to all my extraordinary cast and collaborators, and to HBO for the opportunity to shape yet another strange world. The Nevers is a true labor of love, but after two plus years of labor, love is about all I have to offer. It will never fade.”
After THR posted the news, there were mixed reactions to the story. One Twitter user noted that the joyful views some people were sharing about Whedon’s exit just showed “how people love to see a career destroyed” while another wrote “he was fired I know it you know it we all fuckin know it! We know the game and you can’t fool us with this PR bullshit”.
Justice League star Ray Fisher, who has been campaigning throughout the year for Warner Media to investigate allegations that Whedon and DC Films executive Geoff Johns created an abusive and toxic workplace during reshoots on the 2017 film in what he sees as a bid to end “the cover-up culture of old Hollywood”, declared that Whedon’s exit from The Nevers was “undoubtedly a result” of an investigation into his past behaviour.
I have no intention of allowing Joss Whedon to use the old Hollywood tactic of “exiting”, “stepping down”, or “walking away” to cover for his terrible behavior. WarnerMedia’s JL investigation has been in full swing for over 3 weeks now. This is undoubtedly a result of it. A>E https://t.co/DRj0MpDkfm
— Ray Fisher (@ray8fisher) November 26, 2020
Those who still love Whedon’s previous work seemed unhappy with the situation, but some accepted that it was better to make sure that the facts came to light around any impropriety regardless.
Can’t pretend I’m not disappointed about the Joss Whedon news and that whole situation. His work was a massive influence on me. Love Buffy and Angel. Ultron my fav of his Avengers films. I guess the truth will out but still…this is deflating. pic.twitter.com/nqHXwboIxb
— Geoff C (@geoffcockwill) November 26, 2020
I don't know how I feel about Joss Whedon, probably because there's very little actual facts to work with. Just word of mouth. I guess I'll just hold my tongue then. Worst hot take ever? https://t.co/fS2Idjrw7j
— Scott the Human (@flickerbucket) November 26, 2020
Others wondered why more of Whedon’s former colleagues weren’t jumping to his defense.
James Gunn gets fired Marvel actors come to his aid. Chris Pratt gets “cancelled” Marvel actors come to his aid. Joss Whedon’s under investigation Marvel actors are 🤫 🤐 🦗… There’s a reason why the Avengers haven’t assembled for the latter. A>E pic.twitter.com/m9yBPN7GMc
— The Nu Geekz (@TheNuGeekz) November 26, 2020
Whedon’s career has been in a bit of a tailspin since his ex-wife, Kai Cole, published an essay accusing him of multiple infidelities spanning 15 years, and claiming he had been hypocritically spouting feminist rhetoric while misusing his power over women behind the scenes. A spokesperson for Whedon later said Cole’s essay contained “inaccuracies and misrepresentations.”
remember when Joss Whedon leaving a TV show would have been cause for rending of garments on here? like more recently than you realize
— Rowan Kaiser (@RowanKaiser) November 26, 2020
Fans of director Zack Snyder, who tend to believe that Whedon’s work on Justice League ‘ruined’ Snyder’s DC team-up film, have this year been successful in their aim to push Warner Bros. into allowing Snyder to restart work on his own version of the project, and it is set to be unveiled in several parts on HBO Max in 2021.
Zack Snyder to replace Joss Whedon as the showrunner/director for the HBO show " THE NEVERS ". Zack will write additional scenes & finish it off for his friend Joss. ( Source – @THR ) pic.twitter.com/l3t6uA8Guq
— DiscussingFilm (@Discussing_Film) November 26, 2020
A swathe of Snyder Cut enthusiasts celebrated what they saw as another victory in Whedon’s departure from The Nevers, despite a fair few of them having somewhat contradictory views on ‘cancel culture’, a complex issue that can sometimes just be regarded as ‘consequences’ when wrongdoing and poor behaviour have been genuine factors in history’s myriad career-affecting revelations.
Ladies, gentlemen, others …it’s a mess out there. But during a holiday where a lot of people traditionally end up fighting with their family, would you expect anything less?
Happy Thanksgiving.
The post Fandoms Roil Online as Joss Whedon Suddenly Quits His New HBO Show The Nevers appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3fFniI6
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my--island · 7 years
hi. its been a while, sorry. feel like i need to write something down.
it’s the 2nd of april 2017, not sure the last time i wrote here. 6 months maybe? i don’t know. not sure where i left things with you. not that much is going on to catch you up on. i finished uni, moved home. had a job, lost a job. well i didn’t lose a job, i turned down the job they offered me at the end of a shitty christmas temp job. it was at john lewis, in the technology department and i hated it. retail is not for me. i found that no one in retail enjoys being in retail. which doesn’t make for an encouraging environment. its stupid and stressful and people (customers) are gross and its just soul crushingly shit. but i think a lot of my hate is down to me and my sort of personality. there’s definitely a type of person who is suited to retail and that person is certainly not me. bleugh. awful. but yeah i, as per my whole fuckin life, managed to fluke my way through it enough to rather impress my managers and was offered the chance to stay on (but in a different department - childrenswear/nursery. so small children/stressed pregnant people aka my idea of Hell itself) which i said no to. which i convinced myself was a strategic move in order to avoid ‘getting stuck’ in a job i hated, doing something i hated, in an environment i hated, and resulted in anxiety-induced nightmares that literally kept me up at night. (tbh, even my manager told me not to take the job if i didn’t really want to be in retail - she said she started as a temp and was still there 3 years later hating life, and if she could go back and give herself advice she probably would have told herself to get the f out of there before she got in too deep) so yeah i left jl because i was doing it ~for me and my life/career/general mental wellbeing~ or whatever, that i was going to go off and do something i really wanted to do. :)))
well here i bloody well am, 2 and a half months later, still unemployed, doing precisely not that. just about living off the last paycheck from jl (i still live at home and so my phone/ credit cards bills are my only real outgoings thankfully. it is honestly impossible to explain how much i owe to my parents) but it mainly requires me to do fuck all so i don’t spend money. which tbh isn’t hard considering my main gals are all either working/still at uni/have a boyfriend so its not like i’m missing out on a crazy social life. i literally have done fuck all for 2 months and i am not in a good place. i’m pretty sure i’m depressed, which of course goes wholly unnoticed (ignored?) by my oblivious family, and i just feel so confused and lost. completely and utterly fucking l o s t.
what the shitting bollocking pissing hell am i meant to do with my life? honestly. actually not honestly. that is a rhetorical question because in reality i am sick to the back teeth of people TELLING me what i should do with my life. yes ok i have no idea what i want to do and would not have a clue what to respond with should someone ask me what i wanted to do, but FUCK. it wouldnt hurt to geniunely ask. and no, i don’t mean asking ‘how the job hunt is going’ bc job =/= actually doing something i want to do. it fucks me off that everyone seems to be under the impression that a job (aka making money) is the absolute goal, oh but it doesnt matter if you fucking hate it/yourself/your life!!!!! as long as your making money!!!!! if you don’t have a job you’re a failure!!!!! so just do something u hate and have no passion/interest for until you fucking die like everyone else!!!!!!!!
now i don’t even know what i’m talking about. somehow this has turned into a rant on capitalism. as u can see i am indeed very fucking lost and angry and sad and i don’t even know. about anything. and its fucking k i l l i n g me. turns out life isn’t so fun when you’ve got no talent/skill/motivation/experience/sense of purpose. huh
well. yeah. so. fun times in the land of teeb !!1!!!!”! i would say ill try and write more but it will probably be just more of the same depressed drivel that ive dumped here so maybe not. we’ll see ey.
usually i end with peace but i’m not really feelin it
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