#cg doodles
water9826 · 3 months
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INFINITE AND CHIMERA FANART: Shenanigans Edition by the wonderful @n0bluev!!!
*annoying chirp noises* IS SO HILARIOUS! Infinite is just as annoying as Gojo Satoru in canon ;) Perhaps more so because Infinite can screech like a banshee unprompted. This made me giggle so much to see Chimera do the classic Megumi Move: "Fool me once, I kill myself".
I adore the blob Chimera in this! Blob Chimera is best Chimera. He does use this form in the story, and this really makes me want to include it more! Besides Overtime, Infinite definitely enjoys targeting Chimera the most. Some things never change, even if the world is reset from the beginning <3
Thank you so, so much @n0bluev for all this wonderful fanart! It's an honor, and it reminded me as to why I started writing in the first place. Bit cheesy, but it's true. I love writing stories that people will enjoy or make them happy (despite all the angst I include aha) It's one of the best compliments for a writer to receive. However, I treasure each kudos, comment, like, bookmark, etc. from my readers. Y'all are the best!
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madakunn · 4 months
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he got stuck ?!
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finncakes · 2 years
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collection of critrole scribbles
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angel-bunnie · 2 months
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Sleepy Bunnie and Cg! Bucky
I've been meaning to post this but I got really shy! I've read so many awesome agere fics about Bucky as a caregiver and I managed to draw it!! 🩷🩷🩷
Big big thanks to @pahtoosh @angelbaby-fics and @buckys-little-belle cuz they're some of my favorite writers and they really inspire me to make more Bucky art!! 🫂🩷
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cdmodule · 2 months
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Stress Reliever
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layraket · 5 months
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lil-buggie · 8 days
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Little me
DNI if not safe for kids
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glamorousjasper · 1 month
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water9826 · 4 months
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From the poll, it seems like this goopy boy was next on the roster. It was more difficult that I thought to get his spikes right. And even now they’re not perfect by any means. I’m a writer not an artist :,)
Anyways! This is Chimera, one of the six guardians in the story. He stays hidden in the shadows most of the time, but will appear if he needs to. His design is inspired mainly by WD Gaster from Undertale. Specifically, the artworks that depict Gaster as a goopy mess. Chimera is similar. The goop is a reference to the goo Megumi’s shikigami turn into once his technique is released. It’s also a reference to Megumi’s domain appearing like it’s made of ink (the domain is where Chimera gets his name). He can only speak in quiet warbles or clicks. He is more vocal through his eye lights, which he can shift the appearance of. He uses this ability to entertain Yuuji at times. It’s like a little picture show for him :)
Onto the drawings! The first one (top left) is the closest I could get to having Chimera look like he is made of ink. The sharpie I used was not the best so he looks more dull without the filter. The second (top right) is what the drawing actually looks like. Chimera has tiny eye lights and does not have too much details on his body or face. He also frequently appears in a tinier form for convenience or out of moodiness. The third bottom left) is my first concept design for Chimera. I kept all the elements the same except I made him goopier and with floating balls of ink. The small chart that depicts the meaning of his eyes is still canon and I’ll definitely be referring to it in the future. The fourth (bottom right) is just to show a sticky note I found at work of tiny drawings of blob chimera ^^
Until next time!
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littlebabyatlas · 28 days
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dada darry curtis propaganda (SFW ONLY)
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rainysoshi · 2 months
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What are your favorite coffee shop stories? (´。• ω •。`) ♡
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finsontrains · 3 months
Little Hanzo doodles ,,,
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roitaminnah · 1 year
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they make me so sick i'm sick i'm violently ill <333 (pee and ketchup sketchdump i mentioned the other day. thumbs up emoji)
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layraket · 2 months
part 1 - part 2 (here) - part 3 - part 4
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girljimmyenjoyer · 6 days
Jimmy doesn't need to be babied or treated like a kid but it would fix me if she was. In a sweet way that somehow isn't like. Condescending. Is that possible. Can we do that.
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water9826 · 2 months
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It took much longer than I thought to draw this lovely lady. She was next on the roster, and it was a pleasure to draw her! Albeit poorly :')
Anyways! This is Resonance! She is another part of the chaotic group of guardians that watch over Yuuji. She communicates with clicks (usually made from her metallic limbs) or soft trills. Despite not having a face, she is still very expressive. Her mood can be decerned from the rose on her eye. If its in full bloom, she is content. The more upset she gets, the more the rose will wilt. If she becomes enraged, the rose will leak a blood-like substance while the vines around her multiply. She is specialized in long range defense/offense for Yuuji. She can shoot out the nails from her vines and control where each one goes. Her aim is deadly accurate. She is still able to use techniques like Hairpin on her nails. The nails will grow back quickly as long as she has enough energy. She also enjoys jamming a nail into anyone (aka Infinite) who annoys her. With Yuuji, she is careful not to accidentally stab him. At some point, Yuuji gets special mittens for her arms ;)
ALRIGHT FIRST PIC. The picture on the upper left is my finalized design for Resonance. For the most part. I say that because I am still indecisive of what I want her leg shape to be. I settled on more crooked legs in the end. Drawing her neck and arms were incredibly difficult bc I know next to nothing about anatomy. Luckily, Resonance is not a human so I could get away with some wacky proportions. Overall, I want her to resemble a limp marionette that can walk on its own thanks to the sharp ends of its legs. That theme carried on throughout all my designs. I debated on whether I should tear up her clothes or not since Nobara is known for her outfits. However, it would not make since for Resonance to have zero tears considering how sharp she is and how long she has been alive. She still enjoys wearing new outfits when she can.
Second pic! This image on the top right is an older drawing. Resonance cannot touch Yuuji without risking him getting cut, so she usually likes to dangle roses in front of Yuuji's face to tickle him. The other image is of an older design of Resonance. I cannot reveal the true meaning behind the image without spoiling future chapter ideas hehe
Third and fourth pic! The drawings on the bottom left/right are my first designs of Resonance. I found them in a tiny notepad I had and they're pretty rough, but I wanted to include them anyways :)
Until next time!
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