#ch: rita mccarney
latibvles · 9 months
For the affection ask game, you know I gotta ask about my bbs Joe and Rita <3
He keeps a sweater in the back of his cab because she always forgets one on her way to work. He sprays it with his cologne before giving it to her.
She always stops at the comic book store to make sure he has the latest issue of whatever series he’s following at the time.
They cook together. Even if it’s takeout, they’ll go get it together.
He learned Spanish so it would be easier to talk to her sisters and mom.
Rubs circles into her back whenever they’re out with friends, keeps his arm draped over the back of her chair.
Similarly, she always keeps a hand on his knee.
[ Unspoken Affection Meme! ]
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latibvles · 2 years
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‘ cause we both know i’ll never be your lover i only bring the heat, company under covers filling space in your sheets so please just blow out all the candles
alternatively : thinking about joe and rita ends up with this
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latibvles · 1 year
xiv and xxii, plus D for the uncommon asks - any or all ocs, I poked through your masterlist and just... "yes, all of these"
To make this fun since if I answered this 19 times for every character we’re gonna give a few different answers for different characters.
NO. 14 : What animal do they fear most?
Paulina absolutely hates snakes, keep them away from her at all costs. I’ve said before that Daisy’s afraid of spiders. On another note, I think Lois would jump 10 feet in the air if she saw a rat.
How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)? 
Charlie gets petty in an affectionate sort of way. She’s more tactile when she’s jealous, so it ties into being a bit possessive. Vicki gets angry, she’s a lot more dry and sarcastic, "I don't even care." cares a lot. Rita gets quiet and bordering on pensive, not necessarily shrinking into herself but definitely not demanding the attention of the room like she usually does.
D.) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
Both Daisy and Charlie originally had blue eyes, but I ended up changing them to brown and hazel respectively. Patty's hair used to be straight but she and Carolyn ended up changing hair types (Carolyn's hair is more wavy whereas now Patty's is more curly). Jean used to be blonde, and I decided to make her a brunette. Also Dorothy used to have red hair, but she has light brown hair now, and a gap in her teeth! :)
thank you for the ask!!
[Unusual OC questions]
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latibvles · 2 years
ooohhh this ask game looks like fun! 69 and 97 for Liebgott and Rita? :)
OUAAAAGH dove u know the way to my heart. (It’s talking about rita mccarney in any capacity)
Because that’s how it started — wasn’t it? Remarks exchanged on the beaches of Normandy. The one who was able to keep up with her better than most, who liked her fire rather than trying to snuff it out. ( And yet she stamps them out, and she denies him, and at the end of the War it’s two very lonely train cars taking them to opposite ends of the Coast )
Lonely beds, a smirk that lingers in her dreams, a laugh, body heat, stolen kisses — all the things she aches for. Closing her eyes in a lonely Brooklyn apartment and opening them in that tent, near that beach, on that damned cot.
Maybe it’s fate that gives her this second chance, at the beginning again, at the place that started it all. And Rita hasn’t been given many second chances. And he loved her once, at least, she’s pretty certain it was love — could he love her again? She hopes so.
Maybe she can change to phrase to “second time’s the charm.”
send a ship + 2 prompts and I’ll tell you how I’d write it!
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latibvles · 1 year
could i please request 1. "a kiss on the top of the head" for a platonic or romantic pairing of your choosing, and/or #37 "a kiss on the upper back" for boxer au?
#1 A KISS ON THE TOP OF THE HEAD. feat Rita & Patty — send me a prompt here.
I’m doing that other one too. Just too good to pass up. However have an underrated friendship from SBT featuring some post D-Day clarity and our favorite thing around these parts: hurt/comfort.
She’s used to bearing weight. And even if she wasn’t, she’d do it without complaint anyway. Because while her parents weren’t good for much, they were certainly good at instilling grit in their daughters.
Rita knows, however, that not everyone’s raised that way. And maybe it’s better that they aren’t.
People often complain about the doom and gloom that hangs over hospitals. How they reek of antiseptic or how the sound of pain is too much to bear, lying there. But this is her third time at the plate, after North Africa and Sicily. She’s got an iron stomach for evacuation hospital ambience, this late in the war.
Patty doesn’t — that much was clear when Daisy had to hold her hair as she spilled her guts into a helmet with no liner.
The girl doesn’t like to talk about it, and Daisy doesn’t press (sometimes, she’s so mild-mannered that Rita forgets she’s from Boston, born and raised), and sometimes Ginny’s so busy it’s hard for her to play team mom.
It’s methodical — the way Rita washes bandages and Patty rings them out to dry, a silence between them that she isn’t sure if she wants to break just yet. They’ve known each other for a little over a month, but it’s hard to know where to tread with it.
I saw you throw up, you good or what? can only be the correct approach for so many people. Her intuition tells her that might scare Patty off entirely.
She lets out a small, frustrated huff. Patty looks at her, with those big round green-eyes, and a lip tugged into a soft smile.
“Is everything okay?” She asks, her voice soft and warm. Rita almost wants to laugh at the irony — but doesn’t.
“For me? Yeah,” and then, seeing the opening, “Are you okay? I saw what… what happened the other day, with Daisy.” Rita watches as all at once a flush seems to overtake Patty’s face, and with the freckles that cover her everything, she looks decidedly like a strawberry. She immediately breaks eye contact.
“Oh. That. I… um…”
“It’s okay if you’re not,” Rita scrubs at linens until the water’s gone brown with old blood, dumps, refills, and repeats. “Lots of people aren’t the first time around. You kinda… build a callous for it. Eventually.” But not everyone does. She leaves that part out. She’s seen a few nurses get sent home for one reason or another — usually pregnancy or combat fatigue. For Rita, the first was more distressing than the second, but that was just a her thing.
“That’s…thanks, McCarney.”
“It’s just us here, Rita’s fine.”
“Right… Rita.” She parrots, before giving an affirmative nod and going back to her business.
Rita tracks the girl with her eyes as she hangs damp bandages over the edge of a metal tub to dry. She’s so… small, with her hunched in shoulders and her soft voice. Rita doesn’t know if she doesn’t want to be seen or just doesn’t know how to be seen.
She remembers seeing Daisy press a kiss to the girl’s temple and give her shoulders a firm shake (so touchy, but something about it was… comforting in a way).
Back in New York, when her father was loud and the walls were thin, her mother used to do such gestures — accompanied by cooing and reassurances that it would all be alright. Esto también pasará, she’d mumble like scripture. This too, shall pass.
Patty’s on her knees by the tub, staring at it for seconds too long. Rita walks over and plucks the nightingale cap from her head, leaning over to press a kiss, soft and air, to the top of her head.
“Esto también pasará,” Rita mumbles, setting the cap back on the girl’s head. A little lopsided — but they can afford to be a little more careless with their appearances, right now. Patty looks up at her from that spot, like a little kid, and gives Rita another nod, more affirmative, and a fuller smile.
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latibvles · 1 year
I am once again late to an ask game, but can I humbly request 7 with Liebgott and Rita? I just *clenches fist* I love them your honor
"lexi," I say in the mirror. "you need to stop writing so much postwar stuff." I raise my hand up, defensively. "I see you and I hear you, however .. world hard and cold joerita hurt/comfort soft and warm." warning for the word whore being used once, not from Lieb though
“Fucking shit.”
“Over there!”
Rita rushes down the sidewalk towards the bus stop, ducking under the awning with Joe right behind her. They were  both effectively soaked — if they continued to make their way to Rita’s apartment, they’d probably end up effectively waterlogged. She sighs, reaching up to wring out her hair a little bit, if only to give herself some form of reprieve. Joe whistles lowly, drowned out a little by the drops rattling against the roof.
“S’really coming down, huh?” Rita nods, looking at her pruney fingers.
“Yeah. Summer storms’ll do that. Daisy warned me to take an umbrella.”
He presses his lips into a line at her flippantness. If she was being completely honest — she’d been waiting for him to snap on her since he showed up at the office without warning. And it made sense why Daisy tried to call her, he probably stopped at the apartment first and knowing her friend, she wasn’t going to lie to him about her whereabouts. It wasn’t like it was a secret that they lived together — she just… never picked up the phone, avoided it when she knew he was on the other line.
“So how’ve you been?” he asks, continuously looking out at the shower. “Haven’t heard from you in a while.” She recognizes the tone, the sarcasm laced in it, the tongue in his cheek. She balls her hands into fists.
“Don’t do that.” Rita grits her teeth as he looks at her.
“Do what?” His brows furrow, lips pulling into a proper frown.
“That. Getting all catty. Just call me a bitch and a whore and get it over with so we can go back and play nice for Daisy’s sake.” Joe scoffs, walking to one side of the awning and back as he runs his fingers through his wet hair.
“You really think I crossed the entire goddamn country just to call you fucking names?!” He asks incredulously
 Rita mimics his scoff, folding her arms over her chest.
“Th’hell am I supposed to think?! I didn’t ask you to come all this way, you did that on your own!” She snaps, her voice rising over the pounding of the rain, arms wrapping around herself in a hug to stave off the chill of rainwater running down her back.
“What else was I supposed to do?!” Joe matches her volume, gaping at her statement as though she has three heads.
“Never see me again!”
“Is that it? You never want to see me again, Rita?” She laughs bitterly, looking down but not faltering.
“Of course not.” He leans down to look her in the eye.
“Then why did you leave me?”
“Cause I had nothing to offer you, Joe!” She snaps, whipping her head up to look at him again. His jaw is clenched, his entire body rigid and eyes pleading. Her lip wobbles and she swallows the lump forming in her throat. “The war was one thing — but did you really want to bring home a girl who’s own parents didn’t even want her? I left Europe with nothing. Hell, even living together was Daisy’s idea. She kept me off the streets when I came back.” Her voice trembles in a way that she hates, and she hugs herself a little tighter. He reaches up, a cold hand pressing against her cheek.
“That’s not who I was bringing home,” He argues with a shake of his head. “I wanted to bring home the woman that kept my head screwed on straight in all of Holland. The only one I was thinkin’ about in Bastogne,” his thumb rubs small circles into her cheek, goosebumps rise on her skin. “You never had to give me anything. Ever. I only wanted you. I fuckin’ missed you, Dee.”
In spite of herself, she smiles at his honesty, leaning into the welcomed chill of his hand and sniffling. She isn’t sure if it’s from the emotions threatening to spill over, or if it’s the early onset of a cold. It might very well be the latter.
“You said wanted.” She points out, softly. His lips curl into a smile, a bit wolfish, but also holding the same kind of tender sincerity he looked at her with at several points in Europe. With the rain beating on the awning like a drum, drowning out their conversation from the rest of the world, he says only one thing in reply.
“I crossed the entire fuckin’ country to see you and you think I don’t still want you?”
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latibvles · 2 years
I'm very late, but if you're stilly doing the emoji ask game, may I humbly inquire with 🌈❇️👁️for Rita? 😌I just think she's neat your honor
I am in fact still doing this and ur never late >:)) Rita thinks you’re neat too she actually told me herself.
🌈 [ RAINBOW ] : what advice would they give to their younger self?
I think she would tell her younger self that there is not a single thing wrong with her — that she doesn’t have to dim her own light for the sake of the people around her.
❇️ [ SPARKLE ] : what is their most prized possession? what do they value?
I really don’t think she has a prized possession per se. In terms of what she values — I think she values independence above all else. She refuses to rely on people, ever.
👁️ [ EYE ] - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical...)?
Rita’s eyes are a very very dark brown / black-brown, with thick brows and long lashes. All of this kind of results in her having a bit of RBF, and she has a really intense glare. She’s very facially expressive so her eyes give her away very easily when she tries to suppress emotions.
send me a character + emoji from this list! :)
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latibvles · 2 years
hehe for the oc ask game: 30, 31, and 40 for Rita, because you know I stan her in this house 😌🤌✨
Rita is someone who’s entire life is essentially dedicated to cutting a place for herself in male dominated spaces, outgoing societal “doer”s, etc. It has to be someone who loves her for her fire, not in spite of it. Someone equally as passionate who’s able to go back-and-forth with her on a subject. Tell her when she’s wrong, but back her up when she’s right. He’s also got to be funny, because she thinks she’s a goddamn comedian.
A fun little fact about Rita is that she has perfect pitch. Cut to : a twangy piano at a New York dance hall, she can name every note without hesitation.
She wanted to be a lawyer but her parents wouldn’t put her through school. She still wants to be one.
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latibvles · 2 years
Oh I just realized Rewrite the Stars is for Lieb and Rita this is so rancid and sick I’m in physical pain
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